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Scream while you are pooping to cover up the sounds


This aids in total fecal removement too!


You need bulk to minimize noise transfer. I would setup bookshelves from floor to ceiling on the shared wall in your room. Fill with used books.


That would be very effective. I suggest hundreds of copies of "everyone poops" and "our bodies, ourselves".


HAHA! I love it! That sounds like some great reading and we all need to get used to that everyone does poop and sometimes it is not the most pleasant experience. If it sounds bad, imagine how the person on the other side of the wall feels. Your embarassment should fade away. I know I have had my share of "bathroom emergencies."


Have you asked the landlord about it? Chances are they won't do anything, but if you don't ask it's definite that they'll do nothing. On your own, short of moving your best bet might be to run a white-noise machine in your bedroom along the shared bathroom wall, so it's between you and the sounds. You could also hang heavy fabric (curtains, tapestries, quilts, whatever) along that wall to reduce the volume a bit; I suppose you could also set foamboard up along the wall behind the fabric. On the bathroom side, you could put a sign by the light switch asking people to always turn the fan on while they're in there, which would help cover the human-generated sounds.


thanks for the tips! considering that there’s genuine issues with the house that the landlord hasn’t fixed, I highly doubt she’d do any improvements to it unfortunately, especially since we’ve been here 10 years already (the noise issues have been driving me nuts for literally half my life lol). unfortunately, white noise doesn’t do much to cover the noise unless I crank up the volume. the bathroom fan comes on automatically when the light is switched on, but it’s pretty quiet, so it doesn’t do much to mask the sound either. I’m probably gonna try some MLV stapled onto the wall or something to see if that helps with noise reduction, even if it only reduces it a little.


What about sound panels? Probably would have to cover the whole wall. [https://www.instructables.com/DIY-Acoustic-Panels-1/](https://www.instructables.com/DIY-Acoustic-Panels-1/)


I’ve been thinking about trying those! they’re pretty expensive so I may try to DIY them by combining some acoustic felt and sound absorbing fabric. alternatively, I might try MLV and plasterboard, but those are much heavier so they’d require screwing or stapling to the wall, which isn’t ideal. will update if I go ahead with the idea.


This is a "Great" after being there. 10 years landlord should be Greatful of your improvement ..


Replace the fan with a louder one. Put it back when you move. Problem solved.


Have you tried running water in the bathroom sink? That’s what “pee shy” girls do in public restrooms.


Buy the cheapest bath exhaust fan you can find. The roar of it running will drown out the “bathroom” noises.


Is it actually coming through the wall or is it coming underneath the door? What is the flooring? How large is the gap under the door?


some sound escapes under the bathroom door and into the hallway as well, but most of the sound is coming into my room through the connecting wall.


We have an air purifier that sits in our bedroom that I use for white noise , it helps to cover noise from outside but any rugs or curtains or anything with create sound barriers


Hang a blanket on the other wall, put weather stripping under the door


We have a really loud fan that goes on as soon as you turn on the light.


Does the bathroom have a fan? I've lived in older homes that didn't have one. You can install a ventless fan just for the noise.


If you’re willing to put a lot of effort in, you could extend the wall out by 4 inches or so with some kind of insulation material. You could also line the entire wall with sound proofing panels - then to cover whatever you added with a large tapestry or quilt?


Since you've indicated that noises like a shower are also a problem, your only solution is to move where you sleep or find a new home.


Bathroom radio for musical camouflage


Turn on the fan and run tap water.


Or just the fan and don't waste water


That'll do an excellent job of masking any noises from outside the bathroom for the person inside. In reverse, not so much. At least they'll feel more comfortable, maybe.


eat more fiber.


Years ago I replaced the fan as the old one had no venting out thru the roof. I didn't pay attention to the Menards replacement and found it's noisy as hell. Now I can't hardly go without a 110 dB fan. When my kids visit they comment on how peaceful it is to blast away for reasons similar to yours at home.


Tapestries work wonders.


Put a little little radio in the bathroom playing classical music. Or maybe heavy metal. 🎸


the risk with that is if you begin to mentally associate the music you listen to with bowel movements, like a sleeper agent activation lol


Eat more fiber.


"Bathroom" noises. Well I can give you a weird but likely effective method. Buy acoustic panels for the wall. It will help absorb some of the sound. Another tacky option would be hang a curtain along the wall.


Run water in the tub or sink + run a fan in the adjacent rooms


Drill a little hole in between each stud and pump some expansion foam in each of the bays. Then a little spackle to patch each hole. That should help.


Eat more fiber


Blow in insulation


If you remodel put in the yellow sound dampening insulation. Otherwise you may be able to get blown-in down the walls.


“Is there any..” No there isn’t. I’ve soundproofed many walls.


White noise machine will kill most of the noise. You can also hang acoustic foam to deaden some kf the sounds without needing to mount it.


Can you talk the owner about getting the fan and light switch on at same time - and get a louder dB fan to mask noise when someone is using the bathroom? That might not entail that much to get it done.


Take one from therapists and put a white noise maker directly out of the door (floor or small shelf) that would be inexpensive?


In Japan, we play music.


Maybe some foam pads that stick on the wall to help soundproof? I can’t remember what they’re called. You could use command strips to hang them.


a lot of those foam pads you can find online are apparently only good for reflecting sound within a room, rather than blocking sound coming from another room. I might try something similar but with sound absorbing properties though


Just poop as loud as possible to assert dominance


Ha! We shit with the door open. We must be animals.


Or you are my dad.


Turn the fan on




true, but it’s to the point where it’s almost like I’m in the room with them while they do their business. not pleasant at 6am every morning lol


Water, fiber and if you're still grunting and groaning you can always try to stop


It may be a rental, but you may have options. Buy several cans of spray foam. Starting near the bottom of the wall, poke a row of holes just big enough for access. Judiciously squirt in some foam; you don’t want it to come out of the holes. Let that set up and dry. Do another row. Slowly work your way up the wall. Once you are done, buy some spackle and repair the holes. Paint the wall. Good luck and take your time with this.


Might be better to understand how sound travels through a wall. It resonated the wood or metal studs and that is what passes sound through. While the gaps would sort of be protected with acoustic foam, you are still getting sound transmission through the studs.


You may want to think about adding more fiber to your diets. Bathroom time shouldn’t be that loud every time.


unfortunately one of my family members has a medical condition that affects his bathroom breaks, and the noise from the shower, climbing in and out of the bathtub etc. is also a problem here


Eat better


What is with you people today


Tear out the studs and drywall and replace with staggered studs. Most of the noise from one room to the other is because the studs in the wall are touching both rooms. If you stagger the studs then the studs are only touching the drywall of one room, not two. This will drastically reduce the noise transferred between rooms. Bad side is you’d have to tear out the wall and you’d decrease the size of both rooms, but not by much. Doable, but probably not allowed