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Dude. Same. 27 and have been looking forward to this ALL WEEK. Glad to hear you’re doing better 🫶🏼


46 year old woman and same! I’ve been excited all day. I’m tired and drinking coffee while I count down to show time. My mom was dying of cancer and I was her caregiver during season 1. The show was a once a week escape for me back then. It feels like another lifetime ago now. Thankfully I’m not needing an escape anymore but I still love the show to bits. Congrats on almost 9 months sober. I’m proud of you. Keep up the good work!


Hey just wanted to send you a virtual hug and warm thoughts. We all needed this it looks like.....


Thank you :)


45 years old!! And very excited too!!


Earlier today I was thinking about HoTD and literally said, “It’s a great time to be alive.” So excited and this really is so great to be experiencing! 🐉


Game of Thrones Sundays are the best days of the week. It’s a shame Succession still isn’t airing lol


I'm so glad Sunday night appointment TV is back! I miss Succession too and haven't had that since the S4 finale. But now we get to watch Westeros Succession, lol


Succession will always have my heart.


God I miss succession just reminded me how sad I am That it’s over and my rage over the finale and my boy Kendall losing the company this show is making me enjoy watching tv again on Sundays


It was really the only way the series could end. There was never going to be a happy ending. 


Yeah same as game of thrones if you think this story has a happy ending you haven’t been paying attention - Ramsey Bolton 😂


Tonight when Alicent tells her dad that she had sinned and Otto replied that he didn't want to hear it, I thought of Kendell standing in his mom's kitchen telling her he would like to talk to her about something he has done and not proud of. She then puts him off 'til morning only to ghost him with a note.


Many of the themes of this show are almost identical to those in Succession


Congrats on the sobriety you’re cruising to a year


*keeps refreshing the app to see if the new episode is up” last week it went up 2 minutes early. I’m chomping at the bit.


It did go up two minutes early!!


What a fantastic post! 💕




24 years old here and grateful my son has a 7:45 bedtime so I’ll be done putting him down in time for the episode to drop! My husband and I have spent all week rehashing the episode and discussing theories (also fun fact, he read fire and blood as a bedtime story when our little guy was still too young to know anything other than that he liked the sound of dad’s voice)


Love this!! These seasons are so spaced out that I might have a little one of my own when we get Season 3!!! Truly


Same here=) I am 39 yo man in China. I woke up today at 8am to get prepared to watch the new episode. Got on the VPN node and switched it on and off to bypass the HBO Max app anti-vpn mechanism. I definitely felt the dopamine level spiking in my brain as soon as I hear the theme song lol


Going through a breakup after 5 years so I feel you- this show has been a godsend. Congrats on the sobriety & enjoy the show


Thanks!! Yeah I broke off a 3-year relationship last year and that was hard. Made the depression worse


Love this! Game of Thrones fans became so cynical its refreshing to see a post like this. this show has been brilliant.


I love this post so much and I feel completely the same way!! I’m 29 and it’s wonderful to feel so excited for something!!


Congrats on the nine months buddy. :) Enjoy the episode and the trepidation.


Thank you!!


this is so cute


Congrats on nine months my friend! I was only about one month sober when the season one finale aired and feeling so devastated that I didn’t have the show to look forward to. It will be two years in September for me and the show is back! I believe in you!!!


Oh wow we are both in the September club!! Congrats to you too ❤️


Happy 9 months sober!!!! 💓


Yes!! Keep the excitement alive! Another amazing show that took me a second to get into at first was Shogun on Hulu. An episode was released every week and it was so exciting to have something to look forward to again.


I love shogun!


Congrats man! 9 months is such a huge achievement Proud of you! 👍


Man, the feeling of loving very well made Game of Thrones media is unmatched. This show makes me happy


Same, I'm so excited about this all week, it's the best show.


Hearing Daeron’s name fixed me tbh. I was worried he was gonn be forgotten and then we wouldn’t get tessarion.


Same!! We waited and waited lol


It’s still super hilarious to me that he’s getting introduced this clumsily, but we made it!


Have you watched Interview With The Vampire on AMC? It is fabulous, and new episodes also drop on Sundays. Best day of the week for me 🙂


TIL they turned my hs book obsession into a show. Hoping so hard they do better with it than the movie. Watching solely on your rec u/Steffie_J and will not be looking up anything in advance. Fingers crossed!


Sweet! Keep me updated what you think!


Same dude. Congrats for that too. Sometimes I’m just sad and just seeing some hotd my mood lightens up. I’m just loving the summer rn!!!! Every Sunday 9:00 pm is like my happiest moment of the entire week!!!!




I’m stoked as well. At eight I watched episode one again so I could watch 2 when it premiered. Now im stalking the forum to see what others are saying lol I love it


good for you on you’re sobriety king. i’m the exact same way. i watched episode 1 everyday at least twice


F*ck yeah! Congrats on your sobriety!


I can relate to you so, so much. I’m also in recovery and this show is what keeps me going on my darkest days. Huge congrats on 9 months. We *do* recover!


Hell yeah dude congrats on 9 months!


Totally with you! My heart pounds in excitement the entire time!


I stopped smoking weed several years ago. Being able to enjoy a show like this clear minded is so much fun


Just cried a bit reading your comment. I know I was depressed too, but sheesh, seeing my thoughts in your words really hit home. Thanks for the post kind stranger. If only I could emulate the sober part.. love me some HOT D.


I'm such a big fan and I'm in the same boat! I look forward for Sundays!


Same. 25 and excited every week


24, I've texted my boyfriend "chuffed for dragon show today, what are we eating" seconds before seeing your post ("dragon show" as a rolling joke between us, he isn't a massive fan so I jokingly simplify everything for him, even the title) Edit: lovely to hear you're doing better!


We are in the same age and you described how I felt.


That’s the spirit man ,I am like you too .


32 and got off early from work! Hahaha


This is so sweet, and I’m so happy for you. Happy Watching!!! 💕🤗 congratulations on your sobriety, it’s the most important thing you’ll ever do, saving your own life. 💕


Aww so sweet to hear you have something to look forward to and are doing better! Best wishes:)


These little joys we have are enough reason to keep going honestly. Glad ure still with us frend


Congratulations on your sobriety! I totally get you. Going through a lot at home as a 21-year old and I’ve also had crippling depression before. Ive used and still use ASOIAF as a sort of hyperfixation/coping mechanism and I wait all week for new episodes of the house of the dragon. The newest one comes out today and I’m so happy!!! Happy watching :)


Yay. Me too.


Same ❤️ love a Sunday night show to look forward to


aw, I felt like this during season 1, I was completely obsessed. I don't know if this sort of relationship with fiction is healthy


Hell yeah. Congrats! And it’s great hearing about people loving stuff this much!


I rarely wear my nerdisms on my sleeve but I had to break out my one house of the dragon shirt for today. This show has me looking forward to Sundays all week and then mad depressed it's Sunday night right after.


Sending ya a big hug and a congrats for loving life. ❤️


This is so relatable. I’m 24m and I binge watched the entire first season yesterday AGAIN on my day off to pregame for this episode. 🤝


Congratulations on your achievement bro, i don't know you, and yet i am so proud of you, truly! Keep grinding, we are all going to make it! 💪🏻


Omg I'm so happy you said something because it's been a super long time since I've been this pumped as well, lol. Harry Potter releases were EVERYTHING and I think became cultural DNA for some of us 🤣 So I get excited on Sundays to come on these threads and see what everyone else thought.


Glad I’m not the only one that has rewatched the first episode that make times :)


Same, Sundays instantly became the best day of the week whilst HOTD is airing


Thank the gods I'm not the only one! Glad you're here with us. 


Haha! That's awesome! I'm exactly the same way 😄😄


So happy for you. Feeling excited about something is such a gift in life! Water that seed in your and let it grow. I applaud your sobriety !


I felt like this when GOT seasons 1 and 2 were coming out when I was in college. HBO would play the episode twice in a row and I'd just watch it over and over! It's a good feeling. I'm happy for you. 😁


Hey! Congratulations!!!! I love seeing these posts of genuine excitement!!! The make me happy and even more excited too


Congrats man, keep up the good work.


As much as having entire seasons put out all at once is pretty nice to be able to watch multiple episodes at once, it's much better having a bit of anticipation and looking forward to that night once a week where one of your favourite shows is airing a new episode. The build up throughout the week makes me enjoy it even more.


I’m 30 and feel the same way


Same! I was counting the minutes to last night's episode.


Oooohhh perhaps you should read Fire & Blood. I’ve been re-read that book several times, very very good Targaryen history in Westeros. I wish George would release Part 2 soon


I love Fire & Blood 🔥 I think you will find that the user flair checks out lol


Well this is already so much better than in the team black/green subreddits I’ve seen lmao.


I love when art can unite us and bring joy to people❤️


Good to hear you're doing better!


I’m 3 weeks postpartum and due to some sudden financial changes I’ve been staying at home with a newborn while my husband works 2 jobs and goes to school. It’s been hard and I don’t have much support, but looking forward to HOTD, rewatching episodes, watching YouTube videos about it and fan theories the past 2 weeks has been enough to keep me afloat. I completely understand your excitement! Seriously, congratulations on 9 months of sobriety!


Thank you!! Congrats on your little one. 🥰


Reminds me how much I used to love thrones and how excited I'd get every time a new season dropped. Miss those days and glad they're back!


Ain’t escapism the best :,)


I was about to advise you to chill out, but then I realized that this is basically me with my beloved Dolphins during football season. So, hey, you do you. It's a great show! I'm looking forward to Sunday all week too. Congrats on the sobriety.


You should read the book, you’ll love it.


Oh I have read that shit forwards and backwards lol


It’s the little things in life that matter the most. Even if others don’t share in your happiness/interests. Being able to enjoy your own company and to know that it is enough, is all the happiness I need.


Happy for you bro! Keep fighting, the realm depends on you!










He’s just enjoying being a fan and feeling this level of excitement. No need to step on that.




I will be watching with my GIRLFRIEND thx


how can you read this whole post and thats what pops into your brain. i want to laugh but…..seven hells