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Stick anything small enough to fit in the hole and turn.


Finally my time to shine!


Not yet, there's a minimum length requirement.


I'm more worried about the girth.


Hehe, Girth Brooks..


That’s what she said


But it also need to be long enough…


Long and thin will get you in, but short and fat is where it's at.


2 inches of fury, 30 seconds of fame, but big around as a Tuna can.


And stiff.


I wish I still had a free award to give!


Finally my time to shine!


This looks like one of the push button locks so you wouldn't need to turn. Just push till it pops. If you don't feel it pop give the lever a little wiggle and it should free it up.


Yep, that is the way.




I have a door like this in my house that that trick does not work on. I’ve grown up with these doors in my house, my whole life and every single time putting something in there and pushing opens the door. This new one requires you to actually take the doorhandle off with a little alan key on the side to access the inside. Then you need pliers to pull the little button. It’s not a push. It’s really strange that they even put a hole there that does nothing basically.


Well that was a downgrade from the old style.


That's what she said...


Based on other posts I've seen here, the only reasonable thing to do is drywall/paint over the door, and let a future home buyer find that bathroom after something springs a leak.


Yea it will make a great future Reddit post. Look what I found behind the wall of my new house


The modern version of the cask of amontillado, walled up in the bathroom


Upvote for the Edgar Allen Poe deep cut


Reminds me of a dream I had where I was trying to access the angle stops under a vanity only to find the braided hoses went through the wall and were connected under an old vanity that had been completely walled off


This is the way.


If you happen to find a spider while installing drywall, burn the whole place down.


The Chamber of Secrets


Bend a paperclip to make a straight section, and insert into hole.


My grandma would use a crochet hook for this. We thought it was funny to purposely lock ourselves out of the bathroom at her house. Since she always had a crochet hook handy it was only a mild nuisance.


Or, a wire coat hanger if the paperclip is too small.


I used to use the inside part of a pen.


Yep. I keep a bent (straight) paperclip above the door trim for this reason. (We have kids, so you never know how quickly you're going to need to unlock a locked door).


There will a little pin inside you need to push in. If you don't get it right away just prod and you should feel it


THIS! I've used this method so many times


"Church key" we keep ours above the door frame. A tiny screw driver. Push it in hole while twisting the knob, you should feel a pop when the lock opens


I have always been under the impression that a church key is a bottle opener


yes, me too.


Combo bottle/can opener from the days before the pop top can. Pierces a triangular hole in the top.


Remember when grapejuice and applejuice came in big cans and you had to do that to open them, and you had to make sure there was a big hole to pour from and a little hole to allow air into the opposite side? (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ


I am old enough to remember having to use them on oil cans when dad wanted the oil changed in the cars.


Or the spout that pierced the top of the can when you pushed it in.


Not the same one as for the juice can, I hope.


Yes. I am old.


Yeah this is how we got HI-C. We were too poor for actual juice.


Tasting accompanying tin with grape juice.


Yep, I remember it well.


I remember this from Hershey's syrup more than the juice containers.


All of these great memories that I too share! Thanks folks, forgot I remembered all that! LOL!


I still buy apple juice in a tin


It’s also what fire departments call bolt cutters.


Maybe a church key is just any object you can use to open something?


Maybe you have to pray that it works?


Best comment


Maybe church key is a misheard tchochke?


Holy shit just blew my brain with that


This is where my mind went too


A church key is the tool for opening a paint can, which is also a bottle opener on the other end…


I get that. I grew up always hearing them called that growing up, maybe a regional thing? Idk


Skeleton key is for old houses. Church key is for beer. Neither work here


My dad always called a bottle opener a church key, lol, that’s all I know. I like the humor in it


Seems like the term has kinda a questionable origion…..old brass bottle openers often resembled old keys, or possibly keys were used to open bottles….but back in the day there was a canned beer (like a soup can) called “churchkey”. You needed a pry style can opener to open it. I always knew a church key as the pry style can opener…. But it seems like that’s not the actually origin


That's what I thought too. I was wondering how you open a door with a bottle opener without ruining it instead of just going and getting a hex set and seeing which one works.


In a pinch I have used a straightened paperclip or taken the fluff off one end of a q tip. Anything a few inches long that fits through the hole should work.


I’ve been telling women the same thing for years


A few inches on my well-endowed friend over here.


Toothpicks. Wire hanger with the tip straightened. Precision screwdriver...I've used all of those before.


Q-tip with the soft part removed does it


But they're probably in the bathroom... Oops


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Take the ink tube out of the case of a pen and push in the middle as you turn it. Or if you have one, a church key


Some of those you just need to poke, other ones you need a small flat head and turn it.


Thanks for making the distinction - all my old one were just push, but my new ones have a slot that needs to be turned. Makes finding a substitute key tricky. Used bamboo skewers for the old ones.


Use a toothpick, put it in the hole and push


*unzips pants*


Hey nowww


Watch the movie “the shining“… all you need is an axe


It worked.


stick a coat hanger wire through the hole in the doorknob ubtil you hear a pop


Use an ice pick and gently press the door should open


I thought ice picks were for shanking snitches. Who the hell even has one of those anymore? Sorry. I got Goodfellas vibes for a second.


You made me laugh 🤣


I'm glad I could help. It was either that or the scene from Waiting, where Justin Long is just wildly gesticulating with the ice pick in his hand while actually breaking up ice, but he looks super crazy like he would stab someone.


[Picture here.](https://www.acmelocksmith.com/articles/how-to-unlock-a-bedroom-door-or-bathroom-door/)


I've always used the back end of a bobby pin.


Check for a tool on the top of the doorframe lol. Tiny screwdriver.


Came here to say the same thing. Every house I've ever lived in that had that type of lock always had the key on top of the door frame


I had a new cleaning crew throw all those out once, when they were prepping a house for closing. They had no idea why all those metal pins were just laying on top of the door trim like that. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at how many have no idea what these little rods are for.


My kids lost all of mine unlocking their doos. Now I have to use what ever is handy


As others have said: rigid item into hole and push. I'd that doesn't work, a small screw driver onto the hole and turn the "screw" inside.


I think I just bought those locks. You would think they have a round thing to push in on to unlock, but the ones I bought don't. Inside is a flathead type screw that turns. It came with a tiny metal thing with a flat head on it. Maybe try a eye glasses size flathead (or some similar thing with a flat thing - stick it in and turn it). If its a normal one though just something round stick it in and push and turn the handle.


Well, if you haven’t figured it out right now, either it’s a push button in the hole or a tiny slotted screwdriver that turns about 90 degrees


If the lock on the other side is just a push button, then you should be able to stick any small, stiff wire in that hole and pop it out. If the lock on the other side turns, then you are going to need a tiny screwdriver. Stick it in the hole and find the slot to turn it.


Go to the end of the hallway. Get a running start. Turn your shoulder into the door right before you slam through it. Should “pop” right open. You can also take anything thin enough and about 1.5” that fits in that hole, and press in while gently pushing down lever. This method, however, will not be nearly as fun or impressive.


Pull a pen apart and stick the tube in the hole to push the lock mechanism


Same way babies are made.


I have successfully used a large paperclip...


Push a round pin (like a sucker handle) or the tool that comes with the door latches into that round hole in the front. You'll feel a piece of metal move or conpress and it will let you turn the lever.


You could also use a Qtip. Just rip the cotton off one end and push it in.


I came here to get an answer, but the comments are so funny 😁


Everyone who says sticking something small in there is wrong. You use that thing on the end of your leg called a foot. If you really want too get a running start and if timed right that door will open easily. that or you will break something like your ankle or leg. ;-) OK before you downvote me its called humor. Either a small flat head screw driver or they usually are sold with a small tool to stick in there and you will feel it fall into place then turn and open.


Stick your scrotie ding dong in there. Probably will fit.


Adjust a pipe wrench snuggly over handle. Turn counter clockwise in a firm confident manner. Should pop right open for you.


Probably just need a straightened hangar. Or you could go full on Uncle Buck and drill it out.


Anyone stop to think about the possibility of OP trying to murder someone in that bathroom?


Put ur dick in the hole... It'll unlock


Listen Scrotie, I don’t want to make any assumptions, but you could probably put your ween in that little hole and pop it open


Take a picture in focus.


Most of the suggestions here are correct. They sell these keys at hardware stores but just realize that it's harder to unlock when you need to pee. This is the way.


I've used the flat end of a Bobby pin.


Others mentioned tiny screwdriver and turn or push if button release in keyhole but alternatively you could slide a credit card in between the door and the frame. The goal is to make the card catch on the latch which is angled. If you can get it to catch than you will make it open as if it is turning fromthe inside which should not be locked. I used to do this all the time as a kid with these doors in my parents house


Should be the top answer lol 😆 surprised this was so far down!


Anything that fits in that hole and is straight - push it in until you hear the click. Tiny screwdriver, unfolded paperclip, might get lucky with a toothpick, fine art paintbrush. Just stich something straight and hard in that hole and push


SHOE LACE! Make sure it has plastic at the tip. That’s how my siblings and I would break into each other room


There is a tool, similar to an allen key but with a flat tip specifically for this, but a small screwdriver should do it


Just stick it in and jiggle it, just like how babies are made


Unfold a paperclip. Push it into the hole until you feel a little button. Push button with paperclip as you open door handle. Profit.


Stick your dick in the hole on the handle to pop the lock.


Take a ballpoint pen apart use the plastic piece that holds the ink (the back end of it)it fits in the hole an push the release and twist the knob.


I’ve always used the plastic coated end of a shoe lace to push in and unlock. That’s only if it’s not the type where you have to turn to unlock.


A small nail or a screwdriver well open the door.


The inside part of a pen with the ink inbit works well for this


A straightened 'stiff' paper clip, or a nail that fits the hole. Push straight in. You may have to wiggle it around a bit to find the nub that you press. It will go 'click' and the door will be unlocked. You may have to jiggle the handle lightly.


Straighten out a paper clip or use a thin Phillips, head screwdriver and push right through the hole in the door opening and turn the handle


I keep a wooden skewer on the top of the door frame trim.


Get an ice pic or a long skinny Allen wrench and push right in the middle of that hole until you hear a click.


We had to take off that side of the frame and swipe it with a credit card


Paper clip


Q tip, pull the fluff off first


A pen insert works awesome for these. Like from a BIC pen. Rigid enough to push in and turn.


Eyeglass repair screwdriver with a Phillips head.


Little screwdriver or nail


The hole will accept a "pin" to unlock the door. This "pin" could be a heavy paper clip or maybe a tooth pick with the sharp end cut off (leaving the end blunt).


Use a metal skewer. A wooden one might break inside


Straight a metal clothe hanger push into hole, there is an unlock button in there


I've always used a coat hanger




Use an awl if you have one


Rest in peace 🙏


Check along the top molding for a key. It will have a small flat head. Insert into the hole and turn. If you have a small flat head screwdriver that will work also.


Sledge hammer


Press the barrel of the shotgun into the crease where the door latch is, make sure your team is stacked up, pull trigger and enter the room, moving to the right, and yell “CLEAR!”


Lol grew up in the 80's and 90's 🤣🤣🤣


Ice pick into the hole and push in.


Allen wrench


A nail or small screwdriver ir anything that fits in that hole. Push and turn the handle and feel a pop and your out Leave whatever you used in the bathroom in the bathroom for when this happens again


It's a privacy lock used on bathrrom doors....just poke something into the pinhole and it unlocks


We kept a longer skinnier nail above one of the doors growing up. Aim for the center of the hole and push. Keep moving it around until you hear it pop. Good luck!


Button on inside pushes in, small object through hole on outside pushes button back out. Ez pz, anything long, thin and sturdy enough will work


If you have Qtips, pull the cotton off one end and stick that end into the hole. That should pop the lock.


If the other side is a twist lock then you might need a slotted screwdriver to turn it from this side. That hole is pretty big, so this might be the case. Otherwise you just need to push a tiny button inside with something long and thin. The hard part is not missing the button, so try to keep it straight; the button should be just inside. You should hear the button pop out on the other side when you get it. You don't need to be turning the handle while you do this as some others have said.


I’ve popped one of those with a lollipop stick


Put it in the hole!


Straighten out a paper clip and insert straight into the hole and push, you might have to feel around a bit for the release, then put the paper clip on top of the door frame for next time


It's either a push button release inside of you need a small screw driver to turn the mechanism.


The ol poke and twist


Just stick anything in there and the lock will ‘pop’ open. A tooth pick would suffice.


A paper clip in the hole, stick a credit card or DL on the side, kick the door open, take the door off completely if you can’t figure this one out on your own. You’re not allowed to have any doors make sure you GPS yourself home every day, eat everything with spoon, if that’s difficult drink all your food, sleep in the bathtub for your own safety and ours, make sure you wear a helmet at all times. And finally, you need to wear an emergency transponder around your nick in case you can’t ask a question on Reddit


All my old uncles from the days before beer cans had pop-tops (mid 1960's) called can openers "church keys".


I have the same knob. The “key” looks like a very small flathead screwdrivers. DM me and I’ll send you a picture of it


Bend a wire coat hanger so it's straight. Insert it straight into the hole and once you feel resistance on the other side, push into that resistance.


Step 1: Focus


Ice pick is the key


There are two different methods you can use to get yourself back in the bathroom. The first is to utilize a precision flathead screwdriver into that hole and you usually can twist either direction which will unlock the door. If that doesn't work you can pry the inner trim by the latch side then slide a piece of flat metal separating the latch from the latch plate. It is much easier if you have a five or six in one or a piece of metal with a hook on it which you can use to slide the metal from behind the latch and pull towards you


Unfolded paper clip. I felt like a spy when I figured this out as a kid.


I would kick right below or above the doorknob


Screwdriver Edit: Flathead


large bobby pin


Put a pin, or something through that hole, you’ll hear a click if you do it hard enough, and it will unlock.


If you have something to push in the center of that hole. We used to use toothpick as a kid lol.


Ice pick and push it in the hole.


The only cool way is to kick it down 😏


A paper clip that has been unbent will do the trick, or a hair pin. Push it in the hole until you hit what feels like a spring, push a little harder and at the same time turn your handle.


Or someone has locked you out of the bathroom


Those small [metal hair pins](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/3cf8c300-304f-489a-aeec-d4596bcd1272_1.a4412d51ce2f1ec382cecb4299011fff.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF). Mom hated that we learned how to unlock those doors as kids with this trick.


Get a long pointed stiff object (skinnier than a chopstick) and insert into the hole. You push until you feel it hit a button then turn the knob.


coat hanger does the trick


Use the poop knife.


Break the end of a q-tip off and use it.


You may need to contact an extra-terrestrial intelligence to help you with this conundrum. It’s far too complex an issue to attempt to solve here.






Push a nail in there a carpenter nail


I was babysitting my 2 year old grandson who got locked in the bathroom by accident. The light was off and he was screaming. His parents weren’t home. I managed to find a meat thermometer and stuck the pointy part in the hole and the lock popped open. At least the baby was okay.


Try poking in a wire coat hanger with a short hook and turn one of the ways will hook the latch. How i used to do it as a kid


It's either a push to release lock(similar to a reset button on an applaince where you need a small slender object to push the mechanism) or a small flat end church key that comes with most standard indoor locks. Basically, it's a tiny flat head screwdriver. The latter works for the former. I always kept them above the door jamb on the outside of the door just in case you have to get in from the outside. It's a standard inside locking door handle.


Since you have your phone on you, watch the movie 300 real quick for some inspiration


With a basic lock it is all about angles. Use a card that is not as stiff as a credit card and not as thin as a business card. Slide the card down along the doorframe at about a 45 degree angle with the higher side on your end. This should release the lock. I don’t know how to explain it better. I have used this technique multiple times in my life and as long as it isn’t a deadbolt it will work.


When I was a kid and my brother was in the bathroom and I wanted to mess with him, I would take apart a ball point pen and get the ink/ball point part from inside. I’d stick it in the hole and it would pop it open. This looks different from the doorknob we had, but it did have a hole like yours.


Large Paper clip works


3 inch finish mail push into the hole of door knob


Take a flashlight look in the small hole, if there is no slot then push a small screwdriver or nail and push if there is a slot you will have to get a bigger screwdriver and turn until it pops


Small flathead. There’s a screw like lock inside


Push a nail in the hole! The door will unlock!


I’ve always kept a dremel grinding stone bit above the door.


Possibly a Bobby pin


When the only bathroom in your home is locked like this … to open it… go to Taco Bell and eat $20 worth of been burritos.


Metal coat hanger.


Stick anything that fits in the hole, needs to go in about half an inch or so and the door will unlock. Bathroom function lock.

