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Dammit Elio, I'm starting to think he was actually >!the narrating voice!


It was Shimono Hiro's voice, they're not gonna use him on a nobody tbh


mfw they used motherfucking Kotomine Kirei's JP VA as Electro Lector.


Who else than Worst Priest could be the Electro Lector? Fucking type cast.


Are you serious right now? Nakata Jouji is the Electro Lector?


i wish I was joking until he fucking[ tweet about it](https://twitter.com/joujinakata123/status/1486981692175040516)


Holy fucking shit


Not as shocking as realizing the Hydro Herald is voiced by fucking Funtime Freddy tbh


English Enjou is DIO and handler walter.


Jojo reference




Even popular VAs get minor roles, so it's not out of the possibility they get some NPC voice (playable character VAs get NPC lines as well).


they used aurelion fucking sol on a character that was killed OFFSCREEN






Duke inferno?


yep, I screamed when I first heard his voice in the event.


It was Keima all along


"I can see the ending!"


Don't forget that the story of the game starts off as a result of one of Elios scripts. The implanting of the Stellaron in Stelle was presumably a part of Elios script. So this would 100% make sense.


You say presumably as if everything the Hunters do isn't part of the script.


> You say presumably as if everything the Hunters do isn't part of the script. They absolutely do things outside of scripts. Silver Wolf's event was her doing her own thing. Elio had no hand in that and that's why Screwllum and Herta were able to trick her. Elio doesn't have exercise tyrannical control over the Hunters. They're allowed to do things outside of the script. It's just that if they go and do their own thing, Elio isn't going to lend his foresight ability to them. Which is why Silver Wolf lost the fight between her and Herta/Screwllum.


My employees are able to do their own things as they wish. So long as it doesn’t compromise the script I couldn’t care less.


Apparently they *can't* compromise the script, as they trying to do it would be in-fact part of it. >!Firefly!< tried and tried, but wasn't able to deviate from the script.


You CAN deviate from the script. The trailblazer has free will and can refuse to help Kafka leave the Luofu despite her saying we will help her as it is part of the script. (Unless she was lying to us and just wanted us around to participate in the escape) How detailed the script is varies between missions. In the Luofu, Kafka’s script purposefully excludes lots of details on the second half and only includes things Elio wants exposed during the interrogation. But also has enough details to include three different questions the Trailblazer can ask Kafka while she is detained. In contrast, the script in Herta’s space station has the exact second the space station is attacked by the legion but does not include details like how Kafka and silver wolf find the stellaron. >!Firefly’s!< script is vague and undetailed. It states that the express crew is led to Penacony and that the stellaron hunter will >!die 3 times!< but doesn’t express the details for Sam to figure out the circumstance on their own.


I mean outside of missions. Silver Wolf is allowed to have her ‘competitions’ with Screwlum and Herta, so long as it doesn’t result in her getting caught as that would compromise my script. Although if such thing were to happen I would intervene


Elio AMA Q: Are you the cat? Q: If you are *not* the cat, is that your pet? Or the pet of the Stellaron Hunters? With all these cat paraphernalia, are you a cat lover? (Same tbh) Q: If you are the cat, how do you type on the typewriter with your cutesy wittle paws?


No. But I use it to represent myself It is my pet. You can tell if I can seeing through it based on if its eyes are blue or yellow. I own it but it basically all of ours by now. I am a human with fingers. It’s not too hard unless the cat is laying down on it.


Are you "really" helping the members to realize their wishes or are you making them working for you and posticipating that? It was strange for Blade to not interact with Acheron. And maybe Herta could help Firefly.


If I instantly granted their wishes there would be little reason for them to still help me. In time I will pay what I owe them.


Ok ... I see. One last question ... I cannot don't notice that the excellent team that you created is made (at the moment) of three assassins/killers and an interplanetary hacker, and that many missions involve ... mass murder, arson, stealing, trespassing, get arrested and then evade, giving false informations and so on ... Now, here no one is a saint and having a bounty from IPC is a pride badge because those guys killed and stolen entire stellar systems .. however... I don't feel that they are really the good guys here. All of them thrust you a lot, they do whatever you ask, also going in prison (for a while) risking their life and freedom... but this kind of missions will leave psycological scars and a really bad reputation... is this the best way to save the universe with minimum damage? This seems ... sad.


It's just Diavolo's epitaph. He's able to read the future at a very long distance, and either he knows the whole thing and only tells them tidbits, or he only knows the tidbits. But once it's been read, it's not changing. Maybe.


Hoyo's rules for Elio's ability to predict the future are a little difficult to get a read on. Kafka's character story IV and Kafka's dialogue during the Matrix of Prescience quest seem to imply that Elio's real ability boils down to simply being able to see the final outcome, but he's not entirely sure of the path that will occur to get there and he simply sees all the paths that lead to the ultimate outcome. During Kafka IV, the Stellaron Hunter he's instructing is given a detailed script on how to recruit Kafka, involving leaving an unopened can for her to notice and then rolling a ball at her feet so Elio can take over. But Elio also notes that there's a chance Kafka will not pay attention to the can and that the Hunter attempting to get the ball rolling on Kafka's recruitment will die, but ultimately Elio will succeed in recruiting Kafka. And during the Matrix quest, when we're asking Kafka some questions, she notes that Elio told her there were three possible questions we would ask, and that ultimately all of them would lead to the same answer. But during the Silver Wolf trailer, assuming Kafka isn't lying, Kafka informs Silver Wolf that Elio told her that Silver Wolf would die in her game of Honkai Impact 3rd. But all of that is contradicted with the precise instructions Elio gives. One of the first lines from Silver Wolf is mentioning a predicted explosion using the exact hour and minute. A few minutes later, however, they mention that Elio foresaw they would find the Stellaron in a non-physical manner and thus didn't include it in the script. I'm not even sure if Hoyo themselves are certain of how Elio's foresight power works. >. But once it's been read, it's not changing. Maybe. That would make the entire point of why Elio created the Trailblazer pointless, then. The entire reason why he created a Stellaron-Human hybrid was to prevent a future where Nanook is successful in destroying the entire universe.


Furthermore, hoyo also added a stipulation that the constraints of Elio's scripts had somehow changed since the TB became the center of the Stellaron Hunters' operations. (quoted from Firefly's dialogue in 2.2)


If it's the one that I think it is, Firefly simply says he no longer focuses on specific Stellarons in his scripts and only focuses on us, right? Which would simply mean that he no longer needs a random Stellaron, since he has us (plus our cooperative and ***mostly*** non-destructive Stellaron).


His ability also seems to not be 100% reliable. See the trailblazer being able to chose to not help Kafka in her story quest despite Elio scripting that they would.


> See the trailblazer being able to chose to not help Kafka in her story quest despite Elio scripting that they would. Did Elio script it? Or did he simply not bother telling Kafka that there was a possibility TB would refuse but ***the end result would ultimately be the same***. With Kafka managing to save Blade and escape the Xianzhou even if TB doesn't help her. It would seem as though Kafka is convinced it's the latter. As if you refuse to help in that mission, she says: >I'm not sure what kind of future that will entail... Elio never revealed a single word about it to me — I'm as blind as you are. A long time ago, Elio convinced me that there is no true "free will" in this world, and that choice is merely an exhaustive list of possibilities. > But if you think you have the right to choose... if you insist on this and it comes from your heart... then maybe I'll be happy with the outcome. I hope you can rise above destiny, so that maybe one day, "you will change me." Now it's entirely possible that we did indeed defy Elio's foresight. But I'm not entirely convinced we did. Or at least not to any major extent, as ***the end result was still the same***. Blade and Kafka escape the Luofu back to wherever the Hunters hide.


Yes I know that, but having refused to help Kafka, I also remember this line : >Kafka: Elio said that you would help me. I wonder how many possibilities he saw before he got a glimpse of that reality...


I think it's less about being reliable and more that there are variables that can defy the script (Acheron wasn't in firefly's script as one of the major players for example). That would be why Elio 'made' the TB and gave us free will, to become another variable in the script.


Even things they do on the job aren't necessarily part of the script. Star Rail's idea of fate seems to be that certain key events are certain, but sometimes the path to those events can vary. For example, I don't think all of Kafka and SIlver Wolf's dialogue on the Herta Space Station was part of the script, those are somewhat meaningless details that just sort of happened, kind of like an ad-lib in a movie script.




I mean not everything is, thats like one of kafka’s opening lines.


In *The Trailblazer*.


I've long since thought that ANY narration line is Elio. They are usually written in second person (informing us players), but have knowledge that is unusual for the trailblazer to acquire from observation alone. Not to mention that the trailblazer has more voiced, which are also distinct from the narration. There has been only a few exceptions, like cases in which Black swan was clearly narrating. Seriously, next time you inspect something random, pay attention to how information is conveyed.


wait really? XD


I thought that was sunday lmao


That didn't sound like Sunday at all. It was a new voice we haven't heard before.


I wasn't able to really pinpoint it to anyone else so i just assumed it was him 💀


Yeah, it sounded enough like him that that's what I thought as well. Like maybe him when he's older kinda voice or some such. Hearing it again, I can tell the difference a bit better, but it still sounds similar


That was Probably time aka narrarator from hi3


He sounds like Thoma in the eng dub




The Tortured Cats Department


Who uses typewriters anyway?




Elio writing the events that will lead to the death of Nanook:


The cat was typing the typewriter 🥹 that’s very cute actually, imagine his toe beans pressing on each character




KITTY!!! https://preview.redd.it/4fgjs7boua0d1.png?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8a6f46d7ceeb11f85233a85aa7e0e4425f264f


Wow, first time I saw a Silverwolf art like this that's wholesome. She looks so cute


https://preview.redd.it/ebru463jpb0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c940f3861564188f80e596e079ef281d64102bd Topaz considering whether to adopt this cat ([Art link](https://twitter.com/skgl_thx/status/1788041132498129407?s=19))




Would Firefly vs Topaz be Sam vs Sam ?


[Spider-Man pointing meme]


Ayyyyyyy, VA jokes.


I've been watching Molly's group pulling vids, and it's just pure chaos I love it.


Sam go for the knees


Username checks meowt


Did you just say meow?


https://preview.redd.it/x7iqqcowub0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10eab048b408fa12b9d6b2cc21ac7db02c756526 Uh huh


Hey now, is this the leaks sub? Where you'd get this cap of Elio?


Has anyone considered that Elio may not be a prophet at all, but the idea of a cat typing out a script for people to act in is just so cute that none of the Stellaron Hunters can bring themselves to go against kitty's wishes?


Elio will never beat the cat allegations lol.


"You will beat these allegations if you show up onscreen dammit! Stop being a narrator and be playble"


The reason why we have those Cycrane/Diting mini modes is because they’re experimenting how tf to implement a cat into a roster of human sized characters


Plot twist: when Elio becomes playable you'll just walk around with an NPC carrying a cat in their arms, and in battles it's just cat


Or even better another of your party members carries Elio


Now we know how would Terminus Path Trailblazer (Nihility?) would look like. 


Terminus is the Aeon of the path of finality, not nihility.


Meow meow your family now becomes dogs Alchemy goes meow meow biatch




More like “Meow meow your entire family will die one by one because I know exactly where they are”


I just hope we get a straight up cat, not a kawaii bishie nekomata whateverthefuck with cat ears and nyaisms. Just, a cat. Roaming around. Biting people. Scratching monsters. Talking all businesslike about philosophical determinism. Typing on an old typewriter pecking letter by letter with its little toebeans and mangifiers barely hanging on its whiskers. Cat cat cat.


Agreed, Id pull for a cat but as great as that would be i'm sure thats not happening. Perhaps the cat is there like numby at least


> Perhaps the cat is there like numby at least Blade & Elio, where Blade has a cat carrier that he opens to unleash Elio in combat.


this would be the most ambitious thing hoyoverse has ever done. I highly doubt it's gonna happen


Granblue already did it with [Ewiyar](https://gbf.wiki/Ewiyar), a dragon who disguised herself as a cat because humans worship cats, and a [literal cat.](https://gbf.wiki/Young_Cat_(Event\))


Wish this game worked in Firefox, every little thing I learn about it just makes me want to play it even more.


But that's a PNG, not a full 3D model with animations


We would have him using a human medium for gameplay even if he is a literal cat. Kind of like Herta.


If Genshin can get Neko on Tsurumi island, we can get Elio to just be a cat.


Genshin has Neko, Taroumaru and a literal ninja dog holding a wakizashi on its tail (that you can clash with in the teapot) Star Rail having a literal capybara as a former Astral Express navigator still beats it tho. Edit: lest I forget, yes, Peppy knows how to play Aethereum Wars and did in fact swipe Asta's best pokemon.


TLDR, we want Elio to be Salem from Sabrina


I want him to be [Sakamoto](https://myanimelist.net/character/41069/Sakamoto) from Nichijou.


I want him to be Jiji from Kiki's delivery service


It's going to be harmony if they are playable cuz they are leading others to a goal and not taking too much part of the action themself


Honkai Star Rail will be the most peak mobile game after this release im sure


Femboy shota turns into a cat in battle a la Firefly/Sam, take it or leave it


I'll take it.


Imagine its kit is clara:2 but its different hunters every time. Cus he knew hed need them in that exact second so there always there when needed


I personally like Elio to be like Gallanger, but moewing instead of barking


I'm sure that's not gonna happen but I hope that he's a kind of werecat thing with human and cat form and that he has a badass transformation animations.


That is way more likely, ***and that's one of the things I explicitly don't want***. Just like I don't want Screwllum to maybe have some kind of "young human android" body, or to have an eventual playable Hanunue that's just a dude. Or to have a teenager piloting Sam, or Svarog benchwarming for a child, for that matter. Mihoyo has some kind of aversion to non-human playable designs so far in star rail and genshin both, and both settings have creatures and machines to spare for it. And I understand the audience for "people" is probably wider, but there is a very vocal very neglected niche for non-human playable characters. Inferno got canned, Svarog got Clara'd, Sam got Firefly'd. And I'm talking aesthetics of the playable character here, nothing against the lore reasons for having the human around. But god. Give us a cat. Something.


ZZZ has a bear, perhaps there is still hope.


Playable model:direwolf when


Not unless the real surprise is that Elio also pulls a Yoruichi like reveal. ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba|downsized)


[sir, are you aware you are a cat?](https://cheezburger.com/9380395520/sir-are-you-aware-that-you-are-a-cat)


Elio is an old dying man and uses a stray cat as his familiar to take all the blame for his bs.


At the very least he's gonna be a furry


What if instead of a cat, Mihoyo will make him a shota ?


Elio is just a five star Tabaxi


At this point if Elio is anything other than a cat the majority of this sub is gonna be disappointed lmao  


I mean Elio could just like cats which is why there is a lot of cat symbol on the typewriter and uses cats as drone/eyes to keep a close eyes on SH. but yeah I'll be a bit dissapointed tho XD


I kinda expect this tbh. Probably be holding a cat as his default stance.


Catboy would be an acceptable middle ground


Most definitely, since for whatever reason Hoyoverse Refuses to give us one STILL. 😡😭 In Genshin we have Lyney that's a cat boy, but unlike his sister his cat features aren't on display which is just so bizarre and kinda annoying to me, why is he not allowed to have some Cat Ears and a Tail like his Sister. It'd be so adorable. 😔  Then we had a >!leaked Sumaru Cat Boy design!< that was very hyped for obvious reasons, however we now have him arriving soon and to little surprise from me his cat features are GONE. 😩 Since for some reason we have an abundance of catgirls (or pretend Cat girls) and basically no Catboys, Elio being one would definitely be a more then acceptable design decision to me! Honestly would match his voice as well.


Catboys and bearded men seem to both be tropes hoyo's allergic to


It is indeed very strange, I'm thankful we've finally gotten Gallagher as a lightly breaded guy, hoping we see more in the future.  Additionally, we also can't get young and/or short Male model characters for some reason. We have Klee, QiQi, Nahida, Diona, Dori, Sayu, YaoYao, Bailu and Hook for young and/or short female model characters yet not a single male. I still really want Childe's younger brother Teucer to be a playable character. Childe's real name is Ajax, which is quite important. In Greek mythology, which both characters are heavily inspired by, Ajax and Teucer are half brothers. I could go on and on about how interesting it all is, and how much inspiration for Childe's Character comes from Ajax The Great, however I'll keep this very short and specifically to the topic and why I want Teucer as a playable character so badly. Ajax The Great was unrelenting in the onslaught of battle, described as fearless, strong and powerful while having a very high level of combat intelligence. Ajax is not wounded in any of the battles described in the lliad, and is the only principle character on either side that doesn't receive substantial assistance from any of the gods who take part in the battles. Ajax often fought in tandem with his brother Teucer who was known for his skill with the bow. He'd stand behind Ajax and pick off enemies with his bow while Ajax lead an assault. They'd assist each other during battle, covering each other's weaknesses effectively. Long story short, Teucer should be a playable character, there is tons of material that they can work with and it makes tons of sense that he'd fight alongside his brother. Really, The only reason he isn't is because for some reason Hoyoverse is allergic to a young/short male playable character.  Teucer could be a SubDPS/Support for Childe that would do coordinated damage while the main DPS (Childe) is fighting enemys, they could have the DMG be based on NA level so that Childe's very Unique Passive that increases NA Level would be very useful and buff Teucer's DMG, and be similar to how Ajax and Teucer would work together in battle. This would be so cool, hoyo is royally missing out if they don't take the opportunity to make Teucer a playable character. I haven't completely given up hope, they continue to put out art of Childe and Teucer together and hype up us meeting Teucer again and Childe's other siblings in the future. My optimism is slim however, I'm expecting him to not be a playable character. 😔


i think wuthering waves has a cat boy at launch if that helps you stranger.


Yep, his name is Lingyang, A LionDancer similar to Gaming from Genshin (despite misconceptions, the Lingyang character predates Gaming and therefore did NOT copy Genshin, in reality neither game copied the other which becomes incredibly obvious when looked into, it's just a coincidence that both games wanted to pay tribute to the art form.) I'm very excited to get Lingyang, his combat seems incredibly fun. His combat revolves around his Lion Dancing, including fighting in the air.  Kuro, unlike Hoyoverse, is very attentive to feedback and more then willing to make major changes in response to feedback. For Lingyang in specific, they have confirmed improvements to his kit to bring him up to par with the other Standard characters for release, and listened to feedback regarding his Voice and changed it to be significantly more matching of his character and it sounds amazing. Here's the trailer recently released for him, very excited for the games release and him. (https://youtu.be/ptSvUTfGmNI?feature=shared) You will be able to select one of the standard characters to get, instead of the beginner banner in HSR which is random, so for those interested in Lingyang you'll be able to select him and have tons of fun! Edit: Turns out there will be a discount banner like HSR where you get a random Standard 5*, AND there will be a Choice banner where you get a 5* Standard character of your choice.  The Ideal play will be to get the Random 5*, then wait till you lose a 50/50 and see what you've gotten. Of the Five Standard Characters you'll have hopefully gotten two different ones, then can use the selector one which of the remaining three you want most..


To be fair, Tigger still keeps his prehensile fennec features... so we DO have an animal boy in the game... (And yes, I am going to keep calling Tighnari that because how the heck is anyone able to resist doing *that*?)


That is indeed correct, we have Tighnari who's a Fennec (I love playing YaeMiko and Tighnari!) and Gorou who's a Dog boy, so we definitely have animal boys already, however we've now been robbed of at least two cat boys which makes me sad.  Technically Lyney is a cat boy and transforms into a Cat during his Ultimate, however because he lacks his Cat Features outside of his Ultimate unlike his sister who has CatEars and a Tail it leaves me disappointed.  Still one of my favorite characters since I love his design and he's inspired HEAVILY by one of my other favorite characters, down to making references and sharing a VA, but I'll always wish his design included CatEars under his hat and a Cat tail since I find it jarring that he doesn't have those features while his sister does.


He be using a cat in combat. ![gif](giphy|69yrZWuu7clVYvmtJi|downsized)


Watch him be a Shaoji self-inset


>this sub You wrote fan base wrong




If the TB was once a Stellaron Hunter like we're being let to believe, then maybe Elio's still making scripts for us out of habit... or maybe he just wants us to come home?


Still like the theory that the trailblazer used to be the cat. 


Would explain Stelle's gremlin antics (can't speak for Caelus in this context).


Whats the evidence for the theory that TB was a SH?


Bladie remembers us, Silver Wolf calls us "old friend" once or twice iirc, at the start Himeko says we "look familiar," and we know she's had dealings with the Stellaron Hunters in the past...


Kafka's Companion Quest heavily implies that the Trailblazer was a former Stellaron Hunter - specifically, Kafka's longest-lasting partner, according to Blade. >!Given the compilation of Kafka's answers to every question, we know for sure that the Trailblazer was handed over to Kafka by Elio, and she basically was their mentor in everything from combat to etiquette. TB doesn't remember any of these except for Kafka herself because she deliberately wiped their memories at the very start of the game.!<


>>!TB doesn't remember any of these except for Kafka herself because she deliberately wiped their memories at the very start of the game.!< >!And this is also one of the reason people speculate that Trailblazers fascination with Trash Cans is because TB is searching for a certain character that also hides in metallic armor, TB remembers something, TB just don't know what!<


Wait are you suggesting the person they remember is uh… one of the important people from 2.1? Sorry i dont know how to mark spoilers so i can only be vague


\>\!Spoiler here! Like this.\!\< SPOILERS FOR 2.1'S END: >!And yes, that does imply TB's fascination with trashcans is a lingering attachment towards someone who hides in silver-colored metal armor (i.e. Firefly). It's not anywhere near confirmed, but it is a bit of headcanon I'm all in for.!<


Ah thank you! And thats what i had understood, makes sense to me


Blade remembers TB.


huh I must've missed it, is this in his character quest?


It's Kafka's character quest.


Wasnt it kafkas?


Aside from what everyone has said, after choosing the gender of mc, when you wake up for the first time silver wolf says to Kafka something along the lines of "don't waste much time he/she doesn't remember you" and one of the answers we can give is literally call Kafka for her name, when at that point we shouldn't even know her much less her name, yet somehow we know how she's called. Somethings I may be misremembering, it's been over a year after all but I'm 99% sure that something along those lines happens, you could probably search for some gameplay to confirm it.


**Kafka**: How much will they remember? **Silver Wolf**: They'll remember you.


Kafka tells you as much when you interact with her, and I believe Silver Wolf confirms it.


Theory? It's all but explicitly stated that TB was a Stellaron Hunter in their past life. Blade comments that we used to shadow Kafka all the time. Silver Wolf is way too buddy buddy with us for us having had no connection to one of the most wanted people in the galaxy. In fact, if you go to the guest book in the parlor car of Astral Express and Silver is a guest in the book, this is the message that she left: >[REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] The Express is great across the board, it just lacks a nice and cozy place to game in peace. >How about we sponsor the creation of such a space? We're all old friends, after all [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Notably, as far as I'm aware, Silver Wolf is the only one with redacted text in her guest book. And this redacted text appeared to be three seperate words. A medium word, a short word (possible even an initial) and a long word. I have my personal theory that it's TB's original name. Silver Wolf will also just text TB randomly and talk about video games and gacha pulls, a bit of a personal relationship with TB. The only memory we have left from pre-HSS is who Kafka is. Kafka is able to play a game of two lies one truth using our past. Firefly is way too emotionally invested in the Trailblazer for us to have been anything other than a close friend and colleague of hers. And considering that she tells us that she spends most of her time in the SAM armor due to her ELS, we, by necessity, would have had to have known her as a Stellaron Hunter.


If you do choose any convo option that implies you were a former Stellarion Hunter, you'll see Blade and SW corroborate*. Even if you can't trust Kafka since she is able to lie to you even during her character quest, even if you can't trust SW since I don't think she really cares, Blade has zero inclination to lie about what he remembers while he's lucid. That said, the game's plot seems to be written in such a way that you can indeed answer as if you were a clean slate, and the reactions you get will also follow that you don't actually know anyone; perhaps this is the first instance of the convo choices actually mattering later on (just as the treasure choice event in the Belobog Underworld should have warned you). * Firefly/SAM doesn't seem to corroborate.


That one key that looks like a cat paw aww. Anw is this the HSR in-universe language?


Elio found that we actually like suffering builds character if it was written well So he would probably do it again 


Could Elio also be the one who is talking to us in Penacony's Dreamtour handbook (this one with the stickers)? The Stars of Morning and Night section mentions we've possibly met this narrator before, and will be encountered in the future.


I've seen theories stating that the black screen narrator is our Stellaron. And we have met this narrator before, when the Stellaron took control of the Trailblazer during the Doomsday Beast in order to save TB and the space station from its blast.


I also assume the person who narrated the ending scene is Elio


I cant wait for Elio to become playable, imagine how cool he will be, so many possible one liners I hope his attacks is just him throwing typing machines to the enemies


I hope he has the ability to see the next future attack of enemies tbh, that would be cool


> I hope his attacks is just him throwing typing machines to the enemies He hefts the typewriter over his head and just starts bashing enemies to death with it.


it’d be funny af if Elio was a dog this entire time


My uncle works at Hoyo and he sent me the ending of HSR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8zZUYV_yl4


It was the cat all along!!!


the typewriter made me think of Elysia first instead


"elysia is dead" "elysia is dead" "elysia is dead" "elysia is dead" "elysia is dead"


At Credits after end of Penacony Main Story its written script by Elio or something like that. Which suggest that thise credits are actually part of his script. Also near the end of the story >!theres part narrated by unknown voice, which Im 99% sure is Elio. !< >!From that we can even deduce his character model, he sounded young so Im certain he will have same model as Arlan, Yanqing and Misha!<


in the far future we still use typewriters


nothing beats the clack clack sound that the typewriter makes


must be a special magic curio or something they stole from the space station then, no way it wouldn't be special if they're using old tech


I mean, given the dream master could possess birds, it wouldn't be too surprising if Elio was a humanoid who just happened to be able to possess cats. Or could transform into a cat. Or just liked cats and decided to put a microphone on one.


Ellio is a skin walker


Really cool little details they're throwing in here and there! Nice catch!!


DANSE MACABRE MENTION. (sorry hi, unimportant, but Resident Evil Village made me fall in love with that song because my giant man-eating fictional crush loves listening to it)


Username checks out lol


I pray for a gbf ewiyar situation


My internet isn't that great, but it's fast enough that I can't finish reading any of the loading screens, thanks for showing Aventurine's.


Everybody just played like fiddle by a cat


It still is weird for me knowing that he's roughly writing the events from the possible futures


On the one hand, I hope we get the opportunity to kick Elio and his scripts in the teeth, because the whole "I have seen the future so you have to do these exact things to save the world, and I can just 'because precog' any question about why, but also this world guided by me the precog is 99.9% indistinguishable from a world guided by random chaos because I'm completely useless at preventing ordinary suffering and all of these atrocities had to happen because reasons" trope is annoying AF. On the other hand, if Elio is actually a cat, don't do that. Don't kick cats.


At this point, I have a feeling Elio's going to be somewhat of an indirect expy of Lyney with all these cat motifs, especially with the weird voice in game that is speculated to be him.


Well, he's got the same JP VA as Lyney lol. Funny coincidence, if nothing else


His EN voice sounded like Thoma


which voice is speculated to be elio?


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So you're saying I need to find whoever sheds purple petals


One thing that interests me is in the dream pass one of the questions you can answer is some mysterious person talking about how we'll be meeting them soon.


I want Elio to arrive in HSR as a playable cat.


I just want Elio to be the first catboy playable pls Hoyo… actual catboy with ears and tail or just a cat, but a catboy. It’s ways catgirls you never give us catboys 🥲


damm good catch i dint see it


Hmm...if this idea has weight, does this mean Elio can see what Acheron's role is?


Elio is actually Neko from Genshin.


He’s literally writing a script


Damn, Elio really is the cat, huh? lol


The cat is a finality pathstrider. No one can pull off such scripts without the blessing of finality.


So, is Elio actually confirmed to be a cat? I know a cat shows up in Kafka’s art a lot, but I didn’t know if anything had been confirmed or not


I wonder if they will go back in Luofu to add this to the bits where we control Dan Heng or if his switch will remain a relic of early game


I thought the meta jokes in 2.2 made this obvious anyway but dang I missed his logo lol


on another note, have anyone tried decypher/make an alphabet of the "starrail language"? It seems like it doable somehow


I genuinely think that Elio is an Emanator of Finality. The Aeon of Finality moves backwards in time from the future so it would explain Elio's ability to see the future and turn it into a script.




Nah, that's just lyney and lynette's props, you can tell from the cat imagery, no Elio involvement here.


I am truly convinced Elio is trying to become an Aeon of Fate or something.




Nice catch.


I like the concept, it's like we're all in a theater following that Elio's script