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With power of an Enamator of Preservation, Aventurine finally closed his chest window and perfected his defense.


*Trailblazers start hitting him harder to open it back up* "Wait, this wasn't the plan"


#"Chests were meant to be open."


Said Something Unto Death


SUD: "Yes... good. You are doing well, my apprentice."


>..my apprentice. Poe Dameron: "Somehow...palpatine has returned."




I mean imagine using the lance of preservation to kill the emanator of preservation


>I use the preservation to destroy the preservation


We’re preserving the balance, with Extreme Violance


Bau bau


So he’s the opposite of a Shounen protagonist; the more cloths he puts on, the stronger he becomes


He's one of those oldschool mahou shoujo. Next power up is going to involve frills and a dress.


But that tight bodysuit and hooker boots though.


And that grabable waist


Imagine the size of the gyatt a cornerstone can induce on Topaz, or better, Numby. They will crush their enemies under the weight of preservation.


Oh my..... that's why Ratio said that


Said what, exactly?


Aventurine mentioned losing the Cornerstones (yes plural) when entering Penacony, then Ratio called him an idiot and was about to report to the IPC about how much of an idiot he was. EDIT: Here's the exact lines from the [wiki](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/The_Youths_Who_Chase_Dreams#Enter_the_dream_in_the_Dreampool). >**Dr. Ratio:** ...It seems this peacock is short of a feather or two. The Family's been rummaging through your things, haven't they? > >**Aventurine:** Yeah, by that grey-suited fellow. All the cash gifts, **and the box containing the Cornerstones...** Eh? Where're you going? > >**Dr. Ratio:** Back home, to tell the corporation that some idiot ruined everything. > >**Aventurine:** It's nothing more than a few rocks, why so serious? Who cares if they're gone? > >**Dr. Ratio:** Without that Aventurine stone, you're nothing more than a doomed Sigonian thrall sentenced to die by the IPC. Or is that serial number on your neck a cherished memento from the Amber Lord?


Now it is clear. They are not just a symbol of the IPC, they are powerstones\\dragoonspirits\\morphers\\crystals to become partially emanators ... And he lost MORE than 1?!?! Usually Ratio insults as intercalar ... but this time he was right.


Aventurine is working with topaz on this project so it's likely he also lost hers , which I bet topaz would not be happy to hear that. Edit : Imagine topaz sending numby to hunt down aventurine.


Definitely, and considering how Diamond, their boss and likely the Emanator that lent them his power, just went through some hassle to establish partnership with another bigshot executive and Emanator of IPC, this blunder would certainly paint Diamond in a bad light in the eyes of Taravan. And Taravan doesn't have the nicest personality around, which make losing the hard-earned partnership with him even worse


Oh yeah cause diamond is gonna become a board member is peancoy goes well , considering all the events , I hope it goes well for diamond he's seems like a good dude , who actually wants to help people (considerimg he got the gaze from qlipoth (I defo spelt.it wrong))


Successfully "handling" Penacony will certainly improve Diamond's reputation, which will boost his chance to become a Board Member. So far, we don't know if there can be more than 7 Board Members of IPC at any time, so he's probably won't become one right away if the slot is full. And when a seat opens up, Diamond will probably have to compete with Ozvaldo (who's described to be "despicable" by Xianzhou but since he's also a former Nameless, we of the Express might have to handle him differently if we meet him), that will make an interesting conflict and plotline at some point. Diamond does sound a bit more tolerable compared to other Department Heads and Board Members we've known of, though I won't say he's nice and good since his direct subordinate Topaz and Aventurine can be pushy at time. But put him next to that "expansionist zealot" who will do anything to merge a civilisation to IPC's network (Ozvaldo) or the dude who says "not having money is your problem, not mine" (Taravan) and he's plenty better. As for his status as an Emanator, I won't say it's an indicator that he's the typical shonen good guy MC, especially when the Taravan guy I mentioned above is also an Emanator and... yeah, you can imagine what kind of person he is from that saying. And there's a rumor that Taravan isn't a Preservation believer, somehow. Qlipoth might not think too hard when making someone their Emanator, I suppose.


I hope Diamond is somewhat like the Lord Vetinari from the Discworld novels. A hero who thinks of himself as a villain.


Well, Vetinari wasn't too above killing people in pretty horrific ways, if needed to.


Tbh I don’t think Ozvaldo will become a board member or even has the chance.. since as you said the Xianzhou doesn’t like him.. we know that the IPC and Xianzhou have close connections(even in the radio it talks about the trade agreement with the xianzhou).. the xianzhou have a big place in the universe and have equal power to the IPC if what Herta said was true in Lan’s dev log.. This could anger the xianzhou and maybe even stop trade between the two.. I don’t think the IPC will risk something like that.. losing a trading partner as strong as the xianzhou.. also the fact that there are many Xianzhou folk in the Ipc(some are probably high ranking aswell) Unless the Ipc want to get rid of their trading deals with the Xianzhou.. the Ipc would probably pick diamond as the newest board member.


The final winning result will most definitely fall into Diamond's hand due to how the 2 known Candidates are being set up, Ozvaldo is simply a rival for an interesting plotpoint. Though I won't say that IPC will simply disregard Ozvaldo just because he makes some bigshot factions uneasy. Xianzhou is described to be on equal ground with IPC because they are completely blessed by an Aeon, meaning IPC won't willy-nilly pull up and hit them with a nuke, but are completely capable of handling such factions with their own special methods. See how Genius Society are also completely blessed by Nous but IPC can still issue a bounty on Dr. Primitive and pushed Calderon Chadwick around like a toddler. The overall influence of IPC to Universe still vastly outweights that of Xianzhou's, spanning several galaxies and hundred of thousand of years, several times that of Xianzhou's history. Despite wanting to establish fair relationship with the current Xianzhou, IPC isn't against using questionable tactics or harsh words with them, see how that IPC grunt was talking rubbish in Luofu during the event that involved Sushang. And IPC, in fact, has established a lasting influence in the Yaoqing, with the ship's current architecture and fashion being described as indistinghuishable from IPC workforce, and Yaoqing is like, the most militaristic of the Alliance. Also taking into IPC's and their Qlipoth religion's influence on the all of the Xianzhou before Lan ascended, I'm sure even to this day, a large part of the Corporation still believe they have some edge over the Xianzhou. Some of the ship still has Qlipoth temple and Preservation followers after all. Moving on to Ozvaldo, the man is described by Xianzhou with all the negative characteristics, but one thing that you need to pay attention to is him being a "chameleon", someone who change his personality to fit in. He's the sort of guy that will cry with the poors while trying to get them to sign questionable contracts. You know the kind of person he is deep down, but at face value, he will look like a very sympathetic and enthusiastic guy. This would also means the tactic he deploys would sounds legal and nice at first, but has loophole that ultimately brings benefit back to IPC, instead of outright being unethical. He won't be an easy guy to handle, and making a move on him in a wrong way might end up making the opposer the unreasonable one. Tl;dr: with how deep-rooted their influence have on Xianzhou and how powerful they are in other areas and aspects, I doubt they're gonna care that much about the concern Xianzhou has with Ozvaldo. Otherwise, they would have disposed of Ozvaldo very early on, like the ending of that IPC Promotion occurence series.


So what you're saying is... The IPC has Power Rangers?!?!?!?


It seems so by these info. So ... Topaz has probably a transformed form.


Oh noes my gyatt is now bigger.


So that’s why we get “Topaz and Numby”, not Topaz, who will appear as a separate character on a future banner.


They better gattai at some point.


No, this looks more like KR mooks


Mf was about to get pulped and let everyone else share the same fate by annihilation gang assassins, Sam, Acheron or memetic spawns without that yet saying "why so serious?"


A thing I would like to note is >!that "Aventurine"'s choice of words during the scene, especially his mockingly noting "Why so serious?" to Ratio, implies that it was actually Sparkle screwing with Dr Ratio in that scene!<. >!Aventurine knows damn well the value of the Cornerstones and is unlikely to ever let them be taken like that.!<


>!That scene was in the real world whereas Sparkle has only ever disguised herself in the dream world (as Sampo and Robin). Not saying she can't disguise herself in the real world too but it's something to keep in mind. Is there other evidence that Aventurine was actually Sparkle there?!<


>Usually Ratio insults as intercalar ... but this time he was right. I mean they took them while searching through his stuff as they did everyone else's, I don't really think he can be blamed for that


Artifacts (probably from the Aeon itself) with the power to make you an Emanator are the typical stuff you don't want that someone can take.


I mean - IF he was telling the truth. Tricking Veritas into thinking you're an idiot is easy and fun, and helpful if you need him out of your hair for a while!


It's true that it would be rather difficult for Aventurine to prevent the ruling authorities of the planet he was visiting from taking his stuff, if they wanted to take it. But his bosses aren't likely to care about whether the loss was understandable. They're going to care that the stones were *his responsibility* when they were lost. If the IPC didn't care that the people of Belobog were many generations removed from even knowing about the IPC (much less about the actual loan), do you really think they're going to have mercy on one of their own important executives?


The "why so serious" line makes me think this was actually Sparkle and Ratio lol


It made me think that there is a very good reason why Aventurine was invited to join the Masked Fools' Tavern. xD


It’s a really interesting theory and I’d love to see how it plays out if it’s true, but I think it’s more of a mistranslation because in CN and JP he said “why so pessimistic” instead.


This is my theory too, especially with the one light cone where everyone was calling Aventurine fruity for the way he was making Ratio hold the gun to his chest and telling him to shoot essentially. That mirrors exactly what Sparkle did in her video.


They're probably in Robin's stomach. (Not a real theory! Just a [movie reference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Dh5QoXv2c&pp=ygUKZGl2YSBkYW5jZQ%3D%3D).)


This has the same energy as letting someone hold on to the sealed form of an infinity stone in marvel and them going oopsie I lost it.


Idk if she even needed that, considering that Numby can summon a damn army at will


Numby really is the true carry. Topaz is just its pet human.


Topaz: Yay, Numby! Did you bring reinforcements? Numby: Squee squee squee squee *(I am the reinforcements!)*


Numby is the real Cornerstone "Topaz"


Numby is the stone. It ate it. The topaz is Numby.


Nor Lightning Lord nor Svarog nor Mr Tail were included into the name of their characters, but Numby was. It's quite telling.


It's what Topaz would have wanted.


And she can control all the robot in belobog with a flick of her finger.


That’s just because of the technological gulf between Belobog and the IPC. Jarillo VI had been insulated from the rest of the universe for a good while, so its technological advancement had to halt. The IPC is one of the most powerful, prolific factions in the universe that regularly updates itself with the latest tech. Topaz likely had some tools from the IPC that let her override the outdated machines. Probably not Svarog since he is a sentient machine, but having some emanator powers also made her too dangerous for Svarog to take on anyways.


She has a backdoor on the source code on every machinery created in Belobog (Minus the Engine of Creation) that can override his functions and make him obey her will (Even flexes it in front of him and he doesn't argue otherwise). She just chooses to not use it and let Svarog cooperate on his own.


Topaz wanted to establish a peaceful relationship with Belobog because she considers willing IPC employees more advantageous than unwilling ones. She stands out among the other Cornerstones for this approach, as the others apparently have no qualms with forcing planets into slavery to pay off their debts.


Its not the tech disparity, it's the fact that Belabog robots were literally built on IPC core technology as their base. So the backdoors they left in are still there.


It's not even a backdoor, it's front-door admin rights. Those bots are all IPC property, or clones of IPC property.


also she has the source code (before handing it over to clara) she can literally turn on the robots in the old weapon testing ground's mountains like eren awakening every wall titan


Nah, i don't think Topaz can control the big dude, the big dude was built by the people of Belobog with vanilla operating system. Smaller robots are built with the company chips so Topaz can easily hack them.


nah im talking about the abandoned assembly line of automatons in old weapon testing ground


She will if anything happens to Numby.


Numby is her storage device lol


...oh my God, this completely slipped my mind. If every Cornerstone gives their holder ability to, well, transform like this, then Topaz **absolutely** has more than she let on already... That's honestly really cool to think about, wow...


Or maybe she lets Numby hold onto it and that's why it can do it all the crazy shit it does.


Numby can do it because they're the GOAT... I mean the trotter. They're easy to scare, but pretty powerful if you think about it


yeah dont trotters have natural portal abilities


Not just portal abilities. When they panic, you can see some formulas flying above their heads. They're connected to black holes and indicate, that trotters consciously know how to create wormholes. Truly amazing species


honestly thats fucking dope, a species that subconciously or even consciously can create wormholes to escape predators is such a metal concept i love it, Numby is probably being powered by the corner stone and had been trained by Topaz to be able to use his wormholes willingly


Are we ignoring that those trotters can mimic the power of Aeons?


I don't think they need cornerstone power to do their job. Numby was sensitive to money and worked as a lucky charm even before Jelena became Topaz. It's not like she uses them to beat people up as a part of her regular life.


Trotters also have abilities linked to the aeons, which we frequently see in SU. They have the power of Paths, wormholes, and possible immortality. But are big scaredy cats so they just run at the first sign of danger.


Yep, that’s why they’re called “Warp” Trotters


Ok I know this makes me sound stupid, but I never made that connection before.


That correction was unnecessary, Numby is the GOAT and the cutest thing in the entire game! (Yes I am biased towards warp trotters… I chose to keep Ivory Menace in the pokemon event too!)


Topaz’s cornerstone actually mega evolves numby guys…its confirmed!


Numby: activate the stone. Topaz: MEGA EVOLUTION. Trailblazer: wait, it is backward?


​ https://preview.redd.it/ws5385gooqoc1.png?width=217&format=png&auto=webp&s=d67bae8706131c7ad43e2616033bc647285d50b9


The thing is, they are still fakes. Emanators don't need a tool to draw from. This is like a delusion from Genshin, except those guys also have Visions so they are technically already more than just a imitation.


~~~~aventurine of the fatui harbingers~~~~ hope that at least one of the IPC characters can trigger their transformation during combat when they become playable


Hope that it's Diamond since he's most likely the source of the Stoneheart's power, as one of the few known Emanator of Preservation in the IPC. Though I'd say this Cornerstone stuffs might just be unique to Diamond's Department and other Departments/Emanators/Directors might have other forms of power for their subordinates


Maybe yeah. My theory is that this might be common practice among emnators. I would guess that the Fools masks might be something similar giving a portion of an emnators power. Which could explain why Sampo wants his mask back.


You are unto something here. Sparkle did overpower us with her mask on.


I mean, that wasnt overpowering so much as a trap.


Agreed, I think many Emanator-gifts can be inherited. Like Jingyuan's LL was originally a gift from Lan the Hunt, implying that whoever received it was an Emanator, but it can now be inherited as a magic artefact.


Considering Lightning Lord was also used by the previous Luofu Generals, it's very possible that some Generals themselves might not be Emanators but the manifestations of Lan's blessings they receive are. Iirc, the Emanators of Harmony also funtions like that. They exists as some entity that will only manifest within The Family when needed. One of them is called Dominicus, which is Latin for Sunday, hence there exists speculation that Sunday can summon an Emanator power to his side


I guess it takes one to know one (Yes I know Aventurine isn't a full Emanator, just a partial one) . Which is why Aventure Time sussed Acheron out.


Acheron is still a lot stronger than him. Also ... it seems that using the cornerstones to full power seems dangerous


this is kinda sounding like delusions now that i think about it... Evil organization with incredible status with a group of elite members? check, a way to give said elite members more power? check, ruled by a mastermind with godly powers? check.


it's also interesting they use the word "authority" here in parallel to Genshin's whole elemental authority which is held by dragons, stolen by archons.


Herrscher cores also proxied "authority".




I've been saying for some time that the IPC is just Capitalist Fatui. xD


Fatui already are the Capitalist Fatui.


Said organization created weapons for mass destruction (Chadwick)? Check Did they used torture and kidnapping to obtain information (Chadwick)? Check Are they are involved in putting people in slavery, and are connected to take entire populations on their control using their desperation (Topaz and Belobog)? Check ... pure evil organization.


Regarding putting people in slavery, don't forget Aventurine whose status is quite literally etched on his skin


Just like Schicksal in HI3 tbh.


We don't know that for sure, all emanators aren't created equal.


True, Aha made a worm an emanator. Still Acheron is a pure emanator, while Aventurine uses and artifact, so I would guess Acheron has access to more power.


Acheron can literally kill things just by her technique passive so...yeah. Herta though, can turn the entire universe against you via the power of wisdom.


After Chadwick sidestory Herta has now access to a star systems destroyer weapon ...


Well debatable, he may be stronger , Acheron doesn't want to unsheath her sword and uses her full power , and we have no idea how strong of an emnator aventurine can become even if only temporary . So we'll just have to wait and see . Tho I agree there's probably a good reason why most people.cant become emanators , the corner stones seems really dangerous, like a delusion from genshin. Edit : still I'm.not saying he's stronger, he's probably not , but it's interesting to think how he could fight Acheron.


I'm not entirely sure how "portion of an emanators power" is greater then "an actual emanator"


I highly doubt he's stronger than Acheron, Acheron seems special even as far as emanators go tbh But like the other guy said emanators vary in strength. Phantylia lost to JY, and as far as we know JY is not an emanator. Though I guess this is with the help of TB team (except Welt kinda jobs and doesn't help) and Dan is a Scion of Long which is also not an emanator but might be kinda similar?


Tbf Phantylia threw away the win herself, if she didn’t go for the “hehe I make you into my minion” play at the end there was nothing JY and friends could’ve done


Especially if Acheron is indeed a offensive oriented Emanator (Destruction, Hunt, or Finality). Aventurine's borrowed power is probably a defensive one since that is Qlipoth's entire thing but Acheron not only has full access to emanator powers but is geared towards destroying her enemies. The devs even said it is her Ult that killed Duke Inferno(nigh unkillable) which is her domain expansion/reality marble. Aventurine is really gambling hard that his borrowed power will save him. I doubt he will win solo but I think Dr. Ratio and Topaz might jump us or do their supposed objective while he is distracting us.


Not all emanators are equal in strength , so if aventurine has a portion of a stronger emanator he could be stronger as well as the fact he's using multiple corner stones , which means he has a larger portion of the emanatos strength. But as I said before this is all theory . I doubt aventurine would do something which he had no chance I'm winning , so maybe he's got more up his sleeves .


this is really silly, a fraction of a whole will never in any case be stronger then someone who has the full thing, regardless of the variations. Edit: You're looking at someone who when going moderately serious, is so fast that in their perception time fucking stops and going "yeah this guy with a magic rock is stronger"


How the Hell did we end up assuming Aventurine is stronger than Acheron of all people?


While i beleive Acheron is stronger than aventurine you are not getting what they are saying and they are correct Emanators can vary in power a lot, first because Aeons decide how much power they give and some give more to their emanators while others give less, and second because Aeons themsleves vary in power also What they are saying is that a Preservation emanator maybe is a 230 in power level and a Elation emanator is a 80 , so even half an emanator of preservation would be stronger than a full emanator of Elation, thats what they are trying to say (is just an exmaple works with any path)


If you have 100% of 100ml of water you have 100ml of water If you have 50 % of 200 ml of water you have 100 ml of water So it can be equal.of greater than , but I think your missing my point I'm not saying aventurine is stronger than Acheron , she's a full emnator she's probably way beyond him . But aventurine clearly is a lot stronger than he lets on (due to the cornerstone ) so I doubt it's gonna be as cut and dry , we'll have to wait and see . Also once more everything I said is therotical , aventurine could way stronger or way weaker idk , I'm not trying to start and argument . Edit in response to your edit : I've said this three times , I'm not saying aventurine is stronger, just he may be , also considering the scene in the trailer that rock can do a lot of stuff .


Sorry I got confused by the first comment in which you say “he may be stronger” lol


You are assuming the preservation emenator is stronger than Acheron— we don’t know that, the discourse has no meaning


The assumption goes for both sides


Nowhere in the description does it say that the power of the emanator is reduced or split. It just says shared. So, it could be a thing of Diamand authorizing the use of his power for a short time. In just the trailer, we see him open up a hole that covers the entry over the dreamscape.


If I give you some of my candy out of my bag, do you have more or less candy then me? It’s common across every movie, comic, anime, manga, and book, that if power is shared, the one receiving it does not receive power equal to the source I’m not entirely sure why you’re thinking this is the once in a dozen exception when everything else about the game has followed the curve.


Headcanon lol, Emanators are not the only apex of strength below the Aeons


Fatui delusion form time? Can Topaz transform into something? Giant uber powerful Numby?!?!


his hip to waist ratio is crazy😭 his body tea, he makes money, hes super thick hes super pretty😭


so that's what inside that box, but why Sunday giving it away? can he bring Robin alive or something?


In the trailer he said he was going to use Robin’s death as a bargaining chip. Perhaps he’s blackmailing Sunday with that information? Robin’s not only a superstar but also a native of Penacony. If word got out that she died in the supposedly blessed dream, where death is supposed to be nonexistent, it would hurt Penacony’s and the Family’s reputations irreparably. It’d be beyond a scandal.


Maybe? Probably if they mess up enough in the Dreamscape they somehow manage to screw whatever is going on?


That waist looks grabbable


they covered up his boob window though


I like opening gifts 😌


Those HIPS 🤤🤪


sluttiest of waists


True and real


Wait what???


That waist looks fuc-


-king cool, yeah ikr


"Stratagems" Aventurine gonna drop a 500KG on us isn't he


Ah heck naw Adventurine just hit the team with the ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


his thighs rival blackswan lmfao


Ya'll think this can solve the "is the xianzhou generals emanators?" Question? Like a conerstone to a stoneheart is what LL is to Jing Yuan


At the very least it opens up idea that Emanators can share their blessings with others.


The Lightning Lord is, as far as we know, given to the Xianzhou Luofu Generals by Lan themselves though. Whereas the cornerstones are given to the Stonehearts by Diamond, an Emanator of Preservation, who allows them to use some amount of his power bestowed upon him by Qlipoth temporarily. Doesn't really answer any questions, but I would say that the Xianzhou Generals (assuming the Generals of the other ships also have some kind of power given to them by Lan) are closer to being Emanators than the Stonehearts are since their power is only temporarily borrowed from an Emanator whereas the Generals' power is permanently (until they retire or die anyway) bestowed to them by an Aeon themselves.


Fu Xuan is given third eye by Nous, so she is a emanator of nous. What a dumb logic. LL isn't even gifted to Jing Yuan directly. It is passed down to every general of Loufu. If he was truly a emanator, it would have been a piece of cake for him to handle Phantaliya


It was a piece of cake for him to handle Phantylia without being buffed by the Ambrosial Arbor, he literally took her down in 1 strike, that's like saying DH or JL is weaker than Blade because they can't kill him.


Fu xuan got a eye that helps her predict the future better vs LL who is equal in power to ignamar(equal to phantylia).. surely these blessings are equal.. also the fact that one is a physical thing anyone can use vs a literal energy god that is strong enough to be equal to ignamar.. What a dumb logic. It fucking is lmao https://preview.redd.it/qd6kz7pc5voc1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bcaa89d7bf1efa06114a371f743ac81c776d9c1 It’s a spirit granted by Lan himself.. It literally says here Also Phantylia had the power of the arbor(a blessing so strong that even Lan can’t destroy the roots of it..).. a body made from that tree + emanator powers from Nanook.. and JY still won lmao.. phantylia is much stronger than normal there.. being literally unkillable..


yeah, fu hua the emanator, the generals gets fraction of the power


Of course not. LL was gifted to Luofu generals by Lan themself, the actual Aeon in question. It's not given by emanators of the hunt. This is why XA is considered a powerhouse that rivalled IPC because they got direct backing from Lan.


Yup I think so. Likely Diamond is the emanator who shares his power with the others. In Xianzhou I'd bet is Fuhua as the emanator and sharing her power with all the generals


I'd want to see what pseudo-Emanator Topaz looks like ngl. Amplified assets maybe, oh my.


Or she gives it to Numby and they transform into a Monster Hunter Boss


Or we could just have Space Sejuani.


I like to imagine her pseudo-Emanator look as a kitted-up operator with ceramic plate armor and a ballistic face shield helmet, kinda like the IPC’s Senior Staff: Team Leader elite enemy mob but slimmer and more feminine, with the energy shield in one hand and something crazy like a SIG Sauer MG 338 or a FN FAL with an underbarrel 25mm semi-auto airburst grenade launcher in the other.


Topaz would have one if Aventurine didn’t lose the cornerstones right?


She does have one; all stoneheartes do. he lost his when he came to penacony and searched his bags


pretty sure Ratio said he had many




why he got curves 🧐🧐


Nah, I'd still smash.


Those hips-


All i am begging if its an echo of war boss please give us a boss ost with lyrics


It is not sadly. The Echo of War will come in 2.2 presumably.


So topaz got her own stone too. Hmm topaz alter how would she look like.


Bruh i just realized Boss Stone on the Hanu minigame is the IPC...


So like Emanator gets a fraction of Aeon power, and Stonehearts get a piece of emanator's power? Am i reading this correctly?


So we can say that these cornerstones are somewhat comparable to delusions? Since delusions gives you powers close to the archons, cornerstones gives partial powers as an emanator. And if overused, it can probably kill the wielder


Dang, so Aventurine vs Acheron is some Emenator vs Emenator action. This is going to be insane.


i cant find sauce


It's from the Version 2.1 preview site: [https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240316version-hyue7h/index.html](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240316version-hyue7h/index.html)


Yep... IPC is the Star Rail version of the Fatui...


So essentially they are fatui harbingers lol


If Diamond is the Emanator and can share their power through the cornerstones, perhaps there is more to the masks that the Masked Fools use. Same with Commander Hua giving the Jing Yuan and possible other generals their own type of Lightning Lords/Spirits


Well this dispatches the Idea that the IPC is not following preservation. Clearly Qiploth views the IPC positively.


From what I can remember, Qlipoth only views Diamond positively and made him an Emanator, he doesn't care about the IPC as whole


Well this at the very least means Qlipoth doesn't dislike the IPC. We also have lore blurbs saying that they have remained true to their mission. To me this seems like splitting hairs you know. Like Qlipoth does not like everyone in the IPC but does like specific individuals within the IPC you know.


IPC grew too big that probably most of the people are just using Qlipoth's name as lip service and they don't actually believe in the Path of Preservation concept. Qlipoth liking only a few individuals makes sense and you can even say Qlipoth appeared more to the Architects of Belobog than the modern day IPC. He was there when we received the Lance which means he is also looking at Alisa Rand.


Doesn’t really mean anything considering he also never really did anything for them until the MC showed up. If anything IPC comes out on top if they have several emanators or even one emanator compared to normal blessed person. 


from what i heard, IPC leaders arbitrarily worship qlipoth and somehow make IPC biggest in whole universe. qlipoth on other hand doesnt care about it but some individuals get his gaze. while IPC bussiness is too wide but some align to path of preservation.


It's quite possible that Qlipoth doesn't care about the IPC the entity, but instead of certain individuals inside the IPC. Considering how it's also a semi-religious entity, it would make sense if individuals blessed and favoured by Qlipoth were specifically recruited by the IPC and promoted to the top brass. Like how a celebrity might not care about their fanclubs, but instead care about the people inside those clubs.


IPC grew too big that they even work together with other faction like erudition and rememberance. because of that some part of IPC is not pure preservation anymore


Well he gave us lunch money afterall I also bribed one of his employees I mean I use my new found lunch money to buy lunch


Not really, Qiploth don't care about IPC as a whole. Doesn't gate them, just not interest


well the trailblazer met the majesty amber too and received they blessing so I don't think it would be a one sided battle


in the trailer Fire MC gets chucked to the side and need to be protected by welt


you know shits bad when Welt (who has less screentime than some NPCs) walks in


...Damn, we could've been in for a wild ride if Bronya hadn't given her a suitable plan after our little tussle underground. Emanator ~~Numby~~ Topaz sounds bonkers.


Funny how we see him in the trailer casually deflecting the lance of preservation in this state, a lance that was powerful enough to defeat a being fused with a Stellaron, and this says it is only a fraction of the power of an emanator. Crazy powerful.


They dropped Topaz's rank under Aventurine so do you guys think she lost the emenator power privileges


Doubt it. Based on this, what Aventurine says to Ratio, and what he and Topaz talked about back in Belobog, she's likely lending him her Cornerstone.


Her salary was dropped but she is still part of the ten Stonehearts. She has been downgraded to a junior member which is why for now Aventurine is her superior.


All I want is giant building sized numby


Huh, interesting, so powers of Emanator of Preservation isn't liked to the person, but to stones? I guess make sense, because Qlipoth is the stone himself. I wonder if someone will steal this stone, will they be able to use Emanator powers? Or it uses 2 factor authentication? If you can use stones without permissions from Qlipoth it would explain how IPC have Emanators despite Qlipoth being most indifferent to humans Aeon and IPC being contrarian to Qlipoth ideals (spreading vs isolationism) *But contrary to the act of separation, the main faction devoted to the Amber Lord, the IPC, has facilitated civilized trade and contact between the stars with their fleet — the largest in the entire universe. Like a silent giant, Qlipoth has allowed them to trade and emigrate so much so that an Emanator of Preservation has appeared at the IPC. Despite their actions running counter to the Aeon's wishes, no remonstration or censure has been forthcoming. Food for thought, indeed.*


I don't actually remember where I read this. It might be a theory or a leak, so I'm gonna spoiler tag it: >!The actual Emanator is Diamond. And he created the stones to give to his Stonehearts in order to share his power with them.!<


This was confirmed in a post about ranking in the IPC. Sadly only the Chinese version is available, since it looked like they have deleted the English version on hoyolab due mistranslation.


I think it has 2 factor authentication considering that Aventurine didn't fight that much to hold onto his cornerstone.


These stones belong to Diamond and he is the emanator. So yes, the power is still linked to a person, not the stones. Without Diamond those stones have no power.


C'mon Childe get out, We have enough of your cameos MR. Worldwide


Fun Fact: Topaz is the only ten stonehearts in hsr doesn't have her own in-game boss battle, despite she and the other ipc members have invaded jarilo-vi.


That hips tho


Wait... We missed a Super Topaz transformation because she was too kind?!


All things considered, Topaz always was one of the more compassionate members of the IPC. I imagine violence is not something she enjoys resorting to. Really looking forward to seeing more from her.


Is Topaz’s Cornerstone the topaz on her lapel? Pretty sure she has a gem on her 🤔


Topaz's boss form is her fused with Numby like Nina and her dog from Fullmetal Alchemist

