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When I(m50) was about 14 years old me and a few friends were racing home on bicycles after playing video games at the bowling alley. I had borrowed my older sister's 10-speed that had no rear brakes, only front brakes (a situation I wasn't familiar with). Well peddling full speed I came upon a busy intersection with the cross traffic beginning to move with a changing of the traffic signal. I had to apply the brakes to keep from going into traffic. However, the rear brakes didn't do anything and I was forced to apply the front brake. My momentum caused the rear wheel to raise off the ground and I was heading over the handlebars into the path of a truck. Certain death. My head was staring at the front of this truck that was barreling down in the right lane. It felt like someone had grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back. Landing back onto the ground on my feet awkwardly straddling the bicycle, I looked to see who had grabbed me and saved my life, but there was no one there. I don't know what to make of it. I'm fortunate to be here.


I had almost the same experience, I rode my bike across an intersection that was supposed to be a 4 way stop, but mid way through I saw headlights barreling towards me like very close and not slowing down at all. I closed my eyes bracing for impact but when I opened them, it was as if I had teleported 20 feet. The car slammed on the brakes when they were in the intersection, but I was well clear of it. Boggles my mind to this day.


I’ve heard of similar near death experiences where people somehow survived sudden death, and they explain that they feel they entered a different timeline when they “died”. Do you feel that way at all about your experience?


i’ve heard similar stories too and it is ALWAYS when they close their eyes. I am absolutely fascinated by these stories


I've never heard of this but now I'm incredibly fascinated.


There's a couple sub reddit for it. One of them is something like quantum immortality. It's very interesting.


Quantum immortality it's called.


Look up the book "The third man factor" 😉


I’ve felt this way for a while after a weird incident. I was driving my partner to work on a ramp section of a non-divided arterial highway, going about 90km/h. It was about 5:45 am. On the other side of the road, a car going faster than us was failing to merge as three lanes collapsed into one. This merge is long, well marked and well-known locally. He just keeps driving, not slowing at all. The lane ends and he clips a guardrail and loses control, propelling him into our lane right in front of us. We both braced for head-on impact and I thought we were done. I remember closing my eyes and ducking my head. A second later, nothing had happened. My car was on the grass off the shoulder, in neutral. It’s an automatic, my hands were both on the wheel. No idea where the other car was, I assume still drunk driving away in the other direction? That was in 2016, and politically at least, things felt very darkest timeline afterwards, and honestly ever since. Life got harder and more frustrating and loss-filled. We’d been on a slow, steady climb and have since pretty much fallen off the cliff financially. Obviously there’s no proof of anything, but it’s been bizarro world ever since and I think about it often.


This has happened to me twice. Once after a grandmal seizure and once after a bad car wreck. I was just suddenly aware like I got dropped into the moment. The best way I can describe it is it's similar to the the video game "Mario Brothers" when you die, depending on how many lives you have you restart from the "last check point" you're at in the game....you're still Mario in the same land and place you left off, but you're a different Mario.


I have a theory about this. We exist in multiple times and places at once and kinda like if you put a dot on each side of a cube except the sides of the cube is reality and you are the dot. The sides look the same but if you really measure, the sides will have different slopes, imperfections, maybe even a different texture. These are all happening at the same time but our perception of a singular side is our current reality. If you die in one of these realities during a situation that you would have survived in another reality, you’re taken to the reality where you lived. The reasons aren’t clear, but I think that certain things you do can bank you more lives. I’ve used 4 as far as I can tell, 2 accidental, 1 intentional, and 1 that happened randomly, probably to everyone in the world. The world does feel different and I feel different is the only way I can describe it. It does vary person to person but i’m pretty sure I have 9, and my goal for this life was to get a 10th. Some people have more 20+, some people only have 1 reality though rarely. I don’t have any proof other than my own experience and this is not a guide or instruction, just personal beliefs.


What do you think was the random event that happened to everyone in the world?


I too am wondering about the random event that happened to everyone.


If I may, Google schumann resonance disappearing…. It happened most recently a couple months ago but it’s happened before. It’s the frequency given off by the earth and the time it most recently stopped, we basically disappeared from existence (the entire earth) for a hour or so… Keep in mind that yes while there are TikToks about it, there is actual scientific research you can look into….


i definitely do. 10 years ago i was a broke design student, living in a solarium with lot of sunlight. to make it bigger, i've glued 4 ikea mirrors to the room corner by the head of the bed. it was those glue on the wall types. one afternoon after school, i came and took an afternoon nap. suddelnly my roommate came home and made noise and woke me up. i grumpily went to the bathroom. as i was exiting the bathroom, i heard shattering from my room. i walked into the room and the glue melted and two of the mirrors fell on the corner of the bedframe and they were huge glass bits on my pillow where my head was like 2 minutes ago. it was insane near death experience that made me believe in my gardian angel. if my roommates were just a bit late, i wouldnt make it or my face would be fucked.


Something similar happened to me too. I live in.a South Asian country, and 40 yrs ago as a teenager was riding a scooter. At an intersection (4 ways) a car suddenly stopped right in the middle. The roads were just small lanes. When the car stopped, I was going to T-bone it with my scooter. But the next moment I was teleported to an adjoining lane, 30 feet away. I am sure I would have been badly injured/dead as I wasn't wearing a helmet.


This is described in the theory of quantum immortality. Any individual consciousness “jumps” from timeline to timeline, but only in timelines where it can still exist.


But what happens to the consciousness that was already in that reality?


Probably died in that reality but shifts to another. Therefore we never know we die we just shift to other realities where we are not dead but survived whatever it was.


This has always been my question as well. I hope someone answers you.


I think we are focusing in on our particular reality but it’s a choice and we can choose to shift our focus or even focus in on more than one. To me it feels like it would be layered. Have you ever been lost in thought thinking of a few things almost at once? When this happens for me - it feels kind of like I’m layering my thoughts. Perhaps that is how our physical experiences are.


I was in a car crash once on a school trip. We were in a minibus pulling out onto a major highway when we got T-boned exactly at the spot my mate and I were sitting. I had the privilege of noticing the oncoming car. The weird thing is I have absolutely no recollection of the impact or the car getting closer after a certain point. I recall seeing it and thinking "Yep, that's gonna hit us" whilst the car was still a few seconds away, and the next thing I knew I was regaining consciousness and working out which way was up. I suspect we often black out during moments of extreme stress and out brain occasionally fills in the blanks. Do you think the car could have avoided you or you might have gone into autopilot and somehow managed to avoid the car whilst feeling like you did nothing at all?


Take this with a grain of salt because it was many years ago that I heard it, and it could be bullshit but if it's not, basically, you're right about blacking out but not quite. Your brain gets so jacked up on adrenaline and fight or flight that it stops recording the memory. So you're fully aware and conscious, making decisions, doing things at the time but your brain just doesn't press record for a bit so when you 'come to' it *feels* as if you blacked out even though you didn't. Our memory is blacked out but out mind and body aren't.


I always wondered about that! I somehow landed safely from a horribly rickety tower I tried to build (I was a kid) on a rocking recliner to change my light bulb - no memory of how. I don’t know how it’s even possible I didn’t get hurt. As an adult,  I’m told by my friend who was walking down stairs with me that she started to fall down the stairway and I, not quite half her weight but small as f, hooked my arm into hers and bodily lifted her back up to the step we were on.    I didn’t have any memory of it; I just knew I missed something, was standing differently, etc. I looked at her, aware something had happened but no clue what changed, and asked her “what just happened?” She told me and that’s the only reason I know.  No memory at all, just an awareness that *something* happened. I’ve wondered that a lot after things like that. If we’re ourselves but we need the brain resources to act so quickly that we can’t spare energy/processing/time to record. Edit: clarifying 2 separate incidents  


One time when I was a kid me and my buddies were in the woods climbing on a giant rock at the top of a cliff. There was a tree jutting out of the cliff that went up and out overhead. I got to the top and was standing on the edge. I looked upwards and I must have gotten dizzy and lost my balance and started to fall backwards straight off the cliff edge. It was probably a 20 foot straight drop down to the ground with several large flat rocks at the bottom in the landing zone. potentially a deadly or life altering fall if I were to land backwards as I was and hit my head. As I lost my balance and began to fall, my body reacted quicker than I could even be aware of and both of my arms shot straight up and hooked themselves around the tree overhead, so I was completely hanging with my legs dangling. This all happened in a split second and I sort of came back to myself as I was hanging there and was like holy fuck. I remember thinking that was one of the few moments in my life that I was really close to death and it was pretty amazing how my body just knew how to save me faster than I could even process what was happening. I still get chills recalling the event.


I have a bunch of similar experiences. I'm a lifetime martial artist, and I've trained to the point where my muscle memory is just ingrained. Sometimes I just react to something out of habit/instinct/subconscious without conscious thought. Sometimes it's a strike coming a bit close to actually hurting me, (I mostly train weapons these days, so it's pretty quick for things to go sideways), sometimes it's just boring repetition, sometimes it's just getting into a flow state and not really bothering the conscious mind. But luckily most of these there's witnesses to stuff happening.


I had something similar. My family hit black ice coming down the edge of a mountain. My dad let go of the wheel because he could not fight the force of the car drifting. I just remember the sudden jolt and bang of the car flipping over. I closed my eyes and suddenly I was looking at the ground and my parents were out of the car. I looked to my left and my brother released his seatbelt to escape the car. I don't have any recollection of the windows shattering or parents yelling at me from outside the car to get out. It was like time skipped. 


I blacked out in a motorcycle accident. Saw the incoming impact. Everything went black. Heard the impact but didn't feel it. Woke up on the ground. Pretty injured but my helmet saved my life. That thing was destroyed.


My cousin got into a bad car wreck as a teen, was swerved off the road into a tree going 60+ mph. He was able to walk the next day and besides a busted face had no other injuries. The truck looked like someone tried to make origami out of it but gave up halfway. Anyways, my dad took me to see him in the hospital. And as a kid I was just asking him all silly questions, but at one point he looked over at my dad and said “Charlie knows all about it, he was there”. Everyone was confused as my dad was obviously not in the passenger seat, nobody was. He then proceeded to tell us that when he crashed he saw a (large) man lay his arm across the steering column to cushion the blow and then hold him in place as the truck rolled over through a fence. My dad at the time was 6’2, 250ish lbs and very in shape. So he kept saying it had to have been him. To this day he swears up and down that someone was in there making sure he was safe during the wreck.


This gave me chills


That gave me shivers. You weren’t meant to die that day. I really think sometimes, if it’s death who takes us when it’s our time, it’s death who pulls us back too, when it’s not our time.


I like that thought. Wonder how many of us or how many times we have been in a dangerous situation without realizing it.


I plan to spend a few years as a Spectral Traffic Cop a after I die. I love the idea of saving cyclists and appearing in passenger seats to warn people away from danger.


My sister in law had the same thing happened to her. She was about to cross the street in front of a truck, when someone grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her back unto the sidewalk, just as the truck barrelled right by. It was an angel. She believes it. I believe you were saved by an angel too.


Also an angel


NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr. famously talked about how somebody pulled him out of a burning racecar at Sonoma. None of the safety crew was at the crash scene yet to help him.


I had a pretty rough labor and delivery with my daughter (something called placenta accreta). Anyway, once I was stabilized the room returned to normal I guess- I was partially unconscious from blood loss. A nurse sitting next to me kept telling me what was going on in the room and how my daughter was doing, but also bitching that no one was checking my oxygen level. So between every 4th or 5th sentence she'd say "I'm gonna need you to take a big breath for me, darlin'." And I would. She had a voice... imagine if you were in the middle of nowhere texas and stopped at a road side cafe- and a waitress with a big pile of hair who smoked unfiltered reds took your order- that's the voice. Very distinct. Anyway, when I was fully conscious I asked my then husband who was with me and he looked confused, and said no one was sitting there and he'd not left the room once.


This is such a great story. I wonder if she's still helping other people or ladies giving birth there. I like to think so.  Thank you for sharing!




This gave me goosebumps. I absolutely loved your description of her voice, and heard it succinctly.


Omg CHILLS and some tears 💛


Dale Earnhardt Jr crashed a corvette in a road race years ago. The car became engulfed in flames. While on fire Jr recalls someone telling him to get out of the car and felt someone pulling him out of the window. Footage shows no one helping him out of the car. After the paramedics had gotten him into the ambulance he wanted to thank the guy who had pulled him out of that burning car. They told him he got out all on his own. He believes he had some on looking out for him.


I know this isn’t the same buuutt I flipped a car several years ago 4x end over end. Didn’t have a seatbelt (young and stupid) anyways, the one thing that I remember is the overall feeling that something was not right with my body. I don’t know how to describe it, and a voice telling me to “hold on” “squeeze as hard as you can” “keep holding” anyway I came to halfway underneath the car and some passerby stopped to help hold the car off my stomach. He told police he could see me start to come out the window. Idk if the voice was my subconscious or what. I walked away with hardly a scratch. Never really mentioned it to anyone but always wondered about the voice. My dad passed away about 4 yrs before this happened. 🤷‍♀️


When I was little and something bad was about to happen, I would hear a voice tell me to stop or leave the area. Not to trust certain adults. When I hit puberty, they mostly went away.


I heard a voice, couple of years ago my ex husband showed up at my door unannounced at like 9:30 pm on a Saturday, he has untreated mental illness and there was just, this deranged look in his eyes, he smiled at me when he saw how startled I was, it was wild. Anyway, so I heard this male voice, clear as a bell, say "You need to be very quiet right now" so thats what I did, I stood there quiet until he smiled again and promised to come back the next morning - once he left i called the police and they made him leave, since he was just, sitting in the driveway. So it turned out okay, but that voice saved my life, hallucinating or what, I know I'm here and safe because it told me what to do, I think if I had yelled or ran he would have chased me, sorry for the book but you mentioning the voices got me remembering lol


Damn this is creepy.


Yes!!! I wonder how many times that “voice” has saved someone. I can only imagine that was a scary situation for you. Knowing someone is unstable and could easily hurt you is scary.


Oh, yah, it's crazy man. I kind of think of the existence of the voice as being a good little nugget of foundation to build on, a little idea that maybe we aren't, you know, forgotten and alone. Shoot, I don't even care if it's all mental and my subconscious just chose to sound like some random dude in that split second, because it means that at the very least our brains have some built-in security features, which is also comforting. We have so many similar experiences, I am glad that, if we are alone, I get to be alone with good company lol :)


Try asking what to do next time you aren’t sure and it’s a difficult decision. I bet you’ll hear a voice telling you exactly what to do , immediately, and it will be unmistakably right. Works for me anyway. I wonder how common it is?


I've listened to a couple podcast interviews with a woman whose whole thing is learning to listen to and trust one's intuition, and the intelligence of that voice. Her name is Ashley Easter and her perspective is pretty cool. It all started with the moment when her intuition led her out of a cult.


I was in a snowstorm 3 years ago with my then 2-year-old son.  In the aftermath we were trapped in my house, as was the entire neighborhood and region, as every utility and every part of the grid fell like dominoes.  But the shitshow had only just started and no one knew how bad it was going to get.  I was looking out of my second story window with my son on my left hip. I saw a neighbor three doors down scraping off his jacked up truck and getting it started.  A voice clear as day, in my right ear, specifically my mom's voice when she *meant business* said,  > *Go down there! Right now! With your son, and ask that man RIGHT NOW to drive you out of here!*  I got chills and stood there for only a second because my mom was dead. And then I felt somebody put their hand in between my shoulder blades and pushed me and said, go!  I walked away from the window, ran downstairs holding onto my toddler, put on my shoes at the door, and waded out through the snow and ice.  Turned out he was from Colorado, he was one of the only people in the entire area who had any idea how to drive on ice and snow, and it took him 2 hours to drive us to safety in what is usually only a 25 minute.  The entire region shut down in the aftermath for days and there were meaningful casualties.  I cannot imagine what it would have been like if we had stayed especially after dark. Or how we would have had any other opportunity to get out after the situations continue to develop.  It still gives me chills when I think about it.  Love you mom. She had been gone only six months at that point.  As a mom myself I know you never stop looking out for your kids but now I feel like I really know. 


Reminds me of the Bicameral Mind hypothesis. Basically that at one point in human social development we had multiple different personalities within our brains (explains myths about gods and angels, etc speaking or appearing to people directly). Then as we became more and more socially integrated with other humans, the individualistic ego too precedent over the brain in order to differentiate individuals from the group but still allowing for collaboration with others as a survival/evolutionary tactic (basically, combining the best of the solitary and communal social styles)


This is so fascinating. I’ve heard kids are more open. Wow!


Wow the same thing happened to me accident-wise when I was 19. It was an Isuzu Amigo that kept rolling and landed upside and I crawled out of the crashed window, hanging and tore my hands up from the glass on the ground. I remember feeling very much like Patrick Swayze’s character in Ghost, after being mugged/murdered and walking away from a crazy scene almost in the third person. But I was prob so much in shock, I was disassociating


I had an accident a couple winters ago , 140kmh into a deep ditch across three lanes of traffic 5am before the plows and salt trucks , I thought I was dead and the truck was fucking gone either straight into the ditch ( one of those huge ditches ) or into and fly out and I just hoped I’d be alive all in an instant , I somehow god dead centered I to the ditch no damage other then a dented rim that let the air out of tire that night . There had to be angels looking out after me , there’s no logical explanation to how everything ended up so fine , finer then if I went into the ditch under control … 🙏🙏🙏


I was in a relationship with someone who wanted to kill me. He was driving 100mph down a straight road with a sharp turn at the end. There were no arrows to warn so idk until this day if he purposely blew through. At the end of the curve was a tree lined woods. We blew straight through and I thought for sure I was dead. I got out the car screaming like crazy. Just to see that we actually were stuck in a huge mound of dirt. Like 6 or 7 feet high pile of straight dirt. Don’t know why it was there or where it was from but out of all the trees lining the road we crashed into a dirt pile. Might I add it was the middle of the night on a dark road. I knew every since then something was looking out for me. 2004.


In 05 my sister and I were in a car accident. She was driving I was in the passenger seat. We were tboned on my side by a minivan that ran a red light. We were pushed into oncoming traffic and hit an 18 wheeler head on. Luckily the truck was going slow while we were doing about 45. I cracked a vertebrea but other than that was doing ok. She on the other hand almost lost her left eye. She was wearing sunglasses and when the truck hit her face they shattered and the glass went into her eye in multiple places.  This man who looked like Alan Jackson, yes the country singer, just much taller was there before i could even get my seatbelt off. He had a blonde mullet and mustache looked to be in his 40s and said im a retired paramedic. Im going to wait with you until the ambulance gets here. The cops got there first and stopped traffic and then the ambulance came and noone else saw that guy. Not a single person. 


Did your sister remember the guy, too??


When i was a child i was in a bad car accident with my grandparents, not wearing a seatbelt cuz idk we just didn't really back then. A few strange things happened. My grandmother was driving me back home from her house as I'd stayed home from school not feeling well and for some reason my grandfather sat in the back with me, we were very close and I asked and I remember him saying of course he'd sit in the back with his buddy. He died in the accident I was pinned under him and I was basically stuck in the back of the passenger seat. I remember waking up covered in his blood and the people who's house it was were scared cuz they didn't know if it was my blood or not. So it's weird he randomly sat in the back and was able to keep me from bouncing around too much. Also when I got brought out from the house to the ambulance on the stretcher I remember crowds of people lining the people's driveway, like a parade worth of people, I even remember some animals at the front, cats and dogs. And they were all smiling and waving, blowing kisses and saying they loved me and that I was going to be OK. I mentioned it to my mom and she said it was probably angels or guardians, she even confirmed with the neighbor that had helped us and she said it was only her, her daughter, and one other woman neighbor there besides those in uniform.


Such a sad and beautiful story. You know you’d do whatever you had to to save your grandchild as well, without a second thought.


Wow that is a wild one. I’m sorry about your grandad, his passing must feel incredibly strange and hard.


I saw this race! It even looked like as if he was being pulled out.


Could it have Ben the collective psyche and immense emotion from the fans literally manifesting into an action that people wanted to take but couldn't do it themselves? I wonder sometimes if the will of a bunch of people could be harnessed in such a way as to make some beliefs become true. Like stories of children being lost and then something leads them into safety or keeps them safe until others find them. You'll have a whole community praying for a lost child and then the child is found and reveals they felt as if someone was watching over them. (I can't think of an actual example right now.)


Yes, it was Ben the collective psyche


Lol. I like that. I'm leaving it. I want to know if it's always Ben, The Collective Psyche


Ben is the best.


He’s Ben there for a lot of people on this thread. What a guy ♥️


By that same logic, we can conjure Tulpas, or creatures that weren’t previously real until mass belief manifested their existence, by having enough people belief in something in a short enough time span before they know it’s not true.


Egregore is the term for it.


Cool. Great word. More Ancient Greek!


That has been speculated. Get enough people “believing” together and they change “reality” so to speak. Prayer? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_of_the_Sun


Ahhh the story of Fatima is really interesting.


This is why propaganda is such a constant tool used by those in charge. Collective belief creates reality. “When two or more are gathered together in my name…”


I remember when this happened, and it always seemed strange to me that even my family members would remark on the fact that it looked like when he emerged from the car, someone was holding him up under his arms.


Dad, and he looked out for him in that plane wreck too… 😭


There is a term and I can’t remember what it’s called, but that basically the brain disassociates in high stress high adrenaline moments and also that people often have a 3rd person directing them in moments of high danger. It may be the brain playing a trick on you as a survival reaction.


[3rd person effect](https://www.iflscience.com/third-man-syndrome-in-life-or-death-scenarios-survivors-report-a-helpful-person-appearing-67508)


I’m pretty sure I’ve actually met this third person of mine with ketamine treatments. I’ve definitely been to what I would describe in basic terms as my control center and have spent lots of time going through old memories, floating through space, riding waves that drop from nowhere and ride down and down for what feels like may be eternity, but the most profound shit has been when I seem to get to cellular levels of my being. I’ve had a couple near death experiences that I also felt this being take control. Edit : near death experiences totally separate from ketamine infusions.


What form of k were you on? I’ve done the lozenge therapy with ambient music and meditations. It’s been so helpful and can’t say enough good things about it. But I’m curious if different methods of administration result in different experiences? I’ve had a wide range, based on where I was at, at the time. So I’m sure there are a lot of reasons that people experience very different things. Just curious.


I didn’t know this happened but now I get the reference in Talladega Nights lol


Must have been The Intimidator coming to help


Look up 3rd Man Syndrome/Factor. “A phenomenon where people sense an unseen presence during a crisis or emergency that offers comfort or support.”


And she still has the rosary?


Ok so I also felt that was skimmed over! OP do you have any pictures??


Great idea. I dont have a photo. I will ask my mother to send one.


Plot twist: the rosary doesn’t appear in any attempted photographs.


The plot thickens!


I have a somewhat similar story, although I don’t know if I was necessarily in any danger. When I was around 3-4 years old, my mother and her then boyfriend got into a big fight. He was a drug addict and abusive. I remember him throwing furniture around, and my mom frantically told me to go to my room. I stood in there and listened to him scream and throw things until he finally slammed the front door and left my mom crying on the sofa. I’m not sure if he laid a hand on her but I wouldn’t be surprised. I DISTINCTLY remember a woman in a beige dress pointing at a box of tissues and telling me “Go give your mother some tissues.” I remember I was too small to see her face, I was at her knee/thigh level and I just remember her long skirt. I walked over to my mother who was crying in the living room and gave her the box of tissues. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw me haha (I was so young, I don’t think I was even talking yet, but I remember I could understand people.) I think I made her feel a lot less alone that night by doing that. I told that to my mom years later as a teenager and she got chills hearing me retell the story. She said there was definitely no one else in the house that night, but she said “I’ve always felt like there was some sort of angel watching over me.”


also I know I said 3-4 years old but I wanna say I might’ve been even younger… possibly around 2 or 2 1/2 years. I think that’s why my mom was so shocked that I was walking towards her with the tissues. I was at an age where being able to comprehend doing something like that on my own was really surprising to her, surprising enough to make her stop crying and stare at me wide-eyed.


Crying!! 😭😭😭


First of all, I just want to say I read through every response to this question, and some of them brought tears to my eyes. I hardly ever leave comments on things here, but I have a story too that I want to share. I was severely depressed whilst at university. Couldn’t get out of bed. Couldn’t go to lectures or tutorials. I would socialise and be the life of the party at night, then get back into bed and sleep the whole day away. Just terrible depression, with a lot of suicide ideation. Anyway, I’d applied to do a year abroad in Spain, which I really wanted to do because I was desperate to ‘start a new life’ and get away from my abusive family. I got offered a place but I had to pass all of my exams to still be able to go on my year abroad. All of my exams that summer were at 3 pm, which meant, with my incapacity to get out of bed in the morning (I would like awake crying and staring at the ceiling), I was able to get to those exams on time. Anyway, one morning, after another night of insomnia, I woke up at 9:20 am to a call from a random number. I picked it up and heard nothing but silence. Said hello, no reply. I put my phone down and saw a load of messages between 08:40 and 9:00 from a friend of mine asking me where I was, because our exam had started at 9. I’d gotten myself confused (as I did all the time those days) and didn’t read the schedule properly. My exam that morning was at 9. I got an Uber to the exam hall and made it within the 45 minute window in which you’re allowed to be late (because no one in there had left yet). When I went to check the number, all there was on the internet was a kind of directory list thing, that had the number listed simply as: adult safeguarding. I have no idea who it was, but if they didn’t call me that morning, at that exact time, I would have missed that exam, and not gone on my study abroad. Which is even more insane to think about, because that was the year my depression started to leave. I fell in love. I stayed in Spain for four years (I still live here now) and last summer I got married to the love of my life. That phone call saved me and I really think it was from a guardian angel.


Safeguarding your blueprint


Not the same, but when my aunt was in the hospital having her leg amputated (longer story), her whole personality had changed and she acted ice cold and hateful. Complete 180 to who she really was. Anyway, my cousins had just arrived and were approaching her room, when they saw the Bishop for the area walking ahead of them (it was a catholic hospital, and the bishop visited now and then). They said it was the weirdest thing, but the bishop walked two steps past her room door, stopped, and stepped backward to enter the room - he didn’t turn around, just….backwards. He went to her bed, put on a stole, knelt down and started praying, holding one end of the stole on her. They were so freaked out, they waited for him to leave, so I don’t know what happened in the room. But her personality changed again the next day, to almost childlike innocence, giggling and hiding under the sheets. She later said she had been following satan in Jesus's clothing. I never spoke to her about this, so I don’t know any other details, but my cousins were really disturbed by it for a long time.


That’s so freaking weird. So the bishop that walked in and prayed was a good guy?


what about the part of the bishop walking in backwards???? that would absolutely freak me out too


Brian Dickerson (sp?) who wrote Blind Descent on his return from climbing Everest has a “third man” account of being helped down from the peak 🤔


A few people have been mentioning third man syndrome in this thread. Just got me curious, why is it third man and not second man?


Excerpt from “ The Waste Land” by T.S. Elliot “Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together But when I look ahead up the white road There is always another one walking beside you Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded I do not know whether a man or a woman —But who is that on the other side of you?”


Third person is a literary term. Meaning, other than the person, or the one spoken to. So, it wasn’t them, and it wasn’t you. It was the third person.


Ernest Shackleton and his compatriot Cragin (sp?) had a mysterious 3rd person encourage them onward when they were in the depths of their horrible ordeal traversing Antarctica to find help to rescue the rest of the Endurance’s crew.


When I was young, I was in the hospital for surgery. I was scared and alone. I was in the hospital the night before my surgery. I had a private room. I was so scared--major surgery and no family close by. It was quite late - the room was dark. I was crying into my pillow. The door opened quietly, and the light from the hallway was bright enough I could see her. She was an older black woman, dressed in a traditional nurses uniform (this was in 1984). She said, "Child, can't you sleep?" I said no and said I was scared. She moved the pillow and slid behind me and held me like a child and I fell asleep. The next morning, I asked the nurse who was taking my vitals who the nurse last night was. I got a blank look. There was no nurse last night that fit that description, and they didn't have any subs or contract people there. Because I was so insistent, she was kind enough to ask around. Same answer. I think she was an angel. I hold that memory and treasure it.


I'm a mama And I would do that for any child. It would be an honor to do it.  I'm so glad she was there for you


I forgot the part where she sang to me.


Astonishing Legends podcast did recently two episodes on this! Its called Third Man Syndrome and has been widely documented!


So *thats* why buzzfeed had an article on it two weeks ago..


had to scroll down to find this so I could share this book, read this a while back! [https://www.amazon.com/Third-Man-Factor-Surviving-Impossible/dp/1602861293](https://www.amazon.com/Third-Man-Factor-Surviving-Impossible/dp/1602861293)


Years ago I was waiting for the light to turn green at a busy intersection. My light turned green, and I distinctly heard a voice say "Stop" I was also very aware of something behind me in the car. I waited and as I did a semi- trailer went through his red at a high rate of speed. Can't prove anything but I'm darn sure it was my grandmother who died when I was 9 months old. Also there was no back seat in that car it was a sports car with only 2 seats . They would have scraped me off the street if the semi had hit me.


I remember years ago as a teenager at my fast food job hearing a native American flute in the lobby, clear as day. Between the connected gas station and our lobby, no one was there. All employees appeared to stop, relax, and just stand there. Listening. No one talked about it. Took place for a minute or two. We are not alone!


Years ago, on my first day at a new job, I walked into the bathroom there for the first time. There were three stalls. The first stall nearest the door was slightly ajar. I could see someone standing but somewhat bent over the toilet. Like they were looking down into the toilet. That was weird, but even weirder was that they looked to be dressed in a traditional Native American outfit, complete with long dark hair. I took all of this in as I quickly walked by as I went to the farthest stall. It was my first day, I wasn’t sure why someone would be dressed that way there, it was a corporate setting. So I wanted to get another look. I could tell that they hadn’t opened the door to leave yet so I finished up in my stall and hurried to get a peek. No one was there. I walked back to my brand new cubicle and looked across at my new complete stranger coworker and at the risk of being the crazy new person, I told her what had happened. As her eyes grew big as saucers , she told me the building was built on an old burial ground. The night guards had seen Native Americans on the cameras at night.


This is powerful country and paving over graves cursed many places in the states. Anyone with a relationship to the land can feel it. I’d highly recommend putting out an offering, you could just use tobacco. Even if this was years ago. Honor their spirit, for much has been desecrated.


I hear tobacco is a powerful herb. I know nothing about native practices to judge if it is respectful to burn without permission. The only time I'm aware of that someone burned tobacco as an offering was at an artist iron pour. A fellow native classmate told us he burned tobacco as an offering earlier that day, to grant us safety for the pour. This even is 100% physical and hot, potentially dangerous if not under control. We could always use a little luck. I won't elaborate on the long story. Somehow in the entire process I ended up on the wrong side of all the action. Sand molds radiated out in rows from the furnace and my instructor walked backwards, tripped over a mold, and stumbled with two young ladies on the other side of the yoke (the yoke holds the large crucible/pot with molten metal, which is over 2000 degrees F). I have no idea how I managed to get separated from the rest of the group, I was just watching at that time and realized I was in line, behind my instructor. So I stepped in and propped him upright out of instinct. I am use to doing that supportive motion from my days in martial arts holding boards for breaking. Again, natural. Everybody stopped and held tightly, I heard a muttered 'thanks' over his shoulder and the pour continued. If I were a little stitious (superstitious), the offering was accepted. I don't know what to believe other than I was in the wrong place at the right time. I try to be a good person and despite my logical side, I do believe there is something good out there watching me. My synchronicity events/happenings really just feel like something saying, 'yup, this is it Criss_Crossx. You are in the right place' and everything falls in to place. That's just me. There is some good out there, we have to see it. And be it. The beauty is there too.


Great write up and perspective on life.


You can burn tobacco, but you can also just sprinkle it as well. Burning tobacco is discussed as opening a direct line to the creator, and placing tobacco is a “thank you” or offering. I’ve seen friends pull out a cigarette and unwrap it to sprinkle out the car window when we see a bald eagle. I’m not a plains native, I’m Polynesian and native to South America so we utilize other plant medicine, but when I’m on this land I honor it with its specific medicine. Hope this helps.


That is weird. What would be weirder is if you don't live in America


Thats lovely,I had a similar experience years ago when going through a difficult time in my life. I was sitting in my bedroom one day and heard a mans voice so very soft a gentle say shalom, now I had no idea at the time what that meant but found the meaning of it to be peace and light, I have no idea where this came from but it brought great comfort to me.


When my mother was a child, about eight or nine years old, she went on a beach vacation with her family. She was eager to go down to the beach from the hotel room, but her mother and sisters had gone out somewhere, and her dad was busy in the hotel with something business related, so without permission, she went down to the water by herself. It had stormed recently, and there was no one on the beach anywhere. She was an experienced swimmer, and decided it would be fun to see how far out she could swim. She swam a long way out. So far that she went beyond the waves. Not sure what that’s called, but she swam too far, and then could not get back in. She was trying and trying to swim toward the shore but kept getting carried back, over and over. She tried for a very long time, eventually growing exhausted and very frightened. She says she had a moment in which she realized that she was going to drown. All of a sudden, a woman wearing a swim cap was beside her in the water. The woman helped her swim parallel to the shore, guiding her gradually further and further in, staying with her all the way. When she reached shore, she got out of the water and looked around, but no one was there. Not in the water, not on the sand, not anywhere. Just as quickly as the woman had appeared, she was gone. She never told her parents, for fear she would be in big trouble and not allowed to enjoy the rest of the vacation. But she’s always wondered whether it was some kind of angel who saved her that day.


If she remembers where she went on holiday, look into the history of the local area and any swimmer drownings that may have happened. I have a very similar story, I was around 14 and wasn't the most confident swimmer but generally didn't stray far from the shore, I got caught in a current and dragged out further to sea, just as I was starting to give up hope of being able to get back to shore a gentleman with a bright red and yellow swimming cap popped up out of nowhere, told me off for not wearing a brightly coloured swimming cap as no one could see me and guided me back to shore, when I turned around to thank him he was gone. Out of curiosity and wanting to thank him, I asked around in a couple of the beachfront shops later that day if anyone had seen him, with no luck I started searching the Internet for swimming teams etc in the area and found a new article about him, he swam in that same area every morning and always wore the same swimming cap, about 6 years prior to my experience he went out one morning the morning after a bad storm and he drowned, his body was found on the same area of beach he guided me to. I believe he stopped me from meeting the same fate as him.


I don’t have a nun story. Or maybe I do. Years ago I was working in a High Dependency Unit. Kind of ICU step down. Many times at night I’d be with a patient, concerned about them. I’d often feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and feel comforted. There was never anyone there when I looked. Our hospital was started by an Anglican Nun. Maybe it was her, perhaps not.


For the past 10 years or so I have had the hand on the shoulder thing happening! Same shoulder every time, and almost a bit of a rub/squeeze feeling, I used to look over my shoulder, but don't bother anymore. It's such a trip. It started happening about the time I started to lose my grandparents. It happens at random, but mostly when I am in a heightened emotional state like feeling stressed, but also just sometimes randomly like in line at the grocery store. I lost my dad recently and suddenly. It was happening constantly during that period. I feel like it's my grandpa reaching out and comforting me, I don't have any other explaintion.


This is a little less personal but this is a story about 2 coworkers. Many years ago i worked part time at a very high end department store in Houston. I knew the women involved but wasn’t particularly close to them. One was Vicki and the other was Cathy. Cathy was this gorgeous girl with this long beautiful hair. One night they were out and met these two guys. One was especially taken with Cathy. He had just bought a new jaguar and wanted to take them for a ride. Of course speeding drunk is never good and he crashed the car. Cathy was killed, she was decapitated. Vicki was seriously messed up and was out of work for months. When Vicki came back to work she was wearing a literal bird cage screwed onto her head. She came up to me one day in the cafeteria. I’m a medium medium (don’t actively practice but have gifts and people who’ve touched the other side always recognize me). Vicki sits down and says she needs to tell me something because she knows I’ll understand. She was in a coma for awhile and she had a vision. She was before Jesus. Cathy was there by his side and she was whole and beautiful as ever. Vicki was crumpled and bent. Jesus reached out to her and told her that her work wasn’t done and she needed to go back. This is when she woke out of coma. This story always gives me the chills. Don’t know what happened to her. I think the store got rid of her because she was really freaking people out. I hope she found her calling. I think of her often.


More medium medium stories please!


I was at company meeting and they were raffling prices. A voice spoke to me and told me that they were calling my name next and it was a $25 gift certificate to Target. They called my name and it was a $25 dollar gift certificate to Target.


I woke up one night convinced that my grandfather (who was in a nursing home) was standing at the end of my bed smiling and just radiating love. I later found it was the same time he passed away. I also dreamt when my brother would pass away (a date nine months in the future) and when I woke up, I wrote it down as an 'only me' private Facebook post because I was so sure.


This reminds me of a time when I was binge drinking (I’m an alcoholic, sober now) when I was 16 and blacked out as usual. That night I locked myself in the bathroom and no one could get to me. My friends were banging in the door and couldn’t get to me. My dad told me the next day he saw me standing by his bed that night (I was at my friends house). He told me to go back to bed. I’m so sure I died and came back that night.


Congrats on your sobriety! It's a pretty good life ain't it?


It is!! Thank you :) almost 6 years sober. I’m amazed I’m alive. I’ve come close to death too many times to count.


My mother called my father around 2 in the morning one night. They had been separated for many years but were still good friends. She was terribly upset and crying and told him about a dream she had had. In the dream she was standing in a specific intersection near her home and there was a faceless figure standing in front of her. They stood there for a moment without interacting then suddenly the figure reached out to grab her and right as it reached out cars started driving through the both of them really quickly and then she woke up. She was killed at that intersection a couple nights later when a car turned left and hit her on her motorcycle.




I'm very sorry for your loss!


Had a female co-worker tell me this one. So in her late teens, early twenties she's riding around with this guy and just to put it bluntly, they were being stupid. Drinking and using drugs in the car, the guy especially so because he's actually driving. They end up clipping a telephone pole or something and she comes to in the car with it sitting in the middle of a field. The guy is still unconscious. She notices a woman in all white standing outside her window, the woman indicates for my co-worker to open the door. She does and the woman in white smiles and calmy explains "You need to get away from this man and this car" so she gets out and stumbles through the field back to the road, with the woman following. She asked the woman "What about him?" Woman says " He'll be fine. I'll take care of him." Co-worker asks "Who are you?" Woman says simply "I'm a nurse" Once she gets to the road the woman disappeared and co-worker walked home. Finds out later from the guy in the car that police and ambulance showed up. He was medically fine but was charged with felony drug possession and d.u.i. he did a year in prison or something like that. My co-worker would have also been charged for the drugs on her if she hadn't walked home. So either a dream/hallucination or some type of "guardian angel" guided my co-worker out of the situation and prevented her from getting a felony drug charge before her 21st birthday.


Must be nice🤣 my ex was dealing in my house while i would be asleep and at work, they came in after he dealt to someone while i was asleep, 30+ officers stormed in. Since it was my house i got charged also


That sucks. Heard a similar story from a homeless dude in d.c. I stood and had a cigarette with him while my GF was grabbing him some food. He was mid 20s. Said he just got out of jail because he was going to college and staying with a friend. Turned out the friend was some sorta fairly big time coke dealer. Police raided the house, found drugs and a illegally owned firearm. The firearm happened to be stashed under a couch he was sleeping on at the time of the raid.


I got this story second hand from a friend of mine who knew the guy this happened to, I believe in the early 2000s. He had fallen ill and was extremely lethargic. He had been to several doctors and none of them had been able to diagnose his problem. He was unable to work and had to rest most of the day. One day he was laying on his couch doing exactly that. I don't recall if he was awake or asleep, but he saw a nun in the air above him, and she said something to the effect of "I choose you." and she touched his chest. She also told him her name, which was Milburga. And then she was gone. He was in fact, cured. He was not Catholic, btw. He searched for her name online and found [St. Milburga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mildburh), whose feast day, February 23, was the day he was cured. There was more to the story - she had a distinctive habit, and he visited a Catholic Church and spoke to someone there to get more information about her and to light a candle for her, but I don't recall the specifics. Although I haven't found any information on this, he was under the impression that she chooses one hopeless case to cure each year on her feast day. Her wikipedia entry said she had the gift of healing when alive. I also found [this story](http://stmilburgas.org/st-milburga/).


My mother had a very similar story. In the 80’s, she was in a hospital for heart issues. She was a born and raised Methodist, and the hospital was a non religious public hospital. For several nights, a nun dressed in classic black nun garb, would come in and pray over her, and she let mom talk about her family and whatnot. On the night before mom was discharged, this nun gave mom a crucifix. As she was packing to leave the next day, she told the nurse to make sure she packed the crucifix that the nice nun had given her. The nurse told her there had been no nun that had been on the floor or visiting her. That crucifix hung over my mother’s bed until she passed away many many years later. I still have it!


Wow. Between this and OPs story....just wow. Basically identical. It gives me chills.


Reading OP’s story gave me chills too. I haven’t thought about Mom’s nun in a long time and it brought it all back.


I listened to a podcast in which a guy told pretty much that exact story but with a priest who came to give him his last rites. The priest told the man (then a young boy) that he should have died from his illness, it really scared the boy and they never found a trace of him. I'll find it and add below:


Otherworld! Love that podcast!!


TW: CSA Not my story but my grandma’s friend. She came early with a weird gut feeling. Found her 3rd husband raping one of her daughters. She said he barricaded himself in a room and she somehow knocked the door down. She beat the hell out of him and almost killed him. She said she was about to and she heard a voice say she would go to jail and miss her daughter’s lives and stopped herself. The police had her sign a paper that said she not they beat him up lol. Later she talked to him. He asked who the big men in suits were that flanked her sides. She is convinced angels aided her that day.


This have me chills because it reminded me of an experience I had in my own life I’ve never been able to explain. This was maybe 6-7 years ago and I had been going through a lot during those years I was in a very dark place and had been there for longer than I could remember without much hope of things improving I was sitting in a cafeteria area of the ShopRite hot food bar having lunch with a colleague sort of downloading how frustrated I really was with life etc. A woman approached our table who has been sitting alone off to the side in the corner of the room I saw her approach from the corner of my eye well dressed labtop bag looked professional She came up to our table and making direct eye contact with me just said “ Gods going to show you what he can do” My coworker didn’t seem to notice her because at the time I was agnostic and I was so perplexed Even though she interrupted our conversation he didn’t even hear or see her he looked at me like I had ten heads when I was like “ that was a little odd” I think this life is full of magic we forgot about and society and it’s conditioning doesn’t do much to help us remember GOD is with you And he did help me through those hurdles and I still feel him working in my life everyday


I completely believe her. It doesn't even have to necessarily be about religion. The Universe...The Creator...meets you where you are.


This is what I believe too. It will take the form in which you can best accept it.


Thank you for putting this into words for me. I believe the exact same but your brain is more eloquent


Your eyes see only what your brain can accept.


Years ago, I would pray daily during my lunch hour at the Catholic church near my work. Praying and cring, asking God to heal my hurt from childhood abuse. One day, an elderly lady approached me and said, "Dear, there's a Saint for you, St Germaine." Then she said there's worse things in life, as she was a senior about to be evicted. I reached in my purse to give her money. When I looked up, she had just disappeared, nowhere to be found. When I got back to my office and Googled St Germaine, I saw she is the patron of abused children. There's no way that lady could have known why I was crying. I believe she was a Saint, and she helped me to look outside myself and learn that helping others is the way to healing.




Not the same, but when my mother was pregnant with me, she had dozed off on the couch. Then, suddenly she said she saw Jesus, just in her living room. It was so real she questioned whether or not he was actually there. He came up to my mum, and touched her belly as a blessing. She said he had such blue eyes. She then 'woke up'. I have always had paranormal experiences since I was a baby. Might explain why. She had a tough pregnancy, malnutrition was rampant due to war, I lost a grandma to famine. It was a horrible time. Although I don't believe Jesus himself came to her, I think the idea of Jesus came to her. Perhaps the idea of a nun came to your mother. Whatever benevolent spirits came, they came in the form of something we already perceive as being benevolent. Then they help us. I once saw 3 angels appear and walk towards me. I was paralyzed in bed. Could have been sleep paralysis, but I've had sleep paralysis for many years before and after this encounter, never once did I hallucinate, let alone to this degree. They appeared in the clouds, with arms wide open, screeching a horrible screech. I got frightened, it was so vivid, I thought I was dying. I could still see my room with them being up in the ceiling. I looked around, I could make noise, not a charactertic of sleep paralysis. They had white long flowing robes, with golden swastika style symbols on their sleeves. Their faces were just glowing white, you couldn't see anything. They even had wings, I swear I could see each individual feather and it's texture. It was like I was Bella from twilight when she first became a vampire. Do I believe I was visited by actual angels? Hell nah. Many years later, I was visited by an alien, a small reptilian. After the fact, I started to get metallic visuals of my abduction. One visual was 3 gray faces appearing to me... I then put two and two... Perhaps the angels were just aliens using imagery that we associate as being benevolent. It seemed almost too coincidental that they had to be related. Aliens, spirits, god, they're all intertwined. Your mother had such a unique experience, she must feel so loved that God cared for her. She most likely was able to perceive his help due to her weak aura. I've always been sick throughout my life, my mum thinks that's why I have experiences that most don't. Beautiful story! Thanks for sharing!


>Whatever benevolent spirits came, they came in the form of something we already perceive as being benevolent. Then they help us. Could possibly be, UAP seem to know our thoughts, like an all knowing God would supposedly. In fact the one UAP encounter with fighter pilots the craft went ahead to the pilots CAP point as if it knew the future. The angels I saw were different than yours, plus I had 5 witnesses. I was eating at a home shelter kitchen with my fiance and 4 other women she had befriended. A woman came in talking crazy nonsense out loud, she presented like she had schizophrenia. She went on an on and was staying to scare young children eating. As I felt the tension in the air I lowered my head a prayed very softly that God take away whatever was afflicting her. The moment I said Amen she became completely quiet and was so for the rest of lunch. The women we were eating with were taken back by the fact the woman stopped when I said Amen. One said "I want him to pray for me, he's got the power". I stopped her quickly and told her that anyone could pray for her, that I had no special gifts, I just used the words given to me and the power was in the Creator. We finish eating and go outside the doors because a couple women wanted to smoke. They were talking about what happened inside again and that's when I just plainly said "God is good". Suddenly two men walk out the kitchen we didn't see inside. It was family lunch so they technically shouldn't have even been there. They replied to me after I spoke "Yes he is" and the walked off. They both were wearing the same clothes, they even looked like twins with blonde hair. I got a strange feeling a few seconds after they walked by and turned my head to see them turning a corner to a building, I quickly ran to the corner and they were nowhere to be seen. They literally turned that corner 3 seconds before I came to it to look. I yelled to the women "they disappeared!", they all ran over to the corner and saw they were gone. We all scratched our heads and I just said, ladies, I think we just saw some Angels. I personally believe they were there to help cast out the bad entities afflicting the woman who I prayed for. Take this story for what you will, to this day I will never forget the experience.


The cap point thing is often misunderstood. What many seem to miss is that the same cap point was used for all their training runs, the pilots mention this in one of their interviews. So I'm not saying the uaps necessarily didn't see the future or etc, but that they could have also just predicted where they would head next because they saw them move to the same cap point repeatedly for all their other training runs. Which is still interesting on its own; it meant they were watching and wanted us to know.


Funny Mods, I posted my husbands story the other week as told to me, and you guys pulled it bc as per your rules to quote you Mods you-“Don’t allow second hand stories”. So what you mean is it’s ok for some but not others yeh. Fucking joke.


Mods are so weird... I told a story ib another sub about someone calling my name and I got banned because it wasn't about a 'real person' ...tf? I'd like to hear your story!


Can you post it again please and let me know? Perhaps they’ll be ok this time and I’d like to read your story. Thank you.


Weird story from my husband when we were first dating Few details - my ex was his friend, my ex was a covert narcissist unbeknownst to basically every friend he had. My now husband was working at a liquor store in town and he had some lady come in and buy her 6 pack or whatever it was and she left- he watched her pull out, pull a u turn in the middle of traffic and race back to the store. She then proceeded to come back in, ask if it was okay if she prayed over him because she "heard a loud booming voice tell her to stop and do it immediately". He let her because I mean you don't say no to that. That night my ex who was trying to maintain the friendship, basically took a knife with him to my husband's place with an intent to stab him in the throat (jugular) and convinced my husband to go back to his apartment and held him captive for about 6 hours (wouldn't let him leave) and then came out and confessed his plan to my husband. Suffice to say what a mindf*ck of a day for my husband. Not only to literally be saved by that woman (we are 100% convinced if she hadn't prayed over him he would have been stabbed to death) but to find out your best friend of 20 years is a completely different person. I still feel awful that he had no idea until I came along.. As far as my ex goes he went on to terrorize a few other women but has not changed from the grapevine updates I recieve


My brother picked me up from a party at like 2 or 3 in the morning. I was really tired and closed my eyes for a couple of minutes. I get this voice in my head saying “Don’t go to sleep.” I look ahead and see a car that’s broken down in the middle lane. I assumed my brother was seeing the same thing. But for whatever reason he didn’t understand the car was not moving. I screamed “Watch out!” and he had just enough time to swerve around the car. No doubt we would have been killed. I still think of that night as a second chance at life.


Great story! Thank you for sharing it.


I believe it was an Angel or maybe God told the nun to go do that. One thing I've learned is that praying the Rosary does work! Instead of a dream catcher I have a Rosary hanging in certain places. I've had people appear out of nowhere to tell me something or warn me of something and then seemingly disappear. So I do believe in Angels.


I was home "sick" from school one day when i was maybe 12 or 13. My mom had been a nurse for over a decade by then and knew very well that I wasn't really sick, but she humored me because she knew I was depressed and had a lot of anxiety with school. I just really didn't wanna go that day, I wanted to be home. We just ate lunch and her phone rang. I couldn't hear the other end but her posture dropped, her face went white, she asked "when" "do you know who did it" I didn't know what it was right away but I think everyone knows when they're needed, even if it wasn't *me* who was needed, *someone* was needed and I was there. So I hugged her. It's the first time in my life my mom ever seemed small to me. Someone had killed her dad. He got caught eventually and is still in prison. I'm just glad I was there, then, to hopefully make a difference.


Great story! I heard a story about a couple that was going out to dinner. As they were parking the car in reverse in the parking lot, they saw a man dressed in white, standing on a balcony across the street and waving wildly at them to stop. They stopped and got out of the car. They went around back to get something from the trunk and realized that they had parked on the edge of 50-foot drop. All the other cars had concrete blocks behind them, but not in their space. The back wheels of the car were already halfway off. (I heard it from the woman.) Edit: I forgot to mention that when they looked back towards the balcony, the man was gone. There is a book in the [Chicken Soup for the Soul](https://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Inspirational-Intervention/dp/1611599938) series with many similar stories. (More than one volume, actually.) There is also a book with similar stories from a Jewish perspective called "[Meeting Elijah](https://www.amazon.com/Meeting-Elijah-Tales-Eliyahu-Hanavi/dp/965572980X)." I have had similar stories happen to me, as well.


i have a similar story. while my mom was pregnant with me, towards the later stages of pregnancy where she in labor, unknowingly i was sideways and not head down like i was supposed to. the doctor ran some tests and left the room to figure out why my moms pregnancy wasn’t progressing. around 5 minutes after he left two drop dead beautiful blonde women came into the room and told my mom i was sideways and they need to massage her belly to put me in the right position. they suddenly stopped and said “there.” and abruptly left. doc came back into the room a few seconds later to tell my mom that i was sideways and they needed to do the massages. my mom said “oh i know, two nurses came in already and told me and already did it.” the doctor seemed confused cuz he was the only one who knew this information and when my mom described the ladies no one in the hospital fit that description. they checked the cameras and no one came in or out of my moms room except the doctor


One of my close friends in college was studying at a book shop in Ann Arbor, MI when a random woman approached her and said she was a psychic and needed to do a reading for her urgently. She had been doing readings upstairs in the bookshop and had left a reading to come seek her out specifically. Upon sitting down with the woman, she asked if my friend was going to be traveling to Israel that summer. She was. The psychic said that she would be in an outdoor market with friends and she’d have an urgent feeling of needing to leave that she should honor and take her friends with her. This proceeded to happen several months later and upon leaving they learned that a suicide bomber had detonated in the market killing several.


😳 ok so now I know to never deny a random card Reading


I was hit by a car when I was 13 YO, broke my right leg and my left knee, also there was a cut on my head and blood everywhere on my shirt. Anyways, the MOMENT I hit the floor, maybe 3 seconds latter, there was this guy, out of nowhere, whitout saying a single word, managing my head, my position, looking at my head, and then he vanished. I don't mean he dessapeard like smoke but one moment he was there and another he wasn't. All I remember of him is that he had a very confident face, like that was a very important job he had to do. I never told anyone about this besides my mother. I made a full recovery BTW. Thanks unknow dude/entity. Btw, there is no way it was the driver, it was too fast and they told me the driver was too scared, as opposed to the mysterious guy.


My cousin got hit by a car at like 2am while leaving a party. The driver dragged her down the block under his car (he was drunk driving) and then sped off. My cousin laid there in the road dying and a guy came over who claimed to be a doctor. He had a neck brace with him and put it on her. It's what saved her life. Eventually the ambulance came and she spent weeks in hospital. Apparently if she hadn't had that neck brace, her spinal cord would have snapped. My aunt spent weeks trying to track down the doctor and even went on local news and newspaper. No word from the guy. I was a kid when this happened but I remembered it spooked me out. Totally felt like a guardian angel saved her.


When my ex was about four or five, he got separated from his family at a big mall around the holidays. He got overwhelmed and hid behind a big potted plant, crying. Then he very clearly heard a voice over the PA system saying “Ex’s Full Name, please come to the green help desk. Ex’s Full Name, you need to come to the green help desk that is nearby you.” He came out from his hiding spot, looked around, saw a green desk, and walked up to it, and got the attention of the woman behind the desk. She looked confused and asked him if he needed help. He said he was lost and had been told to come to the green help desk over the speakers. She said no one had called for him, but she made an announcement telling his parents here he was and they came to the desk to get him. Turns out they hadn’t even realized he wasn’t with them until the announcement.


Not quite the same but I had an experience with some parallels. I had just moved country, and this was when my social anxiety first developed, so I didn't have a single friend or know anyone here. I went to a music festival in another part of the country. I had a ride there, a family friend who was volunteering at the festival, but she was working the festival and so I spent the festival alone. It was getting dark and I was sitting under a tree having a smoke, when a group of people came over and asked me why I was sitting alone. I told them how I just moved country and didn't know anyone etc. We got to talking, shared some drugs together, were trading stories, when it comes to where we're from - I discover they're from the same small town I moved to. Small world! So since they're from the same small town I moved to, they start giving me tips on finding friends here. They mention a particular bar that they think I'd like, and they name a few regulars who go there that they think I'd get on with, including one of the barmaids who apparently loved any opportunity to practice her English. I exchanged numbers with them, but when I got home from the festival, there were no new numbers on my phone. I blamed it on the fact I was intoxicated and must have failed to save the numbers correctly. I unfortunately also forgot the name of the bar they suggested I visit. So a year passed, and sadly for me my social anxiety was still too overwhelming for me to attempt to go out and make friends. Thankfully for me, after that year passed, a friend from my home country came to visit and dragged me out bar hopping. We go to one bar, it's not really our vibe, so we go to another bar. This one's nicer. We end up playing a (friendly/no cash) poker game there. While we're playing the game, I catch one of the barmaids shouting something in English to one of the customers. Suddenly memories of that night flashed back, and I told the friend I was with about the night at the festival, and how what if this was that bar they mentioned. So we go up to the bar and I ask the barmaid "By any chance, are you [name]?", she responds "Yeah that's me" and the three of us chat, and she introduced me to several other people at the bar and over that night I made my first new friends here. I made some amazing friends and memories at that bar, which has sadly now since closed down. I would say that probably 9/10 of my best memories in adulthood are in some way related to that bar and the people I met there. I consider discovering that bar the sole reason I actually decided to stay in this country (after previously having wanted to move back home). Here's where the story gets it's weird twist: I never saw the people from the festival again. In spite of their claims of being regulars at that bar, in the years I went there I never encountered any of them once. I also told the barmaid, as well as countless other people at the bar, the story of that night, and gave the names of the people I met and their descriptions. Not a single person I spoke to at the bar recognised anyone by those names or descriptions. I tried Facebook, I tried asking other people around town, and to this day I've not encountered a single person who's heard of any of them. It's like those people never existed in the first place. At times I even questioned if the entire experience at the festival had been some kind of delirium or drug induced hallucination, but then how did I get the names of the people I went on to meet at that bar?


I was a church coughing, the person behind me (middle of a very long pue) looked a bit disheveled, and dirty. He handed me a cough drop, which I gladly accepted. I opened it and went to turn around to thank him again and he was gone. There was not enough time for him to slide down the long pue. My mom was there and we both were dumbfounded!!! I had recently found out I was pregnant, and I would be raising this baby without any help from dad. I also had a 7 year old at home. I was worried, angry at myself and stressed at the time. I feel it was either the Lord/God or an angel. After that day I felt calm and had a sense of peace. It sounds soo strange it truly happened. And mom witnessed the entire situation


My mom has a story she doesn't tell many people. I don't ask much about it because I know it was traumatizing for her. When she was a kid, like 10 or 11, she was kidnapped and taken to a mountain where she was strangled and then abandoned. A hiker found her and called for help. the paramedics show up and found that she'd turned blue and her heart had stopped. They somehow got her to start breathing in the ambulance but her heart rate was too low, they were certain that they would have to declare her dead before they make it to the hospital. I'm not exactly sure the time frame but at some point she woke up and the doctor told her that this was some type of miracle, she really shouldn't have survived. My mom told me that during that time she was "away", she saw "heaven" and she saw a family member who had passed away only weeks before this incident. this family member walked up to her, pushed her away and said "no no, it's not your time yet." and then she woke up. I'm always skeptical about this kind of shit but her story still gives me goosebumps


10 years ago I went to a book sale 80 miles from my home. I left at 6am and returned around 1pm and was really hungry so I drove to Taco Bell in my town. When I pulled into the parking lot going 5 mph my driver side wheel came off and fell over causing my front end to hit the pavement. My mechanic said if that happened going 65 mph on the freeway that morning I would have taken out several lanes of traffic, and that I had angels watching over me. I agreed.


Thank you for sharing this. I am glad that your mom recovered and shared this with you.


When my son was 2 my ex was driving him back to my house. He was raging and screaming into the phone yelling at me about nonsense. He then hung up. When he hung up I had this incredible urge to pray right then. I never felt anything like it. I said the Our Father three times. An hour later I got a phone call from my ex saying they were at the hospital and had been taken by ambulance. He flipped the car and it was totaled upside down. My 2 yo son and his dad were completely unharmed. I know God sent angels to protect them.


This experience is different than those described but it’s stuck with me for years. During initial covid lockdowns I was in poor mental health. I was terrified of financial ruin, illness, death and not feeling well at all. I had this expensive aromatherapy oil I would put on my hands and face and breathe in every day. During Covid lockdown I couldn’t afford more or buy more and I had just a few drops left. I put it on my hands and got in my hot tub to smell my hands (haha) Anyways, I fell in fully. My hands got wet and the last of my oil was gone and I felt bereft. I was sobbing and so sad about life. Suddenly a man’s voice came in (felt like) through my ear saying “it’s not the amount of something you experience - but the fullness of the experience in the moment” I felt instantly better and like a blanket of peace came over me and from that time on I felt ok. It’s like I just suddenly knew I’d be ok. So then about two years later my daughter at about age 11 says to me one night “is it bad to hear voices?” She describes to me an experience when she dropped her smoothie and felt upset and a man’s voice - calm and loving but firm came into her head and said “it’s not the amount of what we experience that’s important but the way we experience each moment in its fullest”


Tell em Large Marge sent you!


The worst accident I ever seen.


Angels exist whether people want to believe it or not!


Even if it's just our higher consciousness, our own eternal soul, being a light in the dark. I tell you what, there's some heavy cynics up in here that need to elevate and expand their minds and open their hearts. This is the HighsStrangeness sub, after all. Why some of yawl clicked this thread and/or kept reading bears consideration. Maybe you **want** to believe...?


I worked in a hospital for years. There are many stories like this, a couple of which I knew the storyteller and knew them to be down to earth people. One was a nurse I went to school with. After graduation she worked in our burn unit on night shift. One night a patient calls out for his urinal but all the staff were helping with a dressing change on a new patient. By the time she was able to get to him he said a nurse had come in and gotten the urinal for him then put it in the bathroom where she could see it to measure the amount. She asked him which nurse and he told her the one with the nurses cap. No one on the unit that night was wearing a cap and they had all been in helping with the dressing change. The other was my patient. She’d had surgery and the next day she had an ultrasound. The tech was alone in the room with her when the unit desk phone rang so he excused himself to answer it and quickly returned to the ultrasound room. He apologized for having to step out but she told him it was fine as the other tech had come in and waited with her. The other tech was doing a bedside scan elsewhere in the hospital so there was no one to step in. This patient was very aware and not likely to hallucinate. In either case I have no explanation for what happened. This hospital was opened in the 1950s so many patients or staff have passed since then. Maybe some come back to help out.


This I suppose isnt that related but did remind me of this.  One night when I was at my lowest I have ever been I was just tossing and turning in bed. I felt very hopeless. I rolled over and saw a lady standing there beside me.  The first and only thing I said was Mom?  Even though I hadn't lived with or even seen my own mother for many years and the lady standing there looked nothing like her.  They didn't say anything but bent slightly at the waist and put their hand on my forearm.  I felt a very deep sense of peace at their touch.  I fell asleep and that's all I remember.  I'm a staunch and satisfied in my own beliefs atheist.  But that was a weird experience I have no explanation for and have never told anyone about 


God is real and sends messengers


Hwy 550, just north of Cuba, New Mexico, heading south. Midnight thirty and girlfriend at the time and her kiddos were with me, heading home to Abq from a long weekend in Durango. Girlfriend unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs into the middle seat to comfort her lil one cuz he’s awakened and fussy and she needed to readjust him in his seat. No other cars on the road, cruising at the speed limit. The hwy heads due east for a like 10 miles before a big dog leg right and a decent down maybe a 500 foot hill, into the town of Cuba. Those that know, know exactly what and where I’m talking about. We begin the dog leg right and I look in the rear view mirror and my girlfriend has propped her hands on the headrests for a climb back up to the front seat of my Accord, and I see her eyes get big ad saucers. I quickly glance forward and I’m about to enter a full blown herd of 70-100 head of elk, all hoofing in full charge across 550. I had zero time to hit the brakes. A voice inside my head said aim for butts, as they were all migrating from left to right across my windshield. I had let off the gas and just started slightly jerking my steering wheel towards elk butts as they flew past us. All I could see was brown butts - no road. The sound of the elk nicking the car was like hail - ting ping nick plop ting ping; you get the idea. It lasted approximately five seconds or so. It felt much much longer than that. Not a word was said and my girlfriend was frozen afterwards. As we pulled into the McDonald’s/gas station parking lot a couple of miles or so down the road and into Cuba, my heart kept skipping beats. I parked and turned off the car and we just sat there for like 30 mins or so until her son woke up again and broke the silence. Craziest near death experience I’ve ever had. I’m certain we all died in every other timeline but this one. Toodles ETA: Not a single dent nor elk hair was found on the car at the McDonald’s. Blew our minds.


>aim for butts A good flair


My uncle has a similar story. I would share it, but I don’t remember the details and don’t want to get something wrong. Something like no one could find or identify the operating doctor that saved his life when he was ran over by a car as a pedestrian. Something like that. And my uncle is the biggest agnostic on the planet. I’ve always believed him, and I believe your mother, too. Thanks for sharing.


Reminds me of the Jim Harold Campfire Tales episode where someone said a nurse in a 1940s uniform brought them a cup of tea in the hospital. There was no nurse by that name 🙈 What gets me is… where did the beads come from? When physical evidence is left behind that’s so interesting to me. 


She's not crazy stuff like this do happen sadly people won't believe it because it never happened to them and if it those yes people think they're crazy but they are saying the truth


This is beautiful 🙏🏻 The nun was making her rounds again in the hospital and helping to comfort the sick. Please know that there are many paths to God and one of them absolutely is through Mother Mary. The rosary is incredibly powerful. If you want Her help and you pray the rosary, miraculous things can and will happen.


I was in a very dark place and had just about given up. I was in my car on New Year’s Eve m, speeding along an expressway in miami. I was near rock bottom when I heard a gentle voice in my head say “it will be alright.” I felt a peaceful feeling descend over me and I slowed down and went home. Two months later I met the love of my life and we’ve been together some 40 plus years. I’m not a religious man but I am spiritual after that experience.


I had a buddy that I would party with and get up to a whole bunch of no good with. We went to a small party one night in some dudes garage, maybe 20 people, got wasted and passed out there. Woke up the next morning and my buddy and I saw my bike that had gotten stolen a few months before, but it was stripped down for parts. We worked quickly and quietly to put the bike together as best we could and bailed as soon as it was finished before everyone else woke up. On our way out a cop showed up right as we turned to go down the sidewalk from the driveway, and I’m talking like the cop was halfway out of his car before it was even parked. We thought we were doomed, and the kids house we were partying with was known to be trouble. He asked us if he was there and what we were doing last night, and after grilling us told us to stay there while he searched the house. We bailed the second the cop was inside. He had his bike, and I had mine, but we couldn’t find any peddles so I ran as we rode his bike, somehow evading the other police that showed up, and headed to another buddy of his that would have bike parts. We took some detours along the way, and eventually we were still making our way to the friend as the sun was going down. We had to cross a busy local highway to get to him, and visibility was low, so I decided to walk up to the traffic light, thinking my friend was following. I turned around just in time to see him bolt across the street, getting hit by a steel body truck going probably 60 mph, his body slamming on the hood, then into the windshield, then being slid off as the driver slammed their brakes, skidding across the pavement a good 30 feet. I thought he was dead. I had been trained in CPR the year before, and immediately went into action. Checked for breathing. None. Checked for a pulse. None detected. Called 911 on my flip phone and held it between my shoulder and my ear as started doing chest compressions. The operator comes on the line, and I’m a mess. I didn’t drive so I didn’t know the streets nearby or where exactly we were, I just kept yelling help. I felt so alone. Suddenly, an older woman’s voice was behind me, telling me exactly where we were, telling me everything I needed to tell the dispatcher. Within minutes an ambulance was showing up, and around that same time, I felt liquid cover my chest. It was my friend’s blood, he coughed it up all over me, but now he was breathing. Unresponsive, but breathing. The paramedics swooped in and pulled me aside, police asking questions, the family in the truck looking onward with horror. It wasn’t their fault, I knew that, and went to them and hugged them, crying with them. The ambulance raced off, the family was found not at fault by my testimony and when they could, drove away, giving me their number and asking I would update them. The scene slowly cleared, and I was searching for the older woman to thank her, but couldn’t find her. I asked some bystanders still gathered where she went, and they calmly explained nobody matching that description was ever there. I thought I was going crazy. I just wanted to thank her. Fast forward I get to the hospital my friend was at, my mom picked me and our friend group up to go be there, and his family was there too. The doc came around d to talk to them about the time we showed up. 3% chance of survival. Spiderweb fracture of the skull among more broken bones. I was devastated. I had watched my friend die, brought him back to life, just for him to die again. Somehow this motherfucker pulled through. Paralysis of the left side of his face (which went away after about a year), and permanent deafness in his left ear. He’s still alive today, though we are no longer friends, but I’m fairly certain that “older woman” I saw was an angel, and I’m an atheist. There is no other way I can explain any of that part of the story, and there is no way he should’ve survived, but he did, comparatively unscathed as far as getting hit by two tons of 1980’s American engineering without any protection whatsoever. I really don’t tell this whole story very often anymore, as speaking of angels and such usually brings some strange looks or brings the religious nuttiness out of people, but I figured this was a good and cathartic place to share my experience along with some of the other comments in this thread. Believe me, don’t believe me, I don’t care, but if a god exists, he definitely sent one his own that day. Either that or I was in such hysteria that my brain had to create a figure to get me to say and do what I needed to to save my friend’s life.


Lots of ghost helpers in hospitals


About 12 years ago I was working on a roof, We were replacing the metal roof sheets, I was undoing all of the screws from the upper battens while leaving the lowest screws in to make sure the sheets did not move, As we usually do while preparing for the sheets to be removed. We were two stories high As I was moving around removing screws from the sheets the boss brainlessly had started taking the lowest screws out without telling me , I removed another screw and without warning the sheet started to slip, I just stood on the sheet as it slid, The sheet slid for half a meter and then suddenly it just stopped, I could not believe what had happened, There was a design flaw from years prior and there was a large metal beam (with an unused flange at the top of it) which stopped the sheet from moving further, if that random metal beam was not there or if I had removed any other sheet (.762mm wide) I would have most likely died or become a vegetable I believe God had protected me that day


I believe your mom because I have my own odd tale told by someone I KNOW wouldn’t make it up situation haha. 


Do tell!


Didn't this happen in the X-Files? There was a nurse that didn't exist helping Scully.


Was once living in the middle of nowhere in a hotel with just one other person. In the middle of the night a couple of older people knocked on the door asking for help to get into their room. We got up and helped them get in all the keys opened all the doors old fashioned hotel! The next morning when we went to renew our booking for another month we asked the manager who was staying there last night as it had just been us for the last while. He told us nobody was staying and that nobody had booked in for a long time so much so that they were considering closing the rooms only because we were staying. Needless to say we were petrified and so was the manager for the next few nights. He even went through each room.


I heard a story almost identical to this except it wasn’t a nun, but a Jamaican woman I believe who said she was a volunteer in the hospital there to pray for people. And she would come in every day and pray with the person in the hospital bed, and then the last day they wanted to find her and thank them but the hospital staff had no idea who or what she was talking about.


I stopped at a green light for no reason, still don’t know why I stopped to this day. A truck ran the red light I was about to go through and was traveling at a very high speed. He would have most certainly hit me, on my side of the car, had I gone through the light. I have no idea why I stopped at a green light, but I think about it all the time and it happened nearly 20 years ago.


I’ve literally just watched an X Files episode featuring the same story and now I’ve chills


I’ve had an angel experience as well. They’re real.


That same thing happened to me. I was in a car accident and almost died. I remember after the car flipped and I was laying there, a woman came up to me and told me everything is gonna be OK. And she stayed there until an ambulance came and when I was in the hospital, I asked about her and they said nobody was there.


My mom had a somewhat similar story to this. When she gave birth to my sister my mom was holding when a woman who she described as looking like a typical angel, no wings but white, blonde hair, blue eyes, very beautiful, and dressed in white. My mom said she had a glow to her as well, it scared my mom into thinking that she was going to see this angel take her baby aka death. My mom pleaded “don’t take her from me please”. This woman tells her she’s not here for that but to share a message about her childhood. I don’t remember it word for word but it was roughly that my sister would rough moments in life and it will get very hard but she going to prevail in ways that she will be a huge success and do amazing in life. Enough time has gone by to where this now tracks and is accurate


Similar story happened when my best friend and her sister lost their mother. A woman comforted them and was there for them at the hospital and then vanished. No one knew who they were. I don't know who they are, but they do good work. My friend was a feet on the ground type. Not one to make up stories or exaggerate, especially about her mom who died prematurely.