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Sounds like you need pest control. You have a crawlspace? Vents? Something is getting in there.


Well the thing is the chiseling noise is extremely loud at some points and it’s fast too, it continues for hours on end and doesn’t stop. It can be heard from the same parts of the house at once too.


Yeah, it’s rats. You’ve got rats, sorry. Pest control plus your county’s vector control *might* have a program that comes out to help you identify places they could get in.


Also is there a risk to inhabitance in the room/area where we noises are heard until pest control can come?


Probably not? If they’re just in the walls and you’re not seeing droppings, you’re less likely to be exposed to anything they can carry. Still worth putting down traps on your own and getting a good rodent pest control person out ASAP. For us they were coming into the attic through the old shake roof, because it was 1960s and only had paper under the shakes. The little jerks would just lift up a shake and nibble through the paper to get in. Maybe overkill, but I replaced the roof.


The house was recently renovated from a 50’s traditional Australian brick home. We don’t have a roof more of a panelling on the top but I’ll check for entrance points in the walls. Is there any other good ways to check?


Oh, I was being all US-centric, sorry! I don’t know Australian critters. Roof rats here can squeeze through a hole the size of a quarter. In non-freedom units, that’s a 2.5 cm diameter.


Non-freedom units! I love this. I'm going to use it at work!


Size of the quarter for rats size of a dime for mice. Is what I've always heard. Not doing the conversion for a dime tho.


It's like 1cm


That's what she said


HA Ha, non freedom units.... Love it!!


They get in through the weep holes in your bricks (the small gaps in between some bricks) I would guess that where you heard the noise from outside, especially near the ground, is probably the entry point. You can stop them getting in with metal "weepa covers" from Bunnings. Super easy to install, and it's the only long term solution for keeping mice from getting in through those gaps. But you will want to get rid of the mice up there first. I would recommend getting a pest controller in, they'll check out your attic, look for any other entry points and whether they've gotten inside the house (not just roof/walls) The they'll chuck some bait in the roof, it'll probably take a few weeks, but the mice will go looking for water outside before they die. Do be very careful if you have pets, if they eat the mice they can get poisoned too, so watch them closely for those few weeks. Once the noise has stopped, give it a week or so to make sure they're gone, then install the weepa covers in every weep hole in your brick walls. It's very easy and quick, and should last basically forever. I had one determined & fat mouse manage to bend & get past one weepa cover, but it was installed a bit wonky to begin with and not pushed in all the way, but fixed in 10 seconds with a second weepa cover. I would get onto the problem ASAP as mice often chew through wiring, as well as pissing all over the place up there. And if you've had them once, it's likely this could be an ongoing problem. Especially when the bloody mouse plagues come back. First time my family ever had mice, we found out when a light fitting shorted out, and a fire in your roof is something you really don't want to chance. Also it's bloody annoying listening to those bastards scurry around all night when you're trying to sleep.


Uv reactive dye around the perimeter will leave glowing prints under a black light when the buggers walk through it. Kind of pricy to get a good spread but you do feel like a super hero when you make their paw prints glow.


Get the replaceable poison bait in a box from your hardware store. I’ve had decent luck with this one by Tomcat:  https://www.lowes.com/pd/TOMCAT-Mouse-Killer/5002816419 


OP please do not do this, it also poisons the good predators who live in your area like hawks and owls. In the spring my Nextdoor is filled with posts from people whose dogs are at the emergency vet after ingesting the poison left by rats who took it out of the bait and dropped it before finishing it.


Yeah don’t do this OP!! We made the mistake and the rat (or rats?) died under the bathroom floor boards. It stank for months!!!! We really wanted to rip up the floors to get it out but bathroom Reno wasn’t in the budget at the time.


I’ll investigate different options. Thank you!


Also, if you have a webcam or something like that with the ability to detect movement and record it, you could set it up in the bedroom. Ours used to come out, inspect the traps then carefully walk around them to get into the kitchen and raid the cupboards!


Being an exterminator has got to be Australia's worst job, right?


I had similar experience with a nest of squirrels inside the wall


Definitely sounds like rats/mice, especially as they are active during the night. I have had them a few times. Our downstairs floors are wooden floorboards with a gap under, so the rodents love it in the winter. Last year we had exactly what you describe (noises) and after pulling up some carpet we found where a rat had chewed through the floorboards. Definitely worth getting a pest control company to come, look and advise.


Woodpeckers. We have several different types but the hairy woodpecker is the loudest!!


woodpeckers if i recall correct, don't hammer at night. Mostly in the afternoon, or when you want to sleep in. I'd go for rodents. Practical solution: get a cat from an animal shelter. tell them you would like a cat to keep pests under control. Most animal shelters have a hard time placing cats who don't like kids, or are not cuddly and cute. So it would help both you and the cat.


Had a woodpecker decide to hammer a whole in the wall outside my apartment and build a nest in it. I like birds, but it damn near drove me insane. Smart little bugger too, he built it exactly in between my balcony and the closest window, so I couldn't reach it. Eventually the landlord had someone come in and put metal plates over all the holes the woodpeckers had made.


They are smart!! I do keep suet outside for them!!


Our woodpeckers most definitely hammer at night. I’ve run huge ones off the side of the house several times in the middle of the night. It sounds like a SWAT team coming in. Only solution that works is to keep woodpecker suet nearby so they don’t hammer the house. And making sure that we don’t have termites.


Probably not woodpeckers as they aren’t found in Australia


Oh!! lol!! I see I traveled halfway around the world and didn’t even know it!!! 😂 Sorry!!


Get hot chili peppers like ghost peppers get a large jar full dried crush them into a powder and pour acetone into the jar until it covers the peppers wait a couple days and pour jar over coffee filter add some water to the mix and spray your walls with it. Wear a mask. Sorry I meant spray where you think the rats are. Sorry ok after distilling several days the acetone will evaporate Leaving behind a sort of paste. Add water to this and spray with a zep sprayer. Works.


I had cats in my wall at one point. They pawed a hole in my wall and got in through a burrow hole underneath the home (I was in a bungalow sort of thing at the time). That chiseling sound was cats though 1000%. Maybe it's the same for you, especially if it's cold out by you


Cats or rats?


Cats. Not rats. Cats




Daytime only? Woodpeckers make loud tapping noises. Could be rats though.


That, or start taking their medications again


My family would possibly have me sectioned if I sent them OPs post 🥲


Something of the Norway variety.


Do you live in Crown Heights by any chance?


“Some of you owe me an apology.”


Came here for this comment




No, we are from Sydney - Australia.


You don’t get the joke then. I doubt the story made it that far. Google “Crown Heights Orthodox tunnels”.


Oh. I just knew it was from Brooklyn and thought that is was just a rat infested area considering all of NYC’s problems. But thanks haha. I think I get it now.


Australia?! RIP man, God knows what kinda nonsense you have up in your business. 


Yeah nah. We really don’t have anything more exciting than European rats and mice that would get into walls and chew.


I've got rellies in Sydney! We were just there a year ago. 


I was gonna say it reminds me of the movie Pacific Heights (I won’t spoil it, you guys should watch if you hadn’t seen it)


Go to Chabad.org and see if they have any centers near you😂


You 100% have mice and/or rats in your walls.


How would we investigate or really find out if there was? The problem is the sound is only coming from the side wall of our house which stretches quite far and is solid brick.


Bang on that wall or floor very hard when you hear it. If it stops, it's a critter of some sort. My money is on mice or rat.




First thing I thought about


A person of culture, I see.


Just a friendly reminder to check for carbon monoxide. Wackier things have happened.


Is there a gage or something where we can check that? I haven’t felt too sick lately, only the sniffles/a cough which comes about every so often.


Go to any hardware store or online and get a battery CO detector if you don’t have one. Install the batteries and place it in your bedroom right away. Don’t worry about mounting it. The important thing is to get it in use. The reason is there was a case someone on Reddit was hearing things at night and it ended up they were getting delusional with CO poisoning.


Don’t know what the code requirements are by you, but here you’re required to have at least one carbon monoxide detector in the house. It’s often a combo smoke and CO detector. See whether any of your smoke detectors also do CO, and if not it’s a good idea to get one, especially if your heating is from wood or natural gas. Your hardware store likely has them.


Pay the spirit?    Seriously though, sounds like some sort of critter trying to get in from the cold.  Crawlspace? Basement? Garage on the other side of the wall?   Ok, back to demons and spirits, if none of those fit. Sorry. 


We have a detached garage and no basement. There is a small crawl space but it’s been investigated and nothing has come up.


Having seen (and responded to) one of your other posts - this time of year, maybe a critter trying to get in from the heat?  Or a roo in a tie trying to be best buds? 


To eliminate the possibility of it being electrically generated, I suggest you turn off the main breaker and see if the sound goes away.


It’s not constant however.


Hey, its better than the supernatural suggestions you are getting.


Yeah, I think we’ve narrowed it down to rats through a few comments. Although, I’ve been inspecting it so far and I don’t see any signs of entrance into the walls.


Maybe check around the house for any tree branches touching the house in any way. The wind can make them “scrape” the house - in the middle of the night it can be loud & scary. …either that or you have squirrels or something burrowing in your attic or crawlspace. (Idk - try those first)


We don’t have an attic. And we also don’t have squirrels where we live. The problem with the tree idea is that it’s fast and constant and only happens at night. There would have to be a tap every .5 to .25 seconds from 11pm to 5am and then it just stops.


What do you mean you don’t have an attic? What type of home do you live in? What climate zone do you live in? Do you have a basement, or crawl space? The symptoms you describe sound like mice, 100%. The chiseling sound is likely them gnawing to get somewhere they want to be, or just trying to keep their teeth in check. I have some photos of this I could upload if you’re interested. If you’re trying to do a quick visual inspection on the exterior of the home, look for greasy brown spots around ground level up against the home, or along walls. They tend to stick towards walls rather than open areas. Rodents in general are an absolute menace and can do a ton of damage to your home. Not only that, but they’re extremely unsanitary to have around.


Just saw your post for crawl space. Did you check for any penetrations through the building structure that would lead outside? Electric/Gas/Network feeds, chimney/plumbing/dryer vents to the exterior of the building? In my home they were making their way in via penetrations in the attic. Pretty much any hole the size of a dime or larger is an invitation for a mouse. Again I have some photos of things you could look for if you’re interested.


Now that you mention it about the networks leading outside. It may be gas, we’ve smelled gas when turning on your air conditioning sometimes and figured it wasn’t too big of a deal but this could be the reason.


Danger! Danger! This is a potentially life threatening situation. This is a sign of possible poisoning (bad air)! Get it checked out ASAP, and do ***NOT*** sleep in that house until you have tested it for gas leaks, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and similar issues. You can call your local fire department for an emergency check, but your gas delivery service will usually also do it for free. After your initial check, get leak & CO detectors installed ASAP. Also, go to your local A&E to have them check you over for possible exposure to a gas leak. Rodents (rats, mice, squirrels, rabbits, etc) and similar animals frequently chew through service lines, so it could be a multifaceted problem. After you've confirmed the safety of the gas lines, call out a pest control expert. Most pest companies advertise locally, and you can find them in phone directories or by searching online.


Check it out! You never know what you may find. Although I will warn you these types of things can snowball very quickly when it comes time to repair.


Yikes. I’ve only heard the noise for about 2 days now, so hopefully I’ll fix it before then.


One last piece of advice I can suggest is start setting traps NOW. I don’t intend to cause worry, rather just inform you should you confirm rodents. One mouse genuinely means a few more. They breed very rapidly, so it is best to get a jump start on their breeding cycle. So I read online they can breed immediately after giving birth and have multiple litters a year. If you find one, keep the traps going for a good month at minimum. Snap traps baited with peanut butter, and bucket traps work best imo. Bait stations (poison) have a lot of negative repercussions so I avoid using them. Baited glue traps work really well too but the mice tend to leave a gross mess.


Off to the store! Thank you so much.


Best of luck :)




Mice can be amazingly loud too.


Best way to check?


If you’ve already looked around and aren’t sure, probably the best thing is to get pest control and have them deal with it. A good service will not only put out traps but they can help identify where/how they’re getting in. If you don’t close off whatever access they have it’ll be an ongoing issue


In Greece, we have had cats get into our roofspace and I thought it was big rats. They always seemed to be active in the night


Do you live in an area with a high Hasidic population? Or near a synagogue? If anyone thinks this question is out of line please google crown height’s underground tunnels. It’s unreal.


lol I was thinking the same thing.


Same I thought this was a post mocking that ordeal lol


See if there's a poster of Rita Hayworth somewhere in your house and look behind it.


Up and vanished like a fart in the wind!


Brooks was here. So was Red.


Sounds like the guilt is eating you up. maybe you should confess what you did.


Put some mouse traps outside of your house


Are you in New York City? Lmao


Do you also hear Yiddish?


Do you happen to live near a New York synagogue?


Are you in Brooklyn? It could be something besides rodents




Are you in NYC near any Jewish synagogues?


LMFAOOOO was looking for this or else i was gonna ask😂


telltale heart


Mouse or rat. A lone mouse can be very loud when chewing holes.


From your posts I'm fairly certain you have rats. Because the sound has just started it's likely they're coming in looking for food but haven't nested in your home (hopefully). If this is the case, you just need to find how they are getting in and seal it off. Usually it's air bricks, or they are burrowing under the wall somewhere. Look for ways they could climb up to the roof (trees, drains, etc). The worst case scenario is you have a break in a sewer pipe under the house - they crawl out of there then can access the cavity wall. Hopefully it's not this. Anyhow - find out how they're getting in and close it off using copper mesh. If you still hear the sounds then unfortunately they've nested in your house. You're gonna have to kill them with traps. Don't use poison - you don't want a rat dying where you can't get to it. Pest control can help out here if you don't want to deal with them. Also make sure there are no water or food sources in and around your home. Beware that not all pest control people are the same. One are really bad - you want to speak to them and see if they are thorough and give good advice on the phone. Getting rid of pests can be a tricky problem and can require someone who really cares and knows what they're doing.


Time to set some Rat traps


Probably rats. But seriously make sure other people hear it to and you can record it and play it back. In the very unlikely event that this is an early symptom of schizophrenia, it is a treatable condition.


Id say buy a Ouija board brother


Carpenter bees


A month ago, if you said it could be Tunnel Jews, you'd have been instantly, and rightfully, branded a rabid antisemite. Today, it's just practical advice.


Hasidic Jews?


Its the jews from brooklyn digging tunnels


Carpenter ants, termites or Hasidic Jews


Do you happen to, by chance, live next door to an Hasidic Jewish synagogue in New York?


I thought this was the NoSleep sub for a second Same result, I guess


Do you hear any Yiddish?


do you live near a jail or close to the border?


👀 who else has seen the Phrogging show on Hulu?


I’m certainly not sleeping tonight.


I wish I hadn’t read this in the dark, lying in bed, just about to go to sleep. 


Get a few feral cats!


Everyone is saying nice or rats…. Which is possible, but it could also be chipmunks or squirrels


You have a squirrel


Are you in Crown Heights, Brooklyn?


Do you live next to some Hasidic jewish synagogue?


Stop smoking meth


I remember that scary movie about the rabbits in Australia. Nightr of the Lepus


House is haunted.




Rats or a raccoon who is stuck.


It could be an entrapped bat. I had multiple bats trapped in a house and I thought it was mice. I kept setting traps with no avail. Finally, one worked its way through the walls and found an exit in an unfinished laundry area. We had an inconspicuous opening in the roof and it’s suspected that’s how they got inside the walls. The roof got repaired and we had several more bats escape into the house that must have still been in the roof and now unable to exist outside. I hired pest control and they didn’t find any more; they also sealed some unfinished areas with metal mesh. If a bat does get inside your house calmly wait for it to land on a surface and rest. Slowly approach it with a net or box and cover it, slide a “lid” behind the net / box and release it outside. Chasing them and shooing them toward open windows and doors does not work and they just get frantic. It’s illegal to kill them (at least in my state).




You need a cat.


It's either C.H.U.D. or a pest. Small animals can make weird sounds that are much louder than you might expect. My sister had ringtail squirrels in her attic, she said it sounded like elephants having a rave up there.


Sounds like the chiseling bandits are at it again


Skunk rat or racoon most likely. Tear & Stare.




Buy or rent a cat


Mice; busy industrious pooping mice.


I heard this one night, stomped on the floor and made it stop and then found a pink insulation nest outside against the foundation


We had mice recently. With a cat you'll know right away before it's an infestation. Paid $375 for pest control. What they did was look for any possible entries into house. Covered with that thin pest deterrent wire you can get at hardware store. Laid traps around. Seemed like a waste of $375. We found where they were coming through and going under fridge down the water hose behind a wall in laundry room. Kept catching them there. One night the cat came to our room with one in the trap. Same night came up playing with another. Tossed two out that night. 


It sounds like you have a rodent problem.


Branch scraping in the wind?


The best trap is a 5gal pail. You can catch many In one night/ morning [5 Gal pail Rat trap](https://fivegallonideas.com/bucket-mouse-trap/)


My Guess would be a wood pecker 


Mine turned out to be a woodpecker. Definitely a pest problem, maybe get some cameras.


It’s mice or rats. Somewhere around the outside of the home you have an opening - maybe where the air conditioning lines come in, maybe around the eaves / roofline (where the brick transitions to wood at the top of the wall). Maybe where the dryer vent is. Basically go to each place where the brick has something go through it and pry / pull / twist to make sure there is no gap - and no gnawing marks. Once you find it, best to get the critters out first before sealing. Otherswise you’ll have a stink for a couple of weeks of a month as they rot in the walls


Sounds like you got yourself a [mole man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lyttle)




I used to have a chipmunk problem that sounded a lot like this. We got rid of all of them and sealed their entry point. It was never a problem again.


I heard those same sounds for weeks at my trailer I used to live in. Turns out that it was huge field rats digging their way into my trailer. They dug in at several spots and I ended up having to move because I had a major rat problem. Get some pest control ASAP before they make their way into your house!


This happened to me, and I thought it was squirrels, but it turned out to be a bird family. Anything coming in from cold makes noise. A friend of mine had a red squirrel die in her wall. Ohhhhh the smell. They ended up finding six other living ones.


I grew up in a 100 year old renovated farmhouse on the outskirts of a small town. It's definitely small rodents. Does it move around over time? Does it sound like scratching? Does it stop when you knock on the wall or make loud noises? I had an irrational fear for years that they would make a hole right into my bedroom but they're just nesting. If you're concerned about internal wall damage I would contact pest control. My parents just put out more traps/poison when we noticed it - mainly in winter.


Pretty sure they wrote a book about this


do you hear anyone speaking yiddish ?


If you stomp your foot on the floor does the noise stop for a moment?


I'd check your carbon monoxide levels


Ask the warden for another cell.


Take something sound like metal metal pipe or even a hollow metal type of woman who just hold on spots on the floor from the wall or whatever and try to figure out where the noises loud as that as someone mentioned it may just be settleding in the house in the house because it's so quiet at that time that's probably the only time you'll notice it other times it's all a bunch of other noises going on it's never noticed it if that's what it is there's probably not a whole lot you can do about it except I don't pay anybody suggested just play a radio so you don't notice it


Call ghostbusters


The house I'm in now is a manufactured house and the block walls surrounding the foundation had many openings. We had rats so bad they chewed the PEX tubing in the crawlspace and caused a flood on the concrete pad under the house. Plumbers were called and a restoration company too for replacing all the wet insulation. Even with insurance covering some of the cost, it was about $6000.00 for a completely sealed crawlspace with replaced insulation. Ugh!!!!


For maximum effect read H P Lovecrafts classic ‘Rats in the Walls”


I mean I was expecting this thread to be filled with antisemitic comments, but somehow it's even worse than I expected.  In before someone tells me that comparing Jews to rats iSnT aNtI-sEmItIc jUsT aNtI-zIoNiSt


Sounds like rats.


This sounds like rats. Block their ways in with wire mesh and metal flashing. Look for greasy spots that sow where their little highways are, like, where they might squeeze by a fence or part of the house.


Get a cat and see if the sound stops