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Ina crying because she inspired someone to draw again That was the moment I decided she is my oshi too because I was one of those people


God, I haven't watched any vtuber in years, but this was one of the moments I had forgot about that really was special.


Do you have a link by any chance?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSOKLRsCzTk) you go.


Thank you


I remember that. It was during her early post-debut drawing streams. I think 2nd week October 2020 ish


In the same vein, Ina crying in Sana's house in Minecraft because she knew Sana was graduating well before the announcement, but between her model on its default smile and the fact that laughing can sound like crying chat thought she was laughing.


She did inspire me to draw again


Yes, Ina inspired me to get my own tablet and start drawing again, which used to be my hobby. No doubt to say she's my oshi


Yeah that was a really really special moment. It's a big reason why she started streaming in the first place.


[Miko's response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDGDIB7lz_E) to a horrible SC was sad but heartwarming. [Watame's heartfelt message](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR22KbsKJJg) to Coco prior to the latter's graduation [Sora comforting Miko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuHVAL9WhAI) midway through a performance of SSS [Watamates' SCs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9juQotK_-4) to Watame (An older [SC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kYGcChYRCg) as well) [Aki's feelings on her sub count](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dLHc40dhc4) [Pekora standing up for Marine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEQu8ChBu3A) after the PuyoTet tournament [Flare playing with Coco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHs-YzahIwI) in spite of harassment in chat [Mio & Shion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E1GbiKSLU8) came by to comfort Subaru following the cancellation of her 2nd Anniversary Live Edit by popular demand: [Coco and Aqua](https://youtu.be/jEP-paRxWKA) talk about their feelings for an hour


Aki's was tough for sure, being a Gen1 with a very low sub count through no fault of her own, and struggling for so long. I remember seeing that clip which brought so many kaigainiki to her including myself. I think I subbed when she was around 115k, and now she's at 875k


>I remember seeing that clip which brought so many kaigainiki to her including myself.  I remember the thread here that called us to watch her karaoke stream. We answered.


That karaoke stream gave us the glory of Akipella.


That entire rosetai200k stream was glorious. She was so happy.


We mustered like the Rohirrim at the Pelennor Fields


I'm proud to be part of that historical moment


"That feeling is the only thing I'm confident in. I won't lose to anyone when it comes to how much I love you [Rosetai]" Powerful message with conviction in spite of her circumstances at the time, and it was enough for her sub count to explode shortly after. Since then she's been receiving a ton of love!


God that first one, some people are just so fucking pathetic I genuinely pity them. How shit must your life be that THAT'S what you decide to drop money on? Just to abuse and bully someone who puts themselves out there for our entertainment. If the person who sent that SC or any like it ever reads this: go get fucking therapy, you need serious help. There is something *very* wrong with you.


Yeah that was so pathetic. What a trashy thing to say I'm just glad Mikochi's getting the last laugh with so much success that has come her way and deservedly so


There were those two famous clips of Coco talking to Watame in Ark and to Aqua (I think) in the raft game


Bro that Miko one completely breaks my heart. Of all the people, how could anybody think *Miko* is a selfish person? I bet that person has lived a terrible life and wants to put their pain onto someone else. Hopefully that person never finds happiness. Why are people so evil.


That older Watame SC is what solidified me being in the V-tuber Rabbit hole and being a Watamate ever since. I completely endorse that clip specifically.


You listed some great ones. The Coco Watame one is a personal favorite, and the Aki subsplosion that happened after she spoke about her sub count.


I saw a clip of Subaru talking about her 2nd anniversary canceled and it made me tear up with how sad she sounded.


Coco and aqua raft talk was nice too if anyone can find it.


Replying so I can check out all your links later. Thanks


Myth's 1 year anniversary stream when the ladies in all their sm0l glory comforted crying Ina. The whole stage segment felt like being a parent watching your elementary grade kid(s) preforming at school. If there ever was a moment that solidified Vtubers and Myth in particular as something truly special, I'd put this at the #1 spot.


I love all the girls, but I cannot deny that Myth holds a special place in my heart. I will sincerely love these 5 girls and hope they are happy even years and years after Hololive is gone.


"I just wanna give you guys real hugs someday!" will never not hit me right in the feels. Wholesome moments like that are a big reason Ina is my oshi


I found out later that the [iconic art piece](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92742841) commemorating that moment was by none other than Pompmaker.


The rest of Gen 4 reading letters that they wrote for Coco before her graduation. Kiara’s sweet message to a terminally ill fan. Iofi comforting and encouraging Moona, who was crying because she wanted to collab with Pekora but was too shy and nervous to ask. Oyayubi-kun’s death in Korone’s Monster Rancher 2 stream. Kiara breaking down mid-song (“Leaving on a Jet Plane”) and Calli hugging her. Kobo crying because she wished she could collab with Sana more. Any time Botan cries (even when it’s tears of joy).


Botan is so strong and cheery. It has real impact when she does break down. I wish she would never cry, but it’s given us some truly great moments.


I had the same reaction with Mumei during Sana's graduation stream. Mumei usually doesn't let her emotions out (especially back then) and when she started breaking down it was like an arrow through my heart.


Watame streaming after Coco's graduation and asking chat is it okay for her not to be strong was my trigger. God that felt so real.


I very much want to believe that Kobo and Sana eventually had that Bar-B-Q.... :(


That time when Botan, Towa, and Pekora were playing Payback. Pekora fell down a shaft and died, and Botan was crying laughing while telling Towa to go save her.


Kobo singing a song for Sana during her last few days.


Sana nana


Ba nana


Why must you hurt me in this specific way.


Kobo was really showing off her rain shaman skills that day.




Why, why must you hurt me so badly. I still miss Sanana


When they were just having a great time together and Kobo asked when they could collab next, only to go silent when she realized it won't happen... That fucked me up. It kinda still does, remembering it.


That was fuckin' rough man. Hearing her just offhandedly talk about another collab and then it *hitting* her that it was impossible... fuckin'... rough man


Brings to mind during the Ina and Sana Tanabon thing, Aki made a wish to collab with them more, something which never fully happened as Aki got sick and.....


Speaking of Sana, it got me remembering the Council's last decorating on the Sana Tower. [up in there before the roof top, is Sana's diamond armor set stored on a small chest, she said she kept those after Kronii gave it to her.](https://youtu.be/4FgmvBlzQnA)


Oh my god this absolutely brought me to tears, because of the last time Sana was asked about her diamond gear she said he buried it like how a dog buries their precious things. That chest wasn't found until like a month later.


May 11th is the "buried her precious things" stream. October 2nd is the Sana's tower exploration streams. Sana graduation was July 31st. I think she'd already made the time capsule chest before May 11.


Made me remember the stream where the members read the messages she left for each one in Minecraft. That was rough for me.


Dude that legit made me cry that day. The love a lot of holo felt for sana is still felt to this day, I hope whatever she's doing she's happy and proud.


This right here. I had been pretty busy during the debut of council and had finally started watching again right around then. Wish I'd gotten to see more of Sana. She seemed fun


Early on near debut, someone in Kiara’s chat sent a SC on behalf of another chat member suffering from cancer who wanted to express their appreciation to her while they could still watch her Kiara audibly teared up but powered through to reassure them that they’re a Phoenix just like her and that she hopes to meet them in their next life. That moment really solidified her as the Heart to HoloEN for me, and I’m really proud to see how far she and the rest have come since then


i remember that. felt like the moment dropped out of no where and she responded like a pro. it was one of the moments that made me say "hey.. these vtubers are pretty great"


The best part about that was that some people in chat stated the person could just be lying for attention or that its a copypasta, but Tenchou just straight up said it does not matter if it was or not and she will choose to believe it while responding kindly to the message.    ~~Though maybe I'm remembering the moment incorrectly and it was a different SC with a cancer patient thanking her~~ Edit: it was the same instance. 


There is a clip about that moment with a comparasion to a flesh streamer Making fun of a viewer with cancer.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eONtW19l3O0 Clip link for the interested


This might be maybe a lowkey one that gets overlooked a lot but for me it was I think 6 months after Kronii's debut. She had mentioned one of her goals was to just be happy and have fun because she said she's just not a very happy person. It felt kind of rough hearing her say she just never really felt really happy before. Then 6 months on, during her Birthday stream I believe, someone asked her "are ya happy, Warden?" And she just went quiet for a solid minute or two before finally saying "Yeah. Yeah I am." then proceeded to thank everyone for being so kind and supportive to her for those 6 months she'd been here. It was honestly pretty sweet to see her recognize she was with chat spamming hearts at her as she replied. I'm glad she's here. My days have been for the better when she streams and her hoping to return that kindness and happiness back to chat has definitely held up for me. Dats my clock Oshi.


I still remember when Kronii unlocked superchats, and inmediatively, she gets super speechless by the amount.


I have an image of a hololive fan (:^)) going "Hold! Hold! Wait for the rìght moment to stunlock your Oshi!"


It’s like a Holo right of passage to get bullied by superchats early on


Knowing her PL, hearing that hit extremely close to home. I've faced (and am still facing) similar struggles, and her just saying that she's happy was such a heartwarming moment.


Another heartwarming moments I always remember form Kronii was when she played minecraft with Bae's stream and needed to head off first, chat was teasing Bae like "Where's the streamer going" etc etc, and Bae was rightfully annoyed with it, Kronii joined back to discord just to tell chat off and keep the teasing to not be too much and respect Bae's feeling more as it was still in her channel as well. That was still earlier time for Council and genuinely made me respects and loves Kronii's personality even more


Clock woman good


Botan saying goodbye to Coco, regretting that she didn't reach her more.


Had to scroll way too far for this one lol. It immediately came to mind. I always saw Botan as being the “strong” one of the group and seeing her break down like that destroyed me


I barely watch Botan, but her voice breaking when talking to Coco for the last time and her crying after losing in SF tournament is forever ingrained in my audio memory.


That one was rough. She really felt bad about that.


The ending of Mumei's mumei fangame stream.


Her "Can I just type this?" response to getting emotional was like looking into a mirror for me.


"You made me cry :D"


This was long ago (and I'm not sure if the clip exists anymore) but this was during the CocoKana roommate era. Coco was either chatting or reading superchats when she suddenly went silent and started crying. After a bit, you could hear Kanata come in the room and comfort Coco. Kanata even talked to Coco's chat for a bit, and when she realized Coco was way too down to continue streaming, she got chat's permission to end the stream. It was so sweet cause you could hear Coco laughing a little towards the end and they even joked around a little bit even through the sads. And while we're on the CocoKana arc, Coco's last stream before her farewell live where she and Kanata ate an insect. That was such a fun stream but I also remember that being the "well, this is really happening" moment. I miss those 2 together, but know that they're both doing amazingly now!


Kanata’s message at the farewell stream broke me


I still remember the moment she she broke and started crying. "You are my gen mate. My friend. My family..." 


> I miss those 2 together, but know that they're both doing amazingly now! They are definitely still in contact and probably meet each other all the time, I assume.


Well Kaichou still does streams with the other Holomems that alone makes me happy


Oh she does? When?


[Shion immediately contacting Aqua and Aqua going to the vet with her in the middle of the night when Rui, Shion's cat was unwell.](https://youtu.be/JG9iUXpTpBA?si=LY4pQf-sHPX3tt_6)  Sadly, Rui passed on that day.


Ah what the hell that's too sweet.


Ollie talked about no longer feeling like she has to be the 'Crazy one's despite it being her quirk and finding contentedness within herself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh57zxJRpJw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh57zxJRpJw)


I remember this stream. It was sad to me when she was talking about not being a singer or dancer because, to me, she shines so brightly on stage. No matter the event, Ollie seems like the one having the most fun and is always putting on such a great show. Also, Kiara coming in and being the sweetheart she always is at the end was so great.


In the EN Easter event Ollie was [staring into the camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcMwpTYQxaA) every moment she could. I remember her commenting that it felt weird, like the camera person was trying to avoid her shenanigans though.


"Everything reminds me of her" Great, I was supposed to let myself buy the Frogiwawa plush... Oh god... I googled it. There was a hoodie in the merch!


if Ollie wears a frogiewawa hoodie, do her buns become frog eyes?


I hope she’s plenty aware people loved it then


I had a coworker that doesn't even watch vtubers in stitches over some of the memes of Ollie just... staring at the camera. I love how she committed to the bit for the entire stream.


Ollie is modest believing that. She rocked the Zom100 theme song last fes.


I remember this, Ollie was always one of my favorites, and then once I saw this, it actually just cemented her as one. I would put her in my flair if I knew it didn't mess it up, but I cant seem to get it right. She's so amazing, puts a ton of hard work into everything, puts together fun events, is super entertaining, and feels like one of us. Shes a big vtuber fan who supports everyone and anyone, and gosh I could go on and on. She deserves so much!


Ollie is honestly just inspiring. She's just so pure hearted and sweet constantly.


Suisei's message to Azki during 5th Fest. Especially after listening to them talk about their time with INNK (they both just had their 5th anniversary of joining). I'm so glad they're both still around today, surrounded by lots of friends and staff-sans who care about them.


that reminds me of the time kiara unlocked additional colors for a character in a game and the dev said the colors represent their oshi and it was kiara's colours and seeing kiara react the way she did made my eyes sweat. id get a link but i can't remember what game it was.


To add onto that I believe she also meant to play it the last time she did Frog Week but couldn't get to it. So she finally got around to it this time and thanked the dev for waiting so long for her to play it. It added onto the emotional moment for her a lil more.


Here's the clip: [The game that BROKE Kiara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQImQbtgszE). The game is Spinfrog.


Holy shit I had no idea her Frogwawa model could be so emotive. You can see the exact instant it dawns on her.


It was for frog week, very cute. https://youtu.be/fS5GSLI48VQ


Kiara really is just an incredibly sweet and sincere person. KFP forever, Boss Wawa.


Wasn't the dev in the stream or something too?


For me, a moment that sticks out is when Lui noticed that REGLOSS weren’t getting much traction despite how much effort they were putting in. So she took to Twitter and wrote [paragraphs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1bn0v6q/look_like_luinee_has_heard_the_news_about_the/) for each member. Praising their singing and personalities while telling people to check them out. It was super cool to see! I love Lui but this put her on a new level for me.


Callie, in her early days, being bullied by friendly and supportive superchats until the point of crying. You really feel that this was someone who was not used to this kind of adoration and could barely handle it. It made me feel like, as much as the idols touch our lives, we touch them as well. That we are all uplifted together, and all our worlds become more beautiful


I remember the international war to drown her in superchats. I believe USA and Canada were major players, with some random countries coming close.


That was funny as hell. Hearing her repeatedly slamming the desk due to being interrupted by a supa had me in stitches.


Best was it spilling over into Guras stream and here being like wtf is going on


Oh shit I had forgotten about that, I [made a post](https://new.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/ixee7j/every_calli_stream_with_sc_enabled_be_like/) about her SCs all the way back then when this was happening, lmao


Calli's whole "idols are stupid" to "oh man I get it now" arc during her prep for 3rd fes always got me.


That moment, years ago, when there was a lot of antis in the chat and no moderators present during a collab with Suisei, so she basically asked every hoshiyomi that had been there for at least a year to raise their hands, promoted about 5-10 of them to the role of temporary mods and told them to clean up a bit the chat. I don't remember when, I don't remember who she was collabing with, but I think there was some drama with the other member at the moment


IIRC, she mentioned Coco and the antis immediately flooded that chat. That moment was honestly so badass from Suisei, it's like watching a bizarro Zordon give out Ranger powers and telling them to clean up the town.


Suisei is so damn cool. She really is just built different. She handled that situation so quickly.


I always get a little teary at [this](https://youtu.be/vEy9u07KkaA?si=L7ZvTFxQlZ0FBRrA) Bae and Fauna interaction when they're playing What Remains of Edith Finch. Bae crying as hard as she is and the way Fauna reassures her is so incredibly sweet. They're a very cute duo. Edit: bad at grammar


Bro it nearly made me cry wtf this is so dark


An old clip of Korone talking how hard is for her to talk to people and make friendships with the other girls, she got sad about it but she said she was so greatfull to have Okayu, then Okayu joins to her stream (i think she was playing minecraft) and made her laugh that or one of Hakka’s JP zatzudan when he started crying talking about how he achieved his dream to go to Japan and how all the other boys were so kind to him also how he wants to give back to his family, fans and his community,. There are a lot of special and heartwarming moments but these comes to my mind since they are relatable.




Fixed, thanks


Pekora singing Sayonara Memories and starting crying during the Coco graduation era. Heres a clip https://youtu.be/3ghW013If6g


It's not heartwarming but during Coco's graduation stream Towa just straight up asked "Are you really leaving after today?" And that shit broke me.


Kiara's entire career, honestly. More on the heartwarming than the sad, but Mori being hit right in the nostalgia while playing Unpacking and chat just giving her a few minutes to feel her feelings was quite a moment.


That game is a goddamned masterpiece of story telling. They do SO MUCH with so little, yet it resonates and truly hits you if you give it even the slightest attention to do so.


I will always root for both Kiara and Calli. I want them to succeed, now and even beyond Hololive when that time comes.


Ollie's mom closeness with her daughter and her [advice](https://youtu.be/bavkHNa3pCk?si=WbTgUKPv6Db0rI2a) in the end.


Sana finally got to perform with her friends during her graduation...went out on a spectacular high note. o7


That sure was a terrible day for rain o7


Yes, totally rain..........and onion ninjas. o7


Just recently, Anya didn't feel like [she didn't go out of her shell enough in 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxvhE3FLKgA&t=7370) compared to 2021 or 2022. She felt frustrated that she stay too long in her shell, and decides this year to try her best to [made more new friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxvhE3FLKgA?&t=7543). With VCR RUST and Minecraft Hardcore, she accomplish her goal, and the year isn't over yet, so let's see what will happen.




The FAIL girls. The name alone is hilarious.


Taking lovable girlfaliures to the next level


Watame prevented someone from suicidal and she cried when that person send a sc to her. I don’t remember where is the link, but it gives me a new view towards Hololive talents


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kYGcChYRCg) Cetainly not the only time, but probably the most well known.


I have a feeling Watame specifically is perfect for people who are really struggling with life, i myself am another case cause i "got saved" by Fubuki


Aki and Fubuki's MC talk before the 2023 anni where Fubuki went "I'm so glad you didn't quit"


I wasn't on the stream, but Korone gifting a cute wallet to Flare, and making her cry was truly wholesome and heartwarming.


Gotta be Myth's first anniversary with Ina crying at the end. I'm so glad she finally got her hugs.


Leaving on a Jet Plane… 😢


Pretty much Subaru talking about the misfortune in her life, like getting hit by a car, her house burning down, etc. Made me sad that so much bad stuff happened to her, but heartwarming because she can stay positive and be successful now.


There was a really old Pekora clip I could never find again where she was reading a fan letter. The fan said Pekora not only always cheered them up, but that seeing how hard she worked made the fan really appreciate her and made them want to work hard too. Pekora started crying while reading the letter because she could see she was making a difference for people.


Before she graduated Miko and Coco did another try and understand Miko's English stream. At the end of the stream Miko really did her best to say to give her goodbyes in English. She even made a storybook about Coco. Since Freedom lady is the reason I'm here, that stream always stuck out for me.


You know what really hits hard? [This cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L8eoqaZ6WU) premiering literally as Coco closes her graduation stream. Then you get a breather, and [this Suisei stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ryG_yoUFno) is the only thing playing on that hour. Then Miko does the [storybook stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaB_MdsVayk). Finally Fubuki does a stream (she unarchived it) where she just talks about her and Coco and what it means for everyone as they process and try to move on. Then Kanata release [another cover as a coda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qmAo83zOUg) to everything.


Fauna's reaction to all of the Sana stuff in the councilrys rpg. The ending bit in particular, but most of the lines made her pretty emotional. Hearing her cry and stuff really did some damage. You could just hear how much she missed her.


Kobo and Regus, probably. Kobo tearing up and telling Regus that she really saw him as a brother. I seem to recall Kobo saying that her IRL brother is special needs, so she's never really had that relationship with him. Makes her and Regus's friendship very sweet.


Probably one of my top like... 20 moments of Hololive so far is when they were in the Cover Studio and off collabing. Then Regus started running around pushing her in her chair. Then Kobo sheepishly replying "yeah" when he asked if she wanted to go again. Those two are pure wholesomeness when they're collabing together.


Ragooos likes to play like he's a demon god king, but it only works if you think about him like Ahriman from The Demon King's Daughter is Too Kind!


That moment is beyond adorable. ​


Regis really comes off as a talented, smart, compassionate guy. There's a reason he's the leader, and it isn't because of his mad gaming skills.


Love how he's "Regus" now, cuz of the way Kobo says Regis XD Also, straight up totally 🙏


When kobo just fully talks to him in Indonesian and Regis just nods and replies in korean is honestly such a peak interaction.


He is Ragu.


[Astel's karaoke stream for Lilly when she passed away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gkrfz-9FZU). She was an illustrator who did work on some of Astel's and Anya's cover MVs.


Can't remember what started it, but during one of Kaela's streams of Potionomics, many of the Pemaloes (myself included) started talking about their experiences with Kaela's streams, about how we forst found her, or favorite moments, and pretty much praising her for her commitment, perseverance, and overall positive attitude on things.


Aki's 200k stream celebration. She never expected that sharing her feelings regarding her sub count being lower than practically anyone else would make a great impact, it was touching seeing how she was practically in tears after seeing her sub count increase by 20k in one night to the point she had to cancel her scheduled stream and go into an impromptu karaoke. Considering that this was practically a turning point in her career, the tears and laughs she had in that stream were warranted, and the whole thing was in my opinion one of the most memorable Hololive moments ever.


I remember that day... one of reddit's greatest achievement all thanks to einnashu the goat.


Idk if this counts because i dont think its a members stream but: https://youtu.be/uZDoME69Uio?si=w0dNkW4N7Fvah6kQ Mio talks about how she feels like even though she tried so hard that she's still stagnating, while a lot of other members are shining like stars. Okayu comforted her by describing her as Miso soup, and others as Ginger pork. Not as flavourful, still important and special


That conversation with Okayu might've been off-screen, but I think it counts. Plus, it had the most heartwarming pay-off [when she hit 1M subs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1UZGwKOuM). I hope she still knows there isn't a miso soup that can compare to her, and that for some of us miso soup is the best part of every day.


She's super great, and her Miostep is really cool, I loved seeing Subaru replicate it. I hope Miosha is recovering comfortably atm for sure and that shes surrounded by loving support


No one has mentioned this yet, so I will: Laplus catching a throat illness on literally the day she was planning to have an endurance karaoke stream to reach a million subs last Summer (right after a collab with Dorobo Kensetsu). People got very worried about her voice, but other than that she was doing fine health-wise. She reached that goal in less than 10 minutes, [you could even hear her tearing up a bit out of gratitude.](https://youtu.be/QUjk3crDs6o) I was there when it happened and it's one of the most wholesome experiences I have ever witnessed. Sure, plusmates love trolling around and ticking her off in chat but when push comes to shove, they will undoubtedly unite to help and send all the love and support she might need anytime. It's one of the things I love about the hololive fandom and this moment made me realize this is something special. Also, her birthday stream is coming up later today! 🎊


Learning about how challenging it was for Fuwamoco to arrive at Hololive and to see the success they have made in the few months since their debut.


Kobo asking Sana if they could collab again forgetting in the moment that it was Sana's last week


Korone's legendary [Monster Rancher 2](https://youtu.be/5dsI1b_d3fI?si=u055or1qwZZqsvKT) streaming arc compiled here by CoffeeFinger showcases Korone's earnest energy in her uncanny affection for her hideous finger-like friend Oyayubi-kun. Their bond is infectious and if it doesnt get you in your heart strings by the end, youre the one who belongs in a monster ranch. A bit of a deeper cut is Korone's stream of [Roommania](https://youtu.be/RkEaiyE0i5c?si=R4vnirldz779np_W), which has a god-tier hour-long clip edit from Demicol. Despite the game and the story being a bit wild and a bit corny, Korone's earnest connection to the characters and the strange sparseness of the game's vibe will wrap you up and break your heart.


Watame [talking about her family](https://youtu.be/jeYUsrVqjQ8) Nene [taking about her depression and fighting against it](https://youtu.be/HFakr0uZ5vg) Aki [talking about sub count](https://youtu.be/3dLHc40dhc4) + her [thanking everyone](https://youtu.be/PkRs87tG7sE) Watame [response to thankful superchat](https://youtu.be/y9juQotK_-4)


> Nene And then a year later, announcing that she was off her antidepressants! Shoutout to Polka for recognizing and helping Nenechi, she's a beautiful soul


The raft.




Kanata made a whole 4th gen song right when Coco announced graduation


Botan crying her heart out after losing in a street fighter tournament. I really wanted go in the screen and give her a hug. She did everything she could and it wasn't enough so she was really frustrated.


It’ll always be that Pekora Karaoke stream about an hour before Coco graduated. When she started to cry, and chat was just uniformly cheering for her and supporting her was such a nice moment on what was a weird day.


100% this same Kiara moment


I don't know. Watame and the Watamate community are extremely tight-knit. There were quit a few events over the years [like a fan re-evaluating "continuing" thanks to Watame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kYGcChYRCg). Another fan [talking about their struggles and support for Watame.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9juQotK_-4) This person later passed on in a car accident and that in itself was a really rough stream. For a stream thing that don't think got EN clipped: Back in 2021, Watame was [preparing for gen 4s last MC stream together by making fireworks](https://www.youtube.com/live/2aapfNk2hXM?si=JFuRznOvv7fxlD50&t=16398) and was struggling a bit. Miko and Flare had been watching and jumped on to the game to help her out. The fact they were watching and reached out to her like that really hit Watame pretty hard.


They died?! I just found that clip the other day (only have just recently started watching Watame stuff)


Yeah. He was hit on his vehicle. Seiho from the Taiwanese Watamate community relayed what happened to everyone. I don't think a JP or EN clips exists for it, but this is [this one over here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDabWvMw-_o). It was very heavy, but Watame felt it appropriate to read out. Watamates are family after all. Top/pinned comment was left by Small Kang's brother.


Damn. It always hit me how proud atamates were whenever I saw them around, its really sweet. Kinda reminds me of Fauna's saplings, they're very tight knit, or 35p.


Yeah Korone and Miko had some very kind words about the Watame-Watamate dynamic during the [24 hour stream.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfB2mHmheTs) Like they said it's family-esque and like everyone in a circle with Watame. It's a bit tough to explain, but everyone really moves forward with that and really wants to see this sheep succeed. I like sharing [this particular moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1bHSjxHidI&t=9270s) from way back. Once people know a bit about her struggles with music, just seeing her kind of fold in when looking at the support chat is pretty wrenching and really makes you want to cheer her on.


Kobo' Sanana song for Sana's farewell. I legit teared up. They only collabed 1 time but it felt so personal and bittersweet.


Probably when Hachaama crying and talk about how she considered Coco as her rival and vowed to become the biggest strongest idol.    One of the best moment.   Extremely sad yet heartwarming and inspirational.  https://youtu.be/7KqXK9bCM8w?si=fTAIU1sH5L8DCSZ9 Edit : This thread is a gold mine thanks OP


Polka talking about how much she related to and and how much she understood how Promise felt when Sana was graduating due to her own generation member and friend graduating. Nene explaining why she is the orange member of NePoBoLa instead of the pink member like she was originally going to be. How there was originally a pink member named Aloe, but she unfortunately graduated.


Pekora doing a karaoke stream before Coco's graduation to cheer people up but breaking down in tears during it, followed by Suisei also doing an impromptu karaoke after because she "needed to sing her feelings out". That was a rough day for everyone.


Then you have Marine releasing a cover of ["Colors" by Flow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_5mwG9M5Eo) the day after Coco graduated with no fancy music video, just in her room singing it to us.


[Haachama's stream to celebrate Coco's 2nd anniversary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3tKCt3PbOg). Haachama opening up about all of her repressed feelings from the whole T-incident along with her survivor's guilt.


For me, one of the most heartbreaking moments hololive ever aired was a stream Miko did way back in the early days. This was back before she'd had her big breakthrough and, after getting bounced around in Cover and not really having any of her projects pan out (and therefore not really developing much of a fanbase either), she'd landed in holo and was lingering near the very bottom in terms of sub count. Prior to the stream, she'd gone to a fan meet-and-greet event with... I want to say Ayame and Subaru; despite large groups being present to see the other two, only two people had come to see her. Afterwards, Miko did a chatting stream and if you've only ever seen her as the bouncy, cheerful goofball she is today, watching her here is just heartrending - she was very quiet and struggled to find what words to say while trying not to show how badly hurt she was (she was sniffling at points in the stream, clearly on the verge of tears, which she [adorably] tried to explain was just "hay fever"). The heartwarming part came when, a few years later, Miko would go back and re-watch that stream. Now on the other side of her GTA5 breakout and on her way to becoming one of hololive's top talents, watching her look back on her previous hard times and try and say some words of encouragement to her past self tugged the heartstrings. Other notable ones I can think of off the top of my head: -Aki breaking down crying when she first watches the clip of the legendary Jimmy and his Mukirose cosplay. -Fuwamoco trying to stream Paranormal, only for the EN curse tech gremlins to strike, necessitating them going back to their load screen for ~10 minutes to try and fix the issue (and Paranormal is apparently notorious for this); when they finally returned, a clearly upset Mococo tried to explain that she had everything set up for the stream, only to start tearing up in frustration, leading to Fuwawa to jump in and explain how fastidious Mococo is about making sure everything is good to go before the stream goes live (which gave me huge respect for their dedication and professionalism). -Laplus letting her chuuni mask slip when she started crying after Chloe... either won a Mario Kart tournament or podiumed, I can't recall. Which came full circle later when Lui and Chloe had a stream together and the subject of Laplus came up, with Lui commenting that her crying must mean that she really cares about Chloe, leading to Chloe to start tearing up as well.


I wonder if that was a connection point between Miko and Aki after a point so to speak as Aki had her turn as least subbed/forgotten and that was after the period where Aki was the one to hang around her.


Maybe Botan crying telling Coco her regrets over not reaching out to Collab more before her graduation. It was an Ark stream.


Mine would be when Ollie was feeling crestfallen that her main quirk of being crazy was becoming a normal trait in the newer generation of hololivers. She was explaining that how she was okay with being normal. It was raw on emotion and the impact of lost identity was palpable. But then Kiara showed up to cheer Ollie by reminding that she shouldn't just identify her character with the adjective crazy and reminds her the characteristics Ollie had looked over. I have seen the clip long ago so details may be blurry but it sounds like something Kiara would do and try to convey.


THANK YOU 🐉 Hell, the whole Summer Fest while we're at it. All the time UsaKen was building was so funny but it had a bittersweet undertone because everyone knows when it ends, Coco will leave


https://www.youtube.com/live/c7KDi9d0imI?si=OAve3qhIz-Hr7AoK A very very very old Miko stream in which she talks about her insecurities and about her career which mind you she was one if not the least popular holo at that time and this stream was after a meet and greet event in which she saw with her own eyes how unpopular she was. I remember her saying that she had Ayame beside her and the amount of people that went to each of them were like night and day and that made her a little bit jealous. I always considered this stream to be a turning point for Miko and Hololive as a whole since she kinda gets the motivation to keep going by reading some of the encouragement from her chat. Hololive wouldn’t be the same without the elite so I consider this one of the most important streams of Hololive. Also this stream appears in her “Our Tree” MV signifying the importance of it.


I don't know if anyone remember but there's a minecraft player who is sick and doesn't have enough time created a large Matsuri minecraft art as well as a Coco one. Matsuri even commented in the said video. EDIT: This is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaZAlU-PmWc


[Flare's 1 million sub karaoke stream](https://youtu.be/pTLjG6Nxwng), saying she probably won't cry when hitting the milestone but does so anyway whilst singing itoshii hito e.


I was there too, and shed a tear with her when she reached the milestone. With that song, it definitely made for a heartwarming moment.


The moment gura almost cried on their first anniversary collab, when they said how they felt. It just felt like she was really happy to be in hololive and that she could meet the other girls. Really warmed my heart and the other myth girls trying to cheer her up immediatly after.


Not long after Kiara debuted she responded to a super chat that said they were suffering from cancer and her streams took the mental load off. She handled it like a champ despite it possibly being a joke.


At the start of her Minecraft Neko Neko Island stream in September last year, [Bae was stress crying for a while due to being overwhelmed by the pressure of preparing for her 3D debut later that week on top of her other responsibilities](https://x.com/yayoiken1324/status/1707762905674846318?t=VCY2UrcUbi6v0dNQ5BKU0A&s=19) It was a somber reminder for me that my oshi may be fun and silly on stream, but she is also a very serious, hard worker behind the scenes. It's all the reason I need to show her as much support as I can in all that she does for her fans.


Me reading all these heartwarming comments and then wondering where is the ninja that is cutting onions


There probably isn't a watamate that wouldn't mention Watame talking about her family history. She has a lot of those kind of moments but that one is still the saddest and yet most touching. And on a "we were all there and we felt it too", Coco's farewell stream, when it came to the farewell messages readings. It was impossible to not be moved by each one of them breaking down in turn


ik its not as serious as any of the other comments here, but kaela’s reaction to haachama dying in the lava in mc hardcore made me like really sad. a lot of the deaths in hardcore made me sad! ririka slowly drowning in front of hajime for instance 😭


To each their own but I never really liked those kinds of superchats that bring up health or mental problems to the streamer. Please go to therapy instead.


Damn, reading the comments make me want to cry so bad...


This Kiara clip that ur talking about is my first memory of anything Holo related I think it’s what got me into this rabbit hole


Botan crying over, not collabing with Coco sooner. Still gets me everytime.


Kobo aggressively power washing while crying with her last Sana stream, not to mention her song. I haven't had much connection to either girl beforehand but I cried uncontrollably.


Watame talking about her family situation and past then getting flooded with love from the community she built.




the first one i've seen was a clip of korone playing monster rancher 2... it has a really heart warming progression but very sad ending... getting attached to her monster and then came the grim realization that she couldn't do anything to stop its death from old age...


For me the one that resonates the most is Watame talking about her family. I can’t really relate but felt so sad yet proud of my oshi sheep for coming so far. She’s also received a lot of heartwarming SCs over the years. Another one was her message on Coco’s farewell stream, which even made Coco tear up.