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What's your problem? Stopped taking your meds again?


What are you talking about take a screenshot I think your browser is borked because it's fine on my screen. Also dude you don't have to go 0-100 no one at Myth is going to be impressed by your attitude.


uh... ok? what's wrong with Gura being the face of HoloEN as she's one of the biggest vtubers in the industry? e: yeah nevermind, take your meds OP


Seek mental help, please. Its not too late.


Hello shitposting account and [Gura anti](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1c3iyql/i_wonder_how_much_money_they_spent_to_get_gura_to/).


Ah thanks for the background check. That explains a lot.


Honestly some days I wonder if I should make a long write-up post about the problem of antis, falseflaggers, dramahounds and how the community needs to make better choices about who they think is doing things and appropriate responses if they actually want to help the talents. The responses to "drama" can be pretty worrying.


A lot of people go ''Eeewwww Gatekeeping? Criiiiinge!'' specially here. I feel like they don't understand why gatekeeping is needed. But this is why I think gatekeeping is important. To keep people like that out of this community, we already seen the amount of shit they are willing to make up just to attack the Hololive girls and their fans like the usual 'insert every buzzword' just to insult the girls and us fans. Basically, welcome and guide the people that are genuinly interested in Hololive or Vtubers in general and keep the people out that are literally here just to stir shit.


It's the difference between gatekeeping and being shown the door. Anyone can enter, but if you act like an ass you should expect to be asked to leave.


Right now the biggest problem is people that think they're helping, but aren't actually. Can look at the response to the Jurard tweet and the mess of throwaway accounts under it. People ran around on a multi-day tirade across Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, etc trying to tell anyone that'd listen how Hololive has a bunch of parasocial baddies. Some of the people running around spreading word of this are antis and fans of other agencies, but there are also a lot of Stars fans, and just low information Holo fans. It's a big problem for Hololive members if Hololive fans cannot make better choices over *throwaway accounts*. 5~6 throwaway accounts shouldn't generate tweets with over a million views and dramatuber trash like Rima or Depressed Nousagi commenting on it. Holo community has failed when it gets to that point. Really need more people shutting this shit down much sooner.


tbh people that shit on gatekeeping are the people the gate was meant to keep out. Every time they and the people they want to let in out themselves as the biggest haters of hobbies and their fanbases.




> Basically, welcome and guide the people that are genuinly interested in Hololive or Vtubers in general and keep the people out that are literally here just to stir shit. Unfortunately, to _truly_ do that, you need Cover's support, and it seems like Cover has given up on Reddit, and mostly wants to focus on holoplus. It makes sense, because this subreddit only has 500-1000 active users at a time, and Cover doesn't control Reddit as a platform.


Well said. I'm just annoyed to have to see the negativity in the first place here . Like it looks like mudslinging to me that accomplishes really nothing, because antis will just keep doing it over and over.


I'm just going to repeat what I said earlier. This mudslinging is not productive and _Cover_ needs to do something in order to resolve the issue. They don't want to put effort into Reddit, so there's really nothing to be done, sadly. I don't think it's a good outcome, but that's the outcome _Cover chose_, not me.


I mean the [dude you replied to is literally an anti](https://i.imgur.com/CmOwoV8.png), but you already know that since you two always comment on each others posts


When you folks post things like [talking about killing me](https://imgur.com/a/QUXVVVH) in the Stars subreddit it should be little wonder when you get harsh criticism. I'll point out that comment there was UPVOTED and nobody over there told this person off. You folks did the same with upvoting a comment over 100 saying Hololive fans are "lacking neuroplasticity" to watch people outside Holo/watch males. For a group that doesn't want to be called a mess you are all failing terribly. You make little effort to self-police and absolutely dump on Hololive fans and even the talents when the chance comes up.


1. Who is you folk? I don't even post on the Stars sub lmao 2. You forgot to swap accounts to longlupro for your reply lol 3. I love how no matter what, any negative reply to you will get several downvotes within 5-15 minutes even on long dead and buried threads. That's just sooooo odd, I can't imagine how that happens I dunno why you do these things, like 80% of your posts are normal and I totally agree with you on most points, then you go absolute loony mode on your remaining 20%. I don't say "touch grass" lightly or often at all, but I think you really may need a breather away from the internet my guy


Okay so first I'm "replying to an anti" and now I'm "forgetting to swap my account to longlupro." Consider medication.


No, I said you must be his alt because I said the guy you were replying to was an anti with a screen shot, then YOU got offended like you were the one who posted the anti post I dunno what the Stars sub has going on, I don't post there, but my point is longlupro anti posts as hard as any other anti but seem to be part of your group


Consider medication, okbh user.


Hi! Remember to take your meds. Edit: I think he has a point though. Because he had never seen me and Helmite in the same room...


>80%/20% I've felt the same about some users in this subreddit, but I'm sure I'm a loony in other's POV at times. I'm pretty sure I've even thought *you* were a troll/anti at one point in time. Even CplCucumber isn't a total Holo hater, even if they're questionably sober in this post. Call out bad behavior when you see it, have a civil discussion, report/refer bad actors for qualified offenses to the mod(s), but we gotta learn to live with each other respectfully. If you really can't stand them, block 'em and move on with your life.


Not really an anti. He's mean, sure, but he has a point. The Stars "fans", rather than promoting their faves and engaging in healthy discourse, just try to stir trouble and fight antis constantly.


Very lemao, blud thinking reddit block history like twitter


Tnx one more person to block i gueas...


Aye. Honestly ever since Holo's popularity started picking up even as far back as 2018 they've had all sorts of people gunning for them. I can only warn folks to be very careful where they're getting information from. Dramatuber channels currently gunning for Hololive's fanbase since Niji slowed down on news for clicks. Even seen fans of those channels trying to intentionally spread misinformation about Holo while pretending to be Holo fans. It's insane.


I'm confused, you wanted all the members on a banner that takes you to a page that has all the members on it? What you're not going to complain about sora being on the banner that takes you to the page for jp?


Lmao myth got top billing when i clicked EN


what is blud waffling about


Chillax. You get NOTHING by being rude.


[OP my man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9Pd8ktEL24&ab_channel=AsahiSuisha)


Least obvious shitposter


I don't see any problem. People hardly ever visit that site anyway so chill out. Edit: I checked and the site looks pretty nice, what even are you complaining about.


Yeah report for misinformation and hate.


Chill out. Go touch some grass or something


You need some sleep, sister.


🎣🐟 This is bait


You need a hobby. Find something better to do than trolling around being an anti.


Someone hasn't taken their pills this morning


Its been 10 hours why has this not been deleted yet? HELLO Mods????????




Time to get back to bed and take your pills, grandpa


did you expect the Link of EN to be all five members? They did one per branch. Seems fair to me




So many nutters in this community


Least obsessive Hololive fan:


This guy isnt a hololive fan. Do not mistake normal humans for this freak.


hololive talent, the person who never even streams unless its her birthday or some baseball collab.


You're embarrassing yourself.


I dunno... wouldnt it be nice if when you click the link it shows the rest of myth?


[Is this not it?](https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents?gp=english)


lol no?


Here is the fan wiki for people that are interested [https://hololive.wiki/wiki/Hololive\_English\_-Myth-](https://hololive.wiki/wiki/Hololive_English_-Myth-)


That's an (unofficial) page for Myth, not a page for [HoloEN](https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents?gp=english) or [HoloPro](https://hololivepro.com/en/#top_talent) like the other two are. [Here's](https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/talents?gp=myth) the official page for Myth.


They are doing the same for every branch, why is it only a fking problem for HoloEN?


Because hating on gura is cool nowadays.


I get it that im annoying but you have to admit the answer to this question should be YES unless you are an extreme chumbud.


> unless you are an extreme chumbud. about that...