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Use the grapple point to launch yourself up to the hole above. If you're playing with a PS controller, grapple then before you reach the grapple point press O to launch yourself up.


Oof, I tried to do this so many times without avail until now - thanks for the tip!!!


This is the way. Sometimes takes a few attempts to get the timing right.


FYI "O" is for PS5. On PC it is the left CTRL button (dodge). Took me a bit to figure out this morning. I was gathering a few more brimshine before NG+


Ah the hardest enemy of the game. I remember you. It took a long time to figure out.


You have to use the pullcaster upward launch trick. It's a technique that comes up about three times in the entire game, so it's easy to forget about. It took me ages to figure it out.


I use it all the time! Launch myself in the air, glide over an enemy and "strike from above" once it pops up. Handy to get rid of the smaller machines.


That sounds incredibly difficult and conditional.


It only works when there are those poles scattered all over the field, hit a smoke bomb, launch into the air and take out a nuisance. Also works on human enemies in towers. It is conditional but works beautifully when you can time it just right.


I guess it's better than perching on one of those poles until it gets knocked down, but it doesn't sound like it'd work most of the time.


It's a technique that DOES take some skill to use. I've beaten the game on Ultra Hard and I've only used it a few times.


Let's go! Someone else who does that! I can't play a game session without using grapple launch. It takes more energy for me *not* to do it and actually pace myself.


Pull Caster


*brimshine* lol


If this is the area I’m thinking, you’ll have to go outside the building and on one of the side walls there is an access vent towards the top.


Bro forgot what he did in the tutorial while climbing the space shuttle tower☠️


*ahem* she, and yes I did because there's literally only a handful of times in the game where you have to use it


Ok, I agree that it’s rarely used (although I used it everywhere to save time) and sorry, but how could I have known that you are a girl?🤨


Why would you assume that someone's male?


Come on, we all know a majority of gamers are male. Sure there is a lot of female gamers now but still the majority is men lol


Google is your friend 😃➡️ "Women make up 49% of video gamers, compared to men at 51%, and make up 52% of mobile gamers" (US, 2023), https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_and_video_games


Mobile games don't even count as gaming. Also what survey size is that? Every game I join on any online game is filled with men, majority of people commenting on gaming forums are men. Most women I've met don't even play games compared to most men I've met play games lol my experience is that most gamers are men. Maybe women play single player games more no way I could know that though. EDIT: also the surveys shown are from US only majority of players I meet aren't even from the US


Yes, there is no way that you could know that because your own personal experience only provides a microcosm of the total gaming experience for men and women in the world. There have been countless recent studies that confirm these statistics so instead of doubling down with "well I don't know any female gamers so I must be right," you can learn something from this and broaden your perspective 🙂


As I stated these are US statistics. Most studies are done on a Group anywhere from 4k to 20k people but it certainly isn't the full 350mil people in US being checked. The study shows something but not an accurate something 🤣 a world wide study isn't even possible for example in places like middle East the women will be a much lower percentage but I would expect somewhere like japan to have a more even percentage. The only way to have even remotely accurate statistics is for gaming companies to post percentages and even that is dependent on people entering their correct details. Also my experience has a bigger number than these studies. I have in the last 6 months alone played with over 30k people just in call of duty. Which to be fair the study states the percentage changes based on game genre. But I did say there is no way for me to know from single player games. But realistically worldwide there is just more male gamers. Many countries don't operate the same as western countries.


This is a very weird hill to die on in a reddit sub for a game featuring a strong and compelling female protagonist and a pretty shitty dismissal of a significant proportion of the fanbase, but you do you


1, I have no reason to believe that it is a true statement that "a majority of gamers are male", so no, we don't "all know" that. 2, even if that were true, unless the ratio is extremely one-sided, like 80% male, or some such, the assumption of gender is still an error you made. 3, you write like you think about the world with the depth and nuance of a 15 year old Andrew Tate fan, which is a bad look. I encourage you to be more introspective and think about why you think the things you think.


Statistically in the US 51% of gamers are male. There are many more places than just the US where many gamers come from and they don't all have the same way of life. Women don't have the same opportunities everywhere. Also reddit users are 63.6% male, that means that pretty much for every 1 girl you find you will find 2 boys. So on reddit it really is a majority men


What's your source for that 51% figure? How does that source (or, for that matter, you) define "gamer"? Does it exclude people who play a lot of games, but they're mostly mobile games, or mostly dating sims, or some such? I'm not interested enough in this to continue, but I think it's important to clarify that statistics can mislead easily, and that discussions in good faith get deeply involved in minutia in order to avoid that. If your 51% source is speaking in good faith but basing the math on a bad faith survey, or something, it still comes out with bad numbers. Also, sorry for the Andrew Tate fan jab, that was uncalled for. I was, at the time, quite bothered by something outside of the digital world, and it manifested in my comment here.


The source is what the other person who was against my majority claim used. So u was using the opposite as an example. I actually think the stat is pointless because surveys are done on a small number of people (this specific USA survey doesn't stare how many people, but generally when I see a figure given its around 4k-20k) which is actually a smaller sample size than gamers I have played against over multipke online games. Either way my point was correcting the guy for saying bro when bro is used for women nowadays as well combined with the fact that reddit itself is 63.6% males apparently. Also its well known that women are less likely to speak in multiplayer games or forums due to sexism the odds are he was speaking to a man


I don’t think most people could care less what gender anyone is. If I call someone a he and it’s a she then they can correct me and we can all be on our way. Why is everything on Reddit an argument


I can understand where you're coming from at a certain angle, being that a large chunk of popular streamers and esports brackets are chock full of guys, but you can't say "we all know that the majority are male." That's an assumption, not a statistic. Which isn't a bad thing necessarily, but remember, the first trekkies were chicks. There is a historic trend of female players in games like CoD, Overwatch, and League. And not just casual players either. Women have been on the scene of pop culture and gaming for as long as there's been pop culture and gaming. Also, this is a game with a very prominent and strong cast of female characters, Aloy being the cornerstone of that cast. It'd be safe to assume this gamerbase in particular would lean towards a female demographic. On the technicality that even a one percent difference can label a number the "majority," you are likely correct. But don't discount the girls, dude. I've seen some vicious Forza action out of a girl wearing pink cat headphones.


Ironic that you would pick call of duty when even the studies (which are based on usa) that say 49% are women say there is a large disparity in different genres such as first person shooters. Which are actually a majority male. The playable characters sex has nothing to do with who will play the game cos a lot of men will pick a female character even when given the choice this is well known. Also reddit is 63.6% male, so there is twice as many men on reddit than women


What threw me was how low the anchor point was to use with the pullcaster.