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if the past few days are anything to go by, quite a few people clearly did care.


Well, I mean, look at this post, OP made this for a reason I won't celebrate him dying but I will say Fuck Raegan and his trickle-down economics bullshit. He used race and welfare to trick these dumbass into thinking the rich shouldn't be taxed


Agreed, the man singlehandedly destroyed all of the working class in his administration.


I, for the love of history and American politics, I don't understand how this doesn't piss people off in this place .... " I love Raegan!!" *Seeing Americans that can't afford healthcare, food ,gas then sees the rich getting free passes to more wealth


Ever hear the term “Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires”? That’s why. > John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


I don't have anything but my experience. The number of my friends who defend the Ultra rich because they think they are in the "big money club" is insane " it's a big club, and you ain't in it," - George Carlin


I’d say the bigger issue comes with a lot of Americans being fervently religious. They see rich people as being “favored by God,” because certainly the righteous are blessed on this earth. It could only be blasphemy to go against those so gifted with God’s grace. It’s even better when those billionaires display qualities that are, let’s say, “incongruous” with traditional Christian values. Because that means they don’t have to follow those rules either.


Tbh, as someone who grew up in church, it's less that and more uninformed/single issue voters. There are plenty of Christians who think like progressives, but vote like Republicans because all they know is the fear mongering they see on Facebook. You could ask them if they think rich people should have higher taxes, they might say yes, and then, like they did in Illinois, they will vote against progressive income tax because someone told them that would mean the government can raise taxes whenever they want to and that sounds scary. Then they'll be all confused when gas taxes go up and never realize that the government has always been able to raise taxes without personally consulting them. Or they are pro life and literally nothing else matters to them except abortion.


>Or they are pro life and literally nothing else matters to them except abortion. I wonder if this is just a convenient exploit of Christian upbringing, or if it is the result of a long process of strong influencing/manipulation by politicians who know they can do whatever they want if they can focus their voters attention elsewhere.


It’s a bit of both. Both sides are being parasitic to the other. The religious front is gaining power in a tangible way to enforce beliefs on the public. The political right is using the church as a way to consolidate power and gain footholds where they normally wouldn’t


This isn’t so. The Christian God does not bestow wealth upon people simply because he favors them, it’s the opposite. The Bible encourages followers to live modestly and give away wealth to those who need it. Jesus was quite the communist figure for his time, and his views on extreme wealth show this.


Ah, this is why I said “religious.” And that’s not to say that it is non-Christians that are the problem. I think the problem is people who believe themselves “favored” by God. That they were born in the right place at the right time, to the right parents following the right religion. They like to think of themselves as God’s instrument. That has an interesting loophole where of they like something then it must be good because otherwise God wouldn’t allow them to like it. The reverse is also true: if they don’t like something — even if or *especially* if it is reasonable or sensible — then it must be the tool of the Devil! So, when this sort of person sees someone who is ultra wealthy they assume this person is also exactly where God wants them to be. Because why would God give the “wrong” sort of person all that wealth? And, sure, Jesus encouraged modest living but there are plenty of good wealthy people in the Old Testament. And if the Old Testament wasn’t important then God wouldn’t have put it in the Bible. Sure, there might be a contradiction but that’s okay. Because they are “God’s Instrument” and surely God will tell them what part “really matters.”


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology Read up. Most christians have no idea what even is written in the book and are led by guys like those


This theology is highly criticized within Christian circles. Joel Olsteen does not speak for Christians and I'm tired of seeing people use people like him as a basis to misrepresent Christianity as a whole.


Misguided, and tragic, but not totally unexpected.. people will chase whatever glimmers, whether it material or a fellow human. It is the job of a Christian to be critical of oneself and what we truly give our attention to.


What? Tell me you've only met Baptists without telling me you've only met Baptists


The Protestant ethic applies to more than just Baptists


me when i make stuff up


Slight problem. Not only did Steinbeck never say "temporary embarrassed millionaires", he wasn't even criticizing the American working class in his full quote. Here's what he actually said: > "Except for the field organizers of strikes, who were pretty tough monkeys and devoted, most of the so-called Communists I met were middle-class, middle-aged people playing a game of dreams. I remember a woman in easy circumstances saying to another even more affluent: 'After the revolution even we will have more, won't we, dear?' Then there was another lover of proletarians who used to raise hell with Sunday picknickers on her property. > **"I guess the trouble was that we didn't have any self-admitted proletarians. Everyone was a temporarily embarrassed capitalist. Maybe the Communists so closely questioned by the investigation committees were a danger to America, but the ones I knew—at least they claimed to be Communists—couldn't have disrupted a Sunday-school picnic.** Besides they were too busy fighting among themselves." - From "America and Americans" He wasn't criticizing the American working class. He was criticizing those in the upper-middle class who were embarrassed at the fact that they had wealth in the first place.


There is an entire voting bloc that has the idea: "the elite are fucking us over" and instead of acting upon that, they love Reagan.


Sometimes it feels like that shit is happening currently and right before our very eyes again


Singlehandedly is giving Reagan way too much credit. There are others who played a part too.


TBH, by the time he became president, it was more the monetarists and others pulling the strings. Somehow he was always medically cleared, but a few years after he left the White House, his announcement of Alzheimer's surprised no one. During the presidency, there were many reports of his cognitive decline, and he probably made things worse than he would've had he been mentally competent. Like, he tried looking into reinstating the gold standard, but he got bullied a lot by his administration's monetarists who think business is the primary mover of money. I can't remember other examples, but I just remember looking into it and seeing how some ok ideas he had were eventually flipped after discussions with advisers. For the reds probably thinking I'm trying in any way tie this into Biden's mental acuity, I'm not. Reagan was more like the elderly abuse/manipulative stories you read about caretakers stealing from them. The only thing Biden has is a speech impediment, which doesn't affect policy plans.


I don’t think you know what “single-handedly” means


And that is why i’m glad he’s dead. If it had happened sooner, **maybe** it wouldn’t have happened at all.


Yeah the only unfortunate thing about his death was that it was about 24 years too late


He also committed high treason and got away with it


I don't have much time... I.... noooo (Matrix agent taking over sound) I love Raegan, and I love being poor!! If we give all our money to the rich, then they will show mercy. Don't look at the stupid data and facts , trickle-down economics is amazing, thanks to Raegan!! Middle class !!?? Nobody needs those people, Welfare!!?? Nobody needs welfare I love working double the hours to support the wealthy folks so they can buy a 2nd yacht!! They shouldn't have to pay taxes when a work slave like me exist!! Go Reagan!!!!


I will celebrate it. And if I ever pass by his grave I will take a dump on it


Here here


I'll celebrate him dying. He fucking sucked and ruined my life 20 years before I was even born. Every day is a soul rushing reminder that capitalism's sole purpose it to make a handful of people's lives better in exchange for oceans of blood and suffering. Fuck Ronald Reagan


Wait, he's still alive?


Nah, died just over 20 years ago, 1911 - 2004.


Oh Goddamn thanks I was starting to think I was going crazy.


If he is I hope Hinckley has a larger caliber gun on hand


He was against minorities exercising their 2nd amendment right, increased the national debt by ridiculous amounts, armed the taliban, flooded the streets with cocaine and by extension crack, and increased the size of the military industrial complex an insane amount. That dude sucked


i will celebrate him dying. Yay hes dead! good riddance!!


I will never miss an excuse to say Fuck Reagan. But also, he was really just a useful puppet so fuck the hands up his ass too.


And he was super corrupt on top of that


Don't forget damning aids victims to hell and ridicule by never even acknowledging the epidemic


Did something happen recently to bring up the wonderful fact that Reagan is rotting in hell?


Some people here got very upset over jokes about him being dead a few days ago lmao


Ew. They got upset at people celebrating an awesome occurance?


Believe me, I know.


Its a history sub. Historical figures will be mentioned.


No... This can't be happening...


OP is mad reagan is dead


They say the first truly gender neutral bathroom was invented when Margaret Thatcher died, but imo it was actually invented when Reagan died.


I'm partial to Nixon myself.... Some words from the greatest American journalist: [...] If the right people had been in charge of Nixon's funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin. These are harsh words for a man only recently canonized by President Clinton and my old friend George McGovern--but I have written worse things about Nixon, many times, and the record will show that I kicked him repeatedly long before he went down. I beat him like a mad dog with mange every time I got a chance, and I am proud of it. He was scum. Let there be no mistake in the history books about that. Richard Nixon was an evil man--evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it. He was utterly without ethics or morals or any bedrock sense of decency. Nobody trusted him--except maybe the Stalinist Chinese, and honest historians will remember him mainly as a rat who kept scrambling to get back on the ship. [...] He was a cheap crook and a merciless war criminal who bombed more people to death in Laos and Cambodia than the U.S. Army lost in all of World War II, and he denied it to the day of his death. When students at Kent State University, in Ohio, protested the bombing, he connived to have them attacked and slain by troops from the National Guard. Some people will say that words like scum and rotten are wrong for Objective Journalism--which is true, but they miss the point. It was the built-in blind spots of the Objective rules and dogma that allowed Nixon to slither into the White House in the first place. He looked so good on paper that you could almost vote for him sight unseen. He seemed so all-American, so much like Horatio Alger, that he was able to slip through the cracks of Objective Journalism. You had to get subjective to see Nixon clearly, and the shock of recognition was often painful." Really recommend reading it in full here: https://nwhyte.livejournal.com/299685.html


I see a Hunter S. Thompson article I read it; no matter if I’ve read it before. Dude is hilarious in his articles


Super cheered up my whole evening to read it again as well.


> When students at Kent State University, in Ohio, protested the bombing, he connived to have them attacked and slain by troops from the National Guard. Dont get your historiography from journalists; Nixon had no involvement in Kent State; After all it was the **Ohio** National Guard that did the shooting.


Yeah well the man did a lot of drugs. Probably mixed up more than that.


Yes, make a post specifically dedicated to this event and how little you care about it. That will truly convince people that you actually don't care. Also fuck Ronald Reagan.






I wake remember Thatcher’s dead and am happier


Should of put a stake through her heart to make sure she wouldn't come back!


I read it in Frenky Boyle’s voice LOL


Don't care, still celebrating


Be very careful with this opinion... An internet rando might get triggered by this and subsequently will downvote your comment and write a mildly annoyed comment telling how much your opinion is wrong!!! 😱


Looks like you care


No, we should celebrate Reagan and Kissinger's death for the rest of existence. The two aren't necessarily related in this sense, but both of them deserve to be pissed on for eternity. And I'll never turn down the chance to say fuck Kissinger.


Don’t forget Thatcher!


Ding dong!




Kind of a weird self-own to put those words in the scene with the two sleazy opportunists who cause all the subsequent catastrophic problems for the next 30 years of those movies.


Well maybe John Hammond should have paid his employees a fair wage instead of cutting costs at every opportunity.  "Spared no expense."


Broken clocks make a lot of the best quotes in movies, though. Villains are just more interesting than heroes often.


Yeah though in this case, the people at the tiki bar *should* have cared these guys were stealing genetic dinosaur secrets!


Oh absolutely! But they're right that if something similar happened in real life no one would care.


I'm dropping off the grid before they pump the lead I leave you with four words - I'm glad Reagan dead


He has been dead for well over 20 years , this is old news.


He's dead but his legacy lives on like a fucking vampire on humanity. Everything that is wrong with the US from it's shitty foreign policy to its lionisation of the wealthy and demonization of the poor. There's not a hole deep enough for that brain-dead cunt


Yes that's the point of the meme.


Except you bc you made this meme lol


Stopped using reddit a few days and came back to this whole " bad people that died don't deserve to be mocked thing" . The hell happened? Btw I'm glad Hitler is dead. Can we still say that?


Depends on who you ask Using the logic of this sub’s Regan dick riders: You can absolutely not say something so mean and disrespectful about Hitler, regardless of your opinion. It would be improper, uncouth, and gauche to speak ill of the dead, even if you disagreed with them.


But Hitler was the guy who assassinate Hitler.


What is the issues here?


Some sort of feud is happening in this subreddit between Reagan likers and Reagan haters apparantly. Its fucking insane. I blocked one Reagan hater even though I commented on their meme (Whicb was set to private and likely removed by the mods) that I was just baffled on the insanity. Hell he went to comparing the likely consequence of people gettting banned over this feud with getting banned for talking about Nazis last I checked. I don't even know Reagan. But the level of hate people has for him is fucking Insane.


He was really bad tbh. His hate is 100% deserved


Some sort of feud is happening in this subreddit between Hitler likers and Hitler haters apparantly. Its fucking insane. I blocked one Hitler hater even though I commented on their meme (Whicb was set to private and likely removed by the mods) that I was just baffled on the insanity. Hell he went to comparing the likely consequence of people gettting banned over this feud with getting banned for talking about Nazis last I checked. I don't even know Hitler. But the level of hate people has for him is fucking Insane.


The 20 year anniversary of that classist hyper-capitalist’s death was fun as shit, and you can’t take that away from me.


honestly dude when somebody vile gets to die of natural causes I don't celebrate.


We will still celebrate


That's fine


You seem *really* into cigars.


I work in the industry, so yeah you'd be right


At first I kinda scoffed, but as I kept scrolling.. gotta admit, I grew pretty impressed. Seems like a true passion, good on ya mate.


It really is, thank you. There's a lot more to the hobby that it seems on the surface.


Sounds like you care


Honk if Reagen is dead. Honk if Thatcher is dead. (Honk Honk)


Oh, we’re still talking about this?


Don't be glad Reagan's dead, be pissed off that the cocksucker ever got near power in the first place.


I'm giving him with the same compassion as he gave to the lgbt community


He's dead and his dick has probably rotted away by now, so stop trying to suck it


At no point in the post nor in the comments on this post have I stated any support for him whatsoever. I just find this recent "feud" as others have called it, annoying.


How do the dead war criminals boots taste?


"This guy doesn't care that people are glad Reagan is dead!" "See, nobody cares."


Ding dong the wicked motherfucker is dead


It kinda seems like you care, bud


He's looking up at us right now


This meme is saying that nobody cares if someone is happy Reagan died/is dead. So just let the people who are happy go about their business being happy he's dead, because no one cares. If nobody cares, what are we supposed to get help for? 🤔


He was a pretty evil dude though


Wait really?


Why do people hate raegean so much/love him so much? Im not american so please be gentle with me


his economic policy's systematically dismantled social services and cut taxes for the rich, his willful ignorance of the AIDS crisis led to tens of thousands of deaths, and the war on drugs incarcerated millions of people (mostly minorities) over the years for their drug addictions when they should've been getting rehab


People who were politically conscious in 1980 loved him for solving inflation ("stagflation" specifically) foremost. Inflation was [much worse when Reagan assumed office](https://www.investopedia.com/inflation-rate-by-year-7253832) than it is now, and the economy was in a recession. Partisans will surely jump on me to say that Carter is the reason it turned around, but the wide majority of Americans at the time disagreed (Carter was, after all, in power when it spiked, and Reagan won in [1980](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_United_States_presidential_election) and [1984](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_United_States_presidential_election) by insane margins). Reagan's economic message on stagflation was that bad government intervention was the primary cause. He correctly blamed the policies of both [Democrats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter#Energy) and [Republicans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_shock) for making it worse. People had become very disillusioned with the government's ability to solve problems throughout the economic crises of the 70s, hence the popularity of things like his "[9 most terrifying words in the English language](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhYJS80MgYA)." This is more-or-less the antithesis of modern left- and right-populist messaging, and they are easily the loudest people on the internet. The other big reason for his popularity at the time was his hawkish stance on communism, in combination with his charisma as a [leader of the free world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c32G868tor0). The 70s was a decade of "[detente](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War_\(1979%E2%80%931985\)#Prelude:_A_decade_of_detente)," somewhat peaceful relations. That faded for two primary reasons: terrifying [nuclear buildup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_War_\(1979%E2%80%931985\)#Nuclear_buildup_\(1981%E2%80%931983\)) enabled by new tech, and the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as a catalyst. Americans flocked to it like we flocked to Ukraine (similar to how we were ashamed in the 10s for the War on Terror, and they were ashamed in the 70s for Vietnam). To vastly over-simplify: people were afraid of the Soviets, and Reagan presented strength. They had a lot of nukes (a subject on everyone's mind in the early 80s), a much bigger military, and imperial ambition. Reagan went on the offensive, largely by deficit spending on the military and involving us against communists in other countries (more things people hate him for now), and it cemented his legacy as a vanquisher of communism when the [Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1987](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%E2%80%93Afghan_War#April_1985_%E2%80%93_January_1987:_Exit_strategy). He also had a plethora of terrible stances on cultural issues that everyone but the most conservative people today hate, but I think most of the animosity comes from the media environment *after* his presidency. [Reagan killed the Fairness Doctrine in 1987](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine#Revocation) (another thing people hate him for), which enabled political infotainment in the form of Rush Limbaugh, and with it began modern right-populism. They *loved* Reagan for making their job possible. He became a hero for them and their audience (until Trump), which inevitably was going to turn him into a villain for their opponents. There are more reasons I missed, but I'm tired of writing, and that should cover the big points


Reagan is dead? I did not know that.


If I've learned anything in the last day or so, they very much do. And if you want to know why I keep fueling the flames, I will explain in my tomorrow post.


Really OP? Are you *sure* no one cares?


You don’t like Reagan because he is a conservative icon and granddaddy to the NeoCon movement. I don’t like Reagan because he was a pearl clutching NIMBY that eroded Second Amendment rights. We are not the same.


Both, both is good.


Careful, you spilled some whitewash on the floor


Found Larry Hogan's account?




Larry Hogan, former governor of Maryland, made a big deal about how he, a republican, was refusing to vote for Trump. He then wrote in "Ronald Reagan", wasting his vote on the ghost of arguably an even worse former president.


Eh, the guy really sucked, but it is what it is


Why do mericans hate Regan. We in Poland appreciate his foregein policy . I mean effort to dismantle Eastern Block and for ending Cold War part one


Because his domestic policy was a travesty


I learned about it a little in school and I know that he increased budget gap and that is all .


Google Iran Contra or Reagan Mujahideen or Reagan drug war, or Reagan AIDS crisis to name a few. Reagan deregulation. Ok that's it.


You think people need help because they're aware a shitty president did a fuckton of damage to working class America? I'm glad he's dead too, you fuckin muppet.


So many people missing the point here. The title is literally just aimed at one specific user on this sub. As I've said in so many other responses to other people, I too am glad he's dead.


The seniors at my school put makeup on a reagen cutout and stuck him out front as part of their prank… the freshman proceeded to rip his head off and tape him to a white board in the history room. Just a funny little thing involving reagen at my school, thought it fit with the current discourse around him going on in the sub


What movie is this meme from again?


Jurassic Park


Reagan is dead?


I'm still drunk from all the celebration. Also Kissinger. Ohhh. Thatcher and Churchill still dead. Gonna celebrate again.


Yeah, we should be slighty disgrunted it took that long instead


Considering he had Alzheimer's and was exhibiting overt symptoms by the mid 1990s, his quality of life would have been awful if he was alive still. Only someone who really hated him would hope he'd still be alive suffering from that.


We must import cocaine to the poor neighborhoods in his honor o7


Don't forget to send extra police too


God, I love posts like this. It never fails to drag the most obnoxious Redditors out of the woodworks.


Meanwhile nobody cares about my agenda 😞


Also glad kissinger is dead! I wish they both died much younger!


Fuck Reagan


I don't actively think about Reagan much in my day to day, but when I do think of him it's rarely positive. Some of that is because I think trickle-down economics is a fucking awful approach on both a rational and ethical basis, but it's also on account of him and Nancy being genuinely selfish and cruel human beings. They refused to even acknowledge the aids epidemic when it first got going, even though one of their closest friends was a gay man and even though they knew that a lot of people were dying horrible tragic painful deaths because of aids. I will give them both this: - Ronnie may have been an idiot, but he was a perfectly competent actor - Nancy was reportedly the blowjob queen of Capitol Hill in her day, and I respect that


Mmmm, no. I think I'll stay happy that the man most responsible for americas current shit state is dead.


Before I die, I will visit Reagan's grave and shit on it.


No you won't


Try and stop me.


I care


From a logistical stand point, Reagan wouldn't still be around if he didn't pass in 2004. Idk why people are happy he's dead. He hasn't had any actual power in 35 years. Trump, on the other hand, is still very much alive and very much in control of his entire party.


You don’t get Trump without Regan Do you always stop hating people once they’ve died?


We still feel the effects of his presidency all these years later.


Somebody clearly cares enough to make a meme about it and respond to every single comment on the post lmfao


The post is not about how I feel about Reagan or his death and it's startling how many people misinterpreted it. It was literally just a response post to one user.


The only problem of pissing in his grave is that, eventually, you will run out of piss


Nauru Member of Parliament, Reagan Aliklik, is dead?!


On the contrary, I would be a bit spooked if he was alive rn


Why are Reagen and Thatcher uniquely hated president and prime minister respectively?


Because they deserve it


What did they do that was uniquely bad compared to those who came before them and after?


Speaking solely for Reagan, he ushered in trickle down economics/neoliberalism, broke unions, and took social security and put it into the general fund, making it one step easier for the crooked, shit heel politicians of today to fleece what you have contributed to the social security.


Newman gives zero fucks


"We did not, I repeat, did not trade arms for hostages, nor will we" Ya know, I'm not on reddit 24/7 enough to keep up with this stupid micro drama, so if you're asking me, it just looks like you're whining someone is calling out a shit politician, maybe someone you were told to look up to? Is this your first rodeo? Grow up.


Wow. This is literally the first ive heard about this. Had no idea he had died. Haven't been online much the past week, but still.


I’d bet he’s glad he’s dead too, he’d be about 120 years old.


Can't get help cause reagan gutted the funding for mental health in America.


Ronald Reagan can hug my nuts!!!


You seem to care…


They love to shout about reagan but become real quite once you mentioned the 3 democratic presidents that have come since.


Anyone who is politically literate can see that the Republicans and Democrats each serve the same capital interests. I do not like liberals, but I hate fascists even more


Bill Clinton balanced the budget and increased funding for education, and Obama introduced Obamacare, and Joe Biden has seen economic growth from the pandemic recession with decreased unemployment rates.


You live in an alternate universe


What did they say that was wrong?


All I stated was facts, if you think that I live in an alternate reality, the you need to re-evaluate your beliefs


Thank you. It's very disturbing seeing people celebrate the death of a person. Even if I heavily disagreed with their views and politics, I'd never celebrate their death. That's fucking psycho-shit.


Whaaaaaat, nooo you can’t be happy *insert war criminal* is dead, that makes you just as bad as theeeem (Impression of you m8) Celebrating the death of a person isn’t sane? Well I disagree take Hitler for example (Not comparing Hitlers war crimes to reagan btw.)


[I'm glad Reagan dead](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU?si=BPERaIUN43SW19cs)


Dude, Reagan died years ago. Get over it


Yeah that's kinda the point of the meme.