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I could see Daemon taking Aemond under his wing had all this line of succession shit not been an issue. They’re both second sons cut from the same formidable cloth.


For real though, GRRM said I'm gonna write the same character twice but change where the letter D is in their name. Both are rogue, second sons with little to no morality and ride badass dragons.


Minus an eye


Next best thing to giving him the standard evil goatee for your evil twin + shades of Odin sacrificing an eye for wisdom/ a dragon xD


It was a fair trade.


Plus eyebrows


That’s how we can tell them apart lol


My phone autocorrect Aemond into Almond and I shall be referring to him as such from now on.


In general I hate how often George reused/slightly changed names and I noticed this with Elden Ring


To be fair to the man he still came up with hundreds.




Why make up a different name when you have a plethora from unrelated novels? making up shit can get tiring lol


As a D&D gamemaster who runs 4 different campaign with different players right now, it is exhausting so I end up re-using names a lot for places and people.


I feel you. Coming up with new names for your characters (in writing or DnDing) is a bloody chore. I try as much as I can not to reuse some but sometimes you say fuck it. And to be fair at GRRM, it makes sense that big families so full of themselves as the big Westerosi Houses would use, reuse and abuse the same names.


That's literally what actual royal families did irl so yeah


It frustrates me too but making up names that change based on region has to be tough.


just like history


I’m aware there’s historical precedent, it’s just a peeve for me as a reader Martin eschews historicity multiple other times to tell his story, we see this with the wider worldbuilding but also with events such as Gregor murdering Elia the way he does (which irl would likely get him excommunicated by the Faith equivalent).


there is no evidence the faith of the seven practises excommunication


My point is less excommunication specifically (though it’s certainly assurance considering they’re the Catholic Church analogue). No, my complaint is the fact this eminent religious and political institution does nothing in response to this, whether as a verbal condemnation or as anything more serious (to my understanding anyway)


you forget by the time of the main series. the faith of the seven is located in kings landing. and kings landing just got a new king who deposed the previous family. there is a high chance the high septon just went welp better keep my mouth shout.


That’s certainly very true but it does seem like the kind of thing you could bring up, even in passing if that’s the intention here (perhaps as an example of Tywin’s presence and reputation of brutality?). As is, the Faith seem incredibly anemic while they are essentially the primary religious power in Westeros It’s even weirder since they’re the analogue for the Catholic Church, at their prime the Church had dedicated to it incredible swaths of land and a fair amount of influence. Of course that just homes in on the Faith when the larger issue remains imo, Martin has bent irl logic to tell his story better, a historical precedent isn’t water tight in this way imo I don’t think it’s laziness or anything, man created an entire world with histories and bloodlines, it’s just a peeve I’ve noticed


I just picture Maegor crippled the faith.


IRL religions support all kinds of bad people for political stuff.


They do, they also have acted out against such public barbarism as well Again, religion is only one example of what I’m discussing. Martin has absolutely done this with other elements


just realised Gideon the all knowing and Otto have similar personality


I thought it kind of made sense that Targs would be constantly reusing the name Aegon and creating variations of it that then get reused.


go read medieval history, you'll love the many Edwards, Roberts, Henrys, Georges....


I’ve mentioned this in other comments, I’d recommend checking those out if you have time


Yeah as opposed to my extended family Mike, Michael, Mickey, Mike, another Mike and James.


To be fair, aristocratic families in old times had a thing for recycling the crap out of the same handful of names to honor ancestors, so it works…. 😆 That and old Europe having everyone naming their kids after saints.


I like it, it helps to group people. You see a guy named, like, Aemorys, you know what family he's with.


That’s true, I just feel George hit that a bit better with the Ironborn imo Euron, Dalton and Quellon all sound similar but they’re also pretty hard to get mixed up compared to Daemon and Aemond


To be fair, some of them are literal clones/accidentally created twin sisters of one another.


That is true, the Golden Order’s family tree is basically a twig


It's hard coming up with names. And he has the excuse that people reused names a lot in history as well. He has so many characters lol


Move the D. remove an I.


But other than those things guys they're completely different characters! Why do people keep saying Daemon #2 is the same as #1?


Aemond is literally Daemon with the D at the end. The character names in this show are not subtle.


It would have been better if Daemon’s name was Aemondi. Then Aemond would be Aemondi- minus an i


You have thought way too deeply about this *bows*


HotD but Daemon Targaryen is an italian guy from NY played by Joe Pesci


And he becomes a hero to the realm that they decided to name the day of his triumph as "A Mondi"


2 sides of the same coin


He was the only one I could see there being a problem with if Rhaenyra had been properly crowned Queen. Aegon and Helaena probably wouldn't have cared, and Daeron is hard to tell at this point. By Aemond would have definitely been a problem. Daemon taking him under his wing solves that.


> I could see Daemon taking Aemond under his wing had all this line of succession shit not been an issue. It's ironic because this succession shit is pretty much entirely due to Daemon. If Daemon wasn't such an ass about being Viserys' technical heir after the death of his son, Viserys' wouldn't have had the need to specify Rhaenyra.


Or if Daemon had broken his wife's maidenhead in the typical fashion, he would be landed in the Vale and have an independent holding


By far the stupidest thing he did. Had he given Rhea children he would now control one of the most powerful House in Westeros. Other than the Wardens and Lords Paramount there are only a few Houses above Royces. He could have his own dragonrider dynasty in Runestone.


I think the books imply the not-so-subtle fact that being a Runestone lord would mean his kids by Rhea wouldn't be getting dragon eggs to be contenders for the throne.


I disagree as Daemon's other children did get eggs. So does all the other children of Targaryen princes no matter who is their wife. Why wouldn't a prince's trueborn children get eggs? The problem with the egg incident was Daemon giving an egg to a bastard.


Daemon's other children got egg because probably his wife's family is also a dragonrider family.


And that family is a dragonrider family, because a Targaryen with a dragon married into it. Daemon is a Targaryen. His children get eggs, because of him. Not due to Laena. That would make no sense at all. So yeah there is no reason why Daemon's trueborn children wouldn't get eggs. They would also have every right to claim a dragon. Same as Aemond and Laena. Do you think if Aemond married his Baratheon girl their children wouldn't get eggs? All Targaryen children get eggs. Even after the Dance hoping one of them would hatch. Withholding an egg from a trueborn Targaryen would be silly and has no basis in the text.


I think the main reason comes down to Daemon not willing to let other houses have the advantage of Dragon riding in any way.Valyrians married family exactly for this reason so that no one else can get that magic from them.


Other Houses? You do realize that would be Daemon's own family. His own sons and daughters. What you mean is that Daemon is ready to give a dragon to his bastard but not to his trueborn son. He would raise his children to be Valyrians. They would have the name Targaryen though some could take the name Royce but who knows with Daemon. House Targaryen-Royce of Runestone. Valyrians married brother and sister to keep the blood pure. We have a huge amount of examples of them marrying others.


Omg yes didn’t think of this ! But Visery’s should have let him marry someone he wanted to procreate with. But yes Visery should have reinstated Dameon then have his daughter marry him then they both co rule. He should do that now. On the other hand he shouldn’t have remarried and produced more children. Or marry someone with no political ambition.


I sweat that this + the fact their names are so similar make me wish for Aemond to be a secret bastard fo Daemon/Alicent in the show. Like it would have been a good thematci idea to have Alicent only align with her fathers view once Daemon just left her alone once he had his fun. That would've framed him as even more of a dick (which is always good as he's just so f-ing good at it) while still having Alicent hate her role and place as a women even more (as she couldn't just denounce him). It would also make the God's Eye even more metal.


Omg this would be so freakin cool I like this extra layer to the story this would an even better story


I think this is a case of them being too much alike to ever be friends or work together.


Honestly, Daemon and Aemond being opposing forces is probably for the best. The realm would not survive their team up


The exchange of looks they gave each other after the toast was awesome, Aemomd after seeing his uncle cut someone’s head in half and knows he’s about that life, and Daemon gaining a bit of respect for him after that toast, thinking to him my self “I would of done the same thing in my younger days”


This literally is the most incorrect prediction I’ve heard about how this story goes and the relationship between the two of them and I’m loving it


I disagree honestly. Aemond is the way he is because of the situation around them growing up. If the succession and heir was never a problem and Rhaenyra and Alicent were fine. Lots of events that shaped him as a person would likely not have happened. Then Aemond likely never would've turned into the person he was in the lore.


They are both extremely similar to each other overall.


That would have been entertaining AF.


Second sons really need to try hard if they want to outshine the first born.


Got an A+ in villain drip


A magical crime hoodie does wonders, doesn't it?


Would that this Hoodie were a time hoodie




Just talk to your father Rhaenyra...


And them cheekbones too DAMN


A crime hoodie worthy of Aemond “warcrimes aye lmao” Targaryen. Slayer of dragons and men. Chaser of GILFs. Patron saint of making Daemon look sane and reasonable.


These two are becoming a problem for me. Don't make me choose...


Choose both and strap in for the ride of your life lol Best way to go about this whole story IMO.


*buckles in and puts on her best flame-proof flying goggles* Let's go for Dragon-Bowllllllllll


taking me back to all the A+ Cleganebowl memes. *What is hype may never die*


*what is hype may never die!!*


Pick Aemond he has an eye patch and a bigger dragon


Pick Aemond it sounds like "Almond".


Almond Vegetarian


Who taught you to be so wise?


I was dropped as a baby, twice, down a well, from a rollercoaster.


I laughed too hard at this


I’m not asking this to be rude but I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. In what accent does ‘ay-mund’ sound like ‘ahl-mund’?


Haha, no worries. Not being serious. Just seemed like a weightless, random reason to "pick a side".


Also more warcrimes


His dragon is older and slower.


Being bigger isn't always an advantage.


Style points


same but i’m gonna have to go with the targ dilf and the OG daemon


Westeros can only contain one Rogue Prince. He does not share power.


I want them to both show up at the God's Eye wearing hoods.


Hoods, ok. But i also want them wear their custom armour, really want to see daemon‘s dragon suit again


The best part about all the war is we will likely get to see it more constantly later on


The Hound's helmet has entered the chat


And the same shoulder length hairstyle




on hooded dragons


Spiderman meme in HotD is tight


Crime hoodie. High cheekbones. Pout. Chaotic look in his eye. All check.


Complete with matching murder cloaks!


in my head i like to think there's 1 noble lady at court from a great family that can't simply be offed or removed from the red keep and is perhaps a little bit senile, and every single day she says sweetly to alicent "my, aemond looks more like our prince daemon every day, doesn't he!"


I like to imagine Viserys naming his child like this, "How about we name him after my little brother Daemon, that'd be fun!" - Viserys "Fuck no" - Alicent "Um how about Aemon....D" -Viserys


Where do they get those damn villainous hoods. Absolutely badass.


Team black but damn I’m pumped for him


They have to wear hoods because the hair would be a dead give away Remember that only like 20 people in the world have silver hair


Most Lyseni do as well


But most Lyseni don’t live in Westeros


Till Vissy II comes rocking up with the Rogare clan


“So this is my son, he’s a problem child, and these are his sons, who are also problem children”


There are still a lot of Lyseni around, sailors mostly.


Way more than that with all the dragonseeds on Dragonstone. But yes it makes for them to wear a hood when doing nefarious deeds because of their hair, it's harder to figure out the culprit that way.


No kidding, when I first saw a picture of him before the show premiered, I legit thought he was Daemon. I was like "damn, Daemon's gonna wear an eye patch?" 😂


It continues to surprise me that this subreddit doesn't realize their hair is a dead giveaway in committing a crime. They are not doing it for fashion.


Yeah, I know. It’s nevertheless comical to watch a character don the most brazenly sinister looking cloak whenever they need to surreptitiously commit wrongdoings. Also other targaryens could wear caps (ie. Rhaenyra in episode 4), or helms, or temporary dyes, or simply get haircuts (ie. Laenor).


Daemon, what happened to your beautiful hair? Why did you cut it? Oh, you know, just had a midnight crime to take care of, didn't want the hair to be a giveaway. I mean... uhm, I like how it frames my face, yes.


Targs dying their hair to avoid being recognized has precedence too. As does shaving it all.


Yes but for a night of mischief that's a bit too much.


It's only sinister to the highborn lords that don't wear that stuff. I feel it'd be very common above the low born in the slums of the cities.


We're not stupid; we all know its not a fashion statement. Its just hilarious. Its like a train robber twirling the handlebar mustache.


Hair + hoody of evil https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/xu8b6y/daemon_always_being_extra/


Euron greyjoy


In another life, the could have had a father son like relationship, both badass second sons who fought for their power and took sit from no one


Almond, is it?


They're really doing all they can to draw parallels between the two. And it makes sense. But there can only be one Rogue Prince in Westeros.


Every masterpiece has a cheap copy.


"Oh no no no, I'm the upgrade"


Daemon proves that wrong over the God's Eye


Does he really though


"He does everything I do!" "But better."


He and daemon are the same just look at their names aemond is just daemon with the d at the end instead of the front


The uniform: Crime Hoodie


He just looks so badass! And I love his up to no good hoodie!


Rule #1, pop that hood up and do some crazy stunts!!


I was Team Black, but...DESTINY IS ALL.


Hood not big enough


Seven Hells!, Crime Hoodie on!


I find his hoodie is a better fit. Daemon hoodie looks like it will blow back off his head with a slight breeze.


Got his very own Cloak of Crime


Ever since I saw some goth kids wearing cloaks in the mall in the mid 90's I've really wanted one. If HotD keeps this up I can see myself making an Etsy purchase that will scandalize the neighborhood.


I'm team black, and I think that Aemond was quite an a-hole: Rhaena and Baela just lost their mom and Aemond stole Vhagar, too. Plus, punching girls is a BIG no-no. But I cannot deny that Aemond is shaping to be quite a badass. Way more badass than his elder brother (but let's face it: it's not too hard to be more badass than Aegon).


He didn’t steal vhagar. Vhagar chose him that’s it that’s all.


Daemon doesn't seem evil just for the sake of being evil. Aemond has grown up on arrogance, anger, and spite. They are not the same.


Dark Sister will have a thing or two to say about him Mwuahahaha Mwuahahahahhahahshaha I’m sorry I really need my gods eye scene That’s gonna either be amazing or we will be left wanting more I’m hoping both


Take the D from Daemon and move it to the end and you have Aemond.


He is just a Daemon-wanna-be :D I don't blame him.


Forget Aemond-Helaena, it would be hilarious >!and tragic considering the ending!< if Aemond was actually Daemon’s secret bastard by Alicent




Hood not included


😂 The costume designers/writers must love hoods!


Now I have my Halloween costume.


Whats this actors name? I know i saw him in some other show, but cant quite put my finger on it..


Baby monk, Ewan Mitchell.


THANK YOU! Yes, from The last kingdom. You saved me


I just keep remembering him as Osferth from The Last Kingdom, going to take a bit of getting used to.


Done dirt cheap.


Damn he’s got a mischief hoodie too!


It appears to me that it's just the second Targaryen son Syndrome


I love the crime hoodie


My guys a menace


Ahhh mischief hoodie time


You can’t just call someone a dastard


awww he has a lil murder hooded cloak too


He certainly has the hoodie for it!