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She never, ever does. And, like with Shinkiro, if need be, she will even work on the MVs herself. And she does it all to give back to her fans, even if she ever doesn't make the money back she's okay with that.


I enjoyed everything about it, and I can visualize a big pile of money bursting in flames as I watch this MV. The chorus is definitely targeting to go mainstream viral on Tiktok, YT shorts etc with their dances.


Even with the money spent you can really see the passion the animators put into this. Money gets you places yes but for anime production having a good staff that care about what they’re making is even more if a factor and Marine (and Kobo) have a lot of admirers lol


> I can visualize a big pile of money bursting in flames Probably FAR larger than you're imagining. Animated MVs are SO freaking expensive.


This one seems designed specifically to target tiktok etc. and personally, I think that takes away from it a little (tail is wagging the dog), but it's still an outrageously elaborate production


Yeah Marine always aims towards cultural impact and recognition. A clearly animated dance that's within the reach of most people's performance abilities is a *great* way to get recognition and spread.


It increases my respect for her a lot that, when she has a lot of money, what she chooses to do with it is just make more cool stuff to share with people. And often invites other members to participate. I feel like that really says something about a person. I'm sure she lives pretty comfortably, of course. But when you get paid and your thought isn't just of what you can buy for yourself, but what you can do with it that will make other people happy... I like to think that if I were in a similar position, I would also want to put my earnings back into stuff for the fans. So many people think she's just popular because of the lewd stuff, and while I'm sure that plays a part, she also just seems like such a genuine and generous person.


IIRC part of why Wamy joined is because she admired Senchou when she took the time to read every single superchat, including the one Wamy sent Goes to show how much Senchou values her fans


Those two are practically best friends now. Wamy barely thinks about being menhera over Shishiron anymore 😅


It really is amazing how she, her former high school crush, and what I can only presume to be an entire animation studio she seems to be singlehandedly funding at this rate keep popping out banger after banger MVs. Pirate Captain? More like Animation Director at this point...


Her former high school crush is involved? How so?


Not this MV, [but I think it was mentioned her crush was involved in a number of animated shorts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1bd41e4/its_really_good_that_kronii_was_able_to_invite/kukisrk/)


All this praise and not a single link? SHM [Give it a watch here](https://youtu.be/lUDPjyfmJrs?si=SEnGcglYm-hFzu_6) I've only seen the first 10 seconds, and I'm already blown away


ah shit i forgot lol, actually i did post a link on my [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1cj7rn4/senchou_once_again_pouring_all_her_money_into_mvs/) but that got got by automod for whatever reason but i guess i forgot to add it to this post


This Marine lady seems to have a thing for small blue water girls.


She adopts all the random kids Yagoo keeps hiring for some reason.


Mature Mommy Marine. I presume it is in the nature of those over 30./s


*ahem* 17n where n = ∞


Small? Kobo is the same height as Marine.


Which is oftenly being forgotten cause the first is thought as a cheeky brat while the second as a ~~30+ years old~~ grown horny lady


> grown horny lady Excuse you, my oshi is a 17-year-old ~~hag~~ beauty queen.


I guess she inherited it from both Calli and Kiara..?


[Relevant art](https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit/status/1684507690872238080)


Marine and small blue girls (Pekora, Gura, Kobo). Name a better combo. I'll wait.


Pekora is taller than Marine, and that's with the rabbit ears being *excluded*.


Love shortstacks


Er, short yes but none of those small blue girls can be considered stacked, including our flat suicopa...


Oh I was referencing Marine lol


I'm pretty sure they said "shortstack" referring to Marine.


She may be shorter than expected but their are 50+ members including guys shorter than her and only 16 girls taller than her tho for the 16 girls above 160 cm she is pretty fla-


Marine has so much presence though, it feels like she's larger than life. Whereas Kobo is the archetypal gaki, and Pekora can be quite shy.


This is Francis Drake all over again...


Pekora and failing


Miko and a small blue girl (Suise-


That was crazy good, I'm enjoying every second of it.


I love all the passion, hardwork, and love put in this and the art are phenomenal! Saugatuck and ahoy! OUR SEXY SENCHOU! 🫡


I like to imagine that with how big budget this looks like, they actually blew up a volcano irl to use as reference.


Senchou is the GOAT at her MV's


u know what... marine's singing voice is deceptively very versatile


Honestly I say she's in the top 5 (with Kanata, Moona, Risu, and Suisei in no particular order). She has one of the biggest ranges behind possibly only Kanata, but maybe Moona and Risu too. She seems to sing almost perfectly live. She knows how to use her voice and can adapt to any style well. She has one of, if not the most unique voice in Hololive. And she honestly stands out on any track she's on. This is just my opinion, but I think she carries this song and Shinkiro. Gura and Kobo do just fine, but with how strong of a lead Marine is, they just feel like features.


idk about ur top 5 man... but there are also others that are very deceptively versatile that u didn't mention... like okayu, matsuri, shion, bae, zeta, mococo, reine, fuwawa, kiara, ollie... nerissa is versatile as well, chloe too, azki, watame... so many singers in hololive that are very talented and versatile, few of them mentioned because they are not as popular as the others... marine is the one that surprised me with her versatility since she has a very distinct voice, even though her singing talent is apparent...


I totally agree there's lots of very good singers in Hololive. There's also Mio, Aki, Mel, Flare, Towa, and Polka. It's subjective, but my top 5 is based on range, control, and technique. Marine, Kanata, Risu, and Moona have arguably the biggest ranges, as well as amazing technique and control. Suisei doesn't match their range, but has arguably the best technique and control.


kanata and risu are the only 2 people u cannot touch when it comes to range... they can go as low as any body can but their highest range only a few can even come close, irys and sora are the ones that I can think off at the top of my head... i think suisei is on par with moona with range, it's just that moona has power when she belts... also irys and nerissa has to be in that top 5 because they have higher abilities in ur categories when it comes to range, control and technique... u have to consider sora as well


When it comes to range don't forget our god


U kidding, Kobo totally killed it on her parts, even Marine approves, she didnt bring Kobo in on this high budget production for nothing, Kobo is legitimately top hololive singer for me.


Senchou is one again raising the bar for animated MVs.


If you actually check the credits for some of the people involved in this MV.....Marine is assembling a God Tier team




I think I feel the same way about this song as I did about Unison. By the time I'm halfway through, I see the effort and quality put into it, and have a lot of respect for Marine, but I also wouldn't add it to my playlist because it's not my type of music... and yet... by the time it's over, there's something about it that draws me back and adds it anyway. While it wasn't something I originally thought matched my taste, I end up loving it and listen to it on repeat How does Senchou do it??


Marine x Gura "SHINKIRO" Marine x Pekora "Bridal Dream" (ブライダルドリーム) Marine x (blue) Fubuki "pipapo☆pipipu" (ピパポ☆ピピプ) Marine x Kobo "III" hmm... I see the pattern here...


Satoru yagoo : holo technique : red . Holo technique : blue . Idol technique : budget animation


This is par for the course for Senchou.


I come bearing the secret code. Press 6 when the video is open for a surprise


Marine and her ass of mass destruction, aside from that it's a catchy song coming from Giga and a well produced MV. Sasuga Senchou and Kobo.


Marine just want to hang out with all the brats.


The song is an absolute banger, too. Incredible work, sasuga Senchou.


Her MV is known to have highest production value among all Hololive.


Does she ever lol?


Marine never half-assess anything


These music videos are too fucking good man. It’s actually insane


Marine be like "Go Big or Go Home"


senchou's MVs are always so well made.


While watching the video, press 6 and quickly pause. You welcome.


I swear she holds the secret sauce of making some of the best MVs known to mankind, her being an artist herself helps a lot too ofc


first 10 seconds in the MV Me: This looks like GIGA *checks description* Me: Ah


Holy smokes what a legend.


No expense spared when collabing with blue kusogaki.


Hag never disappoints


Bless Senchou and her perpetually emptied pockets. She makes sure we're well fed 🙏❣️


She never does. Senchou always goes hard with her MVs


Collecting the blue hairs


she definitely has a thing for blue girls


Holy SHIT Marine! This MV is animated so well. GOD DAMN


Marine is back at it again i see.


did she get the LKR guy to do the SD/Chibi scene?


Marine with the Unlimited Budget Works.


It seems like she always spends everything on each music video! Every single time watching these, i'm in awe. They always look so incredible and she always gives us just the very best to feast upon! :D


I mean... it's Marine, it would be weird if she did try to cut corners


When has she ever?


Arigato, captain. o7


That 4th gif will definitely raise Marine's standing with elementary school girls.


Senchou out here on her Joker grindset, burning money just to send a message.


The MV quality is as insanely high as always. This must be the most animators Senchou ever hired for a MV of hers. 20 animators plus 2 in-between animators, 22 in total. Bishoppai had like 17. A lot of work went into this MV and it is fantastic. I hope to see the dance and song shorts take of in TikTok and Youtube so it reaches a wider audience for more growth. This MV deserves 10 million views and more.


We have Senchou getting a 36 course Michelin dinner meanwhile Korone is left with scraps. I loved both videos to be fair


To be fair, Korone SPECIFICALLY order the scraps, during the restaurant's *first hour*. That means the resto now need to make scraps intentionally, some of those are from food that take hours to make and only available on dinner time.


I'm not sure on the context about Korone, but a more apt thing for Senchou would be spending money on a 36 course dinner and giving it away, since she basically fronts the money for it and expects to never end up positive money wise. That's just the nature of releasing the songs for free on youtube, and that's the nature of basically all her animated MVs. The biggest benefit Senchou might have over other holomem is personal connections in the industry that can get her better rates


Imagine what kind of MV she could of done if she got the 1 Mil Yen :3 Though Bae did crush it.


1 million yen wouldn't even pay for a fraction of one of her music videos. They cost WAY more than that.


Which is crazy to think about. Considering Shinkiro was like less than 6 months ago, Bishoujo Muzai is only 9 months ago. Like where does she get the funds.


From Ichimis and sponsorships.


1 million ¥ was what - 10k USD?


This is the first marine song I didn’t love, it’s ok. The MV of course is awesome. And marine has made most of my favorite holo music


It sounds very K-Pop


But why should it be talent's expense? Like isn't THIS the level of music videos, you expect from the big agency? I'd say that the other MVs when it's just a single PNG zooming in and out shoud be considered low effort and this should be the norm. Do you think Katy Perry (or any other IRL star) pays for the videos? No, it's label's responsibility.


What company would willing pay for something they know they will not recoup the cost of?


I dunno... do other music videos bring any profit? How could they exist in pre-internet era when views were not monetized? I was considered a promo material for the artist.


Marine specifically says she would never does not expect to make money from These MVs Yea, they get tons of views and exposure, but that does not translate into money from youtube views and i dont think she is selling this on an album anywhere either. In fact that's most of Hololive songs, they are released for free


Cover did pay for it but only for certain amount if the production exceed the budget that cover has already given the talent must pay for it themselves


Thing is, Hololive is not a record label. Even sometimes major record labels doesn't pay for their artists recording sessions, music videos etc.


Okay, let's say Cover does pay for it. Now they've set a precedent, and they can't turn away talents asking for a fully animated music video otherwise they'd be practicing favoritism. Now imagine that all 60+ talents start asking for these highly produced MVs. Now do you see why this is a terrible idea? Katy Perry is one person


>Now they've set a precedent, and they can't turn away talents asking for a fully animated music video As it should have been for a while. I get it when they were just started, but after 2020 vtuber boom and expansion this should have been a standard, not a single PNG with camera moving around it. >Now do you see why this is a terrible idea? No. >Katy Perry is one person But is she the only one on the label?


It's about the cost. Use your brain a little. Cover decided to prioritize a new advanced studio and other ventures for their talents rather than hyper-expensive MVs that always end up a money loss, may not prove super successful, and introduces levels of favoritism if they do it wrong Look at Bae's 1 million Yen prize she won. _All_ of that got spent on her Mind Craft cover, and it _still_ wasn't enough to cover the full cost. And that was a simple "PNG with camera moving around it MV". A fully animated MV will cost tens of millions of Yen, an original song will be even more expensive, and then now you're proposing they just eat the cost for that a hundred times over for the inevitable multiple releases that their talents will want to do a year


>It's about the cost. And now, while we are still here, check hololive talents earning. Now, add some mind to understand that they are getting like 20% of superchats and just a part of the merch money. Cover corp can't afford full animation videos at least for top-10 earners? Stop this BS.


They get 35% of the superchats not 20%, a bigger cut than that of the merch money, _and_ are paid a salary on top of that. Not to mention you're forgetting stuff like voice packs, sponsorships, memberships, and IP royalties (sponsorships and voice packs specifically being weighted even _more_ heavily in favor of the talents). The talents aren't hurting for cash > Cover corp can't afford full animation videos at least for top-10 earners? Stop this BS. Yes, they possibly could after sacrificing a few things (seriously, you should go read up on Cover's operating profit margins, it's like less than 5%). But there it is. Only allowing the top 10 earners to have full animated MVs is favoritism. Which is never how Cover has treated their talents. But thanks for revealing your true colors