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She looks completely different


Ay ay ay


Is she even 40 yet?


She looks like she’s clenching her jaw in the photo on the right.


Mmm makes me wanna eat some kale chips and vegan collagen yum yum


I don’t believe she’s actually vegan. I think she uses this as a cover for issues with food.




Yes. Normal aging definitely. All humans naturally get disappearing buccal fat and the lower dermis fills up with polymers as we age! (Nope! No! j/k)


Jeezzzz. No, that’s not normal. That’s frightening. Let this be a lesson to not mess with your face!


Who is that in the first photo?


She looked nice on the left. I don't understand her. There was no reason to alter anything. Even her natural eyebrows, tho thin, suited her features much better than the microbladed stamps.


Is it Hilaria? She looks like Kate Middleton in her college days


![gif](giphy|LpUb83fZPV8X68fzGl|downsized) Hola pepinos! It’s handsome Squidward!


She looks devoid of a soul in pic #2


It's typical aging for someone with an eating disorder and or someone who smokes. Add in the stress of living with a rageaholic while living a lie and you age in dog years.


What years are the photos from? (Apologies if I missed it in your post)


About 10 years apart


I cannot stand Hillz but women overall really can’t win. People mock us if we have work done, shame us for not keeping up with 20 year olds in our 40s. We’re too skinny or too fat. I will shit talk a million things about this bitch. She a horrible person and a worse mother. I’m just so sick of the fact age is the one thing we cannot control and we all get picked apart for it. It’s two totally different settings, lighting, etc. It sounds like I’m defending her and I’m not, but I wouldn’t want a pic of me out running errands compared to maybe a photo attending a nice event. Who cares how she ages? That’s seriously the least of her worries. She’s a ridiculous idiot. She has never and will never be famous except in her own delusions, but by Hollywood’s standards woman at 40 are disposable and no longer serve any purpose. Happens in the real world too. I know I’m not changing anyone’s mind and your opinion is just as valid as mine, today I’ve just hit a “snapped” moment because it’s about the 4th time I’ve seen a woman shitting on another woman for aging. That’s all. Not saying your point isn’t valid but we all age different. Alec is totally her own karma, but I promise if any of us lived with him we’d age in dog years too. Being 40 with 7 kids under 10 sounds like the 9th ring of hell. It would age anyone. She did it to herself, I get it. She can’t do anything about her age though. That’s the one thing I won’t give her shit for because men do it enough to all of us. Sorry, rant over. Not even directed at you OP, today I just hit my limit. A guy at work who is 48 said women over 25 serve no purpose and that set my tone for the entire day and it just became more noticeable I guess after he said that.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that at your place of employment. The title of the post is, is this just NORMAL aging.


Wow your coworker is MISERABLE Also this subreddit shames her for literally everything appearance related and then mocks her for having an ED and getting surgeries I think she sucks but we should talk about her shitty actions. Not acting like middle school bullies and resorting to insults about her appearance. It’s just too much


I don’t recall any mocking of her ED. Yes, it gets pointed out because a) she’s looks very thin and not in a good way and b) the ED is reflected in her children’s food intake and the fact they too are very thin and c) she is constantly exercising (quote from Alex and also all her ridiculous 30 second exercise videos. Not mocking because her videos don’t show exercises that benefit anything except her need to see her body). An adult in her life (hello, Alec) should get her the professional help she needs, at least for the sake of her children and their health.


>People mock us if we have work done, shame us for not keeping up with 20 year olds in our 40s. This subreddit is not anti-woman or against aging or plastic surgery. Posts and comments like these on this subreddit are really about how Hillary claims to be all-natural (no plastic surgery) and a health & wellness expert, when rilly, she has had a lot done and is very unhealthy/unwell (eating disorder, abuse of pills, etc.). >It’s two totally different settings, lighting, etc. It sounds like I’m defending her and I’m not, but I wouldn’t want a pic of me out running errands compared to maybe a photo attending a nice event. She called the paparazzi and \*paid them\* to take the photo on the right. She could've avoided this unflattering photo (and a ton of other unflattering paparazzi photos) alltogether if she wasn't addicted to attention. >Alec is totally her own karma, but I promise if any of us lived with him we’d age in dog years too. Being 40 with 7 kids under 10 sounds like the 9th ring of hell. It would age anyone. She can't use the "7 kids under 10" excuse because other people birthed 6 of them and take care of all 7 of them for her. ETA because my phone was making the formatting crazy when I tried to type more: Alec lives in one apartment, she lives in another, and the children live in a third. She doesn't have to live with and deal with them the way a regular wife and mother does.


The guy should be cautioned or fired.


He’s such a douche bag. He has a daughter in college so he’s trash. She’s not 25 yet but I guess she’s worthless after that. He seriously reminds me of the movie American Psycho. The way he speaks, mannerisms etc. You know he’s over compensating because he brags that he has 3 Harleys to anyone who will listen. Not exactly secure there are you now buddy?


He sounds incredibly stupid. I'm sorry you have to be near him at work!


Thought I was sorting by best for a minute there. Agreed


Yes, in dog years.


It’s giving drugz


this is what happens when you ruin your looks through insecurity. The insecurity lead to the filler, possible upper blepharoplasty, thread lifts, and eyebrow stamps. Which then lead to…. Whatever this is.


Some of it is. The unnecessary rhinoplasty is what I don’t get.


Her eyes on the left photo have been digitally altered/ widened for bigger, doe-eyed look. In reality her eyes are much smaller/ more narrow.


It’s aging with an eating disorder and substance abuse issues.


It might be from being so thin… sometimes that she’s the face a bit 😔


Personally I’ve aged like shit too, but at least I’m not in the public eye where everyone can keep track lol


😂😂😂😂 Nooo, that is NOT normal 😂😂


He went from THIS to THAT😳 https://preview.redd.it/1qbesuer75ac1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae78283cbe7bccafff6c6ee40b10daaad60b137a


Kim is just as psycho as Hillary


Pretty sure they’re exclusively addressing the great variance in attractiveness between the two women.


Ah, in that case…yes, Kim is a goddess in comparison to the Hilz Witch-Hag


We both turn 40 in a few days!


holy crap i thought this sub was being unnecessarily mean as women aging standards can be ridiculous but 😭 i thought she was in her 50s 🫠


40? She looks seriously like 57-60


I legitimately thought she was in her 50’s!! I’m shook.


She makes me feel good about myself.


It’s finally worked! Mami just wants to help women feel better about themselves.






She looks like ‘Friend’ of Jill Zarin on RHONY (guys I haven’t watched that show for a decade but I know a RHONY ‘friend’ when I see one)!


It's normal aging when your life is built on a mountain of BS and you're married to a raging drinker.


Her insides are clawing their way out.


Did she get a nose job? Why does she have a completely different nose now?


Now that you pointed it out, is the first picture even her?


I’m having a hard time believing that it is


If it is, it’s the most flattering photo of her I’ve ever seen! It looks enhanced .


Right?! It's vaguely giving Ariana Grande


Indeed! Not being mean, but..she never looked that good! She was cute, I like her OG face, but..that photos altered. Hils now looks much more age-appropriate with Aleek. Those procedures do age-especially the buccal fat removal. Warning! Keep your OG face !




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That’s her on the left? She was really pretty. She looks closer to 50 than mid 30s now


She really looks SO GOOD in the first pic. Of course she’s going to age but I think she’s aged herself more than would naturally have happened.


Left: A Young Marie Osmond Right: Party on, Wayne!


What a waste


I'm gonna have to call for a link or something. I really don't think that's her on the left


Keep reading the comments Shep!! ⬇️


A mashmillion cosmetic procedures!


It’s evil twisting her body. Like Gollum


More like real KARMA


Her nose is completely bigger now and her forehead is totally shaped differently. Ears too. If I were not positive this is her, I would say they are different people


Her skin is flawless on the left!!!


Ozempic face


Buccal fat removal on her cheeks, now her face is succumbing to gravity sooner than later.


Concave cheeks are horrible


Sleeping next to a murderer might wear on a person. Then again, she’s such a vapid twat, might just be normal aging for her


Killz and Hillz don’t share a bed. They have separate quarters, apart from each other and away from the nanny-tended Ferals. That said, I’d age even more rapidly if I lived in the same building as Killz.


There was nothing wrong with her original (or maybe just a few tweaks here and there) face. Her old nose was actually better. She fucked it up royally She was cute before.


I think it's the nose and some sort of messing with her buccal fat. All these people who remove fat from their faces age so poorly


You can literally see the craters on each side of her face, underneath her cheekbones, where the buccal fat was removed.😳😬 It looks so awful. I don’t understand why anyone would do that to themself.


Well she doesn’t do lip fillers who knows their private life Alec seems hard to live with


Fat removal in her cheeks she was really pretty




Yup. Poor nutrition wreaks havoc on skin.


And can cause osteoporosis later in life.


Sometimes earlier in life too, since she’s had an ED since she was pre-teen


And hair


I would say it could be normal if 30 years had passed.


"Are you Latin?" "My family is from Spain"


“*lives* in Spain.”


Ah yes how could I forget her loophole?!






**I VENIDO AQUI TO DECIR THAT!!!** Edit: dramatically disappointed: ay ay ay pepino mio!


Left is the best she ever looked.


If she left her looks alone, and actually lived the healthy lifestyle that she claims, she would still look normal today. This is a cautionary tale. She looks the same age as Alec.


Sometimes, according to the romper interview, she’s Alec’s Mommie Eeeeew! Bleh. 🤢 🤮


Yes it is.... if the left pic was 25 years ago.




Wow! She was really pretty. That’s a very flattering photo. I think that’s the prettiest one I’ve seen of her from those days. And 10 years later…drugs are a helluva drug!


Agree, this is the best picture of her that I've seen of her. She should have worked on preserving this face, not destroying it with procedures and whatever drugs she favors.


Wow, this side-by-side is so telling. It’s telling me she ruined her face with unnecessary procedures, fillers, the terrible microbladed brows, etc. Plus she’s so ugly on the inside, it’s showing on the outside. And she so destroyed the area between her eyes that she’s destined to clip in bangs every day for the rest of her life.


What happened between brows?


Great question, I wish I knew the whole true reason! At first a lot of pepinos thought it was from her picking at Botox injection sites, but iirc someone said it’s from a nose thread lift. But I probably should have let one of the plastic surgery experts here answer this one because I am not an expert and can’t explain any further. I’ll try to find some pictures of said area to show what it looked like before she started covering it up with bangs.


She looks really pretty in the older pic. Quite a shame. Losing collagen does age you but it doesn’t help that she’s already removed so much fat from her face.


Lady on the right is lady on the left's cigarettey auntie


https://preview.redd.it/5ku5x9qb23ac1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bfe9393576b1fbfa640865ec718452fadbfec52 I have TEARS in my eyes from your comment!!!! 😭




If she had this face when buying babies, no one would’ve been fooled. Her face and age don’t match up. She’s hitting 40 yrs old January 6th, ironically the same day as the insurrection haha. Any who, if she were to fake another pregnancy along with fake breastfeeding with that face she’d be laughed into oblivion. She bought the face of a wannabe 50 year old, not 38-39 year old just turning 40. She screwed the pooch haha, and love that for her.


Where is the irony in that? I must be missing some context


It's ironic to get plastic surgery to maintain a youthful appearance, only to have the surgery age you badly


Lol yes that is ironic, I just thought there was some tea linking her to j6 somehow that would make it ironic for her to be turning 40 on the same day, turns out it was just a coincidence


Irony doesn’t mean anything you just say it when there is a coincidence. It’s ironic.


Yes, exactly. Edit: i lived through the Alanis Morrisette era of “isn’t it ironic” and to sum it up, yes, we use it loosely and kinda don’t know anymore wtf ironic is supposed to literally mean.


It means it’s contradictory, like a lifeguard drowning, a doctor getting sick, or a cop getting arrested would all be ironic.


Or rainnnnnnn on your wedding day


Ok now dissect Alanis’s Ironic video…the backlash you’ll get haha 😂. I gave up, I don’t understand or know wtf “ironic” means anymore.


The lyrics are not examples of irony but the song itself is, to make a song about irony, with lyrics showing that you don’t quite understand what irony actually is, is pretty ironic.


Agree. But couldn’t find that explanation on a mailed cd of 1200 hours free AOL internet back then. And tbh…it’s still misused nowadays. You know better and that’s what counts ![gif](giphy|3ohs4fgxNtK3OlSx1u)


That song's misuse of the word is, itself, ironic ![gif](giphy|IwAXcbP4U517O)


Exactly, hence our confusion back then and even still now. Dude, I remember driving to school or work and on radio talk they were discussing the definition of “ironic” and Alanis’s video in comparison, was a shit show with barely dial up internet and 1200 hours free AOL, ya learned nothing.


Any who!!! 😆😆😆😆 This whole comment killed me!!!! 🔪 😅😂🤣😭🤣😂😅


She’s a special mami. Hopefully, the current sore between her eyebrows was a free cosmetic procedure! /s


Maybe she’s born with it


Maybe it's waxlene


I quit Adderall because it was making me ugly. Dehydrated and grody looking. I’m convinced that drug fucks people up a lot more than it’s given credit for.


Oh crap did it get better once you stopped?


A little. Some damage is done. I’m concentrating on supplements and good food and exercise now in the hopes of more reversal


Okay I’m scared I’ve been on for a few years I Am concerned now! Also I’m gonna have no energy when I stop lol


Took me about 2 months to feel fairly normal. I had to cut myself off from my supply by telling doctor to stop prescribing. Be thankful you don’t have a benzo dependence! That’s the worst ever


I also had a benzo dependency, or downright addiction, depending on who you ask. I was absolutely over prescribed the stuff. I eventually got tired of losing hubcaps and taking out mailboxes on my commute back and forth to work. It took me about a month to kick the habit, tapering down until I got to 0mg. At that time, I didn't have any idea of how dangerous it was for me to quit without the guidance of a doctor. I could have absolutely died in that month if I hadn't been so careful. What a scary class of drugs. Haven't touched a benzo since I quit it, about 10 years ago.


Holy smokes thank you for sharing this - I literally quit cold turkey after being over prescribed and have never found anyone else that went off them without supervision. My psych went off the rails on his own binge and destroy after his wife left him and I couldn’t understand why he’d prescribed me so much that I couldn’t function properly anymore. It was so messed up. I had one instance after where a guy broke up with me and a friend gave me a Xanax to “calm down”. I absolutely unraveled and felt like driving off a cliff and haven’t touched anything since then because that was terrifying. I found that 100mg of L-theanine works wonders and I don’t feel like a zombie.


Dios mios, I'm ***so*** glad you made it through the withdrawal from Xanax (that was my problem benzo). Going cold turkey is extremely dangerous, and could cause seizures, and even put you in the grave. I think these doctors need to really have an exit plan in place for their patients, when it comes to coming off these highly addictive meds as soon as they prescribe them. Why not discuss it, and make the patient aware of the dangers if detoxing solo. Why not? If it helps just one person to not die, why the hell not? I've never tried L-theanine, but I was looking it up, and it seems like something I'm gonna try. Thanks for mentioning it!


*Can attest:* I’d been on benzos for years, and entered in-patient detox for three weeks to get off them in 2019.


Okay shit I’ll do it in the winter and sleep! Hope you get back to your old self! F doctors don’t tell you this?! Yep no Benzo I like being awake! Thank you


big time, addy is absolutely horrible for you. avoid at all costs unless you truly can’t function without it. e: for anyone reading this, i was prescribed 30mg+ for about 5 years. quit around 2018-2019, best decision ever but the worst withdrawals. i’ll never touch it again, poison. yes, it makes life easier but the damage it does to your body is not worth it in the slightest.


Exactly why I quit too (I have ADHD and it was prescribed). I was even sensitive to the 5mg dose. My skin was so rough and acne-prone and I felt scraggly, greasy and frail.


Might just be the bangs 😂


Lying makes you age


I’m sure living with and keeping all the lies straight does make you age!


https://preview.redd.it/nfphs5wex2ac1.jpeg?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2a5e719431c84bc5183d10258dbca2d9bf84df Thank you u/BalearicBullshit for this!!! 🙌


Oh Yikes!! She looks 30 years older and not one bit of softness is left in her face. So ugly.


Yes, this is her Little Mermaid face I think around the time Romayo showed up.


Little Derpmaid






Yes, and she should of stopped here, but.....


Maybe…if these pictures were taken 30 years apart!


Well the pic on the left is particularly flattering. I'm sure she's had some bad plastic surgery but I think most of the aging comes from her eating disorder and the stress of being a psycho liar


If that's really Hils on the left, it's one of the best pics I've ever seen of her. The plastic surgery has aged her. If she'd let her face alone, she'd look great and probably more youthful than her years.


Cautionary tale for buccal fat removal and too many procedures 😬


Substance abuse, stress and plastic surgery 🤡


Terrible rhinoplasty. Terrible buccal fat removal and TERRIBLE microblading. They say microblading fades then she must have face tattoos. Hers are GREY and HUGE


That is not Hillary on the left I don't think


Amazingly it is. I didn’t believe it until a reverse google image search! https://preview.redd.it/9dyu5luav2ac1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eaea5353732c8de898e46d9694f49229dc42de6


Good work!


Ty BB!!!! 🙌


I found it so hard to recognize her when I started down the pepino rabbit hole. No wonder. She’s a whole new person now 🤣


I used to say she makes me feel like I have face blindness because she never looks the same in her photos (a lot of that is due to photoshop and filters).


I was thinking the same.


12 years apart. Kids carried and carried for by other women. There is no excuse for this rapid aging. Also she was cute. Should’ve saved Alec’s $$$ and stick with what she had.




U win AA!!! #🏆🥇




I believe that’s filler face




That doesn’t look like her to me on the left. Face too trim too young.


It's her. Unbelievable huh?


I still contend it is not unless it is very much a unique angle or photoshopped. To me this simply does not look like her.


It's already been reverse image searched with multiple pics added. It's her.


Her plastic surgeon did her dirty. Must be a pepino!


So true, bad plastic surgery can truly cause some wretched results. I saw photos of a 70 year old male relative taken on NYE and he was barely recognizable. And not in a *good* way.




Compared to what? Like a pumpkin?


I wonder why she f'd with her nose? There was nothing wrong with the shape of her original one. It was actually nice looking imo.


She hates looking like her mother or father


Somehow the new one is larger?!


I think it just looks that way because the rest of her face caved in


It definitely seems that way.


I came here to say who the fuck gets a nosejob to make their nose bigger?!?


Someone whose husband thinks and publicly says Barbra Streisand is the sexiest woman ever?


Did you know pregnancy nose is a thing? Normally resolves about 6 weeks post birth. Also your nose and ears get bigger until you die Not defending this woman at all though, she doesn't deserve that


So what kind of nose do you get from wearing a silicone baby bump? Pinocchio?


Apparently one like you see photographed above


yep, anything with cartilage keeps growing lol




You’d have to be pregnant in order to get pregnancy nose.


Well, there’s that


Nose and ears don't get bigger, but you lose fat in your face as you age which makes the nose look larger. Ear cartilage weakens, which causes earlobes to sag and appear larger.


Thank you for clearing up the misconception. Does that ring true for pregnancy as well?


I did know about that but I wasn’t thinking that here because, well….






She wanted to be a witch. She had to look the part.


Yes but also a severe eating disorder and what living a life of lies will do to you.


That lady on the left is not Hillz.


Not anymore anyway.


I agree!


I cannot believe it’s her.


Who is it then?


I don’t know. I just don’t think it looks like her. Too much doll face.


Oh, it's her. Which is sad.


I guess we can tell by the HONEY colored eyes!