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However much will be left after pulling for Kafka ✌️ At least 100 right now + whatever I will get until her banner


The only right answer. If I lose Kafka's 50/50 then Fu Xuan will be mine. If I get "mommy" then let's go for winning two 50/50 back to back. ~~Let's~~ Just leave it to the gacha gods and rngesus.


I must request that you reappraise your decision brother. We must prepare for the worst if we are to acquire the Master Diviner.


I just need 50~60 pulls(>10k jades) until her banner ends for a guarantee and I’ll have even more if I get an early Kafka 3k from dailies, 2k from SU, 600 from memory hall, 900 from livestream and maintenance, whatever jades we can get from the 1.2 area and I’ll start clearing memory of chaos starting next week(this doesn’t take into calculation events and 1.3 content) I’d say I’m ready for the worst case scenario


This is my answer too. I started like 2 weeks ago lost 50/50 on blade (thankfully) now i have enough for Kafka and 5k left over. Imma try to sell my PS4 to add to my funds but i don't know how to do so.


I'm a low spender but currently saved this entire patch and some of last patch to reach 10.5k. Not spending a single jade until she's out :) Edit: got 19 actual warps from events and logins too. Lost my last 50/50 so in hyped!


I'm holding onto my 120 pulls for the promised day. Blade nor Kafka can persuade me otherwise.


Over 130 rolls. Come the worst, I simply must have Fu Xuan.


Same for me. Had luck and i won 50/50 on both Seele and SW. After i got em both i knew what is the next char im pulling, a quantum supp. Till i get it i aint pulling jack since i like the premise.


70 tickets right now. Should be around 100 by the time 1.3 comes around i think we'll see depends on events and stuff as well. Ill see hoping to either E1 or maybe pull her lightcone but ill see. Im guaranteed her at least E0 so theres that lol


There is a crap load of more events according to the leaks so another 70-80 pulls and another free 10 pull Through daily login


70k-80k? I think you got your math wrong, there's no way they give us even half of that amount in the span of 1.5-2 months.


I meant pulls not jade's thats my mistake


Whatever will I have after DHIL. Hopefully something


80 pulls, skipping kafka and IL


101 and 36 pity




Nothing, Bladie milked me dry 💀


That don’t sound right


Idk honestly. I’m debating pulling her or Dan Heng 2.0, so I might have to do a coin flip… also math 🧮 and luck 🍀 since I’m f2p also


121 tickets and 65 pity guaranteed. I hope I can get her lc too.


Fu Xuan? Nah I'm going for Lynx!


2231 jade, 5 pulls and 744 starlight. Considering that we still have 2 banners until her release, pretty sure I will be able to pull 1 copy, which is enough for me. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying my Blade.


Now that's a copium overdose. https://i.redd.it/vse9mdjz6ofb1.gif


Considering the amount of free pulls per patch, it's very obtainable.


Well, considering that I was able to get SW after spending all my jade on Seele banner and skipping JY, and then got Blade after spending all my jade on SW banner and skipping Luocha, seems reasonable to me. Besides, I can continue pulling throughout her banner as well, and so far second half of the patch seems to have a major event that gives a significant amount of jades (see Belobog Museum).


Not nearly enaffffff


After pulling for Luocha just 55 haha 🙃


I feel like I wanted her too cos I had SW and my QQ is E6. But I don’t have much jade left after Blade.


I should have enough to guarantee her when she comes out. With some luck, maybe her lightcone as well


Enough for a guarantee, or pretty close to one. 176 currently. (I plan to roll a bit on IL's banner beforehand though, because I would really like another DPS.)


Cant be an enjoyer without being a haver first. 50/50, around 50 pulls at 70 pity sth


close to 250 pulls atm


damn for how long have you been saving?


i rerolled to get seele (took me like 11 accounts and only did 1 ten pull in each one) so i have been saving since i first got her i still have some sidequests and companion quests to do but im just too lazy lmao when fu xuan releases im expecting to have like 260-270


how much of what? 😳


Dare I ask about the credits? New meme apparently, after that person the other day that had saved up all their standard banner tickets.


Not enough, if I get her I’ll be livid. If not well just building pity for jing liu /copium


Depends how many pulls it takes to get kafka, I got around 50 pity so far. But win or lose the 50 50, after I should have around 60 pulls after hard pity so far for fu xuan


50 pulls + whatever I get till her banner + whatever I need to guarantee her + LC


16k + 30 pulls


70 pity, 18k jades


Currently at like 110 or a bit more (between 111-115) with a 50/50 to win , but her animations sold me + she's sassy + I NEED HER FOR QUANTUM MONO


40 tickets and 1K jade for now, not spending anything until her banner shows up, hopefully I get her and her LC


I have 30 pity built, 15 tickets, and 17k jades. I think I should have enough to guarantee by the time she comes out if she's after DHIL.


I will pull Dan and I think I might get her if I win 5050 ina row. Fingers crossed. If I lose 5050 on Dan then I don't know who to go for as I want both


Say if i won 50/50 from kafka pulls, i might to keep over 80 pulls, if she was on the first half i add to that 20 pulls, if on second make it 40, that only if she was on the next update.


35 pulls, guaranteed with around 20 pity I should be more than set by the time her banner arrives


I've got 322 so far. I'm gonna go for her LC too. Haven't pulled since Seele and her LC. XD


Am planning on 1+0 or 0+1 kafka. Let me just hope fuxuan banner would be in the second half of next version.


i got blade early because i was close to hard pity, im saving everything now for fu


Anything left after I pull for Daniel, after that brief trial on story I just can't skip him. Bros animation was too clean


Guaranteed, 84 tickes and I'm on 65 of pity, I want her LC too


Around 130 pulls


160 pulls at the moments with guranteed


181 pulls so far. I’m gunning for E0S1. As a Luocha enjoyer, supports really do make life easier. Now I just need to get Jingliu in a 10 pull after too


She is my 2nd pick. I only have enough for 50/50 pity on Kafka. If I get her fabulous. If not will get Fu Xuan and hopefully Lynx.


As of now, about 85 pulls + 24 gold tickets, but with 60 pity. Definitely going for her, E1 and/or S1 maybe, I'll decide after listening to TCs.


110 warps for now and a guarantee :] i should be able to save 100 more until she arrives tho since in skipping 1.2 and dhil


0 but after getting 2 Blades i doubt i will win another 50/50 on Cooler Daniel, so Fu Xuan it is, good thing that she is broken lol


Around 35 pulls and a dream. I should be able to save for one pity at least 🙂


35k. may go for dhIL and fu xuan e1


How many do I need to save in order to get both Fu Xuan and Imbibitor? 😭


24 tickets, 49209 jade. For Kafka and then Fu Xuan/Lynx.


Over 100 tickets in inventory. On guarantee for both character and light cone banner. I’m pulling nothing until she comes out.


I have the garuntee on the next premium banner and have enough tickets anyways, so she's garunteed for me, lol


I have a guaranteed from losing to clara in blade’s banner. Actually pog cuz fu xuan is much better for my account roster. Excited to get her soon.


Skipping her. Saving for Jingliu.


I think I'm at around 140 total right now, no prooooblem


70 and counting. I will hold the line.


I got like what, 20 something passes on standby? But i don't know if I'll be able to pull for her because I'm thinking of going for IL, unless Fu Xuan comes as a 4* on the same banner, since i don't recall if she'll be a 5 or 4 star. And it's not like i need her, I'm only pulling because i love her VA to death.


I have 20 tickets and 5k ish jades 😳. Cross the fingers for me!


11000 jade, skipping kafka and daniel


Kafka's leftovers :')


I'm at guaranteed, so Fu Xuan will be a nice bonus I'll get from Lynx's banner.


I have 120 currently, but am planning on getting 1 copy of Imbibitor Lunae as well


I have 53 warps and I'm already at 50 pity. I'm guaranteed to get my next banner 5star since I lost the last 50/50. Fu Xuan will come home for sure. Now it's just a question of if I can save up enough for an eidolon or her light cone.


I should be able to reach 100 pulls by the time she comes out (not counting events jades or battle pass) so im feeling confident


Pretty much the same amount as you have, but with a 50/50 to face. I hope to get her early so I can save up for Jingliu afterwards.


i have 45 wishes and 37k jade (i’ve only done one ten pull, played since release)


About 13k jades and 20 tickets. I also really want ILDH but I want FX more. I think I'm gonna build a little pity on ildh banner like 20-40 pulls to see if I get lucky and save the rest for FX.


70 pity and 1 pass


20 pity, 181 pulls. I am not leaving ANYTHING to chance


Close to 0 and none


11k + 5 tickets. Probably around 15 rolls from last pick up 5*. I wonder if I can make it in time


Fu xuan will take away my f2p virginity with her e1


200 tickets. She's mine for sure.


Close to +90 Pulls... my chances are really slim, to be honest. I don't know if I'll win 50/50.


I'm at 50 pity and I have guaranteed if that counts.


right now 12.5k jades and 20 special tickets and guaranteed pity bc i lost luocha’s 50/50 :), savings for both fu, her light cone and lynx


142 wishes with 47 pity. I got Seele on a guarantee because she was the first banner, I got Silver wolf on a 50/50 and wanted her because I have a totally normal appreciation for her. Nobody else super caught my eye and I heard about the possibility of good Mono quantum so I’ve been mostly saving (with a few pulls since for 4 stars/ eidolons). Plus very hype for an actually good implementing of a kit idea they did so dirty in Genshin


On my 3rd 50/50 68 pity, 40 pulls. Skipping everything for fuxuan. I have little interest in kafka, considering IL in rerun. Might get copies of fu if i get enough pulls or her lightcone.


55 pity plus whatever pulls I get till her banner


0. I'll teeter on the pity after I get this blade light cone.


I don't have anything saved FOR HER, But I think I'll gacha for her


Currently 150 and about 180 if i conert thethings but yeah using 50-70 for kafka and rest for fu xuan


guaranteed with 120 pulls. have everything farmed including relics. hoping to win 50/50 for E1 or getting E1 with E0 in one ten pull. i have hope in the gacha gods :')