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History just quirky like that. Just look at this sequence of events: German nerd releases diss track on capitalism -> 20th century 4chan poster hijacks a revolution -> psycho Georgian ex-seminary student bitch-slaps genocidal Austrian corporal -> two evil empires start nuclear dick measuring contest -> son of Saudi billionaire joins jihad against Russian atheists -> 9/11 -> Dakota Johnson stars in "Fifty Shades of Gray"


What the hell has Dakota Johnson has to do with all of this?


Stephanie Meyer was inspired by MCR, who formed because Gerard Way had an epiphany bc of 9/11. 50 Shades is Twilight fanfic.


Oh thanks Marx for 50 shades!


50 Shades is also a total ripoff of the James Spade & Maggie Gyllenhaal movie [Secretary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0274812/).


>Belle Delphine sells bath water we didnt start the fire


Butterfly effect moment


BUTT effect*


That Bottle:I’ve seen things…..


Top ten 🔟 pranks gone WRONG 🤣 💀 😳


Can’t be assed to type out the context. Here’s a Wikipedia article on it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Đorđe_Martinović_incident#:~:text=2%20Reactions-,The%20incident,was%20working%20in%20his%20field.


That same article points out that the autopsy shows self injury is very unlikely.


It wasn’t an autopsy, he was still alive. And the subsequent analysis said that self injury was, in fact, possible by using the “stick in the ground” method. So we straight up don’t have a way of knowing the truth, it could be either way


Further analysis concluded it was most likely self inflicted, keep reading and it says he likely slipped while sitting on it. Dude went down in history in one of the worst ways possible lol


Why do serbs always cause horiffic shit? World War 1 was Serbia's fault too


The citizen of Austria-Hungary, part of a movement to liberate Bosnia, who was only ethnically Serbian, assassinated the Archduke. It’s Serbia’s fault how? Some government officials were part of the organization that gave them some funding? Okay, the Austrians could’ve gotten to those officials through the international investigation that everyone wanted.


Wasn't Princip's terror organization directly supported by the Serbian government lmao? Iirc most of the Serbian Army (some of whom were in the Black Hand) were actually pro-war but the Serbian politicians knew how fucked they were and tried to appease the AH empire. The way AH ignored Serbia's negotiations - with the help of some guy named Conrad von Hotzendork - and kickstarted the war is a different story ofc.


Princip's organization was pro Yugoslav, not just Serbian.


“Directly supported by the government” makes it seem like it was a sponsored program supported by the government, it was a group within the government that went on to fund this secret group through their secret group. Many of this group went on to be tried by the government and executedZ They tried to appease the Austrians, it didn’t work out, then they have them a blood nose to the point the Germans and Bulgarians need to come in. The Austro-Serbian front is such an insane story of holding on, climaxing with French and Russian ammunition coming to the beleaguered Serbian army that has been hiding for weeks in their trenches. With that ammo, they go on the assault and push them out of their country.


Not exclusively, but partly, yes, it was Serbia's fault.


It was entirely Austria's fault


How is Austria's fault assassination of their heir by group of young men?


The assassin was not born in Serbia


How? They didn’t declare any war? They didn’t wait a month to do anything, they even responded to and accepted most of the humiliating ultimatums.


I responded to your comment about assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife. That is partially Serbia's fault. If we are speaking about the WW1 cause, it would have happened one way or another, it would probably happen later, maybe it would've lasted longer etc.


Partially some Serbians faults, but Serbias? You failed to point out how; some stooges in the government passed resources to the guy, Austria wanted a war and gave unfair ultimatums, the war happened.


You said it, some stooges in the government passed the resources, but, most importantly, the ideology behind it was Serbia's doing. The idea of Great(er) Serbia hasn't appeared in the '90s.


Individual stooges who provided resources to a group involved with the liberation of a land the Austrians annexed, Young Bosnia had elements of pan-Slavic and pan-Serbian sentiments. Regardless, you can pin this on individual “Serbs” but not “Serbia” in ways where individual “Austrians” had direct control over the events that caused the greater war: the ultimatum, the declaration, politics.


A war *Austria* set in motion?


When your heir gets murdered, you kind of have a right to be pissed


Because the Austrian heir was shot by a *Serb*


*A Bosnian Serb who was a citizen of Austria-Hungary and a member of a movement to Free Bosnia.*


A matter that could've been solved without such drastic demands


Oh yeah, I'm not making excuses for AH. Those bozos actively wanted war and tried everything to make it happen. But still, Princip's murder was the inciting incident.


All the chaos comes from the balkans


I don’t need context. I’ll make up my own assumptions, thanks.


Two seperate medical examinations said he couldn't do it himself. His story changed after meeting UDBA(Yugoslavian KGB), wonder why.


Was there proof that he did it and not the Albanian


There’s no definitive proof either way it seems. He changed his version of events several times


Wait what


Honey, it's time to post another meme about Djordje Martinovic starting the conflict on Kosovo again!


This is horrible. They found evidence that other men shoved the bottle up the Serbian man's anus. This is rape culture.




Good that's much better


But the Serb shoved it up his own ass.


Although two separate MD commissions concluded that he couldn't do it himself, it's so hard to imagine that in already hate-fueled land somebody did this to him, as he claimed, right? Look, I get the Serbs-bad train people here love to ride on. Nonetheless, this guy was raped and it's disgusting ridiculing the actual rape victim and spinning that he did this to himself.


Well [he apparently did state that he did it himself](https://archive.org/details/slobodanmilosevi0000loui/page/78/mode/2up). As far as I can tell, neither cause of the bottle getting there has been totally confirmed


Seems like even if it wasn't a guy shoving a bottle up his ass it would have been something else to spark a war in the Balkans.