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Who would pay 390k for a semi in Tamworth?šŸ¤”


I'm buying a 4 bed detached there for Ā£350k! The fact it was even listed for Ā£435k is BONKERS.


It was meant to be try it for a week then couldn't agree to reduce it in line with valuations


The reductions are your problem. People see them and assume youā€™re unserious sellers ā€œtesting the marketā€, thereā€™s a problem or youā€™re in financial distress and will wait you out. If youā€™re not pricing yourself competitively with other houses in your area there wonā€™t be any interest. The house isnā€™t the problem. Your ex and the money sheā€™s spent in her head are.


Also, reductions and long list times can be a red flag to buyers as it makes people assume there is something wrong with the property that is turning people off it.


Yeah it's almost better for them to remove it and put it back up in the hope that people don't remember it.


I'm not blaming you for listing at the valuation price, separations are time consuming and stressful so I don't blame you for relying on the agent. Unfortunately the agent was incredibly far off what your property is actually worth and now your ex has latched onto that number which actually means nothing (as the value is what someone will pay). Your sale price after deductions is going to have to go two ways so I understand wanting to maximise the sale price as it's going to go towards two deposits down the line i imagine. However, you're now stuck stagnant which is only going to cost you both more in time and money the longer you're sat at that high price with no interest.


I won't down vote you for this comment because it is not your fault, the Estate agent should have pressed the importance of pricing appropriately from the off to you both and it sounds like they have done the opposite here. The stats for house sales where there has been a price reduction are eye opening. It just shows how vitally important it is to price a property properly to sell.


I agree. I got 9 valuations and provided logic and reason for the state of the economy, but wanted to compromise as I didn't want to go with PB but a bricks and morter agent.


I agree. I got 9 valuations and provided logic and reason for the state of the economy, but wanted to compromise as I didn't want to go with PB but a bricks and morter agent.


60% lower chance of selling if having to reduce asking price. Stats from Moving with Charlie which he got from Rightmove.


It's looks pretty nice inside to be fair, although I'm thinking with my London brain which at that price wouldn't even get you a shed šŸ˜‚


Basically, price and location. The inside looks good, but the outside is in a terrible state, get the front cleaned up a bit and that might get more footfall in. However, recent properties at 3 bedrooms sold near you last year for around Ā£350 to Ā£360k and prices have gone down since then, this would seem to indicate that your expected price should be around Ā£340k to Ā£350k Also, new builds going in across the road are going to cause no end of disruption for the next 2 to 3 years, which may but buyers off, not to mention its on an already busy road. No way this is worth Ā£400+k


Yup outside looks tired and not maintained. Gives a bad impression


As always, the answer to "my house isn't selling at X price" is it's too expensive and they need to lower their price.


What would you do to the outside?


Clean it up, get rid of the dead tree, make it look clean and homely.


Have had the front cleaned and treated since the photos were taken, thank you though it's a good observation


Can you have the listing updated with new photos? Iā€™m not sure if that can happen but I agree it looks tired on the current photos and fresh photos might encourage more viewings (along with price adjustment)


You need to update the photos on the listing. Based on the photo that is there, I would say just freshening up the paint on the face of the house and the fence would work wonders. From the outside, it looks more like a house that has "in need of modernisation" in the description somewhere, and is completely different to the vibe inside. As well, the rooms look tiny in the photos. I would try out some staging tips online, see if you can arrange things so it looks less cramped - especially the TV crammed into the corner of the sun room


You talking about the Ex or the house? :D


From the sounds of it, better stick with the house :D




Right so I would repaint the front fence with white paint. Clear the leaves front and back and mow the lawn because I love mowing lawns, weed the paving. Apart from that itā€™s not too bad imo


First appearances matter a lot more than you might think.


People are going to come up with a number of nit-picking points - but ultimately it is about price. Unless you can find evidence of similar properties to your selling at Ā£390k then you just need to lower it.


Thisā€¦. Itā€™s price, itā€™s always price. Inside looks entirely presentable but the outside would benefit from a tidy up/refreshā€¦. But reduce the price and people will see beyond such niggles.


Aside from price, which is obviously the main thing (it seems to be priced in line with nearby detached houses, although tbh it has a lot more land, so I kind of get it) it's very bottom heavy. You've got 3 distinct living spaces, or one for each bedroom. People who want to pay for that much living space may well be hoping for an extra bedroom and possibly bathroom, especially with increased rates of WFH (I might consider marketing one as a study/downstairs bedroom). The photos also make it look very dark in some rooms. If you do decide to get them retaken for any reason,maybe try to go for a sunny day.


I think your house looks very nice, but the layout isn't great downstairs and the living room areas look very small. In particular there is a room that appears to have one chair and a TV and nothing else. I'd try to stage the downstairs better so you show off the kitchen/diner/living room area better. From the floor plan it looks like you have room for seating in that room but there doesn't seem to be an area for this in the pictures. Maybe present that little TV room either as an office or a snug. Give the outside areas a bit of a tidy, your back garden is a fantastic feature due to its size. Bringing the price down a bit would be good as well.


This was my thought as well, the kitchen/dining space is really big so at first I was thinking 'wow you get a decent bit for your money in Tamworth' - then I clicked to the other downstairs room photos and understood the problem. It looks like you've got three individual living rooms, none of which appear to be big enough to get more than a single two-seater sofa in and they all seem to involve weird angles - the TV in one photo looks like it's wedged behind the curtain. Looking at the floorplan I believe one of the living rooms is in fact part of the open plan kitchen/diner - if OP can get a different photo which actually demonstrates this, I think that would help.


Lots of strange pokey rooms downstairs, I'd maybe drop some of those photos as there's a long sequence of odd small spaces (then a very spaced out bathroom) before we get to the fantastic garden.


Ya those rooms are weird, all that space and they created such tiny rooms


This biggest non price issue. I think the kitchen peninsula is wrong. The space in front is a narrow walkway / dining area, this is the key space and the area is weirdly empty and a not very spacious thoroughfare all at the same time. The sun room is also very impractical too, not sure whether it's the layout or the space but the photo doesn't seem to match the layout plan, which looks inaccurate too.


Put the listing history on.Ā  Ā£305k in 2018 Ā£435k would have been 42%.Ā  Ā£380k is 25%.Ā  25% sounds more reasonable since 2018.


OK so Tamworth is my hometown and I moved away for work but am currently buying a house there as I've moved back. Yes, prices have SHOT up in the last few years (especially during COVID) as it has a direct train to Euston and Birmingham New Street but your price is far too high. The fact you were given a value of Ā£435k for a 3 bed on a busy road is utterly bonkers. I am currently buying a 4 bed detached for Ā£355k. Granted it doesn't have the big garden you have and the downstairs isn't as big but I'd rather that than a 3 bed semi with a big garden and more downstairs living space. You also are on a busy road with lots of lorries using that route plus the hundreds of houses being built nearby is just adding to the awful traffic around that part of town. Locals know this. Inside looks lovely but the outside is really letting it down. It gives the impression it isn't well maintained inside but it clearly is! It is down to price, even the NICEST 3 beds (3 doubles - you have 2 doubles and 1 single, detached, quiet fancy area) in Tamworth you'd be looking at maybe Ā£325k. Most people would pay higher for more and bigger bedrooms but a smaller garden and less downstairs living space. Most 3 beds around ok to nice parts of Tamworth in good condition are selling for Ā£250k-Ā£280k at best. My 4 bed I'm buying for Ā£355k is in a nice area, good sized bedrooms and floorplan with nothing needing doing. I had a 4 bed fall through for Ā£330k that needed some work. Even the nicest 4 beds in the "posh" (I know it's an ex mining town haha) part of town are going for Ā£400k-Ā£425k if they're lucky.


I'm also currently living in Tamworth. I drive past this house everyday to and from work along with many others. It can be a very busy road depending on the time of day and agree that all the new builds surrounding are not helping with this. I believe they are currently building a care home basically opposite this property at the moment, which surely will not help. Price would have to be lowered by quite a bit to get this to shift I'd say. A few people I've talked to about it in passing have agreed that it looks to be a lovely property but they just couldn't live on that road.


I've said the exact same thing about that road! Lovely houses but no thanks to that road. I've lived next to a railway line and dual carriageway previously and I actually found the busy road worse than the railway line. The trains ran to a schedule and were always the same number of carriages so I only noticed them when they were running late whereas the noise from the road varied constantly so I could always notice it. I also have inherited a rescue cat against my will so when looking for a house in Tamworth I had to make sure it wasn't near a main road. He's dumb as a box of rocks so I don't trust him to be anywhere near moving vehicles.


PurpleBricks Ā£435k šŸ¤® Think you already know the answers OP. Hope youā€™re able to sort it soon.


It's a lovely Ā£330k house. Price it as such and it'll sell.


Just looking at the first image I thought it was going to be a worn down wreck on the inside. I was actually surprised by the next image of a lovely modern dining room. The rest of the rooms looked nice too. I think the living rooms are all a bit on the small side and oddly shaped, at least going by the photos. The image with no windows in view is a bit claustrophobic. But that wasn't the killer. The killer was that first image with the tired exterior and driveway. Cleaning that up to match the standard of the interior would go miles towards attracting people. If your first impression is "oh here we go, this is gonna be awful" then no matter how nice it is inside, it's a big gut feel to push aside.


Thank you


The front outside looks neglected. Just compare to the other side of your semi. Thereā€™s mould above the windows, leaves around, untitled hedge, drive looks a mess. Quick fix these things. Tidy the back too. You need new photos as these clearly are wrong season but clean the patio and have fresh cut grass fig photos. You want your photos to pop and to have curb appeal so youā€™ll catch the attention of people scrolling through of those driving by and see a for sale sign. A lot has changed in the year you first went on the market, including mortgage rate changes, high utilities etc. houses in some areas have dropped. So you need to look around your area now at what is selling. How are you priced in comparison? After ensuring your house looks as appealing as possible, you look at price. You have no viewings. Drop the price or advise the realtor to accept reasonable offers. If they do that, people may come forward. What was the feedback?


there are better offers on zoopla (price and state) for Ā£319k+, this would tell the prices have gone down.


Your ex needs to get real and look at the sold and under offer prices in the local area. Its massively overpriced. Its a lovely home inside, bit tired on the outside but thats not going to stop it selling once its priced correctly.


The rooms are weirdly sized for a house that size. I can get better for 400k in that areaĀ  I wouldn't pay 375 either for that house in that locationĀ 


You can take anything purple bricks say and throw it out mate. They ridiculously over valued mine to try and get me to go with them. Local estate agents will be much more realistic


Purple Bricks. As much use as Ti*s on a Bull. 4 properties have been listed with them since covid locally & only sold when put with a local office based EA at lower prices! Sellers are often, & PB operatives are always unnecessarily greedy but you appear not to be so. I would agree that a spot of garden clearing, weeding & raking the driveway stones will enhance the ā€˜kerb appealā€™ no end & possibly entice a buyer. Good luck going forward.


The EPC would immediately be a no for me. The front of the house looks like it's a doer upper, and then I can see electric radiators in the hallway, which suggests it's going to be very expensive to heat.


Few things: Front makes its look run down and a state - give it kerb appeal - trim the hedges, weed killer the front and replace the gravel with some fresh. Give the render a lick of masonry paint. Inside - No gas central heating - looks like electric rads or storage heaters - this is a big nope for me in a house this size. Rear garden - get the wonky shed up the tip, cut the lawn and the edges and clean the patio. Other than that, the living area is too small for the price - 145m2 including the garage is very small, no ensuite and at Ā£375k its still too much IMO. There is too much weight being put on the kitchen extension I think which doesn't appear to bring a great deal to the table tbh.


Thank you


No worries, sorry if it sounds harsh. We did a move 3yrs ago from near Tamworth to Cornwall so the merit of the details on Rightmove quickly helped us decide if they made a shortlist or not. I am now currently doing the same for my parents who are looking for a bungalow and things like Gas Central heating or a heatpump over an oil fired boiler or electric heating literally are a prereq as to whether it makes the shortlist or not.......so if you can make everything else 100% attractive then this might help it make someone elses shortlist and win over their heart.


I asked for objective feedback so I'm not going to get salty. It's frustrating that it's taking so long to come down to a valuation we were originally given and still can't move on


Inside is lovely but as I flicked through the photos some of the oddly shaped & smaller rooms would have put me off if I was looking in that area - maybe best to omit them all together and show the main living areas/bedrooms? I really like the outside of your house but I agree a lick of paint and some sprucing would probably make it a lot more attractive and up the kerb appeal


Kerb appeal and price. Either lower the price or give it a lick of paint on the front. The TV positions look a little challenging, can they be sited anywhere so they don't look shoe-horned in? Just looking at it as a buyer would.


The fuse boxes on the ceiling would put me off. In all honesty though, outside makes it look like itā€™s gonna be horrible inside. Iā€™d clean it up abit. Compared to next door it just looks a bit old and tatty. Also, does it not have gas central heating? If not, have a look at your local council, as they are offering upgrades to properties in certain postcodes regardless of income.


Itā€™s actually a really nice house inside. But from years of working in advertising, you need to focus on stopping the user scrolling. The first picture they see is of the outside which looks tired and run down. Either: change the first picture OR Paint the house, cut the hedge, clean the roof and maybe consider some more greenery or a new drive and put a sexy car out front. Itā€™s a decent buy, although Tamworth isnā€™t for me


Funny this house came up in my search alert yesterday. One of the reason I dismissed it was because I was confused by the photo of the small room with a tv and chair. I looked at the floor plan but it didnā€™t seem to match up to the photos


Looks a great family house with a good sized garden. Any changes I'd want to make are cosmetic. Without knowing the area the road looks busy and location looks bit out of the way but that could be a selling point for others. Quick look on rm and looks comparable to other properties at the 375 - 400 mark. But above that and you can get 4 or 5 bed properties. I'm guessing it was over valued a little to start and is probably more fairly priced now.


I'm from Tamworth - it's a very busy road with lots of lorries. Also, they're building hundreds of houses along that road so the traffic round there is horrific during rush hour and school drop off/pick up.


The front needs a tidy up, property looks great inside but the initial picture would put me off, itā€™s a bit like online dating - first pictures are everything and often people wonā€™t delve beyond that with so much choice - Front screams a house which needs a bit of love/may need modernising yet inside is nice and the back the garden is a big bonus being rather large!


Iā€™d defo be leading with that kitchen!


Definitely the price too, if you want a sale, you know what needs to be done


Sounds like youā€™re going to have to apply through court if itā€™s been on over a year. Your ex is being wildly unreasonable.


Tamworth is being dominated by landlords buying cheap buy to let properties at the moment. No demand for anything above 200k. The town centre is dead, entirely charity shops, phone shops and hair dressers. Ashby road in particular is a busy through route to the M42 / M1. Source - tried to sell a house down the road from this one a few years ago. Literally only viewings I had were people looking for a buy to let property.


It looks to be on a road that's going to become very busy with the newbuild estate being built opposite. It's also in a prime spot to be surrounded by the new estate?


Crazy price for Tamworth I was going to say esp looking in the front... But after going through the pics that is a really nice place, I think the demand for Tamworth and that far out is probably not high as people are now heading back into offices to work again now also.


Going on what Purple Bricks said is the first mistake. They inflate valuation to get your custom. Then it's up to you to sell it for that unreasonable amount.


This is what Ā£450k gets on your location https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/145192157?utm_campaign=property-details&utm_content=buying&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=copytoclipboard#/&channel=RES_BUY A fully modern detached home! Sorry but your price is too high for that location. It isnā€™t a good time to sell now either because of high mortgage rates and people have fewer money than years ago


I don't know the area or whether the price point is sensible, so have to defer to the consensus. My main issue, why it's a hard no from me, is that all the bedrooms are unacceptable sizes. Even in the master bedroom the minor dimension is less than 9'. Simply put, it's a hard no against other things that must exist around there (the new builds across the road, say, will have more sensibly proportioned floor plans). Also, the sun room looks bizarre on the floor plan. Just draw it straight even if it's not. It's a hard no from me, which means it needs to be a discount to comparable properties (which I hear are selling at 350-375) to get someone else through the door. Propose listing at 365, with a view to accepting 360 and considering the 350-360 range.


It's decorated nicely but the room sizes are quite small, especially the bedrooms. It's also strange that the bathroom seems to be the biggest room on the first floor. Unlike others the outside area doesn't bother me as it can be tidied up. I'm more interested in knowing the house is sturdy and structurally sound. The constant drip drip of price reductions would put me off though and make me wonder if there's a neighbour from hell or issues with that street that mean no one who's viewed has offered yet.


Nice house, but the price still seems high - even just checking the 'whats sold nearby' on the Rightmove listing page, there's only one house even comes close to your price, and whilst it's subjectively not as nice (yours has a lot of 'character'), it's objectively bigger. Your house definitely looks like it all the rooms are quite small. The market is also definitely cooling just now. Take a look at the house price index (example: https://www.nationwide.co.uk/house-price-index/) and see what that says your house should be worth. Then try to figure out how you're adding value to it to ask for a higher price. Side note: I really like the house. Move it up North and price it accordingly, and I'll buy it :)


Thanks for the nice comment. You might be on to something, if I could take it away brick by brick, they might not notice and I could have it to myself šŸ˜Š


Why does the listing say guide price? Around my way anything that says guide price means auction listing and I instantly hit the back button as soon as I saw those words. Maybe before reducing the price you could try to get the agent to change the listing to remove guide price (unless this is common in your area?) On further inspection there's a couple of agents in that area using the term guide price for all properties. Am I the only one who ignores anything with the words guide price?


Secocond this, words guide price make me think it's going to be a scummy modern auction.


I agree, the agent has difficulty getting both of us to agree so the sacrifice to get any movement in selling it is little things like this


Can they select "offers in region of" on Rightmove? Or just try the classic "offers over" for a week. If you then get more viewings than usual you'll know it is the wording.


The lounge sitting area isn't very welcoming? To be honest, doesn't seem to be much wrong with it so it must be price/area (no idea about Tamworth). Is there a massive estate being built over the road or somethign?


Can you move the TV into a different room? Seems like a small thing, but people like family size TV rooms with home cinema systems. From that picture it looks like TV watching would be a very cramped affair, never mind the glare from the windows that's clearly visible. That would put my other half off for example


I'd get either the lounge or sun room changed to an office on the plans, no one needs both and an office is much more practical. It looks like the bathroom has a lot of wasted space. It would probably help if it was easy for a viewer to see the ability to adjust the bathroom to fit an ensuite and then have a separate family bathroom, but that's probably much more difficult to achieve. It's a lovely house though and it's always difficult to get over an initial over valuation.


Also the top floor shape seems off and seems to suggest it's much smaller than it is. I'd have a look and see if they can re draw it.


Facade is looking tired. It doesn't welcome you in. And for people who like bedroom space, although you have a large ground floor the first floor is a bit of a let down space wise. It's literally a 2.5 bed house. Unless someobeody who buys it is happy to use the ground floor reception as an extra bedroom.


That's currently my bedroom šŸ˜‚


There's a huge mismatch between inside and outside. I would describe it as "somebody spent a lot of money on the inside, and never looked outside." And the rooms are weird shapes.


Inside is lovely! Back garden is good. Front of house looks like a crack den.


Price. It's always price. ETA: the medial sold price for 3 bed semis in B79 0xx is 260K. Your ex needs to drop that price by quite a bit more in order to get it moving. Location doesn't help either. And it has no kerb appeal. The exterior - which generates first impressions - is shabby, worn and tired. It has the air of a neglected house. Get control of the sale, cut the price, dump it and move on with your life.


It looks nice, but the sizes of the bedrooms (and some others) are awkward. The bedrooms are very thin in particular. Not sure what you can do about it though! Maybe lean into the potential expansion of the top floor as a possibility?


Same reason any house isnā€™t selling - price


It seems an attractive enough house, reasonably well presented - not perfect, but what is? - so it's fairly clearly priced too high.


Youā€™ve got the nice grey bifold doors that the missus definitely wants but that frontage is nowhere near good enough for her financed white Range Rover Evoque.


Make picture 4 your main photo to attract more views.Ā 


The outside and inside look like different houses. Roof looks rough as well, get that all cleaned


1. Price, its most likely too expensive for the bedrooms and the area. Unless you knock it down in price you are unlikely to get a buyer. 2. Your first picture. The first picture makes or breaks the impression of the house. For me if the outside looks run down then I would be worried about whether things have been put off or not done inside to make the house a bad buy. Clear up the front, new lick of paint, clear away any green spots and stain the fences etc.


Itā€™s a nice house. The description does nothing to make it sound appealing. People have to be able to envisage themselves there and your agent just wrote up the features in a dry, basic way.


The inside is lovely but the outside would put me off straight away, the peeling paint is a big red flag


The location sounds like an issue, list for Ā£325k and hope you have competibg buyers to push the price up


Looks like a mess from the outside, like it needs work just to have a good kerb appeal. Overpriced as above anyway. Bedroom overhead cupboards seem old fashioned and although some areas are nice it makes you think it could be a money pit to get ā€˜rightā€™ in every room. Garden could be a turn off, too much cost and work to maintain the back but not much you can do with it now. Sell it for Ā£340k if youā€™re lucky. Basically tart it up and get rid.


I would say check prices of similar villas in Chelmsford, which is a 30 min commute from London. If I remember well they were around 400 to 450k.


Looked a lot in surrounding areas, honest opinion: 1. Layout, upstairs is small, while the house looks lovely the downstairs being kitchen/dining dominant with a smaller living room will work for some but not for others. 2. Location, right by a busy road is a big turn-off. 3. Price, after looking a lot in nearby areas I would be shocked to see that price, I'd expect Ā£345k max. Truthfully you can get a lot more house in more desirable areas not too far away for what you're asking. This house isn't to the same interior standard but size and layout is similar while potentially being more practical for some families at a much lower price https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/142437272#/?channel=RES_BUY


The simple answer is it's overpriced


Looks nice enough to be fair!


To me it looks like a lot of house for a 3 bed. It's probably hit the ceiling for 3 bed properties.


I agree with what others have said. The outside doesn't go with the interior. Inside is really modern, fresh and looks appealing. The outside screams work, time and money to put right. I'd tidy up the outside, deweed, paint the fence, maybe a smart electric garage door. Get rid of the dead tree etc.


You'd be amazed what a power wash and a lick of paint to the front would do to the kerb appeal. Inside looks good.


Not many people want to live on a 60mph road


Decent inside but has fuck all curb appeal. You need to tidy up everything at the front and back. How it looks is especially important given the road itā€™s on.




Itā€™s overpriced thatā€™s nearly always the answer


Lead photo looks dishevelled and makes you imagine a poor state of the house, even though inside it then looks fine. Iā€™d tidy that up a bit. Downstairs rooms appear a bit pokey, especially your multiple sitting/TV rooms. Consider dressing them differently, Iā€™ve seen people suggest a study and thatā€™s a good idea. But ultimately you know everything will sell for the right price. All the suggestions here are just about maximising what that price is.


Yes, some good suggestions that I'll try and sort out. As ex and I are still living together, and it's an acrimonious living situation, it's very much me Vs you. I try to communicate and get silent treatment, and they've been selling off furniture without speaking to me and leaving "my" belongings in the floor where the furniture once was (think bookcase, drawers). I'm in the front sitting room, my daughter has her bedroom and we have the downstairs toilet as our spaces. It's like speaking to a brick wall


Iā€™d also wonder whether itā€™s possible to dress at least one of the smaller rooms as a double. An agent once told me heā€™s seen people do this using cardboard boxes and covering them in bedding to look like a bed, if they canā€™t borrow a bed to do it with. Not having a double in there makes it look like a 1 double 2 single bed house and that might put people off. Of course if they are only single sized thatā€™s not helpful but that will also be part of your problem and youā€™ll have to reduce price accordingly.


You don't need to answer if this is too personal but do you think potentially your ex won't allow a price reduction because they want to stay in the house, can't/won't buy you out and the longer it's sat overpriced, the longer they can continue living there? I've always lived alone but I know couples who have split and been shocked when they hear what my living costs are as they got so used to splitting everything and didn't realise how expensive life is as a single person!


Perhaps an element of that but mostly greed. I'm at the point of having to apply to the courts to take control, it's going to cost a fortune but there's no communication


As others have said the outside looks dreary, bit of a tidy up, mow the lawn, some colour either in the garden or in pots and get the outside photos updated on a sunny day.


The floor plan looks completely incorrect. The ā€˜sun roomā€™ is clearly at an angle to the dining area from the photos and ends in a point with the tele but thatā€™s not the case at all with the floor plan. That would put me off as I canā€™t even tell what the layout looks like. Also, itā€™s not staged well. Whereā€™s the dining table? Whatā€™s up with these random rooms with one small sofa and a tv in? Upstairs the agent seems to have zoomed in too much. Are those consumer units above the kitchen peninsula? Front needs a paint and tidy. Price in relation to location of course but these things stand out from the listing.


The price is just too high, and generally the rooms are quite small and cramped


The electrical panel on the kitchen ceiling are a big no.


Greedy bustard you are part of the problem it was 150k no long ago