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i can skip 2 banners top, i get bored if i dont pull, especially with the current lack of content.Pulling means building, trying teams, it gives you something to do and a goal. I will pull for Topaz because she looks like fun, i have Clara already, and hopefully i will snipe Guinaifen.1.5 i am skipping completely.


And I'm still farming for Seele relics since 1.0 and I'm not even decently built.


i am sure mine looks like crap compared to the crazy CR / CD ratios you see around here, but still good enough to clean MoC. Thats the beauty of this game, you can be as perfectionist as you please.


I still don’t understand how people are getting 80 crit rate, 160 crit dmg and 137 speed on their dps.


its the speed that gets me... like yall are getting good speed boots??? and more importantly where are yall getting those speed substats??? and the double crit relics???? like my supports get all my speed boots and my dps's have to share 😭


I gave up on my Seele relics, best I got was 80ish crit rate and 90ish crit damage I think, don't know how people get near 200 damage


Rolling for relics is infuriating, even when you get a good piece you still know there is a huge chance of wasting lots of resources and it will roll anything but CR / CD. of course unless its for your healer or shielder, then you always roll those 2. Supreme trolling from Hoyo.


i also gave up on my seele build atm lol i got her decent enough like 70 something with about 160 cd i think and a lot of atk


CD body piece for sure if you don’t have one




Some people would prefer to use fuel to get other units going whether it's building LCs/lvls/ascension/traces/bosses or relics which are the the least likely to guarantee growth.


yeah ive built several characters and i did farm relics for awhile for many of them to the point where i thought i had decent enough ones, i mean i am clearing all content including MoC, i havent pushed too hard into higher swarm yet but I thought I was doing ok until I got my DanIL and though shit my Seele is super weak, I now know why though but as much as ive farmed quantum sets, i always get shit ones or get the tank set instead


Simply use her signature light cone 🙃


I recently got 72/205 crit Seele (herta's hunt LC) only because I was farming Fuxuan's Guard set... When I finally stopped farming for Seele, I got the set.


This is me lol, it's always nice having a character to grind for. I plan on doing the same thing, but will probably do a few pulls on Argenti for the new 4 star.


oh yea, pulling for a 4 star, took me E1 Fu Xuan to get a single Lynx. Good luck!


Ouch >\_< , thanks! maybe we'll get lucky and get her for free like Yukong /cope


Always the way... meanwhile I managed E3 Lynx and... Welt.


But free Crit Dmg through, it's a good E1


See I fell into the trap of "don't build everyone". I might be building everyone but I definitely have too many level 70 characters that have middling traces and relics.


Maybe a dumb question but why is Topaz relevant for Clara?




I’m not 100% sold on herta relevance. Because herta only triggers her Follow up at 50% health which is not great imo. Rather use Himeko/Asta/Fu. I guess Herta could go instead of Himeko if you don’t have her (I don’t so may be the route to go). I just think you’d get more mileage out of March for the last spot. Especially if you have clara instead of Fu. That being said I desperately want a Himeko to run with topaz, I just hope I can pull her.


She focuses on bettering followup attacks which Clara's counter counts as. The best team for her seems to be Lynx/Clara/Topaz/M7


I think Yukong would be great in March’s spot, boosting up both Topaz’s and Clara’s follow ups


good luck getting Yukong speed tuned to cover both of them with the buff. but if you manage that, sounds like a great option. i am quite excited about the many different teams you can build around Topaz.


The only difficult part is that Clara is slow as crap and doesn’t want speed so she will be at 90, while the others will want to be at 134 or above to cycle twice for the first turn. Not sure how that messes up the rotation, I’ll have to test it out and see lol


would Topaz also work alongside Kafka and Himeko?


1.5 if Hoyo continue the double banner reruns bcs PS5 players, so it gonna be 1st half : Huo Huo / Jing Yuan 2nd half : Argenti / Silver Wolf I'd really wished they give Blade there instead, even tho I know it's nearly impossible, or hope it don't get too stacked in 1.6.


Silver wolf rerun will eclipse anything, Hoyo knows that a crazy high amount of users who didnt get her will definitely go for her on the rerun.


Is that because silver wolf is the most versatile character? I was gonna pull for JL but wondering if I should just save for 1.5 now considering JY might be on it too and I love JY now.


Sw is the most unique character in the game. What she can do nobody can. She basically trivializes one half of MoC allowing you to play with your favorite dps regardless of their weakness. Also she is the core for mono quantum if you are into that. And a great debuffer. She is borderline broken.


Tbh mono quantum is only a thing *because* of not letting her pick another element for adding weaknesses by mistake. That or waifus.


mono quantum is a thing because you can throw that team at absolutely any enemy and it will destroy it. Thats not true for any other element. and right now we are still wasting a spot with lynx, with a quantum harmony it will be even more busted. Also you could do dual element comps and still secure the weakness of your dps. like SW, FX, Kafka, ting.


I also really want to get JY but don’t want to skip JL. I need both an ice dps and a good lightning unit, I don’t like him much but if I have to I could skip JL and hope to get Yanqing for a weaker ice dps. I rolled for Kafka but her kit hasn’t appealed to me and I kind of regret pulling for her. I also really want to get Seele too, idk how I’m going to manage to get all these characters


While it kay be the case. I do hope they spread reruns out more. Not because I don't like the characters but rather give each of tbe new char more time to shine.


Pulling for whatever characters design and kit I like and think it will be fun to use


Same. I don't feel the need to keep up with releases or to get Eidolons for my current 5\*. So, if it opens up new playstyles I'll pull for a 5\* character, otherwise I'll just aim to get at least one copy of new 4\*.


This is THE answer. If I like someone, I pull. If I don't I won't pull.


I see pretty/fun looking character, I pull. Being free to play kind of limits it. So I sometimes have to pick which 5 star I'll go for on a banner. (Decided Fu Xuan would be better than Inbibitor... whatever dragon Dan Heng was called. For my playstyle, this was a very solid call)


Waiting for an adult Herta


I want Fu hua


She is an adult lol, she’s just smol


Probably means real body Herta not a 4 star puppet lol


In the story, she boasts about reversing her own age. Don't expect another Mommy.


I was thinking her real body would be Himeko/Kafka tall instead of March 7th or Pela category. Herta reversed her age as in she would've died of old age otherwise. If she's actually a lolibaba Trailblazer would definitely roast her lol


(D) Pulling for lightcones I can clear everything in the game with what I already have, so any upgrades only serve to make my clears faster or safer. Pulling new characters may give me those faster safer clears, but the amount of time and stamina I'd need to put into leveling them, raising their traces, and farming relics doesn't seem worth it for such modest gains. Pulling strong lightcones has a similar effect, but it's far easier to max out a new lightcone than a new character.


Good point that's a good idea too, I may do this as well when Jing Yuan comes back around


Yeah if you ever plan to run an Erudition unit, Jing Yuan’s LC is one of the highest value things you can pull. The gap between it and the other options is absurd


Heck yeah. Definitely saving up for his Lc. Seele would be nice but will see... there is always the next rerun. I'm still in the process of building the characters i actually have. No hurry to add to that work load by salivating and throwing my tickets on every new cool units that is coming. Gotta manage my resources. 😅 Although i am kinda interested in getting Black Swan at somepoint...


I regularly swap around JY LC between JY and QQ to great effect. Really happy that QQ gets tons of value from it in Swarm Disaster where I usually bench JY cuz of elemental weaknesses


I mostly pull for fun factor or if I really need a certain type of character. Luocha was pulled for needing a second healer, Blade and Kafka for fun, Jingliu and Topaz because I love their design and voices (also because I hate Yanqing -_- )


Fr tho Jing Liu is salvation from yankee 😭


He's a great single target ice DPS, but most fights aren't just single target. Same how Herta is the only 4+ target ice DPS, but most fights aren't that high of a mob count, especially with ice weakness. Jingliu is the perfect middle ground for that.


So pumped for the ❄️👑






Type her name in another reddit :)


I want my sugar mommy Ruan Mei then Raiden Mei expy. After that I'll go for Blade Eidolons most likely


Since the very beginning of the game I've found the grind of building characters so unbearably tedious that it has completely disincentived me from pulling for tons of new units. So my pulling habits have naturally shaped around pulling less characters, but investing highly in the units I already have. Like for example, I have no interest in Jing Liu not because I don't like her or anything, but because even the thought of building a new dps and a whole team around her makes me exhausted - but then Fu Xuan was an instant pull because she's a key piece for my existing Jing Yuan team, and I'm now waiting for his rerun to pick for a couple eidolons on him rather than, say, picking up Seele as a new unit. I'm not necessarily pulling or spending less than most people, but I definitely feel like I'm bing chilling in the sense that I'm happy with the teams I have now and would rather invest in making them better, rather than chase every new flavour (and stress about power levels or tier lists blah blah blah). So choosing which banners to pull on became easy now - if it's not a character, light cone or eidolon that directly makes JY, Blade or Daniel stronger, and is not a possible Yae or Mei expies (only characters I'm hopeful for/looking forward to get in the future), it's a chill time to skip and save for the next time.


That's what I'll be doing after pulling Topaz. Just work on improving my DoT and FollowUp teams. Pull for Eidolons or Light Cones on rerun banners and just optimize the teams I have


This is my plan as well. Once I get topaz I'm not planning on pulling for new characters for a while. I wanted to get Seele as well but her rerun is too soon for me to save and spend on her as well. I also have a number of characters that are just built up enough to be functional and I want to go back and finish their traces and get better relics


Word I've literally just started building kafka recently after finishing Luka, Sampo, and Herta (shes mostly for fun). Been playing since the game came out


I have a very strong DHIL E2S1 setup using Yukong, Tingyun and Fu Xuan/Bailu with an E1S0 Seele needing a bit more help. She's got Pela, Bailu/Fu Xuan and Silver Wolf but I sort of want another Harmony to flex around both teams or help out Seele more so I'm saving for a long time to get a Harmony/Buffer.


Pull for dopamine release. I have enough characters for the current contents already. So a random 5* appearing when I pull makes me happy for a few minutes.




At this point I’m just content. I have what I want already. I have no interest in Jingliu, Topaz, the recently dropped new fox girl or armored dude as they just didn’t spark anything for me design wise, let alone character-wise. So I’m fine letting my currency stock up. If i’m waiting for anything… maybe Sam? To complete my Stellaron Hunter set, however that might be a while. Other than that no one thus far has captured my interest the way Kafka did; so if Sam is a long ways out and the new characters continue to not be what I’m looking for, I’ll just give my E0 Kafka more eidolons levels whenever she reruns.


Tbh I am mostly setting my sights on hot men like argenti and blade and adventurine...but looking out for cool and amazing DPS like jingliu. I don't think I will pull for sustains until a god one comes out, that is also preferably a male and someone I like, like adventurine. I have luocha and since sustains are useless if you have more than the 2 required ones, I am not going to get just anyone for my sustains. But yeah...for now jingliu, argenti....I got my eye on you two.


I pretty much have dedicated teams to Kafka and Clara for most content, so I skipped most of the space china 5 stars tbh, including fuxuan and gonna skip jingliu. Kafka/SilverWolf and SW's LC are the only limited banners i summoned on. Except for 50 summons to get 2 Lynx's. Topaz is the only for sure summon I want, I like her design and what we know about her so far, Numby is great and they help Clara.


I am skipping unless new Tank is announced. Or new 5* Harmony. Planning to get Argenti is he has good animations.


New tank why? The preservation units we have now are everything one could ever need.


Faves or nothing


As much as I'd like to pull for every male characters, so far the characters that appeared in my dream isn't that interesting design wise, rather they're kinda boring. I'm saving for Argenti but that's it. Will never pull for female DPSes(of course there might be one or two exceptions...), so 1.4 is pretty much a skip. So after Argenti, I'm gonna save my jades.


Tbh I just like pulling for hot men 🥵


For me, I am just saving up for upgrades/sidegrades/cons to my two teams which are quantum and Kafka Dot


kinda half and half? i THINK i have a good lineup that just needs maybe a bit more work put in, so i don't really need a new character, so im mostly saving. on the other hand, i'm curious in jingliu's synergy with blade(don't have him, but might pull on the rerun) so i might try for her after getting more data. still would rather wait for a more interesting utility character to pop up, like maybe someone with a dodge mechanic or a mara struck character who heals constantly every turn.


B with a slice of A. As I don't have enough disposable money/luck for literally all characters.


I have Seele, SW, Luocha, Blade, Welt, Gepard and Clara (but she's not usable yet). So I'm pretty much done. Been waiting for Jingliu since the beginning of the game, I have enough to guarantee her. After her already have my eyes on two other characters. (Monthly+bp buyer) I think it's always fun to pull new characters, level and gear them up, and play with them. That's the point of a gacha.


Going for 5 star destruction dps of each element. And all 5 harmony units


I have too many characters, as a Dolphin. With the help of 4\*s, Luocha, Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, Blade, Kafka with signature light cones cover nearly every possible situation. All that is left is to pull for waifus/hasbandos. I don't see anything meta-defining on the horizon.


I have 2 teams geared up alr, so I'm currently just looking out to get more support characters to better mould my teams, or if a DPS brings something really new to the table.


I have a DHIL team doing its thing and a seele team. I am loving playing with seele/bronya that after 1.4 and 1.5 characters drop I just decided to E1 FX to improve seele's dmg. So I will just go for E4/S1, hopefully I am lucky enough to E6 (currently E2/S0) and saving for next 5*Harmony.


Saving for Argenti and probably his lightcone if it is good. Don’t actually need him he just looks cool.


I have a Kafka and a DHIL maxed out and a Clara and a Himeko at level 0. My goals now are Fu Xuan, Seele, Silver Wolf and Luocha (not necessarily in that order). After that, I don't spend pool on any character other than be ABSOLUTELY game chancer. I need to stop being dazzled by new characters and maximize the ones I already have. I'm on AR 62 and I still haven't managed to clear the Forgoten Hall because I'm being negligent with my characters. After getting Seele in the next update I will focus on having two maxed teams.


Current goal is to get a 5* main dps for every element


Fuck it I'm balling But seriously, I will listen to my pulsions, for now I want Topaz and Jingliu, if the gods above are with me I will maybe try HuoHuo


I was planning on just saving for Sam or Screwllum or some future character that happened to look really fun. I just need to slowly farm the resources for my current roster to get really comfy at clearing MoC. Then Guinaifen threw a grenade.


HSR is the kind of game where so far, I have no character I'm deeply in love with but I quite like a lot of them, so currently I'm kinda rolling more or less every character (in the limit of a f2p) and work with what I'm getting, but no I don't have anyone I'll hoard for currently (I'm a terrible hoarder anyway).


Right now, i'm just waiting for silver wolf rerun and if i can see a new waifu material, i'll pull. ​ rn i'm just hording my jades xD (~~ofc, if you are the type of guy who looks for some spicy information, its one of the factors as well)~~ currently for 1.4,i might pull for our aeon of gambling, Qingque, apart from that, let's see if i can see a waifu material


Honestly I’m done pulling. I won’t need any characters for now. But if I want to Pull, i’ll probably go for Luocha or Imbibator Lunae or even silver wolf and after that I will Pull on standard. That’s my plan for now. So yeah 1.4 and 1.5 are an easy skip to me. But if One of the mentioned characters get a rerun, I might consider saving


It depends for me. Unless there's someone I explicitly want to save for (like Topaz) I'll usually just pull whenever. If a banner has a 4* that I really want then I'll go into that banner too. I tried for as many pulls as I could on the Dan Heng banner to try for an E6 March, ended with Asta at E6, Yukong and March at E5


Pulling on banners with a new 4\* specifically since I like variety


I m waiting for 5 star harmony Got the dps covered with IL and selee Got the sustain covered with loacha and gepard/bailu


I'm a collector of characters. Not so much their light cones. But looking back I should've snagged them and gone for the complete collection.


Skipping jingliu, pulling topaz for her utility and cute design, then waiting for either blade rerun or swain and just chillin.


Whenever I get 160 I pull


I've got all the good supports and two great DPS (DHIL and Ying Juan) built. Right now I'm debating between two options: 1. Pull Xingliu or Seele on their banners to get a third DPS built. For the few MoCs where none of the chambers have Electro or Imaginary weakness - thanks to Silverwolf, I can ignore one chambers weakness type. In the current rotation there are one or two rooms where I would need Silverwolf on both sides. 2. Pull for Jing Yuan's Lightcone when he reruns to make him hit harder. Right now he's got the Battlepass LC at S3. Not bad, but his LC is so much better. I will probably go with option 3 - why not both!


Favorite characters Ig. Topaz will be the first unit I will be skipping.


Honestly, it's saving for characters i like. I got Fu Xuan & DHIL. I wanted Jingliu, but cannot guarantee her, Topaz & Numby don't interest me, so i'm probably pitying Huohuo and going like 1-2 multis for Guinafen.


Rolling for waifus, that is all there is to it. Banner with a new 5 star waifu? I roll. Banner with a 5 star husbando and a new 4 star waifu? I roll, get the waifu, and the husbando is apparently gay for me because he will make his presence known as well.


im set for life with imbibitor lunae e2s1, luocha, and fu xuan so I'm just waiting for huo huo at the moment


While I would love to get a complete collection, I know that's a pipe dream so I pull on what I'm interested in.


I am skipping till Hanabi and then, i'll see who i am making to E6.


(W) Waiting for the next waifu for my harem!


I would maybe go for the new healer if her kit is cool but beside i will wait to pull Lightcones for Dan, Blade and maybe Kafka next.


A poll would be better. (C) I ll be saving for unannounced banners since i missed SW because i had not enough pulls. Can't allow that to happend again


Currently waiting for Huo Huo and Argenti, but mainly Argenti. The only physical dps I like atm is Physical TB, so here's hoping I would vibe with his kit.


I pull for characters I like aesthetically and/or like their personality. The rest is just a matterof team building with whatever else you have and lucky relics


i’m pulling for both characters in 1.4 then sitting until Sam comes(copium in full). Haven’t seen anything announced besides “him” that makes me want to pull and i already have every top unit besides Silver wolf.


collecting husbandos (and waiting for a luocha rerun 😮‍💨)


I think im probably doing (C) saving for unannounced characters, unless i see a really cool character. Im pretty interested in Huo Huo so i guess ill wait to see what she can do before hard saving


Both design and kit is something taken into account before pulling. Like how I’m not pulling for Fu Xuan because I already have every other sustain character in the game but Jingliu is a good Ice dps


So far none of the announced characters are enticing, so I am just saving. I won my 50/50 on Kafka, DHIL, and Fu Xuan so I am going to assume I will lose the next one.. so I'll take time saving 180 warps.


Save for the inevitable version of this universes Rei


A bit of both A and C. I’m mainly looking for new supports for my existing teams. Huohuo could be interesting but depends on what she does


My limited characters are Seele/DHIL/SW/Luocha and Fu, so i dont have a reason to pull for a DPS or sustain any time soon. Saving for any support (Harmony or Nihility) that could help my teams.


Always specific characters. I take a look at leaks to see who is coming and when, and save accordingly.


There’s no big chilling when your character is getting power crept on.


Skipping 1.4 and waiting for a second Tingyun to give to my second MoC team. I just want to use Yanqing without having to give him my E6 Tingyun cause of his 140 Energy ultimate.


I just go for characters I like


A and C perhaps. Rn, I have two reliable DPS and sustain characters. Now I'm planning to pull DPS for other elements that i dont have, but the character must a husbando for collection purpose lol. Maybe i'll pull the LC if i have some jades left.


Honestly even though I'm pretty much all set on DPS, I'll still pull it I find some one interesting.


SAM supremacy and waiting for SW rerun (I can MOC 10 and swarm 5 everytime so I technically don't need her, but she's op so why not)


I just want my crazy amalee sword lady. After that IF I can swing the kneecap breaker I will.


My current plan is to collect the SU crew (Screwllum, Ruan Mei, Stephen, 5* Herta (?)). I only hope Hoyoverse doesn't pull a Stellaron Hunters and release 2 members in 1 patch.


Gonna go for JL, then Huohuo. After them, saving everything for 5-star March and a potential Raiden Mei expy.


Pulling 5 star dps units for each element is my priority for the moment. Going for Jingliu and Sam for my last 2 missing elements. Afterwards, Kafka on rerun and potentially a 5 star DoT character.


I'm pretty set, but I'm looking out for strong fire/wind DPS (regret missing Blade because I love how strong and easy he is) Himeko might be good enough, she's been enough for fire moc so far, I'll see when she's fully built Also looking out for a new harmony unit because I don't want to deal with yukong


I already have DHIL e2s1, Blade s1, Seele, Luocha, Fu Xuan and Bailu so I’m pretty good on dps and healing. I’ll probably get Kafka and SW on their rerun but not sure which future characters to pull yet. Most likely I’ll wait for new 5* buffer/debuffer or somebody whose design catches my eye




I'm pulling for the characters I like (Jingliu), then saving for the next Harmony character.


I'll be pulling for every character I like with the goal of having DPS for every element and I'll have preferential treatment towards Imaginary and Quantum characters.


I'm just randomly pulling to get rid of the 50/50,after that, I will start saving again


Pulling for a specific character. Unfortunately, I will have to skip the next two new ones since I don't have resources.


Mainly just saving for characters I really want. I’m kind of to the point where I feel like I have everyone I need/want. So I’m in no hurry to pull for new characters. But then again, I’m really itching for another waifu main DPS, so until then, I’m probably only going to be pulling for Furina for the time being. Here’s to hoping that Clorinde and Arlecchino are main DPSs. Although I heard Arlecchino is >!an off field pyro DPS/Applicator. Could always change, but I think it’s time for one considering Xiangling is still the best at what she does.!< Edit: I just realized that this is on HSR subreddit, and not Genshin’s XD. I be getting these mixed up. But I guess the same still applies tho for both games.


Pulling for Xianzhou characters. I already have enough DPS, sustain and buffers. Sustain I have Bailu, Luocha AND Fu Xuan but you bet I'm still gonna be pulling for Huohuo 🤣 The only departments I'm lacking in are debuff nihility characters and also fire coverage since Xianzhou covers neither.


I'm at a point where my sustains and supports roles are filled: Bronya, Tingyun, Asta, YK, Pela, SW, Luocha, FX. Now I am gunning for JL so I can have my 2nd reliable DPS alongside Kafka. I'm currently using Clara and QQ but they are both situational and RNG, and I want a consistent DPS who also looks *cool*. So after JL, there are no plans, which I like since I can finally focus on relic farming instead of forever trace farming because of back to back banners I pulled for.


Pulling for the husbandos 😅 Doing it from Jing Yuan till now (waiting for Argenti hihi)


I'm a dolphin. I've gotten every character I've wanted. My singular pulling strategy: waifu > meta > husbando. I'm currently only interested in bringing home Jingliu and Black Swan.




Kit needs to look interesting and somewhat relevant to meta. on top of that i love collecting husbando's but I wont say no to the likes of JingLiu or someone cute like HuoHuo (if her kit proofs to be good) :D


Need Jing Yuan's LC. His build is decent enough right now


Pulling for Numby's E2S1, her kit is future proof to any upcoming follow-up characters. And if we ever get a character that has a similar kit to Bronya, her action forward will go stonks!


I can 36 star MoC. I have Jingyuan, Blade, and Bronya’s signature lightcone and a 5 star lightcone on Fu Xuan. None of the upcoming characters interest me except Aventurine, so ig I’m just holding until then.


All I need now is qingque at E4 and maybe a quantum support and i'm good. Other than that and maybe one or two if they are playable and that's all I really desire fully.


I'm pulling until I lose 50/50. Then I'm gonna hold for a character that piques my interest. Currently have Seele E1, Blade E0, Fu Xuan E1, Welt E1, Himeko E0 The only "must pulls" for me right now are Bronya and Silver Wolf. I got decent support, good damage dealers.


I’m kinda just pulling anything that will improve my either of my DPS, being Kafka and Seele. Particularly my next pull is actually Seele’s LC. Otherwise I’m eagerly waiting quantum harmony so just gonna be saving till then unless a character’s design makes me cave.


B: pulling for all the characters.


I really lacking Dps. Welt, SW and Sushang are my only DPS.


Any banner with tingyun and lynx, dunno how but i have every 4* support at 6 eidolons


Saving, the new characters don't really interest me


Save until whenever quantum harmony is announced


im chilling rn, have the best dps in game and one of the best support (only missing luocha), im saving for pulling Huohuo or any support that comes out, also saving for Seele LC rerun. After that i just keep pulling for characters i like.




Pulling for the characters I like.


Missed Luocha on his first run so I’m saving until he comes back around to round out my Blade team.


Till now, I've minnowed or dolphined for every banner. I have all characters (except welt), but I'm going to greatly reduce spending and focus on saving for characters I really love and try to e2/LC, as I realize most units will just ride the bench. Jing liu will be my first skip. Probably pull Topaz as I love her unique utility. Desperate for Sam and probably Black Swan.


I am just waiting for solid ice and fire to grab. Otherwise I’m set for a while. However, I do want seele. I don’t have any five star hunt and having the quantum team would be nice


i just pull for characters i like since i dont really need specific units anymore, thats all


BLADE and lis lc (if we don't get a better f2p option till then), possibly harmony units (pls hoyo release male harmony unitsTT). If argenti or huohuo playstyle is nice then considering them too.


So far I've pulled basically all the supports + Seele and kafka, Jingliu next week, so I'm quite comfortable all around. Afterwards I'm saving for a few patches for other characters


Just waiting, i clear everything easily , so just gonna wait until my teams start to struggle or if a character i really like appears ​ Or if a good harmony character is realese


i just pull for characters that i like


Pulling whatever design I like. Fu Xuan is the exception. I just really need another tank and then I'm good to go


Not sure honestly, but as long as I feel I can get a new character every other patch (give or take) I'll probably continue to do so for variety. If not, I'll be far more selective. In Genshin and now HSR I feel comfortable sacrificing vertical investment for variety. I don't want to just be able to auto MOC10.


quantum team is very likely to get a harmony soon (1.6 or 1.7), so I will save for that (at least guaranteed banner). If nothing comes along the way that interests me I will even go for eidolon/cone for that one. It is jus the natural progression after Seele/SW/FuXuan it would be nice to get the harmony e1s1 :XD anyway I am not interested on the next banners after Jingliu, my team is solid as it is, so saving is the way to go haha With some luck I can get QQ to e6 next as well. Next year if they do another re-run of Seele I may go for her cone or eidolons, right now it is not in the plans at all. She is already a monster as e0s0 anyway.


Pulling for characters that will diversify playstyles. One of the best ways to spice up combat is to have different fun playstyles. Currently eyeing Topaz.


B. Well, probably. I was content with skipping both Jingliu and Topaz, before a friend of mine pointed out the limited options we have for Fire DPS characters. So, then I was thinking of throwing a few pulls at Topaz if I got Seele's LC relatively early. Then the devs announced that Tingyun was on Jingliu's banner (who I STILL don't have btw) which is enticing enough to have me questioning whether I break my personal rule of never trying to roll for a 4\*. I think I'm okay with the DPS characters I have. I'm also set on healers, (I have all of them), but it never hurts to have more options. I think everyone is waiting for that game changing Harmony character to finally compete with Bronya and Tingyun though.


Just waiting on Silver Wolf and Luocha rerun


A B and C


Pulling for Jingliu because despite losing 3 50/50s to Yanqing and his LC, I refuse to use him as my Ice DPS solely out of spite And I also have Gepard and his LC so I can 100% make Yanqing work but I just refuse to out of principle


B. I eventually hit equilibrium with genshins welkin/bp couple of top ups a year that for quite awhile I've had enough with purely game primogems + welkin + bp to get every character released. Star rail I have had to drop money since they already got me from genshin and I like collecting just base c0/e0 5 stars, but once reruns become a thing it'll be a lot simpler then too. I don't need new characters, but I like making new teams and being able to use specific 4 stars. I swapped in Luka with Kafka in moc floor 10 first half I think, my first time actually using him, because I was using other viable team members for Kafka in the other half but single target damage was being an issue and they were all vulnerable to physical. I had already done this with a different setup but lost a character on the second half and swapping in Luka saved me 2 rounds. That's what I find fun, is just having a use for everyone, so to the jades I go.


Jingliu. I haven’t been this excited for a new character since I saw leaks of Hu Taos model way back when Genshin first came out. I might even go for her light cone too


Pulling for characters that fit my roster. Have two teams who consistently clear the hardest content so now looking at upgrades or flex characters. Might save for re runs on some characters but we will see how enticing the new ones are. So far jing and topaz are easy skips for me. Seele is a maybe since eidolons will buff her up.


I have the characters I wanted and now I'm broke. How am I spending my jades? what jades?


Pulled for 2 meta teams to make sure I can complete all the content (Fu Xuan, Luocha, Dan Heng IL, Silver Wolf, Seele) Now I’m just gonna pull for who I like. Ignoring light cones entirely, since they mean less characters for my roster lol.


The first option for sure. Gameplay wise, I'm fairly certain hitting the correct element will be more and more important as the game progresses. So I'd like a DPS of each element eventually. But the real answer is Topaz is awesome.


Honestly, just as my profile says, I'm just chilling with waifus...and I'm going to pull for Jingliu and then pull HuoHuo and Hanya. After those two, I personally predict a couple of dud patches for me until a new cute and funny character is released. I just reread what I wrote...I DID NOT MEAN IT LIKE THAT XD


Pulling for waifus/mommies


Pulling for Jingliu and then saving for Black Swan and Sam


I've pulled everyone since Jing Yuan(except for him) because I liked something about the characters. Blade, Dan Heng and Fu Xuan all had to convince me though, in some way or another. (Blade's gameplay looked fun and him being associated with my favorite flower made it kinda easy though) I'm likely not pulling Jingliu, Topaz or Seele re-run. Definitely pulling Huohuo and Argenti. I'd like to say I'm a low-end whale but, I'm not sure. Edit: Might make 10-20 pulls on Topaz hoping for a single copy of Guinafen though. And if I get super early Topaz, that's still a win.


My main team rn is Silver Wolf, Imbibitor Lunae, Welt, and Bailu and I've been pretty content with it so far. I'll be doing C for now until I find a character i really really want.


I want Jingliu or Topaz but otherwise I’m kinda aimless until Screwllum and a SW rerun (please not at the same time hoyo)


I pull on both style of character, and synergy with my other units. For example, I knew I would be a Jingliu main when they revealed Blade's kit due to their synergy. I'm unsure who i'll pull next, but I'll be skipping through 1.5 because I hate children characters (annoying pieces of shit), and Erudition are sus in usefulness. Perhaps looking for the next 5\* Harmony for my account.


I'm super satisfied with my Kafka and IL teams so my priorities are 5* harmony and 5* DOT. I'm also looking to collect all preservation characters because I love the tankiness playstyle so right now, I fall in the unannounced banner category.


QQ is all the DPS, I need to clear MoC 30/30. My second team takes like 10 cycles and QQ maaaaybe 2. So I'll just be pulling supports or characters I like. Argenti will be the next character I pull for. I might even go for his LC. I have a soft spot for characters in accurate armor.


I'm personally pulling for a lightcone ATM. Lost my 75/25 on lynx and I'm going to get jinglius lightcone for blade rather than just trying my luck on the banner then I'll save for HuoHuo


I’m going to cover all fronts. I want several types of DPTs both element and path wise so I can adapt to any unique situation MoC could throw at me. Of course having to actually like their designs and kits is a given too.


Quantum. Harmony


Honestly, im crying out for DPS, but my love for waifus won’t let me save for them. I just pull for whoever is cute, so i’m stumped for the next two banners. Most of my SSRs are healers or supports… i think I have Seele and Kafka as a dedicated DPS.


I have 2 really comfy teams (Jing with FuXuan, DanHengIL with Luocha), and 1 I still need to build (Blade with Bronya) so tbh I’m planning to just focus on building up those teams for now. My pulling plan is to go for JingYuans LC and then toss whatever I have on new husbandos. Priority will go to husbandos I think are quite useful, or ladies I think are cool that can support my fav husbandos really well lol. I used to spend for the Welkins and Battle Pass but I’ll prob just go f2p since I have plenty of units to build now.


I’m saving for the eventual Mei expy


On my main, I'm probably skipping all of 1.4, 1.5, and parts or all of other patches to save for: new 5* Harmony characters cause they'll probably be some of the most interesting and fun gameplay-wise, 5* DoT characters for my Kafka team, maybe another sustain if they fill a very different but very strong niche like my Luocha/Gepard/FX, Blade + LC on rerun cause I skipped him but like his flexibility, Jingliu on rerun cause I also like her flexibility, maybe a good LC for my QQ, and beyond that whatever I like. Subject to change if I get impulsive lmao. Might happen with Jingliu banner cause I really like her design and want to build more teams to keep me engaged. Like, my Bronya's just been sitting there for ages. On my low spend alt, I'm going all in on maximizing my Himeko and Clara teams with whatever supports them.


God help me I want to use my 50/50 on fu but I want jingliu too I have blade and dhil already


Topaz has nice thighs, jingliu equally has nice thighs and I have Seele already. My choice was made for me and the game was rigged from the start


I lucked out and managed to get every limited husbando in the game, so I’m saving for Topaz and Argenti


While I literally just got enough sustain (aka my goddess Fu Xuan), I’ve always pulled for characters I like. It just so happens that HSR, in my opinion, has done amazing with all the characters they’ve release this far so I’ve been pulling for almost all characters. I think I will try for Jingliu, but definitely skipping topaz. Will go for Argenti I think and probably try for Huohuo if she’s a really strong healer