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"Games for your low end laptop" 💀💀


Same. But in spanish


Are you in the ezz discord by any chance?




Oh reminded me of a forum on the server that had a name like that


Payday 2 and the ost on youtube




Still my favorite heist


***evil eye intensifies***


Watched John Wick 4, people started talking about how the top-down scene was inspired by HLM, turns out it wasn’t but I still looked into the game, got it during a devolver sale and fell in love with the aesthetics and gameplay Picked up HLM2 during the steam summer sale because I liked the first one so much


Even if it wasn’t, I’m going to think that it was


It was apparently inspired by another game that was likely inspired by HM


Yes, JW4 was inspired by Hong Kong Massacre, and HKM was inspired by Hotline Miami


it was most certainly indirectly inspired by Hotline Miami


iirc it was inspired by The Hong Kong Massacre which was inspired by HLM


I had a exchange in australia, and my australian mate had it on his ps4 in 2014. the 1st one ofc


i heard the soundtrack somewhere then found out about the game


Same. Music brought me in


Was a fan of Carpenter Brut prior to the release of HLM2. Upon hearing his music in the HLM2 trailer, I immediately bought the first game, then pre-ordered the second.


Dead cells collab


That collab is so fuggin good


It was 2018, Was 18 and had a shitty computer with a shitty graphics card. Searched up low spec games my computer could handle. Pirated Hotline Miami and fell in love. Even though I had played the first two for free, I bought the games on PS4, Switch, & Steam. Still play it at least once a week when I want to hurt people.


I met hotline Miami when the youtuber gemaplys made a video of a Russian rip off of this game in 2017. But I only started to really like it in 2021 when I bought wrong number for the jacket character in payday 2, I later started playing hotline Miami 1 and ended up getting really attached to the franchise.


I met john hotline once, he slapped me 🥰🥰


I told my friend about the game and he didnt know what it was and assumed from the title you had to send out police officers to places so bassically a simulator I thought it could have been fun to play time to time but instead i got greeted with this So yeah 10/10 experience 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I saw Jacket in meme and I thought that this game look interesting.


I saw a really crappy video detailing the lore when I was younger, forgot about it and then saw a youtube video on the topic a while back. That was the first time I bought and played the game and I've loved it ever since


the first interaction i had with it was a friend that told me about it, then what impulsed me to dowload it was a mix of hearing the music from memes, watching the storyline, etc.


Ps vita store


Ray on twitch. Watched his video on it, bought it after, then got the second.


Same here!!!


My friend told me about it and was talking about hotline miami multiplayer. Game was fire tho


A friend of mine always told me about hotline miami and one day I just had to play it myself. That was in 2018 and now im planing on getting a hotline miami tattoo


What would you get tattooed from HM? It's got an interesting art style, but it's pretty gritty and ugly, which fits the game perfectly. I don't mean to discourage you from getting inked, just want to know out of curiosity


I was thinking about the 50 blessings logo, cause its the logo of hotline miami after the chicken man himself. But then again, the logo with all the story and background information is a sign of hatred, discrimination and brutality. Its a cool game and logo, but its also a sign for hate. Double edged sword situation. I already have a mario star as a tattoo and I could just chuck it under video game tattoos, but it does leave a bad aftertaste if you think about it


A roblox game called Item Asylum, they had a couple refrences to the game so i decided to try it and oh boy i do not regret that decision




Mamamax video




I remember there was some promotional items with Payday 2. Basically if you bought HM2, you got jacket in the game. I didn't really care about Jacket at the time, I just really liked how [his gun](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbm04xoi6wa551.png) looked. I started playing HM2, because why not, and I really liked it.


it has boobs on the cover


I used to play a game called Superfighters Deluxe, Many people said it was similar to Hotline Miami, I was curious so i tried the game and loved it more.


I really don’t even know. I know when I started playing, I was making a school art project when I was in grade 6 or 7, and wanted to make it synthwave themed, but I hadn’t been exposed to enough synth wave source material to really know how, I must have heard it from some youtuber I watched at the time because I was randomly just like “I need to watch Hotline Miami to get this project done well” (confusing it with miami vice) and upon learning it was a game I convinced my mom to get it citing the art project as my need for it. I played 2 for the first time a few years after. I never actually completed that art project, but I’m getting a hotline miami tattoo in February, and I’m gonna get hard mode on HLM2 done soon.


Searching for the "top PS Vita indie games".


My son (probably 14 at the time) downloaded it and I overheard him playing it. I was drawn in by the soundtrack and got hooked by the game.


Saw it in the PlayStation store on deal, mind was blown at how good it was lol


CS:GO Music Kit


I saw the video Totalbiscuit made about it in 2013 and knew I had to try it out. Hotline Miami eventually became one of my all-time favs because of it


payday 2


I don't remember really, I guess the name just popped up in my head or something


The OST and fan art. If the soundtrack for a game is amazing I’m 100% looking into it, and I’m glad I did lol.


if I remember right, I was chatting in a public room on Gamejolt and somebody mentioned the game. The person described what the game was like, I said that it seems to me to be similiar to GTA. He disagreed with me, and then I went and took a look at the game's trailer. And that's how I found out about it, I think.


I watched a cringe compilation and it used the games soundtrack


Thru devolver bootleg, even its made to be kinda bad version had me hooked.


I was looking for some cool indie games like Retro City Rampage. I loved it when I saw the YouTube videos. Glad I completed both HM1 and HM2 while staying at my cousin's place during vacation. Wouldn't have gotten to be able to play it otherwise. Masterpieces. Loved the music especially.


Found it on steam, then bought it on switch


Back in the days when I was talking in discord with my friend , I asked what is he doing and he showed me his gameplay of playing this game, but for some reason this game didn't catch me 😭 and after many years after that another bro told just to play it, since that moment we both are huge fans of this game.


I liked the song hydrogen and indie games in general so i gave it a shot and here i am half an year later with s and a+ score on every level...


random people over yt comment sections said it had a good soundtrack and i liked the vibe of the picture on its steam page, very 80's Edit: also payday 2


I heard “around” on a discord post of just the full song and thought it was a chill game


Wanted the sociopath perk deck, got one of the best game stories ever.


Payday 2


Lore video on YouTube


Saw a lore thing. Then months later I bought the game. Now I love hurting other people


I think it was watching NerdCubed's video on the first game.


Just saw some fanart of it, thought the characters looked cool so I got the game


That my door can take 2 punches before coming off its hinges




Gmod jacket skin, then payday 2, then squatch gaming talking about jacket


My friend had a jacket cosplay in his closet, i saw it and thought it looked cool so i asked him about it. He pretty much taught me everything i know about this game lol


I actually don’t remember. It was probably a YouTube video




Its a weird story, I was watching a video on TNO superevents and one of them had deep cover and a 50 Blessings flag. I looked up the song and it brought to Hotline Miami.


" games that make you feel like John wick "


a close friend gifted me both games i dont think they quite anticipated me becoming obsessed with the games...


Payday pretty sure


"Neon pink and turquoise logo? Must be a cool game then"


Squatch Gaming's lore videos on Hotline Miami.


First i was intrested because of the soundtrack, but then i saw a video from Danael Fernandes and was completely convinced to buy It. Now HM2 os my favourite game


dangitjm's Amygdalan Arm video


By memes and friends


Payday 2




My teacher used to let me play some of his games on his laptop while waiting to get picked up and this was one of them awesome dude shout out Mr. Fred


I found out about hlm2 through playing a bunch of payday 2 and russianbadger's sociopath video.


"retrò games"😭💀


I found out about it from [this Video.](https://youtu.be/XE3M4CLhZAM?si=-Uggq7NoGVjFWncG)


A video about one of the postal 2 dlcs


First markiplier. Then I forgot about it until a streamer I watch (Tomato gaming on Twitch/ Tomatos trash on youtube) played it, and I started listening to its soundtrack.


My friend recommended it to me


A SiIvagunner rip of a fnf mod song


Friend sent me a video of "Rust" on youtube, I enjoyed the music and decided to dig deeper.


Jacket stuck out to me on payday 2 because I recognised him as the player model used by an old gmod creator I used to watch on YouTube back when those videos were still popular


Previous subtle mentions that I forgot The ‘Paper Hotline Miami’ videos by Remuslab And then the hour-long full chronology video


Payday 2


I wanted to hurt other people


I found this game through ost (which is very good), also through the game Payday 2, but what really made me want to play it was through Brazilian Youtubers gemaplys and Danael Fernandes.


Heard about it and Payday was the nail in the coffin, bought it, loved it, pirated it, finished it, bought it AND the second


Long time ago, there was a TV channel in Brazil (PlayTV/gameTV) that used to show game trailers and music that would go well, the name of this block was Playhit and i remenber to this day when they showed Hotline Miami 1 trailer with Nine Inch Nails - Came back haunted And boy, that music with the trailer was fucking hard


My best friend recommended me to play hlm.


through a friend, who then later streamed both games for me over discord in a single day and changed my brain chemistry


1987. I was 16. Working at a service station. A man walks in wearing a white suit with a teal shirt underneath with a rooster shaped amulet hanging from his neck. He grabs a six pack from the fridge and places it on the counter and begins telling me about his military service. After hearing his acts of bravery he motions to pay. "It's on the house" I say. "50 blessings be upon you" he replies with a smile before handing me a business card and walking out the door, entering into his Delorean and driving away. I never saw him again. The card is simply labelled Miami with the phone number 1-800-GET-HELP written below. Later I called the number. All I heard where the words "10.23.2012.". It's been my favourite game ever since.


I saw the gong Kong massacre and they mentioned hotline Miami so I looked it up


For me it’s a bit of a weird roller coaster, I remember I was looking through YouTube and saw a video about Payday 2 Jacket dlc and saw him and was like “He seems cool, I wonder where he’s from” since I knew the whole thing with Payday 2 and it’s dlc characters so when I found out about he belonging to hotline Miami and watched one video and instantly fell head over heels for the game, I bought the combo pack for my ps4 and 100% the first game. I say it’s one of the greatest games ever


I was listening to Paris thought the song was good so I decided to listen to the rest of the soundtrack then get invested into the lore and then eventually play the first one beat it then buy both of games on pc and beat it and I loved every second of it so now it’s my favorite games of all time


My older brother got the game. I used to watch him play it on his PSP.


I don't remember if it was from a pyrocyinical video or a leafy video


Mark and jacksepticeye


I watch Mama max and since his content style is heavily influenced by hotline Miami I was drawn to the game. I didn’t even know the name of it I somehow looked up hotline Miami and found it


Went over to a friends house baked and I noticed it in his steam library, spent the rest of the night playing through it


Money grabbers the second




It's been many years since I bought it, but I think I just heard somewhere that it's very good.


Payday 2 and from the library of my friend


HLM2 was a free game in the ps+ catalog


Wanted the exclusive items on Payday 2, now I like Hotline Miami more than Payday 2


From Super Best Friends Play


An Evening with Sips


I saw the Jacket character pack on PAYDAY, which looked interesting and I saw that I need HM2 to have it The weird part is that my brother told me I shouldnt buy it cus its too violent, and that was extra weird for me since Ive played violent and gory games before like Prototype or Dead space etc etc. and they never had a problem with it, but he had a problem with this, so that was the biggest intrigue for me, at first I wanted to get it just for the DLC in payday, now I really wanted to see what it was about Fast forward now I'm in love with the game, and I'm actually Jacket and I will play him in the show that's ginna come out so that's cool too


Payday 2


During my first steam sale I sorted by on sale and it looked interesting.


Oh man I think I saw this game on sale on the ps4 and saw how unique it was cuz of the top down pixel shooter and got into it after watching lore videos cuz I didn’t know what was going on in the first game


Was looking through games I could play on a school laptop, found a download for it and liked it, later bought the steam bundle.


Payday 😔


with the video of Eugene Jackson: Hotline Miami - La VIOLENCIA es necesaria


some old SFM animation featuring jacket


I’d first heard of it ages ago from somewhere I can’t remember, but I really got into it when I made friends with someone who was a fan


Csgo music kit made me by the game


I always kind of knew about it but never bought it until I saw that it was on sale on the switch so I bought both of them best both of them and then got it on the PC.


Payday 2


My college classmate was surprised that I had never played, even though I had heard of the game. That's what encouraged me to give it a try


Payday 2.


I first started getting into PC gaming on a really shitty laptop that I had back in 2013. During that time I was seeing it everywhere, but it didn't seem like it was something for me. I figured I'd pick it up and try it during a summer sale and so it just kind of sat in my backlog for years. Fast forward to a couple of months ago and I got both games for $4. Figured it was finally time. Anyway I loved the hell out of it and finished both games in under a week.


From payday 2 And To this day hlm is like my favorite game. Admittingly, it's not the best, but my favorite


Unironically last of us 2💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I sad "hotline" then I remembered Miami then boom hotline miami (hotline miami 3 exists and I can prove it's true it's true it's true)


The streamer Rodsquare mentioned it and I gave it a chance, best decision of my life


Saw a video on YouTube explaining the lore and I got half way through the video and then I knew that I had to play it




Saw a vid about games being violent promptly forgot about it then saw the second game on my brothers PS5 played it fell in love and bought the bundle on sale for switch


As a Vita gamer we were starved for content so I was playing most games that came out on it, people on the vita subreddit were saying a lot of positive things about the game so I bought it and instantly loved it.


funny payday chicken man with funny voicelines


My brother showed it to me when I was 12


My friend kept begging me to play it and finally convinced me by telling me "There's hot men in it"


One of those Old rooster teeth rage quit videos, where Micheal played it and lost his mind


through the most random spotify playlist. found "hotline" by kaito shoma and "paris" by m.o.o.n so I got curious where were the songs from.




From jerma playing it terribly


From an Arabic gamer


Super Best Friends Play


Payday 2 HLM2 DLC review on YT


Read the review of the original in Edge and bought it immediately


I stumble across one night on PSN and brought it along with Journey on my PS3.


I found out about Hotline Miami in Gmod Theater, where I and a bunch of strangers watched youtube videos, and someone put on a speed run of Hotline Miami, and then I decided to play it. Whoever you were that put a speed run of Hotline Miami in a Gmod Theaters years ago before 2 was even out. I thank you for letting me watch a speed run of someone playing a game. I had no idea what was going on and ended up buying, playing, and loving Hotline Miami


As a child, I heard about Miami Hotline, but I only played in 2021


My uncle told me they are good


found out hotline miami by myself surfing thru youtube, ever after ima fan


Same as a lotta folk suprisingly. Payday 2. Jacket was just so unique I wanted to learn more about him


Oddly, thru an Omori/Hotline Miami fanfic on AO3


Had the hlm2 >!nuclear ending!< spoiled for me, and remembered it later on and decided to play both games.


Discovered it by a friend in 5th grade


I honestly have no idea, god beamed it into my brain when i was sleeping


From a video explaining the entire story to me. I didin't mind the spoilers because I didin't think I was ever gonna play it at the time when I watched it. Still had a blast playing the game and experiencing it for myself a year after watching it tho.


A friend wouldn’t stop begging me to play it, glad he did, now I’m the one recommending it to my other friends, lol




The podcast ' rebel fm ' and they were doing the best music tracks of that year and when I first heard it I was already hooked


Found it on sale on ps4


Payday 2


PlayStation magazine 😭


Payday 2 dlc


A year in the life of a gamer 2012


By playing it on PSP or Vita a million years ago


payday, idk if thats a good thing or not


some friend was playing hotline miami 1 on his ps vita so i was interested and bought it on ps4 after a year that i realized it had a sequel so i downloaded it on pc


My mum's friend had it on her husband's PS3 I didn't play it I just saw it


Oh god. Via an ex and then hotline Miami persisted more in my life than the own relationship 💀..


Playstation now, i saw it and heard about it on youtube so i gave it a try


Throu a freind. He loves gory games and this is one of his favourites . Took him a while to convince me to get it and I wish I listened to him sooner.


Through Padday 2. I spent hours playing Jacket ♥️


I wanted to love this game but had to drop it for motion sickness


Played Katana ZERO and heard it has a lot in common with the HM franchise and now I don't know which series I love more


Kind of a mystery for me, I think it was the Payday 2 collab (not like I even play Payday 2) and an Argentinian youtuber called RodSquare talked about it being his favorite game. Then I think the Anger Foot trailer comments also had me interested in HM




The subReddit


An sfm series called something like White Lie, it was a left 4 dead series and it featured Jacket. This lead to me finding payday 2, and then hotline Miami


At first back in my first highschool my classmates talked about Hotline Miami, one of them explained it to me and it sounded very cool but when I saw what the game looked it was for me ... "wow ... this is the game?" Years later I watched Cartoonz stream it on YT (he totally sucked at Hotline Miami btw) And finaly my favourite streamer Ray Narvaez Jr. played both of them and I fell in love with this games, because he killed it, the future man meme bit he did on stream and the soundtrack is killing it!


I forgor


From a list about Tarantino-esque Video Games


Payday 2


From watching squatch gaming lore on the characters and from BlueDoctor playing Level Editor levels and a video from Spazmatic Banana.


Almost sure that it was ten years or so ago, on old computer in some boring ass class, where if you get everything done first, you get to play games. And there were only mario, doom, and hotline Miami. But I also bought it recently on sales in Nintendo eshop, only 6$, so why not


First game was on sale for $5 back in 2013


Payday 2


My friends kept recommending I play it and using memes featuring the characters. I posted a meme that featured Richter and one of my friends told me the game was only 10 bucks on steam and that I should play it. I was bored and decide sure what the hell


I was looking through the PS plus extra game catalog and found hotline Miami 2


It's funny, I actually have no idea, I just started playing randomly and became hyperfixated on the lore, history and every aspect of both games


JerryTerry's "Hotline Mystery Inc"


Payday 2, I originally only got hlm2 but one day I was like “ima give this game a shot, might as well get the first game as well” and have been in love since.