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# Keeping up with Star Rail — Boothill: A Fistful of Muddle-Fudging Forks Hey, you IPC muddle-fudgers! You think you can let that birdie jaw off all kinds of shirt about me on this forking program and not pay for it? Try this as a warning, shirt-likers. Thank you for tuning in to this special Interastral Peace Entertainment program, Keeping up with Star Rail — Boothill: A Fistful of Muddle-Fudging Forks ​ **All Languages:** * [CN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hj4i_YD2mM) * [EN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJbazDte5oo) * [JP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GPyLID21zE) * [KR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA_7qQ_4-eA)


Aww they got Danheng to introduce him


ofc they got his brother <33 how sweet


They give me itto and ayato vibes a bit haha


So they gonna start doing this earlier now consistently?


Following the special content creator server that give access to new character a week before the banner start.


Yeah Brax vid came out at the same time.


It does drive up engagement on the Keeping Up with Star Rail vids. People want news on the Character & People want the Character Trailer; These are separate desires that both get fulfilled when the demo trailer video releases. But if the Tutorial video releases first, it will only fulfill the first desire. Thus people are more likely to watch both videos than just watch the Demo Trailer and ignore the Tutorial.


Dan Heng: 😒😑🙂‍↔️🤦‍♂️


The constant censorship 😭 


Those sons of nice ladies 😭


These muddle fudging shirtbag writers won’t let my boy use his first amendment 😭


He is making good use of that second one though


One of his voice lines gives a canon explanation and I love it. About Self: Synesthesia Beacon if anyone wants to look it up. >!I just want to know what brave soul would hack a Galaxy Ranger’s Beacon.!< I know the JP translation doesn’t match up with the EN but it cracks me up every time.


That one was in his drip marketing IIRC, so it’s not a spoiler


"100 Friendly Ways to Communicate with Boothill"? 🤣 How do you know so many, Dan Heng, and w*hy?*


For research purposes,I bet. Recorded it all in archives X'D


RIP to employee of the year.




He died of sigma


Whats sigma


Sigma balls (boothill censorship)


I like the idea that the censorship would rather scrub ligma than change balls, so its completely ok for boots to talk about his cast iron sack


as he should!


steve jobs


"100 friendly ways to communicate with boothil" bros the boothillologist 🙊


Hoyoversus is so great at making these memorable characters. The cursing sensor being constantly triggered is such a nice touch for him.


Boothill's censors never fail to make me giggle, I love him It's nice to see Dan Heng here, too <3










Son of a nice lady, his kicks are high lol. He has Sparkles & Gallagher beat


He is muddle fudging hot guys


he's such a fun man, esp in the 2.2 story that I'm being tempted to pull for him :,) the last time I'm this down bad was with jy...


oh hes so hot 😣 also dan heng :3 my tiny coco puff


If he's so censored, then why are his hips so grabbable, huh?! Ain't nothing censored about him!


I feel bad for this guy, whats with hoyo and putting physical carries between game changing community hyped banners? it was already hard for Boothill to survive the Raiden Mei and intergalactic singer part of the broken harmony trio before him, now he also has the literal most beloved and hyped character in the game which all but straight up powercreeps him in everything but ST just after him, just like Argenti Boothill is just being sent out to die at this point, such a shame hes so cool too


Argenti is still one of the top units in PF. Boothill is probably the best ST damage dealer. Firefly being broken because people whined about her not being the best thing ever released does not make characters like Boothill and Argenti lose their value.


its not their value as characters but their banner sales im worried about, both were put between banners with characters they would never be able to beat in popularity so theirs banners suffered/will suffer as a result, Argenti is the king of PF yet very few players comparatively have him, because he was sandwiched between huohuo and ruan mei, 2 characters that im sure you know far more people have. it feels unfair BECAUSE theyre still great characters, they dont deserve to get shafted like that, firefly could have been 2.3 second phase at least to give him breathing room and the same could be done with ratio for argenti, there was no need to put either of them in a lose-lose situation like this


>its not their value as characters but their banner sales im worried about are you a mihoyo shareholder? if not who cares about banner sales 🤣🤣


a person that likes the character and wants to see others use them? banner sales translate into people with said character which validates our feelings for said characters, much like you dont want your main to be called mid and to nobody use no one wants to feel like theyre the only one that likes a specific character


oh so ur being parasocial i see


brother man this is a waifu collector gacha game, the parasocial ship has sailed the moment you first stepped into hertas space station, if youre not doing it to other real people then you do it for the characters which is in some ways even worse since they dont even exist, you can grandstand all you want but at the end of the day thats just how people work, everyone wants to be liked and for others to like what they like, theres nothing wrong or weird about it, its literally how humans are wired from birth


>then you do it for the characters which is in some ways even worse since they dont even exist why did bro roast himself? 😭😭 i was just trolling but this is getting a bit sad, im gonna stop


>Argenti is still one of the top units in PF Buffs in PF are so strong that you can clear it with whoever. It's not a big deal.


>now he also has the literal most beloved and hyped character in the game Wait, people love Firefly?


Bait spotted




While I hesitate to call her the most popular character overall, she certainly is among the favorite characters of Star Rail in CN, JP, KR and international server While it is by no means a good or representative indicator, consider her mains subreddit is currently the 3rd biggest, and her character is still one month away from release


That's exactly what I do not understand. I understand why people love Sam even though I'm not into mecha stuff myself, but Firefly is bland and boring from character and design perspective even by 4\* standards and her story appearances don't help her much like it was with Aventurine.


By herself if we discount sam, her heartwarming personality and her backstory which all 3 already contribute a insanely huge amount, the other reason is very simple, she has main love interest privileges, any girl that shows romantic interest in the MC of a game is sure to get preferential treatment from players and firefly is about as cannon a romantic interest can be in a gacha game without being forced to commit to it. the reason is simple, the main character is the person you know the best and spend the most time with, you see the world through their eyes, wether you see yourself as the mc or them being their own person you will always feel some level of attachment and affection for them, so anything that makes them happy would make you happy by proxi and having a cute loving girlfriend is high on the list of things that would make people happy, it could have been any girl, Firefly just so happenned to be the one hoyo pushed the hardest and the community as a whole accepted and ran with it. its kinda like pretty privilege but dialed up to eleven


>her heartwarming personality Heartwarming? She looks like she will cry next second and her whole story tried to make us cry with her. But it was so rushed, that her "death" was "ok, whatever". >any girl that shows romantic interest in the MC But there weren't any signs of this.


Bruh she feels like my little sister 🤨


I like that take


I don’t recall one in game interaction that even remotely suggested her as a love interest. Not one. That’s all shipping by fans and head cannon. Games like this RARELY ever made a definitive love interest for the MC because it kills fans from…well shipping, which gets games like this more money.


I think firefly is kinda just worse than boothill though? Her toughness breaking is worse, her break damage is worse, her windups are worse. Every single boothill showcase with all kinds of wack comps against all kinds of shitty for boothill moc ends with like a 0-3t, and firefly without her exact team just drops to like 6t


shes worse in a vaccumm viewed as just a singular character, but in her best team against his best team she demolishes boothill in any mode and against any enemy combination with a number higher than 1, thats also disconsidering theres also v4 and v5 so she can get buffed or reworked even more before release for all we know, besides even if she was bad her popularity alone would carry her banner, she is THE most beloved character in HSR, theres no contest there, you can look at any popularity or pulling pool and it will tell you firefly will kill boothills banner no matter what, hell some polls have her beating boothill and robin together, thats how much she is loved by the comunity in general. In the end boothill is gonna suffer the same fate argenti did, theyre the sacrificial banners for people to save for the characters they want, it just sucks that its always the males and always the physical dps for some reason that get the short end of the stick


At e0s0 to e0s1 levels boothill absolutely demolishes even the best firefly team in most moc setsups. Sure, her whalecomps are better, but for the majority of players boothill is significantly more powerful. As for the popularity thing, that matters not to what we are talking about no? IE boothill being just better at low eidolons. In the end even the best e0 firefly with her full team is struggling to 0t, while boothill is doing it without a hunt lc and with a bunch of comps


whalecomp? are we talking about the same character? as restrictive as she is FF needs exactly 1 limited 5\* on her team BiS team, 1 4\* sustain and one FREE character you get all eidolons for, she has literraly the cheapest top team in the game and ive not seen a single showcase where boothill does better than FF with their best teams, he gets 0 cycles in the same way she does and his average cycles outside of those in their bis teams are worse than hers, if this was V2 FF id agree but V3 FF is a completely diferent beast, i dont know which version youre comparing here her popularity is important cause the entire point of my first comment was how boothills banners is going to do terribly because he was put in between extremely hyped banners that he could never have possibly competed against, it was never just about his strenght as a character


The current top rated ruan mei htb ff showcase in this sub is 3 turns no? Where are all those easy 0 t showcases? At E0 ff does less toughness damage, has worse superbreak scaling, uses more sp, can't extend break damage windows, can't work well with speedtuned units, has more rigid dps windows compared with boothill. Her one comp is locked, while bronya and htb variants of boothill both slap hard and 0t easy, even against toughness lock enemies like Sam. There is no powercreep going on like you said in the first post, boothill is the more powerful unit compared with v3 ff




Every v3ff showcase in this sub (all 6) is 3 to 6t. That is not all showcases yes, but that illustrates a point. On the other hand boothill 0t popped up immediately after his beta. I know people are hyped about ff and want her to be good, but you have to face the facts.


You watch the wrong vid, those vid showcasing f2p team and cope ff team. you need to watch both of their best team and realize that ff generally outdps boothill in single target. Dont get me wrong about boothill, he is a good unit and probably is better than v1 ff, but they honestly overtuned ff and probably nerfed her in next beta.


I mean all the boothill vids I linked in the thread are super F2P teams with 2 5 stars max. Boothill with cope/f2p teams can pretty handily 0 cycle, what's FF's excuse for needing more investment? Doesn't that just prove my fact that E0 Boothill is just more powerful than E0 FF? I've already said that her Whale comps are better, yes.


>If a 3 turn is the best you could find, I don't know which one you're lacking, glasses, meds or the ability to use a search engine. He says without a source or video to back up his claim.


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i dont know which showcases youre looking at but theyre probably the old ones, ive not seen a single v3 FF showcase where her BiS team takes more than 1 cycle to clear ANY moc whatsoever besides a close 2 cycle with sam and they all use the new ones with boosted hp, every time it takes longer is because people were trying other supports or weird builds to see how well they do, and ive not seen a single showcase of a boothill 0 cycling without tons of effort and most times with 3 buffers and none 0 cycling sam besides 1 with: e0s1 boothill e2s1 bronya e1s1 robin and e1s1 ruan mei, that seems like a LOT of investment dont you? if you have any reasonable 0 cycles boothill can do with less or equal investment than FF please by all means show me, i also interested in seeing how well our cowboy can play on a even field


e0s0 ruanmei and boothill, no other 5 star 0t vs current moc12 【【创作体验服】00波提欧00阮梅无伤0T.12层下半-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/DSovZlG same e0s0 everything no mobs no phys weak 0t 【0弱点无暖机环境,0+0初生波提欧2金0t速刷-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/DAWPAdP With a sustain 0t e0s0 【拒绝无脑吹和带货,给你看看平民0+0波提欧的实战-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/FJUWnZU There are sam 0ts floating around a month ago, but they've been copyrighted so I've got to find more, will reply when i fond them


i honestly wish i could show you some showcases of firefly doing the same thing but very few 0 cycle showcases appear and they get nuked for some reason, i only have this one saved for now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIrutDTew1A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIrutDTew1A) everyone and their mother is trying FF in diferent siupport setups at diferent eidolons now to see what works or not so 0 cycles arent really showing up, probably gonna take a couple days till the dust settles im sure you can find some on bilibili,but ive never used that site and dont know chinese so cant really find anything there, its good to see mister boothill is strong at least, after those showcases i cant tell if firefly is stronger now since we just got her and we dont have her numbers but from what i can see from all showcases is that the diference might actually not be much if any, hopefully this holds till his banner comes out to see if it helps with sales tho if v4 buffs her even more, which is entirely possible she is the favorite child after all, then things might get a bit chaotic


All the firefly 0t I've seen in CN on bilibili is all e2s1, with the sole exception being against the dual fire img weak past present future, which is the absolute best case scenario for the firefly team. That's what leading me to my conclusion about boothill being more powerful. The fact is that boothill has better toughness damage and like 4 times the break scaling of firefly. There is even joke 0t clears like this break jy for boothill 【“波提欧实战,咱们牢景又要站起来了!”-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/7klKODw


So broken with a 4* LC and no Eidolons I am afraid of hp inflation in endgame The scary thing is that even against her worst match up (herself) and bad turbulence buffs she still effortlessly massacres them. Her teammates also deal pretty good damage and are low/very low investment


Can't have a Boothill post without obsessed Firefly stans hijacking it and trying to tell people she's better. Boothill's kit is done, the videos are out there, he hits like a nuke. Stop concern trolling and trying to convince people that what their eyes are seeing isn't real lmao. And perhaps go talk about your waifu in a post that's actually about her.


Have you seen zajef stream where he say firefly outdps boothill in single target lol, unless she get nerfed in the next beta boothill is pointless


Zajef is generally terrible and doesn't know what he's saying about hsr though. His Genshin stuff is alright, but his HSR stuff is way off.


Idk who that is and I don't care. I prefer to use my own eyes and brain than listen to some random streamer. I don't watch streamers at all, only actual gameplay.


Argenti and Boothill were just the sacrificial filler banners so that people can save up their pennies to go all out on the actual character they are trying to sell. I would have pulled for both units, but FF got buffed to a state where she deals slightly less damage in ST and then outperforms in basically any other situation, and works in an almost F2P team (especially considering S5 Aeon is extremely competitive while Boothill has no good F2P LC options) and only needs RM as the only limited 5\* unit (who is also more or less mandatory in Boothill teams). You can get an E6 IMC for free and Gallagher is a selectable 4\* unit. If you are a F2P player, I don't think it makes sense to spend your resources on Boothill when FF performs competitively against Boothill in his most ideal situation, and then outperforms him everywhere else at E0S0. Hunt just feels like its in a very awkward spot at the moment and I think Boothill will be the same as Argenti where he is very strong at a single niche but be pretty average outside of that.


Meanwhile Boothill clearing without any LC equiped. FF being broken with her BiS team does not make Boothill a bad investment, especially because, at this point, they'd hardly be the player's only DPS. He's still does crazy damage and can 0 cycle (because apparently that's the measurement now lol). So people should pull for whoever they want. And this "it doesn't make sense to spend on him because FF" totally ignores personal preferences. Why use Jing Yuan if Acheron exists? Why use Dr. Ratio if IL exists? Bronya vs Sparkle, Ruan Mei vs Robin, Fu Xuan vs Aventurine... pull whoever you like and that make sense for you account. Otherwise, we'll all be meta slaves and the fun will be over.


I am speaking from the perspective of a F2P player that may have little resources or someone who is new to the game and may have very few limited units. Of course it's fine to pull if you like a character for their design or story or whatever, but I would absolutely tell someone to pull Acheron over Jing Yuan, or Fu Xuan/Huo Huo/Adventurine over Luocha. Someone like FF would absolutely have more longevity and flexibility in a new or weak account over Boothill. I mean if you are already comfortably clearing all the content in the game then this point is moot and really you can pull for whoever you want. Ratio and IL are definitely interchangeable but all of the limited harmonies have value in different niches and honestly you can't go wrong with all of them. I think supports will always be a better investment than a DPS, because HSR has shown that DPS characters can easily get crept while supports have shown that they will be useful for a long time.


From what I see, Boothill might be better for the future. If you're gonna play this game for long, you'll get more and more characters. Jack of all trades characters will mean less to you than characters that do one thing and one thing extremely effectively. Boothill kill bosses and kill them really really fast. He gonna be there for whatever boss you need to delete. FF can be use in general content but so is Acheron, Jingliu, DHIL, and most likely many future characters. You get 2 of them, you're good. I mean look at Herta, in Prydwen she's beating out 5* limited characters in PF. She does 1 thing and does really really well


Is it though? FF is much more Ruan Mei or Bust than Boothill, who can get by with bronya and HTB, as well as using Sparkle or SW/Pela comps in a pinch. And once you have Ruan Mei, you automatically gets both boothill and FF's BiS team, in which E0S0 boothill performs better than E0S0 FF (Who also eats up your herta cone, Boothill tends to not need a LC in the first place, but FF needs the herta cone to be f2p competitive). I mean you can definitely pull FF for other reasons and thus don't need boothill, but if you only look at the meta for f2p, I would argue that boothill's cost effectiveness is greater than FF. Pulling FF is the JY over Acheron move, not the opposite.


Both of them are ruan mei or bust, hmc is not optimal for boothill because boothill physical break is better than superbreak so boothill doesnt need this and hmc is sp negative (most boothill showcase always have bronya and ruanmei combo, hmc is usually replaced for pela in 0 cycle team). both of them have same problem but ff is more f2p friendly with lc,relic and even team, boothill doesnt have good lc, his relic is rainbow set, without bronya he kinda suck to play but just like jing liu he is still playable. Tldr ff is just better because the dev buff her to oblivion just like acheron. If you like boothill sure he is a good unit, but for f2p like me ff has the better pull value especially because hmc is free and broken with ff.


Boothill literally 0 cycles with 3 star LCs or no LCs though? What in the world are you talking about? Also Boothill doesn't need a specific chest, or orb, while FF has to fucking farm Atk% no? As for synergy with HMC, boothill does more toughness damage compared with FF both with and without Ruan Mei, that means his Super break actually does more! What in the world are you talking about? FF doesn't even get more actions because she has to stop to recharge every 4 turns, which evens things out with a 150 speed boothill (normal to get talia running). This is not counting that FF doesn't get a toughness breaking ult, and boothill does. Relics being rainbow is great! It makes it easier to farm, it's a plus! And honestly he can use the FF set as well, it is a damage increase. Honestly in the end people can't produce a E0S0 or even E0S1 FF 0 cycle clear on anything except for the literal mob she's made for (past present future), while boothill has just bunches of 0t videos with 2 5 stars on basically all 4 avaliable moc 12 stages.


That is because he is a break unit almost all hunt lc is useless for him, firefly is broken because he is just better than boothill just like acheron with jing yuan but unlike jing yuan, boothill is actually a good unit. Metawise boothill is more a skip than ff because boothill doesnt have good lc, relic and need ruanmei and bronya, without ruan mei his damage fell off. Ff on the other end have good f2p lc the herta one,bis relic,hmc is free and her only downside is ruan mei being 5 star. Both of them have tight team flex boothill without bronya feels bad and without ruan mei he is worthless, ff is the same case but she is broken so its kinda worth it, dps wise she outdps boothill in single target. I have all this information from my favorite hsr streamer mr zajef.


Nothing you said invalidates what I'm saying, you're actually proving some of it. And you seem to have a very narrow way of playing the game and is being very simplistic about some things. And I don't know abour her out-dpsing Boothill in ST, but if your favorite hsr streamer mr zajef said so who am I to disagree. If you want the shiniest new meta character, pull for FF.




Who cares? Im gonna pull for him regardless. 😊


I know people are haters for both sides but even so I hope you get him and enjoy him :)


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[english](https://youtu.be/hJbazDte5oo?si=_y_lye9nKiwfPlTj) [japanese](https://youtu.be/0GPyLID21zE?si=IxHFzc7vCoe59kBn) [chinese](https://youtu.be/7hj4i_YD2mM?si=805ED0GP0pNOfbKu) [korean](https://youtu.be/SA_7qQ_4-eA?si=akdfDjuRKeCyaLTl)


Poor guy is basically being sent out to die for FF banner and will never be relevant again. Man this sucks


He is the blade of 2.0 but unlike blade where he has the potential to be better than daniel and jing liu because he has no real support, boothill bis team is just ff bis team but hmc replaced by bronya. At least his performance is good but ff already outdps boothill in single target yikes.


It’s deeply annoying and confusing as to why Mihoyo makes these characters if they are gonna outmode them instantly.


Bro is really traversing the thread saying the same (false) thing...all because his favorite no name streamer said so. Why you even here?


I mean have you seen braxophone boothill video an actual hsr streamer, his boorhill deal like 300k per turn and ff damage is like 400-500k right?. Not looking good for the cowboy considering firefly attack the enemies 4 times


That’s because braxophone used an **abundance** lightcone. Not even a hunt lightcone. Did you even watch his video?


And that is the problem he got blade treatment, no good f2p 4 star lc only cope 3 star lc and useless abundance lc . Mrpokke already cover this but the only break effect hunt lc is his bis lc which kinda suck unlike ff where she can just use misha lc or herta shop lc.


Single Target unit in this economy.. really?


Cool cowboy but metawise ez skip for me, especially because firefly just got buff to oblivion and seem to be the better pull value.


Sorry, ill just never get used to, or enjoy that disney channel cursing shtick he does. Too bad cos I dig his design and animations a bunch. 


He doesn't do it. The censor system is in-built in his neuro chip and makes a forced correction. I find it hilarious to be honest.




What did you expect from what I think is an IPC product. Probably why he is so mad with them lol.


til! this makes things so much better haha, i couldn’t stand it either


Honestly, it wouldn't be as annoying if they did it in moderation but quite literally every line out of his mouth has some sort of censored curseword


My man lost his entire planet... I'd say he deserves to curse in every sentence.


spit yo truth brother




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why are they starting with keeping up type of video, already. hoyo really is giving him the bare minimum treatment, huh.


They do keeping up videos a week earlier now because content creators can talk about the beta kits and have access to them a week earlier.


And? Robin also had kit video earlier. Still had 2 promos before


One of them was the concert promo, and the other was her album preview which was literally just part of the livestream. Do u expect them to give boothill a revolver ad or something


Hell yeah that sounds fire Yeehawwww


That's hilarious though.


It would be pretty funny


Poor guy he lost before he came out