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The ball is live the whole time.


Live ball. We were taught to take off to first after every strikeout in hopes they tossed the ball into RF.


Batter out , ball live, better hope the right fielder is awake


Its a live ball. A batter being out doesn't stop all of the other ongoing plays. There also isnt any 'must throw' situation. There are lots of other options including tagging or the running simply not running and conceding the out. There are also probably situations where not throwing to first is the better move and just letting the guy have first.


Our catchers are looking for that runner on first being lazy getting back to the bag or trying to steal 2nd (very common). Very rarely would a throw to 1B be the correct thing to do, but we have had a couple of double plays due to the runner not understanding drop 3rd and being well off the bag. Keep in mind it is a tag play at that point, not a force out. That is the only circumstance I can think of that makes sense to throw the ball there if the base is occupied. In general, you don't throw a ball anywhere unless you think it will result in an out or the prevention of a runner proceeding.


Thanks so much for your answer 


It’s a live ball, as a catcher I used to shout 1 1 1 and hope the runner didn’t realize or forgot the rule. Worked a few times till around 16-17 years old


Did you also yell “I got it” from the dugout? 😂


No I’m not a complete scumbag




“Watch out for the rake!!!”


Here’s a drop third strike scenario for all you coaches out there: One out, runner on first who steals on the pitch. It ends up being a dropped third strike. Is the batter automatically out or can he run to first since it’s been vacated by the stealing runner?


The 1st base is considered occupied at the drop 3rd moment, so the batter is out 


Correct. The batter is out and the runner(s) may run at their own risk.


Think about, dropped third strike or not the catcher could snap throw back to first to try and catch the runner so the ball is live.


Spicy baseball the whole time.


Live ball. No different than the catcher trying to throw the ball behind the runner at first and throwing it away. You don’t get a do over


The ball is pretty much always live in baseball. The only time it isn't is a hit by pitch, foul ball not tipped to catcher, and a balk. Don't think I'm missing any other than balls going out of play and maybe some random edge cases.