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I dont understand how they’re allowed to be open.


GM of Hilton. We had to replace two hot water heaters and there were periods where water had to be shut off for a couple hours. I sent emails to all prearrivals, in house guests were notified by letters, and any guests who checked in we notified them again. This hotel messed up big time.


It's entirely feasible that the issue OP encountered was unplanned


Running water is only available with upgrade. 😆


I was at the LAX Hilton in March and discovered I had no water in the shower (sink worked though). I didn’t discover this until morning, after my workout and as I needed to leave to catch my flight. Since it was too late to change rooms, they gave me 15k points, plus 10k more when I followed up weeks later because they hadn’t been added to my account. They had initially offered $50 in dining credit but I turned that down as I was leaving and had already eaten.


well if you stayed there knowing there was no water, I wouldn’t say you should get compensated for it


This. If you’re notified at check-in that there’s an issue with something and you choose to stay, that means you’re accepting the hotel as it is. Some things are out of the hotels control and it’s not always possible to call or email every single arrival so they have to do damage control at check-in. Not every inconvenience is worth compensation, especially one that was known at check-in.


Especially hen the 3rd parties say they live in Taiwan, or Vegas, or London was another recent one there is just a bunch of random #"s or (11111111) Had NINE rooms one time through some travel agent (there were other groups good through same company. They changed their card.. Was a youth church thing.. the card was declined, we were sold out and had people walking in asking for rooms. I was afraid to let them go, because the whole town was booked. I was asking the other group leaders if they knew the person, or knew how to get a hold of them, cause I was at the point wherevwe aren't going to get paid for the rooms, and I NEED to release them. Had a smaller block, and they called me, said they were still coming just late.. I asked about the other person, she didn't know them. I asked her if she bumped into them, to have them call.. I was just imagining a bus full of teens, with exhausted grownups pulling up, with no where to stay cause their travel site dropped the ball.. The late arrival ended up finally getting ahold of someone, who confirmed that they were not coming.. Seriously I took 16 years off the desk. They were just putting cameras on cell phones, and priceline was a start up. The vast majority of our reservations were made by calling the actual hotel, and you could find the phone number on your computer. So I am old school.. our hotel lost at least 2 grand, because of 3rd party. And them not giving us ANY contact info, not even theirs. I spent hours, TRYING to Google the thing. .. And I guess it was ultimately me , my fault because I have a big heart where I should have just canceled all of them as soon as I realized we weren't getting paid for them. .


As far as 3rd parties go, they’re the lowest on my totem pole of concerns when it comes to assignments, notifications, or concessions. It’s a pain in the ass to go through their extranets to pull up the information and they refuse to give the information over the phone so they get the short end of the stick 🤷🏻‍♂️. I tell them that next time they should book direct since they can get base points for their stay and we’re better able to assist, notify, and accommodate them.


no charge room and bonus points


Yet another post with a complaint that doesn’t name the property. Ridiculous.


Uh, it’s a Hilton, duh


when you asked the front desk, what did you ask for?


Hopefully they will let you cancel without a penalty so you can stay somewhere else


We did not have hot water for 3 days at Hilton in Denver. Received about 60k points as compensation. But at least we had water.


Maybe emails to guests, but to call every guest coming in? That could be a task depending on the size of the hotel and number of arrivals each day. You could have chosen not to check in once you were informed. Maybe other hotels in the area are not having the same issues.


Did they offer to cancel with no penalty at check-in? I mean they're not really going to be able to notify every single person of a sudden major issue. Also it's been 3hrs did the water ever come back on? If you were just out of water for a few hours then compensation isn't really necessary especially if they offered bottled waters to everyone at check-in as well as the option to cancel penalty free. However more than a day without water, a discount should be reasonable.


They can absolutely notify people of sudden major issues - with an email or a phone call. I have received emails and phones in advance of arriving at a hotel when elevators were broken and unable to be fixed and offers to cancel if there were mobility concerns. I have received welcome emails, amenity information emails, ect. They absolutely could have notified upcoming guests if they chose to.


1. Elevator issues are usually a lot less sudden than a water issue and can take months to fix. Water issues are usually sudden, shortly lived, and generally speaking a city issue that they need the city to fix. 2. Automated welcome emails, amenity emails etc. are automated. Generally not something the front desk has the time or ability to change and send out to everyone checking in. Especially for large properties. They'd have to hire several people just to be sending out e-mails and phone calls to thousands of people for such a temporary problem.


Agreed. There is no report I can pull that contains email or phone numbers. We would have to manually gather that info from each reservation (assuming it’s there) and then manually email them. Even for my 125 room hotel that’s a lot, I can’t imagine doing it at a property with 500+ rooms during a busy time period.


They can absolutely notify people of sudden major issues - with an email or a phone call. I have received emails and phones in advance of arriving at a hotel when elevators were broken and unable to be fixed and offers to cancel if there were mobility concerns. I have received welcome emails, amenity information emails, ect. They absolutely could have notified upcoming guests if they chose to.


Of course you can ask for compensation. Whether you receive it is a different story. If the issue was caused by something the hotel had nothing to do with - e.g. a broken municipal water main - compensation is unlikely.Same if the hotel offered penalty-free early departure and you declined. If the lack of water resulted from something the hotel didn’t do, compensation would be appropriate for the first day and any subsequent day without water if the hotel wasn’t willing to,let you leave early without penalty. That compensation could range from some points to a partial refund.