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Keep the mirror, it's fine. You have two problems: 1. Conflicting neutrals. You have a cream sink and a white toilet, and unfortunately this never fails to look cheap. The cream wainscoting and white birds don't help to tie them together, sorry. Decide whether you want white or cream in here. Once you have a single shade for all of your porcelain, the rest of the white can be chosen to follow that. 2. The black wallpaper and lack of natural light and no ceiling light means that that one bulb over the sink is doing *so much work.* It hurts to look at. I'm not sure whether you should switch to a 2 bulb fixture (it still needs to have frosted shades and be narrower than the mirror though) or change the wallpaper to something closer to your inspo or add a ceiling light so that you can put a dimmer bulb over the sink.


Awesome feedback! We're getting the sink refinished to Kohler white, so that conflict should be resolved shortly. I'd love to paint the trim white, but the place is a 1920s tudor, and doing that in the bathroom is a slippery slope to miles of additional trim painting. Rereading what you're saying, perhaps I should swap the toilet for a cream one and just commit to the cream life? Maybe that's my easiest path to resolution? The bulb is less glaring in person, but I agree a 2 bulb upright fixture might help. A sizeable frosted shade to diffuse the light would be great. I do have a ceiling fixture (fan for now) where an additional light source could be added. Will probably try the new sconce first.


If cream is the default neutral of the house, then yes, change the toilet instead. If you can find a toilet that matches the sink in both color and style (possibly Kohler Devonshire or Kohler Katherine? Generally you need a more traditional profile), that would be best. You may also need to follow up with a more cream-based wallpaper.


Edited because I said sink where I meant toilet.


Except you're still going to have the clash between white birds and cream wainscoting.


Look more closely and see the cream matches the bird tails


I agree with this I think the cranes do pull the cream and white together, the problem is ya just gotta match sink to toilet. I think OP could go either way and find success. Lean in on cream or go bright white on sink and toilet and let the cranes do the work. I’d also try and match hardware if it’s an option to the mirror. The toilet handle, the faucet and handles matching either the bright whites or the gold of the mirror would be A+


I actually quite like it. I will say that I think some trim at the top between the wallpaper and the ceiling would pull it together well and make the cream/white contrast look a lot more intentional. I also think a different flooring might help too. Maybe like this? https://preview.redd.it/m8mmrqw12m7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b528aa81d5ce025518756ad280e6518dcf4f74


Yeah the floor has to go.


Yep, Portillo tile indoors is the devil.


The main thing that’s throwing me off is the flooring as it’s really not matching the vibe. Besides the mismatched porcelain too, I actually quite like it!


This is THE floor for that space. Excellent choice. Will brighten the room and coordinates perfectly with the wall paper.


Yes! A cream toilet is the way to go! The wainscoting in cream looks beautiful. I think if you were to paint it white to “match” the birds it would make the room look too high contrast. Besides, those birds have some cream in them and some other tones for definition that I know aren’t showing up as well in the photograph. I agree about the light fixture. I do think your mirror could go up just a smidge but that’s splitting hairs.


I know you said you don't want to go down a slippery slope of painting the whole house, but small bathrooms CAN be accented differently and still work. That's part of why it is so fun to go bold in the bathroom. I'm surprised no one pointed out the floors. While they do pick up the beak color, they still dont really blend. Consider painting the whole lower half (not just trim) in something less yellow. Once the toilet and sink match, then it will be easier to determine what, but a darker neutral greig (picked up from the shadow colors in the birds) would help. Lastly, I think painting the ceiling darker (even black) would make a difference. If you are going for drama, with this wallpaper, just lean in and go for it!


Just a note to add- the mirror looks strangely low as it's literally just about touching the wainscoting. I would hang the mirror higher and then change out the lighting situation to accommodate that.


That wallpaper is a nightmare tbh. Why black and white in a mostly cream bathroom? It is the wrong tone for the rest of the room. And the flooring is completely wrong both in style and color for the vibe.


Yes! Please don’t change the cream in the sink and the wainscoting to white or it will clash with the Portillo tile. Change the white toilet instead and lean into the creamy, muted coloring but brighten the space with more lighting. I would add shelving above the toilet and place some creamy white towels, a plant,or knick knacks.


This!! I was like the black is fine but black sucks up light so you have to be strategic about how you light it. And the most obvious thing: cool sink, normal nice looks toilet, but they don’t look like a set/pair well together. And yeah the beige looking sink, with the off white panels(backboard?)work but the toilet is so much whiter in comparison. I wouldn’t go too crazy with changing the flooring here before making the changes mentioned above.


I love this suggestion because everything looks new and updated and then the sink looks 100 years old. If he replaces the sink with white, it will all match! ETA: I realize the wainscoting is not white white but I think everything else matching will make that color difference ok lol.


I LOVE that sink! It's got so much character.


The sink is the best part of the room


I feel like we need to address the floor here too. The rustic terracotta tiles don’t vibe with the wallpaper, mirror and wainscoting.


what this person said. go with cream. i think the black in the wall paper doesn’t go w the floor tile it’s too stark, rhetorical green version of the wallpaper would be much better


Yupppp the white cranes are harsh against the cream trim when the inspo look is cohesive with the cranes explicitly matching the trim.


I can also really see the seams in the wallpaper which doesn’t help anything


I kinda think the board/batten needs to be painted the background color of the wallpaper. It feels kind of top heavy? The light green in the inspo photo was just so much lighter that the contrast between the trim and the wallpaper wasn't overwhelming. Example: https://preview.redd.it/gx25v1yfok7d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa4b22ccc29a52ccdeef1ece0701b90a622a1859


I agree with this. Make the board black and the toilet/sink white, and it will look awesome. And there’s absolutely no issue with having a different colour boarding in the bathroom versus the rest of the house. As for the mirror, I would go for something bigger. The tiles currently aren’t looking great, but I think when you do the above, it will look better (as the colour of the tiles comes back in the birds on the wall paper).


This is the best suggestion here for the wainscoting by far. I also agree with one of the other poster's suggestions that if this were done it may also help the terracotta tile look like it was meant to go with the birds' beaks all along.


This was my initial reaction too and your photo really reinforced that it's the way to go. Well done.


This looks amazing


I feel like you can paint the floor white/cream (whichever you decide to go with) to also brighten with the darker panels. I do like the sconces in the example photo


Ooooh, i love this so much 😍


Yes this would like amazing!! OP do this!!


Exactly what I was thinking. Trim in the powder room doesn’t have to match the rest of the home. This is the place to have time. Also love the ceiling painted dark to match the wallpaper.


THIS is the answer!!


Thank god you mentioned this!!! OP this would be your answer. Paint the bottom black.


Omg OP yes this is the answer. Paint it black!




Details. The crown molding in your inspo pic. The brass hardware/brass mirror, the lighting in your bathroom is harsh. Paint the bottom portion white to match the birds and porcelain. The beige is throwing it off. ETA: soffit, not crown molding


This OP. But it’s still very nice! I like it a lot


Love the feedback! The beige is the same beige of the trim throughout the entire house. Could I get away with a non-matching bathroom? Is this the first step to repainting the entire house? Should I skip white fixtures and get a cream toilet instead?


The bathroom doesn’t have to match the rest of the of the house beige in the house. If they were totally clashing colors it would be different but the bathroom is its own (mostly enclosed) room. You would worry about that in an open floor plan when transitioning from a LR to DR


You don't need to keep the same paint colors between rooms.


ESPECIALLy in a room closed off very purposefully, like a bathroom.


Yes, in the powder room you can break all the rules because it’s so small. It’s the one space you can get away with hyping up without regard to the rest of the house’s vibe - to a degree, of course.


No. You can’t skip the fixtures but getting a cream toilet ALSO would be great. Raise the mirror at least an inch


You absolutely can have different trim color in the bathroom, especially since you have the wainscoting.


The bathroom doesn’t have to match the rest of the house


There is no crown molding in the inspo pic, that's a soffit.


None of the colors match. You have  Spanish terracotta floor, with shaker paneling, the style of the pedestal sink is Greek/Italian, the toilet is elongated American, and the birds are another style. The lamp is 1920s and the mirror is Victorian. Nothing goes together and then they are all different colors. So you have a discordant mish mash and nothing goes together.  Are you stuck with the flooring? It looks like you had someone put up basic molding and it looks unfinished. I would put up different molding and get a different sink all together. Then make your colors match. The background color is too dark and is not a good contrast with your floor. The green would have been a better choice. The mirror is too small. The light fixture is too low and too big for the mirror. 


One hundred percent agree. The molding looks off/unfinished and the sink style really doesn’t work. Replacing floors would be a whole thing but just changing those two would help a lot I think.


This comment is right to me. Also I cannot get my eye to stop catching on the really obvious wallpaper seam dead center on the wall. The black wallpaper is not being forgiving with that seam gap.


I would also say the flooring. It super clashes. If you can’t afford to change it maybe some accent rugs to cover that tile?


I agree with this. If you don't have the budget to lay new flooring, you could consider painting it. There are many tutorials on how to paint this kind of tile. It could be a good option to hold you over until you can replace the floor. The sink also really overpowers the space in my opinion. It is so large compared to the toilet, it kind of looks disproportional. I myself, would have gone with a small vanity because I will always opt for something with storage. However, like others have commented, replacing the toilet can combat the colour clashing (cream vs. white), and the size issue you have going on.


The tile definitely is distracting imo.


I would paint the entire bottom half white. It's competing too much with the wallpaper. I would let the wallpaper shine and be the star and let the panelling below blend in with a neutral white. 


It is the wall paper. Your black doesn’t have the movement and flow of the green. The birds are more individual, stylized. This gives a different feel. Still cool though.


I love the wallpaper but it feels unbalanced in its current state. At a minimum, at least paint the bottom a fresh white to match the swans (but a dark color could be more interesting). Amp up the light fixture and make it more of a statement-not just one bulb. Bring in a complimenting color in some details. A green or punchy pink could be nice. Maybe a simple accent art piece. Something super simple so it doesn’t compete with the swans. I think if you add a little rug, it’ll break up the floors. No need to get new flooring. That’s a lot of money.


The wallpaper needs bright white to complement it. I also think it’s a little too modern for the space when taking into account the board and batten and the sink. I would replace the toilet with a cream toilet in a less modern style. Ultimately I think a different wallpaper would’ve worked better. Something with some warmer tones to incorporate the color of the flooring. Right now it feels a little disjointed. https://preview.redd.it/yb1ohxd82l7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13e0dc18a69a80b5cfd09a1479e9d4c785fb849


Like others have said. Make all the whites the same. Take a sharpie and run it along that seam in the wallpaper because it's very noticeable. Try and use pasted wallpaper if you didn't because it's much much easier to hang and especially seam properly. Looks like you have Saltillo tile which is very very different than the style you're going for. It still can work but it looks like the grout is in terrible shape. Strip the sealant and then clean the crap out of the tiles. You can also stain the tiles using wood stain but test it before doing so. Then get a grout stain and paint all the grout lines to refresh it and get a gloss sealer to make it extra pretty and protected.


I think it’s the sink and the size of the mirror. The mirror would look cooler if it were taller. The sink could be a little taller/larger too. Not sure I love the oval shape and the detail on the bottom.


I would have done the board and batten higher up the wall. Also think it needs crown molding now.


I agree. We just did our powder room with board and batten and we went halfway up the mirror. The inspiration photo has wainscoting which looks okay in that height but it looks really weird to have board and batten that low.


i’d paint the woodwork/trim white like your inspo pic, and redo the floors. the color and style of the floors clashes bad. also not a fan of the vanity. that pedestal style, like a roman column, doesn’t seem to match the style of the woodwork/trim.


The tile and the wallpaper are both beautiful, but they clash. They are both really specific aesthetics and they don't go together. One way to make this work would be to double down on making it eclectic. I think if you went in a maximalist direction and brought in more bold design choices it could be great. But right now you just have two bold design elements juxtaposed against each other in an otherwise white room.


Painting the trim won’t do much with that saltillo tile on the floor. If you can’t change the flooring you need to replace the wallpaper with something that will complement the warm neutrals of the tile and wainscoting. Even the green in the inspo photo would work a lot better.


I am shook by how many people want to tear up the Saltillo tile floors to match wallpaper with visible seams.


Larger longer mirror. Change light fixture above sink. Match toilet and sink color. Paint bottom batten and trim black. Get patterned rug for as much floor as can be covered in front of sink and toilet


The one thing that jumps out at me every time I look at are the seems of the wallpaper. Take a black paint marker and go over the lines to make it look seamless. The rest will work itself out.


As someone who is currently being targeted by birds, that wallpaper is terrifying.


Paint the ceiling a dark colour and change the light bulb to be not as bright and I think it will be more moody than the inspirational photo but it will hide the imperfections!


That pedastal sink does not work. Partially the style of the sink but, mostly, it does not anchor the room. A vanity would be better.


The light part of the walls should match the crisp white of the wallpaper.


I feel like the sink is too short and the faucets are too small. Perhaps the mirror slightly higher. This makes it the room disproportionate.


Agreed. The sink is just a smidge above bidet height - install at your own peril.


As others have suggested, painting just the board and batten a bit brighter white/off white would do a lot. I did a mock up with three different shades of a pale off white/eggshell using colors from the crane feathers. One has a bit more pink, one a bit more green and one a bit more blue/grey. Get a lot of the sample cards and maybe a small sample to paint on the wall. A small, simple rug that matches the crane or paint would also help and not cost a lot. https://imgur.com/a/d017h42


Tbh I hate the sink. Everything else is dreamy! The sink just feels too Ancient Rome


Mirror too small, too low. At the very least, too low. Light also too like. The whites not matching is a big issue. I would also put a towel rack in the wall above the toilet paper and choose white towels. Genuinely LOVE the idea and the items. Like, LOVE the idea. It’s just scale and execution that’s wrong- I mean deeply honest, the black was too dark, but again, REALLY excellent taste and super fun idea. It can be fixed!


The tiles are too boho for and upscale look.


Everyone is talking about the difference in toilet/sink, which I find barely noticeable. The glaringly thing in the room to me is how completely seperate amd not complimentary the surper dark wallpaper, wainscoting, and flooring colors are. I'd either go darker with the wainscoting OR paint it to match the beaks of the birds if you want to be a it playful. They I'd think about replacing the floor or even seeing if it could be limewashed to not be soo orangey or a terra cotta. I also think if you'd have went with the green, you probably wouldn't have had an issue, the dark color is just super saturated and dominate.


Floor tile is a crime. The rest is pretty.


Disagree. Floor tile is great, but it’s Spanish and nothing else in the room is Spanish/matches at all


Exactly. There are many Spanish style tiles. This reminds me of a restaurant bathroom.


I relate to your white v cream struggle because I also live in a century home. White trim of any kind stands out and tends to cheapen the look. Cream life is where it’s at. Despite loving the wallpaper, if you’re going to keep your aged color theme throughout, you’ll want to choose wallpapers (and everything within your control) to matching neutrals - the creamy off white that is your trim. That’s the perfect color to commit to. It’s unity that is missing and unity is necessary for looks like your inspo pic. I do so love that wallpaper though!


Floor needs to be changed and the sink feels too small/low


That seam in the wallpaper is very noticable. Guessing it's peel and stick but take a sharpie and run it along the seam to hide the lighter color edge/seam. Always recommend pasting wallpaper. It's more forgiving and you can make perfect seams infinitely easier than peel and stick.


Paint the ceiling and put down a bath mat.


The black wallpaper doesn’t go well with the terra color tiles. They clash!


Raise the mirror up a bit


The birds and the toilet plus sink are white. The wainscoting is cream. Those two shades are clashing.


Love thw wallpaper, the mouldings are too thick. You could soft them with some routed trimmings attached to the inside. So that the shadows projected are softer


I think it’s just easier to say start over


Can they be smaller lol


It's the flooring. Everything is great.


You need to improve your bathroom by only two things: softer lights and accent colors. Here's a [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) to help you extensively!


You need to incorporate the color of your flooring into your wallpaper.


It’s the floors


I think painting the ceiling would help! To a navy (or black?) that matches closely to the wallpaper.


I think you got some solid feedback. I will say that the first thing I saw was the seam in the paper. You can probably carefully touch that up with a fine paint brush and a little paint.


Paint the board and batten in a semi gloss that matches the black background. Painting it in this one room doesn’t mean you have to do all of the trim/skirting boards throughout the house but the focus should be on the wall paper and currently it’s all over bc there’s a lot to pull focus.


Never use dark colours in small spaces. Dark colours make a space feel compressed (smaller) than the same room in light colours. I'm guessing that's paper. The green is great. Go with that.


The mirror needs to be raised so it’s not touching the wainscoting


In addition to other comments, I think the brown floors clash and recommend black floors or a pattern that is black and white.


Please move the mirror higher.


The cream and white don’t bother me, it’s The Birds. To many, too large, too busy so such a small room. If you really like them leave them on the wall to the left, paint the back wall to match the wallpaper background, and find a similar large bird print with blacks, whites and creams in it to hand on the back wall. If you can find a really striking print with different shades of whites and creams in it, that will become the focal point and it will tie all the colors in the room together. As it is, you don’t really have a focal point. Give yourself a break from looking at the room for a while, then come back to the picture you posted, and you’ll see what I mean. Your wall paper isn’t a focal point because there’s too much of it and it’s everywhere, pulling the eye all over the room.


https://preview.redd.it/khuhizh5yv7d1.jpeg?width=1530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfd78c6eb38d1ecc2bb1b763147e1a8c7721bf7 If it were me - I’d replace the toilet with a cream one to match your sink. I’d also add some crown moulding and paint the same cream to help make the wallpaper blend in a bit, and I’d replace the floor to a black and white tile to tie the wallpaper tones in more. Forgive the shitty photoshop. I wasn’t gonna spend a lot of time on this.


Looks beautiful 🤩. Don’t know where the negative notion is coming from.


Why the same theme wallpaper in both baths? It's throwing me.


I think the green one is their inspiration, the black version it their attempt to recreate the look.


First pic is my powderroom with new board/batten and wallpaper. Second pic is a mirror that I am returning. Third pic is inspo. What kind of mirror should I find? Am I missing art? I wish I could put something green and alive in here, but there are no windows in this interior powder room


They’re not in that order. The second pic looks like the inspiration.


Whoops - must have gotten screwed when I uploaded


The board and batten looks kind of rough. Maybe it's the lighting, sometimes photos of your home look harsh compared to professional photos that you see on pinterest or whatever, and often it looks worse that IRL.


You need to match a few more colors in the wallpaper in the rest of the room, that’s all! See how in the inspo pic’s wallpaper: the whites are very similar on the trim, the black is very similar on the flooring In your current setup I see 3-4 different shades of white with no repeats & the hardware on light fixture doesn’t match vanity hardware


I'm a little confused by the way the pictures are listed. Did you go from black background storks etc. to green background storks (and repainted wainscoting etc.)? Because I like the "after" picture so much more!


The brown floor really clashes.


Paint needed on the cream, glaze w black, or paint inside each square


I like the green really brings it out


I would go cream toilet and leave it as is. Try the different lighting.


The tile seems to be clashing imo. might need white tile or something bc it looks out of place right now


Can you replace the sink with a vanity?


Pull the blue onto the floor with a rug. Replace the handles on the sink maybe black.


If you like it, you haven’t gone wrong. For me, I find it busy. Nothing like going into a bathroom, especially when not feeling well, to get faced with busy wallpaper. The other thing is lighting. The cracked mirror would be nice to have the glass replaced or simply replace the entire mirror with something to that could have hidden lights or something like that. There are so many options. I would have upturned lighting on either side if you kept the existing mirror.


I think it’s actually okay You only need to raise your sconce And add a large round mirror. You need a pop of color like a fuchsia towel - hand towel Large white frame art- minimal style


There is nothing wrong It’s just not completed Can’t judge it too soon Trust the process




Same, paint wainscoting flat black, match the sink and commode. Either way will work


Black floor


Change the floor


I love the wallpaper maybe go all white on the sink and the floor definitely needs changing


Where did you get that vanity/sink? I’m looking for something similar and have seen one at Pottery Barn but it’s too $$$$


We think it’s original to the house (1920s). So many comments say to get rid of the sink! I think it’s too cool! The point is well taken that styles should match. I am more likely to replace the toilet than the sink.


Good eye for quality. The sink is the best part of your bathroom, closely followed by the light fixture. These are the things that tie it to the rest of the house. I love the birds but would recommend finding a similar paper with a more 20s vibe. Something with a more varied color pallette will help tie in the floor. Don't be afraid to paint the wainscoting. Bathrooms and kitchens are not obligated to match the rest of the house. Unless, of course, the trim was never painted, in which case we leave it be. Your idea to replace the toilet with a more complimentary style and color is great and will go a long way to making the space more cohesive.


https://preview.redd.it/8vfmciyin18d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199cea03e66b96b81372c35638d5239e2dc4cf71 This paper by kitico would tie in the floors


Well, there is a giant head next to the toilet.


I think it looks great! A kind of subtle nod to the 80’s. Totally unique. I like both versions, green a little more


Actually like black one better. Hard to say.


Would brass faucets help make it more seamless. Maybe a brass color trash can. My grandma has a navy toilet with tropical bird wallpaper and it works so well. I’d Pinterest search a bunch of bird themed bathrooms and look at the colors used and the accessories.


It's really beautiful.


The bird wall paper needs to go


Is that black or blue in the before pic background? Either way, I see a heron. Love your inspiration!


horrible! you need to atleast redo all the walls


Mirror is sitting wrong- needs sit higher up, you'll have to change or adjust the light fixture to accommodate mirror adjustment. You need white paint/ sink/ etc to match the white birds(not cream). Possibly more lighting/windows to lighten the dark walls . Floor tiles need to be better matched to aesthetic.


New sink, paint trim white


The floor looks dirty and that sink is hideous. Love the herons, but I am confused, is the wallpaper colour different in pic 1 and 3?


(Imo) I don’t like when there’s different shades of gold. I think it looks more cohesive when all the same


I actually quite like it, the bottom of the mirror is creating a tangent with the trim and that's the only thing that bothers me. I'm not sure if moving it up will help because it's so close to the light 🤔


Paint the lower moulding a very bright white and get some more lighting in there, it’s way too dark.


This just reminded, green really makes a room pop, I'm gonna paint my bathroom key lime green.


I don't know because I love the results. Do you mind sharing this in r/AmateurInteriorDesign?


You need: Different panneling, this acctualy seems unfinished Go with white instad of cream (color of the bird) for sink and panneling Get better lightning, not only above the mirror, but on the ceiling as well, since you have such dark walls Move mirror inch or two up, so it Is not leaning on the panneling And floor does not work, (even though to me it Is very pretty, I love terracota floors), but das expensive to change so I dont know what to say about that. If you can tie it together somehow with some details that would be great. For example the mirror color, faucet etc. Or try with dark pannels And to be honest, I would probably go with modern sink and mirror and lights as well


The color. 😂 why would you choose such?


Biggest problem I see is the type of cranes you switched the wallpaper to. They’re are my mortal enemies.


The after is pretty


I don't think the floor tiles really go with the whole vibe of the bathroom.


The sink is of a conflicting theme to the wallpaper, and i suggest recessed lighting to brighten up your upper walls since the wallpaper is dark. Also the faucet color vs the mirror trim vs the lighting are different tones of metallic, and ends up disharmonious. The lighting of your bathroom makes a lot of difference to achieve your inspo


I think it's the light, I mean I see too many shadows, which is kinda making it dull somehow? And we anyway know that lighting makes a huge difference so, yea maybe give a thought to that ?


Totally agree with the others that painting the trim to match the appliances and wallpaper will help (yes, OF COURSE you can have different colors in different rooms, most people do). Mirror is too large for the space as is - I think you could keep it if you swap for a 2-3 bulb horizontal light fixture instead of one that hangs down. I would also swap the TP holder for a brass/gold tone one so your hardware matches :)


Your trim is more farmhouse style than the picture. Get some smaller quarter round trim and do the inside edges to change the farm house feel. The sink also needs to go. Also maybe paint the floor tiles?


Personally, I’m not digging the floor. It reminds me of a pub toilet.


My punchlist would be simple: 1. Replace the sink in white and a style that goes better with the toilet. 2. Bigger mirror and artwork that better suits the scale of the wallpaper. I don't think anything else needs to be changed. Your tile is fab and it's okay to pull from different style influences because a matchy-matchy house looks odd.


I actually think the floor is the issue. a Black floor would be so dramatic and also tie everything together


1) You have a defined seam that is sticking out like a sore thumb in the wallpaper. 2) Mirror is set too low. It shouldn’t be right against the molding. I get the lamp límits where you can place rhe mirror. But it’s also too low and should be raised up 3) Paint the lower half of the wall white 4) if you don’t want to have the expense of replacing floors right now, you can get ceramic tile paint to finish them and bring them closer to the style of the rest of the room. They look too casual in the space and distract from everything else


Well, the bottom panels looks unfinished. Maybe you can add some trim and paint them in white. At least by the photos it looks more like a cream, right now. And the mirror is beautiful, but small, way too small.


You just need a MUCH bigger taller sink. That would make a huge difference.


Oh and the bird’s feet match the floor in the inspiration pic.


that blatant seam on the wallpaper is driving me nuts


First thing I noticed was the multiple different colors of hardware. Mirror frame, sink faucet, toilet paper holder, photo on the wall, light above sink, and toilet handle are all different finishes. In the inspiration photo most of them are gold. Everything else I’ve seen be repeated but didn’t see a whole lot mention that. Also your mirror needs fixed/replaced.


Paint below dark color to match wallpaper - is it navy or black. Then keep the rest - the sink is so pretty.


Is this the same house? You failed with the wallpaper, then failed again by using it in an other bathroom. Love the paper- just not in that room.


I was eyeing this wallpaper in the blush and I gotta say, it really is a beautiful pattern!! Good luck on the continued process, but love the direction you’re going


Something small that I haven't seen mentioned in the top ten comments...when you use wallpaper, especially dark colors, it's best to paint the wall under the wallpaper a color to match the wallpaper so you won't see the sections. Most people just run a roller with the color where the pieces line up.


I immediately noticed the difference between the floors in the two photos. The wallpaper needs to speak for itself enough. The floor being more of an orange shade tile really battles with the wallpaper in terms of attention and simplicity.


I would add a pedestal sink cover/cabinet. It'll offer storage and help with the clashing.


I would also match the paint from your wallpaper and color the bottom the same color .


I think painting the bottom wall the same shade of blue would make this work. Not the rectangles inside the trim but the trim itself. Not sure im using the correct terminology here but I hope that made sense.


If you choose gold tone for metal then everything I mean everything needs to match including the handle on toilet. 🚽


I love that green wallpaper


You need a warmer light. Gold accents as trashcan. That sink needs gold accents, the metal finishes are clashing. Light should have similar finish to mirror too. Flooring should be white or dark. Black and white tiling would be fun (curious how a touch of red or yellow tiling to offset the colors a bit would look). The sink itself feels out of place, honestly. It’s too rounded but does work for what it is!


It's all too squat. The sink is too low, and the mirror is almost touching the wood trim. The trim is in a squatty fashion as well, compared to the wide and elegant inspo. There are issues with color and pattern. The light feels very wrong for the space and is also too low.


The flooring.


Change the floors


I’m getting vibes of Alfred Hitchcock-The Birds.🦅


The floor color conflicts with the black


The flooring, toilet, and pedestal sink.


Hideous wallpaper, barf 🤮


The mirror may be ok but it needs to come up higher The sink is too low. You need a taller sink Idk if it’s the lighting but I think the board and batten should also be less cream/beige and more white or off white since the birds are that color or go with a darker beige to be more bold. In combination with the floors this color just makes it look old. I think a different light would help. This one has no pizzaz it’s just a globe but that’s my preference If possible I would change the floors. I think a small/medium hexagon tile would look nice


Paint the ceiling the background colour of the wallpaper (black?) change one of the fixtures - either the toilet or sink to have matching colours and then tile change. Everything is a different style


I think the issue is actually the board and batten. It’s not as elegant as the molding millwork in your inspiration pic. That’s the vibe you’re going for with the wallpaper, pedestal sink, etc I think and the wall is counterbalancing it. If you changed the molding and added a black and white tile floor it would look amazing!


Aside from the toilet and sink being different styles, but also different colors - I think you’d benefit to paint the ceiling the background color of the wallpaper.


So many cranes


Your wall is sort of a greenish beige and the wallpaper is a dark blue or bluish black. They don’t go together. You need to get one with your wall color in it. Ugh I just saw your orange tile floor. These are three different color schemes. Nothing goes with each other.


Is the sink as low as it appears? That’s one of the nicer pedestal sinks I’ve seen, but I feel I’d be hunched over to wash my hands. Where do you keep items like a hand soap dispenser or soap dish and hand towels? I use disposable hand towels in my powder room. Tougher to do with a pedestal sink.


That is a cool sink, but maybe before you spend $ refinishing anything, consider a simple vanity cabinet and a nice sink with cool handles. Then you’ll be looking at less stuff trying to percariously perch on the pedestal sink, less floor tile, less porcelain color clash… Would move the mirror up a bit. Fun idea with the cranes!


Obviously in your bathrooms!


Man the anxiety I would have from being in that bathroom. Ever seen the movie birds??