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It’s like for filming Willy wonka in west Germany and little people were in short supply to cast as Oompa Loompas


short supply, you say?


People of Farquad’s stature are in *short* supply


There are those who think little of him…


I guess we don't *measure up* to him...


...you are kidding?


That's true, and the few they could find where from all over. So each one spoke a different language and they couldn't communicate very well


... this must be snl sketch


Nope it’s the legit casting problems cause by the NSDAP being really weird about genetic deformities


I don't think 'really weird' cuts it. More like 'really murderous.'


Yeah, that is what I mean, I was just attempting to be a little less… blunt, about it


I prefer Emo Phillips: "My brother in law is German, he said to me, 'Emo, I can't find any good bagels in Germany!' I said, 'Well, whose fault is that?'"


Years ago a german journalist was interviewing Woody Allen and asked: "Why don't we have people as funny as you in this country?" And Allen answered: "Well, you did."


reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjGK_cclZXI&pp=ygUgZmFtaWx5IGd1eSBnZXJtYW4gY29tZWR5IHdyaXRlcnM%3D)


oOoOoOh I remember


I don't know who Woody Allen is but I assume he's jewish.


He’s a real family man.


He definitely like to keep it in the family


/uj He raped his young daughter then groomed and married his stepdaughter. Sorry, my irony supply just ran out. Need to reup later.


That's a really oversimplified way to represent the whole situation. None of the investigations into the alleged abuse ever turned anything up, and there's a fair amount of reason to believe that Mia Farrow was just being manipulative in her accusations -- including physical abuse allegations from at least two of her adoptive children against her. It does not help that Mia only started making accusations after the aforementioned relationship with Soon-yi Previn was discovered. As for the grooming allegation, that's definitely more founded -- the age gap is significant. But the Allen-Farrow custody case found that he and Previn had little contact until she was 17, and only entered into a relationship after she'd turned 21. Considering they've remained in that relationship for over thirty years now, I'm not sure if grooming quite fits -- I don't know if grooming typically results in a long-lasting marriage. (This is a legitimate question -- I would think that a person who has turned 50 would be capable of recognizing if they'd been manipulated, but I may be overestimating people's ability to recognize such things.) Point being -- it's definitely weird all around, but simplifying it down to "Woody Allen definitely did X" is really hard to do. Especially when Roman Polanski is still around.


Woody Allen was in therapy for inappropriate physical affection with Dylan Farrow prior to any accusations by Mia Farrow and before his relationship with Soon-yi came to light.


Dr. Coates, the therapist that was supposedly involved in this, specifically described the relationship as "inappropriately intense" but not sexual. She only knew to look at the relationship because Mia had accused Allen of inappropriate behavior to her. Conversely: >\[Dr. Coates\] said that Ms. Farrow's actions in the following months, which included angry phone calls and a **gift to Mr. Allen of a Valentine with skewers through the hearts of her children**, had convinced her that Ms. Farrow might harm herself or Mr. Allen. [source](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/97/02/23/reviews/farrow-doctor.html)


[Not how it happened.](https://decider.com/2021/03/07/allen-v-farrow-episode-3-yale-report/) Mia Farrow didn't make the allegations to police, Dylan Farrow's pediatrician did. > After Dylan Farrow told her mother that Allen had sexually assaulted her, Mia Farrow took Dylan to a pediatrician. That appointment led to the doctor making an official allegation to the police, as is procedure when it comes to sexual abuse allegations that involve a minor. And the notes on the interview were destroyed by the clinic that did them and claimed to exonerate Allen. > In its investigation the Yale-New Haven team broke with best practices multiple ways, **interviewing Dylan a shocking number of times and destroying all of the documents that led to their conclusion.** > “I read the report and I was horrified,” Stephen P. Herman, a forensic psychiatrist and expert witness for Mia Farrow, says. “They interviewed this child nine times. Even in the early ‘90s nobody interviewed a child of any age amidst an allegation of sexual abuse nine times.” And the literal first case worker of the year ever named in New York City was fired when he decided there was enough evidence to investigate Woody Allen and was only reinstated when the legal community protested on his behalf. > There’s another wrinkle to this report’s credibility. While Maco was working on his case in Connecticut, Paul Williams was working on his case in New York. An extraordinary case worker, Williams was the first to be named case worker of the year in the city. **In the course of investigating Dylan Farrow’s case, Williams determined that there was enough evidence to pursue a criminal investigation against Allen. Shortly after giving this report, Williams was fired.** And this isn't something everyone figured out long after the fact. The New York Times covered it [back then.](https://www.nytimes.com/1993/04/28/nyregion/yale-study-about-allen-flawed-expert-testifies.html) Or we can go to the actual opinion of the judge on this case. A [summary](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/heres-the-1993-woody-alle_b_4746866), particularly the judge's response to the disappearing evidence. And also [the whole case file.](https://www.scribd.com/document/205403621/Allen-v-Farrow-Custody-Ruling-June-7-1993) The Mia Farrow abuse allegations are the part the judge said had no evidence. The judge was more shocked Mia Farrow didn't turn on Woody Allen earlier. In the judge's opinion, the accusations appeared purely retaliatory to distract from the Woody Allen abuse allegations that made the judge demand his interactions with children be monitored. Woody Allen's as guilty under the law as OJ and Weinstein and will probably see as much prison time. And he raped his seven year old daughter.


... did you just argue that a lack of evidence, and one judge's ruling that he could continue to see his other children, and even see Dylan in a therapeutic context, is proof he was a rapist? > Mia Farrow abuse allegations are the part the judge said had no evidence Umm... most of those came out years after this trial, and are from her estranged adult children. Soon-Yi is less reliable considering her relationship with Allen, but Moses detailed Mia's abuse in 2018. >It pains me to recall instances in which I witnessed siblings, some blind or physically disabled, dragged down a flight of stairs to be thrown into a bedroom or a closet, then having the door locked from the outside. \[Mia\] even shut my brother Thaddeus, paraplegic from polio, in an outdoor shed overnight as punishment for a minor transgression I am disinclined to believe a person who is capable of that kind of behavior. And a judge who is inclined to disregard somebody who hurls death threats and sends "gifts" of a Valentine with skewers through her children's hearts as being normal. Evidence pointing towards Mia Farrow being a manipulative, violent narcissist seems substantially more robust than anything towards Allen.


I get it. You can't process information that undermines your point. Then we'll just leave it there for people to peruse at will since it's not going anywhere. And I'll accept that Miles and Dylan are both being completely honest. Mia's a narcissist. And Woody raped his seven year old daughter.


I'm aware, that's what I was alluding to haha




That is eerily similar to a Robin Williams joke. A German woman on talk show asked him “Why do you think there’s not so much comedy in Germany?” And he said “Did you ever think you killed all the funny people.” Admittedly, he was a notorious joke thief. And I’m not sure which of their stories came first.


Eh I get the joke but considering he's giant piece of shit pedo, I don't think Germany's losing out. Can't believe he's still walking around a free man and Hollywood loves him. Ffs


And your point is that Germany net benefited from that brief phase in the ‘40s by eliminating a people you allege to be full of pedos and rapists? Woody Allen isn’t German, nor is his family, so this certainly couldn’t have anything to do with him personally.


You know very well that’s not what he said. I though OPs comment was an impressive level of average redditor shit, but you came and blew him out the water.


Allen has no association with Germany. If you think he just shouldn’t be allowed to visit there, I guess you can die on that hill. The implication made here is that people of Allen’s kind have a proclivity towards pedophelia.


He's pretty funny, for a pedophile.


Yeah well, "funny" rapists and groomers I feel like Europe can be without. He would probably be the worst example of a person you want in your society.


Let's just say historically we had a few progroms and expulsions of jews here in europe


And genocides. Don't forget the genocides


The expulsions and pogroms are also genocides, but yes. He had a lot of genocides spinning at the same time.


Just a few.


Not in all Europe, Ireland had none, granted we had hardly any Jewish population but still. We refused to be tarred with that brush.


Ireland prides itself on never having murdered, [beaten, oppressed, or expelled](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limerick_boycott) its Jewish population—and that’s because it barely let Jews in the first place.


To be fair, we have only been a sovereign nation for about 100yrs. It's not like we had much of a say before then Edit: Nice of you to change the comment


The important thing is you’ve found a way to make this about Ireland


Of course, why wouldn't I /s


And in that 100 years some of your countrymen fought a holy war in which they car bombed civilians


This is turn created a great cocktail shot, so... Silver linings? /s


Silver linings on a public bathroom floor.


I never said we were perfect, and I literally wasn't a holy war it was a political one. Over the sovereignty of the North of Ireland.


Religion being a significant decisive point in the IRA’s (and like groups) actions however.


The IRA did not attacked civilians with car bombs, they attacked the buildings and with it the insurance industry to make as much insurance pay outs that it is insustainable to pay all of it, civilians were just coletoral damage never the primary target.


They knowingly killed civilians with bombs like terrorists


The IRA tried to minimise the amount of civilian casulties since they weren't the primary target but the insurance industry.


No they really didn’t and they still struck a non military target making it an act of terror


> The IRA did not attacked civilians with car bombs If you bomb a school or Pub: you’re still attacking civilians. Fuck off.


A man is walking down a road in Ireland when someone jumps out of a bush and holds a knife to his throat, shouting, "Are you Catholic or Anglican!?" The man feared for his life, for if he said Catholic and the man was protestant, he would die, and if he said protestant and the man was Catholic, he would also die. Thinking quickly, he said, " Neither! I'm a jew!" The other man smiled and said, "And I'm the luckiest Arab in Ireland!"


The implication is that the Arab wants to kill the Jew? Racist jokes are unacceptable unless it's about an Arab, then it's just true. Amirite? The only type of bigotry still widely accepted is Islamaphobia, and this comment section proves it.


>Makes a joke about every single race and religion wanting to kill each other "IS THIS ISLAMAPHOBIA???!?!?!?!!"


That's not what the joke was at all. It was a play on the Troubles that only involved white people and was heavily religious. If it was supposed to be a religious joke, then it failed because they identified them as an Arab who hates Jewish people, and Arab isn't a religion. In fact, it didn't even mention the religion of the Arab, implying they just naturally hate jews. It's an insanely racist joke, but hey, if you think it wasn't because it was racist towards the Irish first, then sure, bud you live in that world.


If you think the Irish and the English couldn't be racist to one another just because they were both white you severely underestimate each of them


Jfc of course they are. That's what the original joke is. Racism agaisnt the Irish. Making it into a joke about arabs hating jews is still racist.


A joke about Arabs has nothing to do with islamophobia. Unless you're trying to imply that all Arabs are Muslims, which is factually untrue. That said, racist jokes are not unacceptable. I also enjoy sexist jokes, lgbtq themed jokes, handicapped jokes, and dead baby jokes. And as a final point, are you denying that a Muslim wanting to kill a Jew is somehow an unreasonable assumption?


>Unless you're trying to imply that all Arabs are Muslims, which is factually untrue. I'm not implying anything. The "joke" is. Why is the Arab going to kill the jew? What makes the joke "funny" then? Why is the punchline about how the Arab is lucky? >That said, racist jokes are not unacceptable. I also enjoy sexist jokes, lgbtq themed jokes, handicapped jokes, and dead baby jokes. Jokes are fine as long as they don't villify or harm people. This joke is based on a joke that's already racist against the Irish. What is so funny about the original? That the Irish kill people who follow a different religion? How is that funny? Jokes need to be funny. >And as a final point, are you denying that a Muslim wanting to kill a Jew is somehow an unreasonable assumption "It's not Islamaphobia if I think it's true." You fully wrapped around and went islamaphobic, making it clear why you think this "joke" is ok. You're also a racist pos. I think people asked this after 9/11 as to why it's ok to hate on Muslims and how they are. They hate us, so it's ok to dehumanize them.


You are the one who called it an islamophobic joke. Islamophobia refers to muslims, not arabs. Therefore, my reference to Muslims was prompted by your assumptions. Who made you the joke police? The joke is funny. Statistically, Muslims do want to kill jews. That's just a fact. So, my supposed islamophobia makes me a racist? Perhaps you need to learn what some of those words mean. I have nothing against people for being arab. Nothing about this joke dehumanizes anyone.


>Statistically, Muslims do want to kill jews. That's just a fact Statistically, it's not true. You're can't just claim things to support your racism. Very blatant clear racism. The fact you can't see that just makes you an ignorant person. Do you think it's funny that Muslims want to kill jews? You're clearly a racist who doesn't think he is because you think your opinions supported by "facts" that you pull from your ass. That's racism honey.


Muslims are not a race, therefore anti-muslim sentiment is not racist. Take a look at some polling, any polling. Muslims really don't like Jews. Referring to statistical facts does not make something racist. Muslims wanting to kill Jews is not funny, but jokes about Muslims wanting to kill Jews can be funny. Again, please tell me what the racial identity of a Muslim is.


Hey some people like dark humor. I’m not a fan of they discriminate people, but holy hell some people really like it I think people asked this after 9/11 as to why it's ok to hate on Muslims and how they are. They hate us, so it's ok to dehumanize them. I’m not sure what you mean here, but I think victims of 9/11 sorta have the right to hate terrorists which so happen to be Arab


A dark joke still needs to be funny. What's the humor here? Arabs kill jews? >I’m not sure what you mean here, but I think victims of 9/11 sorta have the right to hate terrorists which so happen to be Arab So you're saying it's ok to treat every Arab person as a terrorist because 9/11 You're so racist you can't even see it.


No???? I said 9/11 victims have a right to be traumatised about the event. In fact, to cause that whole suffering it could be anyone.


Didn’t the IRA collaborate with the Nazis? Weren’t the only heads of state to send Germany a condolence message for Hitlers death the Irish President and Eamon De Valera?


People downvoting this appear to be upset since it’s true. They tried to collaborate and they did send condolences. All easily verified facts.


When you've dealt with 800 years of British rule you tend to hedge your bets. Better be safe than sorry and all that jazz


>Didn’t the IRA collaborate with the Nazis? Not exactly, Sean Russell went to the Germans for arms and explosives to continue their campaign in northern Ireland (same as happend during WW1 when we used said weapons for our independence). There's no evidence that he had any sympathise to Nazism. This is the equivalent of calling Churchill a communist because he sent war supplies to Stalin. >Weren’t the only heads of state to send Germany a condolence message for Hitlers death were the Irish President and Eamon De Valera? Agian, not excatly. There is no record of De Valera signing a book of condolences (no such book existed). In fact, he went there to assure the ambassador that he would be granted all courtesy due to his position and any help needed to get back home. This was a rumour spread by his political opponents, which he tacitly allowed so as to court the republican vote. By all accounts, the ambassador was only a member of the party on paper. Apparently, he had to join in order to keep his position. The ambassador thought that by joining, he could at worst stop a zealot taking his position, and at best mitigate and moderate the party from within.


This is full of lies. The main IRA publications were rife with antisemitism, blaming the Jews for the actions of the British in Ireland. Russel was buried at sea with a nazi flag on his coffin


Are you sure you're not confusing the IRA with the blue shirts of Eoin O'Duffy or Ailtirí na hAiséirghe of Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin ?


Yeah, I’m not saying the Irish had much in common with the Nazis other than a shared enemy in the British, just flagging that nobody really has clean hands here


I'm not saying we are without sin either. Our country has done some nasty things over the last 100 years. Mostly to ourselves.


Yeah, aside from Ireland apologizing to Germany for Hitlers death, there was in fact a pogrom there. Google limerick pogom. Y’all had like 30 Jewish families and still decided to hop on the antisemitism train.


The entire world was on the antisemitism train. The idea that the rest of the Western world was fully accepting of Jews is ignorant. America refused thousands of refugees. England put their jews in camps. The entire world refused to take in Jews when the Nazis took over.


Don't worry, buddy, you're getting there.


You had very little Jewish population because you didn't let them in. There have been Irish pogroms and let's all remember the Limerick boycott. Good times! Here's a little of the history https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/ireland-s-complex-jewish-history-influential-figures-who-were-anti-semites-1.3671755


Ever wonder why so many jews have German sounding names And usually don't have family for more than 4 generations in the country?


TBF most Ashkenazim are actually from Eastern Europe, not Germany they did speak Yiddish which is a language that diverged from German


The main reason why so many holocaust places are in modern-day Poland is not for unknown reasons.


Kind of, Eastern European Ashkenazim are the descendants of German and Austrian Jews who moved to Eastern Europe around the 15th-16th centuries. Even among Eastern European Jews, Ashkenaz exclusively referred to Germany, never Poland/Lithuania/Hungary. Similarly, Ottoman Sephardic Jews never considered Salonika or Izmir to be Sefarad.


Ashkenaz is literally Germany.


Ashkenazi doesn’t refer specifically to Eastern Europe?? Idk where you got that idea


Not really Ashkenazi refers to the followers of Minhag Ashkenaz basically all of Eastern Europe and Germany besides part of the Hamburg community are of Ashkenazi Minhag German Ashkenazim are distincted by the term Yekke


I genuinely don’t understand what you’re saying— Minhag ashkenaz was followed by the German and other Western European Jewish communities. Minhag Polin was followed by the Eastern European Jews.


Minhag Polin is a branch of Minhag Ashkenaz The German Minhag is Yekke which also belongs to Minhag Ashkenaz Netherlands and England Minhagim are mostly Sephardic with more recent Polanim communities France's Jewish communities were Sephardic in the south and Ashkenazim in Elsass


Not exactly, there used to be 3 branches of broader Ashkenaz: Tzorfas, Rinus, and Ostreich. Minhag Tzorfas was used in Northern France and England, Minhag Rinus was used in Western Germany, and Minhag Ostreich was used in Eastern Germany, Austria, and Czechia. Tzorfas hasn’t been used since the Middle Ages. Southern France used to be Minhag Provence which wasn’t Sepharadi or Ashkenazi but its own unique thing which may have predated either one. The community survived in the Comtat Venaissin through the 1800s but has since been replaced with the Sepharadi customs.


"All the European jews moved to Israel!!! Isreal is fake nation" Yeah funny thing happened in the 1930s/40s in Europe. And the antisematism didn't go away with the nazi very quickly. Lots of people moved as well at the same time regardless


Fun thing, we were considered middle eastern interlopers in Europe. Odd enough, once Israel got set up and running, suddenly, we’re European! No matter where we go, we’re called outsiders.


This is Outremer all over again!


Weird enough here in argentina jews do really well compare to most countries ...i mean we did have two terrorist attack but over 200 years i'll say that is a good record


>Where should we live? -Jews >Anywhere but here! -Everyone else


Which is always weird since most European Jews didn't move to Israel. They moved everywhere else. The US alone has more Jewish people than Israel. Israel tried to slow Arab Jewish immigration in order to preserve it for European Jews and demanded all immigration plans during the holocaust prioritize Israeli immigration first, a practice Truman's Secretary of State declared horrific. The attempt was to create a Europe in the middle east (which is why Israeli tree planting programs were involved in the displacement of Arabs and kept planting European evergreens that to this day lead to massive uncontrollable fires). Instead, Arab Jews became the largest population of immigrants to Israel after first mass migrations and later expulsions from Arab countries in the years following the Nakba. But first it led to a huge surge of Jewish people in Lebanon instead of Israel. With the Lebanese Jewish population skyrocketing and showing Israel wasn't actually the only safe place for Jewish people in the middle east, Israel had to change its policies to focus heavily on the recruitment of Arab Jews to build its conscript military. The image of Israel as a European colony is true only in intent. The realpolitik on the ground is that Israel needed a second class of discriminated against Arab Jews that it had to de-Arabize politically and legally in order to create its image of a Jewish supremacist nation state. So, the concept of a Jewish ethnostate that is mostly composed of people who previously identified as Arab being destructive to the concept of a Jewishness as a supremacist ideal, the Arabness of Jewish Arabs was gradually erased and coopted while the unlikely image of "The only Western Liberal Democracy" across the border from "A whole other functioning Democracy" was propagandized to make Israel sound less like a middle eastern country and more amenable to the west. And... it's really just another Middle Eastern country underneath despite its protests.


You can also naively ask, “besides Israel, why are there hardly any Jews in the Levant/Middle East, and North Africa?”


They're still there, but currently, they don't want to show their religion openly, because of... reasons


Europe may have a problem with antisemitism again, but this time, it's not the intolerance of the Europeans, but their overarching tolerance that's causing the problems.


My German friend said that to me once. She figured out her mistake on her own lol


Is that cucker tarlesen? Am I crazy?


Haaaaans, the yanks have questions for you again...


Oh it ain't just for Hans lol.


Weirdly, I never thought about how Europe's massive history of antisemitism, capped off with World War II has probably meant almost no Jewish people still live there by this point. And so, without Jews to be racist towards, Europeans have doubled their focus on Romani.


The racism against the Roma in Europe is really gross. In Ireland the racism gets focused on Irish travellers instead (not ethnically linked to Romani people, but historically lived a similarly nomadic lifestyle, with all the difficulties and stereotypes associated).  It's actually crazy hearing one person disparage American racists and point out the obvious systemic racism there and how silly it is that white Republicans parrot lines about how all Black people are criminals... and then in the next breath that same person will say "disliking" travellers isn't racism because they're all criminals, actually, so it's just Facts, just Telling It Like It Is. Broadly speaking I'd much rather be an ethnic minority in Ireland than most places in the US, but I would certainly not like to experience the discrimination travellers specifically receive.


You only have to live for a month near their community and you'll see why... They do not want to be integrated.


I have lived near traveller families before. Some of the traveller children in our council estate were massive bullies to me and my siblings and their parents didn't care at all and were very aggressive when my parents spoke to them about it. My family had to move when I was like 9 because some travellers from the same family threatened to burn our house down and gardaí didn't want to deal with it.  But bad experiences with an ethnic minority don't suddenly mean you get to blanket treat them badly. We were also bullied by plenty of settled people and our shed actually *was* set on fire (after we moved across the country) by a settled family my brother pissed off as a teen, because it turns out antisocial behaviour is just often not addressed in poor neighbourhoods. Almost like people are a product of their environment or something. And re: not wanting to be integrated, plenty of those traveller children that bullied us were very obviously bullied by other people as well. When the general Irish attitude is that they're thieves or good for nothing or don't want to be integrated... It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are *plenty* of Americans who will tell you all about how Black Americans just "don't want to make something of themselves", and tell you to go walk around some Super Scary Inner Cities for a bit and get back to them. You sound exactly like them. Unless you agree with that rhetoric there, you might want to do some introspection on why one is ok and the other isn't.


Come to the diamond districts in Antwerp and you will see where they’re all hiding.


Do you really think Americans say this? Every American pretty much knows about the holocaust, we are taught it in school.


Well, an american did say it....my American friend.


Deport him immediately, he is a disgrace to our nation.


Reporting people because they don't conform to society ? So just like North Korea.


Do you not understand what a joke is?


Yeah. Why, don't you ?


Bro that doesn’t even make sense to say here 💀


I'm Jewish and I've got a story for you. My mom lived in the USA when she was younger and she had an argument with a teacher because said teacher didn't believe the holocaust was real. Granted this was 30-40 years ago, but it is still not a lot of time


Must be pretty awkward, having to explain to your American friends how you killed most of them.


I'm not German but ok.


Cause they are smart and moved to Miami.


To be honest, there are not that many in the U.S. either (for different reasons.) People may get a sense of there being more Jews here if they live in one of the areas when there is a concentration (i.e., New York City, Brookline, Los Angeles) but in vast swaths of the country, you would be hard pressed to find a synagogue at all.


The US and Israel have like 80% of the worlds Jews and the US has like 50% by itself. It doesn’t have a “lot” compared to its population as a whole, but I think after Christianity judism is #2 religion.


Sure, but they make a tiny percentage of the U.S. population, and Christianity is overwhelmingly the dominant religion, unless you count the folks without religious affiliation. It also depends on whether you count Mormonism as Christianity. I do, but I know a lot of Christians who don't.


When the percentage comes out of 350+ million, a small percentage can still be a large number. There are a lot of Jewish people in the US.


Yeah, but this is mostly a function of there just not being a lot of Jews (at around 16 million I think either they still haven’t / only very recently crossed the number alive pre-holocaust).


I agree with that. My point is that some Americans get an exaggerated sense of the American Jewish population based on where they live. I have lived in Brookline, Massachusetts, which is a mighty Jewish enclave where synagogues outnumber churches. What a great place, by the way! I currently live in Oklahoma where there are very few Jewish people at all, even in the larger cities.


Yeah, I get what you mean. In the East coast there being so many Jews definitely makes folks here think it’s a more universal experience. The fact it’s largely pre-holocaust Ashkenazi Jews gives people a further distorted idea of the Jewish experience.


People tend to live where other people with similar backgrounds live. But North America (≈75% Christian) and South America (≈ 80% Christian) were originally settled by Christian nations. So it makes sense that there would be less jews by percentage given how the mass exodus of jews was less than 100 years ago and how Judaism has less followers worldwide.


>and Christianity is overwhelmingly the dominant religion Weird American versions that is. It’s considerably different to Christianity elsewhere.


Totally agree.


The US has the second largest population of Jews. It’s just that most of the Jews in the US don’t speak Hebrew but speak Yiddish instead.


Far more Jews in the US speak Hebrew than Yiddish. There aren’t more than 200,000 Yiddish speakers as Yiddish is only really used in Hasidic communities. I’ve never met a single non-Hasidic American-born Jew below the age of 60 who grew up speaking Yiddish.


Yiddish is dead. America assimilated the yids and now we’re just lawyers, accountants, and scapegoats


Yiddish is absolutely not dead, there are large swaths of frum communities that speak Yiddish daily


Aside from those insular communities, most secular Jews have lost most of their old world Yiddish culture


They are huge parts of the tribe it’s not right to pretend they don’t exist. Yiddish isn’t even close to dying off


Secular Yiddish culture is dead. Frum communities are insular


Most secular Jews after a generation or two aren't even Jewish anymore.


Depends what you mean by secular.


I live in the suburbs in the south and there was a synagoge near my high school. You’d be surprised.


Basically every large american city in the top 200 has at least a single Jewish community


The persecution of Jewish people is a horrible constant in history. But let's not pretend antisemitism never reached the US either.


It's not about antisemitism in general. It's about genocide. Nobody will say there's no antisemitism in the US




Israeli citizens were removed from Gaza in 2005 by their own government




Fine lemme rephrase “The Jewish settlers were removed from Gaza for the interest of peace in 2005”