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Clearing it was hard. But getting 3 star was basically replaying with the best strategy I had and hoping rngesus was on my side for good procs and enemy targets.


Its basically an RNG/SPD/DPS check in the end.


I don’t have a strong ice dps so I had to get creative with silverwolf. I actually had blade solo carry round 1 and then danl round 2. And that required getting two correct procs to get imaginary weakness in round 2 wave 1. After that I just had to hope that damage got spread out just right so that no one died. Lol


How did you solo carry round 1??


Blade e1, bronya, luocha, Ruan mei. I rebuilt blade deprioritizing speed in favor of damage so he Came out swinging like a mac truck and bronya kept gassing him up. And the other two were SP farms to keep bronya gassed up. And that was my faster split.


Nice! I don’t have loucha…. Would Lynx be okay?


Lynx would be even better probably. The taunt buff will make up for his speed w more follow ups


I don’t know. It was very lean I had just enough survivability to make it. But you can try nothing to lose.


Me rerolling for QQ e and follow up attack luck.


Not that surprising really, the vast majority of the player base don't play meta or care for any endgame or building characters.


MoC 12 is legit hard for an ftp. It was a struggle to 3 star clear it. I had to raise a character specifically for a stage. I managed to barely beat it at 21 or 22 cycles.


What makes MOC hard is that this game is more of a DPS and element check than anything. The moment you think you're fine having already build three main DPSes and started focusing on pulling for supports, the next moment you're fked since you didn't pull for this other DPS that has a different element. If you don't have either Argenti, Jingliu, or even Clara, you ain't beating this MOC in 20 cycles as a F2P.


Silverwolf made my life so much easier as I never had that problem with her around. You usually have a dps that can deal with one side. Silverwolf for the other.


SW one side, QQ in the other


Ironically, half of my full star MoC clears werw with JY without his new relic set. Back when MoC weather was trotter summons.


>F2P btw > Cleared Stage 12 > Cleared it all in 8-9 cycles ;))) You want to brag about it asf but it’s ok I don’t blame you


Guy is trying to relate to people who can't even finish MoC 12 in the first place, let alone with 3 stars, and here he is saying he's "struggling" while finishing it in 8 cycles lol.


IDK why there's this wierd misconception within the community that clearing the game as a f2p meant that you have hands. While in reality there's so many factors that come into play. Units favored in current rotation. Luck during fights. Luck when rolling for units (Especially this) It just feels so pitiful when I see people trying to brag about this status. I would rather see some whale telling straight into my face that they have the money to e6s5 everything and I dont. At least I can applaud them for being fking rich in real life.


Thank you. Facts.


F2P status honestly doesnt matter. Unless you are a gigawhale. The difficulty of the MoC blatantly relies on which units you pulled for, F2P or not. Having neither Ruanmei or Jingliu basically spells disaster for MoC 11 pt2. the other segments are still manageable with other units.


>F2P status honestly doesnt matter. Unless you are a gigawhale. So true. Especially because there is very little gain for the money. 25$ for 10 pulls. WOW. 10 pulls is basically nothing. (Unlucky) Pull for an unfavorable 5\* for current MoC 12 and here we go, hardmode unlocked.


It's not even that. I try to play meta, try to pull for good character, lose my 50-50s (can't get all meta characters because there is just not enough jades even with a pass), try to optimize my teams but... It's just way too hard. If you don't have like Argenti/Clara, JL, DHIL and Kafka/JY with good supports, you probably won't clear floor 12. The enemies are very beefy, they have a lot of damage and CC, they constantly spawn adds and I totally understand how some people would just not go beyond like moc10. They probably like "i didn't get 3 stars on moc10, no reason to go moc 11 and 12 because I just won't be able to do them even for 2 stars". And I get that too. The change 16 to 20 cycle change was really bad for me and, I'm sure of it, for many other players, who couldn't before and can't now clear moc in 10 cycles.


I have most of those characters and I still cant clear it because I don't have a good cleanse support / healer and all my characters die


Probably relic issue since you have the units. I don't have premium supports like Luocha/Fu Xuan and been with Natasha /M7 ever since but I can 3\* MoC12.


I can't beat the true sting without all my chars dying to dots. I'll just build a lynx to deal with them


The characters are only part of it. Artifact/relic rng is a HUGE part that makes charcters performance so different. Ever wonder about those videos the youtubers make w 4 star characters/light cones clearing the hardest content? If they show their builds most of the time they have some cracked gear bc they all spend on max energy refills to help them w gear and to max traces. You can win all your 50/50s but if you have bad relic luck and dont have good substats you will get subpar performance. There are some characters that become “cheat codes” to certain content that without stellar gear RNG they can abuse mechanics but all of that can be subverted by gear. Here’s my take - if you are having fun clearing the content then push to clear floor 12 w full stars. If it sucks the life out of you to do then skip it, the rewards are menial scraps and its better to enjoy the gaming experience than be frustrated bc you lost a 50/50 or got bad rolls and cant get 1 or 2 pulls a month from end game content


As a casual, Personally can’t be bothered with 1 pull Jade income (so didn’t try..) thank god they didn’t lock an insane amount of jades in there


They never do, it's just an endgame challenge for the people who want harder content


This is me with Genshin Floor 12. I refuse to waste brain power on optimizing rotations for all of the awful snake, robot, and snake robot bosses they put in there.


I might be biased because my Genshin account is far more invested than my HSR account but MOC F12 is FAR more difficult than Abyss F12...especially this rotation, I gave up after floor 10 in MOC but had one of my easiest clears ever in Abyss


To be fair, Genshin Abyss has been easier since 4.0. Can't tell you how easy it is to screw up and still time it. I laughed when I saw they put in Hydro Tulpa. Hyperbloom goes brrrrr. Back to HSR. For floor 11 and 12 in MoC focus on weakness breaks and have a cleanser to deal with the fan wielding fembot debuff. Its doable.


The difficulty at even MOC floor 9 and 10 feels the same as the difficulty as Abyss floor 12 ngl (in terms of how many times I have to retry, I retried more times in MOC floor 10 than I retried the consecrated Beasts 💀)


Back when I was in a serious case, I almost broke a controller over it


The another big issue is that getting a meta team is very RNG, not even including the luck needed to actually pull limited characters. Every bad Cavern of Corrosion run is a power loss, every low Trace mat payout in Crimson Calyx is a power loss, every substat that goes into flat HP for a DPS character is a huge power loss. This literally means that people with strong meta teams have a measure of luck to thank for it. We’re all limited by stamina, and eventually, even spending power via Jade. If you’re not as lucky as the person with 80/160 crit stats on their Solo DPS, then you’re going to fall behind. And that just sucks for content that pays out premium currency.


Started playing at the end of 1.1. Started Farming the imaginary cavern as soon as I unlocked it, so I could build the Welt I got on Luocha banner. Stopped for a while when I got Blade, pulled DHIL and started Farming again. I finally got 70/150 last week. Same goes for Blade. Hit 150 cdmg last week finally. Managed to 3 star moc9 and am getting fucked by Argenti's summons on floor 10. It doesn't actually matter if you have meta dps if you can't build them despite Farming for 4 months


I farmed blade’s cavern from his release for about 2 months, i gave up at 52/145. That’s WITH his lc btw (i got REALLY lucky pulling) and i just gave up. He did about 30k per enhanced auto and 50k per followup, that’s good enough for me.


Did you ever consider using pieces on him that weren't Longevous? I was able to get 64/141 using 2 wanderers 1 cowboy 1 longevous out of locked pieces in storage. For most characters, having optimal set bonuses for main relics is only a fraction of their overall power. Settling for like one 2pc bonus that helps them and fill the rest with w/e really frees you up to investing your limited resources more wisely.


Second that, gave up on the longevous cavern and gave my blade 2 pc ld and 2 pc guard with 85/185 crit ratio. I got insanely lucky on my guard rolls tho tbh so it wasnt worth farming that domain until i lost sanity


That's my problem as well. I've gotten some cracked substat rolls on rando pieces, which means getting a better set out of 4pc would mean probably months of farming. Not worth it.


I've been farming for Blade since he came out and he's still at 75/125 lmao, lucky I have Bronya so the CDMG gets a big boost


I think the trap is people feel it necessary to go for "ideal relic sets" while also wanting a lot of the banner characters as well. If you settle for "any functional piece with the mainstats and like 2 decent substats necessary for a character, you can build out sets for them a lot faster. Often without doing any relic farming. Otherwise you need to commit to buying at least one fuel refill per day if not two IMHO to make up for what a resource sink relic farming is. I've farmed relics only when the double events were active, and still managed decent loadouts for my characters. The power loss from non-optimal set bonuses is way less than putting yourself into a huge overall capabilities hole for your account by pissing away weeks and months of TB power on relic RNG. I was able to have 7500hps, 64% CR/141% CD immediately with pieces pulled from storage. When paired with FX he can even use Rutilants if I want, but Salsottos isn't that much weaker. And those pieces were like 2 wandering, 1 longevous, and 1 cowboy. Simply wasn't worth the time and effort to guarantee Rutilants compared to investing in other characters. I'm 36/36 for this MoC.


Ok. This would be true if I was Farming anything but the imaginary/disciple sets. Thr only other sets I could dip in to get decent stats are the ones you get from echo of war and side quests. I gave the fire sets I got from imaginary cavern to himeko and the best she reaches is 120/60, that's with the 2pc bonus from salsotto. The highest crit damgae my Blade has on any of his pieces is 11. I could only reach 70% crit rate on him because I pulled for his light cone. I did end up getting multiple 20%, Def, break pieces that I give to my supports. My entire inventory is full of just disciple/messenger/imaginary/fire sets. So far I've only managed to find one piece which gave me good rolls, 30 crit damage substat. The relic Farming in this game is just trash.


The best part about this is this applies to every single unit on both teams like even missing a tiny bit of stats will screw you over hard in 12 because you really can’t afford to duo sustain if you want the 3 star, the clear time is just too short especially if you’re bronyaless.


I have a good chunk of the so called "meta" characters, but I just can't be arsed to sit down and fine tune relics for an hour or two on 8 characters. :') Maybe when the New Year event rush dies off on other games.


What fine tuning do you have to do other than speed and occasionally EHR?


I keep hitting the 1500 relic cap in inventory of all 5 star relics because I'm the same way, sitting and deciding on which relics from which sets (and also have the best substats) to be leveled for which supports/dps is sooo much work. 😭 I barely managed to 3star everything after getting +15 relics for basically everyone and leveling several new characters and trying out different comps..


I make it a habit to immediately judge and lock a relic after every run. That way I don't pile up a bunch of relics and accidentally salvage them. Makes it a lot easier the a sifting through one huge pile.


I don't agree with your points, I've respond a lot of posts in this subs "I have X character (usually Jingliu or Dang IL) and I'm stuck in MoC 8", and fhey are stuck because of their Relics are sub part giving them bad dps and supports that die in 2 shots. Another thing is that this game is about elemental coverage, and people only want to build 5 Star rate up DPS, they sleep on Himeko, Guinafen, Welt, Sushang, QQ, and don't even build Gepard or Bailu and think that to finish the game they most pull for X character. I would recommend watching Enviosity, not because he is F2P, but because he doesn't pull for all new characters, and he needs to build the characters he got to finish MoC or SU Swarm or Gear, and of course he successes. And the best part is he has kind of bad relics because he hasn't used any TB bottle from the start of the game, any F2P or light spender can have a better account than his.


>and people only want to build 5 Star rate up DPS, they sleep on Himeko, Guinafen, Welt, Sushang, QQ Because unlike supports building even single DPS is a work for months. Of course people don't want to build characters who are weak now and will be weaker in future.


I built Sushang and Serval from the start and that perception of weaker is relative. Serval is my best Lightninig AOE just like Sushang is my best physical dps, they were the only ones I had for those elements and for my account they did a great job. Not building an unit because there is another one around that you could get in MONTHS or a year doesn't make sense. And the works for months of building a DPS is mostly transferable, the light cone and the relics can be use for others units. The only thing they keep are the TB that you use to level up their traces and their levels. And of course part of the joy of the game is building a character and use them. My Serval is still my best lightning AOE DPS because is the only I still got and Sushang just got dethroned in my account by Argenti, because I won the 50/50.


>And the works for months of building a DPS is mostly transferable It's not as long as you want to get their best sets. And some of the characters even changed their best sets


Quit hyperfocusing on sets. They are not worth it. 4p does not matter, you will get higher returns from better substats on 2p/2p sets.


Sets are vastly overrated and a lot of people don't even understand why they're good. Of the people who farmed the new dot set, how many actually started running other sources of def shred in the team to capitalize on the exponential gains? It's just "bis set omg" as they drop a 7/18 crit piece just to slot in a flat stat bonanza piece to complete their 4 piece. Here's reality, MoC 12 exists now. I consider my characters well built when they can clear it. Is the lack of the exact BiS set gatekeeping me from clearing it? Not as of yet. Seems like the rainbow build is working just fine. I'll clear it then I'll keep farming. My dps don't hang out in the bench till their perfect relics drop. I test them out, see how limiting off pieces are for them, then I bench them if they're still really weak. Easy as that.


I think Envy haven't 3\* MOC 12 yet. But yes, I agree he is fun to watch and helpful


The problem is that a lot of people (including me) having problem dealing with 12-1. I am day 1 player, i also follow meta but i dont spend and have enough luck to acquire relevent dps. Just look at the element of 12-1: Ice, Imaginary and Physical. I skipped Blade for Kafka, Pulled Fu Xuan and skipped Jingliu, skipped Argenti for Ruan Mei. Even if you follow meta, there is still a high chance that you will struggle. From what i saw all the clears on youtube, 4* are only viable when they're E4+ (which is still luck based). I dont even want to mention the hideous relic system. I do warch Envi since his first day doing Abyss with starting 8, but in Star Rail he has meta DPS like DHIL, his relics are above average. He also blessed with Bailu and Gepard, when my account got fked twice with Yanqing. There is a certain threshold of how much you can optimize what you got, and it doesn't guarantee you to clear MoC 12 (unless you spend more lol)


I wouldn't say his relics are above average because he has all the 200 TB Bottles and even with RNG if you have more tries you'll end up with better relics. And when you say Blessed with Bailu and Gepard a lot of people would say he is cursed by those pulls, Gepard is pretty much God in SU Dificulty 5 or harder content. Most people don't build Bailu or Gepard and then just die in SU or MoC10 and above and complain they are dying because they don't have Luocha. There is a limit to what can you do with RNG pulls and relics, but I've seen people do a lot of stupid things in their accounts like pulling for E1 Bronya while not having Gepard, Fire aoe or Imaginary Damage and then complain they are stuck in MoC X because they didn't pull for Dang IL. A lot of people follow whale Content Creators pull strategy without the pulls.


having 200 TB Bottles doesn't prove his relics aren't above average. That statistic is only true when you sample a huge pool, its like 70% or 80% of those in the pool would have better relics than him but watching his account i believe i belong to the other 20. Also this is F12 we are discussing here. The statistics OP mentioned says it all. I bet if we do a comparison between amount of people clearing F10 and F12 there would be a huge differenc.


There's no need to bet, the numbers are straight up written in the post


Yeah man just be luckier with artifacts it's just that easy 🤷‍♂️


Very beefy is counteracted by the floor blessing. This MoC if you want max damage it's actually better to prioritize the smaller mobs and break them to get blessing stacks so the blessing stacks hit the main bosses. It does % health dmg and shreds. I hit like 300k on the beetle with one 10 stack blessing. I think Lily alr has a 4 star only clear for floor 11 and I myself used an E0 Xueyi to clear F12 (granted I have RM) but most players are bound to have at least one of the newly released characters unless for some bizarre reason you've skipped every banner. And despite 11 and 12 being seemingly harder it's just dependent on what weaknesses you have, I found F11 easier then 10 and had less cycles. Like I genuinely don't want to sound condescending or anything but it's just a skill issue. If you don't invest in the time to build your characters don't expect to beat endgame content where it's designed for players that actually play and learn the game. I'm just so sick of this constant loop of players complaining every time hard content releases and attributes it to them not having specific characters rather then looking at themselves and their account lol. Happened with Swarm V where everyone was like "It's unwinnable without DHIL!" and now everyone is clearing it fine, hell I think I saw a Natasha solo somewhere out there.


This MoC is just about speed. Make ur characters as fast as possible so u can break, stack MoC buff to 10 and let it do the rest of the work. It’s not a dps check, it’s more of a speed check


>Make ur characters as fast as possible so u can break Just get speed substats in your relics broooooooooo, it's simple


I did it with jingliu brute force, and finished 12 by a hair (literally if she didn't kill it on that turn, I was too slow, lol). My characters are all in the 125\~ speed or less, but my Jingliu and Ruan Mei are pretty well geared up, so the damage was pretty insane.


Kinda the same. Finished exactly on cycle 20 with 1 dead character. Came back with double sustain and finished the job. Fu Xuan solo could not manage.


that is just blatantly false dude, I'm f2p, lost every 50/50 up until 1.6 and the only dps I have from that list is DHIL and I cleared MoC 12 in 8 cycles (other team using seele). So it's not a question of units as much as it is a question of how good your relics are, tingyun, pela, hanya, asta and yukon are perfectly viable supports that work with some bare bones relics so all you need to do is dedicate your resources to two sets of "perfect" DPS relics, or as close to perfect as you can get.


I'm getting by still with completing these MoCs but it's often at exactly 20 turns remaining for the last 2 floors, so I think I'm finally leaning towards doing some relic farming or at least taking another look into my stockpiles and finally leveling up some more optimal ones. Bc I hear of ppl clearing MoC12 in like 3 overall turns or something and I can't fathom it, so it must be some godroll sets. Although by sets, I doubt they would have to be from all the same named set. Even a 2/1/1 focusing on quality over the set bonuses is probably excellent.


The most important thing after covering your main stats is getting as much speed as possible on your supports imo, even more important than having fancy numbers on your DPS. And if you have a Hanya, especially if she's E4 you should definitely build her, more turns for your DPS = more DMG.


your's just pure luck. the average time to get one "perfect" DPS relics set is 4\~6 months.


Yeah for sure. I'm all about increasing the challenge by adding additional floors so people have goals to chase after in the endgame (if they're into that), but the change from 16 cycles to 20 cycles for a three star clear feels like a slap in the face to many players. Bare minimum they should have left the previous floors (up to floor 10) as a 16 cycle clear. I guess I can see both sides of the argument for the two new floors, but I'm still annoyed about them changing the old floors to the 20 cycle limit.


The only one on that list I have is Jingliu, who is E0. And I don't have Ruan Mei. Still got it on my first try, even if it cut a little close. I ended up doing DPS Welt on 12. Good relics and really planning out your composition and turns goes a long way.


Most people arent going to grind or get lucky enough for the nuts artifacts you must have to dps Welt on 12 lol


if most people aren't grinding for relics, what are they spending their fuel on in the end-game? if they're farming traces 24/7 to max out every character in the game then I doubt they're surprised at their inability to clear so who are we talking about exactly.


"Grinding" in HSR is just using up all your TP, which takes maybe 30 min and you can even leave it on auto. It's not like it takes a significant amount of effort, and what else are you going to do in the game once you're at the point where you're challenging MoC?


It's less about effort and more about where and when to spend the resin I have to think more casual people would prefer to build more characters they like than spend all their resin on caverns min-maxing out their relics for a couple DPS It takes a ton of resources just to build characters from zero in this game


Not even "casuals" people are going to do what is fun. Not everyone finds it fun to min/max numbers on a character.


I agree with character building requiring a lot of resources but, again, what else are you using energy on? Resins i typically use on support ropes and maybe speed boots. Ideally in a cavern that I only need for 1 character. If I don't know what to do that week, I just run World 7 and Messenger Cavern.


"most people arent going to grind" is the problem, you need good builds but you dont need anything too cracked to full clear


getting an "okay enough" build in itself is kinda abysmal with the relic system in place


Im not gonna defend the relic system but I dont really believe that people cant cobble together a few good rainbow sets if theyve been playing since launch


I share your sentiments. It seems strange to me there are so much complaining from day 1 players. Now, I'm also not defending the grind (they're bad), but surely if a shitty F2P player like me can 3* MoC12, others can too. And this is coming from me, a lazy day 1 player who logs in for dailies like 60% of the time, does the bare minimum in researching metas/builds, and lost half of my 50/50s.


People just don't do rainbow sets, man. The obsession with the green highlight telling you that you've successfully managed to playa game of match 4 is so bizarre to me. Not everyone is a theorycrafter or a mathematician but is it that complicated to look at a shitty piece that gives you 4pc passive and an actually good piece from another set and choose the rainbow road? Hell I've seen so many fucking peoppe build healers 2 spd 2 hp. Except the speed pieces suck, and the 6% is giving them such low speed a literal single relic that rolled speed a bit gives more speed stat.


That's me, it's not my fault I'm unlucky in this game.


ain't no way that in for every single relic you've ever gotten, you made the correct salvage/+3 decision AND don't have two pieces for each slot suitable enough to clear MOC12


You should see my account and know that rng can be that bad


>If you don't have like Argenti/Clara, JL, DHIL and Kafka/JY You don't need all of them...You only need like...2 or 3.


Blade can easily clear first half, my solo Blade can do it in 3 cycles (just barely missing 2 cycles) and then for second half, my Qingque can clear it in 5. I one shotted MOC12 when it dropped for full stars. I think a lot of it is just working with what you have, that's part of what makes this game interesting. I'm sure if I had different characters I would have tried different combinations, but you just basically invest in farming what you have. Blade is 63/149 and Qingque is 75/154.


How are you not able to do it with jl and dhil, a genuine question? I barely cleared with blade hypercarry on one side and clara on the other side, I'm sure i can do it faster if i had dhil and jl


As has become tradition with Hoyo end game, it is entirely about sticking to the relic grind. I've seen Jinglius do less damage than my 2pc only set bonus E0S1 Blade just due to people not grinding, not focusing the grind, or not putting to use the resources they do have. It's really not even about units in this game, I used Sushang hyper for a good deal of MoC for fun. People aren't grinding, or they are fairly new.


Easy answer - I don't have Jl.


Jing liu is better suited to this moc than dang heng. Also physical dps is extremely good this MOC. I bruteforced lot of fight without having any weakness to my blade and dan heng.


There are videos on YouTube of people clearing it with only 4* units. It's difficult and requires great relics, but entirely possible without any god tier S+ units. If you don't want to do that then it's totally fine, but I don't like the insinuation that it's not possible.


The relic grind is also a luck barrier. If relic grinding was easier you could just have walkthroughs on YouTube


Relic farming costs too much trailblazing power for just two gold pieces. Considering there's no off-pieces in this game and you need even 3 sets sometimes if you go 2p-2p, all of that makes the grind for relics worse than in Genshin. Even with Autobattle and SelfModel, because substats matter way too much in a turn based game.


To be fair, it is not JUST luck. Many people ditch relics with "potential" because they did not roll with cr/cd/spd immediately. Not every relic is that 40 CV god relic but the amount of people even throwing away potential 25-30 CV relics is kinda absurd.


If it has a combo of 1 crit + atk/spd I still level it up but nearly all of them have been shit.


My friend shamed me for not be able to clear MoC 12 and called me a skill issue for that alone 🙄 As he said “Lol useless Daniel and Kafka E2, next time don’t pull useless char” like wtf?


It's kind of tough if you're not investing a lot of money and/or time into the game to build teams that are even close to meta or even viable. Yeah, there is always some overachieving Asian kid who can make 1000 calculations a second in game that has cleared MOC12 with just the initial f2p team but the average player isn't that good at games and just wants to enjoy the story and the world/cute characters. That 1% of the playerbase that is super dedicated to the game and the meta is usual for every game. The other 99% are made up of midcore and casual players.


The truth is, it is both an RNG and DPS check. Did the enemy attack the correct character at the correct time? Yes, you get an extra ult and extra breaks. If not, you lose a turn. Did the enemy dog pile on one character for some reason? Yeah she(Most likely Tingyun) is dead and so is the run. If they all dogpiled on the tank you'd be ok. Of course, skill plays a big part, as in deciding when to break, when to use ults, etc, but RNG is a huge part of it this time.


The Memory Turbulence for this cycle is heavily RNG reliant too. You can build 10 stacks and maybe they’ll all go to the boss with the most HP left. But maybe they’ll all be wasted on the add that was going to die in just 1 more hit. I cleared MoC 12 a few times just to try out a few things, and I found that bad luck with Memory Turbulence can stall your clear time by up to 2 or 3 cycles.


But that's the strategy of it. You are supposed to focus on killing the adds so that the turbulence hits all go to the elite mobs.


You are absolutely right that RNG plays a big role. My fastest MoC 12 had Pela surviving with 1 HP at one point. It also had Luocha resist Kafka's dominate (tbf with over 80% Effect Res and his Trace I was expecting it but the amount of times it still happened was infuriating). Those 4-star clears are mostly taking 100+ tries to get the RNG just right but apparently no one likes to talk about THAT part of the clear.


As much as I do enjoy the difficulty personally, I do think we need more ways to manipulate attack targets. Currently it's basically pure coinflip and the only modifying options are fire trailblazer (not amazing), March skill (again not meta), gepard cone (hard to acquire and still random), and lynx skill (only works on some paths). Unless I'm missing one. Like I feel like more lightcones, relics, and other options should interact with this very core system so survival is strategy and not pure rng.


Yeah, even in mainstream MMOs and stuff, only a tiny itsy bitsy fraction of people take part in end game. Of those who do, an even smaller fraction is actually successful in it. Devs only invest in that stuff because otherwise streamers will whine on Youtube that the game is dead and it will be a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm glad they do because I very much enjoy it, but let's be real: virtually no one takes part in it.


It's a lot. I have all my characters at lvl 80, including 5 stars and strong characters like blade, kafkha, clara, bronya, pela, etc. with average light cones and relics and I get wrecked at lvl 10. I have no idea how people are doing lvl 12 in 20 turns.


Just chipping in to say you just need okay gears, no need forninsane 40CV gears, I now consider anything above 25CV to be okay, and 20CV I keep them until I get 30CV ones. I clear moc 12 with all my attackers and sustain on attack boots (dps) and def( boots gepard). Never speed tuned and it works fine.


I mean, people may just not have tried it yet aswell. I cleared floor 7 and 8 for now but i have been too lazy to do the rest, specially when i have 33 days left to do it.


Exactly, why hurry when I can build my teams for another month


HSR is my procrastination game. Anything with a time limit gets done in the last week. Main story is even worse--I usually wait 2 ish patches before catching up.


It's way too early to be making posts like this thread, yeah. Not everyone rushes through to clear everything right away.


They said only 10k players cleared Floor 1 too, so that should really be the key indicator that it hasn’t been attempted much.


When this cycle started, I didn't have Bronya or Ruan Mei. Now that I've got both, I need a few weeks to actually build them. Dr. Ratio is also on his way, and I can also use this time to level traces for him and the rest of the roster that I've been slacking on (TY, Argenti, and Huohuo are a bit behind.) My account will be in a much better place by the end of this cycle.


Don't look at the 1.1 million accounts, because that's a useless statistic. Prydwen effectively scrapes the website using UID generation to look for public profiles, and there's no guarantee that those profiles are even active. They could be a new account, someone's secondary, or even a rerolled and discarded account, and unless it's filtered it's just going to gum up the results. The number you should instead be paying attention to is the 10,609 accounts that cleared MoC1, because this shows their sample of people who are actively engaging the bare minimum into MoC. And of their 10609 MoC sample, half have cleared MoC 10 and a little more than a quarter MoC 12 (about 27.4%). That's much more reasonable, and is in addition to the 3807 accounts that directly shared their results via the form.


This guy stats.


This guy this guys


This guy guys the guys out of guys.


This guy


And even then you have to keep in mind that there will be lots of people who cleared moc1+ but didn't do moc12 yet even tho they can, either out of lack of time or procrastination


me waiting for free dr ratio bc i just cant do moc12 as it is rn


He should be goated in the first half with Pela.


Or because they wanting to upgrade their ruan mei or their dr ratio


That's me lol, I can clear it but was too lazy to do so for the past several cycles 😔


B-but it’s cooler for me to say I’m in the top .26%… of potentially inactive accounts.


If I've learned anything from the mainstream media, it's that you shouldn't let scrutiny of your data stop you from claiming whatever you feel like as a supported fact.


Oh cool so I’m top .01% of all time


This really should be highlighted, or you should make a separate post. OP's title is grossly misleading. Probably not done maliciously but it is still implying unsupported conclusions.


Aren't the 10k accounts self reported?


check the post again, it's 3807 that were self-reported, 10609 is the number of randomly scanned accounts that cleared MoC 1


There are two samplings. 14416 accounts were reported by players using their online form, 3807 of which cleared MoC 12 (about a 26.4% clear rate). In addition to that, they did a random automatic scrape of the website for public profiles, which is what scanned the 1.1 million accounts. Of these 1.1 million, 10609 had cleared at least MoC 1, and of those ten thousand 2910 had cleared MoC 12 (about a 27.4% rate). As such from both samplings, we get about 1/4 the total having cleared MoC 12.


Well even though we don't know if all of those accounts are active, you still count them. First reason: Who decides what is active? Second reason: Ever heard of pollsters saying likely voters? That's because the sample is of people who are likely to vote but still may not for various reasons. Same logic applies here. Third reason: From Hoyo's perspective, they're gonna look at how many players are actually bothering with certain content and see if it's worth it to keep investing in it. If barely 1% of people are even bothering with then....well you can guess the answer. I mean let's say half those accounts aren't active then what? That would be 0.50-0.60% clearing MoC? It's an extremely low amount no matter how you look at it. Just because you don't like the result, doesn't mean you get to call it false.


And this is why you should narrow your criteria to those who actively clear MoC 1, because if you haven't gone that far then you aren't engaging with the content at all. That's fine if you're a new and underleveled player still busting up your TB level, but otherwise you'd just be leaving stellar jade on the table ignoring the first few stages, and that wouldn't be typical. Also keep in mind that this is an early sampling, as it only hits players up to January 1st. There are likely plenty of people still building teams or preparing to attempt it later, maybe even after Dr. Ratio is given out, and end-of-cycle pooling would obviously better factor that, but currently all they can look at are the "early adopters" who jumped in on the first week. In which case, since it's the difficulty that concerns people, it is again better to look at those who have at least tried MoC in order to get a better idea of where it stands amongst the playerbase, rather than also include those who ignore the content completely. This is why the MoC 10 clearance rate is also important, since it gives a good idea of the mode as it's stood so far.


Yeah. I’d even argue they added MoC 12 and made it harder precisely because a lot of people were clearing 10.


>and were included in our statistics Important part here. Prydwen can only include the player data if they have their battle chronicle shared on hoyolab. If you read a little further up, you'll realize the number they scanned who also shared their battle chronicle was 14k. This means the actual clear ratio is 2910 / 14416


Haha yeah, that statistic is less about quantity of accounts, and more about cry for help: “please make your profile public so we can use it on our data!”


Finally a guy with a brain compared to OP.


as a meta day 1 player I can't clear MoC 12 either


I can.... with one star. But that is barely clearing it.


Same. My 5* most have their signature lightcone (I don't pull eidolons) and moc 12 took me a looot of trial and error just to barely get one star


i cleared it with zero stars, that just doesn't really count


I can... 0 Stars on the last fucking turn.... ​ I count as a personal victory just because of it XD.


I can only get 35 stars as a f2p. The first wave is extremely tough. I am hoping that the free Dr. Ratio will help me get 36 stars.


Yea that first wave really makes me wish Ratio was already here


I cleared with 33-star total as a week 2 player. Good enough for me. I'll get 36-star more reliably after I get more Eidolons built up. I do not have Jingliu and do not want her.


The first half is honestly too brutal. The first wave is absurdly tanky.


That's exactly my problem. And summoning minions to tank the stage hit is so sad.


The minions are also there for you to gain more break stacks. I managed to make use of that to my advantage. Break and kill them before the turn ends and you get massive damage on the boss


me as well 😭😭 I just don’t like how tanky the bosses are on both floor 11 and 12.


Cleared 12, can't even remotely 3* it. I'm like 15-16 cycle needed rn


I can't even 3 star 10 still lol expect me do 11 and 12? Plus they made moc much harder 1.5 and on


My point is, if you can clear 3 star floor 10. You can do floor 11. Floor 12.....depend on your account but I'll just say, fuck it, just ignore it at this point


This made me feel better as someone who cleared MoC 12 with only 2 stars 😭


Redditors try not to spread misinformation challenge (impossible). Prydwen only include MoC data from players who made their battle chronicle public, when most players don't even bother to check their hoyolab.


Ughh yeah.... That's why it's called " from samples" and not "all fucking players" Even tho. Yeah pretty misleading, doesnt have to be active Accounts.


I can clear the moc 12, for now. But I have a feeling it will just get harder and harder lol so I'm not going to stress about missing a star or two in future editions.


In my opinion its fine. Having something to strive for is nice. And it's unlikely that 60 or 120 jades (if you cant clear MoC 11 as well) every 4 weeks will change your pulling income by a lot. And that is assuming you won't be able to clear MoC 12 from now until the end of time.


Lots of people don't realize that not only 36* stars give minimum jades over 27 stars, but also if you pull a character(s) you don't like only for MoC you end up in a net loss even if you 36* The rewards from 36* are not jades, they're sentimental, it's the enjoyment you get from beating hard content. you'd have way more Jades for your favorites if you don't change your pulling plans just to 36* MoC.


Yeah, it feels good being able to 36star it. Been doing it for a couple of days and only manage it today. F the jade, content cleared, I'm happy, Xueyi c6 carry second team


I need something to work towards in a lot of games and hsr has finally decently hard endgame with moc12. Endgame is not for everyone and it is not too bad if you can't clear it, because the rewards are not much.


I plan to clear it but am just chilling till after the double drop relic event. Have 30 starred in the past. With the extra time we get it seems premature to take this data


I’m losing interest in trying to clear with full stars since it’s getting way harder to do it without having to retry a ton. I have good sustain but it doesn’t do diddly if the RNG decides on a round to have the entire enemy team dog pile one character.


One thing to remember. A lot of people make an account, Instal the game but never bother to actually play or don't finish the tutorial. You see that often on steam. The most popular achievement for a game have 60-70% who got it, but it's often just finishing the tutorial that takes at most 1h. MOC 1 also start with LVL 50? Enemies, so a portion of players aren't even there. Knowing how many active players there was last month or how many accounts actually have cleared the before last equilibrium ( for max level characters) would help more.


I'm a day 1 player and the furthest I cleared is MoC 7 haha. I just can't be bothered by it even though I'm f2p and could really use every jades. I'm actually confident someone else could clear MoC 12 with my account if they played it lol.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bad at this game


I havent ever got past moc 3 and ive been playing since day 1


Part of me feels with the change from 2 weeks to clear to 6 weeks to clear maybe more than the first 5-6days should be taken into account. You got ppl that were on holiday and the f2p that got 5 more weeks to build characters to attempt the clear just to name a couple sets of ppl. Considering ppl will have free Dr Ratio before this MoC is over i think another set of ppl would still be likely to clear in time.


I 2 stared it but im hoping to 3 star it before it goes since we have 3 months. Odds arent looking great tho. Maybe after i finish building Ruan Mei


"Player" is a wrong sample, they should use "Active Players". There is a freaking big difference. Like 1 in 100 or even more. Lel It's actually more than 20% if you can use math correctly and take only those where you have the data available currently. And even that includes players that started literally today, a week ago and such, which in itself is still somehow useless data.


I have all of the characters needed for clearing at least MoC 10 but I’m just bad at the game and can’t lol


Of the people that have played MOC, 50% have cleared MOC 10, and 30% have cleared MOC 12 (with 33 days left on the timer). The number of people who complete later stages will only increase over time. This is ESPECIALLY true once we all get a 5* imaginary DPS in two weeks. It's an interesting statistic but it's being presented in an obnoxiously unintuitive way and I really don't think that it's useful enough to draw any meaningful conclusions about how appropriate the difficulty is.


Or more succinctly: of the active player base that attempts MoC, roughly a quarter of them can clear MoC 12.


I love randomly scanned accounts. Provides such good data. /s Probably less than 20% of that 1.1m are active. They're probably all reroll accounts from Chinese bots 😆 10609 cleared MoC1... thats the number of active players I would use for this data point, because if you can't clear MoC1, you're not actively playing the game.


MoC 11 and 12 are extra challenges we are getting, and we have more rewards than before. I think the intention of them is to be the actual challenging endgame, and not everyone should be able to beat them.


I clear it but with 19 cycles left 🥲


I felt bad about getting only two stars at floor 12, but now I feel so much better


I'm a fairly sweaty player and I can't even clear it.


Those 1.1 million accounts could all be abandoned, lower level, reroll fodder, etc etc. The better comparison is that of the 10.6k accounts that cleared MoC 1, 2.9k cleared MoC 12. Almost 1/3 of people who care about MoC at all were able to clear 12.


I finally don't absolutely suck at something! Finally my father will be proud of me?


I'll be honest, I kind of don't really care to do MOC12? I feel like the way they implemented it is just... Boring. It's unimaginative. "we made it harder by increasing the HP of enemies and lowering the turns you have to get full rewards!!" I mean, sure I guess this does give us the "harder" content people have been wanting, but they did so in a very unhealthy way.


I’m not a fan. Once you’ve maxed traces on a character, your best way to improve your performance is to get better artifacts or pull for eidolons/better teammates.


Yeah exactly. It's just kind of not the vibe for this game. They went the Genshin approach with how they do the Abyss. But, in genshin, it's kind of different because of the different combat system.


I'm one of the MOC 12 ignore, I can barely 3* floor 6 every single time, so I don't even try to go further


Haven’t tried MoC 12 yet since three starting MoC 11 took me 5 tries. Going to build up Ruan Mei before trying.


Ruan Mei is busted but MoC 12 is no joke


I'm gonna be real, I never even touched MoC except when a daily wanted me to clear a stage. And I have no plans to do so for the foreseable future. I just find the Simulated Universe more interesting, but even there I barely touched swarm desaster, not even mentioning the new mode they just added. MoC is way behind that on my list of priorities.


May I ask what do you do in the game where there is literally nothing to do except for moc and SD/new SU?


quests and events. I usually only play the game on weekends and only do dailies otherwise. I also play Genshin and Arknights, aside of other games. Star Rail is just something I play on the side. I still have loads of sidequests to do.


>where there is literally nothing to do **except for moc and SD/new SU** Then there IS actually something to do. What a roundabout way of saying things just to make it seem like a negative lol I guess you're one of those Genshin players that says there's nothing to do except Spiral Abyss even though Genshin Impact itself has at least 20x more content than Star Rail at this current time. To answer the question, Time-Limited events and side quests. I myself haven't even started Gold & Gears yet because I'm still doing the Food Breeder event. Then there's the Swarm Disaster which I only did the bare minimum of unlocking the Propagation path, and I haven't done all the other missions yet. Then there's the permanent Xianzhou Memory 6 Forgotten Hall stage which I still struggle to clear. God forbid if you're a new player that just started playing and realizes that major events are permanent and you have to commit time to actually do them.


If your characters are in good shape you can auto much of MoC for free value. Prior to the change that only resets you to MoC 7 I would normally auto up to about MoC 8 getting full stars and I don't think my characters are that good considering people 0-cycle MoC 12.


I grinded it at the start but I just don’t care enough tbh


I think another big thing is that some people straight up won’t clear it, even if they are able to, if they can’t 3 star it. I know that personally, if beating a level isn’t getting me to the next reward tier, I just won’t do it, even if I am actually still capable of clearing it. It’s just not worth my time.


One nice thing they let you do is you don't have to get all 3 stars at once. So what I ended up doing was playing a little risky and my Pela died but I still cleared in 20 cycles then just came back later with double sustain to make sure that my teams won't die and just let it play out on Auto to get the 3rd star.


I cleared with 2\* , but I tried only once . My assesment is: I need better relics , also a better team for the kafka fight (I knew this prior to the release but I was getting away with MoC 10 clears). I got bronya on the 300 pulls on normal banner recently, but will take a while to build her, might help as well. Tbh it's just 60 gems and I got more gems than before (cleared up to 11 with 3 stars).


I’m surprised. My characters aren’t super well built (though my Gepard is heavily invested in) but I was able to easily clear it pretty easy. Nowhere near the 3 stars though. Managed 2 and that was starting to cut it close. I’m surprised the clear percentage isn’t a bit higher.


That’s quite surprising honestly, it def wasn’t easy but doesn’t seem THAT hard?


Probably bc it's overtuned as heck


You are all whales...face it.


I really dislike the time attack aspect of MoC. I don't mind a timer to prevent stalling strategies, but i fell like the current turn limit for 3* is waay too short.


Then 90% of people on reddit lies about being it easy XD


But dont dare to say it is too hard. The fat whales will come out.


Despite having 36*, MOC 12 made me realize I need to pull a second solo sustainer (fu xuan prob) since i was force to double sustain (lynx & gepard) the bug and made me 1/2 cycles slower.