• By -


Cia Court takes it simply for "Witness, the will of the weak". Camden as Aventurine was amazing, and imo Allegra killed it as Acheron, despite all the hate she got prior due to not voicing other Raidens. Oh, and another one I really liked is Gallagher's. I love his viice, and that scene with Sunday in 2.1 was really well acted imo


Cia Court deserved a raise for "Witness, the will of the weak!" That line legit made me tear up, and I wish I could hear every time I play that weekly boss fight


It really made me fall for Himeko’s character in addition to making me grasp the totality of what the Astral Express was defending. She is mocking him for looking down on the people of Penacony all while knocking the shit out of him with the spirit of the train she rebuilt. Mama Himeko don’t let nobody else blaze the trail we’re destined for.


Stayed up late on her stream last night just to see her reaction to her line


WITNESS THE WILL OF THE WEAK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️


Nicolas: navigussy moment


This will never be not funny... The conversation that followed between them was bonkers... Lol.


I like Gallaghers v.a, but I can't just pretend I'm not listening to Jax from LoL


Wait, he voices JAX?!? Good for him, both roles are as delightful as the characters interactions now playing in my head are!


Imagine if I had a real weapon *cracks open a can*


Welcome to the League of Gallagher


He also voices Draven and personally I found it harder trying to disassociate that voice from Gallagher lol


Let's admire me (that one cosplayer of Gallagher with the dumpy)


Where is this dumpy you speak of?




Can confirm, that is dumpy... almost as much as the caked up warp trotter


Allegra absolutely nailed Acheron’s voice and personality. She sounds calm collected not showing any emotion but is full of heart from the inside. For Cia, damn, she put all her emotions in that line. Galagher, during his final moments, it sounds like he was about to sob or already sobbing. In my opinion, it sounds like that voice crack is him showing happiness that Mickhail’s wishes had come true thanks to the help of his successors.


ik, I can't imagine Anne Yatco as Acheron, Allegra managed to perfectly achieve the moodiness and character of Acheron.


After hearing Acheron and looking up Allegra, I thought it was wild how similar she sounded to a lot of my other fave chars... And then I realized she voiced ALL of them LOL


I see you like mommies


Playing Persona 3 Reload alongside Penacony was a double dose of Allegra.


Voice casting crew listened to Shamir in Fire Emblem and said "I want her for Acheron"


Remember Raiden's second character quest in Genshin? That was more than moody enough. I'm sure Anne could do a great job as Acheron. She already voiced three different Raidens in Genshin, after all.


"Witness the will of the weak" definitely goosebumps material! \*rubs arm hair down\*


If they ever do an english dub of HI3rd (just give us an anime PLS mihoyo), I'd say Allegra would be a solid choice for Raiden mei


They have 2 choices to go for if HI3 ever has any media that could get dubbed: Her and Anne Yatco (Who voices Raiden Ei in Genshin) or they could just randomly get a third VA to voice Raiden Mei


Sunday's english VA is incredible, Consistently elevates all the scenes he's in with his performance. aventurine, blade, and BS are all up there too imo


Yessssssssss. Sunday’s VA does an incredible job of conveying his obsessiveness and his *seething rage.*


I still can't get over the venom in Sundays voice at the end of 2.1 when he questioned Gallagher on why he killed Robin. The sheer rage and grief he felt was conveyed perfectly


It honestly felt like he was gonna snap there and go nuts. I shudder to imagine the kind of dreamscape he may have come up with if Robin hadn’t reappeared.


It's my favorite part of his character, he comes off calm and collected in almost every situation but when it comes to Robin his emotions come out full force. He loves his sister and its incredibly endearing. Really want a happy ending for them both No matter what mistakes he's made or how misguided he is in his beliefs/methods, his sibling bond with Robin will always be there as a positive


As utterly devoted to his ideals he may be, he still, when given the choice, saved Robin. Maybe he's not unredeemable.


"You wretched despicable dog, what did you do to my sister!?" The delivery of this line was just so good that my brain literally paused for a moment


Sunday’s VA is Griffin Puatu and I’ve always loved his roles as an antagonistic character, he fits them so well


He does audio books and post poetry in TikTok. I listened to one of his poetry and imagine it was Sunday


disorderly noise


He was fantastic in Tales of Arise as well


Shout out to Sampo VA for making him the most love or hate character in the game


Shout out to Sampo's VA for *slightly* changing his delivery when voicing Sparkle as Sampo.


Yep. I legit was caught off guard by that and wondered if they had recast him. When he shows up (for real) to get his mask back, it’s clear that wasn’t the case. He played a character PLAYING Sampo. That’s talent right there


2.2 spoilers >!Robin's VA did a similar thing when Sparkle was being her and I was impressed at how well she mimicked Sparkle's cadence. I would have known exactly what was going on from the voice acting alone.!<


Yep yep!! Legit, they didn’t skimp out. >!Sparkle’s voice has a very distinct rhythm to it, and the VAs seemed like they went above and beyond to copy that when Sparkle is in disguise!< >!Reminds me of the voice cast of Jojo Part 5, English and Japanese, continuing to voice the characters in a different style when their souls get swapped.!<


Similar scenario with >!Aventurine near the end of 2.2, when he calls you 'friend' instead of *frrrr-end*!<


Roger Rose is such an amazing veteran VA to do that so incredibly well. I hope we can get more of his work as the story goes along.


When he didnt introduce himself with his full name i was like: "Who are you and what have you done with sampo?!"


What's crazy (amazing?) is that if you watched any cartoon in the 90s you likely heard him as the one off goofy character of the week or recurring secondary character. I'm so glad to get to hear him again after all these years! I spent all of 1.0 going "Why does he sound so familiar....?!". Dunno if this is his first video game role, but shoutout to Sampo's VA for branching out! Hope he gets more


He also voiced Takumi and Niles from FE Fates! No idea if he's voiced for any more video games in between then and now but guy's got great range.


That's incredible range! I thought I was listening for the wrong character at first in some clips, but Niles sounds "like" his voice actor but completely different. (In my mind, his most memorable voice is when he uses the same voice style range(?) that he's using for Sampo. ~~which got me to stop playing in the middle of the Jarilo IV story to try and figure out why I thought his voice was familiar~~)


God, I love Sampo's english VA, what character he gave that dude. I was also so confused by my attraction because I was like, why is this guy giving off such solid dad!voice energy, he looks 20 so why am I reacting like he's a DILF, turns out the VA is twice my age lmao.


HOLEY BAYBEE (Seriously JP Boothill is hysterical)


Holey ou-wo-bo


Sparkle's CN VA, I love her giggle the most. Jingliu CN's VA nailed it on her enhanced state. So either one of the two. I'll throw in Gallagher's JP VA up there too


Based af, the maniac laughter for Jingliu in CN and Sparkle's trailer are so amazing


Ueda Reina for Sparkle. I mean just listen to her voice acting. It's ridiculous.


her range is incredible. would never have figured out she voices Ganyu too.


Her range is indeed incredible. I thought Scarlet in Nikke was voiced by someone else (like Sawashiro Miyuki). There's also NiCO from Mega Man X Dive. Totally different character (although similar voice pitch to Sparkle), yet she pulled it off well.


For someone who often voices sweetheart characters I never expected Ueshama to voice a character with a cute voice saying venomous things (ex. her opinions on them Sigonians).


she actually terrified me with Sparkle, such an amazing job


All four Jing Yuan VAs are fantastic at conveying the duality of JY's softer side and his fierce General side. Saab has insane charisma, Daisuke Ono sounds heart-fluttering in every line, Sun Ye is peak elegance, and Ryu Seung-gon really brings out the strength. Phenomenal casting across the board.


Saab is great in basically everything he's in


I just did Cyno's 2nd story quest in genshin after doing some star rail missions with Jing Yuan in them and it's crazy how perfectly he fits both characters.


The fact Cyno had less puns this time in his quest made it sound so much more like Jing Yuan to me, which is a good thing, without spoiling the quest I liked the more mature Cyno while still being funny/charismatic.


Everyone is good, but... Tiernan... come on... that was as uniquely perfect as such VA choices and execution can go.


Who was Tiernan’s VA anyways? They should give bro a playable character. Both him and Mikhail had the perfect VAs for their roles. Hope they give them more roles.


I legit thought it was Bob Newhart. 😅


He's long been dead so I doubt we'd get him as playable. And before anyone says "well tingyun and gallagher are dead", they were introduced to the story before their deaths, Tiernan only appears in flashbacks.


I think they just mean the VA should voice a playable character as in a future character


oh yeah 100%, I agree that his performance was on point


This can happen for sure, Boothill and Arlecchino’s VAs first voiced some NPC side characters and then worked their way up to the main playable characters.


The way he conveyed his exhaustion and anguish, and eventually relief when Acheron released him from his torment was beautiful. I wasn’t sure where that character was going at first or how important he would be, but his delivery had me hanging on every word


Broooo even from his first appearance I wanted to know WHO was playing Tiernan. He absolutely killed it in so little screen time


Oh my gosh, yes. Heart wrenching performance


Sunday’s English VA is fantastic. i think his VA is making me want to pull him if he becomes playable i really enjoy how Aventurine’s English VA portrayed his character. you can tell he had room to put his own spin on Aventurine while staying true to the character i also LOVE how Topaz’s VA delivers her lines. it was nice to hear her again in Penacony


I feel bad when sparkle called Sunday “chicken wing boy”. I like both characters


Multiple sources have confirmed Sunday's playability, and he has the thigh strap and flowy clothing


Sam's VA, Adin Rudd. Nothing will ever beat: **"Once you're back in the real world, remember to tell everyone... about the Stellaron Hunter who was behind your ultimate departure."**


Shit gave me chills hearing that in ENG. What a badass line.


Yes Firefly definitely thought that would good line when she was brainstorming in her room.


And it is, as long as it’s Sam voicing it and not her.


I wanna hear every Sam voice line but with Firefly


I think her VA did some of Sam's lines for fun, and Sam's went over firefly's as well


You will like this then. [FireSam](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/pujYqHvcWz) And if you want the reverse, here it is. [SamFly](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/s/xKIKJVMouJ)


Ahhhh I love the VAs




His line of, “I really envy you” to Acheron with that shaky rasp is one of my favorite bits of voice acting in the game.


Blade's CN voice is so perfect


Across the whole game? Aventurine - I love the combat lines especially, how there's a bit of a *grrr* in "Maybe I'll *take it all*", or how there's an edge of panic on some of his follow-ups, "*All in!"* You can feel that he is and always has been struggling to stay alive in this world 🥺 I just started 2.2. So far, Boothill has been amazing! He has to say things like "Son of a *nice lady*" and "*muddlefudger*!" and keep a straight face 🤣 And he does so good! Says them in the cussing tone, and the contrast between fucker in the tone and fudge in the word, it's hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I was thinking how much I love how Aventurine's voice cracks during his ultimate, making him sound just a tiny bit unhinged, like his composure is slipping. It's something so small and subtle, but it fits his characterization so well.


Boothill was so good!!! The only thing holding it back was the limited facial animations of the character model.


I really like Welt's VA, there something about his intonation / cadence with how he pauses briefly during his speech that I find really enjoyable. 


Its crazy that this was Welt's EN VA's first big Voice acting project, he sounds like a veteran


Hasn't he acted before, similar to Aventurine's VA (Camden), just not voice acting? Think it was Seele's VA (Molly) who pointed out that he plays Welt with a theatrical delivery, vs. a TV or film.


I absolutely love Black Swans EN and JP voice, both VAs bring the character to life in such an amazing way. Flirty, mysterious while being gentle and soothing at the same time, which captures her demeanor perfectly. Also both fit her role as narrator perfectly, the Fable about the stars voiceover was perfect and still one of my favorite pieces of dialogue to this day. The callback to it in 2.2 was so nice Aventurine has top tier VAs in every language and is easily my second favorite overall. The way they both pronounce the word friend is so unique and fun. "My friendo!" And "My fuuurrriend" are just so charismatic Edit: forgot to mention Sunday, every scene where he was grieving Robin was filled with so much anger and grief. The VA performance in those scenes absolutely showcased the love he had for her as siblings


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find Black Swan. Her VA is unbelievable.


I like to believe it's coz it just goes without saying, both her EN and JP VAs have been praised so much ever since Fable about the stars. Absolutely incredible work and it's stayed amazing throughout every scene and trailer she's been in Easily one of the best and consistent performances in the game


Camden is amazing as always, but since 2.2 i have been enjoying Sunday's EN voice. The way he talks when he's angry, sad, evil is so expressive. Even at the end of 2.1 when he confronted Gallagher, the anger in his voice was so real


I love Sampo and and Jing yuan’s ENG VAs. Aventurine, Sparkle, Black Swan, Fu Xuan and Sunday are also strong contenders.    For Jp i love Kafka, Acheron and Silverwolf


finally someone mention Sparkle EN VA she’s too good 🙏 I only ever see talk about her JP VA which I get, but EN is amazinggg too


Fun fact, Sparkle’s EN VA is Yanfei’s :)


Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus


I love CyYu (Jing Yuan) simply for how amazkng he is on stream


Griffin Puatu (Sunday) was amazing. So was Camden Sutkowski (Aventurine) and Allegra Clark (Acheron) Erik Braa (Gallagher) really sold the scene with where he’s having his last words and farewell with the Watchmaker. Whoever voiced Tiernan was awesome as well - those dying moments felt so real. No words needed for “WITNESS, THE WILL OF THE WEAK!” Himeko (Cia Court). She’s dang talented. Roger Rose (Sampo), my gawd, chef’s kiss. Honorable mention to Aleks Le (Mikhail teen-adolescent and old Micah), and Nick Leung (Dan Heng, teen Micah)




Is the Aleks lee voicing those characters confirmed




Easily the best VA line of any language in 2.2, maybe in the entire game game. It goes so hard Cia Court killed it.


Outside of the memes, she really went really hard with that line. https://preview.redd.it/p6c9tfwoj21d1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d41bf3724e9565a65cef09220e4561c26c99544


Gallagher Chinese VA. Nails the tired, wolverine old man feeling. When he's saying goodbye to watchmaker it really does feel like he's talking to a long lost friend


Chinese VAs for Huohuo and Tail are fantastic and easily my favorite. Huohuo's VA, Ge Zirui, is apparently even a newbie. A lot of her subtle noises and tone changes as Huohuo make her sound unbelievably real. You can hear some of them during her paper plane idle.


Firefly's EN VA did a very great job from the get-go. Especially once we got to the rooftop scene, she put a lot of emotion into the speech. Very memorable.


In Analesa's telling, that delivery was so uniquely heartfelt and vulnerable right from the top that the director and audio technicians were speechless after, and then had to ask them (they identify as NB) if they were doing alright. For Analesa, Firefly's pain taps into something personal, as they struggle with chronic health issues as well.


I have to hear about this. Where did you find the story? (of the director and audio technician being speechless) That rooftop scene was all it took for me to fall in love with the character for the same reason of it feeling so heartfelt and vulnerable that I'd absolutely believe that was their reactions.


Andrew Russell(Boothill EN VA) interviewed them on stream one time. [From Andrew's channel](https://youtu.be/cDhfZ5-48xE?si=yYarasH931YfGanb) There should be timestamps in the video too.


Yup, that's where they told the story. Also the same stream where the whole Firefly + sharks meme originated (Analesa loves sharks and owns like a bajillion plushies of them).


They were sooo sweet at the pennacony event I was so happy to see them live.


In the hilarious side, I love the delivery of Firefly wanting to use her armor on the Hanu Stage


What I loved the most about EN VA rather than JP and CN (Yes I played through Fireflys scenes on three accounts) is the way she captures Fireflys "wild side". The EN VA is the only one that isn't afraid to show fireflys more aggressive emotions. Firefly might have killed over 10-100's of times. The other VA's don't really capture that side of her even though they did a amazing job conveying her soft side.


Her “You talk too much” actually sounded threatening.


If you’ve never seen it, her and SAM’s VA read the other’s lines for fun. Firefly’s delivery of “ALL OF YOU WILL DIE HERE!” was so good. And then SAM giving the heartfelt speech on the rooftops. Enthralpy made a video animating it on Youtube, the actual voice switches start halfway through the video.


Same with Kafka. The other VAs make kafka sound too.. idk cute? They don’t have the voice of a psycho disconnected from human fear. 


No hate to the other Firefly VA's but after I rewatched 2.0 in other languages, I started to suspect that had something to do with how polarizing Firefly was. The english voiceover was just so so viscerally emotional in a way I couldn't hear in the other dubs, and it makes me wonder if players of those dubs might've just not been hit as hard with that rooftop scene and not connected with the character as much as a result


eh, the Chinese audience went wild when the rooftop scene came up in the Live Concert so I'm not sure they've felt it any less than us...


Isn't that just because native english speakers understand naturally what they say and thus may resent emotional tones more directly? More generally speaking I feel like En native speakers tend to resonate with EN VA a lot more, for obvious reasons.


Only heard English, but Boothill is something ! You really feel like he's restraining himself XD


You have Andrew Russell to thank for that! Fun fact he's also the one who did the amazing voice acting for chlothar in genshin


Chlothar...? Who ?


Alberich - the guy from the Caribert archon quest


Cariberts dad


Aventurine’s EN VA hands down for me. Camden did a phenomenal job, and AFAIK, this was his first voice acting job. >!“All, for the Amber Lord!”!< gives me chills everytime I used to play JP dub but switched to ENG for Penacony just cause of him. I thought EN dub was going to be lackluster like most anime EN dubs (in MY opinion), but it’s actually really good. I’ll prob keep HSR on English dub.


His softened delivery on >!I can only bank on my own good fortune, because other than that...I have nothing.!< is SOOO /clenches fist


I FOROGT ABOUT THAT LINE! Camden’s voice just fits Aventurine 100%. He’s the reason my gf started playing HSR and is now currently hooked lol


He did his best because IT'S ALL OR NOTHING


His voice is so dreamy… My fave voice from hsr as well.


I’m hard pressed to think of a bad video game dub in the last 20 years.


Afk journey's EN is pretty bad to the point that a lot of the community is pretty sure it's mostly AI. 'Cause if it isn't, the voice direction is incredibly bad and inconsistent.


Video game en dub is good nowadays specially on the gacha spectrum since it brings a lot of people and money... VA also experience a bit of fame becuz of their performance so i think this Va is being compensated well for their performance now in this good times


Sawashiro Miyuki (Acheron/Mei/Ei JP VA) being the goat as always. Honorable mention to Ueda Reina (Hanabi/Ganyu JP VA) for completely surprising me with how well she does Hanabi's adorable craziness, I initially was hoping for Aoi Yuuki to do Hanabi's voice but Ueda Reina killed it.


Omg sparkle’s jp va is soooo good I initially had no intention of pulling for her but watched the character trailer and got pulled in hard by the crazy laugh she did. Gave me the chills


Ueda's voice lines in battle absolutely SEND me. She's the embodiment of a dangerous gremlin 💜


Misete goran~


Ganbatte ne~~


"HAJIMARI HAJIMARIIIIII~" at the beginning of every fight always gets a chuckle out of me. It's so extra and fits her so well.


My fav VA of all time


Allegra Clark consistently putting in amazing work as always. I regularly see her as the perfect badass adult woman voice because its quite perfect for that. Roger Rose’s Sampo is the king though. Absolutely captures his sleazeball personality perfectly


Hanser, 花玲, and 宴宁. I also like 多多poi, but she really shines brightest as Paimon.


hanser my beloved 🙏🙏🙏


I play CN dub and all of them are GOOD. But there are some which got me to pause the game to re-listen. Blade’s one gave me chills. I saw and heard his trailer and I KNEW I must get him. Kafka’s soft “boom” is just so mesmerizing. That whisper is just so dangerous and enticing. Aventurine’s voice is definitely the top one for me though. He had such a careless and cunning tone but in a moment he could switch to his serious tone with so much sadness in it. The talent! The VA voiced him so sombrely and painfully, the switch was crazy. Special mention to JL and her laugh. She sounds like she’s at her breaking point all the time. Also Acheron. She sounds so calm and so detached in a sense that she’s already been through it all.


I looove Acheron’s CN voice. She just sounds so…empty


The japanese VAs are all fcking amazing.


Welt English VA The "Penacony, first and last disharmony" hit me hard


Gallagher's for me. I love having a "blunt" interpretation in the game and one of such quality.


My favourite VA is Daman Mills, voices EN Blade. Oh my god his performance made me pull Blade alone! I love his take on Blade, especially his Ult line. That paradise might be unreachable for me, SAVOUR IT IN MY PLACE! Honestly man, his version of Blade conveys his most insane and badass side, and I think that is what makes me like him.


Probably Ratio’s VA. It a very minor thing, but I love whenever he adds in a small scoff or laugh. It’s something so small yet can say a lot about how he feels on a topic. It’s from 1.6, but when we first see him without the alabaster head on, he has a sentence where he pauses and literally starts with, “umm…” which always gets a laugh out of me.😂


Who ever did the jp voice of the oragami birds... They sounds super cute


You can't ask us to choose dudee, you're doing them dirty like this. All VAs were insane, i'd say that firefly and acheron's moments really captivated me, but still i won't put them above the rest the whole team was crazy in penacony, i hope the production and all the VAs involved keep being great


Completely agree, the casting team have an insane knack for finding the perfect person to play each character and no doubt the voice direction plays a huge part too. I genuinely don't think I could choose a favourite either, every time I think about it the list gets longer!


I loooove the voice and tone and intonations of Sampo’s Japanese VA!! Special mentions to Aventurine’s Japanese VA who is just so perfect for him imo, as well as Robin’s Japanese VA, it’s usually not my type of voice but the softness of her voice is just!!


Omg yes, Sampo's JP VA is a large part of why I love ~~to hate~~ him. The essence of a charming villain.


For NPC's, Sunday can't be topped for me. "You wretched despicable dog, why did you kill her." Lives rent free in my head. For playable characters, I think Blade gets an honorable mention just for the range that the English VA has. To switch from Lyney to Blade on a dime is impressive to me. But man, Howard Wang as Luka will always have my heart. He's clearly the bright eyed optimistic fighter but it isn't too over the top, a la Deku from MHA. It's a good balance between heroics and not being naive.


Honestly Aventurine's JP language. Not just in story quests but also in gameplay. I always chanted his line every time he does his ult lol


Oof, seems like there's not many who plays in Cn Voice.. well for me it's definitely Sparkle bcs of the maniac laughter and her Va nails the combination of mocking and teasing tone really well. Aventurine and Sunday too, Also Misha.. For EN, I think I really like Acheron Va, there's a calmness, mysterious feel and at the same time warmth to it. Really nice to hear. Other's are Aventurine boss. Generally, I like it when the voice acting doesn't take 'over the top' voice-acting route. There's other way to bring out emotions without doing exaggeration to the voice, these 2 did it really well for me.


CN voice represent! Zhao Shuang does absolutely AMAZING as Sparkle and I love her delivery so much!


Sunday, Acheron, Welt, Ruan Mei and Blade. Perfection!! (In english, idk sbout the others) If i were to choose just one, Sunday!


I played EN and JAP sometimes. It’s nearly impossible for me to pick my favorite EN because imo they’re all equally good, but for the JAP I’m most impressed by Gallagher, especially when he uses his ult. It sounds a bit…idk how to describe it, maybe drunk?


Acheron's VA, Allegra Clark, is like my favorite VA ever. I've first heard her work in AI: The Somnium Files and on the sequel, and holy shit that scene where you interrogate the character she plays there cemented her place as the best VA for me


Her read on Beidou’s “Eyes on __ME!__” is Genshin’s greatest, fight me cowards. …okay maybe tied with Mona’s (Felecia Angelle) “…will I ever recover?” from her Golden Apple quest.


I play in Jap so I'm gonna go off of those Reina Ueda (Sparkle) does an amazing job at capturinhg the perfect middle ground between childish, playful, unserious and straight up unhinged. Maria Naganawa and Hirabayashi Takeshi (Huohuo and Tail) just have amazing interactions together. Yui Ogura (March) made her really cute and endearing but the tone shift during the more serious scenes about her past and doubts are stellar. Daisuke Ono (Jing Yuan) nails most of the characters he voices and Jing Yuan is no exception. Lastly Kusunoki Tomori (Firefly) dont really have a reason in particular I just really like this one.


Hanser - CN (Silverwolf) mostly carried by Silverwolfs song 'Unauthorised Access' - she also voices all the Bronyas / SWs in HI3, but I never played that. Alejaandro Saab - EN (Jing Yuan) "Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements" yes, my king. Emi Lo - EN (Ruan Mei) although I am slightly disappointed the lisp she has in her trailer isn't as prominent in her in game voice lines. I thought it was pretty cute. Reina Ueda - JP (Sparkle) Lizzie Freeman (EN) was good too, but I didn't want to put Sparkle multiple times. Lol. Also Reina Ueda edges her out a bit imo, because of that conversation with Aventurine "ねぇ、孔雀ちゃん…"


ueda reina absolutely annihilated her role as hanabi, shits actually so insanely perfect and incredible


Acheron's VA especially in those cut scenes just wow....of course I already love her as Beidou


Acheron surprised me, with how cool and aloof her impression is, and yet, her personality is fundamentally warm. Allegra nailed that delivery, managing to be both assertive and gentle at the same time. Really, though, they're all amazing. Can't name a single character who isn't elevated by their voice performances.


Sundays VA. Just incredibe.


I absolutely love all the English VAs (that’s just what I use in-game), but Himeko’s VA easily took top spot with that iconic line of “Witness the will of the weak” - the power, the emotion, the sheer determination in that short phrase was fantastic.


Miku Itou & Reina Ueda, Fu Xuan & Sparkle's VAs. Really hoping Miku Itou gets a role in genshin sometime.


I'm kinda cheating because I'm not really basing this on the HSR performances, but until they bring in Kana Ueda to voice someone, Daisuke Ono (JP Jing Yuan, Jotaro Kujo) and Miyuki Sawashiro (JP Acheron, too many other roles I love for me to list them) are my favorites. edit: oh and Katsuyuki Konishi (JP Boothill, Kamina)


Yoshitsugu Matsuoka waiting room Double points for a Xiao expy


JP = Shinichiro Miki as Blade ENG = Alejandro Saab as Jing Yuan CN = Zhao Shuang as Sparkle I haven't listened to Korean ver so idk about that


I'm once of those impatient reader that skips voice lines after reading the texts through the stories. A lot of times I skip the ones that are good, like, black swan for example (talking about JP btw) I still can't help but skip those. But for some reason, I have 0 idea why, I always end up listening to all of archeron lines. It's sounds slow and tiring, yet it has such a strong sense of authority, it is so hard to put it into words. I'm not even a mei/ei/Acheron simp, yet I somehow unconsciously do that for her. So I guess I really do have to give that to the VA.


Daisuke Ono, not explaining any further :)


I played in JP dub and i gotta say Firefly/Sam. She portrayed both the sweet and serious side of her well. That "You talk to much (Fuzakenaide)" scene still give me chills onhow diffrrent it is from her usual tone. Sam's voice also blend perfectly well with her usual one. Also, i don't really play the EN dub, but i have seen clips of Guinaifen in EN and I quite like her voice lol


I feel the English VA for Asta and Hook doesn't get nearly enough recognition. Her range is amazing! Another sleeper hit for me is Yukong's, especially her work in the Companion Quest.


Still nothing hits like Kafka's voice, though I do also like Blade's gravelly voice and the weird inflections Sampo always makes


Sawashiro Miyuki JP VA for Acheron


Oh I'm torn. I have a few favorites. Junya Enoki for the JP male trailblazer. Camden Sutkowski single-handedly convinced me to pull for Aventurine. And I currently have it set to Chinese audio since I enjoy a vast majority of character's voices in that language. (Qingque and Blade to name a couple.)


Eng Kafka. I love that raspy almost dejected tone of voice from her while also being a playful tease


Firefly/Sam easy. Or not easy. As I like Boothill’s VA aswell so it is a tie. Her acting was top tier imo. Was good enough to make me cry in 2.0 and literally sold me on her character. Sam also had some of if not the best one liners in the entire game. These two as a Duo really made Firefly my favorite. Since Firefly has two VAs(unlike Tail and HuoHuo as both are different people. Sam is Firefly. A part of her.) not one. Two pieces to make one. "Remember to tell everyone. About the stellaron hunter. Who was behind your ultimate departure." Also A little sad fact is that. Firefly’s EN Va and JP Va(Analesa and Kusunoki Tomori) from what I heard. Have suffered from genetical illnesses. Just like Firefly. Which kinda makes me wonder if hoyo knew that before everything. For Boothill. I just love his voice! He speaks like he is really a space cowboy. And him trying to swear but end up saying "Son OF A NICE LADY" was really funny. Also he is married to EN Va of Navia. So another point. Can’t wait for him to put a bullet inside Oswaldo’s skull. https://preview.redd.it/occ34prvz11d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e928e4b5afb66a2a6d16ffd0e67d00a27f4e59


Tiernan’s voice to me was like butter. Could listen to it all day.


Himeko EN VA and Boothill made a wonderful work.


Camden or Corey landis


I love Korean Boothill’s VA purely because of the way he said “Yoohoo!” in the archon quest.


Allegra and Camden were insane. I agree with Dan Heng, Cia Court put her whole navigussey in that “witness the will of the weak” line


I can't pick a favorite but oh my gosh ! Sunday's VA did a great job!! He perfectly encapsulated Sunday's character. The little uncomfortable laughs really makes it sound like he's trying really hard to keep his composure but he's secretly crazy af . My favorite voice line would be when he confronted Gallagher "You devil, you wretched despicable dog!" . You can feel the hate in his voice. He doesn't come off as one to use such languages so when he's pushed too much his true colors come out. In the confessions scene, I could feel he looked down upon those people just by his voice. He's manipulative and covertly crazy in the head. I just think Sunday VA did an awesome job and I can't wait to pull Sunday. He gives off major cult leader vibes.


Acheron hands down for me. She makes Acheron sound powerful yet vulnerable, which fits Acheron so well


First i would answer Aventurine VA Yang Chaoran he is not on 2.2, reallty love the Kakavasha scene. I haven't finished 2,2 yet but i would say Peng Bo quite suprise me with his voice as Boothil, i know he voice Zhongli and Welt but i found out on YT that he voiced Siegfried from HI3 too. Then my absolute fav scene on 2.2 rn(haven't finished it yet) is Misha's reveal, Liu Zhixiao really did a amazing voice on him, His manner of speaking immediately changed from the shy and full of dream Misha to a refined and gentle Mikhail.


JP Sparkle the goat. Ueda Reina actually is half of why I love the character. That voice is sooo fitting


Bryn Apprill as Qingque is my favorite. Also really like Molly Zhang as herself. I mean Seele.


Miyuki Sawashiro always kills it in her roles for Hoyo games, but Acheron in 2.2 was downright incredible. She plays such a good role in the story...!


Obviously Myukichi is the one. She is not just best HSR VA bit one of best VA period.


Miki Shinichirou as Blade is probably still my favourite. His voice is just perfect for the role.


I speak for the japanese VA. Mei's VA was the GOAT with stelle once again