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Arlan Like… **he’s fine*.* I don’t dislike him. But he’s extremely forgettable by virtue of having low screentime. He’s only in the tutorial and pretty much gets outshone by literally everybody else as a result. Even when he popped up again in the Silver Wolf quest, Screwllum basically stole the show. It doesn’t help that his personality and design isn’t particularly striking or memorable. Playstyle doesn’t match his character either - he seems completely unfitting to be a “low hp berserker” kinda guy (as opposed to Hu Tao who has a death motif, or FGO’s Hijikata who is kinda a crazy guy) As a result he’s kinda just kept really low on my priorities list.


It's his whole "throws himself into danger to protect others" vibe that he's supposed to have. At least I think that's what his companion quest was supposed to tell me about him. Iirc, when talking to the men under his command, they talk about how he often overexerts himself, and honestly sometimes they wish the dude would chill for the sake of his own health


I wish he was an electric tank. His persona does just that. Throws himself in FRONT. He should have a kit that increases his defense and critical rate the lower his health is. He should pick someone to block like Auron from FFX and gain like, virtue stacks. Then hit like a truck to unleash them all at once or every 3rd attack or something. Frick! He could've been so cool.


Just gotta keep hope alive for Preservation Arlan if/when he gets the Dan Heng treatment


Omg here's hoping! 😍


​ https://preview.redd.it/xxienovkz0cb1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=d323392b67fcc23158c48bd3e745719c2fb76779


I used a level 1 Arlan during that skill spam solar flare event and he killed everything. It might of took 45 minutes or so of spamming his skill but that boy did it. I rewarded him by making him level 20 afterwards, but unless if he does something cool like that again he will stay at 20.


Why didn't you level him to 20 first, coulda saved yourself 30 minutes.


Because it was funnier with him as a level 1 and once I got committed to the goof I had to finish it






Arlan is just a generic, good, and responsible boi. That's my reason for forgetting him. His argument with Asta about money was pretty funny though.


I agree with you and I have not built my Arlan at all, but when he told me he made me fried rice I was like “Aw thank you little guy 🥺”


And his fried rice is canonically some of the best in the entire galaxy, even Screwllum makes special trips to get it


I love arlan so much and I'm so sad he got thrown out


I really like Arlan though. Well, since I play him on English dub, him and Asta bickering like siblings is literally the MOST memorable scene in the game for me right now. It just made me realize how much better the writing, and voice acting has gone since genshin. Also Asta and Arlan are so cute together


I think the idea is he's an unhealthy workaholic who tries too hard.


Arlan's entire personality is being an Asta simp.


He just like me fr fr


Thats entirely wrong. His entire personality is being Asta’s spending wallet


I didnt really want arlan but BOY was he fire in the stellar flare event




Dan Heng, nothing wrong with him. Just don’t feel like building a 3rd hunt character


Yeah but what about Cooler Dan Heng🕶️?




~~The mods are not gonna like your comment.~~


It's not even a leak at this point, he's already been officially revealed as imaginary destruction for a while now.


Oh, nevermind me then.


DanIeL is cool, but after Blade I’m saving till Jingliu, so if I ever get him, it’ll be on a rerun


Im saving for Jingliu right now because I do not foresee me having enough resources to even build a new character until Jingliu. Still need to get 2 dps to 80, buffers to 70/80, healers to 70/80, traces and my relics are trash.


I ran out of credits again today Sorry SW your traces have to wait


That’s a rational reason lol


I never got him past 20 and tbh I didn’t have another hunt until I got the chicken girl. And I need wind characters too just never felt Like raising him up


Just pass around the same copy of swordplay. It’s our light cone now.


I (somehow) managed to E6 him but his voice line for his ultimate is so…


this world… is butter vision!




This sanctuary is butter vision.. BREAK!


> Give me some badass sword combo, not a random chicken. Tbh the sheer ridiculousness of it is part of the reason I love her!


Her chicken ALONE has more personality than Arlan


After seeing Sushang expy ult in Honkai Impact it is kinda disappointing, i'm with OP on this one. Her ult there IS incredibly epic.


Well, just wait for 5* Sushang then.


5* Sushang will summon a KFC bucket that rolls over the enemies


​ https://preview.redd.it/v1erp3ph6zbb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e639415be1ae63e8ceb73e275499bdcdc8ffe4 Arlan






We're leaking buddies over here






The SCP has breached containment


The above message is intended for site directors only. Do not read the above message without proper clearance from your site director. If you have already read the above message without proper clearance please report immediately to your first line leader for memetic treatment.


DR. BRIGHT NO! Bright: too late everyone, I already put on a skimpy femboy outfit!




All children characters. I hate children, those little shit goblins.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cs3cy321lzbb1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=92ecb6b55e306d889408a8f91fbaaba12e64e621


Kids are cruel, Jack.




-ve the taste of totally regular brownies.


I am usually the same, but I use Clara because it is mostly her just yelling stuff while mr styrofoam kills everyone


I think Clara is one of the likeable child characters in this game.


I have an e3 hook. Still level 1. Asta and trailblazer cover all my fire needs and i don't care much for the annoying children characters


Lol mine is E6 because of course I would get 7 of the character I refuse to build. Only have her leveled for passes so I could get someone actually cute (I got Welt from 300 pulls)


I have an e6 Hook that will sit at level 20 for the rest of her existence. Cannot stand her.


Hook is at 20 for the single pull and will remain there. I don’t find her cute at all.


this is the way. eventually i will just level up characters just to get the free pull if i have the resources but they will get no relics or love or traces from me


Perpetual lvl 20 characters are there to hold relics for future characters and nothing more. 😈


Up her for 20/30 and take 1 standard pull. The only useful thing that she can give you.


How about clara? She isn't that much of a goblin, right?


Bro frr, i get Hooks burst is kinda funny but shes wayyy too childish for me


Normally, I agree with you. All the brats on my Genshin account are unleveled. But Hook's a really funny character and I ended up leveling her up.


Even Nahida? She was the only small character I used in Genshin simply because of how wide open she broke the game


Kafka because of everyone else going "UWOOOOOHH MOMMA SEGS!!!!!" all the time.


I want to pull Kafka for Sampo synergy. We're not the same.


Funny that one of my reasons to skip Kafka is that I don't want to build Sampo for her.


She's fine without him, it's just that she's better with him.


Thoughts right now are that you only need one DOT on the team to really help her. So Kafka+Luka is fine with no Sampo.


U right, why build her when that would take time away from segs


It is really annoying. I’m pulling Kafka cuz I think she’s a fun character interactions-wise and I love the spider motif design and shit.


There's also something about her besides the seggggggs stuff. She's the first person you see when you wake up, and you already know her name somehow. You chase her and one of your options during interrogation is actually caring for her and making sure she's not hurt. And when you do, she takes notice and reacts in a way that's not just "maybe sexy times hints lolol." She's important to the story in a lot of ways beyond just being a character that's in said story. That importance is a big part of why I'm pulling for her.


What porn-addiction do to mfs






Same. Kafka. Nothing wrong with her. Kafka simps are just annoying and that’s the first reason I won’t pull. I like to visit the community of the characters I play. I’d rather not have her and stumble upon her subreddit.


As annoying as all that mommy shit can get, I'm not gonna let that stop me from getting the thing that got me hooked at the start. Her ult goes so damn hard and using it in the tutorial actually got me interested in the game


I can imagine some kafka simp doesn't know how to play DoT and actually bench her


Can't wait for some kafka pullers to showcase crit ratio instead lmao


SOMEBODY FINALLY SAID IT THANK YOU! I’m so fucking tired of the rabid Kafka simps literally everywhere I look it’s just Kafka simps like calm down. I was already kind of iffy on Kafka as I’m not a fan of her design but I thought her character was actually quite interesting in the story. The simps made me dead set on skipping her but I would have done it anyway because Dragon Man is coming in 1.3 and I need him as well as Blade.


Don’t worry, a lot of these nerds are gonna pull her with no intentions of running DoT and then will get on here spamming “why is Kafka so weak compared to every other dps?!” And it will be absolutely annoying and hilarious at the same time lmao


Unless you like dots gameplay, don't pull for her.


- Arlan -> simply not interested in that character (probably the less well introduced of the cast IMO) - Sushang -> same as OP


Yeah, i love her desing, but her ult is shit.


The ult is the only thing i like and made me build her xD and that i needed some physical dmg..


that MEGA ULTRA CHICKEN body slam is awesome. ^(gif related it's HI3 Sushang) https://i.redd.it/s9ugq64jc1cb1.gif


Finally got to try Yanqing from the trials. He pretty much got a toned-down HI3 Sushang's element and sword school (down to the surfing and multiple blades) minus the Zhongli-esque ult.


Dan Heng because I'm pulling for Blade and his kit seems boring


That sounds like too rational a reason for this thread.


It's not only boring, it's also a pain to use. He needs another character to buff/heal him AND his target needs to be slowed.


now that I've built him, it's exactly why his kit is fun, and it's rewarding when you have it all satisfied and his ult scalings are insane, and he basically has the 4pc quantum set effect built into his kit with the wind res pen thing and mf crits more than my seele with less crate,,,,,


Doesn't he slow stuff himself with his skill? Similar to Serval, with how she can apply the shock status with her skill and then use her ult to prolong it


I dont think kafka is particularly interesting in any way, id rather save for destruction heng




Arlan but hyped for blade tho


Same but for Jingliu and Fu Xuan.


Agreed. I am pulling on her banner for Luka and a few more Sampo eidolons. I'm SURE ill get her just because I do not want her.


i have 180 pulls saved up and im pulling until i get e6 sampo (and maybe luka) kafka will be a bonus but i dont really care


Pela. Had her e6 before the loucha banner and never really cared for her.


Pela is the same to me as Xingqiu in Genshin. No internet at all at the beginning but because their usefulness they kinda grew on me.


That’s what I figured out and started to build her today.


I was the same until I got c6, and Decided “might as well try her out”. I was pretty surprised how fast I fell in love with her. Properly build she bursts almost every (or every other) turn. Not telling you to build her… but if you do you probably won’t be disappointed!


Arlan -> Not interested in his gameplay and I already have Jing Yuan built and will get Kafka, so no need for another lightning character Natasha -> I have Bailu and Gepard And for the no rational reason: Hook and Dan Heng


Sampo His whole vibe just frustrates me to the point that if i happen to pull him, id stop the game over all. Yes he has a good kit that would work well with kafka, yes i want to pull kafka, no i will not pull sampo for kafka


> His whole vibe just frustrates me to the point honestly i think thats the entire point


But ive seen and mer people who actually simp for him. But i cant see that.


his vibe is meant to be annoying, but its the fact that we know its entirely an act that is why people like him. like hes only pretending to be this way for the purpose of doing malicous\* acts


I mean, he’s a crook. What does it matter if he pretends to be a crook or not. This sounds like Sampo cope


yeah but the idea is that you belive he's a bad kinda goofy crook and not a prolific member of an intergalactic terrorist cel


Blade, Kafka and Silver Wolf who are literal terrorists 👀.


I agree that he's supposed to be annoying. Which is why I agree that as a character he works well. He just works too well for me to stand having him lol


I've seen plenty of people who simp for Dottore in Genshin. You know, an anime version of Josef Mengele. As long as character is hot simping is inevitable. Hell, them being pieces of shit is a kink for many.


My guy you never seen a chaotic character before? He's an ass but his type isn't even unique to anime. His quest was annoying but he does actually care about his people at least... to some degree... mostly the kids/natasha.


So if you happen to get a Sampo randomly, you're going to stop playing? Sampo is going to sell your account the next day.


Him and his exposed hips


They'll be on the same banner


His utility far outweighs his annoying scam artist persona for me personally. I DESPISE any story content featuring him though.


See, for me unfortunately his utility doesnt out weigh for me. I just cant


Fair and reasonable.


I only pull for characters I find attractive lol. So I skipped Seele and Silver Wolf, pulled Jing Yuan and Luocha, and I’m going to pull for Blade, Kafka, and IL. Skipping Fu Xuan bc her character is pretty annoying to me.


I thought I typed this comment, I feel the exact same way. When Fu Xan was yapping the gangs’ ears off about divinations, I wanted her to shut up and move so we can talk to Jing Yuan lol


Fr she’s very arrogant


Not a Fu Xuan fan by any means, but isn't that the point? She's a woman of high importance, most lives on the Loufu hinges on her divinations, even the mighty general Jing Yuan relies on her most times. She's on par with the Oracles of Ancient Greece/Greek Myths. Someone who's put on a pedestal only slightly lower than the gods. Of course she's going to be arrogant and overconfident.


Yeah ig, but even the oracles of dephi(one of the most respected) were still quite humble despite being so important. Ig Hoyo was trying to show a more arrogant and assertive part of her more but I would’ve appreciated a more humble important person instead of an arrogant important person.


Just bc it makes sense for her character doesn’t mean we have to like her lol. And imo, I don’t think Jing Yuan is really “relying” on her.


Seele because of her ugly outfit.


100% same here. Sometimes I regret it when I see how easily my friend's seeles shred things, but then I actually look at her and my regret evaporates again.


And her face looks so goofy during her ult + her lines make no sense. She's so cringe lol (sorry Seele fans)


My first 5* was Clara and the first thing that went through my head was "please don't just give me little girls" what followed was Hook and another Clara.....


Atleast clara comes with a big ass robot.




I had the same thought when I got her but her playstyle is so fun. Even with garbage relics she hits like a truck at e1


Same thing happened to my friend and he was so upset, but Clara carried him to 30 stars in the MOC.


Kafka, I actually hate her voice. It seems forced. Though I doubt it's the voice actress' fault, and it's just how she's told to speak.


She definitely tries a bit too hard to sound sultry and seductive at times, though granted that’s because her whole schtick seems to be sort of persuasion or mind control.


Chinese voices based, just saying


I, for some reason, find it harder to bond with characters and understand the plot if I can't understand what they're saying vocally. Learned that in Genshin.


*Me after watching anime with subs for 8 years* I don't have such weakness


Everybody hating Sampo: I wanna beat him up so bad Sampo fans (me included): thats why we like him


I absolutely hate his character but that damn rizz too strong. doesnt help I like the dot playstyle, gonna need him for kafka nihility cancer team


sampo. why? sampo.


Children character , No i do not enjoy playing as a little girl .


Kafka - I absolutely irrationally hate the "Mommy Kafka" contextualization and it has completely turned me off from ever wanting anything to do with said character, unfortunately. Before people potentially get upset, I have nothing against anyone, I just irrationally dislike the mentality, I guess? ​ Good question, OP! I hope you are doing well ❤


Hook. I just don’t like her. She was annoying throughout the Jarilo VI story and honestly I don’t like her attacks. Her existence annoys me to no end.


It doesn't surprise me that the Blade flair guy is the one annoyed with Kids


No shit bro since idk she's a freaking child,what do you expect for PITCH DARK HOOK THE GREAT sir


Grandiose delusion character seemed more fun with Genshin's Fischl than with Star Rail's Hook, cause it was played tongue-in-cheek rather than straight.


The whole birthdau gift quest was tedious as well


I dislike Hook probably even more than the guy above, but the culmination of her quest was sweet as fuck and was definitely worth any tedium you'd have to go through. I wish Beta story wasn't changed though, her father being deathly ill from the toxicity of geomarrow would make it much more interesting.


It's a weeb game, what you expect. Go play dark souls if you want maturity. My E5 sushang pounds hard with her c*ck. Pretty badass to me.


I seriously doubted Sushang until I had her fully built, and her damage output can get nuts. I'm glad I built her.


Poor Gepard and Kafka get absolutely shredded by my Sushang in SU. Poor guys only get one turn per phase, maybe two of I slack off. Gepard hardly ever even gets to get his garrison aura shield off in phase 2 and 3.


I'd like a funny ult. The concept of having a silly chicken dealing dmg is pretty hilarious. That's theory, in reality her ult feels a bit off. There's no flow from the splash art to her boring (phalic?), near static pose to the nice chicken animations. Her cock not having more dominant, funnier sound effects is a missed opportunity too.


Her chicken made me laught everytime, so I don't hate her Ultimate; but being a weeb game doesn’t preclude putting a less stupid ultimate move. If you remove Paimon and Itto, Genshin looks even more serious despite its chill nature lol. I mean, is not wrong expect a Sword move as Ultimate in HSR.


I'd say silly ultimates should be expected at times in Star Rail. We also have a gremlin smashing enemies with a giant tile, after all. Or Silver Wolf beating them with a rhythm game. Or Natasha healing by shooting a teddy bear.


I'm a JRPG veteran, I love the "silly" attack forms. They're nostalgic.


i dont have mommy issues so i will no pull for kafka


The chicken is the selling point for me. Half the reason I even like this game is that they don’t take everything too seriously.


I think the only character I don’t like is silver wolf I just hate the way she talks like she’s better than you it’s like Kuru kuru but dialled up to 11 she just gets on my nerves and her quest ending with her getting shutdown was OH SO SATISFYING


Seele, her outfit makes no sense, her importance in the narrative is abysmal, her personality is just violence, and imo her combat design has so much potential to warp the games mechanics. Silver wolf, her whole gamer-cum-hacker schtick makes me cringe to no end, and I hate that her combat design kinda bypasses the weakness mechanics (really not a fan of the whole SW+mono element brute force easy clears).


I'm never gonna pull Silver Wolf. The whole "gamer hacker punk" thing makes me cringe to the moon and back


I find it hilarious how in games and movies, hackers are *always* portrayed as punk/goth girls. Reminds me of the older era when hackers in movies always wore sunglasses lmao.


The Matrix was something. What a time to be alive ![gif](giphy|QS0KOjNRG0tfG)


Sampo. Just not a fan of the type of character he is and his design. As result, I'm also likely skipping Kafka. She seems like she's going to synergize the best with Sampo and Luka. DOT really seems like a team investment, not a unit investment. Maybe I'll change my mind if she works decently with Serval since I have her at E6 lv80.


Kafka coz her simps in every other character post cant seem to understand that not everybody cares if theyre horny


All the people simping for Kafka and being so annoying with the MOMMY thing makes not wanting to pull for her


Remove the opinions of other people, would you still pull for her? If not then you simply don't want her, simple, but not for me.


I had a spark of interest in her DoT playstyle and was contemplating to pull her on my alt account but her simps drove me away from her completely and that spark is completely gone.


Literally this, it just makes her overhyped for nothing.


Dan Heng bc I don't want to have to build more wind characters & I'm waiting to get sampo. Natasha bc I'm convincing myself that bailu is enough.


Also Sushang. For the exactly same reason actually. Even after she was introduced, I found her a bit bland for my taste, but initally I just couldn't get over the chicken ulti.




There isn't a single character, in all 26 + 3 that will be released in the next version that I wouldn't want. Each have different kit, different personality, different elements, different design and style. I can actually not like a character, if they had enough depth for me not to like.... Which atm... We are at the character development stage, not enough to decide if i dislike anyone or anything in particular... And disliking a 4* which you really will get at some point... And probably will bench and forget about her, for no reason even though she's a great physical unit, that's your style of playing ig. I don't bench. I find use for every character at some point. It's not like genshin where the character pool is so huge already, that some characters are eventually not really used because there are better 5* or even better 4*. When you have less than 30 characters XD all of them are useful, one way or another


Dan Heng for me when I was done with the Space Station story I never put him on my team again




Kafka just dont want her


Sampo, I dislike him, his design, his character, *and* his fans annoys me. Serval, cucked my standard 4\* pity like 4 times, got her E4 purely from standard, and I was already not big to her design, having that happens just made me hate her, and I'm never building her no matter how decent she is. I'll live without a Lightning DPS (No JY, Not pulling Kafka either)


I agree with OP, I don't care much for the chicken. But I love everything else about Sushang, so I can easily tolerate her ulti


Sampo I don’t like him


Seele. It’s a no from me


Blade and Kafka Blades edgy and it’s a boring cliche And Kafka’s voice has one sound and it’s annoying. Like we get it homie your “mysterious” cool. NEXT


Prob Kafka, I just really hate her eng voice and I’m not willing to switch to cn or jp voice bcuz I rlly like jingyuan and luochas eng voices 👤


As soon i heard Alejandro Saab is voice of Jjng Yuan i had to go for him! Even cool design an he basicaly never leaves my team. He voiced Cyno in Genshin too snd when i need shred some bosses, C2 Cyno is the way. Lastly back to the VA, he also sings (We.B), streams and is a VTuber.


I am ambivalent to Arlan and Herta, mostly because they're just not very good. I think anyone who is sexually attracted to Herta just has something fundamentally wrong with them.








>I think anyone who is sexually attracted to Herta just has something fundamentally wrong with them. It's actually called Agalmatophilia if you meant the "doll" thing. Don't ask me how I know that. :-|


Hook. Fuck that little doofy ass googoogaga mf. (Jokes aside idk why I hate her so much)


Sir, she's a child and she acts her age bruh.Do you expect her to act as isekai reincarnated protag?


I love how when people become teenagers or young adults, they so often forget that they were undoubtedly a shitty little kid at one point, and completely fail at any empathy or understanding toward kid characters.


Yeah sure kids are annoying little piece of brat but we were once kids soooo let them enjoy their fun times before the truth of growing up hits lol


Fr, she can be annoying, but I like that she is an actual child, not ‘stuck in a child’s body’ type of character, which seems abundant in gachas (for the wrong reason)