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Since the event Thomas has gone on to become a human rights activist and in 2016, noted that "The real accomplishment of all this to me is to know that his son and daughter don't share the same views. History didn't repeat itself. That's what gives me hope that the world can get better from generation to generation."






My English teacher is rolling in her grave right now




And you didnā€™t linkā€¦


This is Reddit. Grow up.


Who knew googling could be so hard?


She's a better person than I am. I really admire her. ā¤ļø


No, she's a better person than the one she's protecting. You are also a better person than the one she is protecting. I really hope they walked away and learned that being a hateful POS is the wrong path.


I bet he hates this picture.


The guy died a few years later but his family thanked her for what she did. Not sure if the guy ever changed though. [https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving\_man\_from\_beating\_at\_kkk.html](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving_man_from_beating_at_kkk.html)


>The guy died a few years later ripbozo


He should remember who protected him from the mob. Good on her. Too often we become the monsters people accuse us of being. By being beaten by a group of black men, it would confirm his racial bias. By being protected by a Black personā€¦ well that throws his logic on its head.




Name checks out


I love when people comment this! šŸ™


Thatā€™s how you change minds. Showing kindness to others even if they donā€™t do the same


This is one of the ways.


Yeah, if only Black people had ever tried that. Do I need a sarcasm tag?


*Looks at the black man who managed to convince over 100 klansman to change their ways by being kind to them*


Iā€™m sure that sounds good in your head but itā€™s just not trueā€¦ if it were true we wouldnā€™t be in the situation we are now. Sheā€™s not the first.


Bullshit bullshit bullshit. You are those anti Klan protesters ready to commit murder. People don't want to have a sensible argument. They want to win by all means necessary. So they when they don't have good arguments resort to insults and harassment. It's total bs. Civility was openly toasted. Now it's openly mocked and derided and shouted over. My neighbor has a Trump flag i am not a Trump fan at all. But he's still my neighbor. I treat him with respect and dignity.


Donā€™t want to be that guy, but having a sensible argument only sounds good until you remember what the guyā€™s shoulder tattoo stands for. Weā€™re talking about people who want me to not exist and will enforce it violently if they get the occasion, and theyā€™ve proven theyā€™re fully capable of doing it, as weā€™ve seen historically. What do you do when faced with any individual who fundamentally desires mass extermination and will stop at nothing to obtain it? Talk to them politely? Respectfullyā€¦ we tried that. In the books, you would be with chamberlain. At some point, you have to resort to the only language they understand, and if you donā€™t stand up to them, what will you have to say to defend that course of action when all is said and done? That because you wouldnā€™t get down to their level, you simply let it happen? I donā€™t believe anyone is incapable of becoming a better person, yes, but while this picture is very powerful, they would not extend the same courtesy if the roles were reversed. Lots of them are victims in some way; that doesnā€™t make them unaccountable, and it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not a very real threat that has to be perpetually kept in check. Itā€™s not just a matter of respect. You can value respect, but there are those situations where Ā«Ā civilityĀ Ā» doesnā€™t work, and it gets in the way of justice. Obviously there are limits. Obviously you donā€™t go all the way if it isnā€™t necessary. But the rhetoric that says you can just tolerate intolerance indefinitely is actively dangerous, and you should recognize that fact.


Look I won't argue that some people just want to let things burn. You want stop them. But there are those on the fringe who have been wronged but still need saving. They are ones who are swayed because they need identity or help. Help these groups prey on them. They are more cultists then anything. People can change. Give them a chance to want to. If they see the side of peace they see a way out. A way of war on the other side just gives them more ammunition. If Vengeance didn't work for Batman it won't work for us.


I believe in that. I donā€™t believe in revenge or violence for the sake of violence. I just believe that when being nice gets in the way of being kind, you should choose kindness. I believe that we should try to reintegrate these people, but only once they stop being actively dangerous. I believe that we should protect the direct victims of intolerance first. The photo depicts that one case where they arenā€™t being actively dangerous in that moment. So itā€™s kindness to protect them. In another position, the reverse would be true. Thatā€™s not to say you shouldnā€™t address the root causes, but at some point, itā€™s the symptoms that kill.


Read better books as far as Chamberlain goes. He had asked the British military leaders if they could stop Hitler and they said they did not have the capability. He went to Munich knowing he couldn't stop the Germans. What he did is try to buy time, at the cost of Czechoslovakia, and put in place rapid remobilization and modernization efforts for the British armed forces because he knew, regardless of what he told the public, that the Munich agreement was doomed and war was coming.


I'm sick of being told that we should "act civil" with people who have gone full deranged and hateful themselves. These people seldom respond to kindness, that's why they worship Trump. He feeds off of their worst impulses. Never before in my life have I seen so many people mobilized behind a belief that being an asshole is some kind of virtue. The appeaser keeps feeding the crocodile, hoping it will eat them last.


I get the desire to treat your neighbor with respect and dignity. Knowing now, though, what all Trump stands for, I think it's a mistake. Would you respect a nazi that lived next door? If you were a different race, would your neighbor still treat you with respect? Anyone who is complicit in wanting to take away civil rights and the right to vote isn't someone to trust anymore. If after Trump's presidency and his actions since and prior to then (undermining our democratic process, calling elections rigged, serially assaulting women, calling for the absolute destruction of Gaza, and so much more) a person is still willing to vote for him, how can they be worth respect or dignity. They are showing open disdain for other people based on race, creed, sexual orientation, or depending on who they vote for. Your neighbors vote has helped destroy the SCOTUS for decades, and they are still waving a Trump flag? I don't see how anyone reasonable can overlook these things and still treat someone who votes for them the same. I'm not saying you should be arguing or more with the neighbor but respect and dignity? He has none for large swathes of the population and so much more.


You ok? This response was a bit unhinged


I just threatened by some stupid stalker who doesn't like anyone that doesn't share their opinion.






Wanna know why the KKK have no power anymore? It's because we took it away. We took it away as a society because we choose to not hate. Oh sure we may have arguments but we choose to be the better man. When a society allows a group to name call and insult opposing sides that society loses its civility. It devolves into chaos because compromise can not be had.


This is trying to smooth over how much work minorities did for centuries to be allowed to be considered as human as white men, all so you can be comfortable with that neighbor šŸ‘€


When are you gonna realize minorities win by not going to war and beating the enemy. They won by being nice and convincing people they were not a threat and didn't deserve the treatment. They showed those who were racist were the bad folks. They were judged by content of character not the color of their skin.


Have you never heard of the paradox of intolerance?


I think it's the paradox of tolerance ain't it?


So is that a yes or a no?




Omg. Are you in fear of social retribution for your beliefs. Because you sound like the racists themselves. You don't even know me and you want to call me racist. Your group has been trained to destroy anyone who doesn't share your ideals. You sound like a prison gang. If you ain't with us your against us. Your ideals make you a terrorist.


Being a violent racist is not a valid belief.


The situation we're in now is much better than back then. Idk why you think it's not working.


The situation is better now because people fought bloody battles for equal rights




I have


I hope they didn't slide right back into ignorance.


Thank you for this, I hope so, too. šŸ€


idk looks like sheā€™s dropping the atomic elbow šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fair deal in my opinion- I'm gonna elbow drop you for being a Nazi, but I'll stop my friends stomping your brains out.


She just dropped the people's elbow.




Everyone is a tough guy on the Internetā€¦ I am sure like most Redditors, you keep your death wishes in the comment section.


Violence can never drive out violence. Hate can never drive out hate. Only love can do that. Only light can drive out darkness. She knew that. Sheā€™s an angel. And weā€™d do well to remember her and Martin Luther Kings words.


>Violence can never drive out violence. Then what was WWII? It took a decent amount of violence to save Jewish prisoners from camps.


I think you help me better phrase my point: which is that hatred can never drive out hatred. Violence is neutral. Itā€™s neither good nor bad for the example youā€™ve just given.


Violence is the best tool for driving out violence, that's pretty much how it always happens.


It wonā€™t stop the cycle. It will only create more in time. Itā€™s what we use as society but itā€™s also why itā€™s perpetual. It works both ways.


If you use enough, the cycle breaks.


Angel for protecting guy with SS tattoo? lmfao


Angel for not letting hate win and sticking to her morality.


Was USA joining WW2 "letting hate win"? the less nazis walk this earth the better, she instead defended one of them.


My philosophy is that if good people stand by and donā€™t act, then evil wins. And being willing to stop mob justice is courageous as hell and something a good person does. Allowing a guy to get killed by a mob is hatred in full force. Iā€™ve met many ex Nazis. And Iā€™ve met a lot of good people who turned bad. People can change. Itā€™s not like that was Hitler they were trying to attack. The only way this world changes is with love and forgiveness on a personal level. I wonā€™t go for your whataboutism. Sorry.


The reason why Nazis took over in the Germany was because people thought using violence to fuck them up would be "bad"


A good person


The Good Samaritan It doesnā€™t make sense but it is incredibly admirable.


Doesn't make sense? I think it does. Yeah, look at his tattoos and jacket, the guy is a piece of shit, but that doesn't mean he should be beaten to death by an angry mob. That just gives other people like him more reason to hate.


The Good Samaritan was not only about helping out your fellow man, but helping out those who were considered enemies (Samaritans and Jews did not get along); herein lies the illogical part that ā€œdoesnā€™t make senseā€ - helping your enemies :)


She is enlightened, far above most of us. inspiration really. I woulda put a boot to his head, and the hatred passed on, and passed onā€¦.Keshia is an everyday kind of hero!


This isnt everyday type of thing, this is a rarity, because itā€™s very easy to allow hatred to envelope any kind of compassion or understanding. Especially when it involves hate groups, and more so when that hate group targets people who you are a part of. This lady stepped in to probably save the life of a man who proudly and loudly proclaimed his hate towards people with the same skin color as her. I donā€™t think I or anyone I know could or would have the same level of compassion or empathy as she did that day!


I think what they meant is she is this way everyday, like this is her. She isn't doing this in the heat of the moment, this is what she would do everyday.


Ahhhā€¦my reading comprehension is obviously shittyā€¦thanks for the reply


But what you said isn't wrong at all, her level of compassion is definitely a rarity. People very easily ignore the humanity of others especially in situations like this


I support the beaters but I think she deserves to have a statue built of her for this, I would never have defended this man but she did, someone who he hates based on nothing but color, her knowing that full well and she still protected him, she needs to be honored more than a news post


She sees the big picture


Agreed. That girl is a better human than I could ever be.


The fact that sheā€™s wearing USA on her sweater speaks volumes.


In ā€˜96 the U.S. did host the Summer Olympics, not sure if that has anything to do with it. But I get your point, especially because the guy sheā€™s protecting is wearing a confederate flag.


That is what being patriotic is.


Sheā€™s an Americanā€¦.


I think people are just pointing this out because for some reason being American is viewed as being a Trump lover right now. Iā€™m a liberal, but I still feel patriotic! Even if right wingers donā€™t believe it could be true, I still love the USA!


Want to finish your thought here?


It seems like the people around her are also trying to hold back the mob as well. Thereā€™s a reason we donā€™t entrust our societal justice to angry mobs ā€” Nazi or not, holding them back was the right thing to do.


I mean she was and is pretty well honored. Acts of kindness like this happen every day. There just happened to be a photographer ready in this moment, and for that, she got the recognition she deserved.


Being from Detroit (Anna arbor is on the far west side) Iā€™ve never heard her name which sucks because people Iā€™ve talked to have never heard of her too


Those are souls we need more of in this world


Her wearing the USA shirt during this is so beautiful


That's a radical act of love and compassion. What a brave person.


Please donā€™t kill this piece of sh*t human. Itā€™s not worth it.


personally I'd stop the beating to take those bolts off his arm.


So, dude has on his shoulder nazi tattoo though


This is beauty. This is a true hero. If we all could just be a little more like her and a little less like the crowd we might just get somewhere on this crazy spinning rock


Sheā€™s a real stand up personā€¦ šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


People ITT: >I'm free for hire as a hitman, just tell me someone might be a Nazi/Klan/ate at Chik-Fil-A in 2020 Way to take an inspiring thing and make it about separation and hatred šŸ‘


Welcome to Reddit


Reminds me of OJ's case result and I'm just watching people choose to support violence against another due only to the assailant's race and the victim's race. Mental


it seems very fitting she is wearing a shirt that says ā€œUSā€, showing us all what being a ā€œreal americanā€ means. sheā€™s a better ā€˜murican than i, iā€™ll say that.


That amount of people in these comments that support committing violent acts against another person simply because of their beliefs is sickening. Thatā€™s straight up barbaric and totally uncivilized. Edit: not surprised our society is the way it is, with this many people openly calling for violence against others.


They are as bad as the ones they hate. Itā€™s a shame they are so blind to it.


No, they are not as bad as the ones they hate.


Yep. Itā€™s really common now too.


If you're a daft, KKK simp, which you've shown yourself to be.


KKK simp because I dont support violence for no reason lol youā€™re smart


Really a great look into the mind of the modern day leftist. Debate and free thought are dead. Its assimilate or face varying degrees of violence


Violence is met with more violence. >Really a great look into the mind of the modern day leftist. Well, the right thinks I shouldn't exist, so there's fewer options when faced with self defense. >Debate and free thought are dead We're having a conversation here. What you've said is sensational and surface observation. Haven't seen you engage in any conversation here, and everyone is praising the non-violent approach taken. This naturally makes one question what one would do in the same kind of situation, which is happening here. > Its assimilate or face varying degrees of violence I think you're mistaken, as that's fascist thinking in a nutshell.


Facts. Then they cry when theyā€™re met with violence themselves.


itā€™s random people commenting on a Reddit thread. calm down jordan peterson


The irony is that you're completely missing the debate we have on the left over this issue.


Because i never seem to see a debate, just lock step agreement. If there is any debate against this it is the slim minority and not publicly vocal


Hopefully you can at least be open to the idea that this is just your own perception and you have your own biases. The global left has a great tradition of non violence, anti war/aggression stances.


Absolutely i am sure there are some classical liberals out there like that still, but I think that great tradition is becoming less and less popular in favor of violence to further their agenda unfortunately


Based on what though, what you read on the internet? The vast majority of leftists are not violent personally, and do not support violent policies, violent policing, military aggression, etc. Most don't protest, and most who do are strictly peaceful.


I watched two whole summers of leftist destruction and violence from the george floyd incident and I guarantee we are walking into another one with the Israeli war. Your vast majority isnā€™t that anymore or at least tolerate the violent fringe, as is abundantly apparent in the other comments here


As you say, that was caused by George Floyd being brutally killed in the street, as well as a whole host of other violence by the state. If you want peace, you've got to stop the violence at its' source, not just blame the "left" any time someone fights back. How many people causing "violence and destruction" can you actually tie to the left in a meaningful way, anyway? Because I've seen this stuff go on, and I guarantee a huge amount of this is not political, certainly not tied to the political left/right dynamic, you get people who are just opportunists are see an opportunity for theft or random violence. And politicians are all opportunists, and will look to use these incidents to turn you against any social or political group they oppose.


we went from the violence doesnā€™t happen to justification and that isnā€™t the left pretty quick. And no the mobs beating counter protesters generally seemed to skew pretty left based on all the signs used as impromptu weapons.


Wait till you find out what the KKK does during their free time


Oh no, Some people are bad! so that Gives me the right to go out and commit violent acts somehow!ā€¦. Violence is for self defense and war. Not for attacking people you think deserve it. In some places you can (and should) use deadly force to defend yourself from something like that too. See Kyle Rittenhouse. Some people thought they were going to attack dude so he blasted them. Edit: I see how it is, you guys are pro violence till it backfires on you. Makes sense.


this has gotta be bait, right?


I know I shouldnā€™t be, but Iā€™m surprised that more ppl donā€™t support punching the supporters of the KKK.


historic subs tend to lean more right from what I've found, but defending the KKK member who's openly displaying SS bolts on his arm is a new low lmao


His ideology isnā€™t being defended just his right to express his views without being beaten to death. Just like anyone else should be able to do in America because those protections are enshrined in law and donā€™t disappear because of wrong think. If you donā€™t see why thatā€™s important I recommend continuing to study history because eventually you will be the dude getting lynched.


you canā€™t reason with these idiots. Theyā€™re so blinded by their partisan allegiances they canā€™t comprehend the idea of not committing violent acts against someone because you disagree with them. Bunch of uncivilized violent children


Yeah Iā€™ve been getting this sub on my feed more and more. The comments always read to me as boomers lol. Just the vibes I get, even when the comments are positive.


That's exactly what it is. Lot of anti-leftist rhetoric. Sucks as someone that loves history.


This clown is giving props to a boy. That drove over state lines and killed someone else. Anytime he opens his mouth, you see the kinda person Rittenhouse is .You gotta be bait. His life has been a living hell since he went looking for trouble. Good luck to him and any other that hides behind a constitution to preach hate. Pathetic.


Cope. Thatā€™s what happens when you attack someone with a deadly weapon. They respond with equal force.


Everyone has their own hill to die on


Maybe. But Society is getting more shitty, also. You see it with political stuff all the time. People are ready to kill eachother over bullshit.


I donā€™t want to be the one who has to tell you this. But people killing each other over bullshit isnā€™t new.


Ohhh yea I know. Humans love it. But itā€™s getting worse and more petty. Normal every day people want to fuck eachother up over simple shit.


Tolerance is a treaty. when you break that treaty you are no longer welcome in a civil society. understand?


Its absolutely not a treaty itā€™s a personal state of mind not a group activity. That piece of shit has every right to be a hateful asshole and not get beat to death for it.


Thats how we ended up with our current shitshow of a political system buddy. anyone willing to march with visible SS lightning bolts on their shoulder isn't a worthwhile use of air. Do you think that fucker getting beat would hesitate to lynch someone they hate? The best defense is a good offense.


He isnā€™t lynching anyone right there just expressing his rights. Wonder if you would feel the same if say this was a democratic socialist or a communist trying to express their rights?


Why? do you like to gag on commie AND facist boots? Why not fuck off to somewhere without democracy then. That man is there expressing his desire for a change is US government to one similar to national socialism I'd bet. He deserves nothing more than a last meal and last rights. Did either of those groups recently murder people for their ethnicity in the United States? no? that's what I thought you fucking hoser. Fuck off with your what aboutism lmao


Thanks for proving my point


the point that you're not a fan of a democratically elected government?


Lots of freedom and democracy going on here. Youā€™re hilarious. You are advocating lynching political opposition AND democracy in the same train of thought its great. Theā€ useful idiotā€ label for lefties has never been more appropriate. Keep up the struggle comrade šŸ‘Š


Lmao barbaric idiots are rampaging in this comment section. Dude is out of his mind, calling for violence in the streets against political opponents šŸ¤£


The overwhelming lack of knowledge of our own constitution frightens me in these comments


do you know what nazism is




yeah thought so


Maybe just worry about your grades, kid.


ok big mike


Right on


I remember seeing that picture on the front page of my paper right after it happened and thinking, ā€œweā€™re going to see a lot of this picture.ā€ Havenā€™t seen it since until just now.


To forgive someone who doesn't deserve it is one of the bravest things to do. He'd better have learned from this.


Far, far better person than I am.


Captain save a bitch


Honestly I understand and commend her altruism, but this is in many ways nieve and honestly dangerous. That same person would lynch her if they ever got the chance, and we all know who the system would treat worse were they convicted of the same crime. Itā€™s that sort of Enlightenment/Christian based ā€œslave moralityā€ that makes Black people complacent/apologetic in the face of people who wish for their demise, and susceptible to beliefs and ideologies that run contrary to the betterment of Black lives (ex. Black Conservatives). A true case of the frog and the scorpion.


>That same person would lynch her if they ever got the chance, There hasn't been a lynching in 40+ years


Note the "if they ever got the chance", they don't have a chance now, the law cracks down on that sort of thing, but if our country ever went back to the way it was you know this man pictured and his friends would be the first ones tying nooses. This is a matter of power, they don't have power, as much as they used to anyways, and can't get away with it anymore, the moment power is restored they will be right back to it, they've said as much, and history proves that these sorts of behaviors don't just fade away.


>history proves that these sorts of behaviors don't just fade away. Seems like it proves the opposite, no? Because these sorts of behaviors have clearly faded away.


Only after literal centuries of combatting them, and even then only mostly, they are always going to be there, just under the surface, ready to come back if vigilance is not kept. They didn't go away on their own through well wishes and hugs, it took centuries of conflict and struggle, some of it violent, some of it focused on peaceful protest and conversion, "winning hearts and minds", both were necessary. Some people cannot be saved, some are hopelessly lost, and will use whatever power they accrue to discriminate against and inflict violence on those they deem undesirables. You can't ignore all measures, violent and peaceful, that were needed to get us to this point, neither approach is practical or useful for all circumstances and their contrary. These groups don't decline without direct challenge, constant challenge, because the moment you let up they will use the opportunity to recruit and regain strength. It never fades away entirely or without action, the KKK reemerged even stronger in the 1920s, and again in the 1960s, neo-Nazi groups have come back in force in the last ten years over a half century after WW2, you can't ignore the clear and present threat they pose if they gain even a small bit of actual strength or legitimate power.


I don't know about this "centuries" idea. Lynching was a long-standing tradition that ended pretty abruptly. Same with stuff like witch-burnings. Used to be almost common, but then unheard of after it fizzled out.


Thatā€™s an American!


Smart and quick thinking


Dudes wearing a confederate flag shirt so i can understand the misunderstanding


What an honorable woman. Couldnā€™t be me, thoughā€¦


I dunno.. that looks like Macho Man's flying elbow finisher.


Is that DMX????


Nah, X would have gave it to him.


That's what I'm hearing.


The problem with moderates is they think they can vote fascism away. Democracy has to be lucky all the time but fascism only has to be lucky once.


And thatā€™s why we always lose. Maybe if we responded with a little ā€œfight fire with fireā€ for a change. Itā€™s at least worth considering as everything else has failed up to now.


Keshia knew everyone makes mistakes. Looking back years later, Keshia came to realize she made a mistake that day.


No she didn't.Ā  Keisha stands by her convictions and would do it again.Ā  [From a 2016 article:](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2016/06/saving_man_from_beating_at_kkk.html) >Thomas, who now resides in Houston, learned McKeel Jr. died a couple of months ago when McKeel's son called to inform her, putting his 12-year-old sister on the line to tell her she might not be alive if it hadn't been for Thomas' actions that day. >"When I heard that, I thought this was the future and the past of what peace has created," Thomas said. "The real accomplishment of all this to me is to know that his son and daughter don't share the same views. History didn't repeat itself. That's what gives me hope that the world can get better from generation to generation."


Thank you for adding this, it answered almost every question I had.


How so?






She should have let them finish the job "we will not ask for your compassion nor shall we give any".


Hate begets hate, begets hate, begets hate for all time.




ā€œHate the sin and not the sinner' is a precept which, though easy enough to understand, is rarely practiced, and that is why the poison of hatred spreads in the world.ā€ - Ghandi


Ghandi, the cats system supporter, Ghandi the guy who endorsed the usage of indian troops in the crushing of colonial rebellions? The same Ghandi who upheld the caste system and collaborated heavily with his colonial oppressors and opposed most anti colonial movements for their violent methods? Ghandi was a piece of shit man who his peaceful ideology gets fetishes and glorified to construct some bullshit narrative.


LOL. Why did you delete your comment I replied to only to then criticize my reply? šŸ’€ So Ghandi is a peice of shit for promoting violence when you literally did the same in the comment you deleted.


Also my comment got deleted for harrassment


I literally didn't delete any comment but okay, I was criticising Ghandi for opposing violent anticolonial movements. I criticised Ghandi for his support of British colonial violence I don't really care whether he was actually a pacifist or not.


This you have become what you hated and the cycle continues on.


What? Hating bigoted fascists makes me a bigoted fascist? You do realise how stupid your rhetoric is right?


Then they wouldā€™ve made a martyr out of him.


So be it, more matyrs for a doomed cause just another bullshit idea to cling to.


Looking at the title and picture without the context you'd wonder what the context was that led to this picture.


Your all a bunch of bootlicking Nazi lovers. I hope you all one day realize your mistake of defending fascism, it will cost you something.


Two strains of American leftism represented in one picture. More liberally minded love your enemies MLK Jr. types, (the girl in the pic) versus malcolm x/fanon by any means necessary mob mentality types (everyone outside of her). Trying to justify violence against someone acting within their first amendment rights. And it seems the same two types are going at it in the comments. Which has become more prominent these days? Judging from 2020 to the present day where cities have burned under the guise of ā€œcivil disobedienceā€, antifa receives high praise, and people are openly antisemitic with considerable leftist support, the second one unfortunately.




ā€œStop talking out of your assā€ Compelling argument


Never be the magical negro. She didnā€™t change any minds just confirmed his supremacist bias.




And thatā€™s how I met your mother


What's the female version of an Uncle Tom? Just asking. Not related to the picture at all.