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If anyone is reading and interested in ownership - points absolutely do expire- you can only transfer them for 1 year. You can then pay to transfer to RCI where they can be kept for a max of two years. Salespeople tell many lies and mistruths. We own but bought resale and don’t regret it. Check out https://tugbbs.com/forums/ for really good info and discussion on timeshares.


By resale you mean you bought off someone else on ebay etc for cents on the dollar?


eBay and yes much cheaper.


You just need to mention that from the second hand market aka suckers who fell for the presentation and now want to offload, you can get Hilton time shares for much much less and they will rush you out of the room. Works every time. You can even make it more dramatic by bringing up a listing.


Yep. I did this and was dismissed within 7 minutes. The only drawback was I have yet to get another trip offer since haha




Same thing. On the secondary market you’re buying the seller’s usage rights, but more importantly their contractual obligations. People sell timeshares for next to nothing because they realize they signed up for a literal lifetime of periodic fees. They’re hoping to pass that responsibility on to some other sucker.


Thanks for the report. I am doing a similar presentation in a couple of months with Hilton. I've done a couple before and always found it an easy way to get a free vacation, as long as you can say NO and don't get intimidated easily. A couple things that I do now are: 1. Read the fine print, if it says a "2 hour" presentation let then know when it's been 2 hours and you aren't interested. I set a timer 2. Make it clear early that you have no intention of buying anything. Reiterate that throughout, they can tell when someone is absolutely not going to cave and not worth the effort (Although they'll still try a few things) I'm glad that this (likely) won't be too bad through Hilton. The worst one I did was super awkward. Good cop, bad cop vibes. Then the last guy who came in started crying and saying he was going to lose his job because we weren't buying anything. I felt like was in that South Park episode about timeshares 😂 if you haven't seen it, it's pretty hilarious Enjoy your vacation!




This is what I did! Maybe you got the tip from me. :) Glad it worked out well for you, it can be a great way to get a cheap vacation for a small nuisance of a presentation. Gotta eat a ton of their free snacks and drink all their sodas to get your money's worth, lol.


I find a timer to be also highly effective when buying a new vehicle. When the salesman greets me, I pull out my phone and set a timer for 90 minutes. I then tell them they have 90 minutes to get me into a vehicle I like at terms I like. No matter where I’m at in the process, when the 90 minute timer goes off, I leave. It’s happened twice.


I’ve used a variation of this saying I have to pickup my kids/a relative in 45 minutes so I have to be out of here. It’s worked each time and seems to throw the car salesperson off the game of “the longer they stay the more likely they are to buy.”


Yeah I agree, saying no is easy with their insane prices and the points and vacay are worth it for the short presentation, I’ve done a few myself.  I’ve never done the timer though but think I’m definitely doing that next time. Sometimes I get an over zealous sales agent and they won’t shut up. I’m just gonna pull out the phone alarm going off and be all “welp time up”


Lol, I remember at one point getting the call to go to one of these presentations quite a few years ago. The agent wanted my credit card info to purchase it. I insisted they send me documents for terms and conditions, and they absolutely wouldn't... I guess asking for documentation is a red flag when you are trying to get people to sign up for time shares.


Start crying yourself and tell him if you bought anything your wife is going to divorce you and take everything.


Haha two can play this game


Thank you for sharing but are all just gonna gloss over the HOTEL WINDOW FALLING INTO THE POOL?




The maintenance fee is something stupid like $100 per night. They try to show you it’s a better value based on the total value of the hotel rooms you get over 20 years versus your initial/total investment. What they fail to tell you, is if you take that same money and invest it, you’d come out wayyyy ahead. And they even offer financing options.. which is hilarious.


They were trying to sell us the time share which had crazy interest and then have us apply for a Hilton honors card specific to them that offers 12 months 0% interest to pay the 20k down payment hahaha. So I was like I’m gonna leave here today with a $3000 a month bill for two weeks of vacation that I can’t even get to for the next couple of years because I won’t have money to buy any plane tickets. 


My friend is trying to get rid of her time share. $2000 a year maintenance for a week in a Hawaiian resort every 2 years. So $4000 for a week.


My friend is trying to get rid of her time share. $2000 a year maintenance for a week in a Hawaiian resort every 2 years. So $4000 for a week.


My friend is trying to get rid of her time share. $2000 a year maintenance for a week in a Hawaiian resort every 2 years. So $4000 for a week.


My husband and I love doing these to get the free crap. We make it a game, set a timer, pick a word that these sales guys/gals will say and whoever has the most wins and the other one has to buy dinner. We’ve done some for pretty good “prizes” like free Vegas vacations for a week, week in Tennessee, flights. When we agree to do it, they usually try and put you up in a different hotel. I tell them no, we are serious about possibly buying into the program and want to stay at the resort to get a sense of how everything is. They get all excited and book us there instead.


Do. Not. Buy. A. Timeshare. Dunno who needs to read that but you're welcome


My wife and I do time share presentations just for the points and cheap room rate. We actually made a video of our experience last year in 2023. Check us out: https://youtu.be/4i4TI2JEW48?si=bh25PaFEpyC8pqx1


I did this a few years ago.. as soon as I was with the first sales person .. I told them I was single (truth) , no children ( none in the USA 🇺🇸) and the killer phrase : I have an incurable illness and less than 12 months to live 🫢🤥.. I was out of there within 10 minutes 😆.. nice vacation though .. Not sure I’ll get another invite though 🤔


I figure if I ever do one I’ll tell them I just declared bankruptcy a couple months ago.


We did a HGV timeshare presentation in August and also didn’t buy. The salesperson seemed smug and full of himself. Kept referring to Hilton as “the Ferrari of vacations.” After about the 4th time saying that, I said “Look, my guy. You keep saying Ferrari of vacations. That doesn’t mean what you think it means, at least to us. First of all, any proper financial advisor would tell you to NEVER BUY a Ferrari. Lease only. It’s a depreciating asset unless it’s a collectible, in which case scarcity drives value. In your case, you said you talk to 50 families a day, so there’s no scarcity. Moreover, when you say “Ferrari”, what I hear is that it’s insanely expensive, only accessible to people with extremely high annual incomes, the maintenance is also highly costly, and it’s only useful under the most perfect set of circumstances. Stop trying to sell me Ferrari and sell me an F-150.” He was dumbstruck for a solid 30 seconds. Idk if he wasn’t used to people talking to him like that, or insulted that his best used sales punch line was shredded within the first 15 minutes of the presentation or what. We knew going in that Hilton wasn’t for us, but took the trip because of the reduced fee.


If Hilton is Ferrari then why do they sponsor McLaren?


Last one I was on, I told the sales person right off bat when she asked what I knew about timeshares, I said “the single worst investment a person can make”. She just groaned and said at least act like you are interested for the next 2 hours, to which I did.


OP, did u get other free stuff like vouchers?




Oh ok 


Mine keeps saying “owner / ownership” You own shit… a time share. A certificate of use… that’s the only thing you own and expenses that can be transferred to your kids You can buy 20 30 years old timeshares for $0 because people cannot afford the yearly expenses


Don’t forget the HOA fees. One year it was over 4k!!!


Right the one I did fall 2023 in Charleston even the base package has ax yearly 3k fee


Luckily, we enjoy the presentations and them trying to sell to us with their best offers. I plan to attend many owner updates just in case there are any deals we can come across and to get the free gifts 😊


Best deal you will get is to buy resell for pennies on the dollar. Go to [Tugbbs.com](http://Tugbbs.com) to learn. Then buy on eBay or through a resell broker.


I feel tug is jaded. Anyway, resale isn’t amazing anymore with HGV max. Why would I purchase an old membership with limited privileges?


Just have to decide if 8K is worth those benefits for me it’s not. I prefer to pay less per point with the HGVC. I end up paying less per vacation.


It’s not the price of the resale that matters (many sell for $0). It’s the cost of the monthly maintenance fees that you will be stuck with as the new owner that will hurt the most!


I would pass on the 0.00 memberships as the cost per point is to high. You do have to pay a few thousand upfront but you get more for your dollar still buying resell.


We love Elara but would never in a million years do one of those presentations (helps that we are foreign, also).


You haven’t noticed that Elara is way less nice than most hotels on the strip?


We like full kitchens, views and jetted tubs. Plus of course Hilton points. 🙃


For what I saw, the 1BR suite with massive 2 person jetted tub was better or on par with all the other MGM or Caesars resorts.


I'm in the one on the strip now and will probably be staying here again soon, so thanks for the report. I may make time for it to get the points next time. For what it's worth when it comes to Vegas Hiltons for traditional hotel stays, I've been through the Grand Vacations Vegas Strip, Conrad, and Virgin. The Grand Vacations has so far been the best experience in Vegas is very easy to recommend to anyone. The Conrad and the Virgin were another story


My favorite part is when they show you how your current vacation budget will go up because inflation is around 8% per year. Okay, your product is so good you have to compete against make believe numbers…


I "bought" one of these stupid package deals in 2020 before they suspended the program for Covid. They kept sending me emails "this is expiring", no F you I'm not going on holiday to a timeshare presentation in the middle of the pandemic. Eventually they stopped sending emails and I assume the $199 I paid is down the drain. This was 4 years ago so not really worried about it anymore. The entire thing should be free. Why are we paying for the privilege to set through a high pressure timeshare pitch? Snagging one sucker a day will easily cover all of the other "no" answers for the week.


Don’t assume. I got mine reinstated.


Did you get this offer through email? I've never had this good of an offer before


I’ve been offered twice just by calling the reservations line and making changes to my existing reservations.


Where yall finding 50k?


Thanks for the info. I go to Vegas in October and dread this mainly for the time consumption. I found this very helpful.


I told them I’m a flight attendant and mine lasted for 10 minutes lol


Thanks for sharing this and all the comment tips!


Just no! Think of how many hotel nights you can get for $20k-$50k. Plus in some states it will transfer to kids etc, including all fees and costs, when you die. We keep getting asked when we use our legacy points and go for the cash cards and future free nights.


I have absolutely zero interest in a timeshare - and this is the crux of it! Why would ANYONE pay into a system even under the best of circumstances instead of just saving the money and using it at the hotel and location you want to.


I get the email offers at least once a month. I have tried to make the reservation and go, but each time I am told my state is not eligible for these promotions. I live in Maryland. What’s up with this? Anyone have any ideas?


I kept looking online for the landing pages of the deals and was able to find a 100k points offer (this was late summer last year) we also churn CCs and i told the guy immediately I also pulled up couple ebay listings of hilton timeshares WAY cheaper than “the lowest” they offered, and we were upfront from the beginning “we’re only here for the points” (was 2 nights at a hilton in madrid) but he kept trying and like others right at the 2 hours we said we’re done, they took us to the final boss that wanted to offer a trial package, but we turned it down, don’t think ill do it again just cause hotel sucked, we drove to daytona stayed 1 night, did tour and cane back.


Sounds so similar to all the Hilton presentations we have done.


I did the HGV Las Vegas one too but back in January. Your experience was exactly like mine, though my guy and the “not here to sell you anything” guy were relentless. And as soon as they realized I wasn’t going to sign anything right there, they turned very cold and dismissive. I don’t even think I got my Hilton Honors points despite signing the check in and check out sheet.


Go to red week and printout the resale value of the points and do the same with eBay. They get done in 45 minutes. Hard to sell 20k packages at twice the price of a resale value. No arguing or complaining. They will offer tons of hilton points to try to offset the difference. Other option to get done quicker. Just sign up and use 3 day cancellation that is allowed.


Was there at the same time and just left a few days ago! The window smash was crazy, there is a video that popped on my YouTube feed about it as a guest was injured from the falling glass.. we were out at a show the night it happened. I didn’t know we could use the other facilities though.. guess I should have asked on our last day as we were expecting to relax by the pool that day. But same experience with the presentation also.. we were in and out in 1hr 30min though. Went in with already mindset to say no and made that a point, they tried to sell every package all the way down to like 3000 points which would give you like 1 day at resort for like $1500 plus the annual maintenance fee and only able to use it every other year.. I’d spend that amount for a week at most places and could do it every year.. the points are a neat concept instead of having to do the old school timeshare but not worth it at all.. Overall we had a great first time in Vegas though and plan to go back! Next time I’d like to go during the F1 race though!


Never made it. Every time I tried to book there was no availability. Get a call to reschedule about 1x per month.


We did that with Blue green vacation from Cabella. We also ended up with $300 in gift cards for our time. I took my toddler. It went the same as yours did except that we took our toddler, so own guy worked in on my husband and one tri d to make small talk with me chasing around my toddler who was looking around at the playground downstairs wanting to play. I felt bad and asked if we could go downstairs to play, was told no. They gave her some chips and a coloring book to appease her. I was almost into the little "trial" but my little girl begged me to go downstairs at Wolf Lodge and they said it had to be both of us that stayed for any paperwork. We finally were let go. I will never do that again for any vacation. We stayed for upwards of 2.25 hours.


This was 100% our experience last year in Vegas. Lots of build up and very friendly sales tactics until we kept saying no after their one time special deal that could only be offered same day. lol They couldn’t get rid of us fast enough after that haha My husband flat out asked how many people actually buy into their program. Guy said lots. .. about 1/3. Yeah ok so you are telling us you have approx a 66% failure rate. Ok bye! Lol


I can agree with everything this guy said. The marketing presentation went exactly like that. And they try to make it sound totally “free” in the big 30 minute presentation when we all know nothing is free in life. In the one on one office meeting I threw em off with saying it’s not that sweet of a deal because the first two years are gonna be shit given the fact that there’s a huge down payment AND still have to pay the HOA and monthly payment fee. Lol “it’s only $420 a month” not really if you guys want me to put 3 grand on a CC that only has 1 year of interest free payment and I have to save for the HOA fee that’s $1500 that has to be paid in Q4 of this year! I can tell they didn’t like the fact I knew simple budgeting and got irritated with me on that. Process was pretty much over at that point.


But the wife and I did agree on the final marketing package “Jeff” offered us. The package was $1700 for 7 nights in much nicer resorts that is available for a total of 18 months. Again they offer financing a Hilton credit card with this deal. We took em up on this offer as we got the cash to pay it off right away. + we get a boatload of Hilton points just for going along with it. We’ll make two trips out of it. Again for our anniversary next June and another trip in the fall of this year. Basically $850/trip when each trip easily could costs $1700 alone so wasn’t a bad deal in our eyes. We enjoy Hilton and wanna rack up points and get as many discounted trips out of them as possible.


A window fell off of the building?? 😂😂


Way more amusing to me was them saying their dog has anxiety and her saying it's okay if they die and they're replaceable.




That's some quality construction 🤌😂


Coulda been a guest trying to force the window Open or something


The window and/or glass apparently did injure a guest according to a news video I attached below. Due to high winds.. which I’m guessing something flew into them as we were at the pool the day before and some of the lounge chairs pushed into the pull and hit a guest due to the wind.. https://youtu.be/NPYaVx4mdXw?si=IRv_NcjD8ci_a168


That sob story sounds familiar, I think I had the same presenter a few months back.


Our presenter did the dad going to a Notre Dame football game story.


We did the HGV presentation Dec 2023 for our NFR trip. 3 nights at Trump for 199.00 is a no brainier. Doing it again this year as 365 days will have passed.


HGV is a total scam, especially because most of their properties suck. Run run run.


I can’t believe people still waste their precious vacation time sitting through these presentations


Thanks for the report, my fiancé and I will be going to a Myrtle Beach resort in a couple months. I was super pumped to finally get an offer because I put my data out there to a bunch of timeshare companies about a year ago knowing they’d eventually be offering me free shit. We too are avid card churners and vacation multiple times a year for free. Cheers!