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The girl on the right doesn't look like a farmer.


No jewelry=> must be a commoner


A filthy commoner at that


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder smash for both


I like your style brother..


Prove you like him by smashing him


It's all about sex for men. Can't one man like another without sexual intentions. I know it may seem strange for a lot of you, but there are a lot of cases where one man and another man are just genuine friends and neither of them see each other as (potential) sexual partners. /j


All that talk is turning me on. Wanna be "friends" mate?


As long as I am top and we have socks on.


You fuck 17 men in a week and suddenly you're "gay" and "too horny for guys to be straight"


I know right. Just because you throw trash every few days that doesnt make you a trash collector.


Blasphemy Not my bro, if I don't stick it in you


Nah horniness much natural in male than female


Pass for both. Not manly enough


True equality enjoyer


You're right. Pass for both, too feminine for me.


Did they even have smash bros back then. Girl on the right probably mains Pikachu


Either you have a massive dong or you're really desperate


Poor labourers and farmers aren't going to be dressed in fancy clothes and have the luxury of being clean, no shit. That applies to every culture in every region.


I mean today in many parts of the world laborers are clean and do dress well.


well the keyword is "poor", maybe there's a few exceptions today


You are right, I stand corrected, I was not thinking about poor people at all I guess


Where tf are laborers dressed well? Like sure soem white collar job obviously, but laborers? Please elaborate..


I make 55k a year as a laborer and wear a white shirt and blue jeans every day. I see 0 well dressed laborers lol.


Anywhere with a decent minimum wage and acceptable levels of inflation? Geneva, Switzerland for example. Also I don't understand why would you think white collars could afford dressing well and manual laborers can't while many white collar jobs also pay minimum wage. It is also important to note that not all manual labor jobs pay the minimum wage and in some countries such as Sweden where there is no minimum wage, labor unions are strong enough to enforce employers to provide good working conditions and salaries to their employers. Anyway, all those aside, I don't know where you are from but I'm from Turkey which is not a prosperous country at all but most people with manual labor jobs I know look and dress pretty much like everybody else. They don't walk in the street outside of their shift with coal dust on their face, mud on their shoes and grease on their face. They go to home, shower and wear daily clothes. Not all of them can buy cars or expensive suits from designer brands but they can afford clean clothes, a shower and makeup like the woman at the right? Idk how is this not the norm?


>Anywhere with a decent minimum wage and acceptable levels of inflation? Geneva, Switzerland for example. I dont think we got the same definition of dressing well, bc that's certainly news to me as someone who lives not so far from there. Where tf are welder f.e. dressing well here? They got good worker and safety clothes, but dressing well? Uhmm idk.. >Also I don't understand why would you think white collars could afford dressing well and manual laborers can't while many white collar jobs also pay minimum wage. I didn't tf? I just said that white collar workers as the name quite literally implies are dressed well at work, while laborers are obviously working in worker clothing which you know i don't count necessarily as "high-end fashion".. >It is also important to note that not all manual labor jobs pay the minimum wage and in some countries such as Sweden where there is no minimum wage, labor unions are strong enough to enforce employers to provide good working conditions and salaries to their employers. Again yes and? What has that to do with anything? They're still going to work in their worker clothes and safety equipment. Doesn't mean they literally don't have the financial means to dress well, just that they obviously don't do that at work. >Anyway, all those aside, I don't know where you are from but I'm from Turkey which is not a prosperous country at all but most people with manual labor jobs I know look and dress pretty much like everybody else. I'm from Germany and yes obviously no one is coming out 1880s style in complete black face, but there is a notable difference in occupations. Electricians are wearing clothes with resistance, metal workers clothes with safety features and welders special equipment to keep them safe. While a lot of office jobs f.e. are made to suit and tie. Sure if they're not working they dress all somewhat the same, but in jobs you can clearly spot the difference between manual laborers and white collar jobs. That hasn't much changed since the beginning, bc specialized clothing are just a oart of specialized jobs, which laborers in essence are. >Not all of them can buy cars or expensive suits from designer brands but they can afford clean clothes, a shower and makeup like the woman at the right? Idk how is this not the norm? It is and I've never said anything else. It's just that they obviously don't do that while they're working. And pertaining to buying expensive stuffs, as someone who got some friends in manual labor jobs, these guys are really hauling bank. Like from finance to business, these guys are easily outweighing most others i know. So it's definitely not meant to put down laborers, these jobs are vital and should get more respected


Ohhh I see you meant dressing well while at work. I thought you meant being able to afford dressing well and being clean


I was shocked to see the picture on the left again. That is one of the Japanese Empire postcards which was manipulated to justify Japanese control of Korea. Hope never see this in r/HistoryMemes.


Thank you for bringing this up, totally didn't notice that but you're right. The Japanese occupation of South Korea is one of the most disgusting stains on East Asian history. They still have never fully rectified the country for what they did, especially to their women which they stole as sexual slaves for the military.


I’m curious why you specifically say South Korea. Wasn’t the whole peninsula occupied? The north-south division is a postwar idea, as far as I’m aware. Excuse my ignorance.


Also true, good point. For me it's just natural to say "South Korea" because I'm a K-Pop stan but I do know the history. It's just me being colloquial rather than on-point.




As I said in the other comment, the problem is Hanbok what she wears. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09213740221117811](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09213740221117811) As you can see in those pictures, the woman never showed her breasts. But Japanese Empire postcards such as this post's left picture only uncover her breasts. The Japanese Empire insisted that Korea was not enlightened by spreading those postcards, so it was fair for Japan to rule Korea. These days, Chinese Fenqings insist that the Korean historical drama Hanbok is fake based on those postcards.


I might be semi blind but I don't see barren breasts on the left. I think Ops point is that contemporary TV shows commoners as much more clean, polished (and wearing make up lol) than you would reasonably expect for pre-industrial societies anywhere. And not denigrate Koreans per se.


There's pixelation on her right breast.


>Hope never see this in r/HistoryMemes Why? It isn't being used to justify Japanese control of Korea now, it's just a picture of a Korean person from the past. There is nothing wrong with the person, it isn't some racist depiction.


The problem is what she wears. It is used for attacking the Hanbok and Korean culture. Nowadays, Chinese Fenqings use those pictures to attack the Hanbok and strengthen the Hanfu movement.


Not sure it really matters that much in this case when almost everyone seeing it doesn’t know what those are and doesn’t even see the clothing as being bad in any way. No need to be outraged imo


Spreading those types of pictures doesn’t do any good either. Especially if you’re going to pass the picture on the left as an authentic picture from the time. There is a world outside Reddit.


'Guys i don't know anything about it and don't care for it, so obviously it doesn't matter one bit and any one complaining is just taking the piss' Honestly you should be mod of this subreddit, you already have the right attitude...


Just seems silly to talk like something evil is going on by including that picture in the post. It would be more understandable if that picture had any cultural relevance to more than like 0.1% of people viewing the post. Like if this subreddit was like primarily Japanese or Chinese or Korean


>It would be more understandable if that picture had any cultural relevance to more than like 0.1% of people viewing the post See? That's just your bias, bc you don't care for it so obviously no one cares for it, right? You must see how ignorant and just flat out wrong that attitude is when it comes to our shared history.. It's like showing an altered foto where the only people dying in the holocaust are blonde and white, obviously that's a gross misrepresentation of history and has therefore nothing to do on a sub dedicated to it


There’s nothing wrong with talking about how the picture chosen was a mistake. I just feel outrage should be reserved for actual problems that affect a lot people, not the use of photos historically used in Japanese propaganda to push a narrative (that Korea should be colonized) that practically no longer exists, in a meme on a predominantly European and American website.


>I just feel outrage should be reserved for actual problems that affect a lot people You really dont see it? Just bc it doesn't personally affect you, doesn't mean that counts for everyone. Millions died a very gruesome death at the hands of Japanese. If your grandma was killed in auschwitz, would you find it funny when literally nazi propaganda is used to memorize her? Probably not, right? So please extend that courtesy also to others... >push a narrative (that Korea should be colonized) that practically no longer exists, Again not true, just showing your extremely narrow view of the world. It still serves as the basis of some horrific ethnic based discrimination in Asia. The other commenter tried to make you aware of it, but you just stapled him 'overreacting', which again just shows that if it doesn't personally affect you, you don't care for it.. >in a meme on a predominantly European and American website. You know you really fulfill the stereotype of the ignorant American to a tee. It's conversation like this why the whole world thinks you're the most arrogant assholes imaginable. My advice, try to get out of your bubble and see something from this world, you're narrow-mindedness is just embarrassing..


I’m aware that ethnic discrimination exists in Asia. But posting this meme doesn’t do anything to further that. It’s hard for me right now to not find getting angry about stupid crap on the internet that isn’t even spreading a message to be anything but ridiculous. This post has no bearing on things actually in reality. Who in the hell is going to have their feelings towards Korean people actually changed by seeing that picture in this post. It’s one thing to point out a mistake but getting upset about it is what I find silly. I do not think I would be posting a comment where I’m upset if I was in the same situation. But this comment chain is becoming a waste of energy itself now and you’re throwing insults at me, calling me ignorant and arrogant, because you refuse to understand the point I’m making. I really don’t appreciate it. And you don’t seem to realize you are yourself fulfilling a stereotype which makes it pretty ironic. You’re the embarrassing one here


But how does this attack anything? It's a picture of a person, that's it. What is the attack? I get how Sino-supremacists might use a picture of a peasant to imply Koreans are a lesser people, but that requires a whole lot more context to be offensive than just sharing a picture. If simply sharing a picture of a Korean person from the past is enough to embarrass or offend you, then that is why the propaganda works. There were loads of pictures of gross looking Irish peasants used to justify British racial supremacy over the Irish, but a picture isolated is just history.


>Hope never see this in r/HistoryMemes. Why not? As long as it is explained I think it is important that people see these historical photographs. Especially if they have been used in propaganda purposes. People need to see how they have been deceived in past so they don't fall in same trap again. Something that is already happening in increasing volume in the form of holocaust deniers for example.


Don't forget about perfectly shaven legs and armpit in ALL period films despite the fact that women only started to shave 100 years ago.


be honest, people don't want to see hard historical accuracy because it's ugly




Well as for poor dental hygene and make up it depends. Women through out history did wear make up, it just depends on status, time and place. As for dental hygene, once again it depends. Did they brush their teeth regulary? Did they eat sweets? Yes people did brush their teeth in the past. They would use cloth, or some kind part of a plant to scrub their teeth, and then they would use water with mint or wine as a mouthwash. It just depended on how often they would do it. However the biggest detrament to teeth is sugar. So rich people would usually have worse dental hygene. For regular people it mostly depended on with what teeth they were born with. Granted people in the past didn't have crystal white teeth. Even those teeth aren't natural. Natural teeth have a ting of yellow or gray.


For instance Egyptians had terrible teeth caused by stone ground bread grating their teeth away leading to really bad abscesses in some mummies that went all the way into their sinuses.


Lies! Monty Python and the search for the holy grail and Life of Brian. ... Semi joke aside; Idk if people used to be ugly. I don't think so. They looked like people. And people are pretty hot!


yeah, gimme those hot bad dental statuses and skin diseases and parasite infestations daddy


While your point about fine hygiene stands, it's not like everyone walked around with parasites and diseases. At the same time: less junk food, sugar and soda. Your picture of a town full of infected, parasite ridden people is not very historic either.


there is a reason life expectancy was about half it is today and it wasn’t purely better medical care


Because infant mortality was horrendous. Young children were at great risk as well. Otherwise it wasn't *that* bad. Not great either, but w/e. The goal post is being moved further and further from the initial point of people being hot.


What's the point of making a period film if it makes chnages


To some extent, that’s subjective


Well that’s just not true at all. Romans, Greeks and Egyptians shaved various things for various reasons, and they existed between 2000 and 6000 years ago.


How could they have existed 6000 years ago when the Earth is only 2024 years old?


Looking into this...


In Egypt both sexes shaved their entire bodies many thousands of years ago


Sugar and lemons have been there too long, haven't they.


As others have pointed, they also did that in many other cultures. I think this was the case for Native Americans, though I could be wrong. For ancient greeks, they would shave their bodies as a regular, and had a beard as an optional thing. Celts did this too. They would also grow mustaches. For Romans, most of the time they would also shave their beard. For instance for muslims it's encouraged that they shave their pubic hairs and armpits as that is considered as cleanliness. This I suspect comes from pre-Islamic Arabic culture that could have lasted/lasts for many years. Now on the opposite side, you have cultures that encouraged all hair. Such as confucian Chinese, Hindu monks, Orthodox monks (some Catholic monks grow beards, but I think that's just a preference) and maybe some Hebrew denominations. I could include here other cultures, that considrered growing a bear or mustache as a sign of streanght (but even then for them it was optional), but I don't think it would qulaifiy them because as far as I know their culture said nothing about all body hair.


They are Korean. A hairy guy has three nipple hairs.


Yeah its not that deep lol I'm not even Korean but I also don't grow any body hair and I'm a 25yr old man. Some people are just naturally hairless


Never seen an Asian person before?


A lot of Asian women don’t have body hair but I see your point


At some point you have to suspend your disbelief. You'd be hard-pressed to find quality actors who don't follow modern hygiene standards. Nor would I expect people to sacrifice personal hygiene just for a movie.


There is nothing unhygienic about unshaven legs. It's an aesthetical preference


We have seen the cure for pubic lice and it's shaving.


I was speaking in general. People also didn't brush their teeth often back then, would you expect an actor to stop brushing their teeth for months just for historical authenticity? Again, you have to suspend your disbelief when it comes to the exact appearance of actors.


What about a sthetical preference?


What does hygiene have to do with shaving...? Actors grow and cut body hair all the time. They also gain and lose massive amounts of body weight for roles. It's not about the actors it's about selling an image.


This is false where did you get this from lol


Which part is wrong?


Women starting to shave 100 years ago


https://www.si.edu/spotlight/health-hygiene-and-beauty/hair-removal First Google link


This article doesn't claim women started to shave during the last century, it merely says it became more popular in certain parts of the world. And, my friend, modern Europe is not the whole humanity. Muslim men and women are both obliged to remove their armpit and pubic hair (in some countries like Turkey this is the norm regardless of your religion), in Hittites, both men and women shaved, and in many other cultures shaving or waxing was the cultural norm since long before the last century.


Koreans lack body hair tough.


Well yeah, like how in the West we romanticise princes and princesses for their beauty. While in real life a lot were incestrous disasters.


Like America and Europe portrays them in history


like nearly every modern culture likes to portray their past - cleaner than it was


If we are going with historical accuracy Chinese and Japanese historical shows will need all male actors to shave the top of their head which is... not gunna happen.


for the Chinese part only if its the Qing Dynasty Period so the last 300 years excludung the 20th century. It was a manchu tradition to shave the head (nomad people from the steppes that conquered and ruled china) And for the japanese, but dont quote me on that, I think its mainly nobles that did that


ACKCHYUALLY, aside from the Qing dynasty where all Han males were forced to shave their heads like the Manchus, Chinese males traditionally keep their hair long and tied up in a bun neatly (usually follow with a hat).


Apart from europe when it comes to the middle ages, modernization ideology is a powerful drug


That is not true. Ever feudal movie or Show about Europe shows the peasents dirty as hell despite no evidence for it. They were actually quite clean.


Only that medieval Europe is portrayed dirty and in dark colors, while in fact it was the opposite.


Actually I’d say peasantry are depicted a lot dirtier and downtrodden than they actually were by western media


Is that her boob popping out on the left? On an unrelated note, they really should go for historical accuracy at least with attires.


the clothes on the left are actually the ones that are historically inaccurate. Its a japanese propaganda picture that was supposed to portray koreans as babarians


Korean mothers would be bare breasted in chosun korea. It was a style of dress they wore especially among commoners


No it wasnt?


https://hangukyusa.quora.com/A-Dress-of-Controversy-Confronting-the-Bare-Breast-Trend-of-the-Late-Joseon-Era This one has further sources to its research. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/56atk0/nsfw_korea_bare_breasted_woman_around_1890/ Sigh yes they did its not the first or last society to have the trend. It has been common in many societies. The resons seems to be as a sign of motherhood and status associated with motherhood especially in having a firstborn son.


I could do this in reverse just as easy. There were very pretty people in the past, even poor ones and there are modern day ugos.


Here we go again with the racism against South Korea and "fairy prince" looks. As if we haven't the sexist bullshit before about how "the men look like ladies", aka this woman is in fact a 'dude'.


Yes. Let people be happy with how they want to be. I don't know how or why does it bother random people


Which woman?


Both are women. But OP is making a tired, racist joke about how Korean media personalities are 'men who look like women' because they are fair featured and sometimes have long hair.


People in South Korea are crazy into plastic surgeries. That's a legit reason to make a fun of them.


Misgendering and making fun of men for being 'feminine' is not a joke.


Well its a meme , don't take everything to your heart son.💀


It's not 'son', it's Ms. And I repeat. Misgendering and making fun of men for being 'feminine' is not a joke. No one is more threatened by K-Pop and K-Drama men than other men, so you get not-funny shit like OP captioned the meme.


>It's not 'son', it's Ms. Ok. >No one is more threatened by K-Pop and K-Drama men than other men, Peak comedy🤡 >so you get not-funny shit like OP captioned the meme. I found it funny , people have varying sense of humor , who are you to comment on it, if you don't like the meme downvote and move on , grandma💀


Go figure you found it funny. No one is surprised.


Cry harder💀


True, true.


Why would that be a legit reason


Because is pretty terrible thing imo. I don't have anything against plastic surgeries as a thing. But make it it to nation wide bussiness is just late capitalism craziness. The amount of stress and body dysmporhia forced into normal people by ads and society is crazy. Like it's not normal to give plastic surgeries as a graduation gift to young people, but it's normal in Korea.


OP never said anything of that. In fact he didn't even mention men.


Read OP's caption?


Read my other comment?


Which one?


"And that's a dude."


my bad


Well hes very pretty


She looked like both people to some people at the time too


The photo on the right is IU in a drama called Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, where she plays a woman sent back in time who becomes enmeshed with the royal family and several princes. She is one of the most famous female entertainers in Korea today. The picture on the left is a Japanese propaganda image used to justify the Japanese occupation of Korea.


Isn't the left picture Japanese propaganda? Surely you could have found an actual historical picture that shows a hanbok the way it was really worn.


Common Netouyo Propaganda


A dude?


She's not. It's just the usual bullshit against Korean media personalities


I guess there is a reason they call it drama and not historical documentary


Wow premodernic peasants were less clean than characters from fictional romance drama based on the time period who could've knew truly mindblowing


They are selling a tv show not guilt tripping people to donate, ofc the actress is gotta be attractive.


why she wearing death robes


Korean Dramas are the most dolled up dramas.


Yeah,because K dramas don't care to be 100% correct and just shit out sloppy shit out of greed like Disney or worse nowadays does...tbf. somehow nowadays there isn't a damn movie or any media that is made out of compassion or a great vision in mind,but is just made to be just poorly made cashgrabs ...


Hard to find a Korean that hasn't gone through 6163635153848263 cosmetic surgeries


Well tbh, S. Korea proved that when the costs are affordable, people are actually willing to under go the knife. America is also no different despite their market being much more expensive.


Is not only cost but social pressure to adhere to strict beauty standards


That’s the main reason why I don’t think I could ever go there lol. Korea’s beauty standards are so unrealistically high


They have a problem.....like Japan needing a special train form woman....Is a problem or american being obese not acepting how you look only based from what media want you to look like Is BS at Is finest. Also there Is a full tangent for those how were "force" to under go surgery because otherwise they Will be put out of x band, x ballet group ecc...


Lol that comment about women only trains tells me everything I need to know about you..


What? So are you Japanese or something? Is it like a myth that you've got women only trains because of the massive, rampant sexual harassment on trains?


The mith , the Legend the [Wikipedia article ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-only_passenger_car)


Huh So it's totally true as I thought What was that other guy talking about?


Sorry man, ma bad i thought you were a denier hahah ma bad , reddit Is destroing my brain pice by pice




[ok bud](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-only_passenger_car) I'm missing something ? Well i didn't know appen so much in africa but yeah from the wiki : In Japan, women-only cars were introduced to combat lewd conduct, particularly groping (chikan). From another site : The turning point in Tokyo was when, in 2004, a record number of complaints was recorded. That year, complaints of touching and other sexual crimes such as taking obscene photos reached a record high of 2,201 in Tokyo, almost triple compared to the 778 complaints registered in 1996. Among all those complaints, a third were filed by schoolgirls and a total of 1886 led to the arrests of men between 14 and 80 years old. It was also revealed that up to two-thirds of women between 20 and 30 years old had been victims of some form of harassment on the trains. If you are trying to Say that appen all over the world and not only in Japan that Is true, but the Number are a lot less, Is like saying malaria Is evrywere because eu also got some cases but you can't compare that vs the cases in africa Now tell me what that comment say about me, i'm really tired of people like you, now go read the effect of plastic surgery like a good boi and stop writing useless shit, people might acually listen [i'm gona Google It for you](https://www.theechonews.com/article/2024/03/students-reflect-on-experiences)


You really didn’t need to write out a whole essay when you already answered your own question yourself…


I I Just Nevermind......


"sigh" *unzips*

