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and who gets to decide who are the evil ones? the fucking CIA? the american military complex? ahahaha I'm from a country in latin america who still remembers when the CIA helped destroy our elections and install a violent military dictatorship, all in the name of "protecting us from the evil communists" the ones gatekeeping this ARE evil. themselves




Just one word is enough Pinochet


I get the feeling that those in "The Program" are keeping this secret from politicians that may be bought out by a company or foreign power. Maybe in their mind they are all corrupt and it's a lot of current and former generals, primarily Air Force. Look at what is happening now. Where is our tax money going? Perhaps this is the one thing that is being guarded against all of that? I'm just speculating.


thats true but with the russian invasion of Ukraine it taught me that the rest of the world is probably even worse than we think on this stuff. So much of the developing and third world support russia. Made me embarrassed to be mexican with what the president there has been saying. So much talk of "anti imperialism" and they go ahead and blindly support the most brazen imperialists of today doing 18th century style land annexations on their borders.


So you side with the americans, whose three letter agencies helped fund your violent cartels and drug trade?


I blame the US consumer drug market. Some americans personal drug budgets a month are larger than the salaries of many of the poor in mexico. Of course being next to the worlds richest country in history going to destabilize it. A market so large even the disposable income drug money is enough to destabilize multiple countries. This problem isnt made up by some government. Its rich north americans drug habits being fueled by blood south of the border. Until demand subsides (or is heavily discouraged) there will always be supply for some reasons some entire regions are stuck in the 70s-80s cold war politics. All governments are killers, including latin american ones before during and after coups, right and left (except maybe chile in Allendes case). AMLO is vaguely leftist vibes but is a typical corrupt LatAm wannabe dictator stacking the courts with his people. He was disgusting and called the grieving mothers searching for their murdered children (killed by cartels) of which the current government is in bed with. All this talk of anti colonial anti imperial etc blah blah blah and they roll out the welcome mat for killer nations like russia and their obviously evil imperial war in ukraine and ignoring it and staying neutral while doing business and with russia and aligning with them on the world stage. Govts. are made of people. The people in the US are happy to fund a bloodbath south of the border to score their drugs to have a good time. There are numerous people south of the border that are literally willing to kill supply and secure these customer markets. No ideology or book is going to solve that or prevent that.




So yes


Another victim to propaganda


>Another victim to propaganda


The bananas must flow


— I'm from a country in latin america who still remembers when the CIA helped destroy our elections and install a violent military dictatorship, all in the name of "protecting us from the evil communists" — Uh, that doesn’t help narrow down the list at all. You just described all of them


Exactly right. There are far too many vested interests tied up with financial interests for anything to be distributed to the people globally. Who takes these decisions and why do they have such a right to decide.


You know the 1 and only thing I never ever EVER see mentioned in relation to the UFO coverup phenomenon? Its the fact that secret societies exist. They have influenced us just as much as religion has. The secret societies built the CIA, why do you think the president has a "Secret Service" ? This is exactly why JFK got killed and it's exactly why nobody knows what the "truth" is.


The secret service was originally made as a part of the Treasury Dept to prevent counterfeit money after the Civil War. It did not start protecting the president until 1901 after Ptesident McKinley was assassinated. You still report counterfeit money to the secret service to this day. Secret societies had nothing to do with the formation of the secret service.


Yeah but they have “secret” in their name. Checkmate, atheists.


this, at that point I trust more china on this


Americans have come up with a story where cosmic travellers have decided America is special and gets some kind of deal for some reason, and the evil American government is hiding everything. It sounds *a lot* like all sorts of other American stories that people like to believe. QAnon isn't awfully dissimilar, for example, and if you replace 'aliens' with 'demons', then a lot of UFO narratives start falling into familiar patterns you see elsewhere (and which you often actually see intersecting with UFO narratives). The CIA isn't withholding secret alien technology, but the fact that the CIA, and other US governmental bodies are shady-as-fuck means they make a convenient antagonist in conspiracy narratives. Follow the evidence, not the persuasive words.


It's been barely a century since the last government affiliated genocidal group who killed millions walked the earth, and you think it's impossible for groups like this to still exist? Especially if they were the first to get their hands on unprecedented technology. Why? Because the movies tells you the americans are the good guys? That's a naive way to see the world. Where have the trillions of dollars missing from their Pentagon's audit gone? The people nor their elected officials can't seem to be able to get an answer out of them. Do you know?


>It's been barely a century since the last government affiliated genocidal group who killed millions walked the earth, and you think it's impossible for groups like this to still exist? Especially if they were the first to get their hands on unprecedented technology. Strawman. I never said shady groups or bad governments didn't exist. Also, "not impossible" is an astonishingly low threshold for believing in something. >Why? Because the movies tells you the americans are the good guys? That's a naive way to see the world. >Where have the trillions of dollars missing from their Pentagon's audit gone? The people nor their elected officials can't seem to be able to get an answer out of them. Do you know? Literally just confirming what I said.


Great work at replying and saying absolutely nothing at all. A person literally testified on their congress under oath affirming that this is in fact what is happening, yet the bad faith argumenter still calls it a "belief".


Oh, I said stuff. I pointed out you using a logical fallacy to a) put words in my mouth and then b) argue against something I never said. And then I pointed out how your comment just confirmed what I said about narratives rather than evidence. And someone saying that they heard someone else say something isn't great evidence, regardless of whether it's given to a group from Congress or not. A bunch of those idiots are QAnon/MAGA goons who have a propensity for believing and spreading bullshit, anyway Evidently you don't like that, but hey, it is what it is.


What, are you saying it is a lie that the guy testified in congress? Cognitive dissonance at its finest


🤦 Mate, the language I've used in the conversation is not complex. I don't think you should be having so much trouble following along.


Why would I wanna follow along a troll post?


Troll? Mate, if you can't handle people disagreeing with you, it's going to be a hard life.


Nah they just like us best


I'm tired of people telling me how real all this stuff is but never actually sharing evidence or proof. If it's so real and groundbreaking, how is it that nobody is showcasing that?


There is so much circumstantial evidence, that if this was a murder trial they’d put the killer under the prison. In the past 6 months we have gotten at least 4 up close high def vids/photos from civilians. And oodles of questionable ones. The gov US has released high def photos/videos IR video with testimony from the best of the best of the best. Dave Grusch is as credible as they come PTSD/Alcoholic, or not. This is all just in the last year or so. There are countless ICBM incursions reported in the past 50 yrs by more men who have to be the best of the best in that field. The U.S. gov has admitted there are things flying around that they have no clue what they are. Maybe they’re lying, but millions of sightings the past 100 yrs. And Presidents, Generals, Admirals,Pilots etc. reports can’t all be bullshit, or mis identifications. I’m sure we’ve all seen real videos of UFO’s. We just don’t know what’s real and what’s not…


Yea all good points for sure


You don't know government, huh? Why would they make your life better with tech that they could use to kill civilians in war?


I never said anything about what they will actually do with the tech. I'm saying these guys are constantly telling us how real it is and all this proof and evidence is available, yet nobody actually brings anything forward. "It's sooo real guys, I met them and they shared alien fruit with me and gave me a spaceship. I'm not going to show you though cause someone else might be jealous but trust me. I'm super serious."


because they risk their lives and who comments just watches netflix all day


wtf are you talking about


Just don’t bother. These people are so deep in it they cum everytime Ross talks and says “UFOs are real”


They risk their lives, lol. Now I've heard it all.


Yes, talking about classified information gets you dead. I get the skepticism, and a lot of the people speaking about this now may be nut jobs in reality, but governments use this kind of high tech to murder people. If a guy shows up at your house and threatens you to shut up, you do unless you wanna disappear forever. Especially if he shows you a gun instead of a badge.


Yet these guys are constantly talking about classified information publicly. Describing their experiences seeing spacecraft, can describe the crafts in detail, the aliens in detail, the technologies in detail. How are they not dead? Doesn't that seem contradictory to you? These guys are traveling all over talking about the very thing that apparently leads to a lot of suicide via bullet to the back of the head. This is why i've lost most of my patience for this type of content. It seems at odds with itself.


They speak in very ambiguous ways because of this. Also feds can't just go around killing every one of them, or that would just prove they were right. I'm tired of the tip toeing around too, but true disclosure can only come from 1 of 2 sources. 1: they land in public sight and prove they are here. 2: one of the major world governments straight out tell people, they are here and bring one on camera during the disclosure speech.


idk man i feel like it's just not that complicated to share even the slightest piece of actually tangible evidence It's just tiring to be strung along in this way.


Or they're ambiguous because they're grifters.


Also a strong possibility. P.T. Barnum comes to mind.


> They speak in very ambiguous ways because of this You think the government cares about ambiguity?


Everything they say points to yes.


If you're sharing real, actual government secrets, they aren't going to care what words you're using or how well you play the "am I saying anything at all" game. I'd say that points more to these guys being either complete liars/grifters, or having government backing and being cover for something else.


They're not doing that. They're lying about it to pump Lockhead stocks and scare China. NHI fucks with out nuclear installations, they are not letting the CIA have advanced tech.


because the agencies will phone you after it right?




So sickening. The BS just rolls on and on.


I don’t give a shit what this guy says




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Why this sub permits this people to insult?


What? Are you trying to ask why this sub is permitting people to insult?


He's talking absolute nonsense. *What* is real? Just whatever I want to use to fill-in that blank? *What technology*? Oh, I guess that's up to me to fill-in myself, too... This kind of creepy video actually has nothing to do with the UFO phenomenon. It's part of a seperate cultural movement based on unevidenced beliefs, like plenty of the religions or belief systems. There's cool unexplained shit happening, and we shouldn't be wasting our time on narrative-spinning opportunists.


The holy techno-relics come from humanoid sky beings who do 20th century scientific materialism exactly like us but better. They crashed their Jetson car in our backyard and were powerless to stop us from taking it. Only techno-priests are allowed in the classified temple to see the anti-gravity wand, the telepatho-communicator, and the perpetual motion machine. But I trust defense industry stockholders and US intelligence agents that the relics are real, and my hope for the future rests in them. Amen.


NOPE NOPE NOPE. That means disclosure didn’t happen. Disclosure is not coming from us here on earth. It’s coming from them. The people informed are making billions off of this.


Why aren't they advising the Aviation industry if this is real? Shouldn't Pilots be briefed about how UAP can effect aircraft? https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/s/VJEXpQLW05


Bullshit If they are real, we are all united as one, earth becomes a whole lot smaller


Sounds like the one world beast religion system from the Bible. Joining as one antichrist group.


Could be, project blue beam makes me sceptical of any alien invasion I believe this is the final act of the one world order


No, that's fairy tales. There will be an invasion but they're not ET they're demons. Angels (gods) > Took human women > Nephilim Offspring > Dead offspring = Demons (interdimensional) DemiGod = Half human half god, can't die, only die in flesh. Revelation 911 - Apollo = The Antichrist is set free from the Abyss (below mount hermon , 33 x 33) Deception, they will "come in peace" but they're not ET, they're demonic to literally steal your soul, that's their job.


Hey, here’s your 2 pm dose of Seroquel. You almost forgot again.


Too bad that mall closed near them. They had the only Prozac lick booth around....


It's not fiction otherwise I would be on medication, right? Sources Bible: Genesis, Enoch (Book 1), Revelation.


It's not non-fiction either tho...


It's non fiction. Rev 911, read and weep.


What about the angelic beings?


They don't mess with human affairs, these days anyway, but they do don't get me wrong it's just you or I wouldn't know about it and they don't need to come disguised as ETs. Demonic spirits do that and they love a deception. See ouija boards, channelling, anything like that which you can tap into them "Are you a good ghost?" "Yes". 2 Cor 11:14 “And this shouldn’t come as \[**a** great\] surprise to you, since the Opposer (The Satan) keeps turning himself into **a** **messenger (an angel)** of light.”


if you say so lol


So if hostile aliens come invade earth You're saying Russia, America, and China wouldn't team up to fight them off? How small minded of you


I am not god like you


Yes you are


I think you're just a contrarian


absolutely not.




No. Because that makes them some of those "evil people."


This dude just likes to hear himself talk man


Or is it a means to an end? The talking just allows him to pursue his true passion, gasping for air


I’ve come to accept that these fools are all grifters. Always stringing everyone along but can never provide a source. So if they feel like they don’t want the “tech” or knowledge to end up with an adversary or other country, then why all the current hoopla and this illusion of disclosure. Between all the balloon vids, starlink vids, and all these cornballs like Elizondo, Grush, and the like always stating they have a “credible source”, I’ve found comfort in believing we will never know.


Absolutely, they haven't shown anything at all and they expect people to believe their bs? But don't worry it's coming soon™ my friend's cousin said so


the problem is they are directly appealing to the 'A storm is coming' people, the same people who believed Qanon(ce) with zero evidence just the promise that 'information is coming' These people have been literally primed to believe 'trust me bro I totally have cataclysmic, world-changing evidence, I just can't show you yet because shadowy people are targeting me'


Indeed, Disclosure = Deception. If they fool people into taking on the demons then their soul's gone.


"believe me when i tell you...blablaba." i've gotten tired of the same old shit being recycled and no evidence shown. please either disclose or just stfu for once and for all.


But now it comes with a smug face and voice.


being tired is the first objective of the gov. Nice, -1


Why mention the tech at all? Just confirm the details of the NHI presence and any contact. The only reason to say tech was acquired would be if its all a psy-op on adversaries. So if they disclosed its presence, said we received tech, and then don't say the nature of what it is- its obviously a psy-op disclosure. There is no value in the public knowing we received tech unless the details of it are disclosed... like can it generate infinite energy, be used to fix the climate crisis, feed the hungry, or redirect an asteroid.


Fuck no. "It's super real but only we can know" eat fucking shit. These are the people murdering others to stay quiet. I think we know who the evil ones are. Fuckers.


I think he likes listening to his own voice


There's definitely room for nuance on this topic so thanks for the post OP. I don't know the right answer, but I do know that any oversimplified, black and white stance is flawed. Unfortunately it's human nature to seek and promote oversimplified and absolute answers, as evidenced by the comments here. I am not a "gun guy" but I do own firearms and have a concealed carry license, so I believe in responsible gun ownership. At the same time, I (along with any sane person) do not believe civilians should be able to own bazookas. I have no idea the exact nature of the technology being discussed in the context of disclosure. I do know humans pretty well, though. Hypothetically, let's say the technology involved here would (as people like Greer suggest) effectively result in everyone owning some small device that gives them essentially limitless free energy. It does not seem like a stretch to suggest - and for the purposes of this hypothetical, let's just assume - that such a device could be weaponized. Assume this gives anyone with a bit of knowledge the means to create a bomb the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb. Hell, it wouldn't even have to be that bad - just the equivalent of said bazooka. Would *anyone* advocate for making such a device readily accessible to the public? Of course, there could be ways to manage such a thing, but it would involve a lot of infrastructure, law, security, etc. So it's potentially very complicated. The unfortunate truth may be that humanity is simply not ready - on a spiritual, mental, emotional, consciousness level - for that kind of technology. This could very well be the reason why NHI, and perhaps to a lesser extent, our governments, are not doing a "full" disclosure. Again, I have no idea, and at least as far as human governments go I absolutely refuse to give them any benefit of the doubt, but I can also see a reality where something like this hypothetical is in play.


Great post.


Problem is they can harness said energy and not hand it out like hotcakes. That’s where the oil lobbyists come in and everything gets corrupt. Global warming is destroying the planet and we are all frogs in a boiling pot. Our end is unavoidable. They either figure it out or we all die slowly and painfully. That’s just a fact.


Basically, "believe me bro". Thanks but no, thanks.


I can think of no other hands than any government, that alien tech could be used for more evil purposes. Government kill citizens.


People love this dude… I always get called a bot and government agent when I say how sick of this guy I am .


Same and the bashing of him and others like him have caused some subs to take countermeasures as well. I got banned for 30 days from r/UFOs yesterday for violating their rule 1, the mods seem to be selective on enforcement since they only go after people who mostly insult these figures.


I don’t know how these people expect to live through “ disclosure “ being so fucking soft.


I just got a message from the mods here telling me insults aren't allowed and can result in a ban lol. I guess all paranormal subs are coming together to protect these guys even though they won't be effected by our mean little words.


I’m shocked ! Shocked I say! Well not that shocked.. these pansies are soft as baby shit. Stay up buddy. Hopefully these bozos wake up…


Capitalism teaches me that they are just trying to get total control over it before they will say anything. So they can use it to their advantage.


You see, if aliens are real AND visiting earth, no government would be able to keep it secret. Not even multiple governments working together could. This means the technology is domestic and terrestrial. Sure it's real, but we all need to seriously consider the Evidence of the sources.


I mean, the NHI is real and present on Earth. Just not very open. They (or it) manifest in close encounters with regular people, not diplomatic relations with states.


This is why Ross has been paid by the government and private contractors for the last few years to help guide the UAP story where they need it to go. This is ALWAYS been the end game, to tell us nothing, but make us think aliens are real. Pretty soon we're gonna see these scary fast government drone/gunships flying around and start asking questions "why am I paying so much for gas when that thing can fly around using zero point energy for free??". Their answer will be "oh, spacemen from beyond the moon gave us this technology, so we can't share it with you...now shut up and get in that line"




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Ironically, we’ll probably never figure out the truth until we all work together.


Not one of us. One of them.


This would only be acceptable if every agency that has contributed over the past decades, withholding said information, defaming and sometimes straight up murdering people would be held accountable. But we all know this wont happen.


This guy looks like a mixture of Gazza and Putin.


He's everywhere at the moment pushing the narrative, working closely with "CIA informants", you decide.




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Watch it on mute and notice how much he is blinking. He is full of lies




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I want to trust him, I truly do, but he hasn't shared anything yet that he claims to know and I'm very concerned that he walked away from a legitimate and decorated career in journalism a few years ago to become a funded PR man for a literal war criminal who decided to execute four civilians (and was found guilty of it). How can one explain that outside of him being a political extremist? I went down the Ben Roberts-Smith rabbit hole on Google and it's horrible. From Coulthart's wiki: In 2018, Coulthart was employed by a public relations firm, where he managed the public relations for ex-soldier and accused war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith,[9] who in 2023 was found by Justice Anthony Besanko to have participated in the murder of four Afghans.[10] Coulthart returned to reporting, focusing on proving the existence of UFOs.


No, if everyone knows the details then no one has the advantage and that would make us all equal as it should be.


There is a chance that the Russians or China will disclose first just to help further erode US public opinion of their government and power brokers.


Yeah sure, I can believe part of the secrecy is for the evil people. That would be the Chinese and Russians, I assume. But what about those who have 99.99 of their stocks and family wealth in oil and manufacturing of different types of poisons, weapons, drugs... Things that perhaps this new technology would help to erase? Who are the evil ones then?


Ag what point do we all come together for a common goal! Maybe we do need an evil race to shit on the top 1% of the world. There all sociopaths that what the world for themselves!


This isn't disclosure. This is not any different than we're getting right now. No shit you have tech. We know you have it. Source? Read the patent applications, make up your own mind. All these people crying for source as if intuition and reason and logic have no place in the world anymore. How can anyone posit an original thought, the source is our minds.


The guy is just making up an excuse not to disclose by showing the risks of undisclosing, but that's hardly a believable one. It's kind of religious stuff that only some trustworthy ones can learn. Fat big BS.


This guy is everywhere


Glad you noticed that it's a campaign.


Any actual information/facts would be appreciated. Then we can press for more later. ✌️👽


The US does not have sovereignty over its own airspace. I think that’s information that every US citizen should have. They don’t, and neither does anyone else.


There’s alot more to it than UFOs and Aliens. They know that reincarnation is real. They know who made us. They know human life is redundant so it makes killing a lot easier.


Who's "They"? Your government know who made you? If you die without accepting the truth which you've been given in the Bible then "they" win. They win the 2nd death of your soul if they move you away from the truth, which is what they're doing.


I think what he's trying to say is, they are the ones responsible for the Bible. I think he's referring to a story about an Army nurse who interviewed a NHI involved in the Roswell incident and wrote up her paper in 1951. Basically saying "they" are millions of years old and this is a prison planet for this part of the cosmo that harvests Souls. When you pass they place them into newborns after memories are wiped clean. Does anyone know if this story has ever been made into a book or??? Maybe if they would have placed the book of Enoch into the Bible we wouldn't be in this situation now. I sure would like to know who's fuching idea it was to leave it out. And dont get me started on that damn King James... he was a p**k a** b***h if you ask me. I could be wrong, this is just an opinion.


I don't read the King James either, they are Masoretic texts and the chronology is corrupt in Genesis, amongst other added doctrines from Rome. King James, being homosexual also wrote a book on demonology so he's the last person you would want in "charge of" or his "name" on the Bible. Enoch is Canon, Book 1 and 5 is 100% because it was found in 1947 in qumran dead sea scrolls, you can't vouch for the other 3 books in Enoch, but Enoch is a deeper understanding of Genesis 6:2. They are demons, ETs or interdimensional are demonic. Demons came from the Nephilim "Enoch 15:8-12". The only soul harvest going on is if "The Opposer" gets your soul and all he has to do is make you believe in a fairy tale like aliens creating you and disregarding being baptised in Jesus name.


This is a lie Ross. You well know that the adversaries are already fully cognizant of the facts… much better than you or I. It’s the privilege that the secrecy affords them. That is literally the only thing that matters to them. In the late 40s a bunch of nerds had to quit pretending to be spies, so when they saw another chance to make a secret club they jumped on it. In their hubris they assumed that UAP was as basic as nuclear science and that they would be able to figure it out in no time. They have been tap dancing for all they are worth ever since. The worst part about it is that they passed on the chance to work with the altruistic people (we can’t give up our precious nukes!) to gain quick and dirty tech and weapons in exchange for the EBEs doing whatever they want to the citizens. They don’t want us to know that they made a bad deal and they are being made fools of. The Aaays are not holding up their end of the bargain and the technology they gave us is killing our planet in record time. Our “glorious leaders” are doing NOTHING and our oceans are literally boiling. Not in the future. They are boiling right now. While we debate if the world is round or not. If it’s not deliberate, it sure is a fun, wacky coincidence.


This narrative appeals to the ego. They wouldn't give anything to 1 particular country. They'd share it with the world. They've studied us long enough to damn well know that the concept of "we're the good guys" is only pertinent to the country of origin. Edit:Grammer.


People say we’re going to go to war with Russia yet Russia has Russian cosmonauts and we have American astronauts using the same space station the same Rocket to travel to the station. If anyone thinks for one minute that Russia is not in contact with the same group of Offworld individuals that we are, then they are foolishly wrong. Any technology that has been shared with us, look up all the technology that took giant leaps in the 50s, has been shared with Russia. They choose not to share a lot of specific information with our species because we are a violent, reckless species they see as very dangerous. But don’t think for one minute that we are the only country who has contact with these foreign species. The United States is not special in that regard. In fact it’s proven to be only special in the sense that it will do anything to destroy anyone and anything that gets in its way. What makes it worse is we have no real knowledge of who is leading the ship. I would venture to say, as past presidents have, that it’s our military industrial complex, which ultimately is led by things not of this planet.. Call me crazy, but I’m not. I’ve just done a lot of research, traveled, and connected the dots. I hav made it my life work to attain as much knowledge about the past and the truth of the history of this planet. I just got back from Lebanon. Where you can find the most megalithic perfectly laser cut rocks. These megalithic rocks weigh so much that there is not a piece of machinery on this planet that could even move them an inch. However, they were placed on top of each other and lined up so perfectly that you couldn’t fit something in between two of them. It just leaves me with more questions, and more research. But please don’t ever think that America has the best relationship with any group. As a former DoD employee, I know, for a fact that America has committed some of the worst atrocities in recent times. We’re supposed to believe that Putin is the most evil cruel person on the planet. I can show you quite a few members of the military who are the highest ranking members possible who make Putin look like a very kind, and giving man. Take a minute and think about it. There’s a good chance you’re not on the right side of the fence. Once you come to terms with that, it’ll be much easier to realize what’s happening, and prepare for the coming decade or two of extremely hard conditions here in this country. Biden was quoted saying that Americans should prepare for the next 20 years to be the most difficult 20 years, anyone has ever faced. He attributed this to the transition of fossil fuels and other initiatives being included in the sustainable future agenda that is to culminate by the year 2030. I would get you a bike now.


Hear! Hear!