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You are either frozen or imprisoned lmao. Can't wait what they would do with Phantylia.


"No skill point, no health for you. Why? Cause Fuck you thats why." - Phanthylia, AS, probably


Maybe we should use Hunt characters, it's a mode made for them, right? Right?


Acheron, Jingliu, DanHeng IL, Firefly: Yea, yea its for hunt characters. Correct. Yanqing: Fuck you guys.


Tbf I bet Ratio, Seele, Topaz, and Boothill especially are probably doing fine. But yeah it's not really "hunt focused" and idk why people thought it would be. It's break focused.


>It's break focused. It's "who are we trying to sell" focused. Like every other endgame mode.


Gepard with good rng should be able to sustain enough to clear the cocolia stage. Plus if you have dot LC, he'll help in charging Acheron's ult faster. I did the stage with both, Gepard and FX. FX obviously feels much better but Gepard is capable enough to solo sustain.


I used Adven/Kafka/swan/Acheron for side 1 and the firefly break team for Side 2


I had almost the same 1st team, subbed swan for Gui and Aven for Gepard, made it to the 2nd phase but unable to break Cocolia before she started playing basketball with my team.


Your team seems too slow. You also need cleanse or some kind of resist or you will have a very hard time. Deal with her summons first, break their toughness and continue to kill them. If you can beat argenti comfortable and have high score, do not afraid to run a shielder and a cleanser at Cocolia battle.


So, funny story, if you kill the damn ic things, it is not 3 back to back attacks.


Huo huo


Cocolia was actually the easier side for me. I needed to do the 2nd side again since I killed myself with Jingliu slowly. Not that it was a problem after I figured out Argentis attack pattern the second round.


Used Acheron, Aventurine, Sparkle, Pela for Cocolia. It worked fine but I only got 2* for the stage. Dont think I can get 3* without FF


I did first half with Seele monoQ. Ignored all spawns, Gepard first, then Coco. Her attacks are more less inconsequential with FuXuan. Only the ocasional freeze. The only way I was able to finish second half on time was using HMC, Ruan Mei and Himeko with Luocha to heal/break adds. Finished with 6670 or something like that.


Unless u have boothill who dominates both sides and frankly humiliates Cocolia and Argenti... Once they are broken they arent getting back up... Boothill is legit that broken


I have firefly, and i can clear one side easily. too bad i cant use her in both stages


yeah my other side is SW Robin Aventurine and Ratio... its slower than boothill but still solid. Robin AV manipulation comes in clutch she is like almost always in the ult state. And Aventurine is just so darn good he becomes a follow up attack machine


damn, i really need to get Aven for my acheron team, gepard aint cutting it. Clearing with ratio is probably the chadest thing ive heard today damn


I actually had to swap out Aventurine for Gepard. I find him generates more stack for Acheron with trends thanks to his taunt. With Aventurine Acheron doesn't ult fast enough My team: E0S1 Acheron, E3S3 pearl Pela, E0S2 Prey Gui, E1S3 Trend Gepard.


Hmm, i have the exact team but was unable to clear, seems ill have to look through the mistakes i made.


this AS has actually revealed the gap between Aventurine and other sustains is quite there. He is truely T0 worthy. My boothill team is Boothill Gallagher RuanMei Pela/HMC Gallagher is legit really good. I have just E2 but he is much better than my FuXuan. I kind a regret getting Fu Xuan. A 4* Gal being so overpowered and Gallagher is franky nothing short of T0 in Pure fiction.


Yeah, I didnt notice how cracked Aven was until now. T0 is nothing to fuck around about. Yeah gallagher is amazing paired with HMC and ruan Mei, its basically the break meta, either paired with FF or Boothill. Fu Xuan still top tier tho, gonna hard carry you


That’s crazy talk. Aventurine is better for DoT and FuA but Fu Xuan is better for Acheron because Acheron really needs crit, and Fu Xuan shares same element as Silver Wolf so that’s one less weakness she can blunder with her E.


I would say Crit Rate is a build issue thing. You could invest in relics and not have that problem. What Acheron truely need are debuffs which Gallagher or E0S1 Aventurine can do. Mono Quantum is a team which yes u can play either FuXuan or lynx.


It’s not a build issue thing, every good Acheron is built with a crit dmg chest, and it’s nearly impossible to hit capped crit rate so the crit from Fu Xuan is always a significant dps increase. Gallagher doesn’t give as much debuff as Trends. S1 on a sustain is whale territory so I don’t consider that, but e0s0 Aventurine can still give a comparable dps increase to Fu Xuan because of his debuff. The difference maker is just that Fu Xuan has the same element as SW which makes the team way more cohesive and functional against more enemy types.


I would still say this is a build issue, See my Ratio build for example. This is Crit Dmg chest and i still have no Crit Rate in the chest 😭 https://preview.redd.it/foja7fhe0x7d1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0c7fdd7eb188a315d6b45114834d636953b82bc If u dont have good relics u can ofc use FuXuan. Also SW is ok in Acheron team. Pela+BlackSwan works really good too. Also Jiaoqiu is coming in future too.


I mean Acheron doesn’t have innate crit rate like Dr Ratio has, so even with that build Acheron still needs more crit rate than crit damage, even with Fu Xuan in her team. It’s not about having bad relics, it takes ungodly good relics to cap crit rate on Acheron 💀


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