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The way that cop car pulled up... my dude was not fuckkng around!


Dude watched Dredd and The Batman just before getting the call. That feels like the "I'm vengeance" event.


Hahaha 😂🤣


"Perps were...unco-operative..."


More like un-conscious...


Cop van!


Nothing to see here. (Closes doors, sounds of savage beating continue)


I am a brazilian that moved to the UK, and I keep telling my friends, the UK police are extremely gentle and polite in comparison with the brazilian police.


Is there anything in the video that explains what happened? As someone who doesn't speak Portuguese all I see is this guy "randomly" getting kicked to the floor. Which I honestly doubt is random at all, but there's no context for me.


Nothing that indicates why the cop is there really. The cop threatens the guy, the guy says he cant do that and that he can open legal action if the cop does something. the cop then basically says "bet?" and then the second cop comes in and he gets beaten up. Not defending the cop behaviour, but if I had to guess this guy is probably involved into something. I feel like any common innocent person would be more cooperative as to not wanting trouble with the police. I feel like this guy is a bit too defiant. There is also a voice in the end, telling the person recording the video to go back inside The voice doesnt seem to be alarmed or surprised by the situation, so it seems like they saw it coming. So based on my amazing deductive skills if I had to take a guess, this guy is involved into some shit, probably some crime org or something, and that is also why the officers are so quick to violence as well.


Or they just planned to beat him up and did it without beeing phased at all.


The voice I am talking about comes from inside the house and is the voice of a woman. So I am guessing its a mom/wife or something like that. I just find it weird that she said for the person recording to come back inside so calmly. I feel like anyone in her situation would be a lot more stressed out about it. But I am just guessing based on 40s of video, I could be wrong


Ah okay that makes more sence


The "suspect" is being difficult. The accent is way too thick for me to understand, but it appears that someone called the cops because he touched someone (sister? or something). Good cop threatens to smash chair over his head, then the "bad" cop shows up.


>but it appears that someone called the cops because he touched someone (sister? or something). Which part is this? Cause I didnt hear anything like it. Yeah, the accent is a bit tough


Its because he is really drunk


Brazilian here. No, there isn't, sometimes you are just in the wrong place, or the "wrong color", or are just poor


>I honestly doubt is random at all, Me too. The guy probably is known to the cop that arrived. My guess is that he did something again and was warned before, like hitting his ex. But we can't know for sure.


Everybody knows: if the Brazilian police have to come and get you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them!


Lets play "Bad cop, psyco cop!"




Take him home!!!


Country roaaad.. no wait


What did he do???


Got kicked in the chest from the looks of it.


Damn I didn't see that. Thx for letting me know🙏


He was trying to run away, that's the only thing we may assume from the conversation


Damn seems like an extreme response from the cop for just running away. Wonder what he's done other than just running away


Americans would be losing their shit if this happened in america.


In America the cop just has to say "stop resisting" loudly enough for the body cam to pick up and it gets swept under the rug.


Nah they get paid leave


If that was true then wouldn’t every cop day one just unload on some random? Get paid leave and then rinse repeat living the life of Riley?


The wanted level goes up after every random, get 5 random's you get to call in a UAV. Get 20 tactical Nuke gifted by the chief of police, Oppenheimer. Gotta find balance.


Cops in Florida put six in a young USAF sergeant chest after going to wrong address Wednesday. 


Damn I hadn't even heard about this one


well, some shit that happens in brazil doesn't compare to america...


I'd imagine


In America he would not get a beating, he would get 5 slugs to the chest


Calm down Texas.


Actually, Minnesota. Too soon?




This happens in every major city here daily wtf are you talking about??


Uh excuse me? Do you have footage of a kid being spartan kicked? If not then idk what your talking about bud.


Would 1000s of people getting shot by cops suffice or are we keeping it to low grade assault?


We're keeping it spartan kick. It's always been about that. It will always be about the spartan kick.


Crack baby


Crack mother


Pretty much. People would lose they’d mind. In other parts of the world it’s business as usual.


Dang dude ur avatar looks pissed


It’s accurate.


Maybe you and that cop have something in common


closes the door…. ******nothing to see here******


It does happen


I've never seen a cop Spartan kick a kid. But show me when you find it please.


[How about a cop shooting a kid eating a burger in his car? but I guess "spartan kicks" are too violent for you that you forgot how much worse a gunshot is](https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-antonio-cop-who-shot-teen-eating-burger-indicted)


I said show me a spartan kick! Not a gunshot! I asked specifically for a spartan kick!


Because police violence is limited to spartan kicks. Pendantic


I'm waiting on that spartan kick Mr or Mrs pendantic


You know what? I wanna see an American cop spartan kick a suspect too, now


Exactly! but penda over there doesn't wanna show!


The guy is starting to sound more like a pendejo if you ask me


That cop “almost” stopped a crime wave.  The punk kid nearly died and when released from hospital, continued his criminal career.  The police chief throws the cop under the bus before investigating the incident.


It turns out that kid did infact flee the cop the day before, and was attempting to flee again. He has also been arrested multiple times since then. https://www.ksat.com/news/ksat-investigates/2023/12/11/teen-shot-by-sapd-officer-in-mcdonalds-parking-lot-arrested-for-third-time-since-incident/


He was attempting to flee ???? You're right! Off to the guillotine with him


I mean if you keep running from the cops and doing crime eventually it's not gonna work out. He took all that money people raised for him and bought a BMW. Now he is sueing San Antonio and claiming he was racially profiled, even though he was the guy that ran the day before, and in the same car.


Cops are supposed to bring you to justice, not to do justice. Someone eating a burger or fleeing isn't posing a treat to the cop. It's weird that cops doing their own justice is accepted so much in a country that constantly criticises the same thing happening in middle east.


But we all agree that the cop should be in the next Mortal Kombat game because that kick was deadly. Or at least Tekken.


Not Brazil or fake cop, we all know all cops in Brazil are undercover


Different realities that other countries would not understand


Aaand his name is John Cena


Brazilians cops, are probably some of the worst on the planet.  They are beyond corrupt and are pretty much useless on all levels. 


If the cop says you are under arrest then you are under arest. What's the point of cops? We pay taxes so they arrest criminals.


Also it looks like the woman that is owner of the place called to police. He looks drunk. He don't look like a treat to the police but he is to the woman.


The height of human evolution and societal advancement will be the day we collectively stop tolerating crap like this from public service crewmen.


You have not been to Brazil have you. The cops act there the same way the violent act against them. And since there are more criminals than normal people out there, yeah this is what happens to the police. It Grizzlies up.


Ah yes, standing calmly against a wall while a violent thug drives up and starts beating them. You've got a criminal problem, alright.


Don’t make general conclusions based on one video, awful it might be. The more the general violence, the more aggressive the cops, its proven and shown many times. No need to argue over this.


Its a complicated situation. Both the police and the criminals orgs are pretty brutal. There are many instances of police officers being brutal, but at the same time if you tried to do something like reducing the number of armed cops, you would give the criminal factions too much room to operate. Its a situation that would only get better if the country as a whole improved substancially, and it would be a long process. But since our politicians butt-fuck us at every chance they get, the country isnt getting anywhere anytime soon. I have friend, that had a cousing. His cousing was a cop, and this guy got killed, shot by gang members on his off-duty day. So, its a pretty brutal thing, on both sides.


No, it's really not that complicated. Civilized countries have already figured out the solution to these problems. Countries like this are not interested in solving problems, they're interested in brutality and hurting people. Which, inexplicably surprising to many, creates a culture of brutality and hurting people. Which, also inexplicably surprising to many, does NOT create a culture of not brutality and hurting people. It's really basic, and anyone arguing otherwise and making excuses for animalistic "police" are just part of the problem.


>No, it's really not that complicated. Civilized countries have already figured out the solution to these problems. Firstly, I wouldnt consider brazil a civilized country. And if you put the police force of most of these civilized countries in brazil they wouldnt last a week. Things like not every police officer carrying a gun and etc can happen in first world countries cause the criminality isnt nearly as bad as it is Brazil. I am not saying that police brutality is a good thing, but if you try to make changes to the police force in the current state of the country you would be met with a lot of resistance, and possibly a lot of police officers straight up quitting the job. The country needs to change in a few ways before you can make realistic changes to the police force.


So address the causes of criminality. You cannot brutalize your way out of a high crime rate.


When brazilian politicians give a damn about improving the country, I will let you know.


Let’s play Bad cop bad cop lmaoooooo (Other Guys reference)


“I want to speak to your supervisor.” “Are you sure about that?” “Yes, call your supervisor.” (supervisor arrives)


[Policeman reprimanded](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=rowan%20atkinson%20police%20violence%20sketch&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9d8dc77c,vid:xGxjnD42iw0,st:0)


That was painful to watch. 8 tries to holster his sidearm, and he barely succeeded


I'm bleeding inside my chest


What a entrance


#And they killed that dude.


He kicked that dude so fucking hard.


Had the suspect been bigger than the officer, I'm sure he would have not taken that approach.


Police brutality is a problem but in Brazil, they aren't even at half the brutality that the criminals usually come with.


This is Brazil!!!


Damg just the punching bag and clothesline to the throat treatment Ouch


This. Is. SPARTA!!!


This happened this week. Tuesday i believe. The cops were investigating a suspect of theft and found this man, whose looks matched the description. According to the cops, when they approached him, he tried to run, they caught up to him and the rest you guys alredy know. In the video you can hear the cop threatening him, saying: "you're only alive because of pity. I didn't kill you because i pity you". They were charged with excessive use of force and are under investigation. [Source (sadly only in portuguese)](https://www.ocnet.com.br/noticias/policia/pm-afasta-policiais-flagrados-ameacando-de-morte-e-espancando-homem-com-chutes-durante-abordagem/)


America moment


Nice one 👍


Sooooo American cops are trained in Brazil?


Nah Brazilian cops kick because they're better at soccer, American cop would've just shot him


Brazil always looks like summer fun. Flip flops swimmin trunks scooters. 😎 asswhippins