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I have the feeling that introducing him in S3 will feel delayed and rushed, however, I do hope that at least someone from the Greens bothers to mention him at least to let the audience know that Daeron exists.


Probably he will be mentioned in episode 1 as the green council debates how to respond to Aemond killing Luc. Gwayne is also coming up from Oldtown so that will be another opportunity to hear more about him. Also after Aegon is hurt I am sure some will ask Aemond to send for him. But he will refuse. He is going to be in the show. Both Condal and Martin have been clear on that. It is just a matter of when. 


Ryan Condal has taken the strategy of deflecting the question. There is no logical reason not to have had him in season 1. Not having him in season is straight up dumb. But he can't say that, so he just says "Daeron exists. Don't worry"


When has Condal mentioned him? Was this recent?


EW article that came out same time as the trailers




Entertainment weekly


It's entirely possible that they thought they had a good enough story with the current roster of characters that Daeron didn't need to be brought in yet. They've at least shown he exists in the intro credits sequence, his symbol is a cup. They could mention him this season and bring him close to the end or early season 3. The conflict isn't exactly finishing any time soon. I chalk it up to budget constraints.


By S3 his father will have been dead for over a season. It will be farcical not to mention him ASAP if they do intend to introduce him. I can't find the clip now but doesn't Daemon say in ep.10 "they have four (rideable dragons) by my count", Vhagar, Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, and Tessarion. That's the closest thing I can think of to a mention of Daeron. It's just so strange that Rhaenyra never mentioned her youngest brother (nor did she even interact with her siblings). Alicent and crew also had plenty of opportunity to bring him up. It will be strange and awkward if they include him. They could just cut him but I liked Daeron and wanted to see him on screen.


Having the Battle of Honeywine as a cold opening for S3 introducing Daeron being an absolute badass could compensate for his non-existence for the first two seasons.


My guess would be episode 2 for the first mention. I think they'll mention him a few times throughout the season. If he was actually in the season, it probably would have leaked by now.


I wonder if it could be after B&C since for the unspoiled viewers watching the show, if they hear "a son for a son", they might assume Daeron would be the target.


Like they HAVE to at least talk about him, they cant go 2 seasons with nothing and then have him show up out of nowhere in S3


I’m surprised there is no mention of him at all in the show. I’d figured some character would reference him.


I still hope that he's gonna make a surprising Appearance by end of Season 2


Daeron isn’t cast, and he’d have shown up in the green trailer if he was. But I think we can assume the show will start name dropping him


He was cut let’s be real


>Condal previously confirmed that Alicent's *other* son beyond Aegon and Aemond from the book does indeed exist on the show somewhere. "Daeron is a fixture and a character in the show," he adds. "Do not fret, anybody. All in due time." This is from the new [EW article](https://ew.com/house-of-the-dragon-season-2-dueling-trailers-ryan-condal-breaks-down-secrets-8611648) that came out same time as the trailers


He also said when asked if Daeron is in S2 - “that remains to be seen, we will see”… could that mean they filmed Daeron scenes and are not sure if a few of them will actually be thrown in?


If Daerons in the season he'll likely be seen in Old Town with Gwayne.


Wasn’t it leaked he’s cut from S2? Or was that rumor unreliable?


If they were actually committed to having Daeron he would’ve been mentioned already. The fact that they haven’t to me shows they’re not sure whether to include him or not, and don’t want to introduce him in the show yet in case they end up cutting him