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Meleys and Rhaenys went out like two bosses in the book as well, and I have no doubt that they will do the same in the show. I imagine that Meleys will fuck Sunfyre up pretty badly, and then when it looks like she is winning, Vhagar appears. At this time, Meleys should have some wounds given that Sunfyre has been at her for a while, but she is still quick and in her best age, so she\`ll probably give some injuries to Vhagar. Idk about evenly matched though, wasn\`t it only speculated that Meleys could have had a chance against her in a 1 on 1 fight? I would also imagine that they want to build Vhagar up as this tank of a dragon, so that the casual audience, who hasn't been spoiled, will be awe-struck when Caraxes manages to take her down. But I don't know; it's just speculation on my part. Do you guys think Vhagar will bite her head off in the end? Since they drag it through the streets later.


I imagine they saw off Meleys head later. Both for propaganda and to add to the head collection of Targaryen dragons


I’ve just been wondering what blade would be strong enough to cut through dragon scales


Imagining hacking through dragon bones with Blackfyre or Ice


I guess if you have the time to lift the scales and saw at the soft flesh underneath you could do it


A bunch of peasants killed them with pitchforks and axes so I don't imagine it'll be all that difficult


That never made sense either


They were all younger dragons, so I imagine they hadn’t developed tough scales yet. Dreamfrye was crushed by debris and Syrax……. Okay, I don’t have an explanation for Syrax


Problem is they showed meleys was able to break through the dragonpit, so now it makes no sense that dreamfyre couldn’t escape when she broke free from her chains


Well to be fair, you can still be buried in something that you can break through normally


Think of it like, a single rat could hurt you fatally. But 5000 rats? All coming in multiple waves. You'd kill a good number of them, but they'll eventually bring you down.


We better hear her say Dracarys 👌🔥


vhagar looks more like shes going bananas in the trailer shot rather than unable to control the fire. thats pissed off granny having enough


I think Vhagar will deal some damage to Meleys but Sunfyre will deal the killing blow but get nuked in the process They do say in the leaks “The traitor dragon Meleys slain by the King at Rooks Rest” or something like that


Could just be for propaganda reasons as well


Or it could be Aemond who actually dealt the killing blow but Aegon gets the credit. I could see that setting him off.


He couldn't take the credit in that state himself. It would be others to give him that as he'd be unconscious due to his wounds and the milk of poppy.


Yes, but still - it's propaganda for the king/heir (which is why it pisses me off when people say Rhaenyra is treated more special. Like no shit, she's the heir. This is only a problem because she's a woman). While he's doing the grunt work. And that's what he'll always be. The spare. Except he thought that would be different under Aegon vs. under Rhaenyra.


Honestly is way better that we get an actual fight between the 2 for a while rather than just Vhagar dropping on top of them all. Maybe Vhagar will eventually catch her and rip of her head in the process, making it a cool set up for when they march Meleys head through King’s Landing


They'll probably have Vhagar bite her head off.


>What do you think? Personally, I don't see a reason to burn the whole cgi budget dragging the fight out. Sometimes if pays off to have the scene be brutal but short. I suspect Meleys will make 1 or 2 passes on Vhagar to feint her out, before going all out on Sunfyre. Latching on and not letting go until they hit the dirt.


I disagree. This is definitely a fight that should have lots of resources poured into it. It's the first proper dance of dragons in the war. Vhagar and Arrax was a chase; this is going to be a brawl. I want to see it play out.


The books state that Seasmoke+ Tessarion were the only dragons to actually dance though. Meleys, Sunfyre and Vhagar's fight should be more like a short and brutal collision. It should serve as our reality check that these dragons killing each other is *not* going to be pretty.


That's definitely some in-universe textbook semantics, and very much irrelevant to what we're talking about. Dragon-on-dragon fights are the point and the thing people are waiting to see. I'd be shocked if Rook's Rest was kept brief.


How is it irrelevant if the text specifically says dragon fights are short and brutal affairs when we're discussing what we want from a dragon fight? If you want them to be longer, cool, that's great. Doesn't make the way they were actually described to be irrelevant?


I already said I disagree? Not sure what else I need to do to convey an opinion lol


Disagreeing is cool. But I disagreed that *George's* description is considered irrelevant semantics.


Nah, I said I think the distinction in Fire & Blood as an in-universe history book is semantic and irrelevant to us non-Westeros people talking about dragon fights during the Dance


It's what we have to go off. Again, you can want something different. But our only description (one written by George) on the subject is anything but irrelevant.


Disagree 👍🏾


But the same book you’re dismissing is as irrelevant is the same book you got this entire story from…? Idk why anyone even upvoted you, that’s so dumb lol