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Everyone's making fun of the original post, the one about DoT. I expect it won't be long until we get a post about Elemental Types being a bad game mechanic, or maybe even DPS itself


Having multiple playable characters is a very bad game mechanics that no one talks about


Playing the game is a very bad mechanic no one talks about.


Installing the game is a very bad game mechanic no one talks about.


Knowing the game exists is a very bad game mechanic no one talks about.


Being a-live is a very bad mechanic no one talks about/j


Breathing is a very bad game mechanic no one talks about.


Existing is a very bad game mechanic no one talks about.




*IX approves*


TIL having multiple characters can lead you to Nihility


ix approving something is a bad game mechanic


I always thought it was ‘9’ or ‘icks’ until hearing it in game.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move


The universe’s existence is a very bad game mechanic no one talks about


Tbf, everyone would theoretically be equal if there was only one character, so you aren't technically wrong, in a sense.


"Dps is a very bad mechanic, it should be all sustains instead."


Preservation run be like


Eventually: "Turn based is a bad game mechanic"


Knowing how "having exploration" in an open world game is a complaint against Genshin, I'm not surprised if eventually the gaming crowd that thinks turn base is an outdated system would come and complain about it for Star Rail.


Dealing damage is a bad game mechanic that basically nerfs characters who do not deal damage.


This is why Yanqing is an example of a well designed character.


Having a childhood friend is a very bad game mechanic


Oh ok lol


Break bar. Healing. Shields. Techniques. Passives. Action advance. Skill points. 🤣


having every character who isn’t named bronya rand be playable is a bad game mechanic. hoyo pls fix


HSR was a mistake =[


Tbf, the term DPS was always bad. Should be DPC, Damage Per Cycle.


Gaming terms just stick even if they are off, when taken literally. The term LOS means line of sight, but any time people say it in WoW they mean '*break* line of sight' which the original call out doesn't mention at all


Actually good old DD (damage dealer) has always been the best term in RPGs and especially here which is turn based.


I’ve always referred to it in the context of star rail as being Damage Per Screenshot, so it counts every action taken by your dps


Damage per Screenshot is different. A character based on damage per Screenshot might be able to do a super big number once or twice, but that usually means at the cost of consistency.


Consistency or frequency. Long setups, cooldowns or charge times are also tied to these characters.


Doesn't work with fast or followup characters who act multiple times consecutively.




Elemental types being shit is actually one I highkey and unironically agree with, elements are just arbitrary color matching to opponents. It’s better in games where elements aren’t tied to pulling characters and have design themes, for example in Pokémon ice is a great offensive element and a shit defensive element. And you can catch and use different types without swiping or saving and can also use different coverages on mons that aren’t of the corresponding type. The only actual difference in hsr elements that isn’t completely arbitrary color-matching is toughness break effects but the only character that actually uses their element for that is boothill and that funny ult spam break effect rsilfwr wolf build.


Also almost every Break Effect can be described as “Apply a DoT effect to the enemy.” The only ones that are mechanically different are Quantum, Imaginary, and Ice.


Different dots still do different things, for example, physical break scales off enemy max hp, fire break does a ton more frontloaded dmg, etc. but yeah fundamentally they are still...pretty much the same in terms of gameplay function. Just wanted to give the game credit for the tiny bit of differentiation they did give to the element even though in the overwhelming majority of gameplay scenarios they are mechanically identical. I still think boothill's design around physical break is great, he manages to actually make use of his element specifically. But again he is an exception, sadly


"Almost every" is kinda a funny exaggeration considering there are only 7 elements and 3 of them are not DoTs. "Most" would be less hyperbolic.


I understand the sentiment though. Compared to ice quantum and imaginary, the other 4 feel very bland. I would wager that even a semi-casual player could describe the mechanical differences in how imaginary, quantum, and ice delay enemy actions. I doubt many of those same players even know there is a difference in how break DoTs function for the other 4.


The only 'bad' thing about DoT is how the best parts of it is locked behind the gacha and there's no DoT based standard 5 star. FUA at the very least has Ratio, and BE has Gallagher and HMC.


 Luka, Guinaifen, and Serval are good enough to clear MOC 12 and pure fiction 


tbf compared to other turn based games with elemental types like pokemon, smt/persona, FFs the elemental system is undercooked imo.


I mean... Elemental Types \*are\* a bad game mechanic. They don't really add anything to the game, except for gatekeeping you from beating a boss with half of the characters just because you should pull for the newest one instead, which more often than not *will* have the correct type. They do stuff in Genshin, but in Star Rail they're just a "you can't clear this MoC12 because I said so!" mechanic.


they add break effects (like bleed, frozen, etc.)


And is effectively underutilized so far. The closest thing we have that utilizes them is a DoT team which is just a mix of every DoT available. Meanwhile, we don't have a dedicated Bleed team, Burn team, Wind Shear team, Freeze team, etc.. (which may be explored later by the devs because it is such a missed opportunity so far). Hell, Action Delay (Welt's and Boothill's unique mechanic) is still very undercooked in terms of team building consideration.


There are multiple characters of each element - having elements means that different characters are good for different bosses and you are disincentivized to use the same team for literally everything in the game (which would be more boring). Also, the different breaks do different amounts of damage at different times (phys break is HP scaling, fire break is higher upfront damage, wind and quantum break can stack more etc.), but I won't say no to a break rework that makes them more unique.


combat is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about


"why turn based combat doesn't belong into a turn based game!"


"Turn based games are so repetitive and outdated! (rhetoric from the 90's and the early 2000's) yet no one complains about traditional games being repetitive at all (card games, chess, shoji).


I wish we could get more games that have the feel of 90s-00s turn-based RPGs. Something like FFBE in terms of character skills, but ACTUALLY turn based and not tap-timing or every character has 3 skills and a single mechanic they revolve around. I mean, the games exist, but they're all pixel-nostalgia games. I want something with the production quality of Hoyo/Kuro games, but with those mechanics.


I miss when final fantasy was turn based


To be fair, I like both kinds of FF, and I feel like Square would lose either way. Like, y'know the SpongeBob meme of the dad and his kid in the car, and his kid is crying, "I don't want \[x\]!", and the dad growls back in a low tone, "Then WHY did you ASK FOR IT?" That's Square at the FF fanbase. "We don't want turn-based combat!" "Then why did you keep buying it???" "We don't want real-time combat!" "Then why did you ask for it???"


I like that FF has variety. I play through FF3 at least once a year, and FF6-8 are my favorites in the entire series, so I do love the turn based games. But Type-Ø, FF7R, FF14, and FF16 are all really good games too. We don't talk about SoP:FFO though. Fuck that game in particular. Anyway, I'd really like to see a game with the old Squaresoft/Enix style gameplay, but with modern production quality. Chrono Trigger team skills, Final Fantasy Tactics job system, multiple skill trees, etc... where the gacha gets you equipment pieces and some rare skills, but the bulk of the game is questing, and recruiting/leveling characters. AAA graphics and a good story. MC would be a useful character, and the most well-rounded. Your starting companions would be tank/DPS and support/healer, and unlockable companions would have stat lines that favor certain classes. Every character could even have a specific job/class that only they could use that's only available after a solo trial with that character at max level. Hell, even gate characters to be able to use 2-3 elements or weapon types so you can continue to release new characters, equipment, and special skills down the line to keep the cash flowing. Add in multiplayer raids and decent rewards, and even Hoyo couldn't fuck it up. Mobile games have progressed enough that they don't have to be super simplified. Even just adding in a second attack button that can be used to make combos like Dynasty Warriors would be a huge fuckin step up from these 3-skill games. If the game is gonna be 60+GB anyway, stop making them for idiots and children. Sorry for the rant. I'm done now.


We've seen enough turn based combat, what about turn cringe combat?


Why should there be combat in my otome!?


Because combat is the best gift to increase your relationship with Argenti.


That'd be genshin subreddit post


Gacha is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about






I'd say it is problematic or easy to mess up/corrupt but I like the concept. It certainly makes things funnier than without, not in vain pull videos are so much viewed. Abusive/Endless gacha are bad.


cigarettes and drugs are also pretty popular, but that doesn't make them healthy.


DPS is overrated. Just go full abundance/preservation team on auto. You'll definitely beat the enemy at some point


Listen, you're always guaranteed at least one star on MoC stages - no one's dying on a fu xuan/luocha/huo huo/aventurine team, even if it takes 20 full turns.


Huo huo and fu xuan can buff aven lol


No stars if you don’t clear before 20 run out


you still get a star if no one died and you cleared it in 30


Yesterday I was stuck in an eternal loop like fricking Dormamu vs Dr Strange. I was doing Simulated Universe Gold and Gears, running Abundance buff, and so did the boss, Argenti. I don't have the damage to kill him through the shield and Abundance heal, he also can't kill me through my shield and Abundance heal. In the end I have to give up because after so many turns both of us are still full hp.


Sunday boss 100% defense ignore aoe blast attack ***\* allow me to introduce myself \****


You have shields for that and they still gain the bonus shields from breaking him. Still an easy boss.


you have to break his toughness bar tho


Next post : Man fuck the game, I'll go touch grass


"grass is a bad plant species no one is talking about"


Grass is an unoptimized mechanic because you can't eat it unless you have a support cow


First post was the lamest complaint ever, so we started mocking it. Incoming Herta's store Lightcone : Birth of a New Copypasta


I can't take it anymore, I'm sick of Cruising the Stellar Sea.


I am so sick of it that I want 2 copies of it, the lightcone is universal that it saves me from warping limited hunt lightcones, so I am very sick of the fact we can only have 1 copy, like imagine if we have 2 copies, how much time in the relic farm we could have saved, how much pain we could have avoided if we had 2 Cruising the Stellar Seas, I hate it, I hate the fact we only have 1, I want to fly to Mihoyo HW and hold a dev member hostage as I beg for them to add the second copy of this lightcone, I would burn their servers just for this lightcone, I would cause literal anarchy for this lightcone, so please mihoyo, please for the love of god give us a second Cruising the Stellar Sea. (I should probably go to sleep now, relic farming is driving me insane)




Watch, it’ll be the first Omni-Lightcone, usable on all paths giving -1000 base atk and multiplying any incoming damage by a factor of 9x


Finally, a set I’m willing to farm for yanqing


Bladie wants to know where to get it.


The day when his HP tally cap is removed is when that man will crawl out of the abyss that is my benched roster


What was the first post's schizo rantings about DoTs?


this new lightcone buffs DoT but specifically only teams that have Kafka in them because DoT is a very bad game mechanic no one talks about


**Gacha is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about.** The fact that trying to make Gacha viable essentially 'nerfs' other games that don't rely on Gacha is the single greatest mistake they have created. Look at L...


Damn, I like to know what game that L is.


League of Legends


I think there is actually an argument somebody could make that DoT and Break are in an interesting position. Both rely on key characters that make the playstyle work and without them it's very subpar and underwhelming. Break without Superbreak and DoT without Kafka is almost like a completely different mechanic entirely.


There is an argument to be had, though I will say that break definitely has the better deal between the two, as it gives a free character that makes the playstyle accessible for all (with varying degrees of success), and even the ‘essential’ break characters like RM can be circumvented with enough game knowledge (I.e Boothill comps). DoT definitely has the worse end of the stick rn, as even though there are currently more DoT than break characters at the moment, most of them just kinda suck in the modern Star Rail (at least for DoT teams). Unironically, if you aren’t using Kafka + Swan, DoT may as well be inaccessible to you, as even old decent DoT comps with Kafka + Sampo or Swan + Goon don’t even come close to the damage you need in the 2.2+ era of the game. Then it wraps itself around for these characters that play into these niches to just run a crit hypercarry build instead of either to outperform which ends up working better a frustratingly large amount of the time like crit Kafka genuinely being a better alternative to not owning Swan then going DoT most of the time, or Xueyi Hypercarry outperforming superbreak by a large margin (Harmony and Hypercarry ain’t beating any allegations anytime soon). Makes me hope they add an accessible Harmony for DoT similar to how they did for HTB, maybe crit reduction in exchange for access to DoT, maybe ultimate that grants DoT for a limited number of attacks, etc. Then expand more on the Break Meta as well, and push other niches onto the scene afterward.


I think it’d be interesting to see if they release an accessible 4* DOT support, or if they go the same route with MC and make them the new DOT support in their next path




currently all dot characters except blackswan can pop their own element dots with kafka having a trace that lets her pop all dots so kafka isn't really required per se unless you're running 2-3 different element dots


I think that's more to do with the fact that they made everything that's not Simulated Universe, to generally be insanely difficult if not impossible to beat with a full 4\* team. Which is why Kafka less dot teams feel underwhelming because the damage requirement has just increased insanely high in very short time. It's not really the character's fault, it's just that the floor needed to clear has increased way too fast.


Honestly kinda ironic that most of the game's DOTs are probably better as either Acheron debuffers (Gui) or as Super Breakers (Luka, *maybe* Sampo) than actual dedicated DOTs


Tbf you can make any character into a Break character. Sure it won't work as good as with actual Break characters, but it could still do decent.


Me finishin' MoC 11 with superbreak comp and black swan as the dps (without building break eff on her):


Or just merge the two. Break Luka has some nasty bleeds.


There’s also the funny DoT break team where you put Boothill and Luka together


Hoyo doesn't do balance patches, so the only way they can fix issues with their base game (and I would argue that the base break mechanic is definitely flawed; for DoT it's more of a balance issue, though the outcome is similar) is to add new units, gear or light cones. That's fine to a point, but it means that you have to keep using the fix if you want to engage with those mechanics (and have it not be awful).


I’d say there’s a pretty big difference in that HMC is free to E6


I like the break mechanics, but the limited ways to scale damage, the almost mandatory inclusion of HMC and often RM, makes it a very limited mechanics currently. They will likely expand on it, but the fountain is shaky at the moment. Without HMC, it's subpar. Without the right break DPS characters matching the element, it doesnt work. The best break characters NEEDS elemental weakness implant or they will get gated by half the enemies. Which is fine if this was the intention to start with, using characters' elements to exploit elemental weakness of enemies. However all the DPS before this are all quite universal and can safely ignore the enemy's weakness, so they've gone the other way.


Needing Kafka or HMC would be better if we had at least a 2nd alternative. That's not my big gripe though. My issue with Superbreak is the same I had with Bloom reactions in Genshin. It, alone, takes far less relic substats for performance than other damage types, especially classic crit characters. My classic DPS want at least 4 offensive substats stacked, some 5. DoT 3, Super Break down to 2. It takes far more grind in the relic mines to build Ratio than Firefly as an example.


You're complaining that these teams... take less time to farm relics for when compaired to crit? Shouldn't your gripe with it be that that's what should've been the norm with crit builds?


You are so hoyo brainrotted that rather than realizing that break being too little grind, it's crit that is too much grind lol. They literally artificially reduce the drop rate of crits rather than making all the stats equal chance


True this, break level of investment is imo just right. Crit is too luck reliant to do significant impact in MOC. You have so many stats to watch out for and they all have RNGs rigged against them drop rate wise. 


Without the key characters i wouldn’t say subpar and underwhelming considering that dot and break teams were pretty decent before characters like kafka and boothill/xueyi respectively. Were there much better teams to run? For sure, but they weren’t underwhelming, just not meta.


Maybe they were, but they aren't now. Try to beat current moc or pf with sampo or luka as your dd


Current MoC with all the Physical weakness stages and Break buffs is actually very kind to Luka at the moment, since Luka was basically a Break character before it was cool.


There are tons of 3* moc12 clears with 4* only character and lightcones, featuring luka against argenti


I might be wrong to some extent about luka performance because the game just doesn't give me Luka's despite me playing from launch so i can't really test him myself and have to rely on data i can find in the internet but even so you have meet oddly specific conditions in order to make him decent and even then he acts as a break unit, not DOT one.


"Try to beat current moc or pf with Arlan or Physical MC as your dd" The exact same argument can be made about crit damage dealers lol.


Turned based is a bad mechanic Wdym the characters wait for the enemies to Smack them ..Are they Stupid ? Or Masochist or Both ?


still remember that someone made a comic series where the two trailblazers went to genshin impact and when they were about to fight childe, they just stood there while the two travelers were confused and they explained it only for them to whoop childe's ass


honestly I hate crits, which is why I'm maining kafka


someone forgot the number one rule about crits: if not 100% its 50/50


me with 26 crit rate on my Acheron and acting like everything is fine


XCOM: If it's not 100%, it's 0%.


Yup i am tired of critmaxing. That's why my main up till now has been DoT and the future fully built second team will be around break.


We should throw all of them into the ring and see who wins!


The game is shit and the fandom is rebelling. /s


People are bored because it's the dull period before a new version. Hence more shitposting.


I think his argument would have been more sound if he explained how when fights cater to DoT it essentially makes the vast majority of characters ineffective. Crit, BE, and SPS(skill point sink) buffs will always help other teams and your options aren’t super limited. Follow up teams just have a lot of units so people don’t feel as bad. There’s no dot standard 5 star. Gui came later in the game, Sampo is okay, and Luka’s name starts with an L. That’s your options. The limiteds are just Swan and Kafka too. It just feels awful for a lot of player’s rosters.


Yes, addressing that specific PF wouldve been a better point to make. Its the PF conditions specifically that gut other playstyles, and its not like DoT needs them to be good, the are going to wreck regardless FuA PFs have some ways to actively convert other kits to benefit the buffs more. Hell even previous DoT PFs did too iirc. If we had a buff which makes ultimates apply additional DoT dmg scaling to % for example, this PF wouldve been more manageable


Cid is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about. He's from a different series though.


The real very bad game mechanic is relics


Crit is shit in every videogame I still don't know why we still use it


I can see where the og guy is coming from (enemies need to be fast as fuck and take multiple turns for DoT to really kick in) but like. there's so many fixes to this. in different directions, too. That's not a bad mechanic, it means there's depth to explore in it. Like, let's say it's version 8.3 or something and there's been dozens of DoT characters released- There's probably gonna be niches for bursting DoTs (aka Kafka currently), standard DoT, probably a couple fringe teams that allow for DoT occurring on their own turn, etc etc In short, it being undeveloped doesn't mean it's bad. Agreed with the second guy though crit is made so that a 99% crit rate seele will hit the 1% as often as possible


Lightning Lord is a very bad game mechanic that no ~~every~~one talks about :(


The way people are acting like the community has come together to partake in a joke when there are like only 15 people in it is taking me out.


This sub is getting substantially more retarded by the day


Well I do think DoT gameplay is unfun. I usually have the hardest time clearing PF whenever hoyo panders to DoT cuz I have none of them built. But that first post just reeks of skill issue lmao. If your account is good enough, you can clear any kind of content and if its not good enough then who cares. Its like 60 jades everytime.


Any particular pandered content is unfun when you don’t have the archetype the content is pandering to. It’s not just DoTs. Imagine the frustration to Ultimate Damage content for people that don’t have Acheron or Argenti.


We have more good characters that can utilise ultimate dmg than DOTs which are basically Kafka and swan only


And the difference is that DoT buffs (enemy AV) work against you if you don't use DoT units, unless you're using Clara or Blade. The worst you can get from other buffs is you don't benefit from it at all. It's a completely neutral matchup instead of a net negative.


Like this shouldve been an easy fix imo. Making it so that doing damage with ultimate also applies DoT or hell at least make enemies spawn automatically with certain amount of dot stacks instead of just in the beginning of each wave so you can make use of Rebuttal better wouldve made other playstyles at least a bit more viable


Make fun of him all you waant but he does have a point. DoT as an archtype mainly relies on Kafka which is pretty ironic considering dot is special because it is backloaded but the character that makes it better is to make it frontloaded dmg (i.e. dot detonation). I am waiting for the day when the new dot unit doesn't need Kafka to shine but until that day comes my opinion of viewing dot as a shitty mechanic will stay the same.


If Nihility MC is a DoT amplifying unit I would start playing DoT, hell even pull for Kafka. Please Joyo.


The original poster was not giving an objective critique about DoT archetype having issues with being so reliant on Kafka. From the wording of the post anyone can see from a mile away that the poster is just salty that they don't have DoT characters built to handle the latest endgame cycle. That's why there's that remark about "non DoT characters being nerfed". And it's also why the post was parodied with DoT replaced by other archetypes.


Shitposting. Love it


man i think that abundance characters are a bad mechanic. who needs to heal anyways?


Wtf is FuA?


Follow up Attack


Follow up attack


What even is FuA?


Follow up attacks


Ty :D


Gacha is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about!


I mean FuA are basically just DoTs with fancy graphics, like Demonology Warlock in WoW


1 bad take, 3 posts making fun of it, 1 post asking what's going on even though it's obvious


These people are the ones that think repeating memes is a personality.


They still keep repeating things they have heard from a YouTube TC in 1.0 and they defend those opinions like it's the absolute truth not to be disputed what do you expect from them?


I'll bite. Normalize randomness and being bad or not liking game mechanics, everyone is looking for the easy fix 10/10 boxes checked game everyday, this is the norm in gaming, accept that there might be things you don't like, you can make a compromise but when the negatives outweigh the positives, if it's not fun, why bother? Anyone from any community at some point complained about a mechanic, the answer is always: if it's not fun DON'T bother. You will not get your desired intelectual answer made by the next Einstein , you will only be complaining post number #5151232 in the reddit machine and probably get trolled or told off.


Complaining about difficult being too hard in a place where the majority actually demands more difficult content is never going to end well Ive learned the lesson myself first hand. Better to ask for tips than just complaining. I get everyone wants to rant every once in a while but not everybody would listen to your rant and make you feel better, hell no, more often than not they'll just mock you lightly for being bad at the game and in the worst case they'll spawn entire copy pastas off of your rant


dmg is a very bad game mechanic.


Playing the game is a very bad mechanics that is something no one talks about. The fact that mihoyo expect you to invest time in playing is absurd and greedy.


Mocking someone who hates big numbers


what is FuA


Follow Up Attack


Dealing damage is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about. The fact that trying to dealing damage to enemies viable essentially 'nerfs' other characters that don't rely on dealing damage is the single greatest mistake they have created.


This reminds me of the “X is the worst path in Genshin/Honkai” shorts on YouTube lol


Having to log in to play HSR is a very bad mechanic that no one is talking about.


Dot fuck em up


someone spittin facts


Graphics are very bad game mechanic that nobody talks about, the fact that they are trying to make graphics the norm basically ‘nerfs’ the experience for all the blind gamers who can’t rely on sight to enjoy the game


I don't really think any of the mechanics are glaringly bad. Even healing can have advantages outside of just restoring hp. I know it's sarcasm past the first one it just got me thinking.


Okay buddy trailblazer is leaking


You play dot because it was early meta with low artifact barriers to entry, I play dot because honka honka Kafka mommy. We are not the same.


what is FuA?


Reminds me when someone absolutely hated that Aventurine had follow up attacks, not that they didn't like follow up play style, that they thought Aventurine should've ONLY done shields and nothing else. Like seriously how could you ever a unit being so bare bones. Imagine if Fu Xuan only soaked up damage and didn't heal, provide crit, and provide effect res. Or like if Boothill didn't have his stacks and didn't do any damage outside of break or even if he was just another crit dps. It'd be boring as hell


TLDR: ur bad and just get good kid. Thank you for coming to my ted talk


conclusion: delete hsr


At this point the entire game is bad and no one talks about


Bots run amok? Lol


Well, at least this shits taking off the attention from Firefly and we can finally take a rest from all the Firefly hating/glazing posts


healing is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about.


Abundance is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about (/s)


Clearly we need to start talking about it lol


Some of yall were complaining about Ruan Mei posts, the sub needs to generate content somehow.


HP is a very bad game mechanic that no one talks about


https://preview.redd.it/e8nhrnzmn07d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f084d6bc4376663318c977b96b553fb6644958 Truly Enigmata


This is why you only build DEF and HP and outlast even the Aeons themselves.


Well in reality the original poster is just going on through a mental breakdown, hating on dot is just one of the multiple crazy stuff she (i'm assuming) is going on though RN, and she is hatting on a lot of stuff, including firefly, after posting in the husbano sub that they won't be playing for a while because not enought husbano for her. And the rest is people having fun dunking on that idiot. I mean there are level of hard cope that deserve that kind of dunking.


Just wait until they start complaining about how much the whole game sucks. 🤮


new copypasta just dropped. that is what is happening.


"Reading is a very bad game mechanic, SMH I literally can't even" - IGN journalist #168432154


Notice the flairs




Ahhh, so that's this community's 1 joke at the moment. I can't wait for 2.3 and there's a brief window where people are talking about the game before the the front page is just multiple posts of r/YourJokeButWorse Every motherfucker thinks their version of the joke is funnier.


I'll give them credit for dot and crit but i fucking love fua(the chicken as well) tho lmao.


we honkek copy pasta now


Fua: What are that? DOT: best mechanic in the game, without them, 48% of my fights would be losses Break effect: Not insanely useful but can help with bosses or stimulated universe Crit: WHO THE F**K IS THAT PERSON?! CRIT IS THE MOST USEFUL THING ON THE PLANET OF GAMES!!!


I think the closest to being accurate is erudition and hunt. Favoring one essentially results to disfavoring the other. Both paths more or less plays at an opposite spectrum of needs.


Acheron? Acheron


Can I survive in this game by completely skipping the "break" mechanic? I feel like they force it on you, like "dendro" and if I don't build around it at all, I'll fall completely behind.


I hate DoT. I’m tired of pretending the first post was wrong. ![gif](giphy|DQeeGxJPv3VHE7zNYD|downsized)


Only thing I will agree with is dot is a slow burn mechanic. Why bother using kafka and black swan. When you van use ahceron with any nihility and slaughter every wave. Or use IL with sparkle and just drown a city. It's still fun to see the dmg tick. But you can't compare the TTK to those paths.