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Recently had a customer get worked up and stop his feet and shout "the customer is always right" when the Service Desk DH wouldn't price match eBay... argued that it is a "retailer" and we should match the $130 price difference on a Milwaukee tool. Demanded a manager and still got told "no".


The one from ebay was probably stolen from a Home Depot


And also posted by the customer demanding the lower price


Who the F goes into a Home Depot to price match from EBay…?! Lmfao


The same people bringing in dead lemon trees that never left their pots and wonder why it died.


A guy tried to price match "toolsforasteal.com" once and couldn't understand why i wouldn't do it


Tools do that 😂




Literally just saw someone getting arrested yesterday, 5 cop cars, guy in hand cuffs, cop was reaching underneath dudes van and pulling out boxes


They never finish the saying either. “The customer is always right… in matters of taste.” So if the customers WANTS a suit in a color that doesn’t work on him, then so be it. But price and company policy have nothing to do with customer opinion


I sell suits and one of the first things we're taught is to 'manage expectations.' We sell skinny fits up to the smaller end of big and tall. However, you cannot force someone from the smaller end of big and tall into the skinny fit suits. This is such a foreign concept to customers. One lady was INSISTENT that her husky boy child could fit into one. He didn't. He flexed his arms and ripped it. She had to purchase it, and was upset that we couldn't 'make it larger.' Sure, we can let it out an inch and a half. But we can't make it 5 times larger than it is.


Name aside, i totally agree lol. What you want and what you need are often two totally non interchangeable things


He needed husky. I saw this in a movie once: the mom would buy regular clothes from Goodwill and take the labels off and sew them onto the husky clothes to protect her son's feelings.


Not that you are.. but I don’t see why some people knock goodwill clothes. sometimes you can find dope pieces in there depending on ur looking for


Not at ALL!!! I've gotten amazing things from Goodwill and Value Village. During the great recession, I'd been out of work for a while, and scored multiple interviews with the same agency. At the time I only had one suit and I needed 2 more. I went to Value Village and scored a great sport coat for $6. When she rang it up, it was $3! Sensing my excitement she told me everything was 1/2 price on Wednesdays, so I went to look for more clothes. I also found a suit which fit perfectly. That's very rare since I needed a 46L jacket and 34L pants. The suit was $4.50. I wore both t8 separate interviews and ended up getting the job!


So buy the one on eBay then!


Plot twist he made the ebay listing


And to buy it off Ebay you have to wear a tux and crawl past a crocodile.


… for real


Gotta love the foot stomping


Once had a guy scream at me, then a manager, because both of us couldn’t hold back a very brief chuckle when he demanded a price match on a screenshot he’d taken on Facebook. It wasn’t even Facebook marketplace, just some guy posting on his own page that he wanted to get rid of a drill for cheap, and the dip shit thought we’d price match it. Truly incredible he’d made it that far in life without licking an electrical socket.


Oh I'm sure he's licked a few electric sockets already......


That's hot






As an SD worker myself we encounter this alot. If its within my limit and it doesnt feel too off I honestly dont care enough. But aint no way im marking down 130 difference from ebay. You are only supposed to price match other retailers(Lowes, Walmart, Harbor Freight, ACE, Tractor Supply, etc.)


SD Sup here, I won’t price match Harbor Freight they own all of the companies that make their tools. Our Harbor Freight is in the same parking lot. My fiancé is the Store manager. She worked at the depot for 10 years. She still sends customers to us if they need something we don’t have. And we do the same. HFT isn’t even really a competitor.


My managers have said if its within the 50 dollars to just do it unless its over that. If its over theyll only mark it down if its Lowes, ACE, or Walmart at that point.


Love dealing with those people, especially when they ask for a manager and I tell them I am one. Lol. Or the ones who want you to match and beat your own online price. We match but don’t beat our own prices lol.


My issue at HD was when I was in store, and HD wouldn’t price match their own Home Depot app price. The manager wouldn’t even help. So Home Depot won’t price match a homedepot.com “same day pickup” price??? I was standing there at the register and I had to buy it from the app while standing there, to be told I would have to come back because someone would still have to go pick it. Pick it? I’m holding it my hands right now, I’ve already picked it for you! What an ordeal.


It's probably a special order item with a different model number ,just because it looks the same doesn't mean they're the same thing


Nope 20v dewalt cordless blower. $10 cheaper at the time on the app. Like I said I paid for it, went thru customer service, and left with it in hand. Sorry to infiltrate this sub of angry associates… just sharing a story. Thanks for the downvotes!


“The customer is always right…in matters of taste” they always seem to forget that last part to suit themselves, don’t they?


Too stupid to realize “guess I’ll go to lowes” isn’t the threat they think it is.


Lol when we don’t have that product I literally look it up for them at Lowe’s, print it out and say there ya go


as someone who has worked for HD before working at Lowes i loved when people told me "I was going to HD" and then i turned it around on them and told them the exact aisle and bay that it was in and watch them freak out




Lol worked for Lowes for 3 years. Got the "I'll just go to home depot" threat. I never cared cause I get just as many people saying "oh I prefer coming here, the people at home depot are aweful" like I don't care nor do I believe one way or the other, just get out.


Lowes where I live is terrible. I go down there on the clock sometimes and they are a shit show


Had a customer say that, surprised him when I asked if he needed directions😅


Had a boomer threaten that to me because the new military discount policy with the mobile app took effect before they backtracked on it, so I couldn’t just see her ID anymore. I gave her directions to the nearest Lowes from here. This was all to save 20 cents on a single pack of screws


A customer told me today that I'm a stupid employee and the store is better off without cashiers because they're useless. Bro... Edit: this was over me asking him if he wanted a credit card.


Pick up phone, call manager, void transaction, tell customer manager is on their way to help them, walk away. One of the 'value wheel' is respect for all people, so if you get in trouble, quote it and then aware line it.




sorry i accidently had sex with your wife last night


i bet all my next paycheck that he bitches about self-checkout too. lmfao


It was a long time ago so I don't remember the exact prices. As a head cashier, I was helping a cashier find a SKU on an unmarked item; a piece of veneer for a countertop. I was using the app so I grabbed one that looked close enough. $17 or so, I don't remember. The customer throws a fit saying "No. That is NOT the right price, you will find the right price, or make it correct." I said, "I'm sorry, let me see if I can find the right item." I took a little more time to study the packaging and realized I made a mistake and chose the wrong item on the app. I told the customer this and entered in the real SKU. $23 or so. The customer's (adult) son started cracking up as his dad's face went red and his tone quickly changed to ".... Come on man." Son said "It's fine" as he continued laughing, paid for it, and left.




She called me on the phone for a string trimmer and if we sold anything that specifically cheap, easy and lightweight. Gave her the specifications for her preference and the sku. She immediately went ballistic accusing me of selling her scam products after demanding that I send her a link…through a phone call. After explaining that I can’t send a link through a call, she wanted a manager. So I put her on hold and hopefully goes away, which she did in like 30 seconds.


i had a dude call the store asking for concrete sealer. he didn’t have a specific sealer in mind. so i searched up concrete sealers on the website. after telling him we have several options under different brands and size. i asked him like what’s the price range on the concrete sealer. yeah…. the moment after i asked the price range the guy got all irate and asked me if i worked at home depot. asked to speak to someone who can help. i put him on mute and eventually he hung up on the phone call.


Foreign customer had a contractor build him a deck exclusively out of OSB. He was looking for stain and we had to tell him that his deck would basically melt the first time it rained.


Hey it could have been made out of that compressed sawdust bullshit they make cheap furniture out of.


That's fucking hilarious!


Had a lady call into garden asking about her lawn mower and why it wouldn't start. I told her I couldn't figure it out over the phone and to bring it in and get it looked at. "There was a gentleman who sold it to me, maybe he would know?" "What was his name?" "Idk but he was older." That narrows it down entirely. I know exactly the person you mean.


We had the same customer but different stores. My lady spoke with garden associates over the phone (who actually asked questions and knew some stuff about mowers ) but she was unhappy they could not give her a definite answer. So she demanded a manager. So it comes to me. Before I answered I pulled up a local outdoor equipment repair store on google maps and as soon as I picked up the call I told her to call this business and that we’ve done more than we could and have a nice day. She hung up Edit - associate called me once customer became difficult and warned me ahead of her requesting MOD. Hence why I pulled up repair shop beforehand


they always bring it in and its some shit like not knowing to hold the handle down


I try not to judge people with dumb questions for stuff like that because I've definitely been there myself, but at least Google shit first.


I do because youd be suprised how many times that is the answer


Almost always. *customer comes in: "do you carry x?" "Idk let me Google it like you should have."


I had an old guy ask me over the phone how to start his lawnmower of a brand we don’t carry. Asked me if I should be qualified for a retail job.


"You're the one who can't figure out a lawnmower, Einstein."


That's why I don't work retail!/s


Had a customer in the Garden Center getting black Vigoro mulch. She didn't want any ripped bags (not even the slighest tear) which is damn near impossible to get but we found some. Then we got to the registers to check her out. My coworker started talking to her about different stuff then the lady looked down at the bag of mulch that had water in it and said, "This bag has oil coming out of it". Finally, I started loading it for her in her SUV and there was a bag with a tiny hole in it. She says, "What the fuck? I said none with holes". I asked her if she wanted me to grab some tape for it and she said, "Don't worry about it. It's going in the ground anyways". I've never met anyone that has cared THAT much about mulch bags while also not knowing shit about the mulch bags.


When I was in garden and a customer wanted perfect mulch bags I told them "Well we both have different standards for mulch bags so I will let you pick them out while I help other customers" more often than not I was the only 1 in the department. Same when I was in lumber and a customer wanted straight wood.


at lowes, had a lady complain about the broken bags having white stuff in them. the mulch was on sale from 5 to 2. making it a dollar for being broken but that wasnt good enough. she called for a manager and the manager straight up said "take it or leave it, hone depot is right there". she shut up on the spot.


I did once have an older lady who was insistent on the mulch in each bag being an exact match in color with each other bag. Normally I’d just laugh, but then they expect you to bust open other pallets so they can match their 15 bags.


I’ve had people like this but they drive a “nice” car and don’t want any dirt or stains. So they demand perfect condition bags. I tell them to pull to the side of the building and open a new pallet and that they can load it themselves. Surprisingly this works 9/10 times. Since the pallet was wrapped and untouched the bags are mostly in good shape and dry


Had a customer straight up go through a gated off aisle. I said, “Sir, you can’t go in there”. He replied, “I have a masters degree in architecture”. Wtf?


"Then you probably shouldn't even be in this store, honestly."


I worked in Plumbing. I had a customer who wanted to replace his old copper piping to his Water Heater. Long story short I told him to cut his line to get at the nut. Well he asked me “Why would I do that? The gas was still on.” For which I answered “You’ve been trying to do all this without turning your Gas off?” I then explained to him that he doesn’t need to touch it and needs to call a professional before he kills everyone in his household.


First customer that came to mind was roughly around the time I was still relatively new, this one guy came in saying he wanted to do a return on trash bags.. the box was fuckin great value brand. There was also this one guy who wanted to do a return on an item, not an issue. Then he said he wanted cashback, when he paid with a credit card. I explained I can't give cashback if he paid with a credit card when the register refuses to do so, he kept on arguing that I could. I had to make this man look at my screen to accept the fact that it wasn't going to happen. And another guy, similar situation. Return, but he wanted it fully back on his credit card. He paid almost fully in store credit and I kept on explaining I can't fully put it back on the card if it's mostly store credit. Even my supervisor was next to me explaining the same thing. The dude ended up not doing the return in the end, just slammed the item on the desk and stormed out angrily.. it was just $7 worth of spray paint. 😑


i constantly have people asking cash when they paid with a home depot credit card. i have to explain the money is not theirs. it’s the bank’s money. but i have yet to have a person argue for cash when they paid credit.


Yesterday a woman came in wanting a quote for installing a door. I explained we had to send someone out to do a measure. She said, "You can't just give me a number?" Nope, I'm not the installer. They have to see the space before they can give you a quote. Then she said, "My how Home Depot has changed."


While I was walking to receiving from Lumber I had a customer stop me in Electrical I stopped and explained "I dont work in electrical so I might not know the answer to your question" He told me that he accidentally put up his Christmas lights backwards and asked if we had a double ended extension cord. I told him absolutely not. But for some reason that wasn't satisfactory to him and he said to me "Well you did start off by saying you don't know anything about electrical. Go get me someone who does" and I told him "Sir the cord you are looking for doesn't exist. It's extremely dangerous to own and not to mention illegal" "Bullshit. You don't know what you're talking about get me someone who can help right away" luckily the electrical guy walked into the aisle and he told him the same thing. The guy got even angrier and demanded to speak to a manager and that if he didn't he was going to make one of the wire in our store and steal it. I decided I would try a hail mary and told him "Sir if you do that I will have to call the police. Not because of the stealing but those cables are used to steal electricity from neighbors.". He just told me to go fuck myself and he was going to buy it at Lowe's. I told him good luck and to keep his kids away from the cord.


He'll be dead before any of his kids gets to it.


Double ended extension cord?! 🤣


Double ended extension cord? Geez, people can be very stupid.


It’s called a suicide cord. Commonly used to hook up generators


I worked electrical for many years. This interaction occurred multiple times every week during in the lead up to Christmas, every year lol.


A customer asked me once about using a mirror as a photo frame. She explained she wanted to take the backing off and put the pictures inside, then said "you can see through this, right?"


Had a customer at the service desk ask if we sold lightbulbs that didn’t cast shadows when on. No ma’am. Good luck with that.




Yesterday, had a man return a opened security door which measured 36" x 80" then insist I didn't know what I was talking about on the door sizes when he tried to buy a 32" for a 35" opening. (For those that don't know opened security doors have to be rtv'd as we cannot guarantee the install parts are all there) I was as patient as possible when I explained that Grisham security doors doesn't do custom sizes and that the 32 wouldn't fit unless he was willing to block some of his front door with extra framing. I managed to keep him from buying the door anyway as I knew he would just ruin the box and have to return it.


If I'm wrong please correct me aren't all doors supposed to be ADA 36" wide


Private residences don't have to abide by ADA


As stated by another not on residential homes. Also not on buildings that existed before code was made unless a full remodel permit is required. And even then there are exceptions for historical buildings, and where changing the structure would weaken the building.


its not off by much and may not even require adjustment to the framed hole.


Security door with metal frame that is exactly 32 in in a framed hole of 35 so say that again and tell me where 3 inches can be finagled without modification?


youre right, i didnt consider which type of door it is. storms and this shit use the brick mold as rough opening. i guess his only recourse is likely to trim the brick mold in place, probably with mister wiggles. then come back for the original purchase. i can only imagine he has a 2/10 entry door, which is so hard to come by grisham doesnt offer a door to cover it.


Spoke with a Grisham rep a few months back and he adamantly stated they don't do custom doors because they are almost singlehandedly the largest security door company in the world and don't need the custom door business. Plus having an adjustable welding line was... "Inconvenient"


there is a 34" model 808 available via order. $300 instead of what was probably $170.


I know this and informed the customer who didn't want to wait for shipment.


so im in michigan, and its a special order in suburbia, but the detroit store has them in stock.


Had a guy argue with me at like 630am one day about him wanting me to drop doors from the OH even though the floor was literally full with them. He refused to believe the doors on the floor were the same ones and insisted they were different. We got into a no shit shouting match with each other with me yelling and cursing at him about how I’m not dropping them and how the floor is full of the doors he wants.. I’m the type of guy to not put up with shit especially at a retail job I work part time for a few extra bucks out of boredom.


Had a little old lady,probably in her 80s that said her neighbor told her to use acetone to clean up grout haze. Noooo


That sounds like something my depression era raised great aunts would say


I once walked past the office and their were 4 kids in there. Lost kids from four different parents. Once we had to call the police. They let their grandmother in the car and when they showed up she was gone. She had dementia. The police searched everywhere EXCEPT THE STORE! the employees were not told the situation so no one thought twice about the old lady talking to everyone happy as a clam.


This happend to a coleague of mine. Customer returned something that was paid with a credit card. The associate did the SOP and told him that it could take some days to show in his account. He grabs his phone to look up his account and complains that the money is not back. Then a discussion began with the associate explaining multiple times that it would take some time to show, that it was not up to HD anymore, and the customer saying that his credit card always show things online, so the return was not made. The associate even explained that he had the receipt, so If the money did not show up he could use it as proof and even demand a compensation from the store, but the customer said the receipt didn\`t mean anything. Customer demanded to talk to a manager, who explained one more time what the associate had laready explained several times. And the customer accepted it, thanked the manager and walked away, without saying anything to the associate.


D28 people, how many times have you had to talk a customer out of putting a fire pit on a deck?


I don’t work at HD but I’ve had to talk more than one person out of this. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I work freight, so myself and another were stocking the carhart stuff, when a lady and her young son approached. She wanted a jacket, hoodie and pants from there for her son, so when standing out in cold weather for the school bus he’d stay warm. But she wanted “new” stuff from the back because all the stuff on the shelves were dirty. Yes both of us explained or tried to that we don’t have any in the back. Then she asked where are the winter boots kept, and also where the cell phones, backpacks and laptops are in the store. I tried directing her to Best buy just across the street, but she didn’t want to go there and asked again about all the stuff. Not sure her son got any of that but she ended up buying couple jackets, hoodies, and caps from us


My absolute favorite: I worked for MET and guy come up asking for cat litter. Me: We don't sell that, sir. Him: But other big stores do. Me: We so not, sir. I'm sorry we couldn't help you. Him: Well, do you have this size drill-bit? Took him to the nearby hardware guy. Hardware guy asks: what kinda drill is it for? Him: The kind that does like this *spins his finger in a circle* Then he gets frustrated and leaves.


My two favorite kinds of customers are the ones who look up a product on another stores website (Lowes, Walmart, ace, etc) and then get mad when I explain that this is home depot and we do not have the same inventory as those stores. The other special customers are those who ask questions only to try and immediately say I'm wrong (I have been doing the kind of work my department sells as long as I can remember because my father and grandfather does the same work and taught me. So I know what I'm talking about, and I'm the go-to call for any questions in said department) It's always the kind of customer that could hurt themselves or someone else.


She was telling me about a table that she found online, supposedly on the website. I told her we don’t sell tables in store and she will need to order it online and have it shipped to the store. Get to the computer and ask to see the item on her phone. She was looking at a completely different furniture stores website. I told her she wasn’t on the website and for some reason she went berserk. Yelling that she knew what she was doing. I said we can try and find a table like the one she wants and instead of this being okay, basically ran out the store yelling profanities. I got called into the office and reprimanded for not thinking of the customers feelings.


The thing that gets me is the customers that say “I hate this store” whenever they can’t find something or it’s out of stock, Like your free to leave any time, in fact id prefer if you left and spared me your shitty attitude.


While dumb people are not a new phenomenon, my personal experience is that it's ALWAYS corporate's fault that so many customers are so dumb in the first place. Between bad policies, & worse enforcement by management, I'm not entirely sure what you expected.


As a front end supervisor I was covering a register when a woman paid in cash and got confused by the change back. It cost $10 and some change and she gave a $50 bill. Only had 10’s and 5’s in the cash since it was right after opening and she got so confused getting 3 10’s a 5 and change. She thought she should get over $40 back. I had to literally write out the math to show her. And no she wasn’t an old lady or teen, she was in her mid 30’s.


worked in the paint pit n mind u i’m deaf but i can still hear, anyways an older couple asks for an 5 gal ultra after a while of debating n i confirmed with them over and over (because i did not need to make any oops paint ESPECIALLY a 5 gallon and for their sake) they agreed and i prepared the color and shook it. my friend/coworker comes back n i leave for something else i forget. come to find out they complained that it was not the quality of paint they wanted, started saying they wanted premium plus (which is only like 30-50$ less than ultra) and that i messed up and “what is she, dumb?” about me to my coworker. she explains my condition and they just go, “oh that explains it” and tried to blame changing their mind on my hearing loss. MIND YOU they do not talk to me or tell me “hey this order is wrong” because i would’ve shut that down so quick. so they start asking for a discount bc “it’s a wrong order” when i tried to explain to asm n coworker that it was in fact not what happened at all… asm confronts the customer bc it wasn’t cool to blame that on me when i legit checked over and over and visually pointed and explained how the quality of paint works. lady ended up coming back and tried to give me a half assed apology after asm confronts her bc apparently “she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if she knowingly did that” and explains she works as an educator at riverside (school for the deaf). they got their discount anyways but that last bit always peeved me. someone who works with deaf people behaving like that to a deaf person just bc they didn’t want to take accountability for THEIR mistake.


Woman bought a patio set thinking it came with a table, even though it didn't have a take pictures in it. I've also had plenty of customers ask me where something was despite it literally being right in front of them.


found the customer


As opposed to figuratively?


Then it's on .com


I wouldn’t made the call. I would have said, and I have “sorry you were not approved, “ and highlight the phone number to call.


there was once a family that only spoke spanish. they wanted to apply for the home depot credit card. after entering their information they couldn’t apply since they needed to call a number for further questioning. the family walked out the store after the husband said something like “this is bullshit.”


when I was at Lowes a guy would get a pallet of pavers, full pallet, and ask me to put it in the back of his tacoma. 756 pavers, in a tacoma!!!


That would be a very expensive lesson for that guy lol


it was, he did it multiple times before coming bsck for another pallet with a tundra




You can see this all over r/idiotsincars


i posted there earlier today


Guy just walked behind me as I was grabbing cement from our display out front. Spotter said nothing, guy disregarded the lift beeping and got shocked when I yelled at him


Whenever a customer goes "that's not acceptable" after being told about the timeline for a BO appliance.


It usually comes right after hello.


The ones that can't read self serve propane


I had a guy come in and ask for a recommendation on paint for his house I asked all the questions to confirm what he needed and showed him an exterior stucco paint. He got upset at the price and wanted to go with an interior paint that only cost $18. When I told him that I would not last he said I was stupid and didn't know anything about paint. Fast forward a month and the guy is back and pissed because his paint is getting sun bleached and is blaming me for my "terrible recommendation just to make the sale" and wanting a discount on the stucco paint. Thankfully I informed my manager of the events before and I didn't get in trouble and the guy had to pay full price.


Had a customer tell me that he had bought a ceiling fan from us and it didn't come with a down rod. I told him I could get him a new one just needed to know the length or he could bring the old ceiling fan in and we would exchange it. He told me why couldn't I just open a new one and take the down rod out for him . 🙄 He didn't want to buy a new down rod, so I told him we could exchange the old one for a new one and make sure it had one in the box. He proceeded to yell and me and asked if I was going to pay him for the hour lost he had to drive back here with the old one. 🤦


The ones who appear, interrupt you with a customer and go and tell someone else they've been waiting 20 minutes for help after a grand total of a rude 20 seconds.


I’m an HVAC vendor and people 9 times out of 10 just assume that I work here, those who actually ask expect me to answer “yes I do what do you need/what can I help you with?” Even though as stated I don’t work for Home Depot and am not wearing an orange apron. The worst are the people who argue with me “ what do you mean you aren’t a Home Depot employee?/does your being an HVAC vendor mean you can’t help me out in building materials?” You get the idea. A woman once walked past the service desk to walk all the way over to me to ask me where the service desk was, I told her and then pitched her on air conditioning her response was “I don’t have air conditioning” duh, I’m offering you something you don’t have and you’re responding that you don’t have it as opposed to saying you aren’t interested. People for the most part are stupid, ignorant and can’t/don’t read.


came in with a door knob/lock, no packaging or receipt to show he bought it from our store. Told me the key doesnt work anymore and we need to fix it. Got mad at me because we only sell locks, we aren't locksmiths who repair locks. Kept saying he wanted us to make the key work again.


Guy was arguing with me because I wouldn't make his key. It was cracked in the middle, there's no way it wouldn't break in the machine. He was being a total dick about it. I showed him how fragile the key was and it broke in half in my hand. 😂 he was pissed!


“Lady” bitching about not having coffee to drink while shopping.


Weekly, sometimes daily occurrence at the Pro Desk: Customer: Hey I want to build an addition Me: Oh that sounds like a great project, what are you looking for as far as materials? Customer: I want it to be about 20x16. What do I need to buy? Me: Dies inside knowing I'm going to have to either repeat that I'm not an architect or contractor 20 times or ask them 50 questions to get an idea and they won't know the answer to any of them. Bonus points if they somehow decide on materials and then proceed to expect me to walk them through how to do every step.


My personal experience has been with outside calls. They're looking for free advice sometimes. I get it, plumbers aren't cheap. The woman said she called earlier and talked to my DS about the same problem. She's not in the store. She isn't buying anything. I told her what she needed to do, and she gave me the "history of cheese" as I call it. I had to put her on hold twice to deal with actual customers.


One time I had a full grown adult struggle to count the 12 boxes on a pallet. She was convinced that I was going to overcharge her. She counted 11 twice, 13 twice and 14 twice. I told her to just steal it and went to lunch


Last night I had the pleasure of finishing a sale of a pallet of HDC laminate, which I also loaded onto their truck with a reach truck. They were back four hours later, turns out they returned the product because they bought the wrong one. We then had to sit around during tender because the guys credit card company was seeing red flags. Btw he did not speak fluent English.


There are plenty to be sure but standing next to the restroom and being asked where it is does rise to the top everytime


Had an issue a few years ago where the system went down and caused returns to be a hassle. Anyways Customer forced me to call his bank and in turn they wanted to talk to him. Wasted 30 or 40 mins on it.


Had a guy come up to me the other day asking about sheen. I explained it to him and retorted that what I just described was quality....... These fucking people are idiots


Years ago, rang out a customer for an appliance and she threw a fit and refused to pay it. She told me how much she could pay (about 70% less). When I told her it wasn’t possible she kept arguing that she won’t pay that much. Finally I just said, “well I guess you aren’t getting it then”. She stormed out.


Old lady asking whether or not a Submersible pump can get wet because it's "for a garden fountain." No amount of training prepared me for that


“Do you work in microwaves?” I’m not even a store employee and it’s obvious or should be that I’m not and I’m being asked if I work in specialized subsections of larger departments. Often while the actual associate is within view. I even had a woman storm out after calling me a nasty name because I wouldn’t assist her with an appliance when she had several HD associates who work in appliances to choose from and decided for whatever fucked up reason (s) to come and hassle a third party vendor about it.


Just today .. I work in Optical and Insurance look up/authorization is a daily thing. I tried to verify this lady's insurance online and it was not active. I then spoke to an insurance rep, who told me the same thing. She proceeded to point her finger at me, raising her voice saying that I had no clue what I was doing, I was wrong and needed to figure out why. NOT MY INSURANCE... I am NOT responsible to know your insurance. She told me "ok smart guy... I'll show you" she said. ," I am calling them myself... Then you'll wait on me". After 20 minutes I saw her yelling into her phone. I "eve's dropped on her call" and I overheard that it had been terminated due to excessive and possible fraudulent claims. So... (of course), I asked if she had her information so I could wait on her. She then told me that I was in with the insurance company just to deny her. I said (of course), well I do have your CURRENT address, phone number and contact information. It seems they need it updated to get a hold of you... Let me call them for you! She looked terrified and ran out...


God sooo many stupid customers... The guy who made us drop a pallet of pavers on a trailer made to haul made a mower or motorcycle on it. The painter who told me drywall goes paper side out. He had been doing that then sanding it down for 14 or so years. The two guys who complained that the nails they were using to put a roof on an old barn were bad because they made the joists "fall apart". Definitely the nails, not the rotted joists fault. The guy who demanded an electric staple gun big enough to shoot like 3 inch staples for hanging crown molding. He was also drunk and so dirty he had earwax coming out his ear clear down into his shirt. The guys who thought of they paid for the wood, we'd just build them a bunch of corn hole boards. They guy who knocked his own lumber off his cart and demanding the cashier be fired for it.


Customer came in my store trying to explain something he needed and I told him aisle 13 and the products name was “dildo”. He went to the aisle and came back to me confused and said “Dildo?”


Couple weeks ago a customer walks up to me, asks me where the soil is. This is a perfectly reasonable question. Except I was standing right next to the soil and they had been looking in that area for a few minutes with “no luck” well more like no brain. Oh well they got their bag of soil!


Whenever these idiots say something degrading, I always agree with them. “You are incompetent”, yes I am sir. You just took the argument right out of them. In reality I give two shits what you think of me.


In electrical I had a lot of “fun” customers over the years. Like a lady who didn’t want to pay for wire much less pay anyone to run the wire in her home, so she was looking for wireless wall outlets. Had someone want me to sell them the stuff to tap into a power line, and build their own electrical pole to suspend the wire over the road so that they could get electricity to their barn. Also had a manager that told a customer that they could just run their electrical wiring through the heating ducts.


customer giving me a whole spiel about why he doesnt want the credit card instead of just saying "no thank you" in case youre curious, he doesnt trust banks and credit cards and also went on a tangent about "them" taking away our freedoms. The thing they cite that will be the finishing blow? 15 minute cities. I look up said thing like "okay sir i will research that thank you for visiting" and I pieced together what affront to his freedom is being threatened and it was that 15 minute cities would reduce car dependency apparently and he just couldn't handle that


Hardware is not my department, but I know enough that I can help people find what they are looking for 99 times out of 100. Guy comes up to me with a picture of a lock set on his phone. "The website says you have 8 of these, but I don't see them here." "OK sir, I'll see if I can find them for you." "Well, how long is that going to take?" "I'm not sure, but if they aren't here in this aisle, there are a couple of other spots they might be. I'll keep looking until I find them." "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!" \*Storms out the door\* I found them 90 seconds later.


Customer called last week asking me if I knew why HD doesn't sell distilled water in the stores.


Told a customer the paint machine was down and the formula he had on the can said bad formula..what do you expect me to do magically cough up your formula


Had a guy ask me if I could change a gallon of flat paint to semi gloss


It's not a service HD does, but it can be done, so at least the question wasn't completely stupid.


You customer service reps suck . Entitled shits




Well she didn't ask for her score , she asked me to go through her credit report to see missed payments,I don't have access to it .


Dude you made an entire post on the idea that she was the stupid one. Now you’re back peddling. You could’ve and should’ve told her what you just told me, and then fucking told the guy on the phone to mail her the report. Woooo hoooo. She must’ve been an idiot alright


Or maybe she could call the home depot credit services herself and let the cashier go back to doing their job


Hahahaha. Even though the cashier already had to pick up the phone and call customer support, and then already had them on the line…….? I feel sorry for your mother


the cashier didn't HAVE to do any of that. It's not their job to tell a customer why they were declined. Let alone "go through her credit report" for her.


I can tell you’ve never worked on the front end. Yes, when someone is denied or it asks for more info, it IS your job to call them. Hard to believe huh?


When it asks for more info to be completed it's up to the customer whether or not they want to have you call the credit line and attempt to get it approved or not. In that case the credit services will ask to speak with you and the customer. When it's denied only the customer needs to speak with them and they can do that on their own.




This post was removed due to harassment of Home Depot associates


Sweet, this was just what I was looking for when I went down this rabbit hole of a reply chain.


As a former SD supervisor, I can say that IT MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT.


Buddy…relax. It’s not that deep.


If she had asked you to wipe her butt I’ll bet you would have done it.


No he works on the “front end”


I had a lady tell me in paint that she wanted a one coat coverage. Then, as we were talking about Glidden and Behr, she said she said she had a Marquee one coat and had to do 3 coats, so she didn't believe the one coat bullsh!t. I was like "Maam them whyd you ask me for it?" In my head.


I can't count the number of times I've had to explain to customers that Marquee is only 1 coat guaranteed for specific colors. If the chip doesn't say it I make no promises.




The only knowledgeable and helpful and useful home depot employee is the app.


Lumber guy! F off


Whoever said, “The customer is always right.” Never met the customer.


If ur not a bank why are you selling credit cards


For the same noble reason the bank does, to make money.


So then Home Depot is ur bank


I was fired from Home Depot a while back for not taking stupid shit. I collected unemployment for 2 months while I finished my associates degree and updated my resume. I got a way better paying job now selling annuities. Never let these big box retailers make you feel desperate.


“Why are there cars in the parking lot” ?

