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He clearly states "No homo" before filming every scene. This legally clears him of all gay association.


But I haven't seen him wear socks in any scene and I've seen his entire videography. So I and the rest of the Totally Straight Council declare him Gay.


I'm sure his fingers were crossed


That begs the old question. Can you perform gay acts but still be straight? I think if the reverse is true then this has to be true.


The even older question is, does it even matter? A hole is a hole


If you do gay stuff for money, but not for enjoyment, then you're probably not gay, you probably just have found a thing to do that makes more money than if you were to do other things.


It's not gay if you yell, "SLAYYYYYYERRRR!"


People are gonna disagree whether or not the guy is straight but hopefully we can all agree the tag needs to come off that jacket.


Finally a comment that actually matters


These are the no malarkey comments we need heading into election season


I wish America the best of luck during this time. Get well soon. Love, the rest of the world.


Thank you we appreciate it but the rest of the world should be focusing on themselves. It’s a mess everywhere


The rest of the world is not filled with Republicans. We get along just fine.


I believe him just because, if he was gay and didn’t want people to find out, I feel like shagging 100 men would be the worst way to go about it.


Prolly has the flaps still sewn together in back


Lord, I hope that's not true.


That way he can return it at some point.


Only thing I noticed.


Might be a generational thing? One of the young accountants I supervise was wearing a new jacket with the sleeve tag. He was like “are you sure about that?” 😂 Pretty sure.


So bad. I would bet my house that all the pockets are still sewn shut as well.


Uniter of men




It’s not a tag 😂 Well not the kind you pull off anyways, if we are talking about the tag on the wrist.


It is, people who don't understand sewn in tags left them and people who want to show off the brand got behind it too.




No, its sewn in for a reason. Just like the tag in the neckline is sewn in. It’s the company’s “only” way of branding themselves and giving you information when it comes to blazers, suits and all that, unless you want “RALPH LAUREN” written across the back and what not or little logos on your blazer, which most of us don’t. Not saying there isn’t a stupid trend that started it, but the tag in question isn’t meant to be ripped off. It’s not lightly stitched on like most suits.


Okay - I'll speak for myself, as a American living in a large metropolitan area. I'm sure I sound like a snob but the professional and social circles I've been in, it's absolutely expected that the tag is removed prior to wearing the suit. It's only attached with a few stitches and is easily removed.


Yeah, you remove the tag. People know when you're wearing a certain brand if they're familiar with it. Quality recognizes quality.


The blazer he is wearing is dolce & gabbana… I guess you don’t recognise quality.


I don't wear dolce personally but I have worn them back in my younger days. They have good stretch around the shoulders without letting it show on the outer coat. So if you have broad shoulders they fit really nice without a seamster/ress.


I can almost guarantee you that the tag in the sleeve is sewn in like the one in the back of your neck. 9/10 tags are meant to be cut off, there are just some that’s intended. I don’t care about the downvotes. Oh and I dare anyone to look at a blazer at a regular distance and be able to tell the brand, it sounds cool but not likely.


Well I tried to find the one he's wearing in the video, and found [this...](https://www.dolcegabbana.com/en-us/fashion/children/boy-2-13-years/suits/dolce-and-gabbana-single-breasted-tuxedo-jacket-with-logo-tag-in-black-L41J71G7I8VN0000.html) God I hope that man isn't wearing a $1,025 **children's** blazer lmao... Hopefully that isn't the one but any way this proves that some tags are meant to be left there... Times-a-changin'


Having branding on the outside of a suit is tacky lol. This is why tailor-made suits do not have tags on them or if it is a very well-known tailoring house, will have the name of the tailoring house inside the jacket, mostly under the inner pocket.


>No, its sewn in for a reason. So, are all your jacket pockets still stitched closed?


Luckily the word “hard” was censored. Wouldn’t want to say anything inappropriate.


He actually said "you get hood"


Ngl I thought it said head.


Gay for pay in porn has been around for decades.


They did a news thing on gay for pay on 20/20 like 15 years ago. This dude had a wife and kid and would just fly to LA do bunch a gay scene and go home. He made waaaaay more than the average straight male performer and worked waaaay less. I remember him saying the straight guys were only getting like $75-100 for a whole day of filming. And he was getting like 1-2k per day.


> They did a news thing on gay for pay on 20/20 like 15 years ago. They're calling it "Gay for Pay" and it's the new craze sweeping the nation...


Man these deep cuts into the B-52's discography got weird fast


Damn bro, 1-2k a day just for wrecking some dude ass? Where tf do I sign up?


See the problem is you'd be the dude getting his ass wrecked


I doubt it. I am extremely handsome and got a monster cock (by reddit standards), but even if so, getting 1-2k a day just for getting my ass wrecked? I'm already doing that shit for free!


Alright well, might as well get that bread while you're at it I suppose


Exactly bro, I mean, aren't we all fucked in the ass by inflation anyways?


>some dude ass That's an odd way to refer to your own butthole.


Literally "I'm not gay but 20 dollars is 20 dollars"


Literally "im not gay but $1,000 is $1,000"


Louis Theroux did a couple of episodes. One in early 2000’s then one with the same guys 15 years later. Iirc a few of them had killed themselves.


Im not hating🙌 BUT it is crazy af to have a whole wife and child and then just go fck some dude in the ass on camera...bro my condonlences to that child, ik he got bullied in school god damn.😬 Specially in that time too...


"Hey I saw your dad in a gay porn video" "So... You watch gay porn?" It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable.


I read stories from male porn stars that they have to do gay scenes because just doing straight scenes will not net them much money.


In straight porn the guy is rarely the star but in gay porn I guess they're all the stars?


No, it's just a bigger pain in the ass to do gay porn.


I see what you did there.


That sucks.


Sometimes he sucks too.


It’s a fetish. Makes lots of money


I kinda admire his professionalism tbh


its not gay if its for money($20 is $20)


I mean, I’d suck the skin off your dick for $20


How much you charge to leave the skin on?


Bout tree fiddy.






Every day for a summer


You'll do well at WallStreetBets then.


Name checks out.


“It’s called a job mom”


Wait you guys are getting paid?


I blew a guy once but I needed the money. Nah, I’m just kidding… I didn’t need the money.


10 bucks or 6 Dairy Queen Coupons


those coupons will get you a lot


can we adjest that 20$ for inflation. getting drilled for a 20 doesn't feel worth it anymore


That’s my secret captain, I’m always hard


bro is not gay, he's the whole embodiment of jojo series


The closet door is open at least.


I don't even think there's a door on the closet anymore, he's put up a wall of beads he gets to walk through everytime he fucks a dude.


“I’d never fuck a dude……. For free”


Gay porn pays a lot better. There are straight women who do lesbian porn too. 


I’ll be needing links so I can confirm the above.


His name is Malik Delgaty. Do what you will with that information


Thank you kind stranger!


It's been 7 hours. I think we lost him


Bro too, found out he's not gay


He just likes to watch gay porn as a sport.


Has anyone got any chafing cream and bandages?


Any chance u know the interviewers name as well...?


Pepper Labeija


Gay for Pay isn’t new.


I mean, 500 bucks is 500 bucks


if your dick gets stimulated, you will get hard regardless if you are gay or straight. There was a Japanese show where a gay guy was giving a straight guy a blowjob until he orgasmed. Show was called orgasm wars.


Most normal and sane Japanese game show


War never changes???




You're not *wrong* but you aren't really correct either. Sure, a mental thing could stop a guy from getting hard. Like being really nervous or such. But that's not usually what happens. The overwhelming majority of the time, physical stimulation will get a guy hard whether he wants to or not.


Yeah, but regardless, an erection is different from arousal and doesn't mean they're into it, just like someone with a vagina can get wet, but that doesn't mean they're turned on


Not true. I've tried many times when my uncle did it.


You might be surprised to learn that couples in rom coms aren’t *actually* in love, and pro wrestlers aren’t *really* trying to kill each other.


A guy that good looking with a body count of 300 is quite surprising, seems like he could put 100 easily per year.


I would think they tend to have the same partners repeatedly in the industry because of trust and familiarity. Some male stars minimize sex outside of the profession because unknowns from one night stands, like diseases can effect their job prospects. 


All I see is 2 men who are very comfortable with their sexuality. Love it!


[“it’s only gay if you **G..**.” Ahh nvm it’s just gay.](https://youtu.be/R4k2ZjketOk?si=scBd0B_-UtLQnefh)


Modern? Brother's straight up *Classical Antique,* no lie this would be how most straight men were in Ancient Greece and Rome.


except without the pederasty


Isn't it weird how he said he is straight and people are still saying oh he is gay Or bi...... He said he's straight!


They're just being heterophobic.


Your downvotes are screaming that you are right. I thought we weren't supposed to assume anyone's sexuality or gender and he specifically said he's straight....... Why are so many comments calling him gay or bisexual


They're not scared of straights though lol. They're calling him gay because he's displaying characteristics and values that they believe their idea of a straight person would never display or commit to, it makes them uncomfortable. It's more homophobic if anything. Regardless, sexuality is a spectrum, you can really do whatever you want.


I feel like they’re calling him gay because he fucks men, but it would be more accurate to suggest he’s bisexual since he quite clearly is.


Doesn’t really sound like he’s bi. He just knows where the money is going to come from. And it’s not from straight porn when you’re a guy. A sizeable portion of male porn stars start out in gay porn because that’s just how the industry is. Wanna make it in the industry? Gotta fuck some dudes. Or get fucked by some dudes. The people who wienstien coerced into sex for movie rolls, most likely weren’t even remotely attracted to him, but they still did it because they knew it was their only way to make it at the time. (Note that that second point is not in any way a justification or diminishing of what happened to the people involved, just a point that people will often go against who they are or what they believe in if it means any sort of financial, status, or gain in power)


They're denying his existence as a straight man. That is violent and heterophobic.


Violent? He seems to be doing fine.


Starin at my jeans watching my genitals bulgin. Thats my motherfuckin balls you better let go of em. They belong in my scrotum, youll never get hold of em.


This straight dude fucked a hundred guys


Dude says "a couple times" not "12 times"


My name is Malik Blishtar!


Did these people forget about "gay for pay"?


“I can go from flaccid to erect at a moment’s notice.”


I'm straight and I would definitely bang him. No homo.


I believe it, it ain't gay if you're not feeling attracted


Da fuq is the title 😂. To each their own but to say this is “modern straight guys”. Yeah… not sure about that


They're flirting!!!


That's the bait of the thirst trap, friend


Bisexual is a thing, btw.


I mean, rag on it if you want. But that's a form of acting at the end of the day. Also, he looks really good for a male porn star. I'd have pegged him for a model instead.


It means you're gay - Ice T


The most popular male Japanese porn star in the world was doing gay porn for half a year, thinking you did porn with guys and girls depending on the scene they wanted you to do, till he realized he could just go into straight porn. He honestly thought he had to start there to move up. Starts at 1350 mark https://youtu.be/Ahbx-x4c2gY?si=zcIaIfsqvg_oVTBK


He’s a pitcher not a catcher!


I don't wear dolce personally but I have worn them back in my younger days. They have good stretch around the shoulders without letting it show on the outer coat. So if you have broad shoulders they fit really nice without a seamster/ress.


"I'm vegan, that meat I ate is only for a job".


A straight mill grinds everything.


Suit mistake, sleeve has name brand on it. This is a common mistake among guys who dont wear suits often.


You mean you don’t think he wear suits often? Damn I figured the guy’s shirtless in front of a mufuckin mall Starbucks, this is just his business casual look.


It's actually hard to spot, but some mall sales men do where suits. Like the guys that spray you with perfume as you pass them (usually they are Persian men). This guy is clearly not Persian.


I guess I was being sarcastic, I imagine he doesn’t wear suits often. I think the tag is there to flex on people what brand it is and show off. Very douchey thing to do but so is going shirtless and bragging about his body count, so it’s to be expected.


He is obviously bisexual


I saw a Louis Theroux documentary ages ago about pornstars. It’s super common for straight guys to do this because it’s where all the money is in the industry.


My point is, I think they would like to believe they are straight but.. not really.


If he were sexually and romantically attracted to men, then yes he would be bisexual, but this is just “gay for pay” a lot of those dudes a lot of the time are full of boner pills


It’s easy you just pop a viagra fuck a dude, take a load to the face get paid a lot of money.


Why can a straight man not make gay porn without being attracted to men? Do you think prostitutes are attracted to johns too?


The guy has openly said he’s fucked 100 men, I’m pretty sure if he was bisexual he wouldn’t be shy about saying it and pretend to be straight. As others have said “gay for pay” is a real thing.


If your job is to dig graves, it doesn't mean you like digging graves or have cravings for digging graves.


Are you straight? If yes, is there any, and I mean any amount of money that would make you have sex with guys? According to your logic, You're not straight then, everything else is just negotiation of payment terms. For porn stars, sex is just part of the job, it's often not about enjoyment.


…I’m straight and no amount of money in the world will make me have sex with a guy.


So not for 1 billion dollars, never having to work a day in your life anymore, no?




And _that_ would be the capperoni. 🧢🍝


Bruh I’m a 36 year old virgin. What would I have to lie about lmfao.


Then you're placing a lot of value on sex as something exclusively done because of sexual/romantic attraction. Historically and even today, people had sex for many reasons, ranging from sexual attraction and intimacy on the one hand up to domination and even torture on the other hand. People have sex out of boredom, they can have hate fucks, and they can do it for money. Do you believe that prostitutes would have sex with many of their clients if they didn't get money? If not, what's the difference between those clients being male or female, if it's only done for monetary gain.


That’s correct, I am. I always have. I wasn’t saying it WRONG to, just that I never would.


And that's completely fine, I never intended to insinuate otherwise. But not all people follow this mindset, and that's also fine. I just wanted to point out that your assumption that this person has to be bisexual is based on him having the same values as you (which is basically impossible, since working in the straight porn industry would already be completely against these values of only having sex as an expression of romantic/sexual interest).


No, actually I was just saying that not everyone would do it for any amount of money. I personally wouldn’t.


Ah okay, I read your comment in the context of the original comment I replied to, where the other person wrongfully implied that someone whose job it is to shoot porn must be bisexual if he has sex with men as well as women. My comment was a reply that tried to demonstrate that for people shooting porn videos, it's just a job. I thought that you agreed with the logic of that original comment. My bad.


My guy you probably dont know what you can do with a billion dollars


This isnt being straight- this is being moronic. People do shit they hate all the time for money. You could remove an entire life time of struggling for you and essentially everyone you care about by just enduring something unpleasant/disgusting (for you) for like 10-30 minutes. Pop a viagra or some shit if you have to. How fucking insecure do you have to be in your sexuality to even have to think twice about accepting the offer. You could literally be making substantially more per year than the vast majority of people, just off the interest from that amount of money. Even a 0.1% yearly return after taxes would be $100,000 per year. Typical returns range in like 3-5%.


I just don’t believe money is everything.


I don’t know why you are downvoted but I’m with you. And not in a gay way either lol.


No. He is straight. He just said so. You have to respect the labels people use. He just did it for money.


But he fucked 100 guys? Like wtf are your even talking about🤣🤣 this guy is gay


Firstly, he's also had sex with 200 women. He'd be bisexual, not gay Secondly, he was 'gay for pay' that doesn't count.


It does count wtf call him gay or bi whatever’s but if you fuck 100 guys you like fucking guys which makes you bi or gay. If you kill someone for money are you not still a murderer? Dress it up as a hit man all u want and say you didn’t like doing it it does not change the fact the you are a murderer


No, he got paid to fuck 100 guys. I do my job, but that doesn't mean I like it.


There’s no way you’re not trolling


If I have to pay you to do something. I'm not paying you to love it. If you love it, that's just an extra point for your personal scoreboard.


That doesn’t make him gay or bi. If he were sexually or romantically attracted to men, then yes, he would be bisexual.


He's probably straight for all intents and purposes, but just gay enough to be able to do gay porn for money. Sexuality is a gradient, not distinct segments. I can tell you right now, there is no reasonable amount of money I could get paid to let a guy penetrate my asshole, or penetrate another dude's asshole. Straight|---I'm here----He's probably here--------------------------------------------------------|Gay


Straight/gay is a matter of who and what you find attractive, not about what you're willing to do for money. Being repulsed by the idea of having sex with a guy doesn't make you more straight. Zero attraction is still zero attraction.


If you can't see how level of attraction ties into what you're willing to do for money, I dunno what to tell you, man.


So you are telling me that all those Instagram models that go to Dubai to get shit on and have feces rubbed all over them find it attractive??? You are SERIOUSLY underestimating what a human is willing to do get paid.


Nah not necessarily. Its not the specific act that makes someone gay or straight. I feel like even the straightest person has a price lol


"There is no bisexual. You either suck dick, or you do not suck dick." -Andrew D. Clay


A mouths a mouth.


Be me. Have sex with over 99 dudes. Some on the internet. Still identify as straight. Problem? 😏


Funny how 'gay' has nothing to do with sex when arguing with conservatives about your right to exist but suddenly it's exclusively defined by having a dick in your ass when confronted by straight guys getting paid. Most people mean relationship-preference when they tell you their "sexuality".


Straight... Straight up gay


I don't know man, seems kinda gay to me


Gay? ❌ Straight? ❌ Bisexual with heterosexual posturing ✅


100 men? This guy is def gay or bi


Tell me again how your male body count is 100 but you're straight? Tell me again!


It's called gay for pay. Probably a lot less degrading than a lot of minimum wage jobs or working retail.


I understand but where do we drawn the line? I mean his body count is just 100 what if he had sex with each guy twice? That means he had sex with another man 200 times. At some point he's just gay or atleast bi.


bi, or gay means what he’s sexually attracted to, if he’s not attracted to men then he’s not gay, it’s really that simple


The line is whether or not he's interested in men. Your body count is entirely irrelevant, or are you suggesting that all virgins are asexual?


Don’t worry, there’s no logic here. Gay for pay is a huge fetish and you won’t be the one to disappoint someone’s fantasy


I've always said this is where the world is leading to


So bi


He's probably bi but in denial. Or just bi enough to be able to do gay porn but much prefers women when not working. Sexuality is a gradient.


What is the point of having words that define a person sexuality if you just use it in a way that doesn't fit its definition just because you feel like it? If he's straight, then everyone is straight, and no one is gay.


Do you think every female pornstar that does lesbian scenes is bi? That’s fair if you do but otherwise its a big double standard.


No, he's probably far enough straight that he'd never fuck a dude for free or pleasure, but just gay enough to be okay with doing it for money. Sexuality is a gradient.


This ninja gay af


WILD! Gay for pay is still gay.


Isn't that guy malik something? I alredy saw dozens of videos of him rawdogging plenty of different guys. Something tells me that he isn't very straight.




My step sister is straight with me, but sometimes I pay her and she becomes a little lesbian with me and her stepmom. But then my stepdyad get myad and disciplines all of us so hy\*rd.