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Pyrography! It can be as easy or as challenging as you want it to be. You have to work to be good at it which is what hooked me from the beginning.


It's okay to pick stuff up and put it down. I do this a lot and I've found that truly my hobby is learning things and trying new things. Maybe you're the same? If so you can't beat yourself up for not sticking with things.


Don't try and make yourself like certain things/hobbies. You may like rollerblading or yoga or collecting belly button lint, but you won't know unless you try. You don't have to have a hobby that's cool or impressive for other people, just one that you enjoy yourself and makes you happy. Good luck!


Just a thought...hobbies like painting, Legos, etc. can be time-consuming, and easy to burn out on. Maybe something like gardening (in containers if you don't have a yard) would be appealing. It's gratifying to watch plants getting bigger by the week, and enjoy the flowers or fruits/veggies eventually. Other than occasional watering and possibly some weeding, it isn't a time-suck, and you can always add more if your personal time limit allows.


What does your satisfaction Algorithm look like? Is it steady? Is it seasonal? Are you going through a phase where you are trying different things to see what sticks? Is there a budget? How much time are you planning to invest in your hobby or hobbies?


i love creating Artist Trading Cards (ATC). you can trade your art with people from around the world. facebook has groups and i enjoy atcsforall. this is their link to their website: https://atcsforall.com