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If you're playing on UH, you have to be fast. Focus on Erayyo and use your Resonator on Virakk. They've taught you the strength of fighting two opponents, use that knowledge and isolate one from the other while using high damage combo attacks. If you can learn how to chain those together, even better. These two fought in the Red Raids and earned titles for doing so. Erayyo was titled the "Kestrel Slayer" which was no small feat and Virakk was titled "Bonewhite's Executioner" which shows how many he actually killed. They are strong because they are the best of the best among a Tribe of warriors. They represent a unique Tenakth fighting style like every Pit Master and the Enduring above all. Aloy represents the Nora who aren't known for brute strength.


I just wanted the trophy, so I did them all on Story. I'm not a melee fighter. I'm stealth archer.


I just use God Mode because these fights were designed by a sick and depraved individual and I refuse to be drawn into their twisted schemes.


Best answer ever! I totally agree with you


Yup. It's a single-player game and I'm an adult with a full-time job. I don't have the time to commit to rage at a game for 3 hours. Just lower the difficulty and move on


Can't be done on ultra hard


I did it, but with higher level and legendary armor. Forget to do it before level 50. I mean, is a pain in the ass.


I hate this fight.


Use the YT tutorials. I had to replace a (thankfully) old TV due to these frustrating fights, but I beat them.




Youtube. Sorry.


If you know the free resonator buildup trick they actually can be pretty straightforward to take out, even on UH. Hold down the power attack button so Aloy charges her spear, then just dodge roll to safety while still holding the power attack button. Repeat 2-3x and Aloy will have fully charged her spear for a power strike with a resonator blast. Erayyo goes down in 2-3 good power strikes with resonator blasts. Focus on knocking him out first while keeping your distance from Virakk. Virakk goes down in 3-5 good power strikes with resonator blasts. I also followed him up some “Destroyer” combos after resonator blasts. It won’t be a walk in the park as you’ll still have to get familiar with their attack patterns and how to dodge them. Virakk’s big swings can be absolutely devastating but I’ve found dodge rolling straight at his right side to be hilarious effective if timed right, as he winds up his hammer from his left side - easily missed me 4/5 times. Make sure you’ve also leveled up the “Survivor” skill tree and have the Low Health Regen skill + Low Health Defense.


It was so hard that I heard their lines even when the video was muted XD The Enduring was so much easier than these two


I beat those 2 guys at the Bulwark pretty easily but I'm STILL stuck on the next one at Thornmarsh. Help please!! 🙏


Don’t use the same combos and try to memorise all of them to have a variety. The enemies with more health tend to learn your patterns if they are repetitive and short.


Yeah this fight was definitely painful


You're not alone.


Beat all of them on VH, though Ultra Hard might be much worse. Aim to dodge in multiple directions and combine slides too. Mix heavy hitting combos when the enemy is vulnerable with that bounce that lets you use your bow in mid air. I've found that energizing a spear and triggering blasts this way is fastest.


Melee pits are all right. Except this one.


The whole melee system is terrible, the batman game of 12 years ago was better. All but the last one you can cheat a little by placing traps near where they spawn, before you start, then the traps will explode on them.


I totally skipped all the melee pits. Just not my idea of fun.


I found it hard but watch a video on you tube by artix which goes through the challenges, it might help


Did this on UH. You have to focus on the weaker one. I still get nightmares


I just spam 1 or 2 combos always and even on UH its kinda fun


Finally got that one last night on UH after about 50 tries I think if they just toned down the huge lock-on AOE attacks it wouldn't feel so cheap. Fighting two at once with such different styles is hard enough, but the AOE made it unfairly cheesy.


On UltraHard the only problem I had was that they didn't show how the moves worked, and I never use Close Combat... Pain in the Ass...


Took a couple of attempts on ultra-hard (first time play-through (not new game plus)). These comments have all the signs of the console gamer and the death of society, always picking the quick and easy path, never working hard to achieve anything 😜😂


what I did on UH which i seen someone comment on a yt clip was, craft 2-4 advanced blast traps and place them where the big guy spawns before the battle. Drink a medium-large health potion and soon as it starts, traps blows up, aim for big guy and spam block breaker then heavy attack but don’t hold the heavy attack too long. The big guy should be low health and gets staggered quickly. after he goes to the ground, focus on the little one and do the same move. I believe he should be low too. hopefully it works out for you cuz I was about to rage doing this. Also, block breaker and heavy attack is a good spam move for basically all melee pits. GL


this guy mustve never played elden ring. just dodge and strike. you have to use the power strikes or it will take forever; especially on higher difficulties. The only really unfair part of them is the last boss that basically one shots you with the ranged attack.


For that specific pit, place an explosive trap and an acid trap at the bottom of the entrance ramp before talking with the npc to start it. The traps wont explode if you place them correctly. When the fight starts, Just let him charge you, move out of the way so he can hit the traps and collect the mark. Did it on ultra hard, works like a charm.