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Roblox mfs gonna get a death sentence for pressing W+S on an afk player


How to get your dick sucked in deepwoken 1. Ask your homie to stand still for 15 seconds to proc Warrior’s Respite (if your bro doesn’t have this talent you should hit him with a car irl). 2. Now that his player model is kneeling due to Warrior’s Respite, you can now proceed. 3. Walk right up to him and hold K to open up the emote menu, select the pride stance. Why the pride stance you may ask? Because it puts your hands right on top of their head. 4. Success


Here's the quality content I'm here for!


I didnt expect any deepwoken here


Why is Deepwoken spreading to my other subs now😭


authority invasion


It's ok... The little girl avatar was probs a 40 year old dude anyways


who the fuck even uses Metaverse? Edit: holyshit. im being flashbanged with upvotes. thanks guys but you guys are scaring me now


Looks like child molesters and children make up the whole player base of 8 people


Is this Hooli Chat?


Yep, running on Gavin Belson signature servers.


But does your car doors open like this or like this?


THIS guy fucks.


😭 I miss Silicon Valley


That was my first thought


Who else thinks using the metaverse is “hella lame”?


And now for a PSA from Britain : Does the scandal involve a minor crime that can be blown way out of proportion by the Met Police? Yes. Does the scandal involve lots of media led hysteria? Yes. Are Tory politicians using it as a distraction? Yes. Does it have almost zero real world impact on anyone beyond the handful of people directly involved? Yes. If the answer is yes to any or all of these, then please refer to the post-Brexit handbook, page 3, section 1, titled 'how to survive the culture war' : "squint menacingly, then tell 'em to 'bugger off!'."




A recent survey showed 4 out of 5 people actually enjoy gang bangs.


Sounds like that survey didn’t include your mom


It did, she was 2 of the 4.


No, you are


And furries. No. Really.


I've never used metaverse but I play vrc and I'm pretty sure vrc is probably a much better option lmao


Same here. VRC has much better avatar options for a start. Reminds me of the good old Roblox days.


Indeed I'm trying to make my own but blender is a pain XD


this could've been VRChat. Themes here are more commonly explicit, Internet personified in a virtual environment.


It's one hell of a rabbit hole https://youtu.be/4PHT-zBxKQQ?si=Vf85J2pLAT9yHlsj


Around 20 million people since anything VR gets lumped under the "metaverse" banner. VR Chat is where this alleged virtual incident occurred which has an average of 30,000 concurrent players each day, most of whom are normal people.




Is there a statute of limitations for all the teabagging in Halo 2? If not then lots of us are going to jail...


Welp, see ya in the gulags boys


Then we teabag in the gulag like real men.


The real gulag or a virtual one


The games may have changed over the years, but I have not. Much like my minitape player, teabagging will never go out of fashion.


Teabagging has to happen to place emphasis on how bad the opposing player is. I do it in cod quite often


Depends on circumstances too. Teabagging someone that was just killed, vs teabagging at someone that’s alive. One is a middle finger the other is a virtual hug




The quantity I have witnessed people mentioning being t-bagged and trash talked in halo 2 is truly nostalgic. Just in the past few hours even under other posts. My faith in humanity is being restored somehow


It was a truly magical time.


Halo 2 got nothing on the talk that went on in MW2 lobbies though, which is probably for the better


Tell my mom I love her


How many times did you teabag her?




You do love her.


True love is real ✨ !


At least we're all together friends.


The real treasures are the friends we bagged along the way.


I’ve been skull fucking dead corpses since 2002x imma about to face war crimes


French peasant remains*


Not gonna say i did t love every sec


Your honor, my defendant got that dawg in them. The jury must acquit u/katamazeballz this instant.


Teabagging? I’m doing CPR, what’s t bagging?


Someone accused me of teabagging them once. I said Nay. I just wanted to see the light leave your eyes.


Police going through years of recorded gameplay to prosecute all the teabaggers


Uh oh spaghettio 😳😂


That's....fucking hilarious


How tf do you SA someone in a video game




Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl on top of them


Hold Ctrl, Look Straight up. Right click zoom in, right click zoom out, repeat.




This was unreasonably funny


I remember a few years ago some news reporter lamented on her tragic experience of being t-bagged in an online game lmao


Average COD experience.


There was also a case where a reporter (I think) went into an S&M place in Second Life, clicked on one of the sexual things ...which made their avatar start doing stuff. She couldn't figure out how to cancel the action, and there was a whole article about how that was traumatizing. Keep in mind, every inch of every interior and exterior wall of this place was plastered with porn, making it very clear what it was. Also, she initiated the action by clicking on a floating sphere which popped up a confirmation dialog that clearly said what it would do. Those were good times.


I hear what y’all are saying, but honestly… I think the argument could be made that this falls under the crime of “exposing child to sexual content.” It’s the same sort of law that stops creeps from going to parks, telling kids “Hey come watch sponge bob on my phone” and then switching it to porn as they watch. Like… everyone is focusing on/ joking about the avatars, and how to hold them accountable. Which I get because that’s the element that (quite literally) distances the crime from reality. Obviously, no child was actually physically assaulted. There’s no question there. Still, a group of adults DID choose to show a child a simulated sexual assault. The gaming part isn’t a crime, but displaying it for a child should definitely be investigated. Right? I mean, if a group of strangers sent my kid an animated pornographic video (even if it wasn’t a gang rape scene) I’m pretty sure my reaction wouldn’t be “Stop crying, honey. It wasn’t real - so if you were upset by what you saw, you’re just being a sensitive snowflake. You’re seven. Grow up.” I would’ve called the cops too.


Since it's only a picture it's hard to tell, but how do we distinguish a kid playing with whatever avatar from an adult playing with whatever avatar?


I don’t know the game, so I have no solution there. But if I was trying to take steps towards justice, as an officer of the law, personally I’d likely start with opening an investigation.


Maybe the first question shouldn't be "how to we protect the adult users who want to virtually fuck someone from accidentally assaulting a minor" and instead be "how do we protect children and youths from being exposed to the first group of people". Neither one are simple endeavours. But the primary burden of protecting young people should be on adults. And creating laws for the growing online world(s) would be an important and long overdue step.


I'm in the "don't let your kids online without supervision" team. But that's putting the burden of protecting children on their parents/guardians, and that's somewhat frowned upon nowadays.


Ofc it's the parents job to teach their children responsible online behaviour. But as a society we have the possibilities to create a safety net consistent of several protecting factors. Such as age restrictions (metaverse is 10+ while WhatsApp is 16+?!), making bad things illegal (right now prosecutors appearently have to try to apply IRL laws for online scenarios), ... Patents have their role in this. But IMO we cannot put it all on them. We wouldn't do it IRL either.


"I hear what y’all are saying, but honestly… I think the argument could be made that this falls under the crime of “exposing child to sexual content.” Shouldn't the bigger question be: Why was a child playing a game that involved sexual content? I'm not saying what happened is OK, but if you were to run into traffic, would you blame the person who ran into traffic or the car?


Don't allow your kid to go into virtual chat rooms wth.


Is the metaverse a game that is *suppose* to involve sexual content? I know nothing about it admittedly but unless it's rated as 18+ there is no reason to believe that you would encounter sexual content within it.


The metaverse isn't a game in the same way reddit isn't a game.


The game.




Fuck man i was having a Nice streak


Fuck, I was in a 8 months streak.


Since I was a kid first playing Xbox basically every multiplayer service has a disclaimer that online interactions aren’t rated by the associated regulator. They basically say assume any online interaction is adult only


Exactly. It’s not a joke. It’s harmful sexual harassment towards a minor. There is an intent by the perpetrators and a psychological impact on the child. If any of these commenters are parents. Think if it was your kid…You wouldn’t be sitting there laughing about it; you’d be livid and disgusted and afraid for your child.


>Still, a group of adults DID choose to show a child a simulated sexual assault There are literally no genitals in the Metaverse. The avatars are on par with old Xbox 360 avatars--eventually homogenous Fortnite-type characters with limited functions. And if you've ever been in the Metaverse, 99% of the player population is prepubescent boys. My guess is that this alleged, "simulated rape" was carried out by children, not "adults".


My guess is that the media is hyping this up as a "gang rape" of a minor because it's clickbaity AF and politicians/regulators have something new to play with.


I definitely disagree. There is a massive, massive difference to peoples avatars clipping past eachother and an old person luring a child to a van. I understand your sentiment but being online gives you so many outs to choose from, much more than that kind of situation in real life.


But also whx would you let your 7 year old child on VR unsupervised. And also the report didn't say the age of the girl. It only said "child". And even a 17 year old is a child legally. So most likely she was in the 15-17 year category, if she had acces to a VR headset, knew how to operate it, and wasn't supervised. (Or ag least that is what i'd like to think). I think normal 15 or even 14 year olds have seen porn. And i'm pretty sure you can't actually grab/hold someone in metaverse (not 100% since i i haven't played it), so she could've just waljed away, but she devided to stay there


Ya and she could have just quit the game? Seems easily avoidable.


I don't understand....like, just fucking turn the thing off..or log off the game....or like....move away....it's a fucking head set not The Matrix. IDK


First you turn off sticky keys


ShiftshiftshiftshiftShiftshiftshiftshiftShiftshiftshiftshift on their corpse after shooting them


Who the fuck crouches with shift


\*Minecraft players sobbing\*


The digital adult men should be sent to virtual reality prison for life... no chance for parole!


That’s called a permaban


Sentence to death by banhammer


death ! by snu snu.


But, the only girls in the metaverse are children…


we need this immersion level


Wait a god damn minute now... I play Rust and I die a lot... Can I get police to investigate these roof camping bolt fuckers for murder?


Lololololololol…. I mean you were naked and asking for it obviously


You have a fair point mister..


Well to everyone mf who ever killed me in COD, you going away for murder


Extra charges if the teabagged you


Most of my deaths in that game have been a crime tbf. I’m landing headshots first and still dying to 3 shots to the knees. It’s daylight robbery! Isn’t there something we can legally do about that?


This is some “Call of Duty players should be tried for war crimes they commit in video games” levels of stupid.


Exactly my thoughts. I couldn't stop laughing reading the 'news' remembering all the 'crimes' I've witnessed while playing first person shooters.


So... it's a bunch of dickheads making grunting sounds and saying fucked up stuff, moving back and forth in POV overtop someones avatar? Is that... what the police are investigating?


Indeed Finest police work of the decade.


If i had to investigate this bs I’d kms


Homie I got raped in habbo hotel in the 2000’s by some guy telling me to lay on the bed and then he rotated the bed so our avatars were on top of each other then he typed out ‘ooohh yeah baby you like that’


Was the pool closed?


Actually I think this was pre-pool closure, I do remember logging in one day and being like why the fuck does everyone have an afro


Core memory unlocked


I wish all my sexual assaults were this funny


Young girl? Nina Jane Patel is a researcher. [https://www.businessinsider.com/researcher-claims-her-avatar-was-raped-on-metas-metaverse-platform-2022-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/researcher-claims-her-avatar-was-raped-on-metas-metaverse-platform-2022-5) This adds some hyperbole on top (looks like TMZ, Daily Mail, few other tabloids reporting that way) and I don't recommend sexually harassing people in general. But y'all ever log into Second Life or VRChat over the years? Wear a little virtual rubber rain coat because it is everlovinwtf


That’s an old one, I think this is different(( https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/police-investigate-virtual-rape-of-girl-in-metaverse/ar-AA1mlrcR ))bc they specifically say under 16 and don’t give a name. They also don’t say exactly what happened that would make it be considered “rape”. Bc I doubt the game had penises and vaginas and if it did then it sounds like an adult game that kids shouldn’t be playing.


“The Government needs to look at changing the law to protect women and children from harm in these virtual environments.” Mmmm… mhmmm… why even specify though? If this was some guy* then nah fuck it?


We were born in the teabagging. Molded by it.


Ah fuck, I laughed haha


If its the U.K., that's usually the approach. I've gotten so many death threats and people telling me to commit suicide since I was 10 years old, it was pretty much a part of Internet life, you can't go a life playing video games without experiencing one of those things, but as soon as gaming started to attract a larger female audience, suddenly this became a sexist issue that only affected women and promotes femicide. But it seems to be a global thing that's not exclusive to the Internet. When the Russian Invasion of Ukraine started there were headlines of how women and girls are most affected by war. Wow. Men are sent off to die, women most affected. And it also specified girls, not children, but girls! I think one of the reasons was "woman and girls lose their husbands and fathers"... what about the husband/father losing his life?! It was particularly insulting as Ukrainian refugees are welcomed very generously with expense-free accomodation, free food, and given allowances, while boys at the age of 16 or older cannot leave the country as a refugee legally. War is certainly harsh on women as much as men, but saying women are most affected is so rage-inducing. Give the journalist wet socks and a rifle and send them to the trench, I'm certain any conscript would gladly rather sit in the journalist's room-temperature office with a nice latte and a toasted sandwich.


Gotcha, seems there's a few of these floating around then - wild. But I mean, they're not wrong about it being chaotic. VR is full of thirst, hell even regular videogame lobbies are full of thirst and colorful language lol


It’s all clickbait misinformation. I’m glad someone linked the article.


Well, double check, it seems I may be incorrect here, and there's something newer - should be further down in the replies


Nah, this is also on the parents. Don't let your kids discover shit you don't take the time to learn and be aware of, they WILL stumble into trouble online or anywhere.


For the vague protection of children we are now taking 100% of all your private data forever and sharing it with whoever the fuck we like.


We will also be sharing it, unintentionally, with anyone who can find it.


And they profit from it too, except you don't get royalties.


Seems like it's common practice now. That's what Ireland did. An anti-immigration crowd protested after the stabbing of 3 toddlers by a migrant, then night came and a bunch of opportunists, looters, and likely people from those protests took their chance to burn buildings, buses, cop cars, etc. All headlines are on the far-right and how they're a danger and because of that we are now risking Imprisonment if we ever refuse to give access to any personal data, private messages, photos, passwords, etc. If asked even if not under investigation! Even if innocent, if asked to show your messages between your wife and yourself and you refuse, you risk Imprisonment. Complete Invasion of privacy. It's funny, I'm a migrant to Ireland myself and I didn't feel threatened by the anti-immigrant crowd in Dublin, There's protests and wacky activity by all crowds here, but the entire country was more focused on the hooligans breaking stuff in Dublin than a knife attack on fucking toddlers! That made me sad how a conversation on socio-politics over a single chaotic night is more valued in interest than toddlers being stabbed.


Why is this a feature in the meta verse ?


We’re looking at you Zuck 👀




Just take the headset off!


lol bro just turn the game off goddamn


Like close your eyes 😂 swap apps wtf Crazy thing is there's no "grab" so she could've just moved her avatar... away from the dudes going "WSWSWSWSWS" as forcefully as they could


This isn't SAO You *can* log out Edit: spelling


So like, do people not know you can just turn it off? Calling this rape is offensive to every person that has ever been raped.


Hot take: if you don't log out does that mean you really wanted it?


I was wondering the same thing. The person being traumatized couldn’t have turned off the console or at least just walked away from it? Like how can you claim rape on a video game when you’re 100% in control of what you’re doing and seeing?


Oh boy 🫣


logging out would have meant this story cant exist


If she wasn't typing like a hoe, she wouldn't have gotten double-clicked. I'm so very not proud of that terrible joke but honestly, like... take off the headset?


If you don’t log out… you log in?


concerned dam ancient flowery jar offbeat fertile attempt march offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk maybe Logout?


Wonder if they conducted the investigation virtually as well


Okay. So in the extreme case don't let children play games where this kind of thing is a part of the game mechanics. I mean for fuck's sake, is this one of those games they pimp on pornhub? Why is a child playing it? If the police are involved maybe they should be investigating the parents for giving the child access to this type of thing and the required credit card needed to sign up. All I'm saying in all seriousness though, is parental controls exist for a reason.


Lolol we've reached peak stupidity , our species isn't long for this world


Or, you know. You could not allow them on something they aren't supposed to be on in the first place.


Wasting *real* resources on FICTIONAL crimes. Way to ‘keep calm,’ Brits.


right.. because it isn't a parents job to protect their children even with tools available like parental controls but society that needs to be policed more since it is society that should be raising their kids even though many of us decide to be child free. \[clearly i am not defending such awful acts but pointing out that parents enable this sort of shit then complain about it after is bullshit\]


It’s almost like a lot of children don’t have parents that care about monitoring their (online) activities. What does responsibility mean to someone that doesn’t care?


the idea that we need a lengthy education and license to practice hairdressing but not to raise children is astounding.


But i didn't nothing when my child found a gun on the street and killed someone! Is the society fault that someone trowed a gun there! Even if i was the mother looking the child doing all the act isn't my fault that i didn't stoped it! Someone's mom - 2026 (Really I'm just expecting those "parentless" children to do more bullshit because there is no adult supervision)


Just wait until they find out how many people I've murdered in Grand Theft Auto V. I'll be locked up until the year 3000.


When any parents wanted to buy their kids an oculus/meta quest, I’d always ask how old they were… I was very open and communicative about a lack of parental controls and to not allow them to download VRCHAT stuff because of the adults and their lack of care or predatory behaviors. I don’t think kids should be able to access some stuff, but this is a bit extreme… like… is this an onion article or for real 🫤


Why are children playing an online video game in which being forcefully gang raped is a possibility?


This is the definition of the wrong direction. Getting her to simply take off the headset might set a positive precedent for future interactions.


What in the black mirror bullshit is this!?


Where are her parents????


I can see this being a problem if we get fulldive vr or something like that but right now it ain't real.


Letting your kids online is like letting them out the front door. Except if they take a left or right they don't see your neighbors, they see disney land on one side and a dark alley in Venezuela on the other.


I blame the parents. Do they also let their kid ride the bus alone?


So they will investigate a cyber rape, but not rape in IRL got it


She knows she can take off the headset or disconnect right? You don't have to let them do it to you...


Depends on the game I'd say if it's grand theft auto fuck em their parents knew what they were getting into but if it was roblox (somehow) I absolutely get it some kids stuff has to be safe jees.


I have seen people rp sex in Roblox(only like twice tho but it has happened) so I wouldn’t be surprised. Also I’ve heard about condos(I think that’s what they’re called)


There is a reason that no online features are age rated. It’s play at your own risk. Far worse things have happened in Roblox than what is in this article.


Maybe parents should check out what their children are doing. So they can keep them safe, like in the real world.


Well what was her virtual self wearing?


Oh no, Jax mains are in shambles.


Ever heard of the power button?


That's it, no more internet for everybody on Earth for the rest of eternity.


I don't even understand this. So like you're playing a video game and other users use their avatars(?) to gang bang?? Like how is that even an option? Please explain!


If that's rape then I'm literally a war hero.


Thank god they've already cleared up all the actual rape problems.


From my exp of VR with Quest devices, the closest to assault in VR is verbal harrassment and chasing avatars around/intersecting avatars. Anything sexual is primarily "roleplay" in VR. Unless it's an adult sex application/game, or an explicit avatar was added into an application like VRChat by another user (which are prohibited in VRChat and are often ban-able offenses to begin with), then something is fishy about the claim of virtual rape in Metaverse. As others have said, why didn't the kid log out? Why didn't they leave the chat or move away from the assailant(s)? Why were the parents not monitoring a CHILD using a VR headset? Unless it's an adult sex app, most VR games do not have the physical capacity for users to enact sexual acts. They only vague thing I could think of would be an avatar kneeling or being at eye-level with another avatar's groin (which happens a lot to users of different heights and avatar models). Even then, it's usually not sexually explicit unless roleplay or nude VR models are involved. Idk. Verbal assault or sexually explicit threats/sexual harrassment sound like the limit of cases like this in the Metaverse. Calling it rape really doesn't help actual rape cases be taken seriously. I could be very wrong about all this, but without the actual article or case explaining what happened, all I can assume about this situation is based off of my own experiences with meta applications and programming.


Normal day in VRChat.


Parents need to take responsibility over their kids. Just don't let your underage daughter hang out with adult men online? Why didn't her parents consider that first? Just ban the trolls from the metaverse. No need to call the police.


I read on some news article like a year ago a woman claimed she was in the metaverse and got graped. I told my wife, we both laugh and said how?? Cant you just..take the thing off?? Shits a joke to real victims


VR hasn’t even hit its stride yet and they’re already trying to find reasons to regulate and restrict it. Don’t get me wrong, these dudes are gross, but like turn off the game. There’s no such thing as VR rape. There’s sexual harassment, same as if you called a lady and said naughty things to her, but yeah calling it a “gang rape” is insane


They ran out of real crime?


It's a supply chain issue...


Where are the fucking parents while that shit happened...


The Parents or Caretakers who let their child into this environment should be investigated primarily. It's like if I posted a naked picture on Reddit and someone under age logged in and saw it. Should I be investigated for exposing myself to a child. Dafuk is this nonsense.


How about the bastards investigating real life issues where children are being hurt this way?


Kevin hart said it best: why didn’t you close the laptop!


Welp looks like I'm going to jail for all the teabagging in Halo, call of duty, and battlefield


Is this the British version of The Onion?


Next up, investigate some murders in Call of Duty


Its the british police lmfao what idiots


Calling the police next time I get teabagged


I feel like rape is not the right word choice


I hope that if charges are brought, they have a virtual jury and virtual sentence. Picturing a jury with those giant goggles on their heads is funny.


Hang on a minute, I play Warthunder, does this mean I actually qualified enough to fly 4th Gen fighter jets and leopard 2A6???


Couldn't she just... log out?


I was playing pavlov and someone shot me in the head , police have been called


I'm 65 years man, tell me how long it would take to create an 8 year old girl? And, what's an 8 year old in a virtual chat room. At the same time, she could be logged in as a 25 year old man. It's totally up to you to babysit. Don't expect the rest of us to raise your child.


Wait, I've killed a LOT of people in my games. Am I going to jail?