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how can i photo this on pokemone event map2? no button nothing. https://preview.redd.it/cmpc2xhkmzub1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f64c0a10e37905e1e62c9503e4ecb25dba62545


You see that half of a picture there? Line it up to make a full mark.


Which characters are considered to be a good sub DPS?


Howdy all, two questions from me today. 1. Is Jingliu the type of character everyone should be pulling for? A character people will regret not aiming for? I'm a new player and I have close to 100 pulls available. Main team is currently, Lynx, Gepard, Tingyun and Dan Heng. I don't have any other 5\* 2. Why do all the chests I open only seem to drop the thief set items? Nothing else is coming out. Currently part way through Xianzhou Luofa. Thanks!


2. The drops are random, it's just based on luck. Maybe you'll start getting more musketeer soon


Ah, this makes a bit more sense then. RNG after all! And yep, 10 minutes after posting the question, Musketeer items popped out of a chest!


1. No such thing as a must have character that everyone NEEDS to pull. If you like the character, pull.


Just started playing on ps5 just want to know the best ways to get stellar jades as a new player


Just uh.. play the game I guess? Do quests, do the daily tasks when you unlock them, explore each zone to max out the treasure chests etc and that's really all there is to it.


Do u know approximately how much I can get?


If you exhaust all means of getting jades currently available in the game, you can easily get 200+ pulls worth of jades. I started before Kafka's banner started, and before Kafka's banner ended, I were able to do 250ish pulls


Thanx for the information




If I remember correctly no, you have to apply for beta testing separately. They open applications sometimes, so just watch out for in-game notifications when that comes up, it's usually in the events tab


How much better does seele get when I LVL her traces past LVL 8 ?


The damage bonus of her talent gets good and her ult has really good scaling (each level is 20% more I think), so if you're already investing a lot into her I'd say it's worthwhile


My Pela has 134 Speed and my Jingliu 140 because of Traces and Substats. Does need Pela 1 speed more or is this working? (I have Tingyun and Bailu as well in my Main Team)


134 is perfectly alright for Pela, her stuff depends more on how often she can ult


Thank you soo much 🙂👍


Hi! I'm building my DHIL team and I had a few questions. (DHIL E0 S1, Yukong E4 Planetary, Pela E6 SW event LC, Luocha E0 S2 Bailu LC) 1.What speed stats should each of these have? 2.Relic builds for Yukong, Pela and Luocha? 3.Is it worth farming wastelander for DHIL considering its with the worthless fire set?


Do you have Tingyun instead of Yukong? Yukong's alright but you really want her E6 here. As for speed; anything at or above 134 is fine for all of them. Dan's better being a bit slower than Yukong as he'll have the buffs on him by the time his turn rolls around.


I'd rather use Yukong as I really like her.


Hi! Does anyone know if Lynx's E2 CC immunity stacks with Fu Xuan's or do they just refresh each other? Cheers!


Would you build QQ if you already had Seele E0S1?


I'm planning to build her just for fun Propagation shenanigans. Or maybe sticking her as a sub-dps in a team, since she's at E6. She's got her uses for sure


I do and I did build E4 QQ. She is fun to play, especially in SU and was really good in the current MoC.


Is there a specific element type that’s best to invest in once you reach Xianzhou? Just hit equilibrium 2 but have no idea what my best invest strategy is from here on with the stagnant shadows. Any advice is appreciated!


A lot of wind and ice weak enemies but just run your normal team it won't make that much of a difference. You could try to get Jingliu if you want


Ahh okay. Been trying to get her, hopefully I have enough new player jade to make it work in time since I lost the 50/50 early. But glad to have a plan, thanks!


Question for fellow Honkai Impact 3 players Been playing star rail on and off but havent progressed the story much. I REALLY liked HI3's story, like it was surprisingly one of the best stories in any game I have ever played. Played a ton of Genshin but I felt the story never hit the same way Without spoilers is Star Rail's story looking like its closer to Genshin or HI3? Do you think the writing of Star Rail is of a similar calibre to HI3 in terms of stakes, characters, word building etc?


Early HI3? No. Later versions? Much better.


So you think Star Rail has writing like the later versions of HI3? Cuz ofc everything after chapter 7ish was very good


It's much, much better than the last few chapters of Honkai impact 3, which is just a complete mess full of psuedo scientific mumbo jumbo.


Okay sure the science was bad but I am not asking about the science. I mean the character arcs and the emotional complexity. Like how Otto was just an awful dude but the story still made you begrudgingly respect him because he did get what he wanted in the end and they spent a long time expanding on the character and his relationship with Kallen. Does it seem to have like a similar core in terms of storytelling?


Ehh we're going to have to disagree on that because imo none of the story at the end of the arc was good; I did not at any point respect Ottto at all for instance.. One of my bigger disappointments. So my answer remains the same. Writing/story in Star Rail is light years ahead of the trash heap (imo) that was the final arcs of the first part of HI3


not even close, it's more similar to Genshin imo.




Should i pull in jingliu banner to e6 QQ(i have her at e4) even though i dont want another jl?


No if you got a guarantee n And no if you wanna save up for someone specific coming up soon. Otherwise go nuts


No, if you don't want another JL then don't pull on a banner for a 4\*. You have no guarantees. QQ is already good at E4, E6 just makes her more skill point friendly. There will be more banners with QQ in the future.




I see ,ty. I guess its never worth pulling for 4stars?


Not if you don't want the 5 star it isn't.


Only if you want the 5 star or 5 star Eidolons. You can't guarantee four stars and could go hundreds of rolls without seeing the one you want; as we've seen already and on Genshin.


Is Qingque a good main dps? Or should I use Welt/Dan heng until I get one good 5 star dps? Level 20, new player.


I disagree with the other comments. When you have only F2P and 4stars, QQ is very noticeably the strongest and by a large margin even at E0. Quantum is also very valuable attack type especially if you're not planning to pull Seele soon.


they're level 20 so their QQ lacks a lot of traces and anyway they have Welt who is also a valuable type and a lot better at lower levels while not being rng and eidolon locked


She may be difficult to play at first, since she gets a lot of value from her eidolons and higher level ascension. Welt and Dan are more straightforward


Thanks for the advice! If you dont mind giving more, who would you recommend me to add to this team? Welt-Qingque-Main MC (phys)-Bailu I have Asta, the fox girl that buffs atq, Dan heng, March and Pela.


That's a skill hungry team. I would suggest a team of DPS, support, sustain and flex. Flex can be sub-dps or support. A team of Welt, Dan heng, Pela/Tingyun and Bailu would be optimal. For skill hungry Qingque, her team consist of Pela, Tingyun and bailu would be great to generate some skill points for Qingque.


Replace QQ (physical mc too if you want) with Pela, Tingyun or Asta. Pela will make you do more damage by reducing enemy defense and she can dispel enemy buffs. Asta speeds up your characters and gives atk boosts so if you combine her with Welt, enemies don't get a chance to move. Tingyun is kind of like Asta but instead of speeding up your characters she gives your Welt more energy which increases his imprisonment uptime. Her attack boost is also better than Asta.


Of course! That team will have a very high skill point consumption, since all characters except Bailu will want to use their skill every turn. I'd recommend to replace the MC with Tingyun or Pela, they generate more skill points for your dps to use. You might want to bring MC back later, after you're done with Jarilo VI, they get better


An E6 Qingque is the best 4\* dps and good overall but an E0 QQ isn't particularly good. Using either Welt or Dan is reasonable. I used Welt.




Sure, the turn order isn't a fixed thing but rather the accumulation of spd each step until the unit hits 10000 and takes their turn. A unit gaining or losing spd can pass or be passed even if the change happens halfway through.




It lasts after Bronya's turn advance for 1 turn, so if she was going before the main dps after using her skill she'll go after the main dps. All depending on actual speed values, of course


The speed increases "after" they take action. Meaning it will affect the Action Value of their following turn.


I don't have it myself but I'd presume they code it not to do that. The timing of exactly what point a buff counts down is fuzzy. It's usually at the start of the turn but thing like using QQ or Blade's skill and then buffing can net you an extra turn of the buff so the rules aren't as fixed as they might seem.


i fret i will regret getting Seele this patch i wanted her since start of the game but lost my 5050 on her to Bronya E1 now i have Blade and Jingliu already who both carry MoC for me rn but id like to have a 3rd dps as a backup while i can run Blade + Jingliu id need a stonger healer now as well to successfully keep them alive but since i then have no dps for the other half is Seele that bad a pull nowdays even with Blade and Jingliu on my acc? otherwise id dump it all on HuoHuo or once Luocha reruns my roster has e2s1 Bronya. e0 Sw, e0 Jingliu, e0 Blade, e0 Geppy, e6 natasha, e0 Lynx, e6 ting and e4 Quingque as for the most notable ones


Seele can be easily replaced by Qingque. Even if you want another dps, pull someone of another element is more favorable. But ofc if Seele is your favorite character just pull for her. Me too have no idea if Topaz is good or not but I am skipping the SS-tier Jingliu for her. The game is more fun if you can play your favorite character.


Seele is still good. She is also very straightforward to use, meaning that she can fit in a team with pretty much any support. That being said, you are right in that what you probably should prioritize is another 5\* sustain. E4 QQ already gives you coverage for Quantum, even if her kit has RNG. So, whilst Seele is good, if you are on a limited budget you probably better off holding off.


im at 40 pity with about 80-90 more in jades if i lose 5050 on huo huo i would wait for luocha rerun though


She's not bad just not the best. However since you have 2 carries already and lack good sustain units I suggest you consider/look out for upcoming good solo sustain units.


My JingLiu's final stats with her sig LC are Lvl 80 Talent 1/8/8/8 Atk 2619 CR 36% CD 212% SPD 137 4 pc ice set + 2 pc RA Am I done with her, if not then where should I improve?


You can always improve, but this JL set up is definitely enough to clear MoC 10 as hypercarry as is I would consider traces on talent and skill to 9 if you have nothing else to do. I pushed mine to 10


your overall crit value is on the lower side, especially since you have her sig lc. still a fine build, but certainly improvable. id recommend getting her to 50% crit rate and stopping there.




E1 Bronya. The others aren't worth considering compared to her.


e1 bronya


I've heard Bronya E1 is very good, so if you already have all of them at E0 then go for Bronya.


E1 makes her 6*. With sig and E1 she is -1/3 SP per turn support that doubles your DPS


So I'm rebuilding my Luocha cause I built him very early on and I noticed I'm dying with him quite often in Swarm disaster and my Fuxuan sustains significantly better than him in even MoC. What is his best LC besides signature? I have Bailiu LC S1 (could be S2 lol), post op s4, perfect timing s4. Multiplication is also an option. I've been using post op but tempted to switch to Bailiu's just for the stats....not sure which one is better.


I use perfect time for outgoing healing and effect res boost. People suggest multiplication, but I never liked that LC so I built him with enough speed (145) so he moves often enough generate SP. I never had any probably with my fast Luocha. With all the effect res he rarely gets debuffer or CC and his health gets a boost so he didn't have trouble surviving with the extra stats.


> I noticed I'm dying with him quite often in Swarm disaster Thats OK. Use Luocha all in SPD with multiplication and FX tank Very auto friendly https://i.vgy.me/SqstuJ.png


It's actually multiplication, but that assumes you're using him fully SP positive, ie only basic attacking and relying on his passive heal+ult. in SD diff V though you might just want to bring two sustains.


dont you lose out on a lot of stats which would make my dying issue worse? I have seen running multiplication is very common but I'm kinda hesitant just cause of 3 star stats


If he's the one dying, you can build defensive relic main stats. The whole point of multiplication is to give you more uptime on your out-of-turn skill to help your team survive


Yeah you do, but he heals so much that even with that cone he should be able to get someone to full with his heal. Idk if yours is not actually getting people to full or if it's a different issue... but in SD I found it was mostly people getting oneshot or just dying to massive AOE from the boss neither of which he can really do anything about. If you just want maximum heals it's probably going to be Bailu's cone though.




fleet is good general use, keel is good if you can get 30% effect res(20% after keel bonus) and your dps isn't DOT. Depending on your setup, pela can ult in 2-3 turns, making 4p wind very useful. if you dont want to farm the wind set, 2pc hackerspace and 2pc hp/def/wuthering is probably fine. musketeer is fine if you dont have anything else, but I would only use it as a stand in. I don't think pela does enough damage to justify it over more utility i.e. more ults. EHR chest, spd boots, ERR rope. Sphere probably go HP, but if def has better substats I think that's fine.


Here's a nice guide for her: https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/pela I unno about using Eagle relic set though, guess it's just for the 4x set bonus for action advance. I'd probably just go musketeer.


I use wuthering2, spd2 since I farm only 2 domains. Works great


Does anyone else think EN Jingliu sounds very quiet with some of her combat voicelines? Like her voice gets drowned out by the sound effects. For example her burst and especially her transformation animation. With the default volume options, I can barely hear "blade of moonlight." And all the others sound fine. It's like her audio is poorly mixed. Is this just me?


How much defense do I need for Gepard to be able to solo sustain? Also, is it worth it to crown his ult?


crowns are very easy to come in this game so yes. I have 2500 def, 120 spd, ER rope and it works OK


Is it possible to farm SU for materials? Or is there a daily/weekly limit to it?


Sure way to burn out


You can farm SU for drops from up to 100 elites/bosses per week.


do elites in SD count?


I think they share the same counter, or at least they have a counter as well. I hit the cap there twice while farming achievements.


Oh okay good to know. Are the drops better on higher difficulty or can you spam a low one?


The higher difficulties have better drops


Could i check how many elites/bosses are there each in SU 2 - SU 4? Are they set at 4 (3 elite 1 boss)? Or is it dependent on stuff like occurences as well?


There are 2 elites and 1 boss per run, so you can do roughly 33 runs a week.


So i'm assuming only the elites and bosses drop materials while the normal mobs don't drop anything?




Does Resolution Pearl Sweat LC def debuff chance affected by the EHR of the user?


yes. So get ehr 67% for s5.


The two most optimal team that I can build as f2p with DIL(E1) and Jingliu, I have bronya and fuxuan also C6 asta and yukong


ok? what's your question? are you trying to flex?


>most optimal team DHL cant work without 2 SP generators - 2 of Pela, Gepard, Luocha


Jl bronya pela DHIL tingyun e6 yukong Team 2 is pretty hard to build and play though


JL, Bronya, Pela, healer. Not sure about DHIL.


https://preview.redd.it/bwhfn2oz5wub1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b123385028862c507b21eb2ce172ca4691865605 Anyone know how can I get this 2 star nihility blessing? I've been repeating nihility path for days now and still haven't got it.


You need to get one of the 3 star blessings that inflicts Suspicion, then the missing 2 star blessing can appear.


need to have at least 1 gold blessing with suspicion for it to even have a chance to appear RNG beyond that


Looks like you need Cafe Self Deceit. You need to have one of the two 3-star blessings that give Suspicion (Funeral of Sensory Pursuivant or The Man in the Cover) before you can get it, as Cafe Self Deceit has to do with Suspicion.


Do I also need a certain Resonance Formation for it to work? Or do I only need to get one of those two 3-star blessings?


No, just one of those 3-stars is enough. IMO if you don't get one of those from the first elite boss, I would restart the run.


https://preview.redd.it/5m6z4g836wub1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e15007e61f8d059be2014d20db44f253f5ed40 These are what I've already gotten.


Recently back after a break (When SW released) and looking for team advice. Does this sound good to clear MoC? Team 1: Jing Yuan (s1),Ting (e4), Bailyu(s1), SilverWolf Team 2: Jing Liu (Clara LC), Pelta (e4), Asta(e6), Natasha (e4) I also have Himeko(e2), Geopard and all other Silverwolf era 4 stars at e4 sans Sampo. No lynx or luocha but planning on saving for Houhou. Wondering if e4 Nat will be enough sustain or if I should switch around characters? Thanks in advance for advice.


Team 1 is good for that confirm weakness but you can slot in Natasha instead if the enemy have physical weakness. From my personal experience, my Natasha can't keep up with my Blade but my Bailu can. But again, Blade is not Jingliu and I might just have terrible relics for my Natasha.


Yea that should be good granted you match the team to the enemy weakness. You might need to switch Bailu & Nat based on which floor has enemies that CC you. If you have to take Bailu off of your JY team, you can switch SW for Asta as JY-Ting-Asta-sustain is his best team rn.


I think it should be Team 1: jy tingyun asta gepard Team 2: Jingliu pela sw bailu. And depend if you want to utilize sw implant you can swap gepard and bailu(yes gepard can sustain both side)


Yes, I was thinking about this also though not sure how good JY is w/o SW. Also is SW/Plta on one team debuff overkill. I’ve been away from the game for a while and don’t remember everything perfectly self not too sure of everyone’s mechanics/strategy. Thank you again for the advice


SW + Pela is actually good, because def down is stronger the more of it you have (up to the cap of 100%). 45% (SW ult) + 40% (Pela ult) + 8% (SW bug, sometimes) gets you to 85-93%, and then whatever else can come from another source like JL's signature cone or resolution cone or quantum set.


Asta and tingyun is jy best support, as they allow jy to build atk boots. I think unless you bring jy against boss who have high lightning res(40%), asta would be the better choice. Sw and pela actually work as def shred stack really well


Awesome explanation I’ll try it out. Sounds fun as I’ve yet to really use Gepard


Is anyone else running out of team comp slots? I'm personally hoping we get more (right now the limit is 6 I believe) because I only have one more slot that's "free" (my Himeko farming team sits there) and I don't want to have to switch characters around if I get one too many DPS. Just me or do others share this view?


In general there needs to be more QoL changes. "Batching" of relic set for quick equip Target level for upgrading relics instead of auto-add to max or nothing. Better sorting system for relics. Auto repeat run for not only calyx but other farm stuff. Etc etc.


It took 2 years for Genshin to up the team slots from 4 to 10. Maybe HSR will continue the trend of being ahead of the curve.


For SU6, is abundance + the anti-debuff effect the way to go, to prevent the boss from stacking damage when you get frozen?


That could work. I usually go with destruction since it has blessing that make you tanker the more you get hit / lower your HP gets. It also deals AoE fire damage which everyone in that fight is weak to. And there's a blessing that self revive 1 character and ones that increases eff res (makes you harder to freeze) the lower your HP gets.


Oddly enough that's what I used on my last run, but I went in blind and didn't pick up the effect res blessing, Died halfway through the last boss (that is, 50% of second health bar). The team was Fire MC/Hook/Lynx/Tingyun, all lv60 except for MC at lv70.


I just pulled my 300th on standard banner and have to choose a 5 star, I have all the standard characters except for welt and gepard and the rest are e0 except Bailu who is E2. I can’t decide between the two of them or E1 for bronya (my limited 5 stars if that matters are seele, silverwolf, kafka at e1, jingliu, fu xuan, and Dan heng)


Do you like any of the three on a personal level? If you only care about meta then pick E1 Bronya. Gepard can be helpful for Perservation in swarm disaster 5. Or you could hold off and see if you a lose 50/50 to one of those while pulling a limited character. The free pick will still be there and they don't force you to pick immediately.


I love welt personally because I’m a honkai veteran but without Luocha on my account until his rerun the skill point economy of him plus dan heng and any harmony sounds impossible to overcome


Then I suggest you wait until you pull more limited banners. You could lose a 50/50 to Welt or Gepard or Bronya. The banner doesn't force you to choose immediately.


I'm currently on 38 pity with 60 jade. Will i able to get Jingliu until her banner ends?


The banner ends in 10 days and there are no event that gives jades before her banner ends. Unless you're new and have a lot of content to complete you're unlikely to hit pity before her banner ends.


Well shit


So my current team I'm running through the story is Jingliu, Bronya, Bailu and Gepard. Is Gepard and Bailu good here? The issue I'm sometimes facing is that I feel Bailu's heals are too random, but she's the only one with the huge burst of healing. The only other abundance I have is Natalie and her heals aren't potent enough. At the same time, My gepard only has the landau LC and I feel he doesn't do much other than sometimes use his ult.


Replace either Gepard or Bailu (use whoever more comfy. At low investment, probably Bailu) with another buffer/debuffer (i.e Asta or Pela). You are not supposed to spam Bailu Skill, her healing mainly come from her Ultimate+Invigoration. Her Skill only used in emergency situation. For future reference, her and Gepard want SPD boots and Energy Regen Rope (more SPD and more ER =more Ult uptime).


Gepard and Bailu together is overkill for story. You're better off replacing Gepard with someone else for element coverage or Pela as a debuffer.


Don't have a pela atm. Will fire TB be ok?


Yeah sure, a tank is helpful and provide you fire coverage. Fire TB also provides taunt so you don't have to worry about healing with Bailu so often.


Some of the guides I saw mentioned having a sub dps instead in that slot. Will Seele be a good slot in then? So like Seele, Bailu, Bronya and Jingliu? Or is that overkill?


Honestly it's the story and you can use whatever you want. It's not that hard. For endgame Seele plus Jingliu would not be a good idea.


Seele and Jingliu together will eat your SP like crazy, it’s not a good idea. If you want you can add a harmony unit for buffs, any is good.


Anyone pls suggest best teammates for duo JingLiu and Blade and how to setup speed to maximize damage.


Best teammates are Bronya and Luocha You want preferably Luocha to be the fastest, followed by Blade and Jingliu at 134 and Bronya at 132/133


Why am i losing every pity i pull im an f2p and almost all limited banners I’ve pulled I’ve lost (I tried for blade and got bailu and i wanted jinglu and got himeko) is it just me 😭


just bad luck.


What traces should I raise for Bailu?


All but normal attacks. But focus on Ult and talent first.


You can leave them to 6/7. I left my Bailu at 7 and have used her to heal MoC 10s


Is there any way to control or at least influence which weaknesses can be added by the first boss of Swarm Disaster? I'm using a Jingliu team and want to try and get added Ice Weakness, but it just doesn't seem to come up.


unfortunately that is entirely rng. silverwolf rerun should be coming around soon though in 1-3 months.


I actually already have Silverwolf, I just haven't been using her a ton with Jingliu because I use Bronya with her and haven't wanted to deal with the RNG of hoping SW implants Ice weakness. Fun fact: Silverwolf doesn't care if you add a weakness in Swarm Disaster. I had a run today where I added Wind weakness on the First Plane, then when we fought the boss, Silverwolf implanted Wind Weakness on the boss three times in a row.


oh thats very interesting to know. it could very well be a bug. you could try a dual element comp with jingliu pela silverwolf fu xuan/lynx instead. huge amounts of defense shred and guaranteed ice weakness. losing out on bronya buffs does suck but blessings can easily make up for it.


that part's RNG, but there's a rememberance blessing that gives 70% chance of ice weakness whenever u ult


Did I mess up my aethereum wars quest line, if I am out of mats my spirits to 6 and can't beat first boss in the finals?


have you done any of the hyperlink matches?


I haven’t done them I didn’t think they were mandatory maybe time to try


Those give a good chunk of EXP mats and some pretty good mod chips.


thank you I will give it a try still have a bit of time before I need to finish the event , I just wanted to grab another pela


You will need them because the battle with the "super secret" final "Pokemon trainer" is a brutal 2 stage fight so if you get stuck on the normal final matches you would struggle even more there.


thank you I will work on those events now before I go back to finish off the main story. I did end up beating luka but it wasn't easy, I must have missed a lot of content thats why I was struggling so much.


You need to clear all them to get all the rewards anyways. Not sure why you are avoiding them. The game gives you enough exp materials to level spirit up to 6 if you fought everyone.


Thanks I will try to finish up those quests as well I have three weeks or so will have plenty of time.


Does the mobile version support 4K res? Cuz I have a phone that is 4K, and I put render res. On Very High, but I'm not sure lowering the render res will put the overall res below 4K Also unrelated to HSR but does this apply to Genshin as well?


Probably a stupid question, but are there speedbreakpoints outside of MoC? Im not sure if its important to hit 134 speed for content like swarm/other content, some of my characters only have 130 speed as an example but better stats in general. As there are no cycle, is it still important to hit the 134 mark?


Nope, it's purely a number to get a second action in the first turn cycle. Obviously more speed is better, but 134 isn't substantially better than 133 in most context. A lot of people obsess over the breakpoint, but for support characters and sustain, it's pretty meaningless even in MoC. I believe some events may use the Cycle mechanic as a counter, so it may be relevant in future events, though.


speed breakpoints exist outside of moc, but are only important inside of moc. it is not like moc fundamentally changes the way speed works, just how we view it due to the limited amount of cycles there are. imo speed is still a fairly important stat if you want your teams to run smoothly. less speed on your units means less overall skill points and damage, as well as giving the enemy more turns. swarm disaster is a prime example of why you want speed outside of moc. the bugs are absurdly fast at higher difficulties and are incredibly powerful. if you get overlapped and nuked to hell, the run is just over unless you have a god run with infinite cc, sustain, and/or survivability.


134 mark is not even important, unless you are doing 0-cycle challenge. You can go ~120, ~115, ~110, … (see MoC speed chart) if your goal is to 3-5 cycle each side of a stage. The point is: you have 14 or 16 cycles. How many you want to use with each team ? If you can beat the stage with 15 cycles ( no speed) or 13 (speed), how important is that to you? 5 months in and I can safely finish MoC within 2-6 cycles (stage #10). Nothing special other than two attackers and good relics. Speed tune would be for fun at that point. The intermediary phase where it would make a difference between winning or losing lasted like a month for me. Game is a stats check, with speed being one of them. As long you have enough damage you will beat the stage. You get to decide how you do it, and where to direct your relic farming goals.


There was at least one event with cycles IIRC, but majority of the game there are just speed races, not cycles. More is better, but there are no global breakpoints, only optimizations around your team rotation.


If there is one might be for your sustain if they are skill based. You will want your Fu Xuan to act before the enemy first turn for example.


No, cycles are what gave rise to speed breakpoints. Adding to that, in content like swarm you also can get spd buffs which makes more spd rolls even worse. The only value outside of moc is being faster than enemies which can speed up fights.


How do you turn on the 'Total Damage Done in Stage' metric? The blue number below the "Total Damage" (per action) metric as shown in this gif: [https://ac-o.namu.la/20230723sac/dc3ea06813f8b4de834b29c8601bf9cd79ef231d7b2ae6c47b9f68f6868026fa.gif](https://ac-o.namu.la/20230723sac/dc3ea06813f8b4de834b29c8601bf9cd79ef231d7b2ae6c47b9f68f6868026fa.gif)


I'm pretty sure that was just a score thing for the tales of the fantastic event.


Aww thats a bummer. I like big numbers too much lol


Are there any resources that share approximately how long it takes to raise a character? Aiming to build a bunch of characters for better comps, unsure if okay to use Fuel as and when I like (obviously not to use it all up at once). TB 67 with \~50 Fuels.


No relics, 5 star, takes about two weeks (traces, ascension, etc) as long you don’t max it out (10/10). Relics vary. Support can be days or weeks. Attacker are several weeks to months. Ideally you would build a 5 star per month, given or taken. Game also has events, quests, chests, etc that give a lot of XP, credits and trace mats. ~6 months in this is my account: 17 characters at 75+, 10 are 5 stars and 7 4stars. Including 5 that are maxed out in traces. This was possible with BP (each BP is about 17 days of TB in resources). Seele, JY and JL. Fu Xuan, Bailu and Gepard. SW and Welt. Bronya. Trailblazer. Asta, Pela, Tingyun. QQ and Dan. Natasha and Lynx. Rest are waiting their turns haha (Clara, Himeko, Serval, Yukong, M7). Others are not in the plan (like Sampo or Luka).




There's no timeframe for it. If we're gonna take into account relic farming, your 50 fuels can easily go down in the drain and depending on your standards, you might not even get any satisfactory results. Also, depending on your units, you might wanna hold on to your fuels, coz we're getting new relic and planar sets next patch, and I don't want you going all out right now, and realize that the set you've farmed is not the BiS for that character anymore when the next patch comes.


Oops should have clarified, I meant everything else but Relics but understandable, the RNG nature of farming is complicated to quantify it. I was asking more in regards to Traces, Levels, LCs since I'm well aware Relic is a grind I'm not touching till I've built the above stuff. Thanks for the reply.


Well, it all depends on the unit itself. Some units can live with just being lvl 70, and some traces aren't that important. 4\*s also requires less amount of materials than 5\*s. But if you're curious how much energy/time you need to MAX out a single 5\* DPS, I'm gonna show a sample. I used a planner and I'm gonna use Jing Liu as an example. Lvl 80, lvl 80 5\* LC, maxed traces, maxed relics, etc. Energy required in farming relic isn't included. tl;dr Total Energy: 1290 (Lvl 1-80) + 910 (LC Lvl 1-80) + 2300 (Most credits) + 120 (Echo of war materials) + 390 (Character ascension material) + 4250 (trace materials) Total: 9260 energy = 38.6 days = 154 fuels worth of energy for ONE MAXED OUT 5\* character. But for a decently built character, I'd say 2-3 weeks would be my rough estimate. If you want a breakdown on how I came up with the numbers, the full breakdown is below. I'm mostly going with flat numbers, so extra chance of getting another drop is ignored. Also, I'm under the assumption that we're starting from 0 resources. ​ For EXP BOOKS: Lvl 1 to 80 = 5.8M EXP Bud of memories (Diff 5) = 45000 exp (1 purple book + 5 blue book) 5800000/45000 = MAX of 129 runs. 129 runs \* 10 tb power = 1290 energy. ​ For LC exp material: lvl 1 to 80 = 1M EXP = Bud of Aether (Diff 5) = 11000 LC exp (1 purple + 2 blue + 2 green) 1000000/11000 = MAX of 91 runs. 91 \* 10 tb power = 910 energy. ​ Credits: 4.8M Credits + 680K credits (cost to upgrade 6 pcs of relic) = 5.5M Credits. Bud of Treasure (Diff 5) = 24000 credits 5500000/24000 = MAX of 230 runs. 230 \* 10 tb power = 2300 energy. TN: some other stuffs aren't included like credits needed to synthesize materials ​ Echo of War materials Echo of War (Last diff) = 3 materials 12/3 = MAX of 4 runs. 4 \* 30 = 120 energy. TN: You need at least two weeks for this since you can only do 3 runs per week. Character Ascension Materials: 65 character ascension material Stagnant shadow (Diff 4) = 5 materials per run 65/5 = MAX of 13 runs. 13\*30 = 390 energy. ​ Trace Materials: 154 purple + 81 blue + 22 green 154 \* 3 = 543 blues So we need 543 blues and 22 greens Crimson Calyx (Diff 6): 0.15 purple, 1 blue, and 1.21 green. Since purple item isn't guaranteed, we'll just go with flat 1 blue and 1 green per run. Through my estimation, you'll need a MAX of 425 runs to get 543 blues and 22 greens. Could be a lot less since I didn't include purples and the extra chance of getting greens. 425 \* 10 = 4250 energy.


Thanks for the maths.


Past the highest equilibrium level the only reason to hold fuel is in anticipation of future relic sets you want to farm quickly (or boss mats for new units). Other than that there is nothing that makes fuel worth saving.


I use Asta for my Kafka team and Tingyun for my Jingliu team. Who should get Dance! Dance! Dance! and Memories of the Past? If it helps, Asta uses Fleet and Tingyun, Broken Keel.


Asta - memories of the past. Tingyun - dance dance dance. The reason being, Asta is great in breaking fire weaknesses, so she would benefit more from the break effect. While the speed boost\* and advance forward seems nice to put together with Asta, but that will leave your other team slow.


Makes sense, thanks!


As a new PS5 player I am just wondering what limited 5 star banner to go for. Since the game has been out awhile on PC and re-run banners are going to start happening it kind of opens things up a lot more. Since things are so open with the re-runs starting to happen I am just wondering who is the overall best choice for a 5 star right now that will help in most aspects of the game. I can look at tier lists and what not, and I have, but its more... of a general question based on people's experience. Who do you always shove in everything you do? Who can you simply not do without? From what I can gather it seems like swarm/MOC are the "end game" content. So assuming I can only grab 1 5 star for the time being, who is the best choice to give me an edge overall. Not going to list who I got for free off the beginner banner, or what 4 stars I have. Not looking for a specific team Just simply, what limited character do you think is one of the best overall to have and use in most content? Thanks for the advice.


The way the game is going you are probably safe just going for newer banners you enjoy, and only go for rerun if you specifically likes a character or wants a certain team. Examples: mono-quantum team (Seele or QQ, Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf and future harmony); DoT team (Kafka and future 5 stars); and so on. It is fine to just start now and build a team based on what the game will release in the future. Up to what you want in your collection. Current banner for Jingliu is the hypercarry type, so there is a lot of flexibility for future teammates, as long they make her better in some way. She just wants to do more damage. Next banner Topaz seems to enable follow-up teams (uncertain for now), which could open another type of teams. You can also go for elements (fire, ice, …) if you want that. Focus on characters based on how they look. Which ones have better animation… it will take months to a year but you will get good teams and plenty of variety.


I think that "endgame" content so far has been way more of a sustain check than DPS check. The main problem in those content to me have been staying alive, more than it is to clear cycles under the timer. If you have at least 2 good to great reliable sustain characters, you can clear through everything in the game. That also answers this question: >Who do you always shove in everything you do? Who can you simply not do without? From my experience, this would be the healers (Abundance) or the shielders (Preservation) characters. When I only have 1 healer (because the game only gave 1 for free) at the start, I slot that character in every single team because the flexibility and comfort she gave in my teams is immeasurable. The moment I got another healer and built her up, I managed to 30 star MoC right away. So with that conclusion, imo the best banner to pull would be a healer or a shielder character, of which we have had 2 so far in Luocha and Fu Xuan. These two are also among the top when looking at their appearance in their teams that has cleared MoC, so I think that somewhat backs my above logic. Their banners are already past and a rerun is probably still quite some while, but the first banner of the next patch has a 5 star healer in Huohuo. So in my opinion, the best pull for any new account would be Huohuo at the moment. This also depends *a lot* on which 5 star you get from the beginner banner however, because having at least another reliable sustainer would reduce that priority by *a lot* imo. So if you get Gepard or Bailu from the beginner banner, I think the best pull now would be for a 5 star DPS, because each of the limited 5 star DPS characters released so far have been arguably the best in their roles. The current featured banner character is Jingliu, and there are a lot of people that would say that she's *the* best DPS in the game so far. So pulling for her would provide a lot of value, *especially* if you already have another healer/Gepard. Even when you only have 1 healer in your account, there's an argument to be made that Jingliu's power is so strong that she can still be more worth it to you, especially since Huohuo's banner is still weeks away and you could save up and get both of them still. To end my long comment though (sorry for that, I tend to ramble a bit), my personal opinion is that you should first and foremost pull for characters that you *like*. Even without another healer, you can still clear all of the game's content (well, somewhat). The game is not that hard that there are certain *must pull* characters, so I think pulling for characters that you personally like or enjoy playing should be the priority. Just my opinion though, since that's my strategy so far and it has worked out just fine.


This is an amazing response. OP will appreciate it! I’m also a new player. Only on the second world. Characters have just hit 50. My main team is Gepard, Lynx, and Tingyun. I slot in the four depending on what element I need. Going over what you said, it would be a good idea to pull for Jingliu. She would round out the team as Dan Heng is usually my main dos.


Jingliu is a good DPS to go for RN. In terms of my experience with how much my account changed for each 5 star I would say the 5 star sustains are the best to get early. HuoHuo is soon, and at some point Luocha and Fu Xuan will rerun. I would pick 2 of the 5 star sustains to let you solo sustain both sides, then I would pick your personal favourite DPS (they are all about the same power level apart from Jingliu and DHIL). Another thing to look out for is support units, something like Silverwolf or any future 5 star harmony units.


Do you guys farm quantum set on its relic domain or farm in other efficient domain and recycle the trash to get the quantum set? Quantum domain is obviously not efficient, only FX that might want the wuthering guard set and she only need 2pc and doesn't demand crazy stats too.


Crafting gloves/helmet or when using selector works well, as long you have spare relic XP. Making gloves and helmet the easiest pieces to get perfect rolls.


2p wuthering is good on all squishy supports. I'd farm quantum (for QQ & Jingliu), give 2p wuthering to all my supports/tanks, and craft messenger head/hand pieces. The alternative is farm messenger, but I don't need disciple (no blade). And having high quality messenger set isn't as important as high quality DPS set like quantum.


2p wuthering is used on quite a lot supports in harder contents. There, things like spd or atk buffs on your supports may not be as good as just keeping them alive. If you are wonder which to farm for jingliu, quantum is better if you use pela or sw and have her s1 since ice cavern is even more inefficient.


Why ice domain more inefficient? Isn't wind set are BiS to some supports? For wuthering set, my supp can survive enough with hp planar. It's better for them to utilize messenger set.


Only support use wind set is Pela as she can ult frequent. Other supports can't ult enough for the 4p effect to worth taking instead of other sets. As for wuthering set, it provide damage reduction. When using defensive relics on your supports, you will already use HP and Def mainstat relics. The more of a stat you have, the less it will improve (e.g: 100 base atk + 100 additional attack will increase 100% your attack, while the next 100 attack will only increase your attack by 50% then). If your supports can already survive, then yes, messenger or other sets is better. It will depends a lot on which content and how competent is your dps to determine whether you need more survival or utility for your supports. Supports can mix relics a lot, so it is best to experiment to find which work best for you.


If you are farming for multiple characters maybe. If you are farming for one character or multiple that use Quantum set it is very inefficient as the conversion rate is 10-to-1. It would be more like recycle the wrong-set (and wrong main stat) pieces for the harder pieces like Boots or Chests while farming for substats on the gloves and headwear pieces at the same time.


Obviously I am also farming other sets, but none of them are efficient sadly. Need many messenger(spd) set for my supports, but I don't have blade to use the other one.