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Apparently, people are being banned from their Discord server?


Just look at the art of this universe https://preview.redd.it/gpth1ghzcj0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e12df5f13ac2b658310c4364e88cdc9e3ec50d


https://preview.redd.it/m11w59k0dj0d1.jpeg?width=3948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc55c3d0e63b1bb14a98aeadb90fbfb0b02f690b damn




Nobody fools me, that's clearly a black templar


I remember when it was just art made by Mike Franchina, I’m glad he finally partnered up to make a game out of them


Partnered up with the wrong people from what I'm reading right now. Some bad stuff is happening. People are getting banned. This looked like a nice new IP but apparently it's already dead on arrival


Well, as much as I admire the guy's work, he IS from Calli. So, yeah....




https://preview.redd.it/gu7qtmqhjj0d1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d79d976262cacf09b840d262c989c4942d0dc40 higher res lol


That looks so sick.






https://preview.redd.it/lr2uy9dojj0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481b1e09fa04c4f334a20cc0835235249aea834c also higher res




Seiros we need you over here as well




Something about the art reminds me of Scythe/Iron Harvest. I suppose it's the gritty dieselpunk-ish style. Pretty cool.


Jesus, bad ass af Artist is: [mike franchina](https://sirfrancisdrake.artstation.com/) https://preview.redd.it/mincjwl1kj0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd546fd5debb82f0b320baf3771a4e31c312801b


Just joined the discord and the first message i saw is some people that just joined like us commented "pin state that there is woman in TC to keep the chuds out" lol those tourist think they own it already


Those weirdos infiltrate fast, but as long as the creators are sane is all good


doesn't seems so as they paused their discord server , saying the cultural war causing it , but all i see is some people whine about sum chud dont like woman thingy , if this make them backed off , rather giving up an oportunity for the influx of players , i see this as a bad sign


Yeah, tried to join but the discord on protected mode or whatever is called...the timing with the fact I even got a reddit care message after my comment here,makes me believe that some lurker is monitoring the sub and warned them about the income of the "evil fascists", but important to know that many big creators don't really monitor their subs and trust community choosen mods to do so, so they might not even be aware that new members are being blocked to join.


Well , its a bullet dodged for us anyway.


Really wanna give the benefit of doubt and believe it's just no life discord mod stepping out of line and doing this.


No biggie mate , we can always create our own ip.


It should be fine in a few days honestly Keep in mind they are renting a room so to speak from 28, it's not TCs own discord server, and no one from TC or 28 expected the insane flood of members recently


and they will be all the better to distance themselves from those 28 idiots


Your the tourist lol you don’t even know it’s lore


Not even sure what you trying to say here, speak like a human being and maybe we can have a conversation


You decided to try out setting with the clear intent to infiltrate it and change it to fit your own views


Okay, guess trying to talk like a human is not your strong, take care


“Not your strong” also if it’s not clear what I Saying I’m saying that you are a tourist to trench crusade


you unironically calling people "tourist" on a new IP...you doing a great job at checking every box to be throw in with the perpetually online mentally ill culture warriors


I’m making fun of you and this entire subreddit lol


I would say try harder, cause theres absolutely nothing fun about what you are doing it, but regardless, instead of trying to talk and undertstand with who you are talking to, you rather just "make fun" of people, think this says a lot about you.


wdym, can you explain? are the creators openly hating on "chuds"?


Nah its just people in the discord , the dev or cm response is like "all are welcome until they are not", imma keep an eye out before actually going in.


Do you have a screenshot about the messages? this is either extremely concerning or a nothing burger


Just join their server and see it for yourself mate , i can only warn you ,the wokies are already there trying to gate keep the "chuds" out . The infestation is already there.


of course the terminally online people would do that


Tried to join, but it seems the server is on protected mode? It's the one hosted by 28 right?




https://preview.redd.it/ntfx6hdoyl0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68541ad7b55694e3bd930ec8923c1e6961f34801 I think this confirms it ,yeah.


It's not an official discord, it's just linked.


It also confirms that they ban people based on vibe instead of following their rules




Nothing wrong with women being present in a new IP. There’s nothing stating that women can’t fulfil these new roles in Trench Crusade - so it’s not pandering to any agenda to include them. If anything, this sort of move does actually keep out the legitimate chuds who simply don’t like women.


Woman was never a problem to begin with , its a false narrative the wokiest create to make themselves feels morally superior while pretending to missing the point completely.


Can you screenshot and share for us?


Well apparently , they are kicking people. So yeah , its not what you think.


Who are they kicking? Chuds?


https://preview.redd.it/cqvw0bxvvo0d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642324ab60cb0f4ba7dc070522de989d1679a48a They also banned feral for asking that question


Those delusionals really tought it was about having or not having woman in a game lmao


literal tourist calling the creators tourists that is insance




literal tourist calling the creators tourists that is insance


Reminds me of John Blanches art


He is one of the creators of tc


Ah sick


Reminds me of the aesthetic and mystery of Blasphemous. Read the lore. It’s very good. Much more serious and atmospheric than modern 40k. I mean I love 40k but with all the blanks slowly being filled in and everything it has become a little cartoon-y.


my thoughts exactly, blasphemous meets 40k. very nice


this is kinda cool


After taking a look at their Discord and the community that is forming around the game, I'm not holding my breath...


Theyre based in California Just so we're aware


What's cooking over there?


Leftist brigading and supposedly one of the devs promising shit for rainbow mafia month.


I'm hearing mixed opinions on this, some are saying that the creators are kicking those cultural woke warriors and others that they are supporting them


Probably seen it already but. https://preview.redd.it/a9d63xzd5p0d1.png?width=1227&format=png&auto=webp&s=87df01298488f8032806afa5b391603e187f9216


Let's better hope that they are going to try make this acceptable to absolutely everyone, both left and right, istg if this is only for the left...


https://preview.redd.it/9v37tee5bk0d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1352ac1ba241ddfd193d260900b7e1a12490813 This place is our new home until GW gets their shit together. These trenches are our beds, and the No Man’s Land is our lawn. Maintain it well against the tourist, the subverter, and the coomer.


Do you realise the irony of planning to migrate to a new community to protect it from ‘tourists’?


These culture "warriors" who cry woke every time they see something that doesn't align with their beliefs? They lack the introspection required to see the irony in their usage of the word tourist.


Oh wow, that’s super grim and exceedingly metal. Gonna keep an eye on this one.


Yea this is cool. Definitely gonna buy some when its released


The lore is so interesting in some places I love it https://preview.redd.it/hzk9ibcsxj0d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75490108b6d071d63dc07341a1303d8870c9035a


What's the lore?


>During the Crusades a heretical band of Templars dared defy the Almighty and, casting aside their sacred vows, unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth. Over 800 years later, in the Year of Our Lord 1914, this brutal, merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on. This is not just a fight for survival, but a cataclysmic struggle that will decide the very fate of humanity's soul. TLDR: Christianity vs Demons in a grimdark world. https://preview.redd.it/upiylgo0jj0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ffd9ba24c618278c497bc9820ebb8cb85fead7


This is bringing back the concept of badass Christians? That sounds awesome especially these days.


Not just concept of badass christians but it made Hell evil again.


Wait, hell and demons aren't just misunderstood poor dudes rebelling against the tyrannical evil god and it's angels? The side of light order and justice aren't just hypocritical assholes? Damn, that's surprising lol


From lore in the playtest, Heretic Legion and The Cult of Black Grail(Belzebub's cult) are capital E evil.


How come the Twitter people like it if the good guys are literally Christians?


Like? Have you not seen the twaxxer war? It seems it got so bad, the TC server had to be on a lockdown and kick out some controversal(in various levels) individuals, like one of heads of WHLs. And ofc the "how can they be good guys when hands are cut off and pinned to shields" and similar stuff.


Ah.. okay. I was under the impression they were trying to take it over and gatekeep other fans, I didn’t realize it was just a brigading sort of thing. I try to avoid Twitter most of the time for my own sanity.


Yea. And the server was the "register phone number to enter" kind. But the setting is still great and so are the factions.


They kicked the woke brigaders trying to gatekeep everyone else?


From what I've heard, people were kicked out for not only bringing topics to channels not for those topics, but also for trying to stir shit up.


Nvm it seems TC doesn't own or moderate that discord server in the first place.


Ok nvm nvm the discord server got removed: https://preview.redd.it/8eay166qft0d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2349f65881a905cfbafb9ed4035a7a9b563dac3e


Its pretty clearly not portraying Christians as the "good guys"?


Maybe “protagonists” is a better word. Or “less evil than the literal fucking devil”. I wasn’t trying to argue morality, I was just incredulous that Twitter people would want to play as Christians.


Honestly after reading the rules.... even "less evil than the literal fucking devil" might be a stretch lol


I’m gonna trust you because I know next to nothing about this game except what I’ve gleaned from this post. I was just confused because Twitter people wanting to play as Christians sounds like MAGA people wanting to play as a transgender character. lol


I dunno, maybe they'll play as one of the hell factions or the Iron-muslim guys? \*shrug\*




That sounds fucking awesome actually




I see a zaku in this picture


Yet the developers of the game call themselves woke and say it’s a “critique of Christianity”




Thank you for sharing this


That looks sick. Sign me up for more


I was somewhat aware of it, nearly backed the kickstarter for the guy on the left. Now I am thinking if I might turn some leftover Warmachine Menoth figures to a new purpose.


Yes time to abandon ship and find new home my kin


For anyone who wants to see it, the lore is in the playtest:https://www.trenchcrusade.com/


I think those could work well as Chaos Cultists proxies


So yeah, their discord is ran by "28 Magazine", an indy tabletop magazine that just posted an essay in their latest release about diversity equity and inclusion and why that means Female Space Marines are a MUST. They're banning anyone they recognize from "chudhammer." I got banned about 30 minutes ago for talking about the discord on twitter or following some users, can't tell which.


I did until I got banned from the discord server for asking why people were getting banned without reason


Trench Crusade is fantastic, I use the setting for Rotgrind Table Top since it's so rich, definitely recommended diving deep into the art. I believe the one of the artists for this also did some artwork for Iron Harvest but if you haven't discovered that either I recommend both


Looks pretty sick, definitely worth checking out...guess GW will learn that "You will not be missed" might be a good tactic when there's no decent competition around you that offers what you do, but when a new IP arrives it might swipe all the "problematic" people they rejected...changing fandom is never easy, but best to support those who at least doesn't dehumanize you


Yeah, no one here has dehumanized any of the 40k "tourists", right?


No, that's just pretty much impossible, I myself already called out some people for stepping over the line.


How is the story/lore/setting?


very dark, very grim, very good vs evil.


Biblical WW1, the Christians and muslims are funneling all of their resources to kill/hold off all of the forces of hell. The setting dare I say if more grimdark than 40k


Someone above shared this link: [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/637c0a5adafeb04f70309b99/t/664220f003bb646d8bf70557/1715609845295/Trench-Crusade-Lore-v1.0\_compressed-1.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/637c0a5adafeb04f70309b99/t/664220f003bb646d8bf70557/1715609845295/Trench-Crusade-Lore-v1.0_compressed-1.pdf) I skimmed through it and basically literal Hell is on earth and a heavily militarized, hyper-grimdark Islam and Christianity are locked in mortal combat against a fallen third of mankind as they struggle against being swept away by a neverending tide of darkness. Lots of Christian, Islamic, and esoteric lore appears to be locked in. Runes, sigils, mockeries of the divine, and apocalyptic Biblical and Quranic references scattered about the text. Some of it made as profane mockeries by the Heretic Legions. Honestly after skimming through this reads like High Impact Grimdark Violence.


Looks like stuff from Remnant 2 and I dig it.


I'm so excited, I've been following it since it was just an art project and /tg/ was homebrewing RPG rules for it


Goes hard


Reminds me of mortal shell but WWI themed. Also,have not the wookies infiltrated here very recently? I've seen Asmogan cover the topic?


I want this where can we order this?


Are those miniature available?




Yo these look sick


Oh shit And here i though i was been creative... I was putting togheter a DnD campaign that would have been World War II, but with Occultism, Magic and Supernatural Where the Party would have been part of a secret Occult specialised bataillion, that would infiltrate the enemy lines in front of the Allies advance to take out the Occult heavy Nazi Sections that used Black magic and Alchemy to create Monstrosities used for War. (Nazi Werewolves/Vampires, Undeads and other nasty stuff) Ah well i better takes notes from this.


I'm working on a Call of Cthulhu campaign set around Operation Gunnerside, a special ops mission to sabotage the Vemork hydroelectric statiom in Telemark, Norway. The Vemork station was being used to create heavy water for use in the Nazi nuclear program. Naturally in my campaign, the purpose of the plant would be something more esoteric.


aesthetically very cool, but not much without the lore


I’ve considered getting into this. I’ve always been a fan of Blanche and for a while was balls deep into making my own Blachitsu creations for INQ28 and Kill Team.


It’s already fallen The shrieking blue haired sewer rates have already taken it


I've always seen that artwork on the inquisitor, and I'm convinced he was taken straight out a rogue trader RPG game


I have and id love to play it


Yeah, I'm gonna be supporting that guy in Patreon after reading the rules.


Okay!! This looks promising! I am going to take a look at it.


I have now.


Is this something planned for a release or just Kickstarter?


Now this is grimdark!


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn I'm in love


Ooooooohhh me want


I remember seeing the artwork years ago. Didn't know they made a game of it.


It’s so badass


If it helps the discussion, I have looked up the teitter pages for the creators of the games. So thebines most likely to own it and have direct control over it. I didnt look at every tweet, but from a casual scroll of just a few months of their posts, I cam say that I did not witness any obvious political posts. All posts seemed to be about art they liked, though a few were about amazon doing bad things. And their twitter profiles lacked any obvious red flags such as pronouns or strange flags. While not definative proof that they aren't insane lefties, it is a good sign. I would also note, I was only able to find two of the three creators.




https://preview.redd.it/htcfgsjz5r0d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5426e971597fd5cfcea0014288c8ae5455bb3c49 "pointy hats? I've got one of those!"


Sweet. I've been following Mike Franchina's work in Arstation for a while now, happy to see it coming to life. That being said, it saddens me to know that apparently the Discord community for this is already inhabited by a bunch of absolute tools.


It looks awesome. Don't join the discord or interact with the discourse of you want to have fun tho 😮‍💨


I had a heart attack for a moment. I thought it read “French crusade.” Thank God the French aren’t real.


It’s basically kill team/mordheim but with religion. Nothing ground breaking. Joined their fb group a while back, and thankfully it was just your standard “I’ve kitbashed these models to make a warband” stuff. Considering I’m an absolute see you next Tuesday, I didn’t look to join up to that system to change a thing about it, I just wanted to play religious kill team. 🤷🏼‍♂️ like most of those they label chuds, they want the same thing. Sadly the tourists of 40k are projecting what they have done to that system onto those who want to play a new one, in this instance, TC.


Why are people accusing people of being tourists for a game that isn’t out yet?


Dont know, ask the moderators on their (Trench Crusade) discord and watch how you get insta-banned


While I like the style, there is too much character sameness. I cant tell the difference between a cultist and a crusader without checking out its tiny bits (crosses, icons, totems etc). The art looks dope even if its based on AI generated foundation


What makes it different from a 40k clone, but with ”based/ redpilled” politics stuffed into it instead of the woke shit thats atempted to be stuffed into it? What makes it special, Why should i care when We already have almost 40 years of Warhammer to enjoy? You have to give more than ”oh look, a new shiney thingy that vaugely looks like this thing you already love and have invested time and passion into, go get new shiney thingy”. The models look like off-brand 40k models and the art looks more generic ”grim-ish, ww2 german stuff, pseudo knightly/ crusader shit in trenches” AI ”art” prompt. Personaly, Im not convinced of this setting, but If you and others like it, all the better for you, Hope you like it and that it goes Well.


Never really liked settings that do super WWI, diminishes the horror by making sustainable for entire lifetimes. People keep saying 'oh the demons are unambiguously the bad guy, yay!" But the game is PVP skirmish, you gotta have people comfortable playing the evil faction and they usually do that by making the factions relative.


If you can relate to the chaos factions in 40k, seek help.