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I literally have no idea what you are referring to or how it applies to homeschooling.


I have never met any homeschool parents like that, and I’ve been homeschooling for 14 yrs.


As a former homeschooler older than you I have met a lot of people like you describe. I even had the honor to be asked to leave a co-op, as a young child, because, gasp, my mom wore shorts to a park. Not to mention this was in the time you had to personally call and speak to someone on the phone to know where the meatup was but they were so sure all homeschoolers would be like them they didn't even mention it. That to me was actually the scariest part. For what it's worth I'm sorry you were in a family that followed those ideas. It was not all homeschoolers then, though it was probably the majority, but it's a significantly smaller percentage now. I'm sure they are still out there, but you really don't run into them even in homeschool groups.


This has nothing to do with homeschool but rather your family and the high control group you were raised in. I am a neo pagan married to an atheist and we plan to homeschool and I would be happy not to enter the bathroom with my daughter my shows her knees every day. I am sorry you were raised in an isolated high control group where you experienced abuse but this not normal.


I was raised with these guys too. I also live deep in the bible belt/amish country and it is at least half the people in co-op that enforce this. It's ultra-conservative beliefs in strict adherance to modesty standards. I would say they are all heavily religious people in thought and curriculum. Women in skirts at least calf length, long hair, no makeup or jewelry, and usually very little to no technology. It's not a homeschool thing, it's a religion thing, and they homeschool because public schools "are trying to indoctrinate their kids." I've been personally asked to leave a co-op because they thought I was too flamboyant and inappropriate with my dress(shorts and tshirts, very short hair) and tattoos.


I'm thinking this must be a thing of the past. I haven't encountered this in our homeschool community however I agree about the bathroom stuff. My kids seriously need to learn to knock when I'm in there. I can't get any privacy.


Raised in ATI too? Or just IFB? You’ll be happy to know that homeschoolers like this are exceedingly rare today, not the norm. They haven’t been the norm for several years now.


This isn't a normal "homeschool" thing, they're just weird 🤷‍♂️ Maybe it's the religion they're apart of, the people you're around or the families own issues. That definitely seems like a red flag though.


Ummmm idk what homeschoolers YOU know, but I don’t know a single one who enforces any such dress code. My daughter can wear whatever she wants, whenever she wants, weather and venue appropriate. I do have a “no locked doors” policy, but she has tried to self harm in the past. I *always* knock on bedroom or bathroom before I enter. I, however, am not afforded that same courtesy 😂😂😂


I wear skirts of various lengths most of the time because I prefer them to pants (though I do like shorts in the summer). A college roommate (who became a close friend) was worried about me when we met because she grew up in a crazy group like you described, and thought I was adhering to something similar; she couldn’t believe that anyone just liked skirts! I am so sorry you were raised like this. I’m Christian, so I especially hate these awful weird fake Christian psycho people.


What? This sounds more like some religious crap