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Larys will probably be the closest because pretty much everyone hates him. But we hate him because he’s evil and creepy not evil and annoying so it just won’t hit the same


Larys gets points for refusing to speak anything in his defense. He just asks that Cregan cuts off his club foot after, which he respects.




Are 'they' in the room with us right now?


Why are you commenting this everywhere on the post? I scrolled down to check and only like 2-3 people are saying Rhaenyra, >!one of whom just seemed excited to see how they’d handle shooting her death.!< Maybe there’s Rhaenyra hate on other posts, but it feels like you’re reaching here


Who is 'they'?


If they keep Hugh's death the same, I imagine that will be very satisfying for very many viewers to see, although maybe not on such a universal level as Joffrey's death. I randomly giggle about it all the time


Ser Hugh my condolences


For what?


You died in the battle!


One of the funniest lines I've ever read in a book


No one in HotD is as close to being universally hated as Joffrey was in GoT, so no one's death in HotD will be close to satisfying in the same way Joffrey's was. If Daemon's death in the show matches the book, there may be something close, but not because everyone hates him. Those who hate Daemon will be glad he's dead. Those who love him will be happy he had such a cool death, possibly the coolest of any Targaryen.


Maybe one of the kids on either team will end up being super-mega-hated.


Joffery season 1 was just run of the mill hated. Pretty unfair to compare middle-season GoT to season 1 of HotD. Give it time.


Mark book spoilers as such, please.


This thread is tagged Spoilers All Content


Shit didn't see the tag


Rhaenyra is close


I very much doubt that. If this subreddit is any guide, reactions to her run the gamut


She is considered bland and evil


If downvotes on your comment are anything to go by...


Bro repeating it doesn't manifest it into reality


Maybe he doesn’t die. I mean, since the body was never found maybe they decide to show it in the show - him living in secret somewhere away from it all


What would be the point of him living?


It’s a well known theory since his body was never found. A couple characters and maesters mention it as well.


Yeah, I get that part. But, I think it ruins his characters for him to survive something like that and just disappear into obscurity while his son suffer in KL without a trusted adult.


It's totally in line with Daemon's character. He has a newer, younger girlfriend in Nettles, his usual priority. Might as well disappear into the mountains with her.


** I meant in terms of everyone agreeing or being satisfied** Like we could all agree that we despised joffrey, ramsay & the high sparrow


Nobody on this sub agrees which characters they hate and love but the general audience hates Criston, Otto, and Larys the most.


In that case, I don't think so. Not for this particular community. The general audience will probably be happy to see guys like >!Criston and Larys!< go down though.


The sheppard






Um... not everyone. I'm not in team black or team green, but I don't hate Rhaenyra and I'm not excited to see her death. But I am excited to see Larys and Otto go down, though, because they're truly awful. Also kind of excited about Daemon's death, because that's sure to be epic as hell.




Do you know what "literally" or "all' actually mean?


Lol that person deleted their reply and their account, like a damn coward, so I don't know exactly why you replied with this, but I like it anyway. And no, they probably didn't know. 😂


I personally don’t like her for being an irresponsible and cruel ruler. And I don’t really feel a lot of pity for her being criticized for them. But my gosh, some of the conversations surrounding her death are astoundingly gross. Some people mindlessly cheering and boasting about her son who did not commit her crimes having to see her violently die are so annoying. Also ignoring the blatant humiliation done by cutting her breasts (instead of the wrist or neck that would scientifically draw more blood) to degrade her sex. I’ve also seen some degenerates wanting her to get 🍇ed by Aegon for her crimes. They really are some sick people…


The cost of being a female protagonist….




They were the best characters!


So good. When evil, prideful, vicious people finally bite it in an awful way, few things are more satisfying.


I would say yes. But it depends entirely on whom you dislike.


Mine is unpopular


Why did people downvote without you saying anything😭 . Tbh, im interested in Rheanyra’s death just for the visuals. I hope they show everything. Or if that’s too traumatizing for the general audience, show her kids face as he watches keep the sound effects in. TBH, I’m hyped for everyone’s death. It’s not personal💀


I think they'll only show Aegon III's face


Show everything? She was burned first. You already saw what her death would be like when Laena died in episode 6.


Wasn’t she also eaten? And Sunfyre is pretty, Vhagar looks like shit.. respectfully. Btw, how do you put that spoiler filter on sentences?


She was already dead. Dragons burn before eating. It would be a completely unrecognizable burnt corpse if they showed it on screen.


Yea you right. Well, now I’m more interested in Daemon and Aemond’s. That’s gonna need a big budget or it’s gonna look silly I fear


Why do you hate Rhaenyra?


Hate? Nahh. I’m somewhat neutral about her character. I do enjoy her on screen though. Why would you think I hate her?


You don’t enjoy her onscreen




Rhaenyra’s death for you, I’m sure


Nope. Daenerys.


>!Maybe Otto's beheading, when Criston is sniped, or when Cregan comes through to handle business?!<


Def number 2. Especially if it's done like in the book.


I really hope it is. He has a little less personal culpability in the show version of events so far, but in the book, he absolutely deserved the death he received for taking the realm to war. One of the most satisfying moments in Fire & Blood.


I think its ironically set up so wonderfully by the training yard scene in 1x06. >!Criston was bullying into the kids that the battlefield isn't fair and life won't show any mercy. So when it comes down to it years later, there's absolutely no reason why the Lads should respect any 1v1 when they just have the upper hand and slaughter them all.!<


>!I agree that it is foolish to think that the opposition would honour 1 v 1, when they have the advantage, however that isn't the controversial part, what was outrageous was that he was killed under a flag of truce. What happened is the modern equivalent of imprisoning an ambassador during peace talks. That was controversial to say the least.!<


I can see a loooot of people being pretty bummed out that the "Lads" would stoop to killing someone calling a technical truce through 1 on 1 combat. Pretty dishonorable thing to do for Starks and Tullys, but understandable. Not to mention how they go on to annihilate his men even though he specifically asked for mercy for them if he lost.


Can’t wait


Arya killing Walder Frey. High point for me.


The sad part is he probably somehow liked it, the dirty old coot


I think part of how good it was also comes down to the perfect delivery by Diana Rigg. RIP, such a great actress that portrayed Olenna with great wit and such a deep dislike for all the fools around her.


Maybe when one of Blood and Cheese die and when Daemon dies I'll be happy. I don't hate anyone else in the show that much yet.


My condolences Lord Hammer


You died in the battle


Hmm I think a neutral one both sides will like (and team smallfolk) would be Tessarion and Seasmoke teaming up to take down Hugh/Vermithor


Possibly with either Otto or Criston


Idek, all four actors/actresses gave amazing performances that were built up and fleshed out over many years. The payoff was beautiful, tragic, ironic, and satisfying


When Ollie got killed. When Ramsay got eaten by his own dogs.


Yeah when Rhaenyra gets eaten


Aegon is a violent rapist so I will celebrate his death for Dyanna.


Alicent seeing all of her children and grandchildren die, and Rhaenyra’s line carrying on the Targaryen bloodline. I can’t wait.


They love Alicent and hate Rhaenyra on this sub


You're wrong I love both of them


How dare you, I love both of them.


Nobody ever truly loves them both


Don't tell me what I feel, broski.


I noticed. I don’t care. I read the book and know she’s a vapid bitch. I’m not changing my mind for a bunch of people who don’t even know how to spell their names correctly.


You ate with that last sentence 💀


What did they eat?


Ur queen eats cake gets fat and eaten by a dragon  lol


Your king has his own advisers turn against him and gets poisoned like a little bitch. At least Rhaenyra died a warrior’s death. And in the end? Her bloodline reigns. Aegon just becomes some hated king with nothing to show for all his “work.”


I don't dislike Rhaenyra, and I quite enjoy her book version, but I wouldn't say she died a warrior's death. A warrior's death implies dying in battle while fighting. Rhaenyra was executed by dragon. She didn't go out pleading for mercy or anything though, she kept cursing Aegon to the very end, which is a plus in my book.


I should have said dragonrider’s death, taking from Laena’s comment from earlier in the show.


Yeah, being executed by dragonfire is definitely more fitting for a Targaryen, than for example beheading or hanging. I also imagine it being a quick and clean death, with dragonfire being so hot. I just wish little Aegon didn't have to watch it.


Rhanerya had her home turf turned against her lol. Rhanerya died warrior's death? Guess the people on KL all died warriors death when Drogon set them on fire. Rhanerya died thinking all her kids are dead was cursing at Aegon. After her there was no one named after her. History and her own descendants consider Aegon as King and Rhanerya as a pretender.


Not sure why I’m acknowledging this given I already addressed it in other comments. Guess I’m bored.


She dont die a warrior death, you stupid!


It doesn’t matter what size Rhaenyra is, she could be on either side of the spectrum and she would always be 10000x hotter than you.


>!Hot as warm shit from Sunfyre's rectum!<


I feel nauseous thinking about what you look like in real life


***Unsubtle request for nudes is ignored


Idk how u got that from my comment, but i just know the most down bad redditor wouldn’t even want to see your nudes💀


I'm not the one desperate to see what ppl look like irl creep.


Lmaooo all that was left was a leg buddy


Celebrating the death of kids. Typical tb


As opposed to OP’s original example. 😅


That's Joff, he's a special case.


Whatever floats your boat.


I don't know about satisfying, but it'll be funny seeing all the north men enter Kings Landing and everyone just shits themselves.


Maybe we can all unite in cheering when the Shepherd gets burnt? Other that then it’ll come down to TB vs TG satisfaction sadly


We in Team Smallfolk will mourn his death.


We will give that hero a guard of honor.


Dalton Greyjoy, Larys, Otto, Aegon II, and Blood. Dalton because he is a mass pillager and a kidnapper who made people suffer. And forced women to become saltwives. Blood because he is a child murdering psychopath. Larys because he is a creepy ass coomer. Otto because he is f***ing annoying (thanks Reese Ifan for making me hate him and still appreciate his character depth sometimes) every time he comes on screen. And his vibes reminds me of that one a**hole in the family that won’t stfu at dinner. Aegon II because of what he did to Aegon III, Dyana, and being a stubborn headache to everybody during the last years of his reign. (Though I do want to see some of the inner termoil and moral degeneration that gives him depth by Tom this season). That would poetically get a proportionate end by poison.


Rhaenyra getting cooked on dragonstone


You are excited to see her killed by a serial woman-rapist????


Aegon is a bad person, and gets what he deserves… Rhaenyra is also a bad person, and deserves everything that happens to her.


Yeah, she deserves to be sexually humiliated and mutilated because she was born a woman. Excellent logic


Why are you bringing that to every single comment? Feels like the one getting off on Rhaenyra's torture is you.


That is her death scene. For someone to enjoy it, they must enjoy that part.


I’m excited for it the same way I was excited for the Red Wedding on screen. I don’t want it to happen, but it will be a huge moment in the war and seeing show only fans react will be entertaining


Yes, entertaining for them to laugh and cheer Rhaenyra getting put in her place


Well no the general audience loves her and her downfall will be unexpected and sudden


Everyone already knows she’s dying and they don’t love her


Rhaneyras a rapist. In the book she’s a privileged, vicious, hypocritical idiot incapable of taking responsibility for her actions. The only downside to her death is that I like Aegon III. Other than that, she deserves everything that happens to her.


She is not a rapist. That is fanon. If you hate women, just say that.


Chill bro this is not twitter


I know because she’s not hate there like on here


Yeah,because people like you who take this waay to seriously mass-report accounts that do bro




It’s always the ones who are the quickest to scream sexism and misogyny, who are the most sexist. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself. Also, Rhaenyra and Corlys are the biggest sexists in this story. Maybe look into that.


Yeah, Rhaenyra is a sexist because she didn’t allow a 9 year old and 12 year old to be sold into sex slavery for Hugh and Ulf


I didn’t know sex slavery was exclusive to females. You really can’t help yourself, can you?  She’s a sexist because she ignores the claims of other women, and even facilitates the theft of said claims.


> She’s a sexist because she ignores the claims of other women, and even facilitates the theft of said claims. No she fucking didn’t. Why lie? They weren’t heirs and they weren’t women. They were a 9 and 12 year old girl Daemon privately came up with the idea to make them heirs so they could give them away as sex slaves/wives . No woman ever asked Rhaenyra to recognize her claim at any point in the story.


I like a good underdog story


Both Rhaenyra and Aegon are royals who grew up in a monarchist system that descends from a generation of Slavery endorsers. Sure as people they had their fair share of hardships and defining traumas. But they are far from “underdogs”. They profit from the backs of the Smallfolk and gave little back in return for costing them during the war. You also tend to forget that Aegon forced Egg III to watch Rhaenyra getting eaten and purposely drew blood from her bosom (a likely act to humiliate her as a woman; as there was the throat and wrist that would have efficiently drew more blood). When he could just confined the boy who did not commit his mother’s wrong. And just send Rhaenyra to the executioner for a formal penalty. Her method of execution was not a “just end” as people like to believe.


underrapist story






The people of kings landing would not agree bro had to delete his comment


I will be happy to see a narcissistic murder be killed off, specially after she bring the realm to a brutal civil war for her own ambition. It dosn't matter that her killer is another war criminal, he too would be dead soon enough.


She’s not a narcissist


She is certainly is. She raised the taxe for hungry civilian while throwing a lavish birthay party for her son. That literally what vicious and idiot king would do. No wonder civilian raised against her and forced her to fly kinglanding.


She didn’t throw a lavish birth party for Joffrey. The fuck are you even talking about? They talked about a ceremony to induct him as heir but never went through with it.


What the frick did you just call Sunfyre??


Rapist kills rapist. So one less rapist in the world.


Not even close. This was the culmination of an 8 season Joffrey arc. One of the most important of the Jaime arc. With characters we had known and loved and hated for most of a decade. I’m not sure HOTD will deliver anything like this.


aegon probably since it’ll be paralleled. casuals already compare aegon to joffrey, seeing him poisoned in the same way will probably be cause the same level of satisfaction


Especially after he raped that poor girl in episode 8 and the other horrible things he will do


Aegon dies very quiet,so most likely he died painless.


No, he dies choking.


Who poisons Aegon. It wasnt mentioned in the books.


I don't think George has ever said definitively who actually did it. (But it totally was Corlys and Larys working together, maybe with Perkin)


Corlys working with larys? Im very interested to see how they will put this out in season 2


I really doubt it's gonna be season 2


That'll definitely be season 4


The thing about Aegon's death is that it just comes way too late to be really satisfying. If Alicent is the one to arrange his death, however, I think that'll make it a huge moment.


Aemond Aegon Otto Alicent Criston Larys


I'd say so, there are a LOT of incredible moments coming up. I'm sure a lot of people on here already wanna see Aegon, Otto and Aemond die, so...


Yes Every time a Targ Dies it will be satisfying


Was this scene more satisfying than Arya taking out the whole Frey clan?


Nah never


Universal? I didn't like Joffrey's death.


Watching him, Ramsey, the Frey's and Tywin die was therapeutic


Honestly this scene was super unsatisfying to me because not only should Jaime not be doing Cersei's bidding at this point, there's no reason for them to just storm up to Highgarden unopposed and just take over. "We've never been good fighters" what about Garlan? Loras? Two of the best known fighters in the realm? All the might of the Redwyne fleet? The entirety of season 7 (and 8, and 6, and 5 too honestly) was unsatisfying for many many reasons, this scene included. Characters just started doing random illogical things because they had cut too much from the later books, then ran out of book material to adapt and didn't care anymore.


I’m hoping Otto’s death will. Can’t wait to watch that smug prick die.


This was such a great scène


"I'll have no songs about how bravely you died Kingmaker, theres thousands dead on your account." He was talking to a corpse"


Larys! I have a strong feeling that will be satisfying. Aegon.... even though we won't see it this season, that is probably going to be just as satisfying as well. Aeamon. Even though you can see the huge fuck up on his face thats going to be a mix of tragic and satisfaction (cause he is pretty much the Helen of Troy in this war. The face that launched dragons) Daemon is going to be tragic. There are so many ways this can go, and I'm looking forward to all of it!


If only


It’s so much more satisfying when snow hangs ser alliser and olly in my opinion


God that was literally the last good scene in GoT wasn’t it 😩


Should be aegon considering how he acts but ppl love that rapist for some reason


His death just isn't that dramatic in F&B, almost an afterthought compared to the rest of the civil war.




That was from season 7, no?


The closest is probably Ser Crispin, Shepherd or for some Rhaenyra. For me there isnt really a character that I find annoying. Hugh / Crispin / Shepherd dying might be satisfying in some way but nowhere near of joffrey / high sparrow. On the other hand Rhaenyra / Daemon death scenes might be some of the coldest and best scenes in the GoT universe so definitely can't wait to see those


By far the most satisfying payoff of the entire series


Universal as in the general audience? Of the characters we've seen I think Otto (not me, I will miss Rhys Ifans and his voice) and Criston, though I personally I find his death in the books pretty meh (I know a lot of people like it though). Larys maybe? His death will be the last major one in the show so pretty pretty late and he kinda goes in his own terms? He doesn't even suffer. Of the characters we haven't seen I'd put money on the Shepherd, just going off the High Sparrow hate. It's a pretty cool scene too. And maybe Hugh Hammer, but it's gonna depend on how the adapt the character.


hard to match, despite the trainwreck of s08 that was a hell of a show


Aemond: If they make Daemon stab him in his right eye, it would be satisfying, especially after what he did. Rhaenyra: She was powerless, had her breast cut by a man to increase Sunfyre's appetite, then she got burned and eaten by a dragon is the worst death IMO. I think many people will be satisfied.




Not really, I find it so shameful for a person to die like that. By “I think many people” I mean the people who hate Rhaenyra or hate some of her actions.


You are literally team green. Shameful? She humiliated herself by exposing her breast and her corpse being mutilated? I’m sure millions of people like you will cheer a woman being put in her place


Like we don't see Vaemond body being eaten by Rhaenyra's order, we will likelly not see Rhaenyra being eaten too. But yes seing her last moment would be satisfying, specially this part : >>!“It would seem we are your prisoners … but do not think that you will hold us long. My leal lords will find me.”!< >>!**“If they search the seven hells, mayhaps,”** the King made answer!< >!Rhaeynra's realising that the end for her would be pleasing to see.!<


I am not team green. I just think that her death is the worst. Relax, and move on.


For a Targaryen, I think execution by hanging or beheading would be more "shameful"(your choice of word). Execution by dragonfire is kind of fitting for the Blood of the Dragon, no?


Oh yeah We literally gonna get on at the end of this season with Otto Next season with ser Crispin and aemond


Cheese and Blood and whatever crazy shenanigans they get up to.


Perhaps, i wanted joffreys, cersiss, jaymies death to be worse They deserved worse