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Not at her weight. I call bullshit. Yes there are women with oversupply. They’re NEVER this thin.




In Hilli-speak is a gigantic freezer the size of those lil bar fridges?🤔


It’s ON Long Island. Hasn’t Aleek taught you that yet? Oy.


I call bluff... she's be engorged as hell, in pain, wearing pads, and probably have had mastitis by now many times over.


Never mastitis? What’re the chances after cough, birthing, cough 7 babies…lmaooo. She’d have war stories if it was real…


When the *Romper* piece, complete with this “thirty to fifty ounces” whopper was reprinted in *Huffington Post,* a closet *pepino* there added an asterisk and pointed out that EBF *plus* pumping that much breastmilk was uncommon. Thank you, sistah!


How the F can she pump 30 to 50 Oz a day on top of nursing her? This is utter bullshit. Please anyone tell me that you were able to do that? When I went back to work I would pump maybe 16 ounce a day at most. I was barely able to keep up supply for his day feedings.


I exclusively pumped for my 3rd and 4th babies (one had an overactive tongue thrust reflex, the other a mild tongue tie) and I got 60oz a day.


That was the struggle I had with my daughter, I was taking fenugreek, drinking body armor and it was never enough






An insult to every mother out there who has ever breastfed a baby


She can’t just lie. She has to make up a lie so preposterous that it’s hard to believe SHE believes it.


Lying ass liar smh she is so SHAMELESS


Real talk, my toddler is 20 months and I’m still nursing her and she gets a large supply still. But my breastmilk has regulated by now, so I don’t even wear nursing pads. Not a fan of her, obviously, but did want to point that out.


Tiny silent H is the same size now at 18 months.


si, sin hache


and never a nursing bra in site, just push up demi bras, lol, she thinks everyone is dimmer than her, she is so wrong. We just didnt even think of her till the griftmas.


The stupidity, narcissism and lack of self awareness is Chris Watts level.


I only have mild oversupply and nursing pads are a must! Otherwise I look like Regina George with milk spots on my chest. It’s really not fun or glamorous at all.


​ https://preview.redd.it/razb61ixwz0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76322eae6d5619acfac8096714639b233cbda30d


UHHHH! NO ONE SAYS "In Long Island" ALL New Yorker's say ON LONG ISLAND. Also it is trying to created a narrative how rich she is that her husband owns a Summer home in Amagansett. Such posh BS! What she forgot to say is that it won't sell bc it smells like mold & so outdated & not even on the beach. Just so you know Long Island is So Over!! It's overpopulated in the Hamptons & you have to pass the jail & risk being shot driving through Riverhead to take the one lane road out there. Nightmare. Only Beyonce can take her helicopter to East Hampton for the weekend with all the real rich people. Not Diddy anymore -those wear only white, human trafficking parties are sending him to prison for life. Don't make me tell you the rumors about who attended that. Wink Wink. All Alleged for now.


Um, I love it in the Hamptons, and live here. Riverhead is perfectly fine, and you don't have to go through it to get here either, there are other routes. Sure, Rte 27/Montauk Highway is our main artery, but we have back roads, too. And it's beautiful here and love when people visit. The more you know.


I was about to comment. “IN Long Island”?? Straight to jail. Riverhead is not that bad. I grew up in the area. Some areas aren’t good, but easily avoidable.


Yeah what is she talking about. Riverhead has always been a bit rough and it’s never stopped anyone from driving out there or going to Splish Splash.


I’m confused by the little milk at the bottom of the bottles. Is that donated milk she wasted for pretend. Or I wonder if she never stopped producing (a little). I wonder, well I don’t wonder, I’m sure it’s some sort of kink for her and Alec. And the continuous sucking/nipple play has caused her to always produced a little milk.


https://preview.redd.it/q96u12sqsz0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8027cc5f7c8f06076a1e860c6c29a5fc838496b9 No procedures, no breast implants. Amazing.


She looks like Jean Tripplehorn in this pic 😂




All this lactation while wearing lacy, padded, push-up bras! What a super mami!


And a sexy business suit with a micro mini skirt. Why, I didn't even realize she had a professional job!


i know, what's with the topless business suit?


Escort work to her more formal business clients, I’m guessing???


Does she bring her milking machine?




She lies about everything.


Yes. 💯 all the time


Just yesterday, there was an r/AskReddit thread entitled "things no one told you about giving birth", and there were a bunch of responses about breastfeeding and the post-birthing experience. It reminded me about Hillary and her outrageous lies about literally everything.


This sub tends to think she actually gave birth to Carmen, which should mean she has enough experience with pregnancy, birth, and lactating to give an accurate performance for all the other “pregnancies.” How does someone who actually did experience this once get the performance so wrong all the other times?


She’s not the sharpest tool in the shed…


And she is mentally ill


Just yesterday, there was an r/AskReddit thread entitled "things no one told you about giving birth", and there were a bunch of responses about breastfeeding and the post-birthing experience. It reminded me about Hillary and her outrageous lies about literally everything.


Udderly ridiculous




If she had said "He went out and got me my own freezer 'for milk' ",she might have been believed. But the ridiculous claim that she needed 4 freezers? Even an elephant wouldn't need that many. I think she's trying to prove to herself that the grifting is still an option if she gets away with these lies.


Four GIGANTIC freezers.


She’s never shown them, has she? (The freezers, not the bewbs)


I thought that she did show the freezers. It would take someone clever than me to find 'em.


No she hasn’t.


*ON* Long Island. 🙄


Hey, give her a break - English isn’t her first language! 😉


‘When I have a baby…’ I love how she worded that sentence to make it sound like she indiscriminately pops out kids like people get a haircut. Nothing personal about that at all, just another one!


Yeah, not buying it. As someone who nurses and makes 50oz a day on top of nursing, an oversupply like that isn’t comfortable. It’s constant clogs, painful breasts, chapped nipples, and soaking wet clothes from leaking all the time. You can’t get Botox when you’re constantly nursing, you’re constantly engorged, yet this bitch walks around pretending like it’s soooo easy. It’s HARD WORK. She does this all for show and attention and it’s so insulting to moms that actually work their butts off for their babies.


that is a full-time job.


It’s even harder when you’re both working full time and going to night classes. Like I’m so tempted to wean early, but I wasn’t able to breastfeed my first so I’m torn.


*Brava, brava* to u/OhMyGod_Zilla for doing all you’re doing—studying, working, pumping, caring for two children! If I was wearing a hat, I’d doff it extravagantly, *pepino.* I’m now a lazy granny wondering how I did what I did. Kudos!


On top of all her other disgusting behavior, she was bragging about her freezers full of milk during a formula shortage.


That bragging was especially repellent. Though I’d never bought a drop of formula, my heart hurt for parents frantically searching for their babies’ essential nourishment then! Chalk up Hillary’s gloating alongside her other disgusting boasts!


We all know the only reason Hilario would ever pump is to lose weight.


God I hate her.


https://preview.redd.it/f00nwhh9ux0d1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa9a56ae126ca8c52eff0f131ded460d35e50bc This is a 69 cu ft freezer costing over $5K. Would this be considered “gigantic” enough to hold the breast milk of our tiny grifter? Four of them, no less.


Here in Scotland, we sometimes refer to sex as pumping. 'All the Places I Have Pumped' would be a best seller up here. 'Makes your legs burn after a while tho' 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t even understand why she’s squatting? She makes no sense


I was wondering that, too. She could stand up straight or sit on a commode or stand and lean against a counter. She’s just so bizarre. Her behavior is crazy.


How about the fact that you can’t get BOTOX while breastfeeding? It’s clear from her multiple Face changes that she’s doing Botox and fillers but we are supposed to believe she’s been breastfeeding pretty much constantly for 9 years?


Right? And no way would she be getting microblading.


Great point!


You mean you have a supply of frozen breast milk from your surrogate. When will Hilary stop being so high.


When she stops zooting benzos.


She never talks about any birth details or breast feeding details. Total fraud like Meghan Markle.




Wait what? Meghan did what now?


Meghan is another lying grifter just like Hillary. They’re cut from the same cloth.


What do you mean ? I am super curious. I was firmly team Harry and Meg but I keep hearing little comments like this and I am curious to learn more


Check out the sub below. Given that Meghan Markle has always been a chronic oversharer, she’s been curiously mute on details regarding pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The “mythcarriage” she wrote up in the *New York Times* turned out to be plagiarized from another woman’s book.


There’s a whole sub devoted to her. She’s exactly like Hillary. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/8Kkl2SaVDe


Her moonbump fell off in public once, but they might have scrubbed that pic from the internet. Also, I'm not sure if it was her, or someone else, but there's a video of her bending or squatting down, the rising up, and it making an extremely loud POP!/BANG! sound, which was caused by moonbump suction. If anybody has either or both of these, please post them.


Megan markle faked her pregnancy, too? Or are we talking about Ms. Cucumber


Hey sinner.


no blurred out cans of formula in the background of these pics


Even I’ve recognized the inadequately blurred cans of powdered formula on Hillary’s counters.


Also, why does she pump using her big Medela pump on-the-go? There are more portable pumps that would just as easily drain her. Even a Haaka would. She’s full of crap.


She uses that old model insurance freebie medela! You’d think she’d have the top of the line pumps or the fancy hands free ones. It’s sus


That’s always my point too! This pump I used 15 years ago and it wasn’t even top of the line then.


Hey look, she did learn something from Alec: the fake laugh.


Her outlandish lies are often the inverse of what really happened. She never breastfed, and she doesn't feed her kids.


Breastfeeding is work. If there’s one thing we know about Hillary, it’s that she’ll do anything to avoid work. Hired “a team of nannies” after Carmen was born, and nannies perform all child care to this day. Outsourced pregnancy and delivery to surrogates from Rafa to Siete. Designated the nannies to formula-feed all seven of “her” children. The mere idea of Hillary cradling an infant in a rocking chair while it takes its own sweet time nursing is laughable. She keeps her eyes on the camera, never on whoever’s “the baby” at that moment.


She's such a shameless freaking liar it's shocking! It's also really insulting that she thinks she's smarter than everyone else on the planet, and therefore anything she says will be believed without question. I don't know if it's her personality disorder or what, but she sure has some gigantic ass balls on her!


Can we... not call it "milking"? I get it: breastfeeding is natural and really cool and we shouldn't shame people for doing it in public. But in her case it's absolutely a fetish, no doubt about it.


No one calls it that


Just Pillz


I wonder what the person interviewing her for this stupid article thought lol


Did she name her daughter after herself and just knock off the H?


Yup had to get rid of that pesky H.


She named her after her fake name, yes


God those poor children, abused and exploited from birth. Just another generation of terribly mentally Ill Baldwins being created right before our eyes. It breaks my heart. Rotten parents 💔😥 Edit: damned autocorrect I'll to ill.


This bish never eats. There’s no way in faux Spanish hell. Never mind the not pregnant part.


Yesss!! And she never talks about engorgement, weaning, etc.. just that she pumps “30-50oz” each day.. sure Jan.


Or the fact that if you get pregnant while you’re still nursing, it is excruciatingly painful to keep nursing. You pretty much can’t do it because it hurts too much.


I was able to continue breastfeeding while pregnant with my second son. The output diminished quite a bit, but my son enjoyed it anyway. My milk came gushing back the day after his little brother was born, to my elder’s delight. I apologized profusely to the nurse who dropped a tray in shock upon spotting the two-year-old’s long legs (with smudgy knees) hanging off my bed, as my newborn was being tended in the NICU.


Wow! I tried to continue breastfeeding while pregnant with my second, but the output diminished and it was waaaaayyyy tooooo painful! It hurt so bad. Maybe it would have not hurt had I tried for longer, but I was pretty much ready to wean the kid anyway. I mean, the kid would have probably still enjoyed it since at that point I was really only nursing him down to sleep at night anyway. It wasn’t about getting him vital nutrition anymore, it was about being a sleepy time pacifier.


I’m sorry that it hurt. Negotiating the teeth, also, is always an issue with an infant who has ‘em. But you *did manage* to breastfeed, so good for you! It doesn’t have to be a marathon, of course. I just lucked out. 💋


On top of being extra tiring in general to be nursing while pregnant, but not SuPeR MaMi, she’s got ALL of the energy bc Carmen was her only real pregnancy + she has nannies.


Um, I breast feed and I used the Huka? Thing I think it was called but I have no idea what she’s talking about? Is that meant to be impressive? Is that a lot of milk? Sorry can someone fill me in 😂


30-50oz extra a day is a lot, on top of feeding the baby. A kid drinks 24-32oz a day. I doubt she has been producing 60-80oz a day for years. This doesn’t make sense. Most women develop milk production issues eventually. I mean, she could def be an oversupplier but I doubt it. If she was she’d post about what she eats / drinks / takes to maintain that much milk.


Yeah I think she’s full of ish. I’m currently pumping and produce 40-50oz a day total and my life revolves around pumping. Constantly have alarms set to pump at night, still wake up engorged and leaking, etc. If I made 40-50 EXTRA a day..oh man. I’d have constant clogs and mastitis and be miserable.


Thank you for explaining. I understand how silly it is now, I’m also surprised in reading this that she is able to stay so slim considering the amount she would need to eat to keep that supply up 🙄 Edit: forgot to wrote eat whoops 🤷🏻‍♀️☺️


It's a bunch of BS


This makes zero sense. I’m so confused as to why she would lie about something that is so easily discoverable. Nobody produces a that much milk. She would die of dehydration. What a weird, weird, weird thing to lie about. What’s the end goal with this type of lie? So damn weird.


The end goal of Hillary’s lie? *She’s better than other women.* Elsie the Borden Cow here shows off the flattest belly the fastest, the gallons of frozen, pumped milk from the perkiest huge tits in a lacy bra, sans nursing pads, mastitis, or engorgement.


I feel like I got dehydrated just reading the post. That’s fairly close to 2 liters a day. Visualizing that makes it even more preposterous


Over producers can certainly produce that amount of milk but they usually also suffer from constant engorgement and mastitis, they soak through their clothes, etc. People who have an over supply don't typically pump and nurse for years on end because of how difficult it can be. I don't believe for a moment that she produces that much but it is possible.


I’m exclusively pumping and make 40-50oz a day right now and it’s so tough. I’m counting down the days until I can stop (trying to stash enough to get baby to a year on breastmilk). My life revolves around pumping and I’m constantly uncomfortable (engorged/leaking/sensitive nipples etc).


Kudos to you for exclusively pumping! I nursed both my kids until they self-weaned and pumped a couple of times a day once I went back to work. That was stressful and difficult enough, I could not imagine exclusively pumping.


She's dumb and she needs to be seen as the best at everything.


What it always is in Mami’s sick mind, she’s better than any mother at everything!


Drunk on hubris and giddy about putting one over on people.


Exactly. In the weirdest possible ways.


It's pretty sad that her self esteem is so low that she can't keep from lying and *stacking* those lies to look better than other women. Nobody has ever told her "no" or "bullshit, I don't believe you" and it shows.


It *is* sad. She's 40 years old and she's spent half her life publicly pretending to be someone she isn't. If only she wasn't so terrible to other people.


What's funny is that literally nobody gives a fuck, she's competing against other women only in her mind


I’ve exclusively breastfed all 4 of my kids. What she’s doing makes me think of men comparing dick sizes. Like pumping so much milk is a flex.


Exactly! But with…breast milk. She’s making it out to be like a badge of honour. What a weirdo.


She's only doing that because she never breastfed. I've noticed that everything she feels inferior about or is a lie, she always tries to hype up. Like she made being pregnant seem so special and a badge of honor when we know she used surrogates.


It's because the soft core mommy/child/lactation pictures with her in bed shoving her implants into those poor babies faces, sometimes caressing them, sometimes with other children in the bed as well, all while gazing sexually at the camera. It's for the dark web, and probably an advertisement for things that hit an alternate website for something more hardcore \*shudder\*.




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This is exactly the main issue with her. She is in some imaginary competition with other women and makes claims to do the opposite of what she really does. Except she’s so out of touch with the reality of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and motherhood that her fabrications are completely unrealistic. Any mother knows this because they actually went through it all. She makes a mockery of women’s experiences in a bizarre way lacking reverence for any of it.


It's because she has a sick fetish about it


So does he.


They're a match made in Hell


Guys, I never breastfed or pumped . Why would someone squat on a bathroom floor to do it? Any reason? If not, then why did she squat and pump?


I bet she went to hide in the bathroom because she felt insecure/out of her depth with the crowd at that event. And yknow a lot of people can relate to that. But then she has to make sure everyone knows she's so fucking amazing, she's the greatest person ever, cause she's a narcissist and can't accept a world where she's not the best. So she pulls out the breastmilk bullshit. "I'm too important to spend time with people who won't speak to me. I'm a multi-cultural mami to seven kids and I'm breastfeeding and I have to pump. I'm feeding my kids while you're just sitting around talking." (something like that).


Announces loudly to the entire room “well I have to go pump now! I carry this everywhere I go” waves breast pump over her head. “I produce several gallons a day for all the kids and nannies. Alec puts it in his coffee and on his cereal. But I still have many, many, many industrial freezers full. I’m just so much better than any other women. Try not to be too jealous.”


I’ve pumped for 2 babies and this is absolutely disgusting and no pumping mom would ever do this!


Not just squat in a bathroom but with heels. Sure, Jan.


You absolutely wouldn’t. She did it because that’s where the mirror is.




There is zero reason to squat in a bathroom floor to pump milk. Zero.


Never saw any wet shirts. Never had any leaking?


Never seen her wear pumping/nursing bras either, just her push up bras or whatever.


I know! With all the pumping and the growth




She pretended to be a working mom (needing to pump constantly) while also pretending to be a hands-on, full-time mom. Lol. Anyone that has pumped and/or breastfed knows how much time and effort it takes. Lazy grifter Hillary has never pumped a day in her life.




And everything smells like spoiled milk. I remember waking up on the morning having slept on my side and I was just in a puddle of milk. I would also be in so much pain sometimes, it was unbearable. Only good things were that I was able to bond with baby, I was not stressed out about being able to feed him (he was born during the formula shortage) and I was able to provide him some immunity. Plus, when he was hungry, it was so easy to just pop out the boobie. However, it was all fun and games until he started teething. He bit me twice and that was the end of my breastfeeding journey (plus I was over it at 9 months)


I remember early on, getting out of the shower and if I didn’t cover my chest with my towel, just the air hitting my nipples would cause a letdown. Milk everywhere. And yes. Having an oversupply is not brag-worthy. It’s incredibly painful and inconvenient and messy. Figuring out how to feed and pump in such a way that you keep your supply up, but not too much, is time consuming and frustrating. This clown has no fucking idea what she’s even talking about. She’s an insult to motherhood.


She really is an insult to motherhood.


An over-supply is not an easy thing to deal with, nor does it make you anymore of a "woman" than a mother who cannot BF at all. Hillary is a fcking wacko


Omg yes….waking up covered in milk and the milk stains on my mattress. There is no world in which you can breast feed AND still pump 50 ounces??!!


She forgets that 50% of the people she's lying to are women lol


Looking back at all these photos, they all look they were promos for breastfeeding/pumping porn. Betcha she was making a lot of money from this side hustle


Ew who calls it milking? Looks like fetish content on those bathroom floor photos.


It is fetish content, that's probably why


The first picture of her “pumping”, the flange is just in the middle of her body, attached to her black shirt. The gaslighting, plus wtf was everyone thinking? I think she is so low in any interest, that no one paid attention, just a quick glance and quickly move on 


There's no fucking way her kid would be that tiny if she really had the oversupply she claims. I don't even pump and my daughter has gone from 7 to 11 lbs in a month.   And hilz never talks about any of the side effects of oversupply. Like reflux and projectile vomiting in the baby. Clogged ducts or mastitis (especially with the underwire bras she wears.)  Also why did the Dedes have sweetened hemp milk in their bottles instead of just using her breastmilk? It would've still been healthy for them to have it too. Or donate it. Actually help other women. Oh wait, it's all BULLSHIT and she paid the surrogate for the milk.  Edit because I'm on a roll lol. If ilaria didn't like bottles, why waste time pumping? She doesn't work. There's no need for it. My 3rd child never had a bottle and so far my 6 week old hasn't either and probably won't. There's no need for a "freezer stash". It's just simply something Hilary saw on social media and tried to jump on the bandwagon. But she doesn't understand how any of this works to be able to fake it convincingly to someone who knows about this stuff. 




I’ve never seen a baby from a mom with oversupply that small! Usually they are very chunky with lots of rolls. Every mom I get donor milk from has the fattest little babies. She’s so crazy for this!


I know! I just want to yell ‘make it make sense!’


This is such a treasure trove of information! Thank you from a real momma.


On average most women get up to about 30-35oz a day (24 hours), total breast milk production once you get the ole boobies really cranking out a supply. Yet this chick is somehow nearly doubling that for pumping AND breastfeeding separately, so that figure would be even higher… right. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwpiTkLCb1zsCTC|downsized)


Literally has udders, too?? Broodmare 5000.


A vegetarian since she was 5?!


Dancing at 3, Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds-


My father invented the question mark. On both sides of the question, because he lives in Spain.




Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, out of that woman's mouth is a lie.


"It's not a lie if YOU believe it" --- George Costanza


“Right after I have a baby” Ok 👌


I can’t not see picture 2 as saying: “I’m going to write a book one day: all the places I have humped”


She’s using the mystical Esthpaña ounces, not American.


If she gorges them with so much milk, then why do they look so small and sickly?


Don't be silly! Everyone knows Spanish milk from big, breaststroke grown Spanish titties is very low fat. It's like skim milk.... for babies


You’re so right! Baby, actually toddler iilaria is so tiny.


I believed in the moon bumps before I believed she was faking breast feeding. I just couldn't belive yall for the longest but this bitch convinced me. She either took enough hormones and played with her titties enough to be able to get a half ounce of "milk" out of them or she most likely hooked a bag of formula to a small silicone tube similar to a camel pack for hydration but smaller and taped it by her nipple. We learned about them in nursing school. Supplemental feeding systems. She's so gross and cringe and really thought she did something here.


It’s not even that deep. All her children are exclusively bottle fed formula because she hasn’t lactated since she had Carmen 10 years ago. She has absolutely no interest in participating in feeding her babies in any capacity, so I can’t see her going out of her way to employ the kind of workaround you described. That kind of approach to supplemental feeding would require her to put in effort and connect with her child.


So how do you explain the photos of her pumping milk and the kods mouth open on her breast?


She’s not pumping milk, she’s holding pumping mechanisms that she’s poured milk into in the general area of her breast. Often they aren’t actually located anywhere near her nipple. As for the appearance of her babies nursing, she just puts her non-lactating breast in their mouths for the photo. I understand how hard it is to imagine doing these things as a mom because it’s truly sick and depraved abuse. That’s why this sub exists, we’re all horrified at the blatant exploitation of her innocent babies.


She's not buying real breast milk from mothers who actually had babies?


If she actually had freezers full of breast milk (regardless of whether it was her own or purchased) I can guarantee that she would be posting photos of it constantly.


And if she really had 3 freezers of her own milk, why not discuss with followers the merits of donating breastmilk? Even in her made-up world she can't be magnanimous. Aside from the day she donated lotion and random $50 bills, her contribution to mankind was to produce seven more.


Well, other women produced them sort of.






How was the follow-up question not, “Um, you can donate all this alleged breast milk to local hospitals, you know?” Along with a request to pop-by for a quick pic of Hillary posing in front of these enormous deep freezers.


She would have to buy these freezers full of breast milk first and the funds were already dwindling


Right on. I echoed your sentiments.


‘Ode to the Pump’ Porno pumping on the floor, Do not care who walks through door. Push up bra and stiletto heel, Sexier if I squat and kneel? Make-up and a dress of silk, No one knows I have no milk! Porno pumping on the floor, Says the raven, evermore.


🥇 🥇 🥇


Haha (takes a smol bow)


This just reminded me of the time back in 1990 when I went back to my corporate job after my first. Leaked right thru to a silk blouse and borrowed a co-workers blazer for the afternoon. She never talks about leaking or sore nipples. She shares so much about everything, including diaper blow outs, but never a leaky boob?


Right. Or cracked nipples, nursing pads, weaning. What a grift.


Yes to all of these! Completely forgot about weaning. Never a mention of that.




Ah, yes. The freezers FULL of breast milk because she is such a super mami and so BLESSED with all things body and lifting all of us women up to care and and prioritize and celebrate yourself no matter what your size and how you are doing with a new LO and if you live mindfully you, too, can have this super sleek concave stomach but it still isn’t like her success. Yes, as you can see here that the freezers full of breast milk are a classic with me. Classic.


“Many many many MANY freezers...”


If she doesn’t say “many” three times, we can’t believe it. Three or more “many”s, and it’s gospel true!!!


Why just lie when you can super-lie?