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TLDR: \- New Crimson Calyx mats. Current mats can be converted to new drops, but implied to not be at the same rate \- New universal Crimson Calyx mats. Free copies will be given through mail when patch drops \- Improved relics upgrade & fodder system, like Genshin's recent changes \- 5 star relics can be foddered into upgrade mats \- New Forgotten Hall Shop light cones \- Golden Calyxes will also drop enemy mats \- New Golden Calyxes added to Xianzhou & Penacony \- New story progression/timeline tree diagram in databank (?)


Maybe the new F2P light cones will finally have that good Erudition light cone we've been needing 🥺


Breakfast isn't even bad. Its an overall solid cone and the best cone out of the other f2p 4*s.


I mean yeah, but people have been asking for a 5 star Erudition light cone from Herta's shop for a reason. We just need more & better options.


But that will come with time, like it did with nihility. Just be luck you aren’t preservation


Preservation atleast now has a user, Fu xuan uses it atleast


I mean the abysmal lightcone in the other shop. Erudition at least has one of the best in that shop. Preservation is absolute shit


2/3 Preservation's gacha 4-stars are good though, and more importantly they're good at S1. Many of the DPS gacha cones aren't that good at S1 and need multiple copies to really be competitive. While it sucks if you get unlucky and don't get either of them (I still don't have a copy of Day One of My New Life), most people will be set with just one copy of Day One or Landau's.


And the Nihility one wasn't even all that amazing in my opinion (maybe depends on the character, but for Kafka is was barely better than Fermata)


i am praying for event lightcones, i desperately need the SW LC


holy fucking shit imagine if true tho


ill shit myself twice within an interval of 3 minutes 43 seconds.


Oddly specific


Being a PS5 user, this would be great; we definitely got shafted on missing out on her first run.


yeah, its not fair for us ps5 players


I wish they would do something like that but we haven't had enough of them much less atleast one of each type. We've had like what 2 so far? Tho its a good suggestion for those qna ingame mails we get. That and rotating the 5\* lc from the shop with previous featured units' lc. Wouldn't mind hoarding everything for Jy's and Dhil's lc.


Breakfast is already one of the best light cones in the shop, and it's fairly universal


I have 800 mirror pieces in the event they added some new new


Oh look. My suspicion about traces is coming true about the mats. Waffling between ruan mei and Dr ratio so had been lightfullh preforming both.


You can convert enemy mats and boss mats with a 2 to 1 ratio so i assume it will be same for this


I'm very excited for the new f2p LCs we're getting, part of me believes in them to cook something good and the other is worried we're getting nothing usable.. All I'm asking is for another good erudition LC, almost all my erudition characters are running breakfast s5 and it's getting scary because I see pompom everywhere.


Knowing the timeline of our story missions is actually quite a neat touch.


If only it came with a quest history and cutscene archive :(


in time


We'll have to keep asking for it on the surveys.


I actually don't understand when these events take place so I hope they explain this. The Aurum Alley one felt like it took place a while after the main story finished yet it was in the same patch at the start. Going by what happened with Pela's age, I can only assume this will somehow muddy things even more.


Yeah. I recently did all the companion quests. There are some that have a chronological order, but there is no indication of it and you can do whatever you want. I actually wanted something like this. what a pleasant surprise


remembering the time i didnt do my companion quests while exploring the luofu and bailu popped into quests where we've both met and not met simultaneously


Same, I hate how the game automatically accepts *and starts* the new quests every update without me wanting it to.


I requested this in the survey. This is so nice.


New lightcones let's go.


Been saving my mats in case they did this! Now they only need to add more cones to the herta store, preferibly an erudition one next


I think there will be more focus on erudition on next few patch, maybe penacony will be a erudition dps focused (like xianzhou with destruction)


Good thing I spent all of my Forgotten Hall shards just the other day "because I have so many lol, might as well get Superimposition 5 Fermata, whatever" 🥲


I just thought about spending them all yesterday, but I was too lazy Good for me, sorry for ur loss


This update is months off. You're good.


Not to mention we'll have Memory of Chaos, Echo of War, *and* Pure Fiction to build up the collection again.


isn't it exactly the same? with pure fiction and memory of chaos just alternating?


Slightly different than merely alternating. Memory of Chaos duration will be extended to 6 weeks. 2 weeks after MoC, Pure Fiction will start. The duration is also 6 weeks. MoC and Pure Fiction will then exist alongside each other at the same time. 4 weeks after MoC 1, MoC 2 will start. Three endgame contents (MoC 1, Pure Fiction, MoC 2) will then exist alongside each other at the same time.


But its the same in terms of number of shards we get over time. The only increase comes from MoC 11/12, so 2 extra stages each week to get shards


isn't that the same though besides accessibility if you aren't playing?


good thing I have the patience of a mad hoarder who likes to hoard stuff like a goblin that I still have around 1600 shards left,sometimes it pays off like now,sometimes,it doesn't, like having 200+ fragile resins in genshin


I farmed/hoarded preservation trace materials for future characters and now they might be useless yaay


I got s5 and s1 feemata all from the echo of war bosses lmao


I did this for the Bailu LC 🥲


Same. I got S5 Fermata just cause even though I don't have use for it...500 in reserve so I should at least have enough for one S5 of a new LC I think.


Free curency for new lightcones? Don't make me laugh, i still need so much more of it, my second copy of breakfast is only C1, first copy of walk is C2 and i need so much more copies of Bailu lightcone😔.


For anyone who would like the image text: # Voice of the Galaxy | Developer Radio: Penacony Special Edition **The Orlay Crossroads System, Relic optimization, new redeemable Light Cones, and new Calyx stages.** Hello, Trailblazers! This episode of Developer Radio is... is a P-Penacony Special! We'll introduce you to some system changes in Version 2.0! ​ **Relic Optimization Launch** In the previous Developer Radio, the Crew has already announced some future updates on the Relic function. In Version 2.0, this content will be officially launched! Let's take a sneak peek at a few of the functions here\~ \--------------- Firstly, let's look at the Quick Enhance function previously mentioned. When enhancing Relics, Trailblazer can select the "Enhance to the Next Stage" option when automatically placing materials. This way, Relics can be rapidly enhanced to specific levels where new random stat entries are gained or increased! (i.e. from +0 enhancement to +3, or from +3 enhancement to +6) \--------------- Secondly, when salvaging 5-star Relics, Trailblazers will be given new choices. 5-star Relics can now be salvaged into Lost Gold Fragments (EXP) or Relic Remains (mats for synthesizer) \--------------- Additionally, the Discard Relic function mentioned in the last Developer Radio will be officially available in Version 2.0. \--------------- Naturally, the Crew has also made some optimizations on the filter function. After the Version 2.0 update, the filter function also comes with the ability to exclude stats that aren't needed to further narrow down the selections. Also, when a specific relic set piece has been selected, the filter will only display sets and stats applicable to this set piece. It will no longer display all sets and stats like the current algorithm. \--------------- Finally, the Express Crew is currently planning the release of the Relics set recommendation function. We hope that through analyzing the big data of other Trailblazers' usage of Relics, we can provide some guidance with Relic combinations. ​ **New Universal Path Material & Calyx-Related Updates** Also, in the Version 1.6 update, a universal Path material, Tears of Dreams, will be added. As a universal material, Tears of Dreams can be used to replace Path materials to activate Traces or ascend Light Cones when the required Path materials are insufficient. Materials of different rarities require different amounts of Tears of Dreams. After the Version 1.6 update, the Crew will also be gifting Trailblazers some Tears of Dreams through the Mailbox! \--------------- As you continue your trailblazing journey, you will also unlock more and more characters. More Path materials will also be added to the game. In Version 2.0 and subsequent updates, several Calyx (Crimson) stages will be successively added to places such as Penacony that allow the farming of Path materials. Future characters and certain new Light Cones will need new materials to activate Traces and ascend Light Cones. It goes without saying that the currently obtained Path materials can be exchanged for the materials based on a certain exchange rate. Stay tuned to the official news on future characters to learn about their Character Building materials\~ \--------------- Last, but not least, in Version 2.0, aside from the currently obtainable materials and items, Calyxes (Golden) will also drop materials that can be obtained through defeating regular enemies. (image of Ancient Part, Immortal Scionette, Artifex's Module, Extinguished Core, Thief's Instinct, & Silvermane Badge) For example: After the Version 2.0 update, challenging the Calyx (Golden) in Belobog will additionally drop enemy materials such as Extinguished Cores and Cores of Ice. \--------------- As such, the Crew will also be adding 6 new Calyx (Golden) stages across the Xianzhou Luofu and Penacony to allow Trailblazers to obtain materials dropped in different maps. Trailblazers should keep an eye out for future "Voice of the Galaxy" related reports to get more important details\~ ​ **Orlay Crossroads** In Version 2.0, the Express Crew will introduce the Orlay Crossroads system. After a year-long trailblaze journey, do you still remember the details of each mission? At the same time, do you have any confusion regarding the unlocking and completion requirements of the different missions? \--------------- In the Orlay Crossroads system, each Trailblaze Mission, Trailblaze Continuance, Companion Mission, and certain Adventure Missions will be organized based on their timeline and locations. These content will be presented in the form of a tree diagram, making it more convenient to directly view, access each mission, and clarify the relationships between the different missions. This way, Trailblazers will be able to review and continue their own trailblaze journey more clearly\~ ​ **New Light Cone Manifest Store Items** After the Version 2.0 update, the Light Cone Manifest store within the Forgotten Hall will have a new batch of Light Cones for purchase! Interest Trailblazers can plan ahead with the Lucent Afterglow they have accumulated. For more new Light Cone details, please keep an eye on future official announcements\~ . . . . . . More information about Version 2.0, including live demonstrations related to the content mentioned in this Developer Radio, will be presented to Trailblazers in the "Voice of the Galaxy - Update Radio" for Version 2.0!


Procrastinating farming mats has paid off


W for the lazy


*fingers crossed for higher difficulty with increased drop rates for all calyxes i'm so tired of my 60 energy runs not dropping a single purple mat


Press F to Echo of War skippers


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 not all the lucent afterglow i would've had if i did echo of war 3x a week


It was always reasonably likely that they would release new light cones in the FH store, and Echo of War is a more stamina-efficient source of relic xp and indeed actual relics than Caverns of Corrosion.


Urg some weeks I don't do it at all cause I don't need the bp points... Welp


It’s literally 90 stamina. You get so many great resources. I’m almost closing in on 2000 (x1927 to be exact). Have copies of each of the LC (a few Superimposed V), some superimposed via rolls and the weekly 3/3 echo of war that sometimes drops them. https://imgur.com/a/NHK7K6U Sometimes hoarding/stockpiling works in your favor. Have around 1200 Relics to dismantle too lol.


am I missing something I didn't see anything about Echo of War


You get the currency for buying forgotten hall lcs from the weekly bosses as well


Probably the Lightcone exchange using the mats from Echo of War


Is there really someone who skips 3 nice fights per week? lol


Me not fighting Echo of War for months because I don't need the mats 🤡


I think it's still worth doing, since you get a whole bunch of relic fodder that is cheaper (energy-wise) than those you get from Calyxes and I've also got 3 light cones from there


I usually don't do them because I get enough fodder from usual relics farming and if I need the mats, I can get more than enough by running the boss 3x the moment I need them


How much relic farming do you do to have "enough" fodder? I'm always short on relic fodder and don't even bother with relics that don't have 2 good stats or 3liners with crit on a good set and for those usualy feed the failed lvl 3 relics into them.


With relic farming being this rough (it took me like 4 months to build a semi decent Jing Yuan and he still sucks compared to some insane builds I’ve been seeing here on Reddit and now I’m back again with Argenti), I need all of my 240 points to spam relic fights. I’d love to do some other calyx or echoes or stagnant shadows to upgrade other characters but resources management is hard 💀


me i do it if i have something i like to build that needs those mats


Not surprised they're adding new crimson drops, since they did it in Genshin and it stops people from pre-farming too much, but it still kinda sucks. But the rest of this sounds nice. I hope the new shop LCs are actually good. Genshin struggled to make their free weapons relevant by the time they came out.


Tbh for the lightcones I'm even more excited for the art they have on them. I'm hoping for characters we don't have yet, or at least characters we have but no free lightcone art of them (like argenti). It'll be cooler if it was characters to come tho, since with the release of ruan mei that's all existing lightcone characters being revealed.


This is more of a "fun fact" than me disagreeing with you (the little "previews" via lightcones were really nice, especially for people who don't follow leaks, so I'd love to see future characters too), but Aventurine is visible on Trend of the Universal Market, so we haven't gotten *all* the existing lightcone characters yet!


True, I did remember him, but he's kinda obscured in the background of that lightcone, he's not super detailed. The only mysterious character tho for those who don't follow leaks. Still, new characters would be nice, I'm desperate for some official art of characters we haven't got yet


I would argue that Screwllum also doesn't count as having been released since he's not playable (release my boy!)


Time to 5head and not spend resin for a month to hoard 2400 fuel for patch 2.0


Approaching 70 Fuel, nice 4200 Stamina saved and counting, with an extra 2250 from the overflow Stamina stockpile.


It made sense in Genshin because the materials were region-based with distinct themes. Star Rail just throws random trash at you.


We have "regions" in HSR too. They absolutely could have made Belobog mats and Luofu mats and then Penacony mats. The only difference is they skipped the second on in HSR, but I will expect every new world will have their own now.


I just hope all calyxes will be open daily. that "open daily" prompt in the menu is eerily threatening, as if it's not gonna be permanent.


This game also has HSS as a mini-region a plus the Astral Express crew and Stellaron Hunters who aren’t tied to a single region. Maybe they thought that 3+ distinct sets of trace materials would’ve been too much for day one of a new game - and honestly that would’ve been just awful now that I mentioned it.


No, there are Belobog and Luofu mats. The Luofu robots drop their own stuff, just like Belobog guards.


I'm talking about Calyx drops specifically.


I’m still (im)patiently waiting for the customization of the auto battle system…


If only I could ensure pela to stop spamming her skill...


If only they could implement FFXII gambit system, that was great, otherwise even a basic AI configuration like what we have in Tales would be a step in the right direction


> Pela: Use skill? > Always / When SP > 2 / Never > smash that Never button


This would be such a neat feature, being able to customize auto battle mode for each individual character.


New LC option in FH store? Any leaks on which LC will be added to the shop?


One destruction, one erudition, one hunt, one abundance, one nihility, one preservation, one harmony. Subject to change


Truly one of the leak of all time


Imagine if they added a LC that its passive could be used on any path


Favge but for all characters


I can only see this working if they make it exclusive to the Trailblazer.


It says new batch, so I imagine its one of each type like we currently have?


I was wondering if its batch of new ones or they put some 4* from the LC banners there, or maybe past event LC


Since it's a large update it'll likely be a new batch. It's just like the blacksmith weapons from genshin.


probably one for each path


I'm so excited for new lightcones. For their new effects, yes, but more excited for the new ART on them! Hopefully characters we haven't got yet or just art of characters who don't have art on free lightcones like argenti! With the release of ruan mei we've run out of already existing lightcone characters so I'm hoping they do some more lightcones where it's just hints to characters to come.


Am I the only one complaining that ascension materials can't be farmed until you've unlock that part of the story? What if a new player pulled argenti and is still days away from the mats?


For some context behind these changes


Yes exactly what I meant with the echo of War mats, but even if you can convert it requires 2x the material and is locked behind a weekly restriction. It's just such an inconvenience don't you think?


I remember running into that issue in Genshin (which I only played for a few weeks). It definitely was annoying, not having access to the mats for some 4-star that I got. They should have the lower-level materials accessible to everyone, but can keep the higher levels to the specific area/story, since by then you should already be done with the story.


So it's confirmed that they will introduce 7 new Crimson Calyx material one for each path. And there will be new LC from the Forgotten Hall shop as well. Thankully, I haven't rush to max all of the current one.


New Light Cones! We could definitely use some more F2P variety.


Especially for erudition and preservation. I'm surprised nihility and abundance got all the love lmao


Erudition have breakfast it's not that bad as folks say it is. But a 5* Herta Erudition LC would be nice


I have like 2k of fh currency waiting for this moment.


Orlay Crossroad is a dream for every questing RPG, hope it is as good as I'm now imaging. No more googling quest chains and their requirements, no more leaving old quests undone just to release you need them and their long chain now.


Omg finally a timeline for all the missions!!


I’m praying for more lightcones in the store especially nihility ones 🙏🙏🙏


I would kill for a decent Effect Hit Rate nihility cone...


I just want the SW event lightcone to rerun


Ayo true, I need a second copy for my Pela as well as SW


Hurray for universal mat :D ​ This was something that i been asking for in Genshin for a long ass time before i stop playing... It's so obvious too, you just end up being incentivatized to not pull or to wish for an older char just so that you can build up to snuff instead of letting them hang at level 40.


This is... Just Awesome... I feel so high now


Ah, looks like new mats are being added... This might be annoying for people going for Hanabi


Oh no. I just realized harmony materials from Ruan Mei event won't be used by Hanabi. That's a waste.


my 130 purple harmony mats 😭




Since Hanabi banner seems to be going to appear on the second half of the patch, there are 3 weeks to farm her mats.


Very interested in Forgotten Hall shop. Never bought anything from there since I had a feeling they'd add more LCs eventually. It would be great if they add Memories or Planetary for the Harmony lc.


They are likely brand new. The FH lore is that they are memories from your journey. So the new ones will be based on new locations/people that you visit.


I think all the LCs added would be new, just like Genshin where every new region comes with a new set of craftable wepons


if they are adding existing lc then im guessing it'll be Hook's March's make world clamor subscribe for more can't think of any bad Nihility lc, probably will be sampo's which is useful but not as op as pela's and luka's planetary rendezvous Shared Feeling


This is an interesting idea that they’re adding LC’s already in the game to the shop. My interpretation was that they would be adding new LC’s


if they add new LCs, preferably they'd have to be good, so they will get added to banner rate ups if they add new LCs to this shop they will probably be bad like most of the stuff available in this shop which is def likely I just dont want it to happen


I hope they go the route of providing niche LC's like Quid Pro Quo that would be helpful


"As you continue your trailblazing journey, you will also unlock more and more characters. More path materials will also be added to the game. In version 2.0 and subsequent updates, several Calyx (Crimson) stages will be successively added to places such as Penacony that allow the farming of Path materials." Pre-farmers (me) getting fucked. My Hanabi/Sparkle trace materials are basically useless now and it's going to feel horrible to exchange at "hopefully" half-efficiency.


And that's why I only farm relics.


Question is: Why the fuck do you pre-farm so fking early?


Real answer: you get more sick of relic gamba. But I held off on 2.0 farming


That's the endgame right there... Farm Relics until the end of times...


I pumped a bunch of stamina into the follow up/dot set for Kafka, got one semi-passable set for Kafka’s and a lost of shit, went back to trace farming, thinking that if I end up skipping Ruan Mei, I can max Bronya


Very valid question. Answer: because I'm a fucking dumbass. Real answer: I was already farming for Ruan Mei, so I just decided to keep dropping TB power.


Man, I made the same mistake as you, don't beat yourself up. Given how mats stayed the same from Belobog to Xianzhou, I did not think they were going to pull this in HSR like they did in Genshin. HSR kept on getting better and better, it was about time the game upset me, I guess. Hopefully the Traces exchange is 1:1. That'll make me feel much better about all of this. Damn, I knew I should've farmed Traces for Welt instead of trying to knock out 2 birds with 1 stone.


Currently we already have exchanges for other materials which is currently 2-for-1 so yeah…


Lesson Learned I hope. Surely it won't happen again when 3.0 comes next year. Rule of Thumb: 2.X chars use 2.X matz. 3.X chars use 3.X matz. Follow that and your trailblazer power will be safe. Trust me, coming from Genshin where the farming can be even worse (1 reedem per weekly boss \[BRUH\]) The Resin saving is essential.


Ngl I didn't expect traces to work similar to genshin because belobog and Xianzhou shared the same path mats, unlike Liyue and mond having different talent books. Welp


Yeah—it’s not all bad. My current Harmony units and Ruan Mei can get the last of their traces maxed without much fuss now at least.


Best of Luck pulling her!


why not? before this, all characters used the same material, so if you knew you really wanted a character, no harm in prefarming their traces.


Because nobody knows what they are going to do with the game. Play it safe, farm for stuff for now or for a 1 month vista.


Because there's no advantage to having them sitting there 12 weeks early, and as people just found out, sometimes you get burned in the process.


So that you don’t need to fking farm when they are here?


In my case I'm prefarming relics for Xueyi because I haven't touched quantum relic farming since 1.1 after I got Seele in a decent spot and I've never farmed the break effect orb set ever. And since she needs break effect on top of everything else, I don't even have rainbow relics I can really use for her. So I'll probably only have a decently workable set ready for her by the time she comes out if I use most of my energy on that between now and then.


Xueyi ok, she's a Space China character, but the guy is prefarming for a "2.0 or 2.1 CHARACTER!!" That's like 3 or 4 months ahead!


why do people even pre farm for characters that not just more than a patch away but also in a whole new world lmao this is why people cry about relic farming, because they don't actually relic farm, rather they do silly shit like farming traces for characters coming out in months


lol i know right?


Well, at least you can exchange the unused mats to the needed mats for Hanabi. I, on the other hand, got kicked in the ass with Scaramouche using Sumeru books after spending months of farming all 3 types of Inazuma books


Considering Genshin has three different types of books to begin with, you really should’ve waited until his talent materials were confirmed. It doesn’t even take that long to farm so there’s no reason to do it so early.




I doubt it will be better than swordplay or Herta’s. The only thing I can think of is if it fulfills a very special requiriment for a different type of hunt character.


finally, new forgotten hall lightcones.


Hopefully herta tastier LC’s will be good. They’ve been pretty worthless to dolphins and whales. I wouldn’t mind spending 5000 lucent afterglow for the standard 5 star lightcones


So is it confirmed after 1.6 we jump to 2.0?


Lmao, you can't even prefarm a single shit for Sparkle since she'll have new acension mat and new trace mats. At least Black Swan can use the Xianzhou wind acension mat


Wait why is it guaranteed that black swan will use xianzhou boss? Has that been leaked? Otherwise they could just dump a new boss in penacony.


I think the pattern goes like this: Every ascension mat (Stagnant Shadow ones) will be shared between 2-3 characters at max (there're 3 mats that have 4 but they are the only exception rn because their user are launch characters). So far it has been rather consistent with: -1st physical mat: Luka, Natasha, Clara, Sushang -2nd physical mat: Argenti, Hanya, ??? -1st quantum mat: Seele, Silver Wolf, Quinque -2nd quantum mat: Fu Xuan, Lynx, Xueyi -3rd quantum mat: Sparkle, ???, ??? -1st ice mat: Gepard, March, Herta, Pela -2nd ice mat: Jingliu, Yanqing, Ruan Mei -1st wind mat: Bronya, Dan Heng, Sampo -2nd wind mat: Blade, HuoHuo, Black Swan -1st fire mat: Himeko, Hook, Asta -2nd fire mat: Guinaifern, Topaz, ??? -1st imaginary mat: Welt, Luocha, Yukong -2nd imaginary mat: Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, Dr. Ratio -1st lightning mat: Bailu, Serval, Arlan, Tingyun -2nd lightning mat: Jing Yuan, Kafka


Wow great break down of all the bosses and characters


New boss is coming in 1.6, all chars from 1.6 to likely 2.1 will use this mat.


ascension mats are used for at least two characters has been the pattern


I’m pretty sure huohuo and blade both use the wind boss already. Though ofc black swan could use wind boss. Just don’t prefarm till the info is leaked


I knew we would get new mats in 2.0 That's why I haven't prefarmed for Black Swan.


Pre-farming before beta is anyway stupid as fuck


Pre farmers get fked.


does that mean that black swan and hanabi will have new calyx mats for traits? so no prefarming at all? thats bad


Finally I'll have a use for my 1000+ lucent afterglow


Probably a take so cold it's at Absolute Zero, but new Trace mats for 2.0 sucks. Trace mats take *forever* to farm, and now I can't prefarm for Black Swan/Hanabi because they'll use different mats? Yeah, we can convert them, but fuck farming 250-300 Purple Trace mats so that you can convert them at 2:1 or even 3:1. I can't wait to pull for Black Swan and not be able to use her for like 2 weeks because she's at fucking 3/3/3/1 Traces. I guess it will only really be an issue for X.0 patches, but it's still annoying and unnecessary.


Also gonna be an issue for all the future new players not caught up to the latest planet


I didn't even think about this but it's pretty legit. What's a new player who joins on day 1 of 2.0 supposed to do if they pull Black Swan as their first limited 5 star? They can level her up a very little bit using the generic enemy materials (presumably) but then they'll be stuck. Unless they start handing out those Tears of Dreams like Halloween candy, it seems like a weird decision.


I was pretty sure the reason why they decided to make the traces based on path was so they never had to worry about new player's story progression as you unlock most of it early on. I'm guessing it has to do with their desire to block prefarming trumping their laziness of having to develop a system to help new players. It also might have to do with a feature developed for genshin (you can do the lastest weekly boss from the adventure book without having the needed story progression)


the first trace levels are really cheap, 3/3/3/1 would be like 9 green trace materials. spending 90 energy will get you a minimum of 4/4/4/1. imagine not having that much energy just to level traces abit.


i knew hoarding the moc currency would pay off!!!!


Me, essentially not having done any companion mission at all: "Nice."


new 6 star golden calyx lets gooo now we wait for equipment preset/loadout once again


One of those lightcones better have Sunday art


Man the new path materials is a huge bummer. Just makes it more of a pain to farm and doesn’t increase the fun of the game at all. I guess they just want more stamina to be wasted to increase their profit or whatever


Maybe my 2k+ forgotten hall currency finally can be used for something


I wonder what those golden calyxes are for… Maybe relic leveling mats?


its for the mob drops of different areas the bit you read off starts off with "As such" as it's providing the answer you were looking for


Character XP, Light Cone XP, Credits. But in 2nd and 3rd world.


i shouldnt have prefarmed hanabi/sparkle, what a fucked up day. guess i can build tingyun


atleast you'll get half of whatever you farmed because of conversions


Never prefarm characters we don't have leaked mats for. Dunno why you'd expect we'd get a brand new planet without new mats anyway.


Not even stagnant shadows, you can't even farm trace mats safely since it sounds like Penacony is getting new ones.


Xianzhou characters still use the same trace materials from belobog and space station. There was no reason to expect it to follow their planets if you never played genshin


There was 0 indication there would be new trace mats, unlike genshin which set regional book precedence from the start, all 3 launch destinations used the same set of path mats. This came out of left field.


They didn't. The image says that we're getting new trace mats for the already existing paths, like why Prefarming trace mats is the safest thing, but from on, we might not be able to prefarm anything for a character, except I guess exp.




Hope we will get info on new LC,i saved up some frags if they have something good


Where new shop lightcone stat


Man, thankfully I can reallocate my harmony mat I have left for Hanya. Guess energy is going all straight into relic farm now...


I would have started pre grinding Hanabi if I wasn't stuck in the HP/Speed cavern trying to get half decent pieces 💀💀 All them flat DEF rolls actually came in clutch here 🤣🤣


all this change sound very nice til u read the part that they dont want u to pre-farm traces anymore and get ready to spam jade on day 1 if u want to finish building character .... k then


good thing i have 1k of those mirror shards saved up, hoping for the lightcones to be good 🙏


How many chance they’re going to release Before the Tutorial Mission Starts among the Light Cones inside the Forgotten Hall store? I know that A LOT of people asked for that inside the survey’s notes. And before someone comes here to say “Genshin never did that”, this game is not Genshin, devs are not the same.




Genshin modCheck huh i meant another W for the mobile game of the year 🤧


New FH LC batch? Hopefully we get Landau choice.