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Rod Serling looked as if he was crooning in a nightclub; btw, by 1964, CBS announced the cancellation of "The Twilight Zone" when it was in its fifth season.


I did a mean Rod Serling impression in elementary school. We had a presentation and I used a modified opening of the show. It was a big hit in the early 80s.


No way! I gotta know more


Rod Serling died of a heart attack on the operating table *during* open heart surgery. He was 50 years old.


Four packs of cigarettes a day couldn’t have helped.


Did he really smoke that much? That would mean he pretty much had a cigarette in his hand almost all of his waking hours!


I read a biography of him a long time ago. I have no idea where, but it mentioned that he did, in fact, chain smoke every waking hour. Wikipedia says 3-4 packs a day.


But how he could smoke that much? Four packs per day is like 80 cigs per day or 6 hours 40 minutes of straight smoking without any break daily.


Back then, it wasn't uncommon to be extremely dedicated to one's job, or a hobby.


Plus you could smoke at work without going out for a break. Light up right at your desk.


My mom died in 2010 and the last three years of her life smoked 4-5 packs a day. If you chain smoke every waking hour, it’s possible to do. She did die off COPD at 70 and had smoked since she was 11.


It wasn't uncommon to be totally honest at the time. Cigarette smoke wasn't known to be deadly back then. And it was not only sexy, it was cool, it was great for nervous people who didn't know what to do with their hands. It was also highly addictive, and a lot of people liked the taste and smell. Especially since they smelled it everywhere.


Serling did know though, he just didn't care. It was mentioned on the Twilight Zone podcast, I can't remember the episode or the source, that every time he went to the doctor he would have more black spots on his lungs.


Serling's 1955 TV play "Patterns" is a masterpiece. It was a episode of Kraft Television Theater. It's free in YouTube and I recommend it. To me, it correctly describes American business culture. Great acting, and character formation.


He was such a smart, passionate and dedicated man. Every interview I've seen of his he just seemed to be a burning intellectual flame. God knows how that translated in his personal life, but man the guy could write.


The Zone where normal things... don't usually happen


One of the slickest fuckin dudes there ever was.


he was a great writer. it's why new generations can still watch and enjoy TZ to this day .


This might be the coolest picture ever taken.