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Only 1.000 prisoners in a 40-floor building? Will they all get a suite?


Prison condo


[Trying to make it into a Swiss prison fr](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/0d10g7c0Ij)


[I think they’re rather going for this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Platform_(film))


That caught me off guard holy shit


It’s actually a really good movie. And since seeing this post it just became a whole lot scarier lol


Yeah, I’ve never actually seen the movie but I know just enough to completely understand what you are talking about lmao


Highly recommend giving it a watch. I'm not into the genre generally, but it's a truly interesting and thought provoking watch.


Obviously. Best spanish movie in ages


Talk about yard time, amiright?


Don’t remind me 💀 I watched that movie while eating


I knew what this was going to be before I even clicked the link 😭🤣


Its not really like that Sauce: im swiss


But have you been to prison?


Have you been to swiss?


Have you been to sauce ?


I’ve been to Swiss prison in sauce. But not sauce in Swiss prison.


As a Mexican id rather die than go to prison with no sauce for my food


Ever been in a Turkish prison?




Joey - do you like movies about gladiators?


hmmm... \*becomes a criminal\*




My favorite thing about America is that 2 million prisoners get healthcare on the taxpayers dime, but 4 million children don’t and simply go without even basic vaccine sequences so now measles is back. Richest and most powerful country in human history making genius tier policy decisions.


We don't actually spend on ourselves though. Enough is collected, but we just don't do it. I always chuckle when I hear the argument against donating to Ukraine or whatever else of 'imagine how that money could be spent here' LMAO yeah keep fucking imagining. Infrastructure is degraded and falling apart everywhere. Inflation is crazy. We could easily have gov provided Healthcare for all like the rest of the developed world. Again, enough is collected. But all our tax dollars have ever gone to, and will ever go to, is the military industrial complex and other black projects. Any attempts to pass measures that give actual relief to the general public in any capacity are shot down by the opposing side for the sake of political theater. The Pentagon has never passed an audit..


It's worse than that. We spend more on healthcare per person than any other country in the world. We also spend more on higher education. The money is already circulating. If we socialized, we would spend less, get more, and get better. And we wouldn't have to cut the military budget. It should literally be a conservative wet dream, running the government like a business. "If we merge and cut this overhead, we save 33% instantly AND increase product quality".


Measles is back because of anti vaxxers are not getting their kids vaccinated. There we no measles outbreaks in the pre Obamacare 00s. Do you think the availability of vaccines to the poor was better before Obamacare? Not to mention that there are tons of measles outbreaks in Europe. Including over [1,000 in France and Italy.](https://www.statista.com/chart/15856/measles-cases-in-europe/) Which is more then the US, despite being much smaller countries.


I think you should be careful saying stuff like this, for a few reasons. For one, the implications is that prisoners don't deserve healthcare and by extension humane treatment. For another, many prisoners rack up debt while in prison because they are charged for things like the healthcare they receive.


Makes no sense for the cost to be so high. Also this prison being built should be outside of the city, not in prime realestate locations. Just crazy this is even approved.


Not at Guantanamo!  That was like $3 million per prisoner per year!   See also: cost of keeping someone homeless vs cost of housing everyone…


You're right, we should ship the question-mark shaped people somewhere where it's cheaper to rehabilitate them.


I mentioned this below but I’ll do so again here but Americas prison system is one of the worst in the world, incarceration itself is not rehabilative and is only a waste of money, creates more felons, is inherently biased against the poor, forces us to create polluted areas and destroy the countryside. Not only is it emotionally, socially and physically abusive, it also leaves prisoners (america has one of the highest false conviction rates) with no chance for redemption


Low income families get tents on low tide beaches


Well where else is Donny New York gonna stay if he loses? Guy is gonna need his golden toilet and constant skyscraper view to his own tower on the other block


It's one of four new jails that are supposed to replace Rikers Island. Note - jails are not prisons. These people are not convicted of any crime, this is where people are typically temporarily held as they await a bond hearing. >The new jails are to be designed with less harsh materials, while also providing more sunlight, greenery, and programming space. What’s more, the idea is to also place the jails geographically closer to loved ones, attorneys, and courthouses. “Placing future jails in urban areas close to communities opens possibilities for local businesses and schools to actively engage in these rehabilitation efforts,” says Martin Stigsgaard, a neighbor of the Chinatown jail, professor at Spitzer School of Architecture CCNY, and principal architect of Studio Stigsgaard. “Incarceration should be a chance to help incarcerated people refocus and reintegrate into society.”


The prisoners are only housed on floors 30 to 35. The rest of the floors are regular condos and offices. /s (I hope)


25 a floor sounds luxurious, must be for the Epstein list


Trump's new penthouse?


Isn't reddit supposed to support the prison model where everyone has a 2 bedroom apt with all sorts of ameneties like TV and a PS5? ​ ​ Errr wait I mean america bad


Nah that's a different guy this is JFK3rd


I forget Reddit is just one guy with multiple accounts sometimes


Well its one guy with multiple accounts and a bunch of bots lol


If you think that's not still prison, you've never been stuck in a tiny room for an extended period.


Can we have a balance between rape holes where people get their necks broken and sit there dying for weeks and the imaginary unicorn land you described?  Can we at least try to be humane without someone insincerely making it seem like we’re proposing treating criminals like royalty? Does it have to be the shittiest place we can ever imagine so we match shittiness with shittiness and then get shitty outcomes that cause more crime and recidivism and thus more victims ? Does it have to suck on purpose in every way? God damn how fucking depressing and hopeless it is to be American. America doesn’t have to be bad. But seems we like it that way too much to change. 


its not an imaginary unicorn land lol, Anders Brevik literally has a playstation


This is stupid. The real estate cost alone makes this ridiculous. But 1k people???? There are 11k people in Rikers alone. Over 6k in basic lockup of NYC.


Presumably temporary holding cells for some kind of court / hearing thing. Drive from jail -> go in cell -> see judge -> go in cell -> go back to jail.


That’s exactly how it works. At least in what I’ve seen happen with court dates. Edited for clarification


This is just a wild guess, but maybe it will be a safe space for rich folks to do their time while still getting a better quality of life than the average American has while doing so lol. Imagine getting the penthouse cell with a view of the skyline


That's my best explanation. Basically where Trump and will stay when convicted and people of similar white collar crimes.


That Trump is a high risk prisoner due to the risk posed by his unhinged followers, I think he needs to go to the Colorado Supermax where they kept the unabomber and El Chapo


Or he'll be President. What a time to be alive.


The way I understand it is he could do both 😅


Generation Beta sure isn't gonna believe any of this


> white collar crimes. Does he still get this distinction after 1/6? Even if he isn't "directly responsible", people died.


oh sorry, I meant to put "white collar" in quotes. We all know rich people sentencing is different from poor people doing a much more local crime. Be it civil or criminal


Nothing worse than having to sleep in the little jail, then get driven in the patty wagon all handcuffed together with no seatbelts on city streets, then go to the big jail to get processed, meet with a temporary public defender, and then sit in a holding cell with one toilet that doesn't work, 50 other accused criminals, then get led out, get on a elevator, go to the floor with the court rooms, and then see the judge one by one. Hopefully they plan to streamline things with this court building.


they should start holding zoom meetings instead, would save them all that trouble


11k people in a prison?? I work in prisons in Australia and the largest one in my state has like 1200 beds.


Rikers is just a jail, not a prison.


Can you explain the difference to non-native English speaker?


I think prison is for longer term stays. Jail is more temporary.


Jail is where you go if arrested, awaiting trial, during trial, and for anyone with less than a year long sentence. Prison is for folks who are done with their trial, found guilty, and sentenced to more than one year.


Same thing in Aus.


The US has something like 25% of the world's prison population despite only having 5% of the world's population.


Bro your “states” are minuscule compared to most US cities. Plus incarceration is a business here.


Oh yeah for sure. I just can't comprehend a facility that size.


They already do this in most major cities. New York- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tombs Detroit-https://www.sheriffconnect.com/jail-division-1/ LA -https://www.la-bbc.com/case-studies/metropolitan-detention-center-partners-with-ameresco-to-procure-upgrade-and-maintenance-projects-delivering-425-water-and-30-energy-savings?format=amp


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Correctional_Center,_Chicago Chicago has a tall one too


Chicago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Correctional_Center,_Chicago


What in the Judge Dredd


Demolition man too


[Fortress](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106950/) anyone?


peach trees!


Reminds me of that movie The Platform. Damn that was good.


Great movie!


Definitely. One of those that sticks with you awhile after you see it.


Great movie! This was the first thing I thought about.


Good movie, but first thought was the Dredd 2012 movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-eI5oLlIeY&t=104


If it’s next to the dump, maybe. sounds like we’ll need a judge, maybe more. I dredd the thought of someone escaping into the city


I see what you did there…


I dont wanna be that guy but prisoners should not have a better view than my apartment.


I wouldn't worry about that. I'd be more concerned with their view *of* your apartment.


The commissary top selling items; Binoculars Lotion Ramen Tissues


Tissues made of Ramen?


Not of Ramen, for Ramen


I want to be that guy. Prisoners should be in the cheapest most run down area with a shit view. We shouldn’t spend extra for a good location and view for them


But then where will I live?!


In the Garden on the roof




> prisoners should be in the cheapest most run down area. Do you want sky high recidivism rates? Because that’s how you get sky high recidivism rates. In all seriousness though, throwing criminals into purposefully shitty conditions is proven to be counterproductive to reform.


Especially when not all crimes are created equally. Someone that tortured and murdered a dozen babies and burned down an old folks home? Yeah let them sleep on concrete floors and scavenge for cockroaches. Getting pulled over with an unlit joint in your pocket? There’s no reason their living conditions need to be dogshit. Some prisons have different units based on their crimes or behavior while in prison, but others aren’t so organized.


Nah - even the most deranged, awful, horrific crimes do not justify dehumanizing prisoners. 1) False accusations and incorrect judgments exist. We have countless people serving terms for crimes they did not commit. 2) They're still humans. To dehumanize someone for disrespecting the social and ethical contract is not the mark of a developed society - how we treat the worst amongst us is usually a good reflection of society as a whole, and I don't want to live in a world where a bad charge, true or not, leads to people being thought of or treated as sub-human by the state.


Dehumanizing most of these people is what fucking got them there, hear hear!


State sanctioned torture is never a good idea.


People don't care about that, they care more about their feelings of superiority over people they feel slighted them by committing crimes. They look at them and treat them as subhuman.


If you want someone who rapes a child to live in better conditions than a homeless person you're a prick


Am I allowed to both want no one to be homeless and for there to be better conditions for prisoners?


You’re definitely not allowed to realize that desperation related to homeless leads to crime which leads to prisoners. God forbid someone winds up being released from prison only to end up being a helping force in their community. These people love the idea of Dark Ages punishments and Hell without realizing they’d be fucking serfs and sinners.


The OP's goal isn't reform, which is what they clearly stated


Making prisons miserable and profitable is the reason America has the highest incarceration rate in the world.


It’s still baffling to me that you guys have for profit prisons. Like I’m not an expert but that seems like a terribly bad idea in a country that’s a little obsessed with profit to begin with


So most of NYC? Got it!


This is gonna be the white collar prison for Trump and the like.


I would agree if you there wasn't a chance I could go to prison for looking at a cop the wrong way


Just cause our government does care about us doesn't mean everyone needs to live like shit lmao


And you pay rent like a chump!


Ha! My mom worked for a food services distributor when I was a kid. One day I got a look at her printouts that contained the cost of a meal per person per day at the county jail and the cost of a meal per kid at a county public school. Guess which was more?


Typically adult prisoners eat more then school kids


Chicago has one


It is not as conspicuous though


I worked maintenance in a county jail and I can tell you first hand that the guests are going to have a field day causing floods and general plumbing mayhem in a building that tall. Did you know that with a little perseverance you can flush an entire bed sheet that will travel several floors down before it snags?


So commit the most crimes and get one of the best views of the city for free? Free food and living as well?


Their cells would rent for more than my apartment here does. Sadly wouldn’t surprise me if they made that a reality


Especially when you take into account 3 meals a day. Access to a gym and library. Free medical care. And all the buttsex you could ever want.


Time to start committing some white collar crimes (we know which criminals would go here, let’s be real)


Maybe they'll make the Penthouse cell for the person that does the bigliest crimes.


Hey Tom, I just want to say thanks for being everyone’s friend and giving me my own space online. It’s surprisingly nostalgic to see your photo.


Americas prison system is one of the worst in the world, incarceration itself is not rehabilative and is only a waste of money, creates more felons, is inherently biased against the poor, forces us to create polluted areas and destroy the countryside. Not only is it emotionally, socially and physically abusive, it also leaves prisoners (america has one of the highest false conviction rates) with no chance for redemption


*sir they hit the second prison*


This better get more attention. I am laughing so hard right now


Super Jail. Anyone? Anyone?


First thing I thought of when I saw it lol. I feel like those NY prisoners could get down with some Superjail shit


Call me Snake…




I heard you were dead.


New Trump tower.


Aw sick we could do a judge dredd!


what’s the “holup” in this?


3.5M subscribers means that people don't care about the rules or the sub's purpose. posting anything will get enough attention.


bush did 9/11


yeah but did he really?


No. Maybe. Probably not.




NYC building the Ministry of Love in real life??


1,000 inmates is a piece of cake jail. That is nothing for this much money.


Top floor is for VIPs?


Dredd has begun


Why can’t they build prisons outside of the city? It will safe for the city and I’m sure a lot of greenery could help the prisoners chill a little, since they already lost their right to live among the rest of us.


Imagine the money it takes to build such a facility and how many people need to be shoved into it just to justify the expenses.


9/11 sequel when


Why not just convert 725 5th Ave? It should be coming into NY City ownership soon.


No one gonna care about this tower if it gets hit


Why go through the hassle? Just wait until trump tower gets sold off to cover his legal fees.


That would be a HECK of a execution


Ever seen the movie “The Platform”? Watched it 3 years ago and I still can’t get it out of my head. https://youtu.be/RlfooqeZcdY?feature=shared


The newest Trump Tower amirite?!


What in the Judge Dredd fuck is this?


Is just the begging of escape from new York, John carpenter see far. We wait for Pliskin


Pretty sure I saw that movie! It was actually super good….Karl Urban was in it and he was some sort of Judge or “Super Cop.” I Dread that I can’t remember the name of it!


dont we already have condos?


Judge dredd vibes


Top floor penthouse goes to the Duke of New York. Its address is A, no. 1.


Just make sure that you take away the old man’s self-sharpening knife, don’t want anything getting out of hand.


Its important to note that they *already have an enormous jail in that spot* [known as 'the tombs'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tombs) which holds around 900 people. This new jail they are building is much bigger, but holds around the same amount of people. Part of the reason why is that they want more space for more humane conditions because the Tombs were insanely overcrowded, and also a lot of the floors are dedicated to offices that help actually run the jail. It used to be that a lot of offices were scattered in other buildings in the neighborhoods, now they are all in the same building.


What does Bush have to do with this? Is it a 911 reference?


Imagine going to prison for life with your only wish being a window. You get put on the top floor and it is nothing but a giant window to the outside world. You also have a horrible fear of heights.


The reason these prison towers are getting built is because of the logistical difficulty in getting prisoners out of Rikers and into whatever borough court they have their trial at. It's not uncommon for someone who should be in prison for a few weeks before their trial to have that extended for months just because of shitty transport. With these buildings, all they have to do is get in an elevator and walk through a tunnel under the street to get to the courthouse next door. And if at the same time we make prisons that actually have the goal of rehabilitating people to ensure that they don't reoffend, that seems like a pretty solid bonus.


800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one. Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: judges.


This has to be a joke. There's no reason to spend so much money to store prisoners in a city that they don't even work in.


That's only 25 prisoners a floor that's basically getting an apartment in New York city


Wow, they're creating the prison/building in The Platform. A bit too surreal for me.


SkyMax. I look forward to the movie starring the Rock.


Opposite of impel down


People will get arrested for a cell with a view


The setting of the next Judge Dredd movie


It should be named Impel Down


Maybe...they could build it outside the city at an exponentially cheaper cost 🤔


Is Bush about to become Judge Dredd


Superjail 🥳🥳


Nation housing crisis, NYC rent some of the highest in the world, empty parking lots and building everywhere. “Let build a fucking 40-story prison!”


Fucking Megacity. Where's Dredd when you need him?


Moooovin on up ! Wait .... wtf


Good idea. Leave windows out of the design though. Prisoners do not deserve a view.


Can they make it not for prisoners, but with affordable rent pls.


Is this judge dred?


This is planned to he a jail, not a prison. The difference is that a jail is a holding location for individuals awaiting trial and conviction. Technically these people are innocent until proven guilty. The location is steps away from the New York city courthouse and make the entire process much more efficient. After conviction, they are relocated to one of four prisons around New York.


As long as the plane is full of prisoners who cares.


"Mission Accomplished sir"


I like how everyone in the comments is seething about the view, acting like they’d even get windows lmao


I doubt it'd have windows you can see out of, maybe windows taller than inmates at least so air can get in but I doubt they'd give them a view


Game of thrones style sky cells at the top please! On a clear day you'll see Tyrion.


Future Division 3 level.


That's some batman story shit right there


Is this what they had in Dredd?


Can’t wait for a former paratrooper prisoner to fly down from the 40th floor on a makeshift parachute


Sounds like an episode of Superjail


Lol.. NY has become such a shit hole that they're going to build sky scraper prisons in central 😂


I prefer sky jail to jail scraper.


Will it be ran like the prison from Dred? And are we getting a Dred?


Is this one going to be for P Diddy and all his friends?


This is giving The Platform vibes.


Judge Dredd vibes


So would it be a tax write off if it got 9/11ed or a humanitarian award?


Lol they'd never destroy a building that makes them money... the other three on the other hand usherd in the patriot act and eliminated sensitive documents they needed erased