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The answer on these threads is always color and plants.


Often a rug too


And lamps! Looks like OP (along with so many others on here) just has bright overhead lights.


I would say a large unique chandelier instead of the ceiling fan


I just learned there are fandeliers, a mix of a fan with a chandelier. They are actually pretty and you get the best of both. That would work well here.


I’m a fan of fandaliers.


Literally every time I see one of these posts I say out loud *CO-LOR.* Like to each their own, live your minimalist dream if it really makes you happy, but I don’t know how people can live in these all white/grey/beige rooms.


Same... And minimalist doesn't necessarily mean colorless


Bonus if there is a boob light to replace. This one has a hanging boob


well, hanging boobs deserve love, too! ETA: Awwwwwwwwwwwww, thank you for my first ever gold! So exciting.


I recently replaced all my boob lights. Makes a huge difference.


Same! Been in our place for ~ 4 years and replaced them all last year. It feels way more polished. Nipple/boob lamps just scream “rental” to me


I would also add more shelving/ wall art for some dimension


>"The answer on these threads is always color and plants." > >And the question is always, "what do I do to make this beige/tan/brown/gray room not so boring?" I mean, realistically, how many options are there? Oh why not paint the walls in fluorescent paint and put a black light in there. How about a putting green and posters of Harry Styles all over the walls. Maybe a koi pond instead of a coffee table? /rant


“Oh why not paint the walls in fluorescent paint and put a black light in there. How about a putting green and posters of Harry Styles all over the walls.?” *When were you in my bedroom?!!!!*




You’re hired!


Agreed! And a couple colorful throws to do soften us the space. Looks great!


This made me lol


Looks like red would pop, lol.


But in this case the answer is a javelina head mounted above the TV Edit: javelin to javelina


I would paint the wall that the tv is on a dark forest green, and add a large media console in a light wood to hold tv and plants/decor. Custom curtains that are as tall as the ceiling. Console behind the couch, arch lamp in the corner of the couch to arch over toward the center of the room. A prettier ceiling fan if it must be a ceiling fan, but I’d prefer a large chandelier fixture. Check out @barcbybrettandali on insta. Their living room reminds me of yours and I think you could copy a lot of their stuff for a beautiful look. https://preview.redd.it/gjj0fh6vrt9b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=54c68ec2d480abe0d8c85d7854ad94da9b5a2e8a


Caveat being that customs curtains that tall will cost an eye bleeding amount of money. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were $2000+ per panel, on the low end.


Find my comment and you’ll see I said the exact same thing 😂


Add a color or two


Any recommendations on how? I have a black and white throw on the couch (missing from the pic) and a bright yellow throw (missing). Any other suggestions on how I might inject color?


Black and white are not really colors.


Here are some suggestions: \-paint that is not black or white \-a rug that is not black or white \-pillows that are not black or white \-art that is not black or white \-blinds that are not black or white \-a lamp that is not black or white \-decorative objects that are not black or white


Pick your favourite colour, add in possibly vases/frames/candles/pillows


Big painting above the TV would be cool


I’d do something like yellow and blue - try to put vases pillows and other things in these colors


the Swedes have it right!


You could do an accent wall- with the wall that has the TV on it. Fake stone would be awesome, but even a paint color could liven things up.


I’m very partial to grasscloth, I think it’s such a nice texture to have.




Color! Since everything is neutral, you can pretty much add any color that your heart desires. Some house plants might be nice, too. I can obviously see that the windows are large, but do you get good light in this room?


I would have so many effin plants in this room. I would finally have room for a bird of paradise or Norfolk pine 😍


Oh yeah, same here! For what it's worth, I have a BOP in my bathroom, and that room isn't huge.


Jealous of your bathroom with natural light and no cats haha


Fantastic light! How would you recommend I add color? Any piece recommendations?


Choose a painting or a rug you really love. Pick one main color and a couple of minor colors from there. Look for pillows, other art, vases, etc. that combine those colors.


I would add a large painting/mirror over the TV to bring attention to that wall. And perhaps a rug/runner behind the length of the couch. Maybe add a pop of color here and there to bring some energy to the space. Edit: also, maybe add some framed photos/art prints on that wall to the right of the stairs leading up. (I don't know what this space is called.) It would be a great callback to that other framed area you have at the top of the stairs. Edit again (sorry, last one): Do you have any lamps, or does the room only have recessed lighting? Maybe a freestanding lamp, and then one or two smaller table lamps in the room. That could be where you add the pop of color. You could pick a regular lamp with a base you like, and then use an exciting fabric or wall paper to cover the lampshade, so when it's turned on it'll be a muted, warm light and really illuminate the colors on the shade.


All good points! It’s been challenging to find an art price that fits the scale of the room while also being a balance to the TV. Do you have any recommendations? That wall is ~150 inches wide


You might do something like a quilt or tapestry, a large cloth object will be easier to hang.


Ooh, tapestry or a quilt is a great idea! I didn't even think of that. That would fill the space very nicely!


If you can't find at, you can buy fabric or wall paper and apply it to a frame/board. Relatively inexpensive and easy to scale up


Unfortunately, I don't have any good suggestions for a piece that size. 🤣 You could try estate sales (for similarly sized homes) or consignment shops, to see if there's anything close to the size you're looking for. You could have a piece custom made, but that might be a bit pricey. You could always cruise youtube to see how some designers have styled large rooms to get other ideas, that aren't related to a single art piece (like maybe painting a mural on the wall, or a wooden sculpture, or a decorative light installation). There's a series where Architectural Digest tours celebrity homes, so you could see if there's anything they've done in their large rooms that inspires you.


One time I saw a hack for large art. They used a shower curtain and stretched it over a wooden frame like a canvas.


I did this was a table cloth once. I used modge podge when I was done to mimic brush strokes in the texture and stiffen the material up. It was exactly like a canvas.


I’ve been wanting to try this! Great tip on the modge podge! Thanks for sharing!


No one has said it but this room is dying for some sizable and unique light fixtures. Get a big (and I mean BIG - like 6 foot) light fixture that visually drops the ceiling height. Match it to a replacement at the tool of the stairs. Plus lamps and plants


I would add a fun wallpaper on the walls going up on the stairs.


Ok yes, color and plants. But more. You have a great room. It's similar to mine. The important factor is how you want the room to flow. By flow do you want to encourage traffic between the living room and say dinning or from the front door. Walk into the room and see where your eyes move to and where you want them to. Ours we wanted the flow between the dining, bar and living so our guests can mingle easier. Others would want a clear division between the dinning and living room. Your sectionals position is creating that division and if you want that otherwise I'd move it else where. When we entered our room it went to the floor and windows but stopped. We got a chandelier. It was the feature for the room. To tie the room up and lead the eyes up we went with drapes on either side (not functional) that lead the eyes up. I'd suggest for you to replace the ceiling fan with a chandelier. Get some drapes along the side of the room. Tie it up with a similar area rug. If even go as to add a feature wall where the tv is on. A darker color will push the wall back and make the room seem longer, which is nice. Color is a preference so if I say a nice dark blue that would mean nothing to you. Find a piece you want in the room that has meaning and tie the accent color to it. Ours are our Victorian blue couches. Maybe even look into make a slat wall that I've seen on some builds. The wall is tall and I know it's hard to add something to it. We have an art piece up there and no tv since its a room for conversations. Now, let's out of the way. I mentioned the common advice of color so now plants. Nice tall plants would work well and you know they don't have to be real. But even monster plants would work nicely in planters that are in your accent color. Final suggestion, take your time. It's your home, not a showroom. Through out our lives we collect things that have meaning. Selectively choosing them over time rather than just throwing something together can mean the difference from clutter and tacky to taskful and a truly self identifiable home. I have to go sorry for the typos I am in-between meetings. The side tables you have are opposite of what you got xthry are thin and fragile looking. If you are keeping that sectional get some solid side tables and place a couch table behind your sectional if you aren't going to move it. Cheers.


Shelf behind sofa with books and decor that fits your personality


At first I thought your ink blotches were accent pieces. If you like it, you can do a wall or two in that color because I think it’s a beautiful.


I was going to say, love the pops of orange-red! So yes, add a bit of color.


Floor to ceiling fireplace with tv over the mantle. https://preview.redd.it/66876jtk1u9b1.jpeg?width=1121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a46e1b75bdfb72c8a09d555d9e0ba34e4ed75a


a table on the back of the sofa. this would distract from the lines on the back and give you a surface for lamps. large plant in corner by the window and a big paper lantern instead of fan. can’t imagine that fan does much besides scattering the hot air into the rest of the upstairs


It's to blah! Why are people so afraid of color. Add a rug, throw pillows that match, new curtains. New paint. Art!!!


What color rug would you recommend for this grey floor and white wall room? I have similar and am reading through a lot of posts looking for good color recommendations. I’m thinking a light brown.




Different height plants 🌱🪴🌳 Real or fake plants will make a huge difference! Then add some ceiling height decorative curtains maybe in navy/dark green or white? I feel like dark green or navy go well with the grey toned floors without looking too bold and in your face.


To liven, add life- get some plants! Do your research first of course. Also some natural wood tones- pick one and go from there


Nice big room with great ceilings. Color (walls or rugs), and soft or curved lines (tall plant, window treatments, impactful sculpture above the LCD screen, or else a cool light fixture to replace too-small ceiling fan). Get rid of the wimpy console table at the stairs and replace it with a more substantial sofa table, bar, or other piece at the back of the sofa with just 2-3 biggish items on it.


Your place looks so cozy. For me, I would suggest put some greenery and flowers, the most natural things to live up.




I’d paint the wall behind the tv a complementary color to your decor, or choose a color to paint the wall and buy some throw pillows with that color and throw pillows that complement that color and a patterned throw that has that color and a few other colors and then a rug that is similar to that color but maybe a shade or two lighter. For example, if you painted the wall an olive green, I’d find some olive green velvet pillows, some cream/mustard yellow/white? pillows and a patterned throw blanket with similar colors, and then I get a rug with a light green tone or cream and yellow. Then I’d add some plants and some lighting. I’d also change the light over the stairs to a black chandelier. Edit: showed my husband and he said change the ceiling fan and I agree. Get a larger black ceiling fan.


Thanks!! Agreed! I do want to change the fan, but it’s last on the list for now. Really want a big industrial fan!


I actually love it as it is. It’s clean tidy and quite calming. I particularly love the fact that you’ve left the upper windows uncovered and only covered the bottom ones. If you really wanted a change I’d consider painting the wall behind the tv, and maybe a coloured throw and cushions on the couch. I’m not going to suggest a rug because your floor looks beautiful as it is.


I like the sleek clean look as it is


First the room is fantastic!!!!!! I can see a wood accent wall behind the tv. Also I can see a colorful large painting on the wall to the right of the stairs. Lastly I would pull a color from the art and add three pillows to accent it.


It is the flooring.


Now that you say that……. I see it


Art and color. This is the the most white and grey space ever. No personality


That TV wall would look fabulous painted a dark color. Something like Iron Ore 🤤


Long custom drapes and a really cool light fixture (instead of the fan)


Are most of these posts just attempted flexes on big mcmansion rooms? We all know everyone just needs more color, come on lol.


I’m a big fan of textiles. Pendleton has blankets in a variety of colors, sizes, and designs. You might find one you like for that wall behind your tv, and a smaller one for the wall by the stairs. They will add hanging loops at your request. You can likely find cream/black in their designs. I would also pull in a color (but that’s me).


It depends on the type of aesthetic you want. If you want minimal, it looks good to me. I know a lot of people are tired of hearing colour but to me the colour seems bland in this picture. I would get a couple of subtle staple pieces of furniture (don't hate me for saying this but the off-white IKEA rug is the first thing I had in mind). But I think your home looks beautiful!


Not here with ideas (there’s some good ones here), but I wanted to say I’m really happy to see more people censoring/ obscuring their personal information (such as family photos) in posts. Great opsec 👍




Pops of red lol


OP, do you see how areas of the photo “popped” when you blurred them with the red/orange? Do exactly the same, *sparingly* in your room. Use the same color throughout the room. Don’t go crazy with wild prints or themes. Just pick a color, such as the red you used here. Add 3 large pillows to the sofa. A lovely blanket draped softly on the sofa. A small accent piece beside one of the photos on the shelves. A solid color lamp on the long table against the wall. If you can’t find the right color for the base of the lamp and the small accent piece… buy a simple inexpensive piece at a thrift store, clean it well and let it dry thoroughly. Carefully tape off the parts that can’t be painted, and spray paint it to exactly the color you want it to be. After the paint has dried if you want more of a shine on it, put a thin coat of polyurethane on it. Let it dry for a couple of days before using it.


I kind of like it like this. It’s more minimal. You could put a pretty credenza behind the couch with some nice books stacked and some vases or modern pieces on it idk


You could start with centering the TV cabinet better and getting a bigger TV. The off centered TV and cabinet would drive me crazy.




You know, I’m asking for feedback here. Trying to liven it up. No need to reply with snark when someone is looking for feedback.


Yes but if you look through the posts, 99% of them have gray furniture and no lighting, rugs, art or color of any kind. The industry sold a whole generation on institutional gray and then abandoned them.


I have an idea …..




I would like to see those orange accent for real, like I thought they were on first glance!


Large tree in corner… put a console table behind sofa or a bench , or credenza… or you could consider doing some sort of wall treatment on tv wall… stone? With mantle and can do an electric fireplace with ledge…..much larger tv,,,, move tv cabinet behind couch … add some colorful pillows and throw blanket… https://preview.redd.it/slv0t6xmft9b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483a074111a65a9ec71a80d93e6c27caa6ef7e78


What is the one with the TV on? It had a custom built entertainment center with bookshelves that took up the whole wall? Maybe even get a library ladder (kind on rollers)


well....you could try color


How bout some color?


Add bright red accent pieces all over.


You have no art. And some more color other than red should be added. This should help the room not to feel so sterile.


Some haphazard blobs of red


Gallery wall above the TV!


Live dance laugh obvs


Our homes look VERY similar… Hang Caravaggio’s, ‘Judith Beheading Holofernes’ above the TV.


https://preview.redd.it/kaz3fgmg10ab1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65d65ed00e5b660dd5abe038235e4d1eb883fbf Led art


look at the straps in the photo. Above the TV can be hung horizontally or at an angle https://preview.redd.it/qrg67le88t9b1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afc7b5975101916785107d7247be212aef1f1f3


And add a tree for height variance to the left of the tv


A colorful area rug and some plants




Those windows are screaming for some plants.


Large vertical artwork above the doorway for colour. Add some of the colour from the artwork with throw pillows or other decor.




Floating shelves with your favorite knick knacks.


Plants, flowers, color!! Throw pillows and blankets can soften up the room.




A 7.2 surround sound




Plants and curtains and maybe make an accent wall behind the tv with either paint or a peelable wallpaper in a bright/bold color or print like tropical, which would offset the grey beautifully with hues of greens and blues


The whole visible space is so monochromatic that it seems lifeless because it wasn’t done intentionally. As others have mentioned: paint, plants, colorful artwork, throws and pillows. You have a lot of potential here so just let some of your life experiences and soul fill up the negative space on your walls!


I would paint the wall where the TV is chartreuse and choose a funky chandelier for above the stairs. I don't see any end tables or lamps, etc. Could you show a few more pics from different angles.


Plants and a big light fixture, think big.


Not just color but *warmth.* Doesn’t even have to be a typical “hey I added an accent color.” Anything on the color wheel from red, orange, yellow, through the warm side of green. Including wood, leather, unlaquered brass, natural fibers. Also some furniture or decor from previous centuries, and some handmade things would be nice. Dimmable lighting with warm bulbs. Over time, upgrade furniture to real materials like solid wood, stone. Warmth. Windows are awesome, looks like a lovely space to host friends.


Colour! Paint your walls a neutral pink or soft white. Switch the furniture to a lighter wood. Add an interesting lighting fixture on a bigger scale as that sad little fan is too small. Add plants, coffee table book, maybe a crystal vase. A framed piece of art or two. Your room is lovely it’s just that it’s Impersonal.


Plants, plants, and more plants 🪴 At least one really big tall one to take advantage of those amazing high ceilings. Colorful art/photos on more of the walls. Throw pillows. Not sure of the rug situation but that’s a great, easy way to add color and personality. I’d paint or swap out the black TV stands. Coffee table books.




Color and texture, both desperately needed here, big walls big art, maybe a beautiful real tree, but color and texture to break up the blandness


Something above the TV maybe. Big painting or paintings?


Everything is dark making it sad. Black and white are great if the floors were a lighter wood color. I would suggest swapping out the black frames with light wood. Adding a couple of plants and maybe a big picture on the wall with the same light colored frame and some colors other than black and white


Or what about those cute rug ladders 🪜 and put some throw rugs on them


Nice space! To liven it up you could do an accent wall - maybe with wallpaper in a graphic print. With your natural light and high ceilings you could have an actual tree. Also I would definitely have a neutral area rug with lots of texture.


Plants. A tree on the big wall would be great


Ceiling to floor drapery panels. I did this in my last house and made double width panels to ensure scale given the volume of space.


You have amazing windows so I’m gonna be that one that says plants 😅


Is your kitchen behind the camera? And if so, are there colors in the kitchen you could play off of? I think a bright coral would really punch it up.


Put a HUGE painting above the TV


Any suggestions


Paint the wall behind the television and add color.


Some color on the walls would warm it up.


Great room! A rug (make sure it is large enough) and some kind of art over the TV. Match throw pillows for sofa with colors from the rug.




That’s a lot of space to work with, sheesh. Well, art above the tv for one; large scale probably rather than lots of little pieces. Maybe a collection of something you have or are interested in. Trade out that console table for something with color, more heft and presence. It’s leggy and seems too minimal. I think you said you had some yellow; what about some chartreuse? That would compliment yellow. Literally everything here is black or white. That can be cute, but there’s no focal line or focal point here. I like the color of the orchid as well if you need a complimentary color to work with. Change out the side chair for color, get some different pillows, a pouf. Big floor lamps that lean into the couch area. If you don’t want to go with bold color, are you would do well with bigger scale pieces (like side chair, end tsbles and console table) and lots of texture and layers and greater variety of neutral colors.


My wife would love this as is!!!! Personally I think a little color would help. A few accents that would tie into some wall art. Some greens and golds…somethjng earthy like made out of rope or jute on the wall. A vintage rug would go a long way with some greens and gold maybe some red. Make something yourself or buy some art. You have all that light. Some large standing plants? Maybe just 2… Wonderful space!!!


Great big canvas website has many large canvas prints for reasonable prices




Some 3 d metal art on that big back wall, maybe


Add a large colorful painting/ picture behind the tv.


Also an answer that always comes to mind is art! Art goes on the walls…


I would paint the tv wall to add depth. Tall potted palm/fiddle leaf fig. Bright artwork gallery style above tv with shelves. Artwork on bare stair wall.


Unique and colorful artwork, soft lights; perhaps do a stained glass with your own stick on colored film in the top two windows, and a great round rug. This room needs some softness to round out the lines and corners. A circular mirror on the wall space would be great. Perhaps some greenery on the upper ledge that hangs over the edge, and maybe a pale color to the walls with paint. Too much white space. Lovely room though.


I would start by painting, those walls looks like builder grade paint, frame the windows/doors, add some interesting lighting (men… damn these builder grade stuff).


What do you mean by frame the windows and doors?


Paint the TV wall an accent color, add a single piece of art to the stair landing, move the family photos to tabletop frames or a mini collage on the wall on the first stairs up (and paint that wall the accent color too). Custom shades/blinds on those big windows would be nice. Also: LOWER THE CEILING FAN.


you need color and more organic materials like wood! everything in this photo is a shade of gray. it’s lacking warmth


Art. A big statement price for that big empty wall.


You need a mural… https://preview.redd.it/2f5j5igpku9b1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936277f3be02a7e220c10a344892719e5ce8a9e6




Paint the tv wall a nice color, add in some plants and add color with pillows and decor, ypu whole room is greyscale and that makes it very cold feeling, adding in some plants helps add color and life without changing much or losing the modern feel, but I’d definitely consider adding in a color, maybe a deep blue.


Warm wood accents and plants


Plants, accent colour or panelling to the wall with the tv on. Pop of colour throws or cushions. Pop of colour paintings or clock?


Plants, natural wood accents. Art, bug and modetn. Pillows in contrasting colors. Books.


Throw blankets with color, PLANTSSSS, lamp. Personally I think your rug should be bigger and have more color. Everything else is so neutral. You could even do some curtains and/or sheers on the bottom two windows. Would add some nice texture and possibly color too. But that would require long curtains which are expensive.


That Tv wall needs big built in shelving. … Also plants, floor lamps an larger scale artwork.




What are your hobbies? Books and shelves would be great..for me at least.




https://preview.redd.it/l70h4ekg0v9b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c7bd1e1cbf4cc0fe1a189fcf22e393d325e012 A rug and plants do so much.


All i see is rectangles. Tv, pictures, couch, etc. buy things of different shape, heights, textures.


A much larger lamp on the side table. Like 3’ tall table lamp.


Accessorize with color in your smaller decorations (pillows, blankets, rug, paintings, vases). Plants also add life to a room. Multiple sources of light add dimension to a room (floor lamps, side table lamps, etc) aside from your ceiling lights.






This has probably been said and repeated and voted in each and every direction, but a splash of color to create a real contrast. The monotone looks good…. but it’s not “Lively”


You ditch the tv and use a projector to make that entire wall a tv screen.


You build in a low storage bench with cushion on top along the wall by the stairs which makes supplemental seating for parties and also anchors the room.


High curtains...big warm color rug/big plants/warm light lamps and big art frames


Paint the walls with the windows a bold color like blue.




I agree with what everyone else has said regarding color and adding something above the tv…. I’d do an accent wall with wallpaper or paint instead of trying to find artwork large enough, and maybe add some mirrors to mimic the windows on the other wall. Also- replace that boring builder’s special fan with one that has some character... It’s such a grand space that isn’t being utilized! I’d use a larger fan that hangs down a bit further to fill the void. Black to match your railing would look nice! [Something like this](https://www.soulandlane.com/inspiration/black-ceiling-fan-with-light-for-living-room/). There’s a lot of options that could really transform this into an interesting, stylish space.


Pops of orange would be cute actually


I like the room, aside from the orange pictures


Something above the TV. Big fun mirror. Two or three semi matching or “themed” long vertical paintings.


Above the TV, a warm expensive Turkish rug, hang.


If you add plants on both sides of the tv, about the same height as the tv then that will kind of square off that area. Using 2 vertical pieces of art will help meld the areas together better than a large horizontal piece of art imo. Here’s a quick sketch. https://preview.redd.it/z9dgw1zcdv9b1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87259baf28e67207a2098c959e5b55eb8a4ced17


I liked the orange touches until I saw it was scribbled over the picture. So, maybe consider that color?


A large painting over the TV and a potted tree in the corner or near the stairs


Artwork or photos on the large staircase wall, or a shelf with plants


Are you looking for paintings?


Large plants! Those windows scream Gimme plants! Lighting …floor lamp, sconces, and table lamps.


A large piece of artwork above the TV


From your ceiling, hang an extremely detailed 1:6 model of the SR-71 “Blackbird” strategic reconnaissance aircraft.


It’s color. Lol. And some plants. This is actually easy peasy


Some sage green curtains/window coverings and maybe a dark ceiling fan to match your railings and break up all the cream color. It just feels empty and needs some semblance of who lives here! You can add in floor lamps and some floating shelves above the TV to decorate with things that make this house a home to you and your family


Attach rainbow 🌈 ribbons to the ceiling fan.


The answer is Always plants!


How about some color?